JPA with MySQL-Data-Source

Hello Forum,
I have a question regarding usage of a MySQL-Data-Source in combination with JPA
on the SAP NetWeaver Application Server, Java ™ EE 5 Edition.
I have setup a custom datasource like explained in paper:
"Working with Database Tables, DataSources and JMS Resources"
- registered the database driver via telnet (Using mysql-connector-java-5.0.3-bin.jar)
- created the data-sources.xml file underneath the META-INF dir of the EAR project
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE data-sources SYSTEM "data-sources.dtd" >
After that I manually created the persistence.xml underneath the META-INF dir of the EJB project.
<persistence xmlns="" version="1.0">
     <persistence-unit name="titan_cruises_pu">
After that I created the Entity named "Cabin" and the corresponding table within the db.
Entity code:
package de.collogia.beans.pojo.ship;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Table;
This persisted POJO class models the cabin data.
In this class persistence annotations are placed on the getter methods
of the attributes. This tells the persistence manager to access them
via the corresponding get- and set-Methods.</p>
(Unfortunately this does not work on NetWeaver and I had to place them
on field level aggain...)
@author Henning Malzahn ([email protected])
svn-revision:         $Rev:: 670                                           $:
svn-lasted-edited-by: $Author:: henning                                    $:
svn-last-changed:     $Date:: 2007-02-21 21:49:51 +0100 (Wed, 21 Feb 2007) $:
@Table(name = "cabin")
public class Cabin implements Serializable {
    /** The generated serial version UID used for serialization. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8522497314498903378L;
    /** The actual version number of this class used for serialization. */
    private static int actualVersion = 1;
    /** The cabin's id. */
    @Column(name = "id")
    private long id;
    /** The cabin's name */
    @Column(name = "name")
    private String name;
    /** The cabin's deck level */
    @Column(name = "deck_level")
    private int deckLevel;
    /** The cabin's ship id */
    @Column(name = "ship_id")
    private int shipId;
    /** The cabin's bed count */
    private int bedCount;
/---- Serialization/ Deserialization methods -/
Method that is responsible for deserialization of the object.
@param in The <code>ObjectInputStream</code> object to read
          the data from.
@throws IOException That may occur when reading from the
                    <code>ObjectInputStream</code> object
@throws ClassNotFoundException That may occur when invoking the default
                               deserialization mechanism.
    private void readObject(final in)
        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        /* Invoke default deserialization mechanism. */
        /* Read the actual version number of the class. */
        actualVersion =  in.readInt();
    } // End of readObject()
Method that is responsible for serialization of the object.
@param out The <code>ObjectOutputStream</code> object to write
           the data to.
@throws IOException That may occur when writing to the
                    <code>ObjectOutputStream</code> object.
    private void writeObject(final out)
        throws IOException {
        /* Invoke default serialization mechanism. */
        /* Write the actual version number of the class. */
    } // End of writeObject()
/---- Defining constructors -/
Private default constructor.
    private Cabin() {
    } // End of default constructor
Full constructor.
@param name The cabin's name.
@param deckLevel The cabin's deck level.
@param shipId The cabin's ship id.
@param bedCount The cabin's bed count.
    public Cabin(final String name,
                 final int deckLevel,
                 final int shipId,
                 final int bedCount) { = name;
        this.deckLevel = deckLevel;
        this.shipId = shipId;
        this.bedCount = bedCount;
    } // End of full constructor
/---- Overridden class methods -/
Returns a string representation of the cabin's data.
@see java.lang.Object#toString()
    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer();
        return strBuf.toString();
    } // End of toString()
/---- Defining instance methods -/
Get method for the member "<code>id</code>".
@return Returns the id.
    public long getId() {
Set method for the member "<code>id</code>".
HTDODO hm: Check whether it is possible to have setId method
using private accesss level with NetWeaver JPA-Provider!
@param id The id to set.
    private void setId(final long id) { = id;
Get method for the member "<code>name</code>".
@return Returns the name.
    public String getName() {
Set method for the member "<code>name</code>".
@param name The name to set.
    public void setName(final String name) { = name;
Get method for the member "<code>deckLevel</code>".
@return Returns the deckLevel.
    public int getDeckLevel() {
        return this.deckLevel;
Set method for the member "<code>deckLevel</code>".
@param deckLevel The deckLevel to set.
    public void setDeckLevel(final int deckLevel) {
        this.deckLevel = deckLevel;
Get method for the member "<code>shipId</code>".
@return Returns the shipId.
    public int getShipId() {
        return this.shipId;
Set method for the member "<code>shipId</code>".
@param shipId The shipId to set.
    public void setShipId(final int shipId) {
        this.shipId = shipId;
Get method for the member "<code>bedCount</code>".
@return Returns the bedCount.
    public int getBedCount() {
        return this.bedCount;
Set method for the member "<code>bedCount</code>".
@param bedCount The bedCount to set.
    public void setBedCount(final int bedCount) {
        this.bedCount = bedCount;
} // End of class Cabin
After that I created the TravelAgentBean, a Stateless Session Bean, implementing
a remote interface that allows construction and persisting of new Cabin objects:
package de.collogia.beans.session.stateless;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import de.collogia.beans.pojo.ship.Cabin;
Class that implements the <code>TravelAgentRemote</code> interface
and defines the business methods of the TravelAgent service.
@author Henning Malzahn ([email protected])
svn-revision:         $Rev:: 670                                           $:
svn-lasted-edited-by: $Author:: henning                                    $:
svn-last-changed:     $Date:: 2007-02-21 21:49:51 +0100 (Wed, 21 Feb 2007) $:
public class TravelAgentBean implements TravelAgentRemote {
    /** The <code>Log</code> object for this class. */
//    private static final Log LOGGER;
    /** The <code>PersistenceManager</code> object. */
    @PersistenceContext(unitName = "titan_cruises_pu")
    EntityManager em;
/---- Static initializer -/
//    static {
//        LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(TravelAgentBean.class);
//    } // End of static initializer block
/---- Implementing remote interface methods -/
    public void createCabin(final Cabin cabin) {
    } // End of createCabin()
} // End of class TravelAgentBean
After that I created a Controller class containing a main method that looks up the remote
interface of the TravelAgentBena like explained in document "Accessing Enterprise JavaBeans Using JNDI
in SAP NetWeaver Application Server, Java ™ EE 5 Edition" written by Validimir Pavlov of SAP NetWeaver
development team.
Unfortunately I receive an Exception after invoking the createCabin(...) method.
On the console of the NWDS I receive:
javax.ejb.EJBException: Exception in getMethodReady() for stateless bean|test2Ejb.jarannotation|TravelAgentBean;
nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: Cannot perform injection over bean instance
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: The persistence unit is inconsistent:
The entity >>de.collogia.beans.pojo.ship.Cabin<< is mapped to the table >>cabin<<, which does not exist.
But if I look at the log file located in "C:\NWAS_JAVAEE5\JP1\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\log\defaultTrace.0.trc"
I see the real reason is:
#6#1064#42000#You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax
to use near '"cabin"' at line * from "cabin"#com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"cabin"' at line 1
     at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeQuery(
My goodness - what a long post - sorry for this - I hope I provided all information
necessary to deal with the issue.
Am I thinking in the right direction to blame attribute [code]<sql-engine>native_sql</sql-engine>[/code]
of file data-sources.xml for the beaviour? Are there any other argument options than native_sql?
Thanks in Advance!
Henning Malzahn

Hi Henning,
> Despite the fact it's working now I have to do some
> changes to my code currently
> developed using JBoss/ Hibernate combination.
> Hibernate allows you to have the
> default no-arg constructor with private visibility -
> any special reason for the fact that
> only protected is allowed on NetWeaver?
Here we strictly implemented the checks according to the requirements of the JPA specification. Technically, we could do with private constructors as well. But the JPA specifications requires the constructor to be protected to allow a JPA implementation to subclass entities if needed.
> The entities in the project are final classes
> so declaring a ctor protected doesn't really make
> sense...
For the same reason, your entities should not be final. Are we missing a check here ?
> Also the persistence.xml parameter
with the value of
> create-drop is very useful while
> developing the app - everytime you deploy the project
> you get a fresh database.
> Is there a comparable option for NetWeaver?
No, unfortunately, there is no comparable option in SAP JPA (yet). We understand that there is a need for forward mapping. We would have liked to delegate this task to the JPA design time (i.e. Dali). However, we had to discover that Dali does not perform this task properly and we can't recommend using it any more.
Consequently, there is no automatic schema generation in SAP JPA 1.0.
> Another thing is the extra TMP_SEQUENCE table which
> isn't necessary using JBoss and
> Hibernate - what's the reason for that?
With Hibernate Entity Manager, the id generation strategy in use with GenerationType.AUTO depends on the database dialect. This means that depending on the database dialect, IDENTITY columns, SEQUENCES or generator tables (TableHiLo) are required. As Hibernate has the before mentioned schema generation property this fact can be hidden to the user.
In SAP JPA, we are always using a table generator if GenerationType.AUTO is used. This allows for better portability across databases. It requires the table TMP_SEQUENCE. As we unfortunately do not have a schema generation capability, the user must create this table.
Best regards,

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    "Roy Crosland" <[email protected]> wrote in message
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    On the server where Crystal Reports Server is installed, create a 64-bit ODBC connection with the same name as the 32-bit connection.  CRS will then automatically use the 64-bit version of the connection.

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    <TextBlock Text="{Binding XPath=Cost}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding XPath=Description}"/>
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    <TextBlock Text="{Binding XPath=Name}"/>
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    <DataTemplate x:Key="ProductTemplate">
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding XPath=@ProductID}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding XPath=Cost}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding XPath=Description}"/>
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    <TextBlock Text="{Binding XPath=Name}"/>
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    Never do yourself down Richard.
    Leave that to other people.
    It's quite common for smart developers to think they're not as good as they are.
    I coach a fair bit and it's a surprisingly common feeling.
    And to repeat.
    Never use anything ends .. provider.  They're for trivial demo apps.  Transform xml into objects and use them.  Write it back as xml.  Preferably, use a database.
    You want to read a little mvvm theory first.
    Whatever you do, don't read Josh Smiths explanation.  I used to recommend it but it confuses the heck out newbies. Leave that until later.
    Laurent Bugnion did a great presentation at mix10.  Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be working on the MS site, but I have a copy.  Download and watch:
    I'm writing an article at the moment which is aimed at beginners.
    The sample is just a collection of techniques really.
    I have a sample which involves no real data but is intended to illustrate some aspects of how viewmodels "do stuff" and how you use datatemplates to generate UI.
    I can't remember if I recommended it previously to you:
    And I have working samples which are aimed at illustrating line of business architecture.  This is an incomplete step by step series but I  think more than enough to chew on once you've done the previous stuff.
    The write up for step2 is work in progress.
    Hope that helps.
    Recent Technet articles: Property List Editing;
    Dynamic XAML

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    Thanks and Regards,

    Directly in the source component, or in the expressions property of the data flow?
    If the latter, what happens when you preview your expression?
    MCSE SQL Server 2012 - Please mark posts as answered where appropriate.

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    Forms [32 Bit] Version
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    Is Query not allowed on a block with Query Data Source Type : Procedure.
    Hope my question is clear.
    Thanks in advance.

    When you use a table based block, forms can construct any select with any where clause based on the given inputs. Using a procedure based block, forms cannot "know" which in or out parameter of the procedure corresponds to which item. Even if Forms could pass the value of an item to an argument automagically, the procedure would have to "do something" with the argument, and you´d have to code it.
    So, any item that should be used in the where-clause must be mapped to an argument.
    Perhaps it would be easier to use a table based block querying a view? For DDL, you could use an instead-of-trigger on the view.

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    I have a Adhoc Query Requirement with Multiple Data Source. Is there any way to achive it. Other than Resultant set and bring into Model.

    You can compare stuff in the EL, but I don't think this is what you need.
    You can just use Java code in the backing bean class for all the business logic. You can use DAO classes for database access logic. Finally for displaying you can use the JSF tags such as h:outputText.

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    <%@ page import="java.sql.*, oracle.jsp.dbutil.*" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="cbean" class="oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean" scope="session">
    <jsp:setProperty name="cbean" property="dataSource"
    <% try {
    String sql="SELECT ename, sal FROM scott.emp ORDER BY ename";
    CursorBean cb = cbean.getCursorBean (CursorBean.PREP_STMT, sql);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    out.println("<P>" + "There was an error doing the query:");
    out.println("<PRE>" + e + "</PRE>\n<P>"); }
    Does anyone know how to set the "Property" to a datasource and make it work?
    Best regards,

    There is no point-and-click (Import Data Source Metadata) way to use an LDAP server as a datasource. You have to use the Java Function provided on dev2dev. If you need help with it, please post here.
    - Mike

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    I am trying to perform a Datacopy command in a HBR.
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    I am wondering if this is possible to perform a datacopy command, in a HBR with partitioned data source.
    I have managed to perform this datacopy throw a HBR using the command:
    Target = Source;
    But this method is really long.
    Thanks for your answer,

    Make sure that you have relevant Role & Authorization at Quality/PRS.
    You have to Transport the Source Cube first and then Create a Generate Export Data Source in QAS. Then, replicate data sources for BW QAS Soruce System. Make sure this replicated Data Source in QAS. Only then can transport new update rules for second cube.
    Hope it helps and clear

  • Obiee with unstructured data source

    How to work with Unstructured data sources using OBIEE 11g?Anybody any idea?examples would really help.
    Is it also available in 10g also?
    Please Help.

    Hi Krish,
    It's actually possible to use OBIEE with unstructured data.
    Even if you don't have real FK relations in your database and a proper model, OBIEE can create queries if you tell him where to find the joins and how they are defined.
    The Idea is to create you FK in the physical layer and try to have a 3FN schema (star schema with Dimension and Fact) as much as possbile in your Business layer.
    A very nice presentation is available on Mark Rittman webite:
    Hope it will help you to start.
    PS: Please don't forget to close the thread and assign points when your question is answerd

  • Error in viewing data in a data template with multiple data sources

    I have designed a data template with two data sources.One is from DEPARTMENTS table and the other datasource is a xml file.Following is the code for the data template :
    <dataTemplate name="EmployeeListing" dataSourceRef="demo">
    <parameter name="p_DEPTNO" dataType="character" defaultValue="20"/>
    <sqlStatement name="Q1">
    <xml name="empxml" expressionPath=".//ROW[DEPARTMENT_NAME =$DEPARTMENT_NAME]">
    <url method="GET" realm="" username="" password="">file:///D:\OraHome_1\xmlp\XMLP\DemoFiles\Employee Salary Report.xml</url>
    The problem is when i am trying to view the data, only data from SQL Query Q1 is getting displayed and the data from Employee xml is not at all getting displayed.
    Could anyone please let me know what i am missing?
    Edited by: user609971 on Oct 23, 2008 8:06 AM

    This is from Documenation sample....
    Did you see the data structure section, where you say, how you wanted the columns ?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252" ?>
    <dataTemplate name="Employee Listing" description="List of Employees" v
    <parameters>- Defines a single parameter for the Department Number
    - with default of 20:
    <parameter name="p_DEPTNO" dataType="character"
    <sqlStatement name="Q1">
                      order by deptno]]>
    <xml name="empxml" expressionPath=".//ROW[DEPTNO=$DEPTNO]"> - Defines name
    - and link to DEPTNO in Q1
    <url method="GET" realm="" username="" password="">
    file:///d:/dttest/employee.xml</url> - Defines url for xml data
    <dataStructure>- The following section specifies the XML hierarchy
    - for the returning data:
    <group name="G_DEPT" source="Q1"
    <element name="DEPT_NUMBER" value="DEPTNO" />
    <element name="DEPT_NAME" value="DNAME"/>
    - This creates a summary total at the department level based
    - on the salaries at the employee level for each department:      
    <element name="DEPTSAL" value="G_EMP.SALARY"
              <element name="LOCATION" value="LOC" />
    <group name="G_EMP" source="empxml">
    <element name="EMPLOYEE_NUMBER" value="EMPNO" />
    <element name="NAME" value="ENAME"/>
    <element name="JOB" value="JOB" />
    <element name="MANAGER" value="MGR"/>
    <element name= "HIREDATE" value="HIREDATE"/>
    <element name="SALARY" value="SAL"/>

  • Issue with 2LIS_02_SCL Data source

    Hi Everybody,
    I am facing the below 2 issues with 2lis_02_scl data source,
    1) This is fetching only the records  ETENR (Delivery Schedule Line Counter) value with ' 1 ', It is ignoring others ex:2,3 and 4. Hence Data is not reconciling with ECC system.
    2) The standard field GLMNG is not getting any data, Data was existed in table(EKET) level. So i have written the code and data is coming now. But the problem is, This is not considering the ROCANCEL indicator it seems. All the other key figures values are coming in with Negative sign When ROCANCEL Value is ' X ' or ' R ', But this field is getting all the positive values irrespective of ROCANCEL indicator. Hence showing the incorrect values compared to the ECC.
    Can anybody help me on this,

    Hi Gopinath:
       Have you already applied any SAP Note to solve this problem?
    Please check if the SAP Note below is applicable to your system.
    668177 - "LIS BW: wrong quantity for documents with invoice plan"
    Francisco Milán.

  • SPM : Integration with External Data Sources

    Dear Experts,
    Can you let me know with your comments or by sharing any link or documentation, as to how to Integrate SPM with External Data Sources.
    And how many or what all external Data Sources, can SPM Connect with ?

    Hi Pankaj,
    There are no limitations of external data you can bring into BW and visualise in the SPM UI - you can expose custom bex queries as "datasources" in the user interface, and these can show anything you like. Its just a question about what makes sense to show in SPM.
    Are you looking to bring in anything specific?

Maybe you are looking for