JavaServer Faces web.xml rewritten when build

I am using Netbeans 5.5.1 with the Sun Server 9.0 running on my machine. I have created a connection pool to an IBM iSeries db database. I have added the following code to my web.xml file:
    </resource-ref>But when I try to run the application at build time this above entry is removed from the web.xml file. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

I'm not familiar with the tools you are using, but my first question would be if you have configured the application specific deploy time parameters. Wow, that was incomprehensible....
What I was getting at, is that you have, acting as the application developer, identified an external resource that your application requires. The application deployer (speaking in terms of JEE roles here) has the responsibility to match that logical resource to an actual resource within the application server. This is frequently done by adding an additional XML file, e.g. with JBoss you might add jboss-web.xml. Other application servers do this via some sort of UI when the application is deployed, e.g. Oracle AS has a web interface for this (as well as config files).
So, did you do this for your app?

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    just add this before *</web-app>*
           <display-name>RichFaces Filter</display-name>
           <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

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    Ensure that you have followed below directory structure while deploying your web application.
    web.xml must be placed in WEB-INF. Ensure that you have included all the jar files and other necessary files in your application.
    For more information refer to the below link:

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    Sorry about that Ian, I agree that the code should
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    So it sounds like your tld file has some invalid xml in it.
    Double check the contents of your tld file.
    If you declare a <uri> in your taglibrary, then you never need to declare it in web.xml.
    You can just use that "well-known" uri to access your tag library.
    The tld has to be either
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    See JSP specification section JSP.7.3.1

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    What are the reasons not to have extended
    RequestProcessor from Struts with the
    capabilities of the FacesServlet... a sort of
    "FacesProcessor" (extended the regular
    RequestProcessor)? (should be nice for views
    with no JSF components: in order not to execute
    FacesServlet for each views , event if there is
    no JSF component in the view)It turned out that I needed a customized RequestProcessor anyway (a couple of the processXxx methods had to work differently), but it actually would have been more work incorporating FacesServlet directly into it. In essence, there is now (in the combined version) a "front controller" for UI events , FacesServlet, and a "middle controller" for form submit events (RequestProcessor). When a UI event happens that just causes the current page to be redisplayed (think of a tree control where you click on the "expand this node" icon), you don't really want the Struts controller servlet to even be bothered by this request. Indeed, if you're using a presentation that was based on DHTML+Javascript, such an event would have been handled on the client anyway, and would never have been sent to the server at all.
    The combined approach still supports Faces and non-Faces pages, though. This means you can migrate one page at a time and test things (which is exactly what I did when I ported the pages of the example app).

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    open it in a text editor and modify it.

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    </taglib>That means that your tag libaray definition is located at /root/mytags.tld. Some people put them in the WEB-INF, which would make it /root/WEB-INF/mytags.tld.
    The taglib-uri is how you are going to reference it in your JSP. With the above setup, here is how you would reference in your JSP
    <%@ taglib uri="/mytags" prefix="myTagPrefix" %>
    Hope this helps.

  • Problem with web.xml

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    thanks for your help.
    have a nice day!

    Be careful with the place of your files and folders. It's possible that you've just mentioned the cause of your problem.
    My web.xml is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
    <description>gco webapplicaties</description>
    When I want to call my web application locally, I use the URL http://localhost:8080/gco/MOPO.
    The http://localhost:8080 calls Tomcat. With /gco, Tomcat knows it should look for a folder gco inside the webapps folder. This one should contain a WEB-INF/web.xml folder for further instructions.
    With /MOPO Tomcat knows, having read the web.xml files of all webapps folders at start, it should look for a servlet with the name MopoController. And this MopoController points to the class org.gertcuppens.controller.MopoController. So, Tomcat knows where to find everything.
    Try to see whether your Tomcat can find everything inside the folders using your web.xml file.

  • How should my web.xml be ?

    I have a servlet application. In my application, I make a call to my servlet through my index.html as follows:
    <Form Action="/greeting/servlet/GreetingServlet" method="POST">
    I also pass the values "name" and "email" through index.html
    I have my servlet located at "D:\Amith\Servlet Applications\greeting\WEB-INF\classes"
    I have added following lines in my server.xml
    <Context path="/greeting" docBase="D:\Amith\Servlet Applications\greeting">
    The application runs fine with Tomcat 3.3.2 without web.xml
    But when i try to run the application with Tomcat 5.0.24, I get the error
    "HTTP Status 404 - /greeting/servlet/GreetingServlet"
    Can anyone help me with this. Should i have web.xml for this. If yes, how should my web.xml be ?
    Please help, I am unable to solve this problem from a very long time. I am really struck !!!

    <web-app xmlns = "" version = "2.4">
    </web-app>the servlet-class tag should contain the package where your servlet .class file is held. Just omit my one

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    i have one jsp page, and one java servlet. and added url-pattern and servlet mappings in web.xml, but when running the jsp, it is not picking up the servelt . I am getting the error saying 'The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.'
    Can you help me in fixing this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

    I have one Test.html file under public_html folder, and in that html form action url is as below:
    <form action="/servlet/testServlet" method="post">
    and my web.xml content is:
    <web-app xmlns:xsi=""
    version="2.5" xmlns="">
    When i run the HTML page, the URL is : http://local:7101/Application1-Test-context-root/Test.html
    and when click on button, its redirecting to http://local:7101/servlet/testServlet and getting the error saying that 'The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI' ideally it shuld redirect to http://local:7101/Application1-Test-context-root/servlet/testServlet.
    let me know what could be the problem?

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    There is no Errormessage in Netbeans IDE when I chose 'build' or 'undeploy and deploy'.
    If I use a simple Webapplication that does not use 'Visual Web JavaServer Faces'
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    But if I chose the option 'Visual Web JavaServer Faces' in the web application project the whole compile and deployment process completes fine, the war-file is distributed in the autodeploy dir, but it can be deployed automatically nor manually.
    In the Bea Weblogic Administration Console I get
    An error occurred during activation of changes, please see the log for details.
    Failed to load webapp: 'WebApplication14.war'
    Please make sure that the annotations are valid. The error is javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet>
    whole Errorlog
    Thanks in advance.
    [LoginFilter]: LoginFilter constructed ...
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <Log Management> <BEA-170027> <The server i
    nitialized the domain log broadcaster successfully. Log messages will now be bro
    adcasted to the domain log.>
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state
    changed to ADMIN>
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state
    changed to RESUMING>
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090171> <Loading the identi
    ty certificate and private key stored under the alias DemoIdentity from the jks
    keystore file C:\BEAWEB~1\WLSERV~1.0\server\lib\DemoIdentity.jks.>
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090169> <Loading trusted ce
    rtificates from the jks keystore file C:\BEAWEB~1\WLSERV~1.0\server\lib\DemoTrus
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090169> <Loading trusted ce
    rtificates from the jks keystore file C:\BEAWEB~1\JROCKI~1\jre\lib\security\cace
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Warning> <Server> <BEA-002611> <Hostname "localhost
    ", maps to multiple IP addresses:,>
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Warning> <Server> <BEA-002611> <Hostname "W9G01486.", maps to multiple IP addresses:,>
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default" is
    now listening on for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, snmp, http.>
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default[1]"
    is now listening on for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, snmp, http.>
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "DefaultSecu
    re" is now listening on for protocols iiops, t3s, ldaps, http
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "DefaultSecu
    re[1]" is now listening on for protocols iiops, t3s, ldaps, https
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000331> <Started WebL
    ogic Admin Server "examplesServer" for domain "wl_server" running in Development
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state
    changed to RUNNING>
    <18.04.2008 12.53 Uhr CEST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server start
    ed in RUNNING mode>
    <18.04.2008 13.13 Uhr CEST> <Warning> <netuix> <BEA-423420> <Redirect is execute
    d in begin or refresh action. Redirect url is /console/console.portal?_nfpb=true
    <18.04.2008 13.13 Uhr CEST> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101371>
    <There was a failure when processing annotations for application
    Please make sure that the annotations are valid. The error is javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet>
    <18.04.2008 13.13 Uhr CEST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149265> <Failure occurred in
    the execution of deployment request with ID '1208517199484' for task '0'. Error
    is: 'weblogic.application.ModuleException: Failed to load webapp: 'WebApplicati
    weblogic.application.ModuleException: Failed to load webapp: 'WebApplication14.w
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.prepare(
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.prepare(ScopedM
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.prepare(Modu
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow$
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineD
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findLocalClass(Generic
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findClass(GenericClass
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.ChangeAwareClassLoader.findClass(ChangeAw
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <18.04.2008 13.13 Uhr CEST> <Warning> <Deployer> <BEA-149004> <Failures were det
    ected while initiating distribute task for application 'WebApplication14'.>
    <18.04.2008 13.13 Uhr CEST> <Warning> <Deployer> <BEA-149078> <Stack trace for m
    essage 149004
    weblogic.application.ModuleException: Failed to load webapp: 'WebApplication14.w
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.prepare(
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.prepare(ScopedM
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.prepare(Modu
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow$
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineD
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findLocalClass(Generic
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findClass(GenericClass
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.ChangeAwareClassLoader.findClass(ChangeAw
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <18.04.2008 13.13 Uhr CEST> <Error> <Console> <BEA-240003> <Console encountered
    the following error weblogic.application.ModuleException: Failed to load webapp:
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.prepare(
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.prepare(ScopedM
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.prepare(Modu
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow$
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineD
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow.prepare(Dep
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow.prepare(Dep
    at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment$
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineD
    at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment.prepare(BaseDeployment.j
    at weblogic.application.internal.DeploymentStateChecker.prepare(Deployme
    at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.AppContainerInvoker.prepare(App
    at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handleDeploym
    at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.prepareDeploy
    at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handlePrepare
    at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentServiceDispatcher.pre
    at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallb
    at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallb
    at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallb
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findLocalClass(Generic
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findClass(GenericClass
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.ChangeAwareClassLoader.findClass(ChangeAw
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.loadClass(GenericClass
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.ChangeAwareClassLoader.loadClass(ChangeAw
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAnnotationProcessorImpl.processServlets(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAnnotationProcessorImpl.processJ2eeAnnot
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAnnotationProcessorImpl.processAnnotatio
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.processAnnotations(Web
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.<init>(WebAppServletCo
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.<init>(WebAppServletCo
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.HttpServer.loadWebApp(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.registerWebApp(WebAppModule.ja
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.prepare(

    make sure you created the parameter for the bind variable in the ViewObject. It is not enough to only add the bind parameter. It has to be created as well

  • Configuring web.xml when using JSP as display technology

    I have a very simple HelloWorld style jsp.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
            JSF in Action - Hello, world!
          <h:form id="welcomeForm">
            <h:outputText id="welcomeOutput" value="Welcome to JavaServer Faces!"
                           style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 24; color: green;"/>
             <h:message id="errors" for="helloInput" style="color: red"/>
              <h:outputLabel for="helloInput">
                <h:outputText id="helloInputLabel"
                              value="Enter number of controls to display:"/>
              <h:inputText id="helloInput" value="#{helloBean.numControls}"
                <f:validateLongRange minimum="1" maximum="500"/>
              <h:panelGrid id="controlPanel" binding="#{helloBean.controlPanel}"
                           columns="20" border="1" cellspacing="0"/>
            <h:commandButton id="redisplayCommand" type="submit" value="Redisplay"
            <h:commandButton id="goodbyeCommand" type="submit" value="Goodbye"
                             action="#{helloBean.goodbye}" immediate="true"/>
    </f:view>To get this working I had to use the following web.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:web="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <description>State saving method: 'client' or 'server' (=default). See JSF Specification 2.5.2</description>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    </web-app>When I go to:
    I get:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /hello.jsp at line 23
    20: <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
    21: <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
    23: <f:view>
    24:   <html>
    25:     <head>
    26:       <title>
    root cause
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find FacesContext
         org.apache.jsp.hello_jsp._jspx_meth_f_005fview_005f0( when I go to:
    Everything is ok?
    I am confused why?
    Any help appreciated.

    I believe this is a url pattern issue. You have one for *.jsf as opposed to *.jsp.
    This likely any pattern containing "faces".
    Add one for *.jsp and you should be OK.

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