Jframe graphics glitch

sorry if this is a dumb question. i have to make a simple paint program for a class of mine, using two jframe panels; one would have the options (line, square, color for example) and the other would be the frame you draw on. the problem is, the background of the options frame somehow gets onto the other frame, but only on the top and left side, for maybe 50ish pixels from the edge. i can post screenshots or source code if necessary, but has anyone else had this problem before?

import java.awt.*;
public class ControlDriver{
  public static void main(String[] args){
    DisplayWindow display = new DisplayWindow();
    DisplayWindow controls = new DisplayWindow();
    DisplayPanel p = new DisplayPanel();
    ControlPanel c = new ControlPanel(p);
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class ControlPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
  JButton colorButton = new JButton("ColorSwitch");
  DisplayPanel slavePanel;
  public ControlPanel(DisplayPanel p){
    slavePanel = p;
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){}
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class DisplayPanel extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener{
  int x = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
  int y = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
  int oldx = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
  int oldy = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
  public DisplayPanel() {
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
    g.drawLine(oldx, oldy, x, y);
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){
    oldx = x;
    oldy = y;
    x = e.getX();
    y = e.getY();
  public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e){}
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public  class DisplayWindow extends JFrame{
  private Container c;
  public DisplayWindow(){
    c = this.getContentPane();
  public void addPanel(JPanel p){
    p.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(700,300));
  public void showFrame(){
}This is the most compact version of the code that still gives the problem, ive noticed 1 out of 4 times or so i dont get it, so if it works fine for you at first then try it a few more times. thanks!

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    Most likely to be RAM:
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    The most likely issue is the codec that your program is using the create your video. It's apparently not compatible with Premiere Elements.
    This often happens also when people try to record their on-screen video with FRAPS.
    You'll see lots of discussions on this issue in the Premiere Pro forum. However, it's even more pronounced in Premiere Elements, which is designed to work almost exclusively with camcorder video.
    Some video programs are a little more versatile with this type of video. Some people have found Corell's Video Studio better at handling these non-traditonal formats.
    But I did a Google search on Dxtory editing and couldn't find any information on it.
    Sorry I can't offer a solution. But I can pretty much assure you that Premiere Elements isn't it. sorry.

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    Is this really being caused by an app I have installed? Is really an app capable of crash the entire animation system and only while in the OS UI and not in games? I've never had any app running on the background besides Fantastical (from Appstore) and Dropbox (updated).
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    3. Appcleaner
    4. Autocad 2014
    5. World of warcraft
    6. Dropbox
    7. Evernote (appstore)
    8. Fantastical (appstore)
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    10. Pixelmator (appstore)
    11. Sketchup 2014
    12. Skype
    13. Steam
    14. The unarchiver
    15. Transmission
    16. VLC
    17. iPhoto
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    Thanks for any help or info you can share!

    Go for a few day (2-3) without installing any apps. Then install AutoCAD 2014 first and run only that for another couple of days. See if the problems resurface. If not, go ahead and reinstall all software, making sure that you create a clone after everything's installed (try Carbon Copy Cloner - they have a few 30-day evaluation period, I believe).
    If problems resurface, you'll know that it's hardware.
    Good luck,

  • "Save A Copy As"... graphic glitch in Audio pathway?

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    Is this normal behavior? I have never noticed this before.
    I'm an anal "type A" personality, and I need (i.e insist) visual as well as aural confirmation that a song file and it's associated audio files have archived correctly, before I' go and erase the original files off of my audio drive.
    So, I guess my question is, is this a graphic glitch, or is there some intended purpose for Logic not showing me the actual location of the archived audio files? In other words, visually, it's still showing the original location of SOME of the audio files, not all (which is really bizarre). Why?
    Is this happening to anyone else?

    Thanks! Didn't see the check box.
    "Dennis Knutson" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > It hasn't. "Select Save As..." and then check the box for "Save a copy
    > updating callers." at the bottom of the dialog screen.
    > "Tom Byers" wrote:
    > >Can someone explain to me why the "Save A Copy As..." function has
    > in 6i?>>

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    I get the same issue...typically this happens if I connect my laptop through a VGA cable.  I've tried everything from changing my video card settings(resolution, refresh rate, etc...) but I get the same exact graphical glitch.  Any luck on figuring this out?
    Also, do you ever get thin lines that roll/move up the screen?  I would get those occasionally and it had something to do with the digital switching inside the laptop power supply(the laptop power supply was on the same outlet) and was causing this problem so moving it to another power outlet or circuit breaker helped, but I still get the graphical glitch you have.

  • MSI N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr II/OC: Graphical Glitches/Corruption

    Hello, I bought and installed an MSI N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr II/OC video card one week ago. For the last week, it has been running perfectly, but today when I started up a game the 3D graphics began glitching and showing random stretched triangles and distorted models. While the 3D graphics are running, the monitor randomly loses signal from the video card and occasionally the program will crash with a popup bubble stating that the NVIDIA driver has recovered from a problem.
    After reading through some posts here, I downloaded the MSI Afterburner program, enabled voltage monitoring, and set everything to defaults.
    The defaults are:
    Core Voltage: 1000 mV
    Core Clock : 880 MHz
    Shader Clock : 1760 MHz
    Memory Clock : 2100 MHz
    When I click the button to run a Kombuster stability test, the 3D has the same graphical glitches that I saw in my games. Here is a screenshot:
    I tried lowering the Core Clock speed and retrying the test. It appears that the level of corruption is proportional to the clock speed. At the minimum clock speed of 440 MHz, the graphics are almost perfect, however a glitch or two will still occasionally show up.
    Here is the test at Core Clock = 705 MHz: http://i733.photobucket.com/albums/ww333/MP64x2/corrupted_705.jpg
    and at 440 MHz: http://i733.photobucket.com/albums/ww333/MP64x2/corrupted_440.jpg
    - I've tried bumping up the Core Voltage a little to around 1020 mV, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
    - Lowering the Memory Clock also reduces glitches, but they never go away completely.
    - Even at the absolute minimum clock settings, my games still glitch and crash.
    - I do not have access to another system that I can try the video card in.
    System Info
    CPU:   Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 2.66GHz
    MoBo:  Abit IP35 Pro - LGA775, Intel P35, FSB1333
    RAM:   G.Skill 4x2GB DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel (Total: 8GB)
    Video Card: MSI N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr II/OC
    Video S/N: 602-V238-130B1103126135
    Video BIOS:
    NVIDIA Driver: 266.66
    Hard Disks: 2x 640GB Western Digital WD6401AALS
    OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
    Power Supply:
      OCZ GameXStream OCZ700GXSSLI 700W
      +3.3@36A,+5V@30A,+12V1@18A,+12V2@18A,+12V3@18A,+12V4@18A,[email protected],[email protected]
    As I type this I'm starting to get corruption right on my desktop too, with random pixels changing color and black rectangles appearing on applications.
    From what I've read in other threads, it seems like my power supply may not be sufficient since it has multiple 12V rails, but before I spend ~$100 on a new one I thought I'd see if anyone had any other thoughts.

    Quote from: MP64 on 22-April-11, 03:46:20
    I have an interesting update on my original problem.
    A week after I reseated the card, the graphical glitches returned. I turned the computer off, reseated the card again, turned it on, and it began working fine.
    Another week goes by with no problems, and then a couple days ago the glitches came back. Thinking it strange that the card could somehow take approximately the same amount of time to cause the same kind of bad connection, I wondered if there was something else that was causing the glitches to temporarily disappear.
    I tried rebooting my computer, but the glitches remained.
    I then completely turned off my computer and pulled out the power cord and left it for a couple minutes. I didn't open the case at all and made sure not to do anything that would bump any components. I turned the computer back on - glitches are gone once again.
    So, it would seem that it may in fact have something to do with the power supply and not any bad connections with the card itself - at least, that's the best guess I have at the moment. I leave my computer on 24/7 so it seems like it doesn't like being left on for an entire week with this new video card installed.
    Does this sound sensible? Is it possible for a power supply to slowly fail over several days, only to start working again after being powered down for a couple minutes?
    Did you ever figure your issue out?  I have the exact same issue.  My system runs fine for almost a week...and then my desktop starts artifacting.  The only way it goes away is to unplug my pc (or flip the switch on PSU).  Then it runs again perfectly for nearly a week again and I start getting artifacts and the message stating that the graphics driver has stopped working and then recovered.
    I also run my pc 24/7 and this problem is getting very annoying!  My PSU shouldn't be a problem as I have the PC & Cooling 750W...
    Oh...almost forgot.  I've seen the same issue on 2 video cards now.  RMA'd the first one and the second one does the exact same thing...

  • Graphics glitching... Logic X or GPU?

    I have the new Mac Pro Late 2013, 8-core, with D300 graphics cards. 64GB RAM.
    I've been having lots of UI lag using Logic Pro (Logic always has issues though..), but I've also had crazy graphics glitching. It very much looks like a failing graphics card.
    Thing is, I took the computer into the Genius Bar, they tested it for 2 weeks, said my graphics card wasn't the issue and that it's my memory. I replaced the memory (it's from OWC), and ran MemTest for four days. No errors.
    Graphics glitching still happening though. Could Apple have been wrong about my GPU?
    Here's a video of the glitching: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g3t6h0au4cw6g03/LogicGraphicsArtifacts3.mov?dl=0

    Run the Apple Hardware test and see if it flags the graphics card.
    dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.2)@0x5c3000
    dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(1.4.7)@0x6c7000
    dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(1.4.7)@0x6e2000
    dependency: com.apple.NVDAResman(4.5.6)@0x6f1000"
    That entry from your log certainly indicates that there is some sort of issue with the card. If it is the card you can take it in for service and have the technician diagnose the unit to confirm it is the card and then have it replaced.

  • Shattered glass strange graphical glitch

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    I get the same issue...typically this happens if I connect my laptop through a VGA cable.  I've tried everything from changing my video card settings(resolution, refresh rate, etc...) but I get the same exact graphical glitch.  Any luck on figuring this out?
    Also, do you ever get thin lines that roll/move up the screen?  I would get those occasionally and it had something to do with the digital switching inside the laptop power supply(the laptop power supply was on the same outlet) and was causing this problem so moving it to another power outlet or circuit breaker helped, but I still get the graphical glitch you have.

  • Equium U400 graphical glitch Windows Vista

    Hello all,
    I-ve recently purchased the abovementioned machine and I would have been very happy with it were it not for the graphical glitch. It usually appears after a couple of minutes of work and it scrambles the colors, making it look pretty screwy (IE background for example is for some reason blue-green instead of white, which makes it annoying to work with. There are also artifacts and so on. I have downloaded the latest drivers from this site. I-m running vista home 32bit
    please help.

    Is your notebook preinstalled with Toshiba recovery image (factory settings)?
    Can you test it please with external display? It will be interesting to see how it looks there?
    I just hope on external display is everything OK.
    Please post the result and we can continue the discussion.

  • Strange graphical glitch in Select Columns

    I've noticed a strange graphical glitch in the Select Columns region of an interactive report when using IE7 or 8.
    When a column is selected (other than the first or last) and sent to the Bottom or Top the change doesn't actually show until the mouse is moved over the Display in Report List. If the Apply button is clicked, then the column ordering is set correctly.
    I'm using Apex 3.1 and was wondering if anyone else has noticed.

    alright.. once again a nvidia isssue... the nv driver does paint it correctly

  • Graphical glitch in Steam client

    I'm using Lenovo N500 laptop with 3.14.25-1-lts kernel, i3 window manager and Intel drivers.
    I have a graphical glitch in Steam client, it looks like this:
    Example 1 | Example 2
    It happens in every window or menu that I open. It also happens in games which obviously makes them unplayable.
    I tried reinstalling Steam and drivers, but it didn't help. I also tried searching for solutions, but couldn't find anything.
    Any idea how to fix it?

    I haven't tried anything other than i3, I've been using it for a while and I don't wish to change it. If it means anything, I don't have the same problem on my desktop (with HD 7850) which also has Arch with i3.
    It happens in Gunpoint and Lyne, among others, both in windowed mode and full screen.
    I have 64 bit system, yes, but the 32 bit libraries are installed.
    Installing Steam fonts didn't help. The other two links didn't help either.
    Thanks for trying to help, though, I appreciate it.
    Last edited by Sublime2k (2014-11-26 20:03:09)

  • Graphical glitch

    When I look at itunes, sometimes the items have a graphical glitch. Sort of doubling themselves, and just straight out looking wrong. When I take a screenshot, the screenshot has no glitches, but the actual screen does. Heres a picture I took of the screen with my iphone.
    I'm not sure if theres anything else I should include, so I'll include this.
    Itunes Version
    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013)
    OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.2
    Processor 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7
    Graphics: Intel Iris Pro and NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M


  • Yosemite 10.10.1 major graphic glitches

    Macbook Pro retina 15
    Just upgraded to 10.10.1 this morning.  Shortly after upgrading in the middle of workflow, I had a bright pink momentary flash on the screen and afterward, I am troubled with major graphical glitches system wide.
    These are most apparent in iPhoto and finder.
    iPhoto does not display anything within the display frame.  The entire frame outside of menus is black.
    in Finder cover flow view, all images are 4x their normal size, so I only see the bottom left corner of the images.  Seems like a retina display issue.
    Thanks for any help.

    Somewhat similar graphic problem with Yosemite 10.10.2.  My problem is that the screen gradually goes mosaic with small tiles, often of the background image.  Seems to happen most often when iPhoto is open and running.  One sample is attached.  Been to the Apple Store twice.  They replaced the graphic card to no avail.  They ran it through the usual suspects.  Apple reinstalled the OS, twice, and I gradually put most apps and files back that I need.  Didn't do anything.  Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

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