JS validation for dynamic textbox

How can i validate dynamic textbox using javascript?.
item_val_#i# is required field.
<cfloop from="1" to="#count#" index="i">
<input type="text" name="item_val_#i#" size="5"

use the same cfloop inside your js code (assuming it is IN
PAGE, not in a separate file).
obviously, your #count# variable must be set BEFORE the js
something like [not complete function]:
function validatefields(){
var errstr = "";
(document.forms[0].elements["item_val_#i#"].value=="") ?
errstr =
errstr + "\nField Myfield#i# must have a value!" : errstr =
but i would suggest you better validate input server-side...
Azadi Saryev

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    How do I display the textbox when the Back button's clicked?

    Thx for trying to help.
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    <script language="JavaScript">
    function textBox(areaName, submitted)
    var spanTxtID = document.getElementById('insertTxtSpan');
    var areaNameText=document.createElement('input');
    areaNameText.setAttribute('type', 'text');
    areaNameText.setAttribute('name', 'areaNameText');
    areaNameText.setAttribute('maxLength', 20);
    areaNameText.setAttribute('size', '20');
    //areaNameText.setAttribute('value', 'Khar');
    while(spanTxtID.hasChildNodes()) spanTxtID.removeChild(spanTxtID.lastChild);
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    Thanks for your swift response.
    That sounds like a good solution, but the code I have on frame 2 is this
    timer = 0;
    countup = function(){
    countupInterval = setInterval(countup,100);
    If I added the same actionscript to frame 3 which has a dynamic textbox with a variable timer attached wouldn't it just put the timer back to 0? What I want is the last known value that was given when it was in frame 2.
    I am thinking of temple run here, I am trying to caculate the total distance(set in the timer variable) from the previous try.
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    function DynamicBox(val)
                         var d =document.getElementById("bottom");
                         d.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="10">';
                                d.innerHTML += '<tr><td><INPUT type="text" name="week'+i+'" size=8 >  </td><td><INPUT type="text" name="deliverable'+i+'" size=30>  </td>';
                                       <% int m=0;%>
                                      d.innerHTML+='<td><INPUT type="text" name="'+<%=parameter[m]%>+i+'" size=10></td>';
                                      <% m++; %>
                                 d.innerHTML +='</tr><br />';
                    }In the above code,val is the number of rows to be created.Bottom is the id of the <div> tag.parametr is a String array.The values are coming from database.

    move the <% int m=0;%> out of the loop.. You have place it in the loop, causing it to be initialize to be 0 each time the looping occurs.
    Place <% int m=0;%> below the line: d.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="10">'

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    public void checkSelected(java.string.fieldName)
      Print Message from Message Pool.
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    use as follows
    public void validate(IWDNode node, String attrName)
            // To access a value
            //To get attrinfo
    invoke the above function
    validate(<YourNode>,<Your Attribute part of 1param node>);

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    I'm not sure I quite understand the first post - you want the
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    ++score; //adds to score variable
    and it could make a result3A_txt.text = "Bingo";
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    was more than one text field for that problem, a letter. This is
    just the first field in problem three.
    The second line in the if statement talks to a field. You put
    a static text with the problem number, and next to it,
    result3A_txt. If the user answered the problem correctly, the field
    will become "Bingo" or something. You would do this for each
    problem so that every correct one would say "Bingo."
    To get a percent score:
    percent_txt.text = Math.round((score / max_score) *

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    CLOSE <dynamic cur>;
    How do I declare the dynamic rec here?I would not know the columns in the query beforehand either.
    Edited by: merz on Sep 12, 2011 5:02 PM
    Edited by: merz on Sep 12, 2011 5:03 PM

    merz wrote:
    Hi All,
    I want to dynamically create a query and fetch it into a dynamic cursor record...The structure of the record should be the same as that of the query...
    Can you suggest any method to do that.And how are you expecting to write an application around a dynamic query and dynamic structure that you don't know?
    Saying that, as others have said, there is the DBMS_SQL package which can be used for certain valid reasons such as the following example....
    As sys user:
    /As myuser:
                                         ,p_dir IN VARCHAR2
                                         ,p_header_file IN VARCHAR2
                                         ,p_data_file IN VARCHAR2 := NULL) IS
      v_finaltxt  VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_v_val     VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_n_val     NUMBER;
      v_d_val     DATE;
      v_ret       NUMBER;
      c           NUMBER;
      d           NUMBER;
      col_cnt     INTEGER;
      f           BOOLEAN;
      rec_tab     DBMS_SQL.DESC_TAB;
      col_num     NUMBER;
      v_fh        UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
      v_samefile  BOOLEAN := (NVL(p_data_file,p_header_file) = p_header_file);
      d := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(c);
      DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS(c, col_cnt, rec_tab);
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
          WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_v_val,2000);
          WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_n_val);
          WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_d_val);
        END CASE;
      END LOOP;
      -- This part outputs the HEADER
      v_fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(upper(p_dir),p_header_file,'w',32767);
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||lower(rec_tab(j).col_name),',');
      END LOOP;
      --  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_finaltxt);
      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_fh, v_finaltxt);
      IF NOT v_samefile THEN
      END IF;
      -- This part outputs the DATA
      IF NOT v_samefile THEN
        v_fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(upper(p_dir),p_data_file,'w',32767);
      END IF;
        v_ret := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(c);
        EXIT WHEN v_ret = 0;
        v_finaltxt := NULL;
        FOR j in 1..col_cnt
          CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
            WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_v_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||v_v_val||'"',',');
            WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_n_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||v_n_val,',');
            WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_d_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||to_char(v_d_val,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),',');
            v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||v_v_val||'"',',');
          END CASE;
        END LOOP;
      --  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_finaltxt);
        UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_fh, v_finaltxt);
      END LOOP;
    END;This allows for the header row and the data to be written to seperate files if required.
    SQL> exec run_query('select * from emp','TEST_DIR','output.txt');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Output.txt file contains:
    7369,"SMITH","CLERK",7902,17/12/1980 00:00:00,800,,20
    7499,"ALLEN","SALESMAN",7698,20/02/1981 00:00:00,1600,300,30
    7521,"WARD","SALESMAN",7698,22/02/1981 00:00:00,1250,500,30
    7566,"JONES","MANAGER",7839,02/04/1981 00:00:00,2975,,20
    7654,"MARTIN","SALESMAN",7698,28/09/1981 00:00:00,1250,1400,30
    7698,"BLAKE","MANAGER",7839,01/05/1981 00:00:00,2850,,30
    7782,"CLARK","MANAGER",7839,09/06/1981 00:00:00,2450,,10
    7788,"SCOTT","ANALYST",7566,19/04/1987 00:00:00,3000,,20
    7839,"KING","PRESIDENT",,17/11/1981 00:00:00,5000,,10
    7844,"TURNER","SALESMAN",7698,08/09/1981 00:00:00,1500,0,30
    7876,"ADAMS","CLERK",7788,23/05/1987 00:00:00,1100,,20
    7900,"JAMES","CLERK",7698,03/12/1981 00:00:00,950,,30
    7902,"FORD","ANALYST",7566,03/12/1981 00:00:00,3000,,20
    7934,"MILLER","CLERK",7782,23/01/1982 00:00:00,1300,,10The procedure allows for the header and data to go to seperate files if required. Just specifying the "header" filename will put the header and data in the one file.
    Adapt to output different datatypes and styles are required.

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    Does anyone know what could be the possible reasons? Thanks in advance.

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    <SharePoint:FormDigest runat="server" />

  • How to create dynamic Textbox in JSP

    I created dynamic Textboxes using javascript in JSP.But i want to give every textbox a unique name..But I dont know how to give unique name to all the textbox which are created dynamically.....Can u help me Please.............
    <script code="text/javascript">
    function dynam(val)
    var d= document.getElementById("Bottom");
    d.innerHTML += '<tr><td>Parameter</td><td><INPUT type="text" name="week"'+i+'size = 15></td>';
    d.innerHTML +='</table>' ;
    </script>in the above code."val" is the integer value passed while calling this function. "Bottom" is the id of <DIV> tag in my JSP page.
    My problem is : when i creating a text box. the Unique name of the textbox in not getting generated.All the text bok has the same name as "week",but i want the name to be as week1,week2,week3,.....etc
    Edited by: AnilTcs on Jan 21, 2009 1:31 AM

    Try this:
    d.innerHTML += '<tr><td>Parameter</td><td><INPUT type="text" name="week '+i+' " size = 15></td>';I have just changed the quotes around week. Hope this helps.

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    I need this to refresh every time the frame number changes in
    the _root.gallery clip. This is a fairly urgent project so swift
    help is obviously appreciated!
    Thank you in advance

    your code will work if all you state is valid and there's no
    other _root.gallery.onEnterFrame overwriting the one you

  • Validation for DropdownbyIndex

    Hi All,
    In my view I have some InputFields and DropdownbyIndex UI elements.
    I binded Value Atrributes for InputFields and Value Node for DropdownbyIndex.
    While doing validation for these elements :
    For <b>InputFields(Value Atrributes):</b>
    IWDAttributeInfo attributeInfo=this.wdContext.getNodeInfo().getAttribute("name");
    new Object[] { "Name" }, false);
    For <b>DropdownByIndex(Value Node):</b>
    IWDAttributeInfo attributeInfo1=this.wdContext.nodeSample().getNodeInfo().getAttribute("value");
    new Object[] { "Name" }, false);
    If I execute this both are working fine and I am getting  a Red Box around inputfield(Name). But for DropdownbyIndex it is not like that. There is no Red Box.
    why it is like this and how can I solve this. Please give me some good solution.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Hi Luicano,
    Can you help me on how to bind context attribute dynamically to DropDownByIndex.
    do i need to create context attribute at run time too, If yes, how can i do this.
    i have created the same with DropdownByKey as mentioned below.
    IWDDropDownByKey nameDrop = (IWDDropDownByKey) view.createElement(IWDDropDownByKey.class,"txt"+id);
    String dropdownValue = aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd;
    IWDNodeInfo ddlNode= wdContext.getNodeInfo().addChild("DynamicDDLNode"+id,null,true,true,true,false,false,true,null,null,null);
    IWDAttributeInfo info = ddlNode.addAttribute("ddlKey" , "ddic:com.sap.dictionary.string");
    ISimpleTypeModifiable myType= info.getModifiableSimpleType();
    IModifiableSimpleValueSet values=myType.getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();
    String[] temp = dropdownValue.split(",");
    for(int i=0; i<temp.length;i++){
              values.put(new String(temp[i]),temp[i]);
    Please help as this is really urgent for me to resolve the issue.

  • Remove dynamic textbox on loading an image

    I'm trying to remove a line of text placed in a dynamic textbox inside a MC after an image loads in the imageloader component.
    I've highlighted the line in RED in the code below.
    Maybe a timer for this text to disappear or a statuschange function would be helpful. I've been searching extensively but in vain. Any heads-up please?!
    Any help would be much appreciated.
    // Import the MX.UTILS so it can be used to set the scope of the listBox listener and the xml onload feature
    import mx.utils.Delegate;
    // Define default URL to load if no URL is defined in XML attribute
    _root.urlLink = "http://www.somesite.com";
    // declare variables
    var people:Array;
    var product:Array;
    var update:String;
    var dirpath:String;
    // set up the XML instance
    var peoplexml:XML = new XML();
    // initialize items on stage
    // define what should happen when the XML loads
    // (read data into update, dirpath, and brand variables)
    function onXmlLoaded(success:Boolean)
        if (success)
            // make a handle to the root node in the xml
            var mainnode:XMLNode = peoplexml.firstChild;
            update = mainnode.attributes.lastupdate;
            dirpath = mainnode.attributes.dir;
            // set up an array of all brand nodes
            var peoplenodes:Array = peoplexml.firstChild.childNodes;
            for (var i:Number = 0; i < peoplenodes.length; i++)
                // for each brand node:
                var personnode:XMLNode = peoplenodes[i];
                people.push({i:i + 1, pname:personnode.attributes.name});
            // data is all read and put in the right place -- now setup the screen
            // using this data
            trace('error reading XML');
    function setup()
        // set up chooseperson dropdown
        choosebrand.labelField = "pname";
        choosebrand.dataProvider = people;
        choosebrand.addEventListener("change",Delegate.create(this, loadProducts));
    function loadProducts(evt:Array)
        var thisitem:Array = evt.target.selectedItem;
        var productList:Array;
        chooseproduct.labelField = "prname";
        product = [prname];
        var peoplenodes:Array = peoplexml.firstChild.childNodes;
        for (var i:Number = 0; i < peoplenodes.length; i++)
            // for each brand node:
            var personnode:XMLNode = peoplenodes[i];
            if (personnode.attributes.name == thisitem.pname)
                var productnodes:Array = personnode.childNodes;
                for (var j:Number = 0; j < productnodes.length; j++)
                    // for each product node:
                    var productnode:XMLNode = productnodes[j];
                    product.push({i:j + 1, prname:productnode.attributes.title, img:productnode.attributes.photo, url:productnode.attributes.url, txt:productnode.attributes.txt, det:productnode.attributes.det, price:productnode.attributes.price, clck:productnode.attributes.clck});
                loader.img.contentPath = "";
                loader.clck.text = "";
                loader.ldng.text = "";
                productTitle.ptitle.text = "";
                productTitle.pdet.text = "";
                productTitle.prc.text = "";
        //initialize the product array
        chooseproduct.labelField = "prname";
        chooseproduct.dataProvider = product;
        chooseproduct.addEventListener("change",Delegate.create(this, loadImage));
    function loadImage(evt:Array)
        var thisitem:Array = evt.target.selectedItem;
        productTitle.ptitle.text = thisitem.txt;
        productTitle.pdet.text = thisitem.det;
        productTitle.prc.text = 'Rs.'+ thisitem.price;
        loader.img.contentPath = thisitem.img;
        loader.clck.text = thisitem.clck;
        loader.ldng.text = 'Loading Image...';
        _root.urlLink = thisitem.url;
    function init()
        // initialize the brand array
        people = [pname];
        // set up the xml instance to ignore whitespace between tags
        peoplexml.ignoreWhite = true;
        // set the scope of the onLoad function to the main timeline, not peoplexml
        peoplexml.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, onXmlLoaded);
        // start the xml loading

    You can use the setTimeout() function if you want to delay some code from executing

  • I am having trouble connecting to my wireless internet. I keep getting message that my network configuration settings have changed. Ive been advised that i need to change settings to look for dynamic ip address ?

    I am having trouble connecting to my wireless internet and am getting the message that my network configuration settings have changed. I have reported it to my provider who advised that they think the Mac is looking for a fixed IP address and they use dynamic addresses. I have had the Mac for months and have not had this problem before. I would appreciate any help please on how to fix this ?

    Then I get a separate pop up that says: Secure Connection Failed. aus3.mozilla:443 uses an invalid security certificate.
    The certificate is only valid for the following names: securelogin.arubanetworks.com, www.securelogin.arubanetworks.com
    (Error code: ssl_error_cert_domain)
    This could be a problem with the server's configuration or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.
    If you have connected to this server successfully in the past the error may be temporary and you can try again later.
    I have tried many many times!

  • Defining complex validations for flex items

    We've defined a flex regions and a number of flex items. We would like to define more complex validation logic at the entity object level, whereby we'd like to reference both 'fixed' entity attribute values as well as values of the flex items.
    Could you please indicate how this can be achieved in the validateEntity method of the EntityImpl.java class.
    We know beforehand which flex items will be displayed based on the value of one of the fixed entity attributes (e.g. if the attribute request_type='assist' then display flex items A and B, if request_type='info' then display flex items D, E and F). We use flex items because the number of request_types and corresponding 'dynamic' attributes is too large (and subject to frequent additions, deletions or modifications) to incorporate in a fixed static db table structure.
    If you can suggest alternatives to using JHeadstart flex items, these are more than welcome, of course.
    Many thanks beforehand,

    Dear Steven,
    First of all many many thanks for your prompt reply. We can use JSF EL expressions to conditionally render flex items. I'd like to illustrate my question with a simple example:
    We have three fixed entity attributes displayed:
    and two flex items (rendered at runtime for a specific runtime value of RequestType):
    Smoker (Y/N)
    Before saving the record I'd like to check a number of validation business rules that depend on the fixed entity attributes as well as the two flex items being displayed.
    Consequently, I'd need to be able to access the flex item values provided by the user, inside my validateEntity method (right ?).
    I can define simple validations for the flex items, but I can only access the flex item value and possibly the DependsOnItemValue.
    PS: When I define a flex item of type 'inputtext' and try to access its value using a bind variable in the validation query of the flex item e.g.
    :ItemValue = 'blabla'
    Suppose the user fills in the value Abracadabra, the validation logic substitutes as follows:
    Abracadabra = 'blabla' (which generates an Oracle error). I'd expect the following substitution to take place:
    'Abracadabra' = 'blabla'

  • Parameter Validation for invalid date entered

    I enter an invalid date like 99/08/2014 as one of the parameters for my report and get the following error.
    The value provided for the report parameter 'P1' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch)
    To the report user audience, this message is not meaningful and it happened before the report is even executed . 
    Is there any way to override this and put a more meaningful error in ?

    According to your description, you want to custom the error message when the input date value is invalid. In Reporting Services, it doesn’t provide any interference for us to modify the system error message (the text in grey color). That means we can’t modify
    the system message when error occurs. However we can create a textbox in this report, use custom code and expression to display the custom error message. For more details, please refer to the following steps:
    Go to Report Properties. Put the code below into custom code:
    Public Shared a As Integer=0
    Public Shared Function IsDate(d1 As String) as Integer
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
    return a
    End Function
    Change the parameter data type from Date to Text.
    Change the filter expression from Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value to the following:
    Use the expression below to set the visibility of the tablix:
    Create a textbox with the expression below:
    =IIF(Code.IsDate(Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value)=0,"","custom error message")
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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