Jpeg-Header is being edited after files are moved

My problem which I have already posted in another forum, is that after I moved jpeg-files from one folder to another on the same partition (my photo collection) these files have been edited and gain size approx. between 2 KB and 5 KB. The conclusion from answers in the other forum was that Photoshop (or another Adobe program) is putting this line: "" into the jpeg-header. I wonder why this is happening as I do not mean to edit the photo through whatever program while just moving it.

How are you moving the files? With photoshop? Windows Explorer? Bridge? another program as there are way too many to list program?
If you are using an image editor such as photoshop to are open and then saving which can alter the header, however a file viewer such as Bridge or windows explorer will not alter the file unless tou do something to cause it to. In this case I am thinking of Bridge which will let you alter the meta data. Windows explorer to my knowledge no longer alters the meta data, but I may have not run across that issue yet, so take that with a grain of salt.

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  • JTable cell being edited after model changed.

    I have a fairly simple JTable, with a implementation of AbstractTableModel supplying the data. The cells are edited by using a JComboBox. I wrap these into a DefaultCellEditor. I have a KeyListener attached to the JTable listening for VK_DELETE, and when it finds one, instructs the model to delete the row represented by the selected row in the table.
    Everything works fine until I want to delete a row from the table. My scenario is:
    - I click in a cell, and the editor opens.
    - I select an entry in the list. The editor closes, the result is rendered, and the wee yellow box around the cell is shown
    - I hit the delete key.
    - My key listener picks up the event, and informs the model to delete the row. I remove the row from the model and invoke fireTableDataChanged().
    The result is that the row is deleted, but the table ends up with the cell editor deployed on the cell of the row below (which is now at the same row as the one I just deleted).
    My tracing shows that the isCellEditable is called on the model after the delete. I don't know why.
    Can anyone explain how to prevent this or what might be causing the table to think that the cell needs editing?
    Thanks, Andrew

    It will do whatever is the default. I wrap the JComboBox in a DefaultCellEditor. I can't see how the editor is involved at this point, or why the editor becomes involved after the row has been deleted.
    Remember, at the time that I hit the delete key, there is no editor rendered or visible. I have the JTable displayed, a row selected, and the yellow box around one of the (editable but not currently being edited) cells. This has been achieved by editing a cell (displaying the cell editor - a combo box) and selecting an entry. The editor is removed, and the cell displayed with the (default) cell renderer for the table.
    The delete action is caught by the listener on the table, the model is instructed to delete a row from its underlying data, which fires a fireTableDataChanged event.
    That is all I do. After that it is all swing. The table model starts getting asked about cells being editable after I have finished deleting the row. I'll post the relevant code below if that helps.
    The datamodel is of class ConstraintTableModel (see below) and the column model is of class DefaultTableColumnModel
    JTable table = new JTable( dataModel, columnModel );The column model is defined liike so:
    columnModel = new DefaultTableColumnModel();
    TableColumn labelColumn = new TableColumn(ConstraintTableModel.LABEL_COLUMN);
    labelColumn.setHeaderValue( dataModel.getColumnName(ConstraintTableModel.LABEL_COLUMN));
    labelColumn.setPreferredWidth( 5 );
    labelColumn.setMaxWidth( 5 );
    labelColumn.setResizable( false );
    TableColumn taskColumn = new TableColumn(ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN);
    taskColumn.setHeaderValue( dataModel.getColumnName(ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN));
    TableColumn typeColumn = new TableColumn(ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN);
    typeColumn.setHeaderValue( dataModel.getColumnName(ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN));
    columnModel.addColumn( labelColumn );
    columnModel.addColumn( taskColumn );
    columnModel.addColumn( typeColumn );I add the key listener like so:
    table.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter()
        public void keyPressed( KeyEvent e )
          if( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE )
            log.debug("Delete pressed in listener attached to table ");
            JTable t = (JTable) e.getSource();
            int selectedRow = t.getSelectedRow();
            if( selectedRow >= 0 )
              log.debug("  Removing row " + selectedRow);
            log.debug("Finished with key press");
      } );The cell editor is created like this:
    JComboBox taskEditorComponent = new JComboBox( tasksModel );
    taskEditorComponent.setFont( GanttChart.tableFont );
    taskEditorComponent.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
    DefaultCellEditor taskEditor = new DefaultCellEditor(taskEditorComponent);
    taskEditor.setClickCountToStart( 1 );
    table.setDefaultEditor( GanttTask.class, taskEditor );The model is coded like so:
    class ConstraintTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
        // Constants
        public static final int LABEL_COLUMN = 0;
        public static final int TASK_COLUMN = 1;
        public static final int TYPE_COLUMN = 2;
        private Vector          columnNames;
        private ArrayList       dataRows;
        public ConstraintTableModel()
         * Every row in the table is a GanttConstraint. Therefore when deciding what to
         * display in any particular column of the table, we need to determine what the
         * column is, and then use the informatino in the GanttConstraint to go out to the
         * lookup and get the relevant object, and value to display.
        public Object getValueAt( int row, int col )
            Object          returnObject = "";
            GanttConstraint aConstraint = (GanttConstraint) this.getDataRows().get( row );
            // We're rendering the task column. If there's no task id (partially filled in row)
            // return blank otherwise return the master task
            else if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN )
                if( aConstraint.getMasterId() != null )
                    GanttTask masterTask = (GanttTask) real.getLookup().get( aConstraint.getMasterId() );
                    returnObject = masterTask;
            // We're rendering the type column. If there's no type (partially filled in row)
            // return blank otherwise return the constraint type
            else if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN )
                if( aConstraint.getType() != null )
                    GanttConstraintType constraintType = (GanttConstraintType) GanttConstraintType.getConstraintTypes()
                                                                                                     .get( aConstraint.getType()
                                                                                                                      .intValue() );
                    returnObject = constraintType;
            return returnObject;
         * When we receive this message, we are handed an object of the type specified in
         * getColumnClass. We need to take this object and place the relevant information into
         * the GanttConstraint row in the table model.
         * Depending on whether the row being modified is an existing row or a new row, set
         * the state of the constraint appropriately.
         * @see javax.swing.table.TableModel#setValueAt(java.lang.Object, int, int)
        public void setValueAt( Object value, int row, int col )
            log.debug( "+setValueAt (row/col) " + row + "/" + col );
            if ( value == null )
                log.debug( "  handed a null value. Returning" );
            GanttConstraint aConstraint = (GanttConstraint) this.getDataRows().get( row );
            // If we are modifying the primer row, add another primer row.
            if( row == ( this.getRowCount() - 1 ) ) // Last row is always the primer
                log.debug( "  adding a primer row" );
            // We're modifying the Task data. Get the GanttTask handed to us and place it
            // into the master slot in the constraint.
            if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN ) // Task
                log.debug( "  updating the master task" );
                GanttTask selectedTask = (GanttTask) value;
                aConstraint.setMaster( selectedTask );
            // We're modifying the Type data. Get the GanttConstraintType handed to us and place it
            // into the type slot in the constraint.
            if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN ) // Constraint type
                log.debug( "  updating the constraint type" );
                GanttConstraintType selectedConstraintType = (GanttConstraintType) value;
                aConstraint.setType( selectedConstraintType.getType() );
            log.debug( "-setValueAt" );
        public Class getColumnClass( int col )
            Class columnClass = super.getColumnClass( col );
            if( col == ConstraintTableModel.LABEL_COLUMN )
                columnClass = String.class;
            if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN )
                columnClass = GanttTask.class;
            if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN )
                columnClass = GanttConstraintType.class;
            return columnClass;
        // We are handing the data storage
        public void setDataRows( ArrayList dataRows )
            this.dataRows = dataRows;
        public boolean isCellEditable( int row, int col )
            log.debug( "+isCellEditable (row/col) " + row + "/" + col );
            if( !real.canEdit() )
                return false;
            if( ( col == ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN ) ||
                    ( col == ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN ) )
                return true;
                return false;
        // We are handing the data storage
        public ArrayList getDataRows()
            return this.dataRows;
        public String getColumnName( int column )
            return (String) this.getColumnNames().get( column );
         * Clean up rows that do not have both the master task and type set. Not interested in them
        public void removeDirtyRows()
            log.debug( "+removeDirtyRows" );
            Iterator dataIterator = this.getDataRows().iterator();
            while( dataIterator.hasNext() )
                GanttConstraint element = (GanttConstraint);
                if( ( element.getMasterId() == null ) || ( element.getType() == null ) )
            log.debug( "-removeDirtyRows" );
        public void removeRow( int row )
            log.debug( "+removeRow(" + row + ")" );
            if( row < this.getDataRows().size() )
                GanttConstraint aConstraint = (GanttConstraint) this.getDataRows().get( row );
                this.getDataRows().remove( row );
                if( aConstraint.isClone() )
                    getClone().removeConstraint( aConstraint );
            if( this.getRowCount() == 0 )
            log.debug( "-removeRow" );
        public void clearRow( int row )
            log.debug( "+clearRow(" + row + ")" );
            if( row < this.getDataRows().size() )
                GanttConstraint aConstraint = (GanttConstraint) this.getDataRows().get( row );
                aConstraint.setMasterId( null );
                aConstraint.setType( null );
                fireTableRowsUpdated( row, row );
            log.debug( "-clearRow" );
        public int getColumnCount()
            return getColumnNames().size();
        public int getRowCount()
            return dataRows.size();
         * The table will be filled with constraints relevant to 'clone'.
        private void buildDataVector()
            ArrayList  data = new ArrayList( 1 );
            Collection allConstraints = getClone().getStartConstraints();
            allConstraints.addAll( getClone().getEndConstraints() );
            Iterator constraintIter = allConstraints.iterator();
            while( constraintIter.hasNext() )
                GanttConstraint element = (GanttConstraint);
                if( element.getType().equals( GanttConstraint.START_SPECIFIED ) ||
                        element.getType().equals( GanttConstraint.FINISH_FROM_DURATION ) )
                    data.add( element );
            this.setDataRows( data );
        private Vector getColumnNames()
            if( columnNames == null )
                columnNames = new Vector( 3 );
                columnNames.add( " " ); // Needs space otherwise all the headers disappear
                columnNames.add( "Task" );
                columnNames.add( "Constraint" );
            return columnNames;
        private void addPrimerRow()
            log.debug( "+addPrimerRow" );
            // Create a constraint for the 'clone' task. Set it as transient until validation
            // where we will deal with it if necessary.
            GanttConstraint primer = new GanttConstraint( real.getLookup() );
            primer.setObjectId( chart.getNextUniqueId() );
            primer.setSlave( getClone() );
            primer.setProject( getClone().getProject() );
            getClone().addConstraint( primer );
            this.getDataRows().add( primer );
            int lastRow = this.getRowCount() - 1;
            fireTableRowsInserted( lastRow, lastRow );
            log.debug( "-addPrimerRow" );

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    Am I doing something wrong?

    HHi Barbara, thanks for replying to my post.
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    Can you help me do this better? I would be most grateful.
    Message was edited by: shep222

    shep222 wrote:>...even if I do zero Photoshop editing I still get this >3 times increase in file size.
    Yup. That is how big such files are when not compressed and image data has not been discarded.
    It's an Aperture vs. iPhoto thing: When I did Photoshop External Editing in iPhoto (before I switched to Aperture) the original JPEG stays a JPEG when exported to Photoshop. The file size problem does not occur in iPhoto.
    That is correct, and is why few if any pros use iPhoto. iPhoto is by definition +low end,+ dumping image files into lossy JPEG by default. A RAW file imported into iPhoto is saved in JPEG unless the user takes special action to export it as TIFF or PSD.
    Aperture won't allow it--it seems to insist on converting to PSD for external editing.
    Also correct. Aperture is a professional app, and intentionally and repeatedly discarding image data would not be professional workflow.
    My JPEG's are top-notch low-compression ones, using the least compression settings in my Olympus micro-4/3 camera (super fine, large image, with 1/2.7 compression). JPEG artefacts have not been an issue even after extensive Photoshop editing.
    Agreed, top quality JPEGs can be very useful even though image information has been discarded. Back when RAW DSLR capture was unusably slow I shot many full-page magazine ads using JPEG Fine. But once the (fast) Nikon D2x came out I have always captured RAW and would no way ever again consider far inferior JPEG-only capture.
    Perhaps Aperture is not for me, if we can't overcome this issue.
    Perhaps. However IMO a far better approach is to shoot RAW and embrace a professional lossless workflow using Aperture. Mass storage is cheap and the benefits of RAW capture are very significant.
    Already my Aperture Library is 70GB and I have barely started with it.
    The issue of huge Library is due to using a Managed-Masters Library. Switch to RAW capture and a Referenced-Masters Library with the Library on an internal drive and the Masters referenced on external drives and the Library will no longer grow ridiculously large. IMO discarding image data via JPEG compression just to save hard drive space is inappropriate in 2011.
    -Allen Wicks

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    I've got both of my Macs backed up on a 1T Seagate external HD. With the 27-inch Mac in the Genius Hospital getting a new hard drive, I'd like to try to do one or both of the following:
    1. Work off of the iMac Snow Leopard stuff saved on the external hard drive (backed up ON the seagate external as well as on Time Machine--yes, it's journaled, whatever that means). Is that possible? There were very confusing issues with permissions that I was not able to resolve on my own before I took the Macs to the Apple store, so .... that brings me to Number 2.
    2. Since the idiot MBA has to have its hard drive wiped out for a fresh install on Thursday, can I wipe it out myself, OR just access the Snow Leopard files somehow off of the Seagate external drive? But they are only backed up via Time Machine, so it's what? Impossible to work with just one file, plus I've got those issues with disk permissions.
    I guess what I'm wondering is, can I use this MBA sort of as a temporary machine to run the Snow Leopard? I don't need everything off of the iMac, because I'm only talking about using it like this for today and tomorrow.  I'm more than happy to wipe out the entire contents of this MBA (it's backed up on the seagate external also) and just use it as Snow Leopard until I can get the iMac back and reinstall it all on there. Is that possible?
    I've googled until I'm blue in the face and my eyes have glazed over. I cannot figure it out. Obviously, this being the 11-inch MBA, there is no CD drive, so no way to boot off a Snow Leopard disk.
    Anyone? Buehler? Anyone? Can I work with my own files on that external drive, even if it means I wipe out the MBA?

    Can I do this?
    Only if your computer shipped with Mac OS X 10.4. Use the 10.4 package that shipped with it.
    Install it normally, considering the point above.
    Snow Leopard won't let me install an older version of OS.
    It's not Snow Leopard that won't let you. It's the computer itself.

  • Macbook doesn't restore memory to flash memory after files are removed

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    This happens to me too. I use the program Show Hidden Files
    The songs or whatever you are deleting is going into the .trashes folder on the drive or mp3 player. Just delete the .trashes folder. It will make a new one every time you delete something though. I hope this helps.

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    I am having an issue with footage in FCP losing audio sync to the extent that even though the timeline clips appear to be the same length, the audio starts slightly earlier and is cut of at the end of the clip. It 's almost as thought the audio and video timelines are running at different frame rates but the problem starts earlier than that.
    I am cutting a showreel together and it's a bunch of 30sec tvc's. All of them play fine off the desktop no sync issues at all but once imported to FCP the audio is all over the place even before i put into the sequence. At first i thought it may be a processing thing so i opened up couple of music clips that i had cut that were a little more sound and graphics intensive. They played out fine. The Media is coming of a 12TB RAID5 with 9TB usable storage. All the disks are in good health. I'm running 7200rpm seagate barracudas and never had problems before today.
    I tried opening up a new project and starting from new but still no joy. I was running audio through external speakers which would account for a delay but not to this extent. and i also tried just using the built in speakers to be sure.
    The video is compressed to ProRes 422(HQ) 720p 48khz sac audio data rate 79mbits

    Kept digging and answered my own question, I had verified everything except the source video's frame Rate which was compressed at 22FPS for some odd reason. I didn't do the initial compression so assumed it was cool. Once I recompressed the Source to 25FPS it was all smiles. even though the original compression had the AV in sync it appears that FCP doesn't like non standard frame rates and the 22FPS was throwing the audio out of wack.

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    I insert the disk, hold down C as it is booting.  The cd runs, and copies over the files, but once it gets to the status bar, the install freezes.  I let it "run" all night and it never came to an install screen.
    Any suggestions?

    It sounds like it's likely a hardware failure in the laptop itself. Were you having problems previously?
    - Peter

  • Hyperlinks from converted excel file are not working after pdf file is moved

    I have created a pdf file from an excel file that has hyperlinks in it. The hyperlinks work fine if the files are all kept in the same exact location as the time they were created. Once the files are moved (i.e. emailed to another user) the hyperlinks no longer work. An error message pops up that the file can not be found. Is there a setting or something that I'm missing in acrobat that allows for the files to be moved, so that the hyperlinks still function properly, after creation

    No settings adjustments.
    The issue is that links, once made, have a specific path (as shown when you view the link's text string).
    When you email the files the person who recieves the email and downloads the attachments would have to have the same layout of files/folders you have.
    Without that links are "broken"
    You email a zip file that, when extracted, would create the folders/files in the required layout to reflect what you have.
    Be well...

  • Can a file be moved?

    The Question:
    Is there any way of checking whether or not a file can be moved?
    The Context
    My program is periodically checking a folder for new files. Files are moved into this folder via FTP. My program is designed to then move these files into a different folder. However, I want to ensure that the file has completely arrived.
    The Example
    For example, a 450MB file will appear to the Java File API, but I won't be able to move it if the file is still copying over.
    The Restrictions
    I know you can check the success/failure of a move - I don't want to do this (Althought it looks like I'll have no choice).
    The results of File.canRead() and File.canWrite() don't help.
    I don't want to do nasty tricks like monitoring the file's size over the course of a minute to see if it has stopped increasing.

    So? I can personally guarantee that if the operation you are attempting fails, it did not succeed, regardless of the platform ;-)
    And the question isn't whether the file is being copied to, it's whether it can be moved.
    So move it.
    It's like these people who want to see whether a host is reachable before they try to connect to it. Just do the connect!
    Any other approach to this sort of problem and you are trying to predict the future. You are fortune-telling.

  • HT1473 Why do my file get moved

    I have my media files organized in folders. When ever I Add Folders to Library, all my files are moved to one folder. How can I stop this happening?

    I have the "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to Library" unticked but it still does to. Very annoying!!!

  • Word files are locked after being edited on Win machines

    I have just setup a brand new mac mini server with Mac OS 10.6.7 Server.
    Several Mac (via AFP) and Win clients (via SMB) access files on the server.
    In general, everything's OK.
    However, when a Win machine (with Word2007) edits (or creates) a word file, the same file results an error message in Word 2011 when a mac tries to open it. It says, the file is being used by another user - which is not the case, and the same error happens even if the machine that edited the files is switched off. Even if the file is copied, the copy still retains that "locked"-information.
    However, when I hit "cancel" and then immediately try to open the file again, it opens without a hitch. And once, it was opened on a mac, I can edit, save, open, etc. as I like. Until, a Win machine edits the file. If a Win machine only opens it, no damage is done.
    This is extremely annoying. Anyone any ideas?
    One last tidbit: I employed a Win2003 server before instead of the mini and I had the exact same problem. So it doesn't seem to be related to the server. It's really driving me nuts.

    I have the same problem. I solved it by saving with another name, then removing the old file, and renaming the new back to the original name. Still, after Windows client edits it again, it wont let you save again with a Mac to the same filename. Gladly we have only few files that are edited between Macs and Windows users. But it's still very annoying.

  • How to Delete imported JPEGS after matching RAW files are imported as masters

    Using a 5D Mark III and shoot JPEG (SD) and RAW (CF).
    Aperture 3.5.1, using a managed library
    Perviously, using a 7D so new to shooting JPEG and RAWs from an aperture Aperture workflow standpoint.
    I know that i can import the JPEGs > delete images that do not make the cut > then import the matching RAW files in the import dialogue that correspond to the JPEGs in the Aperture Library.
    I use the RAW files as my Camera Master images and once the RAW files are imported, the smaller resolution JPEGs are no longer needed or viewed in my normal edit workflow.  I only need the JPEGs to quickly go through the images to find out which RAW files i need to import at a later time to increase the speed of import > edit > deliver.
    My Assumptions:
    1.  Logic would lead me to believe that after import the user should see a stack like image representation with whatever file type is considered Master to be on top and the viewable secondary file type on the bottom.  clicking on the image stack should allow you to see both file types as you would normally see with image stacks with the same files types.  This is not the case...  What am i missing here?
    2.  Logic again would lead me to believe that when i have the ability to delete one of the 2 image types as i do not need both in the end.  After the import process is complete and RAWs are backed up, I want to delete the JPEG files as they are just taking up more space on my DAS drive array...  There is no need to keep a duplicate of every file in both JPEG and RAW format.  This is not the case as when i delete the JPEG or RAW, both files formats are deleted simultaneously.  What am i missing here?
    Problems: (correspond to Assumptions above)
    1.  I do not seem to have access to both images (JPEG & RAW) in a stack where i can expand and close the stack to see both?  It seems like i only have access to the image type i have selected as Master?  This seems counter intuitive to what the workflow should be as why would aperture 'lock the secondary file types away' so you can't easily view both file types as the same time for comparison?
    2a.  Reality seems to be that i do not have access to the JPEG and RAW image files.  I can only see one at a time by selecting the images and choosing 'make JPEG master’ and then respectively... 'make RAW master', but you can't see both at the same time for file comparison.
    2b.  Also, I can't find a way to delete the JPEG images after the RAW files have been imported.  I would presume most professional photographers shoot RAW and do not shoot JPEG as their camera master or editing master images.  I do not understand why aperture has captured both as a pair in the library that does not allow me to delete the JPEG (in this case) as i have selected the RAW as my master.
    If someone can please help...  The function seems like either i am missing something obvious or that the implemented function of using RAW + JPEGs files for import is broken from a real world workflow standpoint.

    thank you for clearing that up for me.
    I think that at this point it is silly to use the JPEG+RAW import functionality as it seems that it takes longer to do the above steps than to just import only the RAW files and press on from there.
    I seems what i have done in the past of only importing the RAW files and then using the quick preview functionality to reduce image load times is the best thing in can come up with without keeping 'duplicates' in the database.
    That really baffels me that there is no built in functionality to remove the JPEG from a RAW+JPEG pair and i wonder how the real world photographers who help Apple test and implement software to solve real world workflow problems thought the JPEG+RAW import was going to be used.
    I do understand that i can use a smaller JPEG file size to reduce the bloat of the database, but used over hundreds of thousands of images is certainly going to make a dent in my total aperture database size and therefore storage needs down the road.
    If you have any other workflow thoughts, or know of a 3rd party plugin/ etc... to fix this obvious shortcoming then i am all ears..
    thank you again Leonie and have a great week

  • One of my imported MOV files turns "black" after editing with it for a time and I can't retrieve the images. This has happened three times, only this file. The placeholder is still there. Files are fine on hard drive. What gives? how to stop this?

    One of my imported MOV files turns "black" after editing with it for a time and I can't retrieve the images. This has happened three times, only this file. The placeholder is still there. Files are fine on hard drive. What gives? how to stop this? is in final cut pro 10.1.4

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