Joining with sub query not working

I am new with these complex queries. I am trying to join a sub query to a query as below;
SELECT Events1.InvoiceBatch AS BatchNo, Events1.InvoiceBatchDate AS BatchDate, tblClients.Company, tblClients.ID AS ClientID, COUNT(Events1.ID) AS Invoices,
COUNT(*) - COUNT(Events1.InvoicePrintDate) AS E, Events1.InvoiceBatchFromDate AS BatchFrom, Events1.InvoiceBatchToDate AS BatchTo, (SELECT EventID, SUM(Total) FROM tblStaffBookings AS StaffBookings WHERE StaffBookings.EventID = Events1.ID GROUP BY EventID) AS Total
tblClients ON Events1.ClientID = tblClients.ID
WHERE (Events1.FactoringExportDate IS NULL) OR (Events1.AccountsExportDate IS NULL) OR (Events1.InvoiceSentDate IS NULL)
GROUP BY Events1.InvoiceBatch, Events1.InvoiceBatchDate, tblClients.Company, tblClients.ID, Events1.InvoiceBatchFromDate, Events1.InvoiceBatchToDate
HAVING (Events1.InvoiceBatch = 5212)
ORDER BY tblClients.Company
I am getting these two errors;
Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Column 'tblEvents.ID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
What am I missing?

SELECT Events1.InvoiceBatch AS BatchNo, Events1.InvoiceBatchDate AS BatchDate, tblClients.Company, tblClients.ID AS ClientID, COUNT(Events1.ID) AS Invoices,
COUNT(*) - COUNT(Events1.InvoicePrintDate) AS E, Events1.InvoiceBatchFromDate AS BatchFrom, Events1.InvoiceBatchToDate AS BatchTo,Total
tblClients ON Events1.ClientID = tblClients.ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT EventID, SUM(Total) AS Total FROM tblStaffBookings AS StaffBookings WHERE StaffBookings.EventID = Events1.ID GROUP BY EventID) sb
ON sb.EventID = Events1.ID
WHERE (Events1.FactoringExportDate IS NULL) OR (Events1.AccountsExportDate IS NULL) OR (Events1.InvoiceSentDate IS NULL)
GROUP BY Events1.InvoiceBatch, Events1.InvoiceBatchDate, tblClients.Company, tblClients.ID, Events1.InvoiceBatchFromDate, Events1.InvoiceBatchToDate,Total
HAVING (Events1.InvoiceBatch = 5212)
ORDER BY tblClients.Company
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Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
The multi-part identifier "Events1.ID" could not be bound.
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT EventID, SUM(Total) AS Total FROM tblStaffBookings AS StaffBookings WHERE StaffBookings.EventID = Events1.ID GROUP BY EventID) sb

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         Insert into RATE_ROUTE (
         , VENDOR_ID
         , OCN
         , ST_CD
         , PERIOD
         , MDFY_DT )
         , C.VENDOR_ID
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    have read about certain things not working in 8i and I think this is one of them,Yes as I said scalar sub-queries were also not recognized within PL/SQL in 8i.
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    I was wondering if anyone had a work around.Write a function that returns the value. You may incur a performance penalty from a context switch to PL/SQL, but it may be balanced by the decode optimization you are attempting.

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    Dear Sir/Madam
    I'm a student who is interested in Oracle Database and
    I have some problems with JOIN and Sub-query.
    I hope so many of you could help me.
    if i use JOIN without sub-query, may it be faster or not?
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    fac30d8e-74d3-42aa-b643-e30a3780e00f wrote:
    Dear Sir/Madam
    I'm a student who is interested in Oracle Database and
    I have some problems with JOIN and Sub-query.
    I hope so many of you could help me.
    if i use JOIN without sub-query, may it be faster or not?
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    Thanks in advance!
    As the others have said, the execution plan will give you a better idea about which is faster.
    If you're trying to see how using (or not using) a sub-query affects performance, make the rest of the queries as similar as possible.  For example, include field3 in both queries, or ignore field3 in both queries.
    In this particular case, I guess the optimizer would do the same thing either way, but that's just a guess.  I can't see your execution plans.
    In general, simpler code is faster, and better in other ways, too.  In this case
    is simpler than
    (SELECT field1, field2  FROM tableB)
    Why do you want a sub-query in this example?

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    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
    p.DbType = DbType.Decimal
    p.ParameterName = "myOutputParameter"
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    v.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
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    v.Value = rowver
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    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
    p.DbType = DbType.Decimal
    p.ParameterName = "xItemId"
    p.Value = id
    Dim v As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
    v.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
    v.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.TimeStampLTZ
    v.ParameterName = "xRowVersion_prev"
    v.Value = rowver
    v.Precision = 6 '????
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    End Using
    End Sub
    -- ****** Object: Table SYSTEM.CONCURRENCYTESTITEMS Script Date: 1/26/2013 11:56:50 AM ******
    NEXT 1048576 )
    -- ****** Object: Sequence SYSTEM.SEQ_CONCURRENCYTESTITEMS Script Date: 1/26/2013 12:12:48 PM ******
    CACHE 20
    MAXVALUE 9999999999999999999999999999

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      select t1.U_frmdate,t1.U_todate  ,ISNULL(t2.firstName,'')+ ',' +ISNULL(t2.middleName ,'')+','+ISNULL(t2.lastName,'') AS NAME, T2.empID  AS EMPID, T2.U_emp AS Empticket,t2.U_PFAcc,t0.U_pf 
       from  [@PR_PRCSAL1] t0 inner join [@PR_OPRCSAL] t1
       on t0.DocEntry = t1.DocEntry
       inner join ohem t2
       on t2.empID = t0.U_empid  where  t0.U_empid between  '830' and  '850'  and t1.U_frmdate ='20160801'  and  t1.u_todate='20160830'
    in commond promt
      select t1.U_frmdate,t1.U_todate  ,ISNULL(t2.firstName,'')+ ',' +ISNULL(t2.middleName ,'')+','+ISNULL(t2.lastName,'') AS NAME, T2.empID  AS EMPID, T2.U_emp AS Empticket,t2.U_PFAcc,t0.U_pf 
       from  [@PR_PRCSAL1] t0 inner join [@PR_OPRCSAL] t1
       on t0.DocEntry = t1.DocEntry
       inner join ohem t2
       on t2.empID = t0.U_empid  where  t0.U_empid between  {?FromEmid} and  {?ToEmid} and t1.U_frmdate ={?FDate} and  t1.u_todate={?TDate}
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    I'm pasting one sample code -
    select e.empno, e.ename,e.job,e.sal,d.deptno,d.dname
    from d_emp e, d_dept d
    where e.deptno(+) = (
                            when d_dept.deptno = 10
                                  select deptno
                                  from d_dept
                                  where dname = 'SALES'
    ERROR at line 15:
    ORA-01799: a column may not be outer-joined to a subqueryHow to resolve this issue?

    And any luck with this?
    SQL> with emp as
      2  (select 100 empno, 'Abcd' ename, 1000 sal, 10 deptno from dual
      3  union all
      4  select 101 empno, 'RRR' ename, 2000 sal, 20 deptno from dual
      5  union all
      6  select 102 empno, 'KKK' ename, 3000 sal, 30 deptno from dual
      7  union all
      8  select 103 empno, 'PPP' ename, 4000 sal, 10 deptno from dual
      9  )
    10  ,dept as
    11  (select 10 deptno, 'FINANCE' dname from dual
    12  union all
    13  select 20 deptno, 'SALES' dname from dual
    14  union all
    15  select 30 deptno, 'IT' dname from dual
    16  union all
    17  select 40 deptno, 'HR' dname from dual
    18  )
    19  select e.empno, e.ename, e.sal, d.deptno, d.dname
    20  from emp e,
    21       (select decode(a.deptno, 10, b.deptno, a.deptno) deptno, decode(a.deptno, 10, b.dname, a.dname) dname
    22      from dept a, (select deptno, dname
    23                    from dept
    24                      where dname = 'SALES'
    25                     ) b
    26       ) d
    27  where e.deptno(+) = d.deptno
    28  /
         EMPNO ENAM        SAL     DEPTNO DNAME
           101 RRR        2000         20 SALES
           101 RRR        2000         20 SALES
           102 KKK        3000         30 IT
                                       40 HR
    SQL> Cheers

  • Outer Join with the query

    I have written the below query, our requirement is, Some employees have "Transport Allowance" but not "Project Allowance". For this, I tried to use OUTER JOIN with this query. But this query takes long time and failed. The following query works fine if the employee has both "Transport Allowance" and "Project Allowance" (without outer join) Now, I also need to retrieve the employees who have "Transport Allowance" but not "Project Allowance". How can I retrieve it?
    SELECT DISTINCT papf.employee_number
    , peev.screen_entry_value Transport_Allowance
    ,peev1.screen_entry_value Project_Allowance
    FROM apps.per_all_people_f papf
    ,apps.per_all_assignments_f paaf
    ,apps.pay_element_types_x petf
    ,apps.pay_element_types_x petf1
    ,apps.pay_element_types_x petf2
    ,apps.pay_element_entries_f peef
    ,apps.pay_element_entries_f peef1
    ,apps.pay_element_entries_f peef2
    ,apps.pay_element_entry_values_x peev
    ,apps.pay_element_entry_values_x peev1
    ,apps.pay_element_entry_values_x peev2
    ,apps.pay_input_values_x pivf
    ,apps.pay_input_values_x pivf1
    ,apps.pay_input_values_x pivf2
    papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
    AND paaf.assignment_id = peef.assignment_id
    AND paaf.assignment_id = peef1.assignment_id
    AND paaf.business_group_id = papf.business_group_id
    --Transport Allowance
    AND peef.element_entry_id = peev.element_entry_id
    AND petf.element_Name = 'Transport Allowance'
    AND pivf.element_type_id =petf.element_type_id
    AND = 'Allowance'
    AND peev.input_value_id= pivf.input_value_id
    --Project Allowance
    AND peef1.element_entry_id = peev1.element_entry_id
    AND petf1.element_Name = "Project Allowance'
    AND pivf1.element_type_id = petf1.element_type_id
    AND = 'Allowance'
    AND peev1.input_value_id = pivf1.input_value_id
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN peev.effective_start_date AND peev.effective_end_date)
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN peev1.effective_start_date AND peev1.effective_end_date)
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date)
    ORDER BY papf.employee_number
    Thanks in advance.

    I am using sames tables with alias to retrieve the columns values from the same table.
    Here is my query.
    SELECT DISTINCT papf.employee_number
    , peev.screen_entry_value Transport_Allowance
    ,peev1.screen_entry_value Project_Allowance
    FROM apps.per_all_people_f papf
    ,apps.per_all_assignments_f paaf
    ,apps.pay_element_types_x petf
    ,apps.pay_element_types_x petf1
    ,apps.pay_element_entries_f peef
    ,apps.pay_element_entries_f peef1
    ,apps.pay_element_entry_values_x peev
    ,apps.pay_element_entry_values_x peev1
    ,apps.pay_input_values_x pivf
    ,apps.pay_input_values_x pivf1
    papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
    AND paaf.assignment_id = peef.assignment_id
    AND paaf.assignment_id = peef1.assignment_id
    AND paaf.business_group_id = papf.business_group_id
    --Transport Allowance
    AND peef.element_entry_id = peev.element_entry_id
    AND petf.element_Name = 'Transport Allowance'
    AND pivf.element_type_id =petf.element_type_id
    AND = 'Allowance'
    AND peev.input_value_id= pivf.input_value_id
    --Project Allowance
    AND peef1.element_entry_id = peev1.element_entry_id
    AND petf1.element_Name = "Project Allowance'
    AND pivf1.element_type_id = petf1.element_type_id
    AND = 'Allowance'
    AND peev1.input_value_id = pivf1.input_value_id
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN peev.effective_start_date AND peev.effective_end_date)
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN peev1.effective_start_date AND peev1.effective_end_date)
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date)
    ORDER BY papf.employee_number
    Thanks in advance.

  • HT4235 iPod nano 6th generation, syncing with audiobooks does not work now, had been working.  Sync test says:  No iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad found.  Connectivity test OK, no physical problems, iTunes shows the iPod.  Any clues what to do?

    iPod nano 6th generation, syncing with audiobooks does not work now, had been working.  Sync test says:  No iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad found.  Connectivity test OK, no physical problems, iTunes shows the iPod.  Any clues what to do?

    Hmm.. Thank you for the response.
    Have you tried using the iPod with another user account or computer, to help narrow down whether the problem lies with the computer, account, or the iPod itself?
    Maybe try reformatting it, using the tools provided by Windows. Instructions on how to reformat your iPod can be found in this article.

  • Brand new Mac user help please! How do you connect a 17" monitor to the MacBook? I have the monitor plugged into the Mac, but the F8 that I am used to with PC does not work. Please help. Thanks.

    Brand new Mac user help please! How do you connect a 17" monitor to the MacBook? I have the monitor plugged into the Mac, but the F8 that I am used to with PC does not work. Please help. I am getting lots of spelling errors as the MacBook laptop screen is too small. Thank you so much! .

    Contentmom6 wrote:
    Brand new Mac user help please! How do you connect a 17" monitor to the MacBook? I have the monitor plugged into the Mac, but the F8 that I am used to with PC does not work.
    Normally, you just connect the monitor to the MacBook using a VGA adaptor that you can buy from an Apple Store.  Now try System Preferences > Displays > Detect Displays.  You should now be able to select a display mode for the monitor.  If it still doesn't work, then I'd check that everything is properly connected.  I've had problems with colours disappearing due to a faulty connection in the VGA adaptor.

  • FIND with MATCH OFFSET not working

    I have a statement:
    FIND '/' IN <ls_data_package>-/bic/zbib_sysn MATCH OFFSET off2.
    this works in all the case except for when <ls_data_package>-/bic/zbib_sysn = SSULTANA-VMC/.
    (i.e. when /bic/zbib_sysn = USERID-VMC/, here SSULTANA is the user ID)
    *In this case off2 = .
    Value of sy-subrc is 0 after this statement is executed
    Can some one please point out what I am doing wrong.
    Thank you,
    Edited by: CSD . on Sep 26, 2008 9:53 PM

    >FIND with MATCH OFFSET not working  
    Most unlikely.  More likely is that it isn't doing what you think it should be doing.  Or you're using it incorrectly!
    I can't really follow what your problem is.  I assume you mean that you are getting off2 with value 0, when /bic/zbib_sysn contains USERID-VMC/
    Can you be a little clearer in what the issue is?
    DATA: off2 TYPE i.
    FIND '/' IN 'this string /' MATCH OFFSET off2.
    WRITE: / sy-subrc, off2.
    This little program returns 0 and 12 

  • Cancel Query not working

    Problem Summary
    Cancel Query not working on 11.5.10
    Problem Description
    While finding orders, window pops up the cancel query but when user tries to click the cancel button, query does not cancel.

    jemar98 wrote:
    Problem Summary
    Cancel Query not working on 11.5.10
    Problem Description
    While finding orders, window pops up the cancel query but when user tries to click the cancel button, query does not cancel.Please post the details of the application release, database version and OS.
    Was this working before? If yes, any changes been done recently?
    Please review (Canceling Long Running Queries in Oracle Applications 11i [ID 138159.1]) and make sure you complete all the steps.

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    I am having trouble with my speakers not working while online particular on facebook. My audio works when playing audio files.

    Did it happen all the time or sometime?
    Please check online browser status:
    Click Volume icon in the taskbar, click Mixer link button as below:
    If it's fine, follow this guide to run troubleshooter to detect and fix the issue:
    Tips for fixing common sound problems
    Meanwhile, this similar thread also could be referred:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Chrish29593217 you are welcome to contact our directly at Contact Customer Care.  What Adobe software title are you facing difficulties with?

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    Could someome put some light on it?

    What is the error you are getting

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    The following guide gives information on how to sync ringtones from your computer to the phone. The reference section at the bottom of the quide also gives instructions on how to convert a song to a ringtone.

  • [svn] 4323: Bug: LCDS-544 - Scenario where two components have seperate channel sets with overlapping channels not working .

    Revision: 4323
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-12-15 19:23:10 -0800 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008)
    Log Message:
    Bug: LCDS-544 - Scenario where two components have seperate channel sets with overlapping channels not working.
    QA: Yes
    Doc: No
    Checkintests Pass: Yes
    * Hunting to a new channel within a channelset never triggered a disconnect from the previous channel(s). This isn't a problem in general, but does becomes a problem when an app defines two distinct channelsets containing at least one shared channel at the head of the list. In this case, the first channelset hunts past it and connects on a later channel. But when the second channelset hunts through (triggering a connect fault when it hits that initial shared channel that can't connect), the fault is processed by the first channelset as well (incorrectly).
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Running the script by python2 solves it for me:
    su - mythtv -c "nice -n 19 python2 /usr/bin/tv_grab_nl_py --output ~/listings.xml"
    Best regards,

Maybe you are looking for