JTable cell being edited after model changed.

I have a fairly simple JTable, with a implementation of AbstractTableModel supplying the data. The cells are edited by using a JComboBox. I wrap these into a DefaultCellEditor. I have a KeyListener attached to the JTable listening for VK_DELETE, and when it finds one, instructs the model to delete the row represented by the selected row in the table.
Everything works fine until I want to delete a row from the table. My scenario is:
- I click in a cell, and the editor opens.
- I select an entry in the list. The editor closes, the result is rendered, and the wee yellow box around the cell is shown
- I hit the delete key.
- My key listener picks up the event, and informs the model to delete the row. I remove the row from the model and invoke fireTableDataChanged().
The result is that the row is deleted, but the table ends up with the cell editor deployed on the cell of the row below (which is now at the same row as the one I just deleted).
My tracing shows that the isCellEditable is called on the model after the delete. I don't know why.
Can anyone explain how to prevent this or what might be causing the table to think that the cell needs editing?
Thanks, Andrew

It will do whatever is the default. I wrap the JComboBox in a DefaultCellEditor. I can't see how the editor is involved at this point, or why the editor becomes involved after the row has been deleted.
Remember, at the time that I hit the delete key, there is no editor rendered or visible. I have the JTable displayed, a row selected, and the yellow box around one of the (editable but not currently being edited) cells. This has been achieved by editing a cell (displaying the cell editor - a combo box) and selecting an entry. The editor is removed, and the cell displayed with the (default) cell renderer for the table.
The delete action is caught by the listener on the table, the model is instructed to delete a row from its underlying data, which fires a fireTableDataChanged event.
That is all I do. After that it is all swing. The table model starts getting asked about cells being editable after I have finished deleting the row. I'll post the relevant code below if that helps.
The datamodel is of class ConstraintTableModel (see below) and the column model is of class DefaultTableColumnModel
JTable table = new JTable( dataModel, columnModel );The column model is defined liike so:
columnModel = new DefaultTableColumnModel();
TableColumn labelColumn = new TableColumn(ConstraintTableModel.LABEL_COLUMN);
labelColumn.setHeaderValue( dataModel.getColumnName(ConstraintTableModel.LABEL_COLUMN));
labelColumn.setPreferredWidth( 5 );
labelColumn.setMaxWidth( 5 );
labelColumn.setResizable( false );
TableColumn taskColumn = new TableColumn(ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN);
taskColumn.setHeaderValue( dataModel.getColumnName(ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN));
TableColumn typeColumn = new TableColumn(ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN);
typeColumn.setHeaderValue( dataModel.getColumnName(ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN));
columnModel.addColumn( labelColumn );
columnModel.addColumn( taskColumn );
columnModel.addColumn( typeColumn );I add the key listener like so:
table.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter()
    public void keyPressed( KeyEvent e )
      if( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE )
        log.debug("Delete pressed in listener attached to table ");
        JTable t = (JTable) e.getSource();
        int selectedRow = t.getSelectedRow();
        if( selectedRow >= 0 )
          log.debug("  Removing row " + selectedRow);
        log.debug("Finished with key press");
  } );The cell editor is created like this:
JComboBox taskEditorComponent = new JComboBox( tasksModel );
taskEditorComponent.setFont( GanttChart.tableFont );
taskEditorComponent.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
DefaultCellEditor taskEditor = new DefaultCellEditor(taskEditorComponent);
taskEditor.setClickCountToStart( 1 );
table.setDefaultEditor( GanttTask.class, taskEditor );The model is coded like so:
class ConstraintTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
    // Constants
    public static final int LABEL_COLUMN = 0;
    public static final int TASK_COLUMN = 1;
    public static final int TYPE_COLUMN = 2;
    private Vector          columnNames;
    private ArrayList       dataRows;
    public ConstraintTableModel()
     * Every row in the table is a GanttConstraint. Therefore when deciding what to
     * display in any particular column of the table, we need to determine what the
     * column is, and then use the informatino in the GanttConstraint to go out to the
     * lookup and get the relevant object, and value to display.
    public Object getValueAt( int row, int col )
        Object          returnObject = "";
        GanttConstraint aConstraint = (GanttConstraint) this.getDataRows().get( row );
        // We're rendering the task column. If there's no task id (partially filled in row)
        // return blank otherwise return the master task
        else if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN )
            if( aConstraint.getMasterId() != null )
                GanttTask masterTask = (GanttTask) real.getLookup().get( aConstraint.getMasterId() );
                returnObject = masterTask;
        // We're rendering the type column. If there's no type (partially filled in row)
        // return blank otherwise return the constraint type
        else if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN )
            if( aConstraint.getType() != null )
                GanttConstraintType constraintType = (GanttConstraintType) GanttConstraintType.getConstraintTypes()
                                                                                                 .get( aConstraint.getType()
                                                                                                                  .intValue() );
                returnObject = constraintType;
        return returnObject;
     * When we receive this message, we are handed an object of the type specified in
     * getColumnClass. We need to take this object and place the relevant information into
     * the GanttConstraint row in the table model.
     * Depending on whether the row being modified is an existing row or a new row, set
     * the state of the constraint appropriately.
     * @see javax.swing.table.TableModel#setValueAt(java.lang.Object, int, int)
    public void setValueAt( Object value, int row, int col )
        log.debug( "+setValueAt (row/col) " + row + "/" + col );
        if ( value == null )
            log.debug( "  handed a null value. Returning" );
        GanttConstraint aConstraint = (GanttConstraint) this.getDataRows().get( row );
        // If we are modifying the primer row, add another primer row.
        if( row == ( this.getRowCount() - 1 ) ) // Last row is always the primer
            log.debug( "  adding a primer row" );
        // We're modifying the Task data. Get the GanttTask handed to us and place it
        // into the master slot in the constraint.
        if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN ) // Task
            log.debug( "  updating the master task" );
            GanttTask selectedTask = (GanttTask) value;
            aConstraint.setMaster( selectedTask );
        // We're modifying the Type data. Get the GanttConstraintType handed to us and place it
        // into the type slot in the constraint.
        if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN ) // Constraint type
            log.debug( "  updating the constraint type" );
            GanttConstraintType selectedConstraintType = (GanttConstraintType) value;
            aConstraint.setType( selectedConstraintType.getType() );
        log.debug( "-setValueAt" );
    public Class getColumnClass( int col )
        Class columnClass = super.getColumnClass( col );
        if( col == ConstraintTableModel.LABEL_COLUMN )
            columnClass = String.class;
        if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN )
            columnClass = GanttTask.class;
        if( col == ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN )
            columnClass = GanttConstraintType.class;
        return columnClass;
    // We are handing the data storage
    public void setDataRows( ArrayList dataRows )
        this.dataRows = dataRows;
    public boolean isCellEditable( int row, int col )
        log.debug( "+isCellEditable (row/col) " + row + "/" + col );
        if( !real.canEdit() )
            return false;
        if( ( col == ConstraintTableModel.TASK_COLUMN ) ||
                ( col == ConstraintTableModel.TYPE_COLUMN ) )
            return true;
            return false;
    // We are handing the data storage
    public ArrayList getDataRows()
        return this.dataRows;
    public String getColumnName( int column )
        return (String) this.getColumnNames().get( column );
     * Clean up rows that do not have both the master task and type set. Not interested in them
    public void removeDirtyRows()
        log.debug( "+removeDirtyRows" );
        Iterator dataIterator = this.getDataRows().iterator();
        while( dataIterator.hasNext() )
            GanttConstraint element = (GanttConstraint) dataIterator.next();
            if( ( element.getMasterId() == null ) || ( element.getType() == null ) )
        log.debug( "-removeDirtyRows" );
    public void removeRow( int row )
        log.debug( "+removeRow(" + row + ")" );
        if( row < this.getDataRows().size() )
            GanttConstraint aConstraint = (GanttConstraint) this.getDataRows().get( row );
            this.getDataRows().remove( row );
            if( aConstraint.isClone() )
                getClone().removeConstraint( aConstraint );
        if( this.getRowCount() == 0 )
        log.debug( "-removeRow" );
    public void clearRow( int row )
        log.debug( "+clearRow(" + row + ")" );
        if( row < this.getDataRows().size() )
            GanttConstraint aConstraint = (GanttConstraint) this.getDataRows().get( row );
            aConstraint.setMasterId( null );
            aConstraint.setType( null );
            fireTableRowsUpdated( row, row );
        log.debug( "-clearRow" );
    public int getColumnCount()
        return getColumnNames().size();
    public int getRowCount()
        return dataRows.size();
     * The table will be filled with constraints relevant to 'clone'.
    private void buildDataVector()
        ArrayList  data = new ArrayList( 1 );
        Collection allConstraints = getClone().getStartConstraints();
        allConstraints.addAll( getClone().getEndConstraints() );
        Iterator constraintIter = allConstraints.iterator();
        while( constraintIter.hasNext() )
            GanttConstraint element = (GanttConstraint) constraintIter.next();
            if( element.getType().equals( GanttConstraint.START_SPECIFIED ) ||
                    element.getType().equals( GanttConstraint.FINISH_FROM_DURATION ) )
                data.add( element );
        this.setDataRows( data );
    private Vector getColumnNames()
        if( columnNames == null )
            columnNames = new Vector( 3 );
            columnNames.add( " " ); // Needs space otherwise all the headers disappear
            columnNames.add( "Task" );
            columnNames.add( "Constraint" );
        return columnNames;
    private void addPrimerRow()
        log.debug( "+addPrimerRow" );
        // Create a constraint for the 'clone' task. Set it as transient until validation
        // where we will deal with it if necessary.
        GanttConstraint primer = new GanttConstraint( real.getLookup() );
        primer.setObjectId( chart.getNextUniqueId() );
        primer.setSlave( getClone() );
        primer.setProject( getClone().getProject() );
        getClone().addConstraint( primer );
        this.getDataRows().add( primer );
        int lastRow = this.getRowCount() - 1;
        fireTableRowsInserted( lastRow, lastRow );
        log.debug( "-addPrimerRow" );

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    Hi there
    Depending on your table model you should normally change the "cell value" of the tablemodel.
    This could look like:
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    Hope this helps you

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                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
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    ***************** end code example **************************************
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    Thanks for the tip on code formatting tags camickr. I'm (obviously) new to the forums.
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    Does that answer your question?
    Thanks again,

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    Edit: removed
    Cross posted
    Edited by: Darryl Burke

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         Take a look at this related discussion.  Others have been experiencing the same issue.  I hope that this discussion will help you resolve your issue.  All the best...
    Syd Rodocker
    iTunes U Administrator
    Tennessee State Department of Education
    Tennessee's Electronic Learning Center

  • Data changes in JTable cell.

    Hi all,
    On editing a cell in a Jtable ,necessary changes must get enforced in the corresponding cells of the same JTable.For example,I have fields called Quantity ,SalePrice and TotalAmount in a Jtable,where the Quantity field is editable.When i edit the Quantity value,a calculation (Changed Quantity *SalePrice)=TotalPrice must happen .Hence the Total Amount field must get Updated now.This must occur when I edit the Quantity and press Tab.No Button action is involved.Please tell me how to do this.the JTable does not use any TableModel.Thanks in advance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    As I said in your other post, your table does have a model.
    What you seem to be saying is that your table has some calculated columns. If so then you should create an explicit table model so that when a cell is update the setValueAt() method performs any calculations based on this change and updates the rest of the model.
    Remember to fire the appropriate events after the change.

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    I am having troubles trying to catch a key event while the user is entering text inside a given JTable cell (x/y location). The JTable only seems to manage String objects in it's cells so I can't place a JTextField in there with a KeyListener on it.
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    If you want to know when the contents of a cell have been updated you should use a TableModelListener.
    If you want to know when a character is added/removed from the cell editor then you need to first understand how this works with a simple text field.
    Typically you would use a DocumentListener to receive notifies of a change to the text field. However, within the DocumentEvent you wouldn't be able to change the text field as this notification comes after the text field has already been updated.
    If you need to ability to intercept changes to the text field before they happen, then you would need to use a DocumentFilter. An example of using a DocumentFilter is given in the Swing tutorial on [url http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/generaltext.html#filter]Text Component Features.
    Once you get your regular text field working the way you want, the next step to create a DefaultCellEditor using this JTextField and use this editor in your JTable. The above tutorial also has a section on using editors in a table.

  • ABAP WD: Editable Table - Identifying changed cells

    I have a requirement to create editable table. I have been successful in doing so. However, I have the following requirement.
    1) In case the user changes a particular column in a particular row, how will I get to know only that particular row/column  is changed?
    For ex:If the table has 20 rows, user changes the second column in 18th row without selecting that row, then how can I identify that only second column of row no 18 has been changed. Without this being accomplished, everytime user makes changes I have to delete these 20 rows and re-insert these 20 rows into the database.
    I checked that ALV provides classes for identifying changed rows but I want to use table because I need to use pop-in.

    Hi Maksim Rashchynski,
    Thanks for the reply.
    1) I wanted a way to know the changed columns/rows by a user in an editable table.
    For ex: In ALV, event ON_DATA_CHECK is triggered when data that has been changed is checked in an editable ALV output and T_MODIFIED_CELLS gives Position and values of cells after the change has been made. DO we have something like that in editable table?
    2) onLeadSelect is fired only when the lead selection happen.
    For ex: When you show editable table with say 20 rows, the first row is selected by default. Now user can change say 2nd column in 2nd row without changing the lead selection. In such a case, onLeadSelect would not be of help.

  • Start or stop edit jtable cell editing

    I got a problem with the jtable DefaultModel isCellEditable.
    If I set the IsCellEditable to false, I would not be able to enable the cell selection as and when I want it.
    What I have in mind is the add a mouselister so that if the user select a row using fast left mouse click like the procedure shown below
    private class MouseClickHandler extends MouseAdapter {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {
    int no_mouseclick = 0;
    no_mouseclick = event.getClickCount();
    if (no_mouseclick >= 2) {
    int cur_row = 0;
    cur_row = table.getSelectedRow();
    // table.setColumnSelectionAllowed(true);
    // table.setRowSelectionAllowed(true);
    for (int i=0;i<table.getColumnCount();i++){
    System.out.println("mouse row--->" + cur_row);
    I could overwrite the IsCellEditable to true to enable that particular or cell contains in that row to be able to accept input and overwrite any data which in my case obtained from the Sql database a sort of like input module using tabulation . I am also thinking of using text component or combobox to display the value for user selection , but I do not know how to enable a particular cell for editing if the Jtable created is using a non-editable DefaultModel. If I set the IsCellEditable to true, every single cell would be enable for editing , and this defeat the purpose of enable user input only upon double mouseclicks.
    By the way , I am interested to know how to track the data changes in the cell within the jtable so that only those have been modified are notify from the Table model and updated into the Sql table
    Could anyone of you out there provide some hints please

    Tablemodellistener could detect the changes in the data, how about the backend database updating and transactional activity that must be associated with the data changes?
    What is on my mind is that , the moment there is changes in the data detected by the TableModellistener, whatever records associated with or brougt up by Jtable would be all deleted from the database and then follow by the new set of new records to be inserted into the database. The disadvantage of this method is that everytime the backend database connection and activity need to be executed the moment there is a change in the data in the jtable cell. For example the user may be just amendment to only one cell , but all the records associated need to be deleted and then inserted again.
    Perhaps there are better solution to deal with Jtable and JDBC backend connection where in this case, I am using JDO to undertake the database activity like the observable modelling .
    Could someone provide the hint please

  • Non-editable JTable cells?

    Is there any way to make all the cells in a JTable non-editable? In the API I see the isEditable method, but no setEditable method. Any suggestions?

    You have to set it in the TableModel.
    TableModel model = new AbstractTableModel()
    public int getRowCount()
    return 10;
    public int getColumnCount()
    return 5;
    public Object getValueAt(int row, int column)
    return "( "+row+","+column+" )";
    public boolean isCellEditable(int row,int column)
    return false;
    The one given above is a sample to show you how to set a cell non-editable on the cell. You have to customize it for your table model.

  • [svn:osmf:] 15527: Fix bug FM-696: Capability change events being dispatched after the trait to which they refer has been modified .

    Revision: 15527
    Revision: 15527
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-04-16 17:21:06 -0700 (Fri, 16 Apr 2010)
    Log Message:
    Fix bug FM-696: Capability change events being dispatched after the trait to which they refer has been modified.  Updated unit tests.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Major Update: The G-Keys can now be edited without recompiling by editing shell scripts at "/usr/share/g15daemon/macros/"
    Each button has it's own script file named by it's label (e.g. to edit the functionality of G1, open the script named G1.) The button will try to execute the scripts as programs, so make sure they are executable (chmod +x) and as long as the name remains the same, if you want to replace the files with something different, know that the arguments currently given to the files ($1 and $2) are ($1)on/off and ($2)0-2  (where 0 is M1 and 2 is M3)
    To download the updated sources, go here (only the g15daemon source/patch was updated). This thread's OP has been updated.
    Last edited by rabcor (2015-02-12 04:46:48)

Maybe you are looking for