Javascript UI Question

I am currently writing javascript code within InDesign so that i can import XML. The only thing is that I want the location of the xml file to be located by the user of the script. I was able to create a dialog box where you can type the path and file name and it works but I would like something more user friendly. I want to have the import dialog box pop up where the user can look through the folder structure of their computer to find it. Is there a function in Javascript that I can accomplish this with?

Yes. Which version of InDesign are you using? If CS3, then use the ESTK2 help menu to access Core JavaScript Classes and then read about Files and Folders.

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    gantinapalli wrote:
    even specifying the width and height also it's not workingYou did something wrong.
    This example works in all browsers here:
            <button onclick="'', 'test', 'width=500px, height=300px, resizeable=no, scrollbars=no')">test</button>
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    Best regards

    Check out this link.
    Hope this helps.
    Roopasri Vittal
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun Microsystems

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    this.item1 = "About"
    this.item2 = "Atlas"
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    The cfml reference manual has an example. If you don't have
    one, the internet does.
    I should mention that this function became available with
    version 7 of coldfusion.

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    Thanks to Jes (John Scott at for a solution for my version of this problem; set the Content-Disposition in the HTTP header to indicate your required filename. Example:
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    htp.p('Content-Length: ;||dbms_lob.getlength(myblob));
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    JavaScript is not Java.
    But assuming you are talking about initiating a server side request that does prepared statements from the use of a client side button, you could make an AJAX request.
    If you are talking about an embedded JavaScript engine in a Java application then you would do it the same way you call any Java from JavaScript when using it as a scripting enigne.

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    You need to use a left click to handle JavaScript links.
    See also

  • Javascript help/question

    I have a cf form with <cfinput type=text
    name="dateArrived" value="#dateformat(now(), 'mm/dd/yyyy')#"
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    function validateForm(initiateForm){
    var returnStatus = true;
    var today = new Date();
    if (initiateForm.dateArrived.value > today)
    alert("greater datea");
    But I keep getting a object error. I think I have everything
    defined but obviously not. What am I doing wrong and do I need this
    in its own function ? Seems simple enought but it will not work for

    I tried to modify my javascript code to check for the date,
    and radio button and checkboxes included, and now nothing is being
    called. When I submit, nothing is valideded and the form submits.
    What did I do to butcher it ?
    <Script language="JavaScript">
    function validateForm()
    var currentTime = new Date()
    var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1
    var day = currentTime.getDate()
    var year = currentTime.getFullYear()
    var todaydate = month + "/" + day + "/" + year
    if(document.initiateForm.dateArrived.value > todaysdate)
    alert('Date Arrived cannot be greater than today.');
    if (document.initiateForm.dateArrived.value == "")
    alert("Please enter the date arrived.");
    myOption = -1;
    for (i=document.initiateForm.siteID.length-1; i > -1;
    i--) {
    if (document.initiateForm.siteID
    .checked) {
    myOption = i; i = -1;
    if (myOption == -1) {
    alert("Please select a site.");
    myOption = -1;
    for (i=document.initiateForm.errorID.length-1; i > -1;
    i--) {
    if (document.initiateForm.errorID.checked) {
    myOption = i; i = -1;
    if (myOption == -1) {
    alert("Please select at least one error description.");
    if (document.initiateForm.errorID["7"].checked &&
    initiateForm.comments.value == "")
    alert ("Comments are required.");
    if (document.initiateForm.comments.value.length > 400)
    alert ("Comments cannot be more than 400 characters.");

  • JavaScript Date Question ??

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    I am using Portal 3.0.9. I have a form with field "A" which is date type defaulted to sysdate.
    I have another field "B" which I want to be defaulted to "A+7". I am not a JavaScript Guru.
    I would appreciate any help
    Thanks in Advance.

    ok, this is what you need to do:
    The onBlur event for A will be called when the textbox A loses focus, so this is where the code should go. "this.value" will give you the value entered in A. The way to reference B is document.forms[0].elements[whatever number B is]
    So your code would look something like this:
    Of course you will need some logic to increment the date by 7 days. A search in google got me this:
    Hope this works for you,

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    Thank you.

    Acrobat Javascript can't modify HTML pages.

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    I need to interactively enable and disable input fields (text, textarea, checkboxes, radiobutton) within APEX application. I have tried using javascript with jquery and was able to achieve some success but the problem is that the form clears the inputted values during the post back phase. This means that when ever I disable any of the input fields, these fields will have the value cleared on post back. I am using the jquery syntax $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); to disable the fields.
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    I remember Carl showing us a little trick with a function he called "kinadisabled" or something like that... He basically gave an item the "feel" of being disabled by changing the background color from white to gray and made it so that if the user tried to focus on the element it would blur - very interesting.
    I've not tested this code but it should give you the idea.
    if (some_condition) {
    } else {
       $yourJqueryElmt.css('background-color','#CCCCCC').bind('focus', function() {

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