Javascript & jsp

usually we pass values from jsp to javascript. similarly is it possible to pass values from javascript to jsp. if yes, how?. i'm not asking about return value.

1. you can use ajax
2. submit the page so you can process the request on the server

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    Oh, so
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    Can't interact with JSP
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    function sendvalues(firstinstall){
    var installmentfee = new Array();
    <!--installmentfee is an array to store resp installment fees-->
    for (int j = 0; j < al.size(); j++) {
    InstallmentVO insVo = (InstallmentVO) al.get(j);
    installmentfee[<%=j+1%>] ="<%=insVo.getTotalFee()%>";
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    <% int k=0;%>
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    can i write script let code in javaScriptNo you cannot use scriplet code in a java script,
    scriplets are only used in JSP files.
    Kind Regards
    WernsScriplets are only used in JSP files.
    But OP's question was - can i write script let code in javaScript?
    According to my understanding, its possible. Yes, we can write scriplet codes in java script as below
    <title>Scriplet tags in Javascript</title>
    function foo(){
         <%System.out.println("Scriplet tags in Javascript");%>
    <form name="index" onSubmit="index.jsp" method="post">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" onClick="foo()">
    </html>and, U cant use scriplet tags in a javascript file(js file)
    Am I correct? Comments pls....
    Message was edited by:

  • Applet/Javascript/JSP Communication

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               var userCount = args[0];
          var userNum = args[1];
          var filename = "http://localhost:7001/decrement.jsp?userCount="+userCount+"&userNum="+userNum;
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    Try to use window.eval("..") That could help sometimes!

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    waiting for reply.........

    function called()
    document.form1.your_element.value == "<%=request.getAttribute("attribute")%>"
    use scriptlet closed in double quotes....
    you can assign the values directly in the Java Script based on the where you have set your values in servlet..i.e in response,session,request.
    Please try this way..this worked for me.

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    it's was not able to call a jsp function in javascript.
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    out.println("<option selected>" + user.getLocation(i,1));
    </html:select> </div></td>

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    for (int i=0; i< user.getNumLocaliza();i++)
    out.println("<option>" + user.getLocation(i,1));
    <td><div align="left"><font size="1"><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Caja:</font></strong></font></div></td>
    <td bgcolor="#C4B4F3"><div align="center">
    <html:select property="slcCaja" onchange="document.location.href='cajaApertura.jsp?asdf='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">
    int caja;
    if (request.getParameter("slcLocation")!=null)
    //for (int i=0; i< cajaLocation.getNumCajas (request.getParameter("slcLocation"));i++)
    for (int i=0; i< 3;i++)
    caja = i+1;
    out.println("<option> Caja p " + caja + request.getParameter("slcLocation"));
    for (int i=0; i< cajaLocation.getNumCajas (user.getLocation(0,1));i++)
    caja = i+1;
    out.println("<option> Caja " + caja);
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    When I create JSPDynPage, system create JSP and JAVA file - it's clear. Then I add elements to form in JSP, for example, Layout.
    Can I add, for example, row into that Layout in .java file?
                                     text="May the force be with you unknown user"
                                     design="HEADER1" />
    public void doProcessBeforeOutput() throws PageException {
          Form Reg_Form = null;
          FormLayout RF_All  = new FormLayout();
          Tray Left_Tray1 = new Tray("TrayRules1");
           Reg_Form = (Form)this.getForm();
           RF_All = (FormLayout) this.getComponentByName("myLayout");
           for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {     RF_All.addRow(); }
           Left_Tray1.setTitle("Sample Title");
           TextView Left_Tray1_text = new TextView("Left_Tray1_text");
           Left_Tray1_text.setText("Sample Text");
           RF_All.addComponent(2,1, Left_Tray1);
    That code don't display Tray in page...

    I suggest you  not to add the your business logic in that auto generated file.
    Instead you can have seperate java file or any Bean.
    Since you are writing the logic for layout you can add the code in the jsp file
    If you are using HTMLB Then keep the auto generated code in the jsp otherwise remove the code and keep the file as jsp meaning you use the html, javascript,
    jsp code in the .jsp file itself.
    you can add the java code in the jsp
    <% String strName = "SAP"; %>
    <sc ript>
    al ert("<%=strName%>");
    </sc ript>

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    Pleas let me know.

    I need to find out what type of connection (PPP or DSL
    or cable), user is using to browse the internet. Is
    there any way in javascript/jsp??
    Pleas let me know.
    Using java it would require using JNI and/or Runtime.exec().
    And in all likelyhood it would require a variety of different code to detect different types.

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    Thanks in advance for any help ... I'm just getting into this side of
    java/javascript/jsp coding.

    Well, you need to post the information to the jsp page in the querystring .. you can do that like this:
          * Example of passing vars to a script
         AppletContext appletContext = getAppletContext();
           try {
           URL url
                 = new URL(getCodeBase() + "script_setValues.php?x="
                           + image.getX() + "&y=" + image.getY() + "&width="
                           + image.getRecWidth() + "&height="
                          + image.getRecHeight() + "&createEventID="
                          + createEventID + "&mediaVersionID=" + mediaVersionID
                              + "&frameTemplateID=" + frameTemplateID
                              + "&percentageSize=" + percentageSize);
        } catch (MalformedURLException exception) {
             System.err.println("Error with URL");
           }Then you fetch it in the JSP page using the standard procedure for fetching information from the querystring .. haven't worked much with JSP so I do not know the exact code for this ..
    - bjorn

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    <jsp:include file="/servletname"/>
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    thank in advance,

    Thank you for reply, I have done that, but the dynamic code from servlet is getting generated into the html file. But I don't want to see that code in html file. So I would like mention the servlet as a source for <script src="servletname" > like we mention the js file in <script src="myfile.js"></script>
    Thank You,

  • Javascript includes

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    For instance, if a portlet produces a Javascript include like so:
    <script src="">
    the script needs to appear to come from the portal server or DHTML operations in it will not work due to the Javascript security model, which prohibits running scripts from different domains.
    FWIW, I haven't installed the portal yet; I am using
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks Sergey, but still doesn�t work. I tried to change to ajax4jsf 1.0.2.
    My problem occurs when I include a file with .js extension in my jsf page. If I change the extension of the include to .jsp it works.
    <script language="javascript">
    <jsp:include page="../recursos/scripts/select.js" flush="true"/>
    i changed to
    <script language="javascript">
    <jsp:include page="../recursos/scripts/select.jsp" flush="true"/>
    and inside select.jsp I involve the content of file with <script language="javascript"> </script>
    I�m using Tomcat 5.5 and tomahawk 1.1.3.
    Message was edited by:

  • Look up resources using a dynamic name

    I am using the <f:loadBundle ... /> tag to load localized resources in my JSP page. Now, I want to be able to look up resources from that bundle using a dynamic key. Like:
    <h:outputText value="#{resources.error-<%=code%>" />
    Or something like that, where code can be a request parameter to the JSP page. Seems like its something that would be common to want to do.
    Does anybody have any idea how to do that?
    Thanks for any help.

    That didn't work either.
    I think I'll just do it the old fashion way:Just send me your application (JSF version) and I will try make it work.
    On Monday you will get working version if I will capable fix your problem.
    My email: [email protected]
    I'm new to this JSF stuff I'm used to be delphi programmer and start to develop web application (using JSF) just couple month ago. That why sometimes I can't provide good answer. :)
    By the way, from your experience with JSF, is it
    mature enough to use in a production website? The
    only thing I'm using it for now is the localized
    resource bundle but that doesn't even do what I want.
    Not sure if JSF buys me anything versus just doing
    HTML/JavaScript/JSP.I created only one jsf application that include about 10 pages and using connections to MySQL.
    This application not in production yet because it's not finish, but it's work OK at least for one user :).
    I'm sure for complicate web site with different kind of data from different sources JSF is good way to go because it's easy connect presentation tier to business and data tiers. Don't forget also about possibility to create any kind of web components and rendering kits including rendering kit for virtual reality.
    We have web site with information about healthcare providers, services, schedules, accepted insurances.
    That the regular site with HTML/JavaScript/JSP and it's take to much time keep this site to today.
    Almost all information for site we can get from our database, but site using information from xml files.
    Of course we can create complicate jsp based web site with connection to database but it's mean you need bunch very good web developers.
    In near future I'm planning make all our web sites JSF based.

Maybe you are looking for

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