[JS] ScriptUI - URL Links in Dialogues

I have a left field question, is it possible to put a hyperlink to a web URL in a scriptUI window?
I have some video tutorials that I want to be able to link to from the UI and at the moment all I can do is have a button going to a new alert/promt containing a url instructing the user to copy and paste in their browser.
Can this link be directly placed as a hyperlink in the palette?
Just wondering...

Hi Roy,
Make a button and use a code like this one from Harbs
See http://forums.adobe.com/message/4390237#4390237
function GotoLink(url){
            url = url || "http://in-tools.com";
                    var body = 'tell application "Finder"\ropen location "'+url+'"\rend tell';
                } else {
                    var body =  'dim objShell\rset objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")\rstr = "'+url+'"\robjShell.ShellExecute str, "", "", "open", 1 '
            else {
                linkJumper = File(Folder.temp.absoluteURI+"/link.html");
                var linkBody = '<html><head><META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL='+url+'"></head><body> <p></body></html>'

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    and I want it to state this,
    but I want the link to direct to
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    Is this even possible?
    Any advise?

    try67 wrote:
    Actually, it is possible to specify your own tooltip text, if you use a
    button instead of a link.
    You just set the button's action to "Open a weblink" and it will act the
    same as a link, but you'll have more control over how it looks and behaves.
    Hi there
    I cant see the term "Open a weblink". Can you advise please?
    Also then how do you change the "Tooltip text" please?

  • How to change URL/link in cFolders email notification

    Hi Folks,
    We are on cFolders 4.5 accessed via Enterprise Portal. When a notification is generated (either manually or via a status transition), the email contains a URL link related to the cfolder object the notification pertains to. This URL points to the cFolders BSP application. How do we point this to the portal? We want all user to access cFolders via the portal and not BSP. Any way to achieve this?

    Hello Lashan,
    could you please tell me the note number?
    Here we also would like to implement the same.
    Thanks in advance,

  • How to display URL images and URL link (html) from Smartforms?

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm having difficulty on how to display targeted URL images and URL link from the smartforms, after i sending it out as html mail. The mail i sent just can be preview as a plain text, which can't execute the html code that i put inside the smartforms itself. I follow a few step from this very useful blog.. Hopefully, you guys can give me some solutions or ideas on this.
    /people/pavan.bayyapu/blog/2005/08/30/sending-html-email-from-sap-crmerp -thanks to Pavan for his useful blog.
    My code is like this..
    <--- Start Code.
    FORM call_smartforms.
      DATA : lv_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
             lc_true(1) VALUE 'X',
             lw_control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop,
             lw_output_options TYPE ssfcompop,
             lc_graphics(8) VALUE 'GRAPHICS',
             lw_xsfparam_line TYPE ssfxsfp,
             lc_extract(7) VALUE 'EXTRACT',
             lc_graphics_directory(18) VALUE 'GRAPHICS-DIRECTORY',
             lc_mygraphics(11) VALUE 'mygraphics/',
             lc_content_id(10) VALUE 'CONTENT-ID',
             lc_enable(6) VALUE 'ENABLE',
             lw_job_output_info TYPE ssfcrescl,
             lw_html_data TYPE trfresult,
             lw_graphics TYPE ssf_xsf_gr,
             lt_graphics TYPE tsf_xsf_gr,
             lv_html_xstr TYPE xstring,
             lw_html_raw LIKE LINE OF lw_html_data-content,
             lv_incode TYPE tcp00-cpcodepage VALUE '4110',
             lv_html_str TYPE string,
             lv_html_len TYPE i,
             lc_utf8(5) VALUE 'utf-8',
             lc_latin1(6) VALUE 'latin1',
             lv_offset TYPE i,
             lv_length TYPE i,
             lv_diff TYPE i,
             lt_soli TYPE soli_tab,
             lw_soli TYPE soli,
             lc_mime_helper TYPE REF TO cl_gbt_multirelated_service,
             lv_name TYPE mime_text VALUE 'sapwebform.htm',
             lv_xstr TYPE xstring,
             lw_raw TYPE bapiconten,
             lt_solix TYPE solix_tab,
             lw_solix TYPE solix,
             lv_filename TYPE string,
             lv_content_id TYPE string,
             lv_content_type TYPE w3conttype,
             lv_obj_len TYPE so_obj_len,
             lv_bmp TYPE so_fileext VALUE 'BMP',
             lv_description TYPE so_obj_des VALUE 'Graphic in BMP format',
             lc_doc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
             lc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
             lc_send_exception TYPE REF TO cx_root,
             lw_adsmtp TYPE lty_adsmtp,
             lv_mail_address TYPE ad_smtpadr,
             lc_recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
             lc_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
             lv_sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean.
      DATA : v_language TYPE sflangu VALUE 'E',
             v_e_devtype TYPE rspoptype.
      v_form_name = 'ZTEST_EMAIL'.
          formname           = v_form_name
          fm_name            = v_namef
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
    starting here. ***
    Set title for the output
      lv_subject = 'Smartforms.'.
    Set control parameters to "no dialog"
      lw_control_parameters-no_dialog = lc_true.
    IF lw_service_subject-code = lc_fm1.
    *--- To get output device type
          i_language    = v_language
          i_application = 'SAPDEFAULT'
          e_devtype     = v_e_devtype.
      lw_output_options-tdprinter = v_e_devtype.
      lw_control_parameters-getotf = 'X'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
    Set output options
      lw_output_options-xsf        = lc_true.
      lw_output_options-xsfcmode   = lc_true.
      lw_output_options-xsfoutmode = 'A'.
      lw_output_options-xsfoutdev  = space.
      lw_output_options-xsfformat  = lc_true.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_graphics.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_extract.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_graphics_directory.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_mygraphics.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_content_id.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_enable.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
    Get the smartform content
      CALL FUNCTION v_namef
          control_parameters   = lw_control_parameters
          output_options       = lw_output_options
    *pass other application specific parameters (eg order number, items ).
          job_output_info    = lw_job_output_info
          tt_tabh              = tt_tabh
          tt_tabb              = tt_tabb
          tt_tabf              = tt_tabf
          formatting_error = 1
          internal_error   = 2
          send_error       = 3
          user_canceled    = 4
          OTHERS           = 5.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
      lw_html_data  = lw_job_output_info-xmloutput-trfresult.
      lt_graphics[] = lw_job_output_info-xmloutput-xsfgr[].
      CLEAR lv_html_xstr.
      LOOP AT lw_html_data-content INTO lw_html_raw.
        CONCATENATE lv_html_xstr lw_html_raw INTO lv_html_xstr IN BYTE MODE.
      lv_html_xstr = lv_html_xstr(lw_html_data-length).
          inbuff       = lv_html_xstr
          incode       = lv_incode
          csubst       = lc_true
          substc_space = lc_true
          outbuff      = lv_html_str
          outused      = lv_html_len
          OTHERS       = 1.
    CALL METHOD html_control - >load_mime_object
         object_id  = 'ZWN'
         object_url = 'ZWN.GIF'
         OTHERS     = 1.
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_utf8 IN lv_html_str WITH lc_latin1.
    REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_utf8 IN lv_html_str WITH 'iso-8859-1'.
       break mhusin.
      lv_html_len = STRLEN( lv_html_str ).
      lv_offset = 0.
      lv_length = 255.
      WHILE lv_offset < lv_html_len.
        lv_diff = lv_html_len - lv_offset.
        IF lv_diff > lv_length.
          lw_soli-line = lv_html_str+lv_offset(lv_length).
          lw_soli-line = lv_html_str+lv_offset(lv_diff).
        APPEND lw_soli TO lt_soli.
        ADD lv_length TO lv_offset.
      CREATE OBJECT lc_mime_helper.
      CALL METHOD lc_mime_helper->set_main_html
          content     = lt_soli
          filename    = lv_name
          description = lv_subject.
      LOOP AT lt_graphics INTO lw_graphics.
        CLEAR lv_xstr.
        LOOP AT lw_graphics-content INTO lw_raw.
          CONCATENATE lv_xstr lw_raw-line INTO lv_xstr IN BYTE MODE.
        lv_xstr = lv_xstr(lw_graphics-length).
        lv_offset = 0.
        lv_length = 255.
        CLEAR lt_solix[].
        WHILE lv_offset < lw_graphics-length.
          lv_diff = lw_graphics-length - lv_offset.
          IF lv_diff > lv_length.
            lw_solix-line = lv_xstr+lv_offset(lv_length).
            lw_solix-line = lv_xstr+lv_offset(lv_diff).
          APPEND lw_solix TO lt_solix.
          ADD lv_length TO lv_offset.
        CONCATENATE lc_mygraphics lw_graphics-graphics text-001 INTO lv_filename.
        CONCATENATE lc_mygraphics lw_graphics-graphics text-001 INTO lv_content_id.
        lv_content_type = lw_graphics-httptype.
        lv_obj_len      = lw_graphics-length.
    *Add images to the email
        CALL METHOD lc_mime_helper->add_binary_part
            content      = lt_solix
            filename     = lv_filename
            extension    = lv_bmp
            description  = lv_description
            content_type = lv_content_type
            length       = lv_obj_len
            content_id   = lv_content_id.
          lv_subject = lv_subject.
          lc_doc_bcs = cl_document_bcs=>create_from_multirelated(
                   i_subject          = lv_subject
                   i_multirel_service = lc_mime_helper ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
        CATCH cx_bcom_mime INTO lc_send_exception.
        CATCH cx_gbt_mime INTO lc_send_exception.
    Create send request
          lc_bcs = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
          lc_bcs->set_document( i_document = lc_doc_bcs ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
    Set-up email receiver
      lv_mail_address = '[email protected]'.
    TRANSLATE lv_mail_address TO UPPER CASE.
          lc_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
              i_address_string = lv_mail_address ).
        CATCH cx_address_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
          lc_bcs->add_recipient( i_recipient = lc_recipient ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
    Send smartforms as HTML email
          lc_bcs->send( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
      WRITE:/ 'Mail sent'.
    ENDFORM.                    "call_smartforms
    End Code --->
    Thanks and Regards.

    1- put your images in a directory under the web app directory. Example: app/images/
    2- in your jsp, use: String file = application.getRealPath("/images/"); to get the images directory. See http://java.sun.com/j2ee/sdk_1.3/techdocs/api/javax/servlet/ServletContext.html#getRealPath(java.lang.String)
    3- it's not the right forum to post this kind of question. Post them in the JSP/Servlet JSTL forum instead

  • How to call a portal KM URL link from WAD template Link

    Hi All
    I  am trying to call a Portal KM URL Link from the web template using the link control.
    I cannot figure out whare and how to put the portal KM URL Link into the web application web link.
    Your help is greatly appreciated.

    Add content administration role to the user.
    The the content administration tab would be visible to the user in the main menu tab.
    Then in content administration tab, configure the URL for KM URL tab or link.
    This would be done by EP experts. Please contact your EP experts to do.
    Hope this would help you.

  • Url link in flash page flip book

    I am very inexperienced at what I am trying to accomplish.
    I have created a flip book in flash. On a page in the book I made a button that is a link to an external url. When I place the the swift file of that page on my webstie, the link works. I have made a link from my homepage to the flipbook. But when I open the flip book the url link does not work.
    Does anyone out there know what's wrong?

    If the flip page the swf is in has interactive code asigned to it, such as whatever you use to flip the page, it could be blocking access to any clickable objects in the swf file.

  • URL link in the standard Sourcing mails

    Hi All,
    I am working on Sourcing 7.0 . In my production server scenario we have two URLs Internal and External.
    All the sourcing emails will contain the Internal URL (sourcing server) in the mail content for the documents. So user will be not able to access the mail outside.
    I want to give external URL in the URL link present in the email content for document.
    >How can I achieve this?
    >How can i map the internal-external URL so user can access the sourcing email and will be able to open the sourcing documents?
    >In the standard email template, is there need to make changes for URL?
    Please share your view.

    Hi Deepka,
    First of all correct my understanding on your question, U want to have external (outside) URL in the internal sourcing mails sent??
    PLease find the below details in case of mail changes;
    1) first of all you need to create a custom mail template for this and follow step2
    2) if you want to give some out side URL in the standard conent, you need to maintain the URL itself.
    3) FInally associate it with the mail configuration.
    Hope this helps, correct my understanding if you are looking for some other enhancements,.

  • URL Link In Gnome Desktop

    If I drag an URL from the Firefox address bar to my personal desktop in Gnome an icon is created and I can latter access that site by clicking on it. But when I do that the browser that opens the page is Epiphany rather than Firefox as I expected to be.
    How can I change this behavior for the link being open with my favorite browser (in System/Preferences/Preferred Applications I have Firefox set as my default browser)?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I think that you need to do the possible development in the ECC backend system - not in Portal/UWL - since as far as I understood from your message, your workflow is in ECC.
    You could take a look into this recent thread:
    I don't know if it will work in UWL. You could easily test it by adding and URL attachment to a work item in backend (in business workplace) and then see how it looks in UWL and does it work. If it works, you can find a solution in the above mentioned thread or perhaps you can ask further questions from the author of the thread.

  • URL link to open transaction in NWBC Desktop client

    I am trying to create an URL link to open a transaction in a role that I am using.
    The webpage is shown in a web-chip as a part of FPM page inthe NWBC desktop client.
    I have tried this type of concept: https://serverXX:8000/sap/bc/nwbc/~canvas/roleEntry/MyROLE:56/
    The problem is that this opens the transaction in the HTML version of NWBC (inside NWBC desktop client).
    However, I would do not want to use the HTML based version of the transaction. I want to use nativ abap transaction inside NWBC Desktop client.
    I am able to open the transaction with a link from a webbrowser with this type of link:
    This link does not open at all from within NWBC....
    How do I achieve opening a transaction via URL from inside the NWBC Desktop client?

    Hi Stefan,
    Same issue i have as well.
    My Understanding is, in NWBC desktop, if you open a non sap (eg: html) page, NWBC becomes an IE Browser.
    That means you are now out of SAP for that tab (with html page) and whenever you try to launch any SAP transaction (using the method from HTML) it will launch in a new window and ask for Login.
    May be Experts like Samuli Kaski & Melinda Ludanyi can put some light on it.
    But, I have one more solution for this which is partially working in my case. May be helpful in you case as well.
    Issue: From some SAP transaction in NWBC (say tab A), you are launching the html page (say tab B) and then want to launch another SAP transaction (Say tab C) from html.
    Solution: Embed the HTML in SAP using HTML Viewer class and launch SAP custom transaction using the interface IF_LSAPI. It will launch it in new tab as a sap transaction with your html page.
    Now if you want to launch the SAP transaction from your html page (Which is embedded in SAP custom transaction) you can use HTML Viewer class Events and you can pass parameters as well. Re use the same interface IF_LSAPI and launch it in new tab
    In my case i am facing problems as the web developer has so many things on java script and they are not working properly. He is working on it and i am hoping it will be fine.

  • URL link in send e-mail pl/sql procedure

    I have a send e-mail procedure. I am trying to enclose in the body of the message a URL link with parameters from a form, but it is only taking part of it.
    for example http://my.link&pid='||pid||'&uid'||uid
    it only takes http://my.link
    What is the way to do it successfuly?

    Thanks for your replies. I still did not get it to work. For example if I stick to your solution with :
    urlname := 'my.link?pid='||pid||'&uid='||uid;
    where should I stick the try this?
    I am using a variable called message.
    'message: ' 'click on the following link' ||CRLF || urlname
    This is is not working. Any clues? Thanks a lot. Jeanne

  • URL link in rows/colomns of a report web application designer.

    I would like to create a URL link in a report which jumps to documents on livelink.
    For example:
    1.  bw    30.000    www. google.nl
    2.  sap   40.000    www. sap.com
    3. basis  50.000   www. nu.nl
    Do all the rows have different URLS, is that possible in the web application designer? Or do I have to use RRI? Or a user exit?
    Thanks for your help en replies.
    Edited by: R. Debi on Oct 7, 2010 11:20 AM

    I used the RRI already but would like to have a hyperlink in the report. (So, the prefix of the URL is always the same an I have put this in RRI and used the & and contract ID as dynamic part of the URL.)
    In a BW web report, our customer would like to display a characteristic value as a hyperlink, so that when clicking on the link, the user is taken to an external website holding a document.  SO I am just looking for a javascript perhaps? Or maybe even abap in transformation? To actually create the hyperlink in this report.
    Thanks a lot,

  • URL link in Reader won't open unless a browser is already open

    I have an issue on a Windows 7 PC using IE8 and Adobe Reader 9.3. While viewing a PDF file in Reader, and clicking on a URL link in the PDF, nothing happens unless a browser window is already open. It doesn't matter if the browser is Firefox or IE8, although IE is the default browser. When no browser is running, nothing occurs, not even an error or Enhanced Security message. I've verified that the "Create links from URLS" is selected.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks In Advance

    Possible workaround...
    1. Create a local iPhoto Library - to do this open iPhoto while holding down the Option key. Give it a unique name and save it somewhere.
    2. When you are not connected to your home network, open iPhoto with the Option key held down, and select your new local Library. Then open iMovie.
    iPhoto remembers the last Library open, so as you move in and out of your home network you will need to change the iPhoto Library (following step 2 above) based on your location.
    hope this helps,

  • Open a URL link in the same window as SWF file in indesign CS5

    I am trying to create a SWF file using indesign CS5.  I have created buttons and placed in URL links but they always open another window.  I would like to know if there is a way to have the URL open in the same window that the SWF file has been created.  I tried, putting "_self" to target it in the URL bar, but nothing works.
    Thanks in advance

    Okay, I found the code but I can't get it to work locally.  If you have a web server maybe you can upload the files (swf and html) after you Publish them:
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("http://www.google.com");
    testlink.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickText);
    function clickText(myevent:MouseEvent):void {
    navigateToURL(myURL, "_self");
    you have to have on the stage a link element called "testlink" (see the code above) which would be a Movie Clip with the label testlink.  It can be anything from InDesign:  a button, a rectangle, a circle, a graphic, you get the idea.  Just select that object in Flash and label it testlink or anything you choose but if you change the name from testlink also change the name in the code snippet where the line "addEventListener" is.

  • URL link in data element documentation

    Is it possible to create a url link within the documentation of a data element to allow the user to launch the web browser and navigate directly to a specified webpage?
    Mark Briggs

    I am not sure but you can try this out. Go to se38 and documentation for a test program. Click on Goto and then Change editor. write a text that you want to give a link to. Make its paragraph format as SAPfind Reference. Select the text goto insert link. It will pop you up with a box. give the name of your program but how to link it is another mystery.
    Try these function modules.
    and see this program BCALV_GRID_F4_HELP may be of some help.
    SHekhar Kulkarni

  • Simple question: calling URL link with WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT is not working

    Hi folks,
    this should be an easy question, but I have no idea why it's not working :-(.
    In one of my form, I would like to place an URL link behing button.
    For this purpose I'm using below code:
       WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT('http://www.google.com','_blank');But when above code is executed, nothing happens :-(.
    Could it be because I'm using it within modal type of window?
    I'm using Oracle Forms 10g

    have you checked with using self instead of blank to see if it will replace your current page with the one you are tyring to call?
    Have you got any other firefox plugins running such as Ad block? can you try disabaling all addons and even the internal pop-up blocker jus to see if this will work?
    if self works but blank does not how about having the main app called from a multi frame page. one frame with the app in and the other frame with some javascript that can be called to open a new window? dont know if that will work and its late so probably not thought it thorugh fully :)

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