JDeveloper Licensing

Greetings -
I have read a number of postings concerning JDeveloper licensing and still do not feel that I have a solid answer to this question:
If I buy JDeveloper, as an independent software consultant, can I then develop a complete application and deploy it for a customer (who is licensed for Oracle RDBMS) without any further costs for me or the customer?
In other words, the customer buys Oracle RDBMS, I buy JDeveloper. Will there be any other licensing costs when I create a JSP application and hand it to the customer for deployment on Apache-Tomcat to run against the Oracle RDBMS?
Thanks -

The best thing to do is contact your oracle sales person to get the answer. but I think what you are describing is correct.
There will be no further costs.
You only pay for what you use so:
You are using JDeveloepr - you pay for it.
The customer is using Oracle Database - he pays for it.
If the customer is not going to use the oracle application server there are no other costs.

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    Mike S

    Can it be freely used as a Java Development tool?Yes
    What are the "components" and is it possible to develop with JDeveloper without using them?The components are the pieces of the ADF Framework such as ADF BC, ADF Faces, ADF Binding and ADF Swing, TopLink.
    You can use JDeveloper without using these components. And in fact if you download the J2EE edition of JDeveloper those features (except for toplink) won't be there.
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    Download the J2EE edition.

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    JDeveloper is free! Oracle ADF - the binding layer - ADF BC, and ADF Faces need an OracleAs licence

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    If you are paying support license on the Oracle Application Server then you are entitled to upgrade to 10.1.2 - and since the Oracle Application Server includes JDeveloper licenses, you should be ok upgrading your JDeveloper to 10.1.2.

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    The TopLink runtime is licensed separately from ADF. If you are using the Oracle Application Server (Enterprise, Standard, or Java Edition) then TopLink is already included. Otherwise it is licensed separately under the same cost and terms as the Java Edition of the application server.
    TopLink is currently a persistence layer option within ADF as an alternative to BC. The ADF model layer is being enhanced to support non-persistence features of BC so that they can be used in conjunction with any persistence layer. Going forward you will have a rich ADF solution with any of the persistence solutions, including EJB 3.0 (which is implemented using TopLink).

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    I can't find price at Oracle Store.

    Check out the Oracle Store at:
    http://store.oracle.com - (choose "development tools" on the left)
    or specifically at:
    add it to your cart and on the second step you can choose to add support.

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    The JDeveloper IDE is free and the client has to pay no licence for this. Note that this is for the IDE, the development environment, not the runtime usage of frameworks like TopLink.

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    Hi Miquel,
    You should be able to deploy UIX/ADF to any application server that supports J2EE 1.3. Currently the only licensing that is required is a developer license, basically you buy JDeveloper licenses for your developers. No runtime charge at this point in time.
    Please let me know if you run into any issues with regards to deployment.
    - Jonas
    JDev Team

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    Thanks & Regards,
    Vijay Chavan

    1) 10g. NOT 11g - it's well documented that 11g won't work on the 10g server
    2). I am not a Oracle license rep, but as I understand JDeveloper licensing, you only need to license for deployment of ADF, not development. You may wish to purchase support for JDeveloper, however. Best thing is to get an official answer from your Oracle Sales Rep, though.

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    If you have a JDeveloper license, then no extra cost is involved to deliver an application that you've built using ADF.
    However, if the customer at the delivered site would be using JDeveloper to customize your application in any way, then they would need a JDeveloper license, too.

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    Thanks a lot

    Well, this will cost you more money the buying a licence as you break the law. To find out what you have to pay you better call a sales person in your area (see home oracle page).

  • OTN JDeveloper download license is internal development license only.

    JDeveloper has been declared free, with charges only for optional support and maintenance.
    However, to get it, one still has to accept the "OTN License Agreement terms" which say:
    We grant you a nonexclusive, nontransferable limited license to use the components only for the purpose of developing a single prototype of your application for your internal business operations, and not for any other purpose. If you want to use the application you develop using the components for any internal data processing or for any commercial or production purposes you must contact us, or an Oracle reseller, to obtain the appropriate license. If you want to use the program or components for any purpose other than as expressly permitted under this agreement you must contact us, or an Oracle reseller, to obtain the appropriate license. We may audit your use of the programs.
    So, how does one get a license to allow production use?

    Thanks Frank.
    My company requires the license agreement to be approved by our legal staff before the software can be used within the company. That applies to all software - both freeware and and commercial. The fact that JDeveloper is free is great, and there is a lot of interest from our staff, but their doesn't appear to be a commercial license available to look at, which prevents us from using it at the moment.
    What we need is the commercial license agreement one would agree to when purchasing JDeveloper previously. I understand the need for the OTN license for the commercial modules within JDev, however to use the IDE itself, we need a full use license agreement. As JDeveloper can only be downloaded from OTN, can OTN add the commercial full use license for JDev?

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    Can I use the JSR227 implementation independently of the IDE? I noticed that in the JDeveloper distribution the /jsr227 directory is empty.
    Maybe somebody could also shed some light on what is happening with JSR227? It was submitted in July 2003 but it is very hard to find any signs of life online.

    Hey all,
    Some answers to your questions:
    1. There has been progress on JSR 227. While it has been slow at times, we are working to get something out to the public in the next few months. We have been working with BEA, IBM & Sun to work through the issues and the current version of the spec is in pretty good shape. All this time we have continued to feed back knowledge from our customer's usage of the technology back into the spec.
    2. JDeveloper is free. ADF is free on the Oracle runtimes, and can be purchased for other application servers. As far as technology that we standardize or open source, that software is always available under an apache or apache-like license.
    The thing about JSR 227 is that it is an interface and data standard. We kept it broad so that vendors could take advantage of different ways to implement in the tools. Oracle's implementation of JSR 227 is called ADFm and it adds some really cool features building off the base interfaces. So to answer your "can I use it" question, you can always use the JSR technology including the RI once it is available free of charge. You can also download and use ADF and try out the full benefits. I would suggest you start with our 10.1.3 developers guide as it is the best way to explore our implementation of JSR 227 in the ADFm layer.
    Let me know if you have any other questions or comments. Thanks.
    Ted Farrell
    Oracle Corporation

  • I dont see Jheadstart Forms2ADF in my Jdeveloper 11g

    Hi am very new to Jdeveloper. My requirement is, I want to convert a Oracle form to J2EE. I have downloaded and installed the Jdeveloper 11g. And then I selected the application FUSION WEB APPLICATION(ADF). And when I click on the Model -> New-> Business Tier, I am unable to see Jheadstart forms2ADF tool.
    Someone Please help me how to include this tool and if possible provide me steps with converting forms to J2EE.
    Note: I followed the demo given in Oracle site. But no use.
    Edited by: Karthik GJ on Aug 1, 2010 8:44 PM

    You can download an evaluation version of JHeadstart 11g through JDeveloper Check for Updates, but that evaluation version does not include the Forms2ADF Generator (see http://blogs.oracle.com/jheadstart/2010/04/jheadstart_11g_evaluation_vers.html ).
    Licensed JHeadstart customers can download the fully functional version of JHeadstart through the Oracle Consulting Supplement Option at http://cso.oracle.com. If you want to purchase JHeadstart licenses, please see http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jheadstart/files/jheadstart_faq.html#BM3 and contact your local Oracle Consulting representative.
    Hope this helps,
    Sandra Muller
    JHeadstart Team

  • Java API's supported in the Jdeveloper, IAS, and RDBMS product components

    If there are any technical errors or "mistatement of the facts" in this posting, please let me know about them ..
    This article is being delivered in Draft form and may contain
    errors. Please use the MetaLink "Feedback" button to advise
    Oracle of any issues related to this article.
    This article describes the "Enterprise Java Beans" (EJB), "Java Server Pages"
    (JSP) and servlets Application Programming Interfaces (API) supported by the
    Oracle products, Jdeveloper, Internet Application Server (IAS) and the Oracle
    RDBMS release 2 and release 3, also known as Version 8.1.6 and 8.1.7,
    All parties interested in the Java API's supported by these products.
    Java API's supported in the Jdeveloper, IAS, and RDBMS product components
    JDEVELOPER is Oracle's Java development tool designed for coding / development,
    testing / debugging, and deployment of Java Applications to the IAS and
    RDBMS platforms.
    With the java software api's being in a constant state of evolution, each new
    release of Jdeveloper adds support for the "then current" version of the java
    software api's, if it does not already have it implemented.
    3.2.X.X 2.2 1.1 1.1
    3.1.X.X 2.1 1.0 1.0
    NOTE :
    Sun Microsystems and their advisory teams (Oracle is on it) is working on
    "draft" specifications for the next version of all of these API's
    EJB -------> http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/index.html
    JSP -------> http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/index.html
    Servlets --> http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/?frontpage-javaplatform
    It is anticipated that future releases of Jdeveloper will continue to be
    upgraded to include support for the next version of each api.
    To obtain the latest information on Oracle's Internet Development Suite (IDS)
    of tools, please review the "Internet Developer Suite" information located
    on Oracle's technet web site at :
    IAS is Oracle's next evolution of the web server and application server
    product technology superceeding the Web Application Server (WAS) and Oracle
    Application Server (OAS) product lines.
    9I(1.0.2) 2.2 1.1 1.1 817
    8i(1.0.1-NT) 2.0 1.0 1.0 816
    8i(1.0.0-UNIX) 2.0 1.0 1.0 816
    The IAS product contains two Java Virtual Machines (JVM) within it's
    They are called :
    1) APACHE JSERV servlet engine
    APACHE JSERV servlet engine
    The APACHE JSERV servlet engine is an EXISTING product licensed from the
    apache group which supports the servlet api 2.0.ONLY.
    The APACHE JSERV product does not support ANY JSP's unless the customer
    installs a third party jsp engine.
    The IAS 8i/9i which has the APACHE JSERV product embedded in it, comes with
    Oracle's JSP engine (OJSP) already integrated into it. OJSP supports JSP's up
    to the specific JSP engine version documented in the Oracle Universal
    Installer (OUI) for the 8.1.7 RDBMS or the IAS products. It is also documented
    in the product's release notes.
    The EJE formerly known as :
    1) Oracle 8i Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
    2) JSERVER component,
    3) Aurora JVM
    was originally releas ed in the RDBMS 8.1.5 database with jdk 1.1.6 based java
    The currently supported versions of the Oracle 8i RDBMS, versions 2 and 3,
    also known as Version 8.1.6 and 8.1.7, respectively, provides a jdk 1.2.1
    based java virtual machine support.
    "EJE" Version 816
    This EJE, found in rdbms 8.1.6 and IAS 8i, contains support for the ejb
    api 1.0, corba, and java stored procedures.
    "EJE" Version 817
    This EJE, found in rdbms 8.1.7 and IAS 9i, contains support for the ejb,
    corba, and java stored procedures as well as the Oracle Servlet Engine (OSE)
    which provides support for the servlets 2.2 api and JSP 1.1 api.
    Note :
    EJB support in the "EJE" Version 817 has been upgraded to comply with the EJB
    1.1 api specification which includes "entity beans" support.
    What is the bottom line ??
    1) Servlets deployed to the APACHE JSERV must comply with servlet api 2.0.
    2) Servlets 2.1 or higher are only supported in EJE's OSE component found in
    the rdbms 817 or ias 9i products. Servlets api 2.0 can also run in the OSE.
    1) "Oracle9i Application Server Technical White Paper" located at :
    2) "Whats New? Oracle8i JVM Accelerator, Oracle Servlet Engine, OracleJSP ..."
    located at :
    3) "Oracle8i Release 3 New Features Summary" located at :

    which jvm is used by jserv ?? EJE or a separate jdk ?
    The Jserv servlet engine is running in a separate jdk JVM external to the EJE jvm which is embedded within the "database" component of ias and the RDBMS.
    See the reference below for more details ...
    if jserv only support old apis, why it is in oracle's products ?
    i would assume that the oracle servlet engine was under development when ias 8i was released and became available in time for the ias 9i and rdbms 817 products.
    looking back in history leads me to believe ias 8i was a migration path to get to ias 9i or rdbms 817.
    Based upon the long history of new releases of every oracle product being upgraded with new features, it's reasonable to assume that these products will continue to evolve.
    when I deploy a jsp how to deploy in the right servlet container ("EJE") ?
    as documented in the reference below, you can deploy JSP's to either the apache jserv jvm or the EJE since the ORACLE JSP engine functionality is in both jvm's.
    there are many posts where you can see that people have deploy in jserv and they have problems because they don't use the right container (servlet 2.0 instead of
    servlet 2.2) http://technet.oracle.com:89/ubb/Forum2/HTML/006349.html
    when ias 8i came out this was clearly an issue since servlet support was at api 2.0, and the current servlet api was probably at 2.1.
    oracle clearly made every effort to get ias 9i released quickly to supply a servlet 2.1 and 2.2 capable engine to resolve this issue.
    since ias 9i and rdbms 8.1.7 are available this is no longer an issue.
    The reference below explains the architecture and understanding it would eliminate a lot of "deploy to the wrong ias 9i component" issues.
    so why jserv is bundled with oracle 8i/9ias since EJE support the right api version ?
    if in ias 9i release , oracle had removed the jserv component without any advance warning, many customers would have been very upset since oracle makes every attempt to give advance notice before removal of functionality.
    1) "Oracle9i Application Server Technical White Paper" located at :

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