JDBC not working with Tomcat

Please help,
I have tried all the database example and they work great locally, until I deploy to my Tomcat server. Tomcat is display Java Studio Creator 2 pages without issue not binding to data.
all I am trying to do is a basic sql connection to see how Java Studio Creator 2 connects.
Dev enviroment:
1. sql server: localhost
2. user: tester
3. password: Stealth1
4. SQL table: doc
I would really apreaciate if someone could walk me thru a simple table databind ~ now remember the local databind and run works without issues - export to a war and implement to Tomcat 5.5.15
Here is what I have
<tomcat_install>\common\lib ~ dropped in: msbase.jar,mssqlserver.jar, msutil.jar, jstl.jar, standard.jar
Exported war name:simple
<tomcat_install>\webapps\simple ~ Page1.jsp
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" xmlns:ui="http://www.sun.com/web/ui">
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/>
        <ui:page binding="#{Page1.page1}" id="page1">
            <ui:html binding="#{Page1.html1}" id="html1">
                <ui:head binding="#{Page1.head1}" id="head1">
                    <ui:link binding="#{Page1.link1}" id="link1" url="/resources/stylesheet.css"/>
                <ui:body binding="#{Page1.body1}" id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
                    <ui:form binding="#{Page1.form1}" id="form1">
                        <ui:staticText binding="#{Page1.staticText1}" id="staticText1" style="position: absolute; left: 72px; top: 72px" text="Testing label"/>
                        <ui:table augmentTitle="false" binding="#{Page1.table1}" id="table1" style="left: 72px; top: 96px; position: absolute; width: 360px"
                            title="Table" width="240">
/* ----- Functions for Table Preferences Panel ----- */
* Toggle the table preferences panel open or closed
function togglePreferencesPanel() {
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
/* ----- Functions for Filter Panel ----- */
* Return true if the filter menu has actually changed,
* so the corresponding event should be allowed to continue.
function filterMenuChanged() {
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
  return table.filterMenuChanged();
* Toggle the custom filter panel (if any) open or closed.
function toggleFilterPanel() {
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
  return table.toggleTableFilterPanel();
/* ----- Functions for Table Actions ----- */
* Initialize all rows of the table when the state
* of selected rows changes.
function initAllRows() {
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
* Set the selected state for the given row groups
* displayed in the table.  This functionality requires
* the 'selectId' of the tableColumn to be set.
* @param rowGroupId HTML element id of the tableRowGroup component
* @param selected Flag indicating whether components should be selected
function selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected) {
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
  table.selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected);
* Disable all table actions if no rows have been selected.
function disableActions() {
  // Determine whether any rows are currently selected
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
  var disabled = (table.getAllSelectedRowsCount() > 0) ? false : true;
  // Set disabled state for top actions
  // Set disabled state for bottom actions
                            <ui:tableRowGroup binding="#{Page1.tableRowGroup1}" id="tableRowGroup1" rows="5" sourceData="#{Page1.docsDataProvider}" sourceVar="currentRow">
                                <ui:tableColumn binding="#{Page1.tableColumn1}" headerText="LeafName" id="tableColumn1" sort="LeafName">
                                    <ui:staticText binding="#{Page1.staticText2}" id="staticText2" text="#{currentRow.value['LeafName']}"/>
                                <ui:tableColumn binding="#{Page1.tableColumn2}" headerText="DirName" id="tableColumn2" sort="DirName">
                                    <ui:staticText binding="#{Page1.staticText3}" id="staticText3" text="#{currentRow.value['DirName']}"/>
</jsp:root>Folders <tomcat_install>\webapps\simple\
Tree listing
| Page1.jsp
| stylesheet.css
| faces-config.xml
| managed-beans.xml
| navigation.xml
| web.xml
| \---simple
| ApplicationBean1.class
| Bundle.properties
| Page1.class
| RequestBean1.class
| SessionBean1.class

Help ~
I will summarize what I have done
SQL query written from scratch works in Tomcat.
When using Java studio creator 2 it works in its native server environment ~ until exported, restart Tomcat, access page getting face value errors.
Please note any work that is done at the company I work for, has to work in Tomcat as the finally product. Please don�t explain how to make this work in the Java Studio Creator 2 ~ I have already can do that.
Two other developers are using this product for testing and are having similar issues.
The way Java Studio Creator 2 registers the drives is the hang up
Here is my paths so that no one inserts put files here or there ~ they can see if a file is missing.
Folder PATH listing
| list.txt
| ratrobot.war
| tomcat.ico
| Uninstall.exe
| bootstrap.jar
| catalina.bat
| catalina.sh
| commons-daemon.jar
| commons-logging-api.jar
| cpappend.bat
| digest.bat
| digest.sh
| jmx.jar
| jsvc.tar.gz
| service.bat
| setclasspath.bat
| setclasspath.sh
| shutdown.bat
| shutdown.sh
| startup.bat
| startup.sh
| tcnative-1.dll
| tomcat-juli.jar
| tomcat5.exe
| tomcat5w.exe
| tool-wrapper.bat
| tool-wrapper.sh
| version.bat
| version.sh
| +---classes
| | logging.properties
| |
| +---endorsed
| | xercesImpl.jar
| | xml-apis.jar
| |
| +---i18n
| | tomcat-i18n-en.jar
| | tomcat-i18n-es.jar
| | tomcat-i18n-fr.jar
| | tomcat-i18n-ja.jar
| |
| \---lib
| commons-el.jar
| jasper-compiler-jdt.jar
| jasper-compiler.jar
| jasper-runtime.jar
| jsp-api.jar
| jstl.jar
| msbase.jar
| mssqlserver.jar
| msutil.jar
| naming-factory-dbcp.jar
| naming-factory.jar
| naming-resources.jar
| servlet-api.jar
| standard.jar
| | catalina.policy
| | catalina.properties
| | context.xml
| | context.xml.orig
| | jk2.manifest
| | jk2.properties
| | jkconf.ant.xml
| | jkconfig.manifest
| | logging.properties
| | server-minimal.xml
| | server.xml
| | server.xml.orig
| | shm.manifest
| | tomcat-jk2.manifest
| | tomcat-users.xml
| | uriworkermap.properties
| | web.xml
| | web.xml.orig
| | workers.properties
| | workers.properties.minimal
| | workers2.properties
| | workers2.properties.minimal
| |
| \---Catalina
| \---localhost
| host-manager.xml
| manager.xml
| admin.2005-05-30.log
| admin.2006-03-11.log
| admin.2006-03-17.log
| catalina.2005-05-30.log
| catalina.2006-03-11.log
| catalina.2006-03-17.log
| host-manager.2005-05-30.log
| host-manager.2006-03-11.log
| host-manager.2006-03-17.log
| jakarta_service_20060311.log
| jakarta_service_20060317.log
| localhost.2005-05-30.log
| localhost.2006-03-11.log
| localhost.2006-03-17.log
| manager.2005-05-30.log
| manager.2006-03-11.log
| manager.2006-03-17.log
| stderr_20060311.log
| stderr_20060317.log
| stdout_20060311.log
| stdout_20060317.log
| +---classes
| +---lib
| | catalina-ant-jmx.jar
| | catalina-ant.jar
| | catalina-cluster.jar
| | catalina-optional.jar
| | catalina-storeconfig.jar
| | catalina.jar
| | commons-modeler.jar
| | ratrobot.jar
| | servlets-cgi.renametojar
| | servlets-default.jar
| | servlets-invoker.jar
| | servlets-ssi.renametojar
| | servlets-webdav.jar
| | tomcat-ajp.jar
| | tomcat-apr.jar
| | tomcat-coyote.jar
| | tomcat-http.jar
| | tomcat-jkstatus-ant.jar
| \-- tomcat-util.jar
| +---classes
| \---lib
| appbase.jar
| commons-beanutils.jar
| commons-collections.jar
| commons-digester.jar
| commons-fileupload-1.0.jar
| commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
| dataprovider.jar
| defaulttheme.jar
| errorhandler.jar
| jsf-api.jar
| jsf-impl.jar
| jsfcl.jar
| portlet.jar
| ratrobot.jar
| rowset.jar
| sqlx.jar
| webui.jar
| | Webapp Setup.htm
| |
| \---Webapp Setup_files
| homecow.gif
| java.css
| javaphonebook.gif
| pollhandler.css
| site.js
| website.css
| bugzilla37035-safeToDelete.tmp
| | blankTest.war
| | ratrobot.war
| | simple.war
| |
| +---balancer
| | +---images
| | +---META-INF
| | | context.xml
| | |
| | \---WEB-INF
| | | web.xml
| | |
| | +---config
| | | rules.xml
| | |
| | \---lib
| | catalina-balancer.jar
| |
| +---blankTest
| | | myApp.jsp
| | | Page1.jsp
| | |
| | \---WEB-INF
| | | faces-config.xml
| | | managed-beans.xml
| | | myApp.xml
| | | navigation.xml
| | | sun-web.xml
| | | web.old
| | | web.xml
| | |
| | \---lib
| | appbase.jar
| | bootstrap.jar
| | commons-beanutils.jar
| | commons-collections.jar
| | commons-digester.jar
| | commons-fileupload-1.0.jar
| | commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
| | commons-logging-api.jar
| | dataprovider.jar
| | defaulttheme.jar
| | errorhandler.jar
| | jsf-api.jar
| | jsf-impl.jar
| | msbase.jar
| | mssqlserver.jar
| \-- msutil.jar
| +---jsp-examples
| | | index.html
| | | source.jsp
| | |
| | +---cal
| | | cal1.jsp
| | | cal1.jsp.html
| | | cal2.jsp
| | | cal2.jsp.html
| | | calendar.html
| | | Entries.java.html
| | | Entry.java.html
| | | JspCalendar.java.html
| | | login.html
| | | TableBean.java.html
| | |
| | +---checkbox
| | | check.html
| | | checkresult.jsp
| | | checkresult.jsp.html
| | | CheckTest.html
| | | cresult.html
| | |
| | +---colors
| | | clr.html
| | | ColorGameBean.html
| | | colors.html
| | | colrs.jsp
| | | colrs.jsp.html
| | |
| | +---dates
| | | date.html
| | | date.jsp
| | | date.jsp.html
| | |
| | +---error
| | | er.html
| | | err.jsp
| | | err.jsp.html
| | | error.html
| | | errorpge.jsp
| | |
| | +---forward
| | | forward.jsp
| | | forward.jsp.html
| | | fwd.html
| | | one.jsp
| | | two.html
| | |
| | +---images
| | | code.gif
| | | execute.gif
| | | read.gif
| | | return.gif
| | |
| | +---include
| | | foo.html
| | | foo.jsp
| | | inc.html
| | | include.jsp
| | | include.jsp.html
| | |
| | +---jsp2
| | | +---el
| | | | basic-arithmetic.html
| | | | basic-arithmetic.jsp
| | | | basic-arithmetic.jsp.html
| | | | basic-comparisons.html
| | | | basic-comparisons.jsp
| | | | basic-comparisons.jsp.html
| | | | functions.html
| | | | Functions.java.html
| | | | functions.jsp
| | | | functions.jsp.html
| | | | implicit-objects.html
| | | | implicit-objects.jsp
| | | | implicit-objects.jsp.html
| | | |
| | | +---jspattribute
| | | | FooBean.java.html
| | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.java.html
| | | | jspattribute.html
| | | | jspattribute.jsp
| | | | jspattribute.jsp.html
| | | | shuffle.html
| | | | shuffle.jsp
| | | | shuffle.jsp.html
| | | | ShuffleSimpleTag.java.html
| | | | TileSimpleTag.java.html
| | | |
| | | +---jspx
| | | | basic.html
| | | | basic.jspx
| | | | basic.jspx.html
| | | | svgexample.html
| | | | textRotate.html
| | | | textRotate.jpg
| | | | textRotate.jspx
| | | | textRotate.jspx.html
| | | |
| | | +---misc
| | | | coda.jspf
| | | | coda.jspf.html
| | | | config.html
| | | | config.jsp
| | | | config.jsp.html
| | | | dynamicattrs.html
| | | | dynamicattrs.jsp
| | | | dynamicattrs.jsp.html
| | | | EchoAttributesTag.java.html
| | | | prelude.jspf
| | | | prelude.jspf.html
| | | |
| | | +---simpletag
| | | | book.html
| | | | book.jsp
| | | | book.jsp.html
| | | | BookBean.java.html
| | | | FindBookSimpleTag.java.html
| | | | Functions.java.html
| | | | hello.html
| | | | hello.jsp
| | | | hello.jsp.html
| | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.java.html
| | | | repeat.html
| | | | repeat.jsp
| | | | repeat.jsp.html
| | | | RepeatSimpleTag.java.html
| | | |
| | | \---tagfiles
| | | displayProducts.tag.html
| | | hello.html
| | | hello.jsp
| | | hello.jsp.html
| | | helloWorld.tag.html
| | | panel.html
| | | panel.jsp
| | | panel.jsp.html
| | | panel.tag.html
| | | products.html
| | | products.jsp
| | | products.jsp.html
| | | xhtmlbasic.tag.html
| | |
| | +---jsptoserv
| | | hello.jsp
| | | jsptoservlet.jsp
| | | jsptoservlet.jsp.html
| | | jts.html
| | | servletToJsp.java.html
| | |
| | +---num
| | | numguess.html
| | | numguess.jsp
| | | numguess.jsp.html
| | |
| | +---plugin
| | | | plugin.html
| | | | plugin.jsp
| | | | plugin.jsp.html
| | | |
| | | \---applet
| | | Clock2.class
| | | Clock2.java
| | |
| | +---security
| | | \---protected
| | | error.jsp
| | | index.jsp
| | | login.jsp
| | |
| | +---sessions
| | | carts.html
| | | carts.jsp
| | | carts.jsp.html
| | | crt.html
| | | DummyCart.html
| | |
| | +---simpletag
| | | foo.html
| | | foo.jsp
| | | foo.jsp.html
| | |
| | +---snp
| | | snoop.html
| | | snoop.jsp
| | | snoop.jsp.html
| | |
| | +---tagplugin
| | | choose.html
| | | choose.jsp
| | | choose.jsp.html
| | | foreach.html
| | | foreach.jsp
| | | foreach.jsp.html
| | | howto.html
| | | if.html
| | | if.jsp
| | | if.jsp.html
| | | notes.html
| | |
| | +---WEB-INF
| | | | tagPlugins.xml
| | | | web.xml
| | | |
| | | +---classes
| | | | | servletToJsp.class
| | | | | servletToJsp.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---cal
| | | | | Entries.class
| | | | | Entries.java
| | | | | Entry.class
| | | | | Entry.java
| | | | | JspCalendar.class
| | | | | JspCalendar.java
| | | | | TableBean.class
| | | | | TableBean.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---checkbox
| | | | | CheckTest.class
| | | | | CheckTest.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---colors
| | | | | ColorGameBean.class
| | | | | ColorGameBean.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---compressionFilters
| | | | | CompressionFilter.class
| | | | | CompressionFilter.java
| | | | | CompressionFilterTestServlet.class
| | | | | CompressionFilterTestServlet.java
| | | | | CompressionResponseStream.class
| | | | | CompressionResponseStream.java
| | | | | CompressionServletResponseWrapper.class
| | | | | CompressionServletResponseWrapper.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---dates
| | | | | JspCalendar.class
| | | | | JspCalendar.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---error
| | | | | Smart.class
| | | | | Smart.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---examples
| | | | | ExampleTagBase.class
| | | | | ExampleTagBase.java
| | | | | FooTag.class
| | | | | FooTag.java
| | | | | FooTagExtraInfo.class
| | | | | FooTagExtraInfo.java
| | | | | LogTag.class
| | | | | LogTag.java
| | | | | ShowSource.class
| | | | | ShowSource.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---filters
| | | | | ExampleFilter.class
| | | | | ExampleFilter.java
| | | | | RequestDumperFilter.class
| | | | | RequestDumperFilter.java
| | | | | SetCharacterEncodingFilter.class
| | | | | SetCharacterEncodingFilter.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---jsp2
| | | | | \---examples
| | | | | | BookBean.class
| | | | | | BookBean.java
| | | | | | FooBean.class
| | | | | | FooBean.java
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---el
| | | | | | Functions.class
| | | | | | Functions.java
| | | | | |
| | | | | \---simpletag
| | | | | EchoAttributesTag.class
| | | | | EchoAttributesTag.java
| | | | | FindBookSimpleTag.class
| | | | | FindBookSimpleTag.java
| | | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.class
| | | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.java
| | | | | RepeatSimpleTag.class
| | | | | RepeatSimpleTag.java
| | | | | ShuffleSimpleTag.class
| | | | | ShuffleSimpleTag.java
| | | | | TileSimpleTag.class
| | | | | TileSimpleTag.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---listeners
| | | | | ContextListener.class
| | | | | ContextListener.java
| | | | | SessionListener.class
| | | | | SessionListener.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---num
| | | | | NumberGuessBean.class
| | | | | NumberGuessBean.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---org
| | | | | \---apache
| | | | | \---jsp
| | | | | | source_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---cal
| | | | | | cal1_jsp.class
| | | | | | cal2_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---checkbox
| | | | | | checkresult_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---colors
| | | | | | colrs_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---dates
| | | | | | date_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---error
| | | | | | errorpge_jsp.class
| | | | | | err_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---forward
| | | | | | forward_jsp.class
| | | | | | one_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---include
| | | | | | foo_jsp.class
| | | | | | include_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---jsp2
| | | | | | +---el
| | | | | | | basic_002darithmetic_jsp.class
| | | | | | | basic_002dcomparisons_jsp.class
| | | | | | | functions_jsp.class
| | | | | | | implicit_002dobjects_jsp.class
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | +---jspattribute
| | | | | | | jspattribute_jsp.class
| | | | | | | shuffle_jsp$shuffle_jspHelper.class
| | | | | | | shuffle_jsp.class
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | +---jspx
| | | | | | | basic_jspx$basic_jspxHelper.class
| | | | | | | basic_jspx.class
| | | | | | | textRotate_jspx.class
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | +---misc
| | | | | | | config_jsp.class
| | | | | | | dynamicattrs_jsp.class
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | +---simpletag
| | | | | | | book_jsp.class
| | | | | | | hello_jsp.class
| | | | | | | repeat_jsp$repeat_jspHelper.class
| | | | | | | repeat_jsp.class
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | \---tagfiles
| | | | | | hello_jsp.class
| | | | | | panel_jsp$panel_jspHelper.class
| | | | | | panel_jsp.class
| | | | | | products_jsp$products_jspHelper.class
| | | | | | products_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---jsptoserv
| | | | | | hello_jsp.class
| | | | | | jsptoservlet_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---num
| | | | | | numguess_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---plugin
| | | | | | plugin_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---security
| | | | | | \---protected_
| | | | | | error_jsp.class
| | | | | | index_jsp.class
| | | | | | login_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---sessions
| | | | | | carts_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---simpletag
| | | | | | foo_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---snp
| | | | | | snoop_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---tag
| | | | | | \---web
| | | | | | displayProducts_tag.class
| | | | | | helloWorld_tag.class
| | | | | | panel_tag.class
| | | | | | xhtmlbasic_tag.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | +---tagplugin
| | | | | | choose_jsp.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp$1.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp$10.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp$2.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp$3.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp$4.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp$5.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp$6.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp$7.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp$8.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp$9.class
| | | | | | foreach_jsp.class
| | | | | | if_jsp.class
| | | | | |
| | | | | \---xml
| | | | | xml_jsp.class
| | | | |
| | | | +---sessions
| | | | | DummyCart.class
| | | | | DummyCart.java
| | | | |
| | | | +---util
| | | | | HTMLFilter.class
| | | | | HTMLFilter.java
| | | | |
| | | | \---validators
| | | | DebugValidator.class
| | | | DebugValidator.java
| | | |
| | | +---jsp
| | | | | debug-taglib.tld
| | | | | example-taglib.tld
| | | | |
| | | | \---applet
| | | | Clock2.java
| | | |
| | | +---jsp2
| | | | jsp2-example-taglib.tld
| | | |
| | | +---lib
| | | | jstl.jar
| | | | standard.jar
| | | |
| | | \---tags
| | | displayProducts.tag
| | | helloWorld.tag
| | | panel.tag
| | | xhtmlbasic.tag
| | |
| | \---xml
| | xml.html
| | xml.jsp
| | xml.jsp.html
| |
| +---mydev
| | | blankTest.war
| | | ratrobot.war
| | |
| | +---balancer
| | | +---images
| | | +---META-INF
| | | | context.xml
| | | |
| | | \---WEB-INF
| | | | web.xml
| | | |
| | | +---config
| | | | rules.xml
| | | |
| | | \---lib
| | | catalina-balancer.jar
| | |
| | +---blankTest
| | | | Page1.jsp
| | | |
| | | \---WEB-INF
| | | | faces-config.xml
| | | | managed-beans.xml
| | | | navigation.xml
| | | | sun-web.xml
| | | | web.xml
| | | |
| | | \---lib
| | | appbase.jar
| | | bootstrap.jar
| | | commons-beanutils.jar
| | | commons-collections.jar
| | | commons-digester.jar
| | | commons-fileupload-1.0.jar
| | | commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
| | | commons-logging-api.jar
| | | dataprovider.jar
| | | defaulttheme.jar
| | | errorhandler.jar
| | | jsf-api.jar
| | | jsf-impl.jar
| | |
| | +---jsp-examples
| | | | index.html
| | | | source.jsp
| | | |
| | | +---cal
| | | | cal1.jsp
| | | | cal1.jsp.html
| | | | cal2.jsp
| | | | cal2.jsp.html
| | | | calendar.html
| | | | Entries.java.html
| | | | Entry.java.html
| | | | JspCalendar.java.html
| | | | login.html
| | | | TableBean.java.html
| | | |
| | | +---checkbox
| | | | check.html
| | | | checkresult.jsp
| | | | checkresult.jsp.html
| | | | CheckTest.html
| | | | cresult.html
| | | |
| | | +---colors
| | | | clr.html
| | | | ColorGameBean.html
| | | | colors.html
| | | | colrs.jsp
| | | | colrs.jsp.html
| | | |
| | | +---dates
| | | | date.html
| | | | date.jsp
| | | | date.jsp.html
| | | |
| | | +---error
| | | | er.html
| | | | err.jsp
| | | | err.jsp.html
| | | | error.html
| | | | errorpge.jsp
| | | |
| | | +---forward
| | | | forward.jsp
| | | | forward.jsp.html
| | | | fwd.html
| | | | one.jsp
| | | | two.html
| | | |
| | | +---images
| | | | code.gif
| | | | execute.gif
| | | | read.gif
| | | | return.gif
| | | |
| | | +---include
| | | | foo.html
| | | | foo.jsp
| | | | inc.html
| | | | include.jsp
| | | | include.jsp.html
| | | |
| | | +---jsp2
| | | | +---el
| | | | | basic-arithmetic.html
| | | | | basic-arithmetic.jsp
| | | | | basic-arithmetic.jsp.html
| | | | | basic-comparisons.html
| | | | | basic-comparisons.jsp
| | | | | basic-comparisons.jsp.html
| | | | | functions.html
| | | | | Functions.java.html
| | | | | functions.jsp
| | | | | functions.jsp.html
| | | | | implicit-objects.html
| | | | | implicit-objects.jsp
| | | | | implicit-objects.jsp.html
| | | | |
| | | | +---jspattribute
| | | | | FooBean.java.html
| | | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.java.html
| | | | | jspattribute.html
| | | | | jspattribute.jsp
| | | | | jspattribute.jsp.html
| | | | | shuffle.html
| | | | | shuffle.jsp
| | | | | shuffle.jsp.html
| | | | | ShuffleSimpleTag.java.html
| | | | | TileSimpleTag.java.html
| | | | |
| | | | +---jspx
| | | | | basic.html
| | | | | basic.jspx
| | | | | basic.jspx.html
| | | | | svgexample.html
| | | | | textRotate.html
| | | | | textRotate.jpg
| | | | | textRotate.jspx
| | | | | textRotate.jspx.html
| | | | |
| | | | +---misc
| | | | | coda.jspf
| | | | | coda.jspf.html
| | | | | config.html
| | | | | config.jsp
| | | | | config.jsp.html
| | | | | dynamicattrs.html
| | | | | dynamicattrs.jsp
| | | | | dynamicattrs.jsp.html
| | | | | EchoAttributesTag.java.html
| | | | | prelude.jspf
| | | | | prelude.jspf.html
| | | | |
| | | | +---simpletag
| | | | | book.html
| | | | | book.jsp
| | | | | book.jsp.html
| | | | | BookBean.java.html
| | | | | FindBookSimpleTag.java.html
| | | | | Functions.java.html
| | | | | hello.html
| | | | | hello.jsp
| | | | | hello.jsp.html
| | | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.java.html
| | | | | repeat.html
| | | | | repeat.jsp
| | | | | repeat.jsp.html
| | | | | RepeatSimpleTag.java.html
| | | | |
| | | | \---tagfiles
| | | | displayProducts.tag.html
| | | | hello.html
| | | | hello.jsp
| | | | hello.jsp.html
| | | | helloWorld.tag.html
| | | | panel.html
| | | | panel.jsp
| | | | panel.jsp.html
| | | | panel.tag.html
| | | | products.html
| | | | products.jsp
| | | | products.jsp.html
| | | | xhtmlbasic.tag.html
| | | |
| | | +---jsptoserv
| | | | hello.jsp
| | | | jsptoservlet.jsp
| | | | jsptoservlet.jsp.html
| | | | jts.html
| | | | servletToJsp.java.html
| | | |
| | | +---num
| | | | numguess.html
| | | | numguess.jsp
| | | | numguess.jsp.html
| | | |
| | | +---plugin
| | | | | plugin.html
| | | | | plugin.jsp
| | | | | plugin.jsp.html
| | | | |
| | | | \---applet
| | | | Clock2.class
| | | | Clock2.java
| | | |
| | | +---security
| | | | \---protected
| | | | error.jsp
| | | | index.jsp
| | | |

Similar Messages

  • RequestDispatcher is not working with Tomcat 4.1

    This is JSP's path
    from this jsp i am calling below Servlet
    this is my servlets path
    from the servlet i am trying to forward request to other JSP
    but it sees like RequestDispatcher is not working with Tomcat
    but i can able to call JSP using
    both works fine , but no combination is working with RiquestDispatcher.forword();
    Any Guess ???.

    yes i have tried with ("/Date.jsp") also .
    it gives me 404 error
    Error description is
    " The requested resource (/Date.jps) is not available"
    i am getting same error for all possible combinations of URL iam giving
    some of other URL's i have tried..
    /myApp/Date.jsp (myApp is my war file name deployed in webapps directory)
    and many more
    thanks for help.

  • JSP include directive not working with Tomcat 5.0

    I'm developing a small JSF webapp under Tomcat 5.0. My idea was to use the include directive to display a navigation panel on every JSP page.
    I took the code straight from the Java Web Services Tutorial; the resulting page looks like this:
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page"
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"/>
    <%@ include file="/jsp/panelpage_header.inc" %>
         <h:outputText value="Welcome!"/>
    <%@ include file="/jsp/panelpage_footer.inc" %>
    </jsp:root>However, when I try to load the page, a compilation error occurrs:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /trias/welcome2.jsp(11,2) The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
    ...I checked the path to the included files, and it seems to be okay. The files themselves contain the JSF tags for the view, html-head, html-body etc. The compiler doesn't even care if the files exist or not because it aborts immediately when it reaches the first include-statement.
    Did anyone see this kind of error before?

    Ok, the solution with jsp:directive.include works,
    if header.inc and footer.inc themselves are well
    formed too. If I understood the concept right this is
    because header and footer are processed during
    request time and therefore interpreted as
    'standalone' pages.This isn't true. The include directive (<jsp:directive.include>) is run a Compile Time. The code is inserted directly into the surrounding JSP (unlike <jsp:include> which forwards the request at runtime). The finished JSP, after the include, is then processed and needs to be well-formed XML.
    But: What can I do when these two files define a tag
    that should enclose my current page (for example,
    header opens a panelGrid-Tag, and footer closes it).
    For this case I thought the use of the
    @include-directive would be neccessary to combine the
    three pages during compilation. By this the resulting
    page would be well-formed although header and footer
    are not.It should be, as long as you are using <jsp:directive.include>, and the rest of the included pages are also well formed (no <% %> tags, nothing else out of place...).
    Honestly, I haven't done much work with JSP documents, so I haven't run into this problem. But I do believe everything I said is correct.
    What I would do is double check the correctness of the rest of the included pages and see if your error isn't something else.

  • JSP: work with TomCat 5.5.9 and NOT work with TomCat 6.0.16

    Hi all,
    I'm Antony and I have a problem with a .JSP page of my server.
    In my server there are 2 users: "u1" and "u2"; there are 2 TomCat, version 5.5.9 and version 6.0.16. There is Apache WebServer version 2. The 2 TomCat servers have the same configuration files: server.xml and web.xml (in the dir /conf of the main server's root). They not work simultaneously.
    When the user "root" launch the TomCat 5.5.9 all work fine: the server will show correctly the JSP pages of "u1" and the pages of "u2".
    When the user "root" launch the TomCat 6.0.16 the JSP pages of "u1" work fine but the JSP pages of "u2" not work: it seems that there are problems with the path where the server want to search the pages of u2.
    In the server.xml there is this code (for the handle of u2's site):
    <Host name="u2site.com" appBase="/home/u2/public_html/">
      <Context path="" reloadable="false" docBase="/home/u2/public_html/" debug="0"/>
              <Context path="/manager" debug="0" privileged="true"
    </Host>and this code (for the u1's site)
    <Host name="u1site.com" appBase="/home/u1/public_html/">
      <Context path="" reloadable="false" docBase="/home/u1/public_html" debug="1"/>
              <Context path="/manager" debug="0" privileged="true"
    </Host>The problems with the JSP pages of u2 are one of the following:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /login2.jsp(4,0) The value for the useBean class attribute com.u2.beans.access.Autenticator is invalid.and this one that appear with the pages that have the inclusion of another JSP page
    /u2page.jsp(3,0) File "/../support/_formatting.jsp" not foundI think that the TomCat know how to find the page that the browser request to Apache WebServer (and that the webserver request to Tomcat by the connector) 'cause for pages that haven't inclusion or call to method in packages all work fine...but the TomCat have problems to locate the pages included or the method located in a JAR (the jars are located in WEB-INF/lib/ of the u2's site).
    How I can resolve this problem with TomCat 6.0.16? I repeat that with TomCat 5.5.9 all work fine...same configuration!
    Any ideas?
    Thank you very much,

    Hi stevejluke, 'cause in the page "/supporto/_formatting.jsp" there are only the definition of some variables it's normal that the output at the browser it's a blank page.
    The problem it's that Tomcat 6.0.16 cannot know how "navigate" the pages beginning from one...it know where is the "x.jsp" page requested directly by Apache WebServer, where is "y.jsp" request directly by Apache, where is "z.jsp" requested directly by Apache but if "x.jsp" request, includes, "y.jsp" Tomcat cannot know where "y.jsp" is located. There is some file where I can "say" this to Tomcat?
    The page "/mostre/elenco_mostre.jsp" includes directly the "/supporto/_formatting.jsp".
    Another thing: in /mostre/elenco_mostre.jsp there is an inclusion directive for /supporto/_formatting.jsp that is so:
    <%@ include file="../supporto/_formatting.jsp"%>you can see that the included file is "../supporto/_formatting.jsp" and NOT "/../supporto/_formatting.jsp"...the "/" at the begin of the path is included by Tomcat!
    In the catalina.out there are this lines, when the page is called:
    Jul 6, 2008 3:15:00 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
    SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /elenco_mostre.jsp(3,0) File "/../supporto/_formatting.jsp" not found
      In catalina.out before server start there are this lines:
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
    INFO: Initialization processed in 358 ms
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
    INFO: Starting service Catalina
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
    INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.16
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:52 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
    INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/23  config=null
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:52 AM org.apache.catalina.connector.MapperListener registerEngine
    WARNING: Unknown default host: localhost
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:52 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
    INFO: Server startup in 2512 msThe file "web.xml" is located in "$Tomcat_home/conf" and it's:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
        http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd" version="2.4">
    </web-app>there are not web.xml file in /WEB-INF/ of the web application.
    Maybe the problem it's that Tomcat want the conf file in "Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context" ? I must move the block HOST of the server.xml file in this path?
    Good Sunday and thank you!

  • Filters not working with Tomcat 5

    I've attempted to implement a filter in my JSP program. Below is the web.xml I'm using and the filter implementation.
    The problem is doFilter simply isn't being called. init is called because when I do an ant reload it print my error into the log but doPost never prints anything anywhere. Please help!!! I'm completely foxed.
    I thought it might be something to do with the FilterConfig as I don't understand how its set or called but as I don't understand, I don't know?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
        <description>themoves.co.uk Content Management System</description>
        <display-name>themoves.co.uk CMS</display-name>
    </web-app>Filter implementation
    package uk.co.themoves;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.io.IOException;
    public class AuthenticationFilter implements Filter{
         private static final String LOGIN_PAGE = "/login.jsp";
         private FilterConfig config = null;
         private Connection db = null;
         public void init(FilterConfig _config) throws ServletException{
              System.err.println("init successful");
              this.config = _config;
              //do a database connection here
              if(db == null){
                        this.db = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/themoves", "cwaig", "UUyGiRPE");
                   } catch (Exception e){
                        System.out.println("error Connecting to themoves DB: " + e.toString());
         public void doFilter(ServletRequest _req, ServletResponse _res, FilterChain _chain) throws IOException, ServletException{
              //cast the Servlet to a httpServlet
              HttpServletRequest httpReq = (HttpServletRequest) _req;
              HttpSession session = httpReq.getSession();
              String uid = httpReq.getParameter("uid");
              String password = httpReq.getParameter("pass");
              //if action is login then login else check
              String action = (String) httpReq.getParameter("action");
                   //check the username and password
                   UserManager userManager = new UserManager(this.db, uid, password);
                        //set session variable and carry on
                        session.setAttribute("uid", uid);
                        _chain.doFilter(_req, _res);
                   } else {
                        //go back to the login page
                        RequestDispatcher rd = httpReq.getRequestDispatcher(LOGIN_PAGE);
                        rd.forward(_req, _res);
              } else {
                   //check the session to make sure they are logged in
                   String session_uid = (String) session.getAttribute("uid");
                   if(session_uid == null){
                        RequestDispatcher rd = httpReq.getRequestDispatcher(LOGIN_PAGE);
                        rd.forward(_req, _res);     
                   } else {
                        //set session variable and carry on
                        session.setAttribute("uid", uid);
                        _chain.doFilter(_req, _res);
         public void destroy(){
              this.config = null;
              //clean up the database connection here

    First of all this is not correct:
    </filter-mapper>It is:
    Also note that with this mapping configured onlt Servlets/JSPs called using the URL <your_domain>/<your_context>/Controller will be called.
    Any other urls will not be subject to the filter.
    I don't know all there is to know about filters, but I would be concerned that maybe your connection object is not thread safe being defined in the scope that it is.

  • JDBC not working with jar or applet

    I managed to get the JDBC driver (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) working just fine for a regular java application. However, when I tried to pack the program into an executable jar file, I once again get the "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" error.
    So I changed the program to an applet and used appletviewer to run it. Again, the same error.
    Is there a workaround for these problems?
    I am running Ubuntu 8.10.

    The jdbc jar would have to exist in the same directory as the app jar (or in a sub directory of it depending on how the manifest is configured), although those sub directories (at least on UNIX) can, AFAIK, be links.
    Now, whether the user/client downloads the Drvier him/her-self and places it there according to your instructions, or whether you distribute it, is a matter of personal choice and/or license restrictions.

  • Works with tomcat not with bea

    hai i am madav
    when i was working with tomcate it was fine but when i deploy in bea portal server with proper additions i am gettin java.io.FileNotFoundException: Response: '401:
    Unauthorized xxx' for url: 'http://feedsind3.cricinfo.com/live/index.xml'
    for below code
    Authenticator.setDefault(new MyAuthenticator());
    URL url = new URL"http://feedsind3.cricinfo.com/live/index.xml");
    File f1=new File("c:\\hai2.xml");
              br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
              bw1 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f1),5000);
                   }catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println(" exception raised in writeToFile "+e);
         RequestDispatcher rd=req.getRequestDispatcher("/livecric.jsp");
    exception raised in writeToFile java.io.FileNotFoundException: Response: '401:
    Unauthorized xxx' for url: 'http://feedsind3.cricinfo.com/live/index.xml'

    Exactly my problem too. I read somewhere that JDK 1.5 has modified its Authenticator class but I am not able to find an example of how to handle a website that prompts you for userid/password.
    But I scaled back from JDK 1.5 to JDK 1.4 on Weblogic 8.1.5 but that does not work still. So I sense some issues with Weblogic server.
    Can someone help please? Moderators?

  • PreparedStatement not working with Oracle

    Hi All,
    I am using preparedStatement in my JDBC code to fetch/insert values from oracle9i database.
    I am checking condition like if a given record does not exist then insert it else update it.
    First time it works when there is no row in database, however for subsequent run it's not able to return me the result though that row exist in database and this resulting in DuplicateKeyException becuase it try to create the row in db again.
    The code is working fine for MySQL DB2 and SQLServer but doesn't work in case oracle 9i
    Here is mycode
    //problem is here 1st time it works next time it is not retunring true though record is there in DB.
    public boolean isItemExist(String itemid, String storeid)
    String FIND_SQL = "SELECT item_desc from item where item_id = ? and store_id = ? ";          
    c = utils.getConnection();
    ps = c.prepareStatement();
    int i = 1;
    ps.setString(i++, storeid);
    ps.setString(i++, itemid);
    rs = ps.executeQuery();
         return true;
    utils.close(c, ps, rs);
         return false;
    utils.close(c, ps, rs);
    public void createItem(String itemid, String storeid, String item_desc)
    String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO item(item_id,store_id,item_desc)values(?, ?, ?)";
    c = utils.getConnection();
    ps = c.prepareStatement();
    int i = 1;
    ps.setString(i++, itemid);
    ps.setString(i++, storeid);
    ps.setString(i++, item_desc);
    utils.close(c, ps, null);
    public void updateItem(String itemid, String storeid, String item_desc)
    String INSERT_SQL = "UPDATE item SET item_desc = ?, store_id=? WHERE item_id = ?";
    c = utils.getConnection();
    ps = c.prepareStatement();
    int i = 1;
    ps.setString(i++, item_desc);
    ps.setString(i++, storeid);
    ps.setString(i++, itemid);
    utils.close(c, ps, null);
    Kindly suggest what's wrong with code. because same code works with other databse like SQL Server, MySQL but it is not working with oracle9i.

    String FIND_SQL = "SELECT item_desc from item where item_id = ? and store_id = ? ";
    ps.setString(i++, storeid);
    ps.setString(i++, itemid);
    String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO item(item_id,store_id,item_desc)values(?, ?, ?)";
    ps.setString(i++, itemid);
    ps.setString(i++, storeid);
    ps.setString(i++, item_desc);
    String INSERT_SQL = "UPDATE item SET item_desc = ?, store_id=? WHERE item_id = ?";
    ps.setString(i++, item_desc);
    ps.setString(i++, storeid);
    ps.setString(i++, itemid);My first guess, looking at the above snippets, would be that the item_id field is a number and not a string and so you should be calling ps.setInt instead of ps.setString when setting that parameter.
    This is only a guess, however, since you have not posted what the actual error is, which will probably give a hint to what the actual error is.

  • Why Oracle 8i is not Working with JDK 1.3

    Why Oracle 8i is not Working with JDK 1.3 by using JDBC.

    try this
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:"somedsn","scott","tiger");
    I am using this for Oracle, it is working for me.
    Java Developer

  • JSP Not Working with Thin Driver

    My JSP is not working with Oracle thin driver but it is working with Oracle OCI driver.
    From my jsp i am calling a stored procedured and passing 170 parameters to the procedure. This JSP works with Oracle OCI Driver configured as thrid party drivers in iAS6.0 SP2, but not working with Oracle Thin Driver configured as third party drivers in iAS6.0. My thin driver JDBC Connection URL is as follows:
    I have to give this URL because my production server deployment consists of iWS4.1 SP5 and iAS6.0 SP2 in different solaris boxes and Oracle 8.1.7 Database server in another Solaris Box. There is a pool of proxy servers between iAS6.0 box and the oracle box.

    I'd really appreciate it if you could provide some sample code. A complete, small, simple java class that I could copy and try out would be wonderful -- if it's not too much trouble.
    Thanks heaps (in advance :-),

  • Application developed using JDK1.2.2 not working with JRE1.3

    I am supporting and application developed using JDK1.2.2, it uses JDBC drivers from oracle(classes12.zip) to connect to an Oracle 8i database. This application is not working with JRE1.3. Can someone suggest any possible methods to make it work with JRE1.3?
    Thanks in advance,

    well, Now the problem is partly solved. I was having problems in displaying a frame(derived from JInternalFrame), later I discovered that for JRE1.3, I have to explicitly set the setVisible option to true.
    I have a few more frames to correct. I hope after that it wil be alright..
    Thanks for the quick response.

  • Tomcat 5.5 issues, has anyone got JSF working with tomcat 5.5 yet?

    Firstly I'm wondering if anyone has got JSF 1.1 working with tomcat 5.5 yet.
    I'm trying to move from tomcat 5.0.25 to 5.5.4 and my JSF webapps have not liked the move at all.
    The classpath doesn't seem to be a problem as I have all the .jars that are required in the classpath of tomcat just like before.
    I see the error log in stdout.log (catalina.out on linux) have been reduced to only show the precise error. Or at least is seems at lot easier to read.
    My error is simply
    SEVERE: Error listenerStart
    SEVERE: Context startup failed due to previous errors
    I reverted back to using the examples provided like jsf-guessNumber and the car-demo but neither of these will start-up.
    This issue seems to have occurred to lots of other people previously but I couldn't find a particular fix or direct compatability issue with tomcat.
    Has anyone encountered this before?

    Back again,
    Allright well after a little thought I concluded that this issue had to be some to do with the classpath and the changes between the two tomcat versions.
    I had a look at
    and noticed that tomcat 5.5 leaves out some important .jar as they are only needed for java 1.4.
    -------------------- EXTRACT ------------------------
    Installing the compatibility package will add the following to the list, which are
    needed when running on J2SE 1.4:
    * jmx.jar (Java Management Extensions API 1.2 or later)
    * xercesImpl.jar (Xerces XML Parser, version 2.6.2 or later)
    --------------------END EXTRACT ------------------------
    Therefore I tried putting xercexImpl.jar back onto the tomcat classpath and JSF works once again.
    Ah what a relief.

  • SQLDEVELOPER 2.5 and above on WinXP/Win7 does not work with OID auth ?

    I have SQLDEVELOPER 1.5 on my WinXP which works fine with database local users as well as global users(OID) authentication. But with SQLDEVELOPER 2.5 and above it throws below error with OID authentication.. local user authentication is however fine.
    Status:Failure-test failed:unsupported verified type
    Any idea why Sqldeveloer 2.5 and above does not work with OID auth?
    Thanks for help

    It might be to do with the oracle client version or the JDBC version. (for example v3 needs the 11i jdbc drivers and associated dlls for oci connections.

  • I have recently upgraded my iMac Intel G5 iSight to OS 10.6.8 and now the internal mic does not work with skype or facebook. I can here static when playing back clips. Do I need to update firmware or reload old sys parts

    I have recently upgraded my iMac Intel G5 iSight (iMac5,1) to OS 10.6.8 and now the internal mic does not work with skype or facebook. I can here static when playing back clips. Do I need to update firmware or reload old system parts. I have zapped PRAM. The blue indicator in system audio panel will appear for a second as I slide the bar for internal mic but then it disappears. Is there a fix?

    The sound seems very faint but can here static on playback.

  • My operating system windows XP not working with photoshop cloud, why not?

    I need to add 2 more licences for photoshop cloud and I'm being told my operating system windows XP does not work with Photoshop cloud. We already have 2 pcs using it in our office so why not?
    Please help

    Do you have the latest version of iTunes?  If not, get it at:

Maybe you are looking for

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