JButton pressed, but not released and actionperformed never called

I have a simple JButton, with one action listener that does its thing (or at least should do because it is never called). I also added a mouse listener to trace the issue further.
Here's what happen. I have another component (a JTextField) with a focus listener. If the compoent looses the focus, I want to have a chance to ask a quick confirmation question (JOptionPane) before continuing to do someting else (in that case, process the action on the button).
So the focus is in the text field and I click on the button. Here's what happen:
- The button gets a mouse pressed event
- The text field looses the focus and the button gains it.
- The text field's focus lost handler shows a JOptionPane => focus goes on the option pane
- The option pane is confirmed, but the rest stops.
I get NO mouse release event on my button, the action performed is also lost and my button remains "half pressed" (when i hover the mouse pointer over it, the button is rendered lowered ).
My guess is that the option pane comes too quick and that the mouse release event is transfered to the option pane instead of the button I first clicked, causing the actionperformed to be ignored as a side effect.
Any ideas or suggestions ?

I get NO mouse release event on my button, the action
performed is also lost and my button remains "half
pressed" (when i hover the mouse pointer over it, the
button is rendered lowered ).
basically that's a bug in the button's internal state handling.
To get an idea about how to fix it, you might want to read my article "Make Buttons Respect InputVerifiers" at
Though it's rather old the issue is not solved (until 1.5b2) It's only applicable if you have tight control over the L&F.

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    When I press the mouse-button in my panel, my program will add a component under the mousepointer. I would like to start dragging this component, without first releasing the button and then grabbing the component by pressing a second time. Can it be done?
    This code does not do it:
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    public class AddNDragTest extends JFrame {
        public AddNDragTest() {
            super("Click to add a box");
            setPreferredSize(new Dimension(700,500));
            setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            pane = new JPanel();
            // Add a box under the mousepointer when mouse is pressed in 'pane'
            pane.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
                public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) {
                    Box box = new Box();
                    // Center the box on the mousepointer
                    box.setLocation(me.getX() - box.getWidth() / 2,me.getY() - box.getHeight() / 2);
    //                box.dragging = true;
        JPanel pane;
        MouseAdapter boxListener = new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) {
                Box box = (Box) ( me.getSource() );
                box.mx0 = me.getX();
                box.my0 = me.getY();
    //            box.dragging = true;
    //        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) {
    //            Box box = (Box) ( me.getSource() );
    //            box.dragging = false;
    //        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
    //            Box box = (Box) ( me.getSource() );
    //            if (box.dragging)
    //                box.setLocation(box.getX() + me.getX() - box.mx0,box.getY() + me.getY() - box.my0);
            public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {
                Box box = (Box) ( me.getSource() );
                box.setLocation(box.getX() + me.getX() - box.mx0,box.getY() + me.getY() - box.my0);
        class Box extends JPanel {
            public Box() {
            // Store the location where the box was pressed upon to pretend
            // that it is beeing held at that point
            int mx0, my0;
            // Attempting to drag the box by listening for mouseMoved don't work
    //        boolean dragging;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    //Create and set up the window
                    AddNDragTest test = new AddNDragTest();
                    //Center and display the window..
                    Dimension scr = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
                    Dimension siz = test.getSize();
                    test.setLocation(( scr.width - siz.width ) / 2,( scr.height - siz.height ) / 2);
    }No hurry here, this is a hobby.

    Well, in addition to adding the MouseListener to the "pane" you need to add a MouseMotionListener to handle the drag events as they will still be generated on the "pane", not the Box. The drag events would simply set the location of the newly added Box.
    By the way don't use "Box" for the class name, there is already a Swing class using that name so it can be confusing.


    I'm working with XMLGEN Package and XSLT Processor to produce XML Document on Oracle server, I use 9i XML and Java packages.
    I'm facing the following BIG MEMORY problem :
    Environment : I must generate an XML parsed with an XSL document of 80Mo (nearly 22 000 rows),
    as XMLGEN is on DOM parsing method, I extract my XML by 500 Rows and I loop until 22 000 rows. I use DBMS_JOB with jobs who read and execute export each minute.
    The algorithme is :
    while keeprow>0
    Create 3 clob (DBMS_LOB Package) : one for XSL Sheet, one for XML and one for result
    GetXML (XMLGEN Package)
    Transform in XSL (XSL Processor)
    Write to disk (UTL_FILE Package)
    Free the 3 Clob ((DBMS_LOB Package))
    keeprow =keeprow-500
    The problem : The process start at 250Mo ot total memory and END at 1000 Mo of used memory and NEVER RELEASE 1 ko of memory.
    So often I get a JavaOutOfMemoryError (I've allocated 1Go Ram to my JAVA process).
    Any help will be very very appreciated !
    My derived problem is 22 000 rows is not enough I've some export of 200 000 rows to do (And I cannot allocate 10 Go of RAM !!!)
    Following My PL/SQL Code.
                   P_JOB_ID JOB_PARAMETRE.JOB_ID%TYPE,
                   P_CLE_UP UPLOADREQ_TEMP.ID%TYPE,
                   P_LOAD_OR_DELOAD VARCHAR2)
              P_SELECT varchar2(4000):='';
              P_CURSOR varchar2(4000):='';
         l_filehandler_out UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
              --Variable pour le traitement par lot de 500
              L_NBROW_TODO_ATONCE number := 500;
              L_NBROW_MIN number := 1;
              L_NBROW_MAX number := -1;
              L_NBROWKEEPTODO number := -1;
              xslString CLOB := null;
              res number default -1;
              xmlString CLOB := null;
              li_ret number := 0;
              li_faitle number := 0;
              amount integer:= 255;
              li_loop integer := 0;
              charString varchar2(255);
              ls_deload varchar2(255) default '';
              ls_SQL varchar2(4000) default '';
              ls_temp_file varchar2(255) default '';
              text_file_dir varchar2(32) := 'e:\temporarydir';
              l_par xmlparser.parser;
         l_xml xmldom.domdocument;
         l_pro xslprocessor.processor;
         l_xsl xslprocessor.stylesheet;
              docfragnode xmldom.DOMNode;
              docfrag xmldom.DOMDocumentFragment;
              l_parsedclob clob := null;
              l_amount binary_integer := 32767;
              l_ligne varchar2(32767);
              l_offset number default 1;
              l_pos number default null;
              l_pos2 number default null;
              l_lobsize number default null;
              l_memsize number default 1073741824; --1024 Mo
              l_mempipo number default 0;
              type rc is ref cursor;
              l_cursor rc;
              cursor TEMPLATE is select UNSPSC,1 as NB from UPLOADREQ_TEMP where 1=2;
              c1rec TEMPLATE%rowtype;          
              dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_parsedclob, true, dbms_lob.session);
              dbms_lob.createtemporary(xmlstring, true, dbms_lob.session);
              --return the good select
                        FROM JOB_PARAMETRE
                        l_filehandler_out := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(text_file_dir, L_FILE_NAME, 'w',l_amount);
                        --Return XSL Sheet in a clob : cause of memory consumed  but not released
                   xslString := METACAT.load_a_file( 1,L_FILE_STYLESHEET);     
                        open l_cursor for P_CURSOR;
                   fetch l_cursor into c1rec;
                   exit when l_cursor%notfound;
                             L_NBROW_MIN := 1;
                             L_NBROW_MAX := 0;
                                  if(L_NBROWKEEPTODO > L_NBROW_TODO_ATONCE) THEN
                                       L_NBROW_MAX:= L_NBROW_TODO_ATONCE + L_NBROW_MAX;
                                       L_NBROWKEEPTODO:= L_NBROWKEEPTODO - L_NBROW_TODO_ATONCE;
                                       L_NBROW_MAX:= L_NBROW_MAX + L_NBROWKEEPTODO;
                                  end if;
                                  --on ouvre le fichier de risultats
                                  ls_SQL:= P_SELECT || ' AND ( ROWNUM BETWEEN ' || L_NBROW_MIN || ' AND ' || L_NBROW_MAX || ' ) and UNSPSC=''' || c1rec.UNSPSC || '''';
                                  ls_temp_file := c1rec.UNSPSC || '_' || L_FILE_NAME;
                                  L_NBROW_MIN:=L_NBROW_TODO_ATONCE + L_NBROW_MIN;
                                  --CAT_AUTOLOAD.JOB_ADD_TRACE (P_JOB_ID,'UPLOAD REQUISITE : Export donnies REQUETE ' || to_char(li_loop), ls_SQL,'',0,0);
                                  if(xmlString is not null) then
                                       l_lobsize:= dbms_lob.Getlength(xmlString);
                                       if(l_lobsize>0) then
                                       end if;
                                       dbms_lob.createtemporary(xmlstring, true, dbms_lob.session);
                                  end if;
    --Return XML in a clob : cause of memory consumed  but not released
                                  xmlString := xmlgen.getXML(ls_SQL,0);
                                  l_par := xmlparser.newparser;
                                  xmlparser.parseclob(l_par, xslString);
                                  l_xsl := xslprocessor.newstylesheet(xmlparser.getdocument(l_par),null);
                                  xmlparser.parseclob(l_par, xmlString);
                                  l_xml := xmlparser.getdocument(l_par);
                                  l_pro := xslprocessor.newprocessor;
                                       xslprocessor.showWarnings(l_pro, true);
                                       xslprocessor.setErrorLog(l_pro, text_file_dir || substr(ls_temp_file,0,length(ls_temp_file)-4) || '_logerreur.XML');
                                       if(l_parsedclob is not null) then
                                                 l_lobsize:= dbms_lob.Getlength(l_parsedclob);
                                                 if(l_lobsize>0) then
                                                 end if;
                                                 dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_parsedclob, true, dbms_lob.session);
                                       end if;
                        --Return XML Processed with XSL in a clob : cause of memory consumed  but not released
                                       --release NOTHING
                                                      l_offset :=1;
                                                      l_pos := null;
                                                      l_pos2 := null;
                                                      if(li_loop=0) then
                                                                --on ouvre le fichier et on sauve l'entete + les donnies dedans.
                                                      if ( nvl(l_pos,0) > 0 ) then
                                                                          if(l_pos-1>l_amount + l_offset ) then
                                                                                    l_ligne:=dbms_lob.SUBSTR(l_parsedclob,l_pos-1 -l_offset ,l_offset);
                                                                               end if;
                                                                          end loop;
                                                                     end if;
                                                           --on met les donnies donc on ne repete pas le debut
                                                      if ( nvl(l_pos,0) > 0 ) then
                                                      if ( nvl(l_pos2,0) > 0 ) then
                                                                          if(l_pos + l_amount <= l_pos2 -1 ) then
                                                                                    l_pos:=l_pos +l_amount;
                                                                                    l_ligne:=dbms_lob.SUBSTR(l_parsedclob,l_pos2 -1 -l_pos,l_pos);
                                                                               end if;
                                                                          end loop;
                                                                          end if;
                                                                     end if;
                                                      end if;
                                                 li_loop:=li_loop + 1 ;
                                                 EXIT WHEN L_NBROWKEEPTODO=0;
                                                 when others then
                                                      -- IF(utl_file.is_open(l_filehandler_in)) THEN
                                                      --               utl_file.fclose( l_filehandler_in);
                                                      -- END IF;
                                                      IF(utl_file.is_open(l_filehandler_out)) THEN
                                                                     utl_file.fclose( l_filehandler_out);
                                                      END IF;
                                                      RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'File with errors');
                             END LOOP;
    CLOSE l_cursor;
                        if ( xmlString is not null ) then
                                  l_lobsize:= dbms_lob.Getlength(xmlString);
                                  if(l_lobsize>0) then
                                  end if;
                                  dbms_lob.freeTemporary( xmlString);
                        end if;
                        if(l_parsedclob is not null) then
                                  l_lobsize:= dbms_lob.Getlength(l_parsedclob);
                                  if(l_lobsize>0) then
                                  end if;
                        end if;
                   when others then
                             IF(utl_file.is_open(l_filehandler_out)) THEN
                                       utl_file.fclose( l_filehandler_out);
                                  END IF;

    Thank you for the info - I had no idea I was puing myself in danger by cutting it so close.  Since your post I have moved my iphoto library to an external drive and now have 165 GB of space on my HD.  Following this I have 2 questions.
    1.  Since my available HD space was reduced by the size of the photo download it seems logical that the download is somewhere on my HD still.  Is there a place where these photos might be hiding on my HD even though they are not available on the iphoto library?
    2.  I was able to recover the .jpg files which are fine.  I also recovered the .mov files but they have been compromised.  I am hoping I can find the originals still on the HD somewhere.  If not, do you have any suggestions for recovery methods or programs?  I have not used the SD card since the incident so I should be able to attempt another recovery to salvage the .mov files if there is an alternative method/program available.
    Thanks again!

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    My Apple TV does not work and has never worked. I replaced it twice and replaced my router and DSL modem but no luck. I spent hours on tech support with both apple and my ISPs with no luck. Any ideas? Is the Apple TV a donation to apple? I have had the device for 8 months but it will not work for longer than 15 minutes before it drops with network errors. All of my other devices work perfectly on the network including 2 iPads, laptops and an old wii. I love apple products and this is the first real disappointment I have had. The Apple TV seems like a major dud of a product.

    Seems unlikely you have had two faulty replacements, and more likely that there may be some network compatibility issue or problem with reception in the location the AppleTV lies - anything close to it that might be interfering?
    I am assuming you are connected via wifi - if you can try an ethernet connection to rule wifi issues out.
    Could you try it at somone else's house maybe?  If it worked there it would point to something specific at your location.
    You could try replacing it again I guess or seeing if they can offer you credit or a refund.

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    Does toggling CC off & back on bring it back?
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    If perchance you can't find your install Disc, at least try it from the Safe Boot part onward.

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    Plug it in to power for at least 15 minutes.  If it doesn't automatically come on, try a Reset... press the home and sleep/lock buttons until you see the Apple logo, ignoring the slider. Takes about 5-15 secs of button holding and you won't lose any data or settings.

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    How are you opening the Profile Manager?
    Sounds that Firefox is still or already running.<br />

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    Go to Options>Applications tab > search MPEG Layer 3 audio(audio/mpeg) > use "Save File" option on drop down menu.

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    InDesign CS6 is not optimized for retina displays. You’ll need to move to Creative Cloud for retina compatibility.

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    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Links_to_local_pages_do_not_work

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    Try cleaning the sensor with a damp (but not wet) cotton bud.
    How to clean Apple products

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    You're talking about scrolling the screen, right?
    Do the basic troubleshooting steps described in the User Guide  -  Restart, Reset, Restore from backup, Restore as new.
    If Restoring as new doesn't help, there was hardware damage which can't be fixed by software methods.

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    Sorted it myself thanks. Had to completely wipe iPhone and set it up as a fresh phone.

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    Cancel the Cloud http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1439535?tstart=0 may help
    Adobe contact information - http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html

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