JList sorting array

I got a little problem with my Java program. I got a list with different numbers.
Now what I need to do is retrieve all these numbers and add them all up for a final result.
I got this so far:
for (int i = 0; i < sampleModel.size(); i++) {
sampleModel contains the numbers, now what I need to do is retrieve all those numbers and add them all up for a result. The name of the variable that stores the result is just called result.

OK, this is what I got:
float result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sampleModel.size(); i++) {
                         result += sampleModel.getElementAt(i); <--- error
I get the following error:
operator + cannot be applies to float.java.lang.Object
All I am trying to do is add up al the elements in the sampleModel list.

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    Here is the code for the class "ResultData"class ResultData implements Comparable
         String file1;
         String file2;
         double var, var1, var2;
         public ResultData(String f1,String f2,double v, double x, double y)
                   file1= f1; file2=f2;
                   var=v; var1=x; var2=y;
         public String getFile1Name()
              return file1;
         public String getFile2Name()
              return file2;
         public double getVar()
              return var;
         public double getVar1()
              return var1;
         public double getVar2()
              return var2;
         public String toString()
              return file1+"          "+file2+"          "+var+"          "+var1+"          "+var2;
           public int compareTo(Object o)
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              double result = this.getVar()- r.getVar();
              if (result < 0.0)         return -1;
              else if(result > 0.0)     return 1;
              else return 0;
    } // ends class ResultData

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    SpaceShuttle wrote:
    I am pondering weather to use TreeSet vs the Collections.sort / Array.sort for sorting Strings.
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    Thanks a bunchBig-O wise, there's no difference between sorting a list of N elements or inserting them one by one in a tree-set. Both take O(n*log(n)). But both collections are not well suited for looking up string that start with a certain substring. In that case you had better use a Patricia tree (or Radix tree).
    Good luck.

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    #include <fstream.h>
    #include <set>
    #include <string>
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      ifstream file;
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        cout << "Error in openening file";
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        cout << readStr<<endl;
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    cout <<l[i]<<endl;
    delete [] l;
    return( 0 );

    You have run into bug 6588033 "std::sort from libCstd loops", which is fixed in current patches.
    Get the current patches for Sun Studio and also the current patch for the C++ runtime libraries (SUNWlibC patch).
    You can find them here:
    Sun C++ 5.5 probably does not have the fix, since it is quite old and falling out of support.
    C++ 5.9 does have the fix.

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    Then the output arrays would be:
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    0 (the value 4.1 is located at position 0 in the unsorted_array)
    3 (the value 5.6 is located at position 3 in the unsorted_array)
    2 (the value 7.0 is located at position 2 in the unsorted_array)
    4 (the value 10.2 is located at position 4 in the unsorted_array)
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    Try something like the attached example (LabVIEW 7.0). I think it does what you need.
    (To understand the code, it is important to know that arrays of clusters are sorted by the first element in the cluster).
    Sort array itself sorts also array of strings, so you could just substitute, keeping the rest of the code the same.
    Sort array uses a variation of quicksort, so it should have about NlogN complexity.
    (If you think you only need the array of indices to later generate the sorted array, it does not make much sense to even do it. To get the indices, you need to sort the array anyway. You should just sort the plain array directly.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 07-13-2005 03:47 PM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    SortAndIndex.vi ‏26 KB

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    Harold Timmis
    [email protected]
    *Kudos always welcome
    Go to Solution.
    testingfileIO.vi ‏35 KB

    It's nice to have "sorting array" icon.
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    Thanks in advance.
    resampling.vi ‏89 KB
    Untitled.jpg ‏135 KB

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    You already have the source code.

  • Sorting array vs sorting paginated array

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    then assign in repeater:
    <mx:Repeater id="slideRepeater"
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    private function sortByRating():void {
    var sort:Sort = new Sort();
    sort.fields = [new SortField("rating",false,true)];
    fxcPager.pageData.sort = sort;
    toggleRating = false;
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    OK I have resolved the error by importing the class adGroup. However now I am back to the original problem which is how to sort the DisplayName alphabetically and keep the associated link in tact. I created the class to avoid sorting parellel arrays but I am afraid it solved nothing as I have no idea how to sort the class. I tried just sorting it like an array:
      Arrays.sort(bAD.getGroups()but receive the following error:
    java.lang.ClassCastException: com.mylbean.adGroup incompatible with java.lang.Comparable
    at java.util.Arrays.mergeSort(Arrays.java:1160)
    at java.util.Arrays.sort(Arrays.java:1131)
    I would assume this message is caused because I cannot sort a class array using this method. But being newer to Java I really have no idea how to get the class to sort by DisplayName before displaying to the user.
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  • CompareTo and Sorting Arrays

    I am trying to sort an array of telephone directory information by last, first names, but am having trouble understanding how to use the compareTo method to do so. I thought I could use Arrays.sort, but this doesn't seem to work....any help would be appreciated.
    public static Person [] sort(Person [] people) {
    Person [] sorted = Arrays.sort(people);
    return (Person[])sorted.toArray(new Person[sorted.size()]);
    }/* end sort method */
    //From Person class
    public int compareTo(Object o) {
    Person p = (Person)o;
    int temp;
    if((temp=getLastName().compareTo(p.getLastName())) == 0)
    if((temp=getFirstName().compareTo(p.getFirstName())) == 0)
    //not sure what to do here
    return temp;

    You want to return a negative or positive or zero integer if this item is less than, greater than, or the same as, the object passed as an argument, right? (Read the API.)
    You're trying to sort by last name first, and if they're the same, then the first name, right?
    So you're not really checking for zero, you're checking for non-zero.
    I'm assuming that first name and last name are given by strings, which implements Comparable. So you can do:
    public int compareTo(Object o) {
      Person p = (Person)o;
      int temp = getLastName().compareTo(p.getLastName());
      if (temp != 0)
        return temp;
      // implicit else here
    }I'll let you do the "MORE CODE GOES HERE" as an exercise.
    BTW if you're implementing Comparable, you should probably be overriding equals() as well.

  • Index of sorted array

    I have a unsorted array as follows:
    array_index = {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8}
    array = {1 2 4 3 4 3 4 2 1}
    I would like to get the previous index of sorted array as follows:
    old_index = {2 4 6 3 5 1 7 0 8}
    arrray.sort doesn't return the index the previous index, please help me.

    You can do that using by creating an array containing the numbers 0 to n in increasing order and sorting that using a comparator that actually compares the content of the original array at the indices provided to it instead of the values themselves.
    But why would you need that? Could you describe your requirement in a broader scope?

  • Sort Array of References by Label-Name

    I am developing on an DSC application with shared variables and alarming and events with a hugh amount of variables. Each variable is displayed on the front panel within tab controls. To reduce time and effort when expanding the variables I would like to arrange my references from the front panel by the label name. I've attached a part of the intialization of the front panel. There I have to manually expand each variable in the shared variable library, where the name of the variable has to be in the same order as the definition in the cluster.
    My approach was to build an array of references of digital type and sort the references by the label name. Because the shared variables have the same name as the controls they would be in the same order and I also could dislaim the cluster of references.
    maybe somebody can give my an hint.
    Kind Regards,
    Go to Solution.
    fp.jpg ‏982 KB

    Hi Joachim,
    use the standard "sort an array of cluster" approach!
    Put the control label and the reference (in this order!) in a cluster, make an array of such clusters and sort the array. It will sort by the label and you can unbundle the reference in sorted order...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Sorting array not working when run as a job

    I have a Powershell script that reads data from a log file, extracts a username and adds it to an array. I then sort the array to remove duplicates and export the data to a CSV file. The script works fine when run locally on the server but I need to call
    the script remotely for a number of servers and when I do this it does not output anything to the CSV. The script is run as a job.
    $ArrList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
    # open file and read data
    $arrlist | sort -unique | out-file c:\scripts\iis_users.csv
    If I change the script to use add-content it can add entries to the same CSV file. But ideally I need to sort the output as there are many duplicates.

    Not sure why but that would only export the last user. I didn't have time to investigate so instead I decided to only add users to the array after first checking they didn't exist already:
    if ($arrlist -notcontains $final)
    add-content c:\scripts\iis_users.csv "$final"
    I thought this would create a performance hit but it seems almost as fast.

  • How to Sort Array of Object

    Hallo. I have an array of objects. Each object has id and name. How can i sort by name or by id??
    Thx for all


  • Difficult: Sort Array of Prices

    i want to sort this Array in a PL/SQL Procedure:
    Price Start - Price End - Price Group
    700 - 1200 - C
    800 - 900 - B
    1000 - 1200 B
    1200 - 1300 A
    1300 - 1700 C
    1500 - 1600 B
    700 - 800 C
    800 - 900 B
    900 - 1000 C
    1000 - 1200 B
    1200 - 1300 A
    1300 - 1500 C
    1500 - 1600 B
    1600 - 1700 C
    Can anybody help me.
    Price Group A overwrite B overwright C
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    When i try
    select price_start,price_end,
    nvl(price_group,(select price_group
    from (select 700 price_start,1200 price_end,'C' price_group from dual union all
    select 800,900,'B' from dual union all
    select 1000,1200,'B' from dual union all
    select 1200,1300,'A' from dual union all
    select 1300,1700,'C' from dual union all
    select 1500,1600,'B' from dual
    where i.price_start between price_start and price_end
    and i.price_end between price_start and price_end
    and i.price_group is null
    ) price_group
    from (select the_starts,price_start,lead(price_start,1) over (order by the_starts) price_end,price_group
    from (select a.the_starts,a.the_starts price_start,s.price_end,s.price_group
    from (select price_start the_starts from (select 700 price_start,1200 price_end,'C' price_group from dual union all
    select 800,900,'B' from dual union all
    select 1000,1200,'B' from dual union all
    select 1200,1300,'A' from dual union all
    select 1300,1700,'C' from dual union all
    select 1500,1600,'B' from dual
    select price_end from (select 700 price_start,1200 price_end,'C' price_group from dual union all
    select 800,900,'B' from dual union all
    select 1000,1200,'B' from dual union all
    select 1200,1300,'A' from dual union all
    select 1300,1700,'C' from dual union all
    select 1500,1600,'B' from dual
    ) a,(select 700 price_start,1200 price_end,'C' price_group from dual union all
    select 800,900,'B' from dual union all
    select 1000,1200,'B' from dual union all
    select 1200,1300,'A' from dual union all
    select 1300,1700,'C' from dual union all
    select 1500,1600,'B' from dual
    ) s
    where a.the_starts = s.price_start(+)
    ) i
    where price_end is not null
    Is it ok. But your code with subqueries work not :(

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