JDK 7 and lookandfeel?

So I can't seem to get lookandfeel to work properly after I installed the latest JDK. My windows look like this
As you can see the frame window is not the correct theme, but the inside is.
Edited by: 959936 on Sep 18, 2012 1:40 PM

It looks okay to me.
(However you seem to have some idea about what's "correct" and what isn't. Perhaps it still hasn't occurred to you that people reading this forum aren't mind-readers.)

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    This forum is for Sun Java Studio Creator product only... We'll be happy to assist you anytime if you have trouble installing or using this product. :-)

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    JDK- Java Development Kit contains compiler and other appliction development tools. with this tool you can compile as well as run your application
    JRE-Java runtime Environment where Java applications are exceuted .You can only run your application here but you cant develop and compile.
    JVM-Java Virtual Machine Its interpretor which interprets and then executes you coded after it is compile ( to byte code) by Java Compiler.

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    Just marketing whims.
    SDK = software development kit
    JDK = Java development kti
    Sun has use both names to refer to its SDK for Java. I forget which one they're using now, but they've switched a couple of times.

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    Hi Hussein,
    thx for your help!
    There is no special cause. I'm trying to keep our installations current.
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    Don't know nothing about JBoss but, when JBoss starts up does it switch to it's own username?, i.e not root, if it did it probably wouldn't be able to access root's home dir to get to java, as root's home dir is usually not readable by any other user, just a hunch.

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    If you have Windows installed, you have the Windows Installer.
    Offline download/installation of either the JDK or the JRE contains a current version of the Windows installer.
    A JRE is required to run Java programs. A JDK is required to develop Java programs.

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    Thanks, sounds like a good idea.
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    Velasquez wrote:
    I need to develop a swing component where it has to automatically check in the users machine whether JDK is installed, ..Why the JDK, as opposed to a JRE?
    Also, why no [Duke stars|http://wikis.sun.com/display/SunForums/Duke+Stars+Program+Overview] offered for this thread? Is it not important to you?
    Velasquez wrote:
    ..if not it has to install the current version of JDK. Can any give some idea on how to move forward on this or any code would be helpful.An earlier reply mentioned how to get the Java version for the currently running JRE. The [java.library.path, java.ext.dirs & sun.boot.class.path|http://pscode.org/prop/all.html?prop=java.library.path%2Cjava.ext.dirs%2Csun.boot.class.path]* properties might help you determine if that JRE is part of a JDK. For most developers running a Java application, that would be the case.
    * I checked those properties in an application and each one mentioned 'JDK' somewhere, but that will probably never appear in any applet.
    OTOH, I took an entirely different, and much simpler, route when developing the STBC. It is a compiler that requires the tools.jar of the JDK - which is not normally available to applets or webstart applications. Since this tool was aimed at developers, and they can get a JDK free from Sun, I simply offer them a file chooser to browse to the JDK they have already installed.
    There was another option that I considered and rejected as 'too much work'. Go to the root directory of the JRE (having got the path from properties) and then go to the parent directory. If both JDKs and JREs are installed, they should hopefully all be under the one directory tree. Then look at the file names for each directory listed, searching for jdk and the string that determines version. Very hackish, but if you can implement it, I guess it would serve for 95% of the time (though I would prompt the user about installing a new JDK and instead offer them a file chooser in case their JDK is hidden somewhere else).
    Don't be too afraid to pop a dialog to ask the user for help. After all, if the user is running the program, and it asks them to 'help it to help them', it is not as if they are going to refuse. Most developers (for example) would prefer to be asked than risk having some 'automagic' tool go off and make wrong decisions that they cannot control.

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    2.on asp.net we can use free toollike WinMerge to comapre which part of code be change, in java or jsp , is there any this kind of free compare tool.
    thank you

    If you drop the /bin portion it should work. JAVA_HOME is the directory that the SDK installed in.

  • JDK and JRE comptability for Windows server 2008

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    For security purposes, the IP address for the Windows Update web site constantly changes and it is not a fixed address. Also, there is no official publication of the
    IP addresses. We normally advise against defining IP addresses on the firewall for this purpose. Instead, we suggest either allowing all outbound connections to http & https ports or defining the DNS addresses as permitted destinations for traffic via
    the firewall.
    For up-to-date information about the IP's being used by Windows Update, use the DNS system, as this is the only reliable up to date source of information. If you use
    DNS, make sure the following destination hosts are specified:
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Installing JDK and JRE, how?

    I am new to Java. So new in fact that after 6 months I still have not managed to accomplish any of the basics concerning JAVA and I am in desperate need to get it to function. Perhaps you can help? On my XP I have downloaded the JDK and successfully set a path, but not a single program ran after it has gone through the compiler? Huh? I just don't get it! So, I have moved on a little bit and I am working off my Vista. I have learnt that the JRE and JDK are not the one and the same. I need BOTH if I want to start programming. I have the JRE 6 installed and working fine but I cannot even download the JDK! What is going on, does everybody encounter these problems or just me? Once, if ever, it is down loaded how do I set the path on Vista? Furthermore, would I need anything more other than the JRE and JDK? I really need help here. Why is JAVA being so problematic and why isn't there a nice and easy starting point? All I want to do is program.

    Yep, 6 months is a heck of a long time, but it has not been continuous! I have a second degree in maths to complete. Free time is rare and I have had so much bad advice from people who thought they knew what they were doing. I hope here to make up lost time and get the right advice which I need!

  • Confused between JDK and SDK

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    I am really confused about JDK and SDK. I have tried to find something online which can make it clear. But unfortunately, I am still confused on their relationship? It seems that they are the same thing?
    Thank you for any help.

    Hi there,
    If I'm not mistaken, JDK no longer exists.It used to be the same thing as JSDK nowadays. It's just a matter of names, and shouldn't worry you.
    See you !

  • JDK and SDK

    im new...
    What's the difference between the two(jdk and sdk)?
    I remember downloading JDK(and JCreator[editor]) only(no J2SE or watsoever) to create simple programs. Well, I managed to create HelloWorld and all but does this mean I dont need j2se or j2ee to create programs?
    Also are JDKs and SDKs inside J2SE, J2EE ... bundle?
    pardon me, but im just really 'new to java technology' :D

    J2ME - a subset of J2SE for "mobile devices", this comes in different "profiles", which build on the basic subset to add mobile-type extras (for example: a Graphics toolkit for small LCD-based screens).
    J2SE - "Standard Edition", the basic, primarly "desktop" aimmed edition. Learn first
    S2EE - Enterprise Edition, builds on J2SE to add "Enterprise" (server) extras (for example: web servery stuff)
    JVM - The Java Virtual Machine, a sort of "emulator" for Java programs
    JRE - Java Runtime Envroment
    JDK - Java Development Kit
    SDK - Software Developement Kit

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    I believe jdk = j2se - which is basically the java dev kit. And jre presumably is java runtime environment.
    My question - Should the versions of the 3 be the same?
    Most time I see need to upgrade jdk to jdk 1.5 or 1.6 but I have always seen jre 1.1.8. How will this affect the system operations.

    JDK is mainly used for middle tier to run the java process
    JRE is a plugin which is used by fron-end user to connect the java pages
    for more details about the JDK and JRE pls chk the following java link:

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