Greetings to all, i have been reading about enabling JSF components with AJAX, and in the free or open world i have found the following alternatives:
-Dynamic Faces
1. What framework do you recommend ?
2.Do anyone has experience about ?
Remember, in order to apply in a free or open project, it means that we can not use ADF FACES.
Thanks in advance, technologists !!!

sorry that I have to leave the choice to you. Note that ADF Faces is open sourced through MyFaces Trinidad on the Apache.org website.

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    Has anyone come across the issue with JSF ajax integration in JSF 2. When I try to use jsf 2 F:ajax TAG i GET THE following error
    JSF1064: Unable to find or serve resource, jsf.js.xhtml
    Thanks for your help

    Unfortunately you are not giving us enough information. How are you using the tag?

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    EJP wrote:
    I will answer the last of those questions. The last time I saw any organization training its in-house resources in anything to do with IT was fifteen years ago.I've had some training, but indeed nothing IT related, usually in the soft skills. And why not; most IT related things you may want to learn require nothing more than a good book, patience and applying some thought.
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  • It looks Oracle Form/Applet  die hard versus J2EE Servlet/JSP/JSF  & AJAX

    I left the form forum for a while and am busy with transfering our Oracle web forms app to Struts based J2EE application (just because the Oracle EE AS is the moving cause, it's out of my control.). After a year or so on J2EE which I enjoyed the fresh OO coding while keep enhancing Oracle webform app in production, I have some thought on Applet vs J2EE JSP/JSF plus AJAX.
    1) JSP itself is hard to avoid the full screen refreshing even though user just does partial changes ,e.g., lists, on the screen, it has to use AJAX to do the tricks. While partial refreshing in applet is natural default behavior.
    2) Forms is really an RAD, while J2EE's IDEs does help a bit(IBM's Websphere v6 even called iRAD) which takes way longer programming time compared to Forms. One IBM's article says it trys to win the Oracle Forms developers by giving the familiar graphical way of drag/drop GUI, so IBM recognizes the RAD coding power of Oracle Forms. So, IBM promotes the RAD similar to Oracle Forms.
    3) GUI/business rules related validation: Applet offered a great advantage over JSP/ even JSF which to avoid the full screen refresh, AJAX/JavaScript is used heavily. User friendly interaction of applet is way better than J2EE.
    4) Browser's back/refresh buttons also are headache to J2EE, expecially we need to support IE and Firefox. Applet basically is not bothered by these buttons.
    Recently, I read techi news said that the new chips will make the network transfer speed 10 time faster than now-even the cell phone transfer the image will be way faster. Then I predict the applet, just like IBM's mainframe, will see its Spring again, not like now in its winter. Especially the Oracle Forms makes coding easier than pure applet coding.
    Oracle folks, kepp beefing up the Oracle Forms, don't just pay attention to JDev. J2EE IDE, most of all, remove the Oracle EE ASxx block, be open. Oracle EE ASxx is really not a pretty baby, even though so Oracle thinks it is.

    1) Why we are transfering your Oracle web forms app to Struts based J2EE application?
    Since our corporate is IBM world-DB2/UDB, WebSphere AS (WAS) etc. It only allows Oracle Forms/reports servers to be compatible with the infrastructure. It does not allow to purchase another EE app server(espeically LDAP). We could not upgrade our forms/reports6i to 9i or 10g.
    2.Therefore the Oracle EE AS is the moving cause, it's out of my control because I did my best to talk to Oracle sales, but no avail. I am glad that I got a good chance to beef up my J2EE Struts skills.
    If extract out the forms/report9i/10g engines from the Oracle EE AS 9i/10g, (don't attempt to bundle sell the EE AS to customers-regardless of the shrinked 9.0.4 forms/reports services version, it's still another EE AS) and make them compatible with other ASs(espcially the LDAP), then Oracle Forms will have more customers.

  • JSF AJAXed custom component

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    In Strategy 2, how do we map the servlet that handles the ajax request (AjaxControllerServlet) to certan url. In strategy 1 this is done by decalrring phase listener in faces-config.xml and in strategy 3 this is done by maping url to servlet in web.xml.
    Thanks in advance.

    what IDE are you using?


    Has anyone directly compared these two approaches to rich internet client applications? I am in the process of choosing a technology base for AJAX applications, and see some attraction in the lighter weight of JSON, and the direct access to java objects from javascript looks appealing and much simpler than JSF. It does appear that the JSON-RPC-Java approach will require the client js to handle all of the UI events. How much effort in this area does JSF save?

    I should have been more clear.
    On the https://bpcatalog.dev.java.net page in the left navbar is a link to the CVS repository "Version control - CVS", click on it. Then there is a link "Setup CVS command line client" that leads you to a the page ( https://bpcatalog.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectSource) that you will have to login to see. This page tells you how to connect and download with CVS.
    I have summarized the page content below:
    Hope this helps - Thanks - Mark
    To use WinCvs to check out your own set of source code files, you must first set up the correct cvs root using the following steps.
    1. Launch WinCvs and select Admin - Preferences. Enter the CVSroot:
    :pserver:[email protected]:/cvs
    Click OK.
    2. If this is your first cvs checkout, create a folder in Windows Explorer to hold all of your cvs project folders. Then create a subfolder for this project. (You may even want to create separate subfolders for each module if you're working in more than one.)
    3. In WinCvs, select Admin - Login and enter your CVS password.
    4. Click on the left window in the program and select a folder. Then select Create - Checkout Module. Select the project folder you created earlier.
    5. Enter the project module name and click OK. You should see a scrolling list of filenames as these are created in your folder(s).
    6. Repeat the module creation process for each additional cvs module you wish to check out.

  • JSF Ajax script error in IE8 while session times out

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    I get this error on IE8 for session timeout.
    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; MS-RTC LM 8)
    Timestamp: Fri, 28 May 2010 15:26:37 UTC
    Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
    Line: 83
    Char: 390
    Code: 0
    URI: http://localhost:8080/sir/loan/a4j_3_1_6.GAorg.ajax4jsf.javascript.AjaxScript.jsf
    Appreciate your help.

    Upgrade your ancient technology. JSF 1.2.12 at the least with Richfaces 3.3.3.
    accept that your ancient technology will have flaws and live with them.

  • JSF AJAX post-back

    I have a javascript function for a POST request from XMLHttprequest object.The post-back is handled within the decode function of the component which generates the AJAX request. The javascript request looks as follows:
    function lookup(field) { .... if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } var formdata = "ajaxreq=true"; " var formAction = window.document.forms[0].action;\n" + "req.open(\"POST\",formAction,true);\n" + "req.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\",\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\");\n" + req.onreadystatechange = processXMLResponse; req.send(formdata); } This request is generated from within the directoryBrowser.jsp itself. This request is not being recognized as a post-back by the JSF framework ,successful as it is not causing the decode method of the component to be executed. What is wrong? When i print out the responseText of the request object from the callback function, i get teh html of the page printed out.The responsexml is null.

    Maybe, you've already solved the problem.
    Anyway, I faced with a similar problem and (after days of debugging and googling) I solved it making the request object local rather than globa (and changing the request callback accordingly)l.
    function sendRequest()
      var req = createRequestObject(); // e.g. new XMLHttpRequest();
      req.open('GET', url, true);
      req.onreadystatechange = function{ handleRequest(req); };
    function handleRequest(req)
      if (req.readyState == 4)
        if (req.status == 200)
          // request done
    }Hope this help!!
    PS: I would thank the guys that made me see the light: [Ajax: The Basics (Part 1)|http://courses.coreservlets.com/Course-Materials/pdf/ajax/Ajax-Basics-1.pdf]

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  • JSF AJAX problem

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    thanks ,

    Hi every body I am using ajax for jsf for form submit .I can use this.form.submit() , but I want to use the ajax type form submission .It is working fine in the fire fox , but when I am running my application on IE it is not working .
    Is there any limitation in ajax for JSF in IE ?
    thanks ,

  • JSF/AJAX Best Choice for free

    Greetings to all, i have been reading about enabling JSF components with AJAX, and in the free or open world i have found the following alternatives:
    -Dynamic Faces (From Sun Microsystem)
    1.What framework do you recommend ?
    2.Do anyone has experience about ?
    Remember, in order to apply in a free or open project, it means that we can not use ADF FACES.
    Thanks in advance, technologists !!!

    Thanks Kris by your answer, i was checking about Myfaces, and found the following:
    - The ADF Faces donated by Oracle to Apache is in the incubator phase, that is, in testing and it has not been released still, but you can use it by your own risk.
    - In MyFaces project, you can use the MyFaces wich is the Apache References Implementation of JSF, and you can use the MyFaces's subproject "Tomahawk" which is an aditional components made by MyFaces to enhance to traditional JSF components.
    Then, let's go to try with that free technology !!!

  • Problem with JSF AJAX portlets

    I am seeing the following issues with JSF portlets
    1) When you AJAX enable the portlet, they will not work. There are some javascript errors on the component we are using. They work fine if we don't AJAX enable them
    2) I had 2 portlets. 1 JSF and 1 pageflow portlet. If I click on a link in pageflow portlet and after the page gets refreshed, nothing will work in JSF potlet. Again javacript errors
    If we had only 1 portlet on the page, JSF portlet works fine
    Do you think the prototype javacript library used in the portal causing any issues?

    I tried with <naming:namingContainer> immediatly after the f:view tag , but still getting same errors
    I am psoting the generated html and javascript error
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
    <title>New Portal Desktop</title><meta name="bea-portal-meta-skeleton" content="/framework/skeletons/default"><meta name="bea-portal-meta-skin" content="/framework/skins/default"><meta name="bea-portal-meta-skin-images" content="/framework/skins/default/images"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/css/body.css"><link type="text/css" href="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/css/button.css" rel="stylesheet"><link href="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/alert/css/window-alert.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><link href="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/css/window.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/plain/css/window-plain.css"><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/css/portlet.css"><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/css/book.css"><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/css/layout.css"><link href="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/css/form.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><script src="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/shared/js/console.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/shared/js/cookies.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/shared/js/state.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/js/util.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/js/skin.js"></script><script src="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/js/menu.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/js/delete.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/js/float.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/sampleWeb/framework/skins/default/js/menufx.js"></script>
    ><div class="bea-portal-body-content">
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    <td class="bea-portal-window-titlebar-buttons" nowrap="nowrap">
         <p>Beehive NetUI-JavaServer Faces Page - /sampleWeb/sample1/index.faces</p>
    <form id="portletInstance_6:_id1" method="post" action="http://localhost:7001/sampleWeb/sample.portal?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=portletInstance_6&_nffvid=%2FsampleWeb%2Fsample1%2Findex.faces&_pageLabel=defaultDesktopLabel_page_2" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
    <a href="# onclick="document.forms['portletInstance_6:_id1'['portletInstance_6:_id1:_idcl'].value='portletInstance_6:_id1:_id2'; document.forms['portletInstance_6:_id1'].submit(); return false;">sample</a>
    <input type="hidden" name="portletInstance_6:_id1" value="portletInstance_6:_id1" /></form>
    <td class="bea-portal-layout-placeholder-container"
    <div class="bea-portal-ie-table-buffer-div">
    <table class="bea-portal-window-titlebar-container" cellspacing="0">
    <td class="bea-portal-window-titlebar-title" nowrap="nowrap">Untitled</td>
    <td class="bea-portal-window-titlebar-buttons" nowrap="nowrap">
         <p>Beehive NetUI-JavaServer Faces Page - /sampleWeb/sample1/index.faces</p>
    <form id="portletInstance_5:_id1" method="post" action="http://localhost:7001/sampleWeb/sample.portal?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=portletInstance_5&_nffvid=%2FsampleWeb%2Fsample1%2Findex.faces&_pageLabel=defaultDesktopLabel_page_2" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
    <a href="#" onclick="document.forms['portletInstance_5:_id1']['portletInstance_5:_id1:_idcl'].value='portletInstance_5:_id1:_id2'; document.forms['portletInstance_5:_id1'].submit(); return false;">sample</a>
    <input type="hidden" name="portletInstance_5:_id1" value="portletInstance_5:_id1" /><input type="hidden" name="portletInstance_5:_id1:_idcl" /></form>
    Javascript error
    Line: 292
    Char: 1
    Error: 'portletinstance_6_id1:_idcl' is null or not an object
    Code: 0
    URL: http://localhost:7001/sampleWeb/sample.portal?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=

  • Oracle Portal Supported Frameworks? (struts,jsf,ajax or any others)

    Hi All,
    Which frameworks does oracle portal support exactly?.
    Message was edited by:

    Hi All,
    Which frameworks does oracle portal support exactly?.
    Message was edited by:

  • What is the best way to add AJAX support in an existing JSF application?

    I've done some research and I found several options listed below:
    1.Use JSF AJAX components like JBOSS RichFaces
    2. Use Client JavaScript Library like DOJO
    3. Use JavaScript directly
    My question is what is the best way to do that?
    And for approach 2, is it possible to mingle DOJO and JSF ?
    Thanks a million for your answers.

    If you can't wait for JSF 2 GA or don't want to use beta, look at project Dynamic Faces. It looks like JSF 2 AJAX support was based on the Dynamic Faces project, so it should be easy to switch from DynaFaces to JSF 2.

Maybe you are looking for