JPA / Toplink Essentials / How to set Table Qualifier?

How can i set a table qualifier for toplink essentials (JPA)?
Using toplink I can use setTableQualifier("...");

If I add orm.xml along to persistence.xml in the META-INF directly, TopLink JPA obviously finds it regarding to its log output:
Searching for default mapping file in file:/C:/<path_to_webapp>/WEB-INF/classes/
Found a default mapping file at file:/C:/<path_to_webapp>/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/orm.xml for root URL file:/C:/<path_to_webapp>/WEB-INF/classes/
But it seems as the "schema" property I set under persistence-unit-defaults is ignored. The orm.xml file looks like this:
The queries logged by TopLink JPA to not add qualifiy table names with the schema_name configured above!!!
Any idea?

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    Take a look at :
    It is very interesting, and I think your answer is here.

  • Toplink Essentials: how can I not to auto persist computed/virtual column

    Tags: Toplink Essentials, JPA, virtual columns
    Hi All,
    This appears to be a newbie question. But I cannot get it solved.
    First, my system is Eclipse + TOPlink essentials.
    My relational db table has a computed column. It is derived from a column of the same table.
    create table WINE(
    In my JAVA entity, I would like to map VINTAGE into a "auto-generated" field. In this way, when I update relational db table, VINTAGE won't be in the JPA generated INSERT statement, but I can query the VINTAGE into my java entity/object.
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    public class Wine implements Serializable {
    @GeneratedValue private Integer VINTAGE;
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    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-54013: INSERT operation disallowed on virtual columns
    Error Code: 54013
         bind => PinotNoir, 2003-01-05 00:00:00.0, null
    Any suggestions on what annotation tage I should use to tell the JPA Provider not to include VINTAGE in the auto-generated INSERT statement?
    Thank you very much.
    Edited by: user11935396 on Sep 25, 2009 1:36 PM
    Edited by: user11935396 on Sep 25, 2009 1:37 PM

    I am not sure if your annotation @GeneratedValue is proper. According to javadoc "Provides for the specification of generation strategies for the values of primary keys. The GeneratedValue annotation may be applied to a primary key property or field of an entity or mapped superclass in conjunction with the Id annotation."
    I would rather try to annotate VINTAGE as @Column(insertable=false, updatable=false)

  • Unable to deploy Web App using JPA TopLink Essentials in Tomcat5.5.17

    Hi All,
    I am trying to deploy a Web App ( used Top Link Essentials ) to Tomcat and i am getting the following Error..
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    Dec 14, 2006 9:52:46 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader loadClass
    INFO: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already.  Could not load oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.weaving.ClassDetails.  The eventual following stack trace is caused by an error thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread which caused the illegal access, and has no functional impact.
            at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
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            at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
            at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
            at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
            at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
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            at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
            at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main( Thanks

    Spring 2.0 provides custom support for TopLink Essentials in Tomcat out-of-the-box. You should follow the instructions here:
    Essentially, Spring provides a custom class loader for Tomcat and doesn't use an agent.

  • Toplink Essentials how to use scope_identity w/ sqlserver

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    return new ValueReadQuery("select scope_identity() AS 'identity' ");
    When I run a test I get and error.
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    Please help!!!!
    [TopLink Fine]: 2007.04.02 12:06:33.281--ClientSession(14384648)--Connection(3803825)--Thread(Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main])--INSERT INTO Personnel (AssignedBy, AssignmentType, CaseId, LastEditedBy, DateAssigned, _version, LastEditedOn, TimeAssigned, cruiser, OfficerId) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    bind => [0000, 1, 8, greg, 2007-04-05 12:06:18.859, 1, 2007-04-02 12:06:33.109, 12:06, null, 0087]
    [TopLink Finest]: 2007.04.02 12:06:33.281--ClientSession(14384648)--Thread(Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main])--Execute query ValueReadQuery()
    [TopLink Fine]: 2007.04.02 12:06:33.281--ClientSession(14384648)--Connection(3803825)--Thread(Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main])--select scope_identity() AS 'identity'
    [TopLink Warning]: 2007.04.02 12:06:33.296--UnitOfWork(22481956)--Thread(Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main])--Local Exception Stack:
    Exception [TOPLINK-4011] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0 (Build b41-beta2 (03/30/2007))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Exception Description: Error preallocating sequence numbers. The sequence table information is not complete.
    at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException.errorPreallocatingSequenceNumbers(

    The error seems to indicate that null is being returned. Verify that scope_identity is returning the correct value. Switching to using a sequence table would workaround the issue and improve your performance through allowing sequence pre-allocation.

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    properties :
    design : alternating  
    it is like normal table , although i have change the properties of design to alternating.....
    pls advice

    Hi Yzme,
    When you change the Table Design propety to "<b>alternate</b>", change the <b>readOnly </b>property to <b>"true</b>". Then the table will display the alternate colors but the table will be read only.
    Refer to the following thread also:
    Re: Problem with table design in 2004s

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    <td width="377" height="367" align="center" valign="middle" background="IMG/content box trial.png" >
    and I added the background-repeat= "no-repeat" to it however with no success, the image still keeps on repeating...
    I might be doing this wrong.. Any help is always greatly appreciated guys and gals!

    Or you could have done the modern way by defining your styles separately from the html code:
    <style type="text/css" media="all">
    td {
        width: 377px;
        height: 367px;
        background-image: url('frame_border.jpg');
        background-repeat: no-repeat;

  • Function Module: how to setting table import parameter

    hi, i'm developing a function module. i create a TABLES where it will allow multiple variables  IMPORT from user input to this function module. the tables i set as OPTIONAL and decribed as below.
    PSPID     PS_PSPID     CHAR     24
    POSID     PS_POSID     CHAR     24
    AUFNR     AUFNR     CHAR     12
    PSY     J_STATUS     CHAR     5
    PUS     J_STATUS     CHAR     5
    in my source code, i done a select statement to process the IMPORT input . the problems i face,for the PSY and PUS  input,  if the one or both input is BLANK, NO RESULT will display. What i'm try to do , if input one or both  is BLANK, it wil neglect the input and return as ALL RESULT (return result oir all status for input pspis / posid / aufnr)  . attached the select statement. thank you
    itparm[] = objparm[].
        a~pspnr a~stspr a~objnr a~pspid
        b~psphi b~objnr as wobjnr b~posid
        c~aufnr c~objnr as nobjnr c~pspel
        d~objnr as jeobjnr d~inact d~stat
        e~objnr as jcobjnr e~udate e~usnam e~utime e~stat as jcstat e~inact as jcinact
        f~istat as syistat
        f~txt04 as sytxt04
        g~estat as usestat
        g~txt04 as ustxt04
        into corresponding fields of table itobj
        from proj as a
        inner join prps as b on a~pspnr = b~psphi
        inner join aufk as c on b~pspnr = c~pspel
        inner join jest as d on c~objnr = d~objnr
        inner join jcds as e on d~objnr = e~objnr
                             and d~stat = e~stat
        inner join tj02t as f on e~stat = f~istat
        inner join tj30t as g on a~stspr = g~stsma
        for all entries in itparm
        where ( a~pspid = itparm-pspid
        or b~posid = itparm-posid
        or c~aufnr = itparm-aufnr )
       and ( f~istat = itparm-PSY and g~estat = itparm-PUS ).

    Thanks for your quick reply. actually the data will be somehing like this. since i developed a function module, i keep the import parameter in a table.
    PSPID     PS_PSPID     CHAR     24
    POSID     PS_POSID     CHAR     24
    AUFNR     AUFNR         CHAR     12
    PSY       J_STATUS     CHAR     5
    PUS      J_STATUS     CHAR     5
    the example data will be in OTPARM internal table
    PSPID              POSID          AUFNR     PSY     PUS
    aa-aa-aa         a1                                  I001
    bb-bb-bb                              b1                        E009
    i'll store  this into an internal table. from the data. it can be seen there a BLANK input. so the blank input should not be included into WHERE connditions. that why in the previous solution, i use SELECT inside LOOP because every line of the IMPORT tables will be generated with different WHERE conditions. i tried to do something like this:
    PSPID         POSID     AUFNR     PSY     PUS        cond_syx
    aa-aa-aa     a1                           I001                  if proj~pspid = itparm-pspid and prps~posid = itparm~posid and ....
    bb-bb-bb                   b1                         E009     if proj~pspid = itparm-pspid and aufk~aufnr = itparm~paufnr and ....
    cc-cc-cc                                                             if proj~pspid = itparm-pspid
    and implement with FOR ALL ENTERIES, but at the WHERE conditions i failed to put the CONF_SYX. please comment and give opinions. Thanks you very much.

  • How to set table coloumn as inputfield

    Hello experts, I'm new to ep.I need to set a column of a webdynpro table as inputfield.Please tell me which property i need to modify for that column.Thanks

    There are two ways of doing this.
    First create a node with name "Table" in context and create some attributes to this.
    (1) when you are creating Table by inserting template, select the node and go next
    there you can set any cell editor ( like inputField).
    (2)You have already created a table with Table node the in the column delete the existing cell editor and again add cell editor as input field.
    I hope this will solve your problem.

  • How to set table visibility in run time?

    Dear all,
               Initially i need to make my table invisible. if i click the button, it should be visible. Help me out to do this.

    Rather hiding the table, apply the same for the transparant container...
    Create a transparent contianer(TCO) and inside this have the TABLE....
    Create a context attribtue of type wdui_visibility and bind it to the visible property oft the TCO.
    After that, based on the data existence set this attribute value...
    Do you have any input fields and this table in the same view....waht is your design....
    If you have data in the internal table.......
    data lv_visible type wdui_visibility.
    if lt_table is not initial.
    lv_viisble = '02''.
    lv_visible = '01'.
    name = 'VISIBLE_TCO'
    value = lv_visible.
    Hope this is clear...

  • Remove association refrence using JPA Toplink-essentials

    I have this model:
    public class Employee {
    private Address address;
    public class Address{
    private String city;
    Default Scenario :
    If i persist an employee object in the db.So the address object will also persist in the db.if i delete the employee object,address object will not deleted since
    Our needs is :
    if i delete the employee object , The address data will be not deleted.
    Any help?

    Not sure I understand, the CascadeType.REMOVE controls if the remove operation is cascaded. Since you have not specified cascade remove a remove will not be cascaded, which seems to be what you want?

  • How to display table in smartforms

    I want to display the output in table.. how to set table.. I tried with the display framed framed patterns but its not working.. is that right method?? pls give suggestion

    Yes,you can display the contents of the output using tables.
    Refer these links:
    Tables in Smartforms
    drawing a table in smartforms.
    passing tables in smartforms
    Drawing table in smartforms
    Creating Tables in Smartforms

  • How to pass table data to RFC?

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    |-----> I_T_Area
                |--> PNo
                |---> Quantity
    |-----> E_T_Area
    |-----> Output
    How to set Table parameter Pno and Qiantity to I_T Area of RFC in web dynpro through coding.....

    Hi Pradeep,
    Try This.
                    Z_RFC_SalesOrderEntry_Input z_RFC_SalesOrderEntry_Input = new Z_RFC_SalesOrderEntry_Input();
                             int size = wdContext.nodeText().size();
                             for (int i = 0; i < size;i++)
                        Z<Put the structure name for I_T_Area> itArea= new <Put the structure name for I_T_Area>();
    catch(Exception e)
    Assuming Text value node is bound to your View. Put the model class name properly.
    How to pass multiple selected values of a table to RFC

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