JQuery Tabs

I am trying to use JQuery tabs in my application. I have got them working but have hit a snag that I cannot seem to get passed.
All my tabs contain reports with links to other pages. I f I click on a tab and then on a edit link I go to another page. When I return to my tab page, it defaults to the first tab (ie first tab is always active). I need the last tab clicked to be the active one.
On advice I installed the jquery.cookie.js and added this code in my page header, but to no avail.
<script type="text/javascript" src="&JAVASCRIPT_DIR.jquery/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" href="&CSS_DIR.jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="&JAVASCRIPT_DIR.jquery/jqueryui/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="&JAVASCRIPT_DIR.jquery/jqueryui/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$tabs = $("#tabs_start_reg");
$tabs.tabs( {collapsible: true });
$tabs.tabs({ cookie: { expires: 30 }});
I have tried playing around for a while but no success.
Any ideas appreciated

I have simple solution on my tab page:
Before tabs i have:
&lt;div id="contentBody"&gt;
&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href="#name1"&gt;&lt;span&gt;name1&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href="#name2"&gt;&lt;span&gt;name2&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href="#name3"&gt;&lt;span&gt;name3&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href="#name4"&gt;&lt;span&gt;name4&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
and after:
when linking to page just add #name4 to your link if you want to display last tab
Piotr Jasiński

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    .ui-corner-bottom { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; }
    .ui-corner-right {  -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; }
    .ui-corner-left { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; }
    .ui-corner-all { -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; }
    /* Overlays */
    .ui-widget-overlay { background: #aaaaaa url(images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png) 50% 50% repeat-x; opacity: .30;filter:Alpha(Opacity=30); }
    .ui-widget-shadow { margin: -8px 0 0 -8px; padding: 8px; background: #aaaaaa url(images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png) 50% 50% repeat-x; opacity: .30;filter:Alpha(Opacity=30); -moz-border-radius: 8px; -webkit-border-radius: 8px; }/* Accordion
    .ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header { cursor: pointer; position: relative; margin-top: 1px; zoom: 1; }
    .ui-accordion .ui-accordion-li-fix { display: inline; }
    .ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header-active { border-bottom: 0 !important; }
    .ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header a { display: block; font-size: 1em; padding: .5em .5em .5em 2.2em; }
    .ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header .ui-icon { position: absolute; left: .5em; top: 50%; margin-top: -8px; }
    .ui-accordion .ui-accordion-content { padding: 1em 2.2em; border-top: 0; margin-top: -2px; position: relative; top: 1px; margin-bottom: 2px; overflow: auto; display: none; }
    .ui-accordion .ui-accordion-content-active { display: block; }/* Datepicker
    .ui-datepicker { width: 17em; padding: .2em .2em 0; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-header { position:relative; padding:.2em 0; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next { position:absolute; top: 2px; width: 1.8em; height: 1.8em; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev-hover, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next-hover { top: 1px; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev { left:2px; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next { right:2px; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev-hover { left:1px; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next-hover { right:1px; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev span, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next span { display: block; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -8px; top: 50%; margin-top: -8px;  }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-title { margin: 0 2.3em; line-height: 1.8em; text-align: center; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-title select { float:left; font-size:1em; margin:1px 0; }
    .ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-month-year {width: 100%;}
    .ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-month,
    .ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-year { width: 49%;}
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-title select.ui-datepicker-year { float: right; }
    .ui-datepicker table {width: 100%; font-size: .9em; border-collapse: collapse; margin:0 0 .4em; }
    .ui-datepicker th { padding: .7em .3em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; border: 0;  }
    .ui-datepicker td { border: 0; padding: 1px; }
    .ui-datepicker td span, .ui-datepicker td a { display: block; padding: .2em; text-align: right; text-decoration: none; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { background-image: none; margin: .7em 0 0 0; padding:0 .2em; border-left: 0; border-right: 0; border-bottom: 0; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button { float: right; margin: .5em .2em .4em; cursor: pointer; padding: .2em .6em .3em .6em; width:auto; overflow:visible; }
    .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button.ui-datepicker-current { float:left; }
    /* with multiple calendars */
    .ui-datepicker.ui-datepicker-multi { width:auto; }
    .ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group { float:left; }
    .ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group table { width:95%; margin:0 auto .4em; }
    .ui-datepicker-multi-2 .ui-datepicker-group { width:50%; }
    .ui-datepicker-multi-3 .ui-datepicker-group { width:33.3%; }
    .ui-datepicker-multi-4 .ui-datepicker-group { width:25%; }
    .ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group-last .ui-datepicker-header { border-left-width:0; }
    .ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group-middle .ui-datepicker-header { border-left-width:0; }
    .ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { clear:left; }
    .ui-datepicker-row-break { clear:both; width:100%; }
    /* RTL support */
    .ui-datepicker-rtl { direction: rtl; }
    .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-prev { right: 2px; left: auto; }
    .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-next { left: 2px; right: auto; }
    .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-prev:hover { right: 1px; left: auto; }
    .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-next:hover { left: 1px; right: auto; }
    .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { clear:right; }
    .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button { float: left; }
    .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button.ui-datepicker-current { float:right; }
    .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-group { float:right; }
    .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-group-last .ui-datepicker-header { border-right-width:0; border-left-width:1px; }
    .ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-group-middle .ui-datepicker-header { border-right-width:0; border-left-width:1px; }
    /* IE6 IFRAME FIX (taken from datepicker 1.5.3 */
    .ui-datepicker-cover {
    display: none; /*sorry for IE5*/
    display/**/: block; /*sorry for IE5*/
    position: absolute; /*must have*/
    z-index: -1; /*must have*/
    filter: mask(); /*must have*/
    top: -4px; /*must have*/
    left: -4px; /*must have*/
    width: 200px; /*must have*/
    height: 200px; /*must have*/
    }/* Dialog
    .ui-dialog { position: relative; padding: .2em; width: 300px; }
    .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { padding: .5em .3em .3em 1em; position: relative;  }
    .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-title { float: left; margin: .1em 0 .2em; }
    .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close { position: absolute; right: .3em; top: 50%; width: 19px; margin: -10px 0 0 0; padding: 1px; height: 18px; }
    .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close span { display: block; margin: 1px; }
    .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close:hover, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close:focus { padding: 0; }
    .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content { border: 0; padding: .5em 1em; background: none; overflow: auto; zoom: 1; }
    .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane { text-align: left; border-width: 1px 0 0 0; background-image: none; margin: .5em 0 0 0; padding: .3em 1em .5em .4em; }
    .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button { float: right; margin: .5em .4em .5em 0; cursor: pointer; padding: .2em .6em .3em .6em; line-height: 1.4em; width:auto; overflow:visible; }
    .ui-dialog .ui-resizable-se { width: 14px; height: 14px; right: 3px; bottom: 3px; }
    .ui-draggable .ui-dialog-titlebar { cursor: move; }
    /* Progressbar
    .ui-progressbar { height:2em; text-align: left; }
    .ui-progressbar .ui-progressbar-value {margin: -1px; height:100%; }/* Resizable
    .ui-resizable { position: relative;}
    .ui-resizable-handle { position: absolute;font-size: 0.1px;z-index: 99999; display: block;}
    .ui-resizable-disabled .ui-resizable-handle, .ui-resizable-autohide .ui-resizable-handle { display: none; }
    .ui-resizable-n { cursor: n-resize; height: 7px; width: 100%; top: -5px; left: 0px; }
    .ui-resizable-s { cursor: s-resize; height: 7px; width: 100%; bottom: -5px; left: 0px; }
    .ui-resizable-e { cursor: e-resize; width: 7px; right: -5px; top: 0px; height: 100%; }
    .ui-resizable-w { cursor: w-resize; width: 7px; left: -5px; top: 0px; height: 100%; }
    .ui-resizable-se { cursor: se-resize; width: 12px; height: 12px; right: 1px; bottom: 1px; }
    .ui-resizable-sw { cursor: sw-resize; width: 9px; height: 9px; left: -5px; bottom: -5px; }
    .ui-resizable-nw { cursor: nw-resize; width: 9px; height: 9px; left: -5px; top: -5px; }
    .ui-resizable-ne { cursor: ne-resize; width: 9px; height: 9px; right: -5px; top: -5px;}/* Slider
    .ui-slider { position: relative; text-align: left; }
    .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle { position: absolute; z-index: 2; width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em; cursor: default; }
    .ui-slider .ui-slider-range { position: absolute; z-index: 1; font-size: .7em; display: block; border: 0; }
    .ui-slider-horizontal { height: .8em; }
    .ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-handle { top: -.3em; margin-left: -.6em; }
    .ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-range { top: 0; height: 100%; }
    .ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-range-min { left: 0; }
    .ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-range-max { right: 0; }
    .ui-slider-vertical { width: .8em; height: 100px; }
    .ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-handle { left: -.3em; margin-left: 0; margin-bottom: -.6em; }
    .ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-range { left: 0; width: 100%; }
    .ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-range-min { bottom: 0; }
    .ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-range-max { top: 0; }/* Tabs
    .ui-tabs { padding: .2em; zoom: 1; }
    .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav { list-style: none; position: relative; padding: .2em .2em 0; }
    .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li { position: relative; float: left; border-bottom-width: 0 !important; margin: 0 .2em -1px 0; padding: 0; }
    .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li a { float: left; text-decoration: none; padding: .5em 1em; }
    .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-tabs-selected { padding-bottom: 1px; border-bottom-width: 0; }
    .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-tabs-selected a, .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-state-disabled a, .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-state-processing a { cursor: text; }
    .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li a, .ui-tabs.ui-tabs-collapsible .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-tabs-selected a { cursor: pointer; } /* first selector in group seems obsolete, but required to overcome bug in Opera applying cursor: text overall if defined elsewhere... */
    .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel { padding: 1em 1.4em; display: block; border-width: 0; background: none; }
    .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-hide { display: none !important; }
    <script type="text/javascript" src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#jquery-ui.js"></script>
    <body #ONLOAD#>#FORM_OPEN#

  • Standard jQuery tabs and an interactive report as a "tab" sub-region

    Hi all,
    I have a standard, simple implementation of jQuery tabs following the exact instructions by Patrick via this thread:
    Re: New themes in APEX 4 not working with JQuery tabs
    As one of the "tabs" (sub-regions), I want an interactive report. I use "no template".
    Problem is that when the IR is in a tab, the pop-up column menus and such are no longer aligned, e.g. I click one of the column headers of the IR and the pop-up menu shows up much lower on the screen than it should -- sometimes off the screen if I have another region above. Can anyone assist? Maybe it's a DIV tag conflict between the jQuery template and the built-in IR?
    Here is my example app:
    Also another issue I've never seen quite resolved -- on "tab2" in the above app, you see what happens when you actually use a template in the sub-region. It breaks off the encompassing parent tab.
    Sorry, if I was more savvy in the display options, I could probably solve all this -- so I'm hoping somebody else is or has already solved it and can share. Thanks so much!

    If anyone is interested, I finally found the answer to this issue. It's all here:
    Very special thanks to Stephen Blair (who owns the blog above) for the simple solution! Thanks Stephen!

  • How to go back to the current jquery tabs

    I have used Patric Wolf's method in (Re: New themes in APEX 4 not working with JQuery tabs to create the jquery tabs and it works great! Thank you Patric!
    Inside each tabs, I have a "create button" to branch to another form page to create some records. Once I finish the form page, it will branch back to the tab page. Currently, it is always branch back to the first tab.
    I want to know if it is possible to go back to the correct tab (which ever tab it branches out) after the form page?
    For example - There are three tabs in page 23.
    Tab 1 can branch to page 24
    Tab 2 can branch to page 25
    Tab 3 can branch to page 26
    There are Cancel, Apply Changes and Save Buttons in each form page (page24, 25, and 26). Once a button is clicked, it should go back to the tab (either tab1, tab2 or tab3 in page 23) that it branch out.
    Does anyone know how this can be done?
    Thank you!

    I got this figure out.
    Here is how I do it -
    I gave a Region Static ID in the "home tab" as tab-home, and also give each tab a Region Static ID as well. The first one I set the Static ID as tab-1, second one as tab-2 and so on.
    I branch back to a jQuery tab from other page like this-
    Action-> Redirect to URL (ps: 100 is the page that has the jquery tabs)
    URL target-> f?p=&APP_ID.:100:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.:::*#tab-home-tab-tab-2*
    Thank you for all the people who tried to help!
    Edited by: LC on Dec 28, 2010 3:47 PM

  • How to change the individual width of a tab in a jquery tab widget?

    I have a jquery tab like this:
    But the default width for the tabs is too short for some of the tabs with longer names, causing this to happen:
    Was just wondering how I could fix this?

    Preview your page in a Browser like Chrome, Firefox or Safari.  Use Right click > Inspect Element.  Drill down to the Tab and see which selector contains a width property.  It may be JavaScript driven so also examine the HTML source code for any inline styles.
    Nancy O.

  • Google maps in jquery tabs issue

    Can't get the map to zoom in, with one of the Business Catalyst templates, see: http://winedineoxnard.businesscatalyst.com/visit/magnavino-cellars
    The jquery tabs are causing this, but I can't figure out how to fix the issue.
    Any help would be appriciated.

    This is not a specific issue in related to BC, it is associated to map rendering when in tabbed content controlled by jQuery:
    You can google if it is spcecific to say bootstrap tabs or something else for other sollutions.

  • Creating simple jquery TABS in apex

    I am creating basic jquery TABS in apex but i realized its just not working as i thought... i really need help on this please?
    what i did created in my region i added below code
    <div id="tabs">
    <li><a href="#">Nunc tincidunt</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Proin dolor</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Aenean lacinia</a></li>
    then at page header i made references,
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" />
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="#WORKSPACES_IMAGES#style.css" />than i added child region to the above.
    but all isn't working ....your help is appreciated regards

    First off, why are you referencing a newer version of jquery than what is bundled with APEX? Here is a simple solution for your problem: http://www.warp11.nl/2011/04/tabs-within-apex-using-jquery/
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    LuvMuffin Software
    Ruckersville, VA

  • How can I edit a page which uses jQuery Tabs that are hidden in edit mode?

    My client cannot update the html5 css3 jQuery tabs as they are not visible on the page in edit mode. Is there anyway that he can update with Contribute 6.5 or is there any other CMS which would allow him to update it?

    Hello ,
    To make scripts visible in edit mode follow the below mentioned steps.
    1) Administer the website.
    2) Select the role and click Edit role settings.
    3) Uncheck the option "Protect scripts, forms and spry widgets".
    4) Click OK to save and exit.
    Hope this solves your problem.
    Thanks and Regards
    Himanshu Satija

  • Jquery tabs and missing images in theme 22

    I've successfully used the jQuery tabs template that Patrick so kindly shared in this thread [ https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=4423187] .
    However I noticed something ithe following in the error console within firebug when I go over a tab page
    "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://apex.oracle.com/i/themes/theme_22/css/images/ui-bg_highlight-hard_100_f6f6f6_1x100.png.
    We're on Apex 4.1.
    Is it simply a matter of tossing the missing image into the /i/libraries/jquery-ui/1.8/base/images folder or is there more to do in terms of loading javascript libraries etc?
    I've reproduced it on apex.oracle.com(using Firefox at least obviously).
    workspace: Apex59
    user: test
    Password: LoremIpsum
    Application :Test 22
    The jQuery tabs are on page 1.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thanks for the tip Richard.
    In theme_4_0.css for theme 22 there is a line for this (on my system);
    .ui-state-hover, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-hover, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-hover, .ui-state-focus, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-focus, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-focus { border: 1px solid #cdd5da; background: #f6f6f6 url(images/ui-bg_highlight-hard_100_f6f6f6_1x100.png) 50% 50% repeat-x; font-weight: bold; color: #111111; }So in that case I guess it's a fixable bug(?).
    I'll leave this open just for a little bit to see if the Oracle folks would care to comment.
    Thanks a lot Richard

  • New themes in APEX 4 not working with JQuery tabs

    JQuery tabs only showed on themes 13, 15, 18, 20.
    When I swicth to other themes, its not displayed like tabs

    you can simplify the the usage of jQuery tabs in APEX 4.0. You don't have to create hard coded JavaScript code for each page where you want to use them. Just use the new "Sub Region" feature and a corresponding region template.
    Here is what you have to do:
    1) Create a new template of type "Region" (create one from scratch)
    a) Name: jQuery Tabs
    b) Template Class: Custom 1
    c) Template:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="#IMAGE_PREFIX#libraries/jquery-ui/1.8/themes/base/jquery.ui.tabs.css" type="text/css" />
    <script src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#libraries/jquery-ui/1.8/ui/minified/jquery.ui.tabs.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    apex.jQuery(function() {
    </script>d) Sub Regions - Header Template:
    <ul>#ENTRIES#</ul>e) Sub Regions - Header Entry Template:
    <li><a href="##REGION_STATIC_ID#-tab-#SUB_REGION_ID#">#SUB_REGION_TITLE#</a></li>f) Sub Regions - Template:
    <div id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#-tab-#SUB_REGION_ID#">#SUB_REGION#</div>2) On the page where you want to have jQuery tabs, add a new "HTML" region which acts as the container for the "tabs". Set the region template to your new "jQuery tabs" template.
    3) Create as many sub regions (that are the actual tabs). It's just important that you set the "Parent Region" to your container region you just created before. As region template I would pick "No Template" or any other template you want to have.
    That's it. As you can see now from the region structure it's very obvious for any developer developer what regions are part of the jQuery tabs.

  • JQuery tabs: cookie and "selected" wont work together

    I am using jQuery tabs with six tabs to show a bunch of reports, with a few reports on each tab. I am using the jQuery cookie plugin to remember the tab - this works ok. Page submit is slow because all reports are refreshed unconditionally each time a submit is called. I want to add a condition so that only the report on the currently selected tab is refreshed. Ideally, I want to maintain the tab# in a hidden item and create a condition for each report (or region) to only display when it's tab is selected.
    Jari's blog article shows how to assign the tab number to a page item
    But using "selected" seems to break the cookie: after changing the tab (and correctly updating the page item), the next submit changes the tab to the prior one selected. I cannot get both to work at once. I never want to reset the selected tab from the one in the cookie ; I only want to save the selected tab#. Users can only change tabs by clicking on a tab. I am not much of a javascript developer so it is likely to be something trivial.
    This is my page header javascript - you can see where I've added a chunk of Jari's code.
    <script type="text/javascript">
       $tabs = $("#PANE_1_T");
            var a=new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,"APPLICATION_PROCESS=DUMMY",&APP_PAGE_ID.)
            var r=a.get();
        $tabs.tabs({ cookie: { expires: 1}});     
    </script>(Apex 3.2.1)
    What am I doing wrong?
    Any help appreciated!
    Mark Teehan, Singapore

    If you submit/reload page you can not set condition that only one report is "refreshed".
    When you submit and page reloads again all regions are loaded what you have on page.
    Of course you can set condition that all regions are not shown, but as I understand you are not looking for that.
    In Apex 3.2, you could call $a_report function to partial page refresh only one report.
    Or use various other JavaScript and Ajax method to refresh only one report.
    And as I understand, you have same info in cookie and item if you could use those in same time. Why not just use that item? Then you do not need load cookie plugin.
    You could change code
            var a=new htmldb_Get(null, &APP_ID., "APPLICATION_PROCESS=DUMMY", &APP_PAGE_ID.)
            a.add("P17000_SELECTED_TAB", u.index);
            var r=a.get();
           $s("P17000_SELECTED_TAB", u.index);
         });To set item value also in HTML document so you can access it easily using JavaScript.
    Below part is change and set item value in HTML document
    $s("P17000_SELECTED_TAB", u.index);Regards,

  • How to Convert Jquery Tabs To A URL Link When Selected

    The following page has three tabs in the content area. Courier Times, The Intelligencer and Burlington County Times. http://www.phillyburbs.com/test/pbnew/
    When one of the tabs is selected, I want the tab to then become a link to a differnet page. Does anyone know how to write this in jquery?

    Beginning on line 1239 of your HTML code,  change href="http://example.com" to your desired URLs:
    <div style="padding-bottom: 10px; display: block" class="tabsetb" id="alltabs">
    <a id="newNavButtonsPB-01" class="tabb active" rel="tncms-block-130437" href="http://example.com">Bucks County Courier Times</a>
    <a id="newNavButtonsPB-02" class="tabb" rel="tncms-block-130443" href="http://example.com">The Intelligencer</a>
    <a id="newNavButtonsPB-03" class="tabb" rel="tncms-block-130511" href="http://example.com">Burlington County Times</a>
    Nancy O.

  • Using a jQuery list box placed onto a tab control doesn't seem to work for posting?

    I developed a U.I. in Dreamweaver for a  product and have several list boxes that use the onChange modifier to collect what the user selects from the list. I use the onChange=this.form.submit() function to grab the user's selection from the list box..
    When this dropdown list box code is placed onto a form, it posts properly and I can retrieve the user's list selection.  If however I place the list box code onto a Tab page from a jQuery Tab Control, developed in Dreamweaver, the posting doesn't seem to work.
    I must be missing something because identical code is working fine when the list box code is placed on a form yet when the code is repeated from within a Tab, it isn't working.
    The code is simple, and shown below).  The list values are coming from a MySQL table.
    $MyQuantity_query="SELECT * FROM Quantity_Table";
    $MyQuantity_Result=mysqli_query($cxn,$MyQuantity_query) or Die ("Cannot connect");
    echo"<select name='ThisQuantity[$RowCounter]' value='ThisQuantity[$Rowcounter]' onChange='this.form.submit()'><option value='-1' selected>Qty</option>";
       echo"<option value='$Qty_Number'>$Qty_Number</option>";
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.
    [email protected]

    Thanks you.
    I tried placing the selection list inside of
    tags but posting still doesn’t seem to be working? 

Maybe you are looking for