JSF error handling

jsf impl version 1.1
When loading a jsf with (http GET), I am sending a get-parameter (ID=123). When resolving this in the domain model, this might cause an exception which needs to be handled. How do I correctly redirect to an error page in this case?

Depends on business requirements. You can define an error-page for specified exception (sub)classes in web.xml. But you can also invoke HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect() to the desired page. Or simply use h:message / h:messages to display a message.

Similar Messages

  • JSF error handling when the bean is not correctly loaded

    I am doing some error handling in JSF and I want to do it in an elegant way. I have the following scenario for error handling.
    When the bean is initialized I load the bean with values from DAO which give SQL Exceptions.
    Since the bean is not loaded I properly I have to send the user to an error page showing the error message why I am sending the user to this page.
    I can do it by [ FacesContext.getCurrentInstance.redirect("/error.jsf") ] doing so I will loose all the FacesMessages that are added by the exceptions.
    Instead I want to use the [ FacesContext.getCurrentInstance.dispatch("url") ] which will allow the transfer of the user but I get the following
    16:59:39,341 WARN [lifecycle] executePhase(RESTORE_VIEW 1,com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextImpl@8537f9) threw exception
    java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot
    and the method that I am calling is
    public static void programErrorEnd() {
    logger.info("in the prgmErrorEnd mehod");
    //intializing the contex object
    FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    try {
    //ready to dispatch the url.
    } catch (IOException e) {
    //TODO what to do when there is an error at this stage.
    finally {
    }Thanks and Regarding
    Edited by: sgatl2 on Aug 28, 2008 2:32 PM
    Edited by: sgatl2 on Aug 28, 2008 2:45 PM

    Just let it throw the exception and define an error-page entry in the web.xml which catches the specified exception (or a superclass of it or a HTTP status code) and displays the error.jsf page accordingly.

  • A new approach to JSF error handling?

    I would like to run an idea by the community to check that I am not being crazy in doing this stuff. I would appreciate any comments, criticism or ideas.
    I was thinking about JSF's error processing mechanism, specifically about how label text gets associated with an input field. So, I am talking about this kind of stuff:
    <h:outputLabel for="firstName" value='#{msgs["applicant.search.firstName"]}: ' />
    <h:inputText id="firstName" value='#{applicantDetailsBackingBean.firstName}' required=�true�/>If the value is not entered into the input field, we will get an error message saying:
    �First Name�: is required.
    So HtmlMessageRenderer has replaced the field id in the FacesMessage with the label text by using the association set up with the 'for' attribute on the label. All of this message "decoration" work happens in the RENDER phase in a centralized location. I see a couple of weaknesses in this approach
    1) It is too late for resolving label text data if the label is inside a data table
    2) JSF establishes associations between label text and the input fields by using the label components to point to their input fields. Although this seems more natural, it limits label text sources to just the label components present on the current page (or whatever is nested under them), which makes it impossible to associate input field messages with label text that does not exist on the page in its entirety.
    Let's look at a couple examples, both of which I ran into in my application:
    1) Consider a situation in which we have a dataTable where every row consists of a student name and an input field for entering their assignment mark. The validation on the input field will be restricted to valid letter grades only. If the user enters an invalid grade, we want them to see an error message of the form: +�The mark entered for <student name> is invalid�.+ Since <student name> is dependent on the row in which the error occurred, this error message is not possible to generate with bare JSF functionality.
    2) Another situation that gets us in trouble is when the label text we want in our error message is not on the page (or not in it's entirety). For example, your page could be split up into multiple parts with those parts having input fields with the same name. We would want the error message to include the page part as well as the field name. This is not easily achieved with the bare JSF functionality.
    So to generalize, any situation where a label component with a static value throughout the lifecycle is not available will cause difficulty.
    Please correct me if I am wrong on any of these points.
    Since in my app I had a lot of complicated pages to deal with, I solved my difficulties by writing a very simple framework that I called Message Decorator Framework (MDF). It enabled me to easily construct much more detailed error messages than what the standard JSF approach seems to allows for. MDF provides a mechanism to specify the label text to be applied to a validation or a conversion message by either a literal, an el expression or via an id of another ValueHolder and all of these work in data tables.
    The idea is a s such, and this is what i would like your opinion on:
    MDF provides more flexible message decoration by adapting the opposite approach to the one used by the JSF:
    1) Message decoration is decentralized. MDF wraps converters and validators on individual input fields and performs message text replacement right on the spot in the PROCESS_VALIDATIONS phase, when all of the pertinent data for resolving the label text is still available.(i.e the components in data tables would still have the correct values for the current row being validated)
    2) The label text to be used is specified by the input field, not the label. This allows the developer to reference any text value, instead of tying them to a specific label component.
    Pictures are better than words, so here is an architectural diagram:
    The framework consists of two main classes, ConverterMessageDecorator and ValidatorMessageDecorator. I will just talk about the converter part, b/c the validator part is very similar but wraps a list of validators instead of one converter.
    So ConverterMessageDecorator is a JSF converter. Its purpose is to wrap the converter that is going to do the actual conversion work and decorate the FacesMessage inside ConverterException if one was thrown.
    The converter to wrap can be either determined automatically based on the type of the value reference of the input field or specified explicitly. This converter decorates the message by replacing all instances of the input field�s id with the resolved label text. The power of this approach is that not only do you get a much more flexible way to specify what the label text is (either fieldLabel or fieldLabelComponent attributes), but now data tables are no longer a problem.
    Here are some usage examples:
    <h:inputText value='#{section33SetupBackingBean.contribution.sampleGatePct}'>
       <md:decorateConverterMessage fieldLabel= '#{msgs["section.34.setup.contribution.initial.sampling.gate.max.size"]}' />
    <h:inputText value='#{section33SetupBackingBean.payment.sampleGatePct}'>
       <md:decorateConverterMessage fieldLabel= '#{msgs["section.34.setup.payment.initial.sampling.gate.max.size"]}' />
    </h:inputText>The two input fields have exactly the same labels on the screen (they are in two different parts of the page), so if we used their respective labels, the error messages would look the same for these two input fields.
    More complicated example:
    <h:dataTable value="#{paymentCalcBackingBean.currentPaymentPercentages}" var="currentPercentage" >
      <ops:refDataDescription id="provinceLabelTextId" refDataType="provinceStateType"
                code="${currentPercentage.programProvince.provinceStateTypeCode}" />
      <h:inputText value="${currentPercentage.federalPercentage}">
    <md:decorateConverterMessage fieldLabelComponent="provinceLabelTextId"  valueRequired="true" >
       <f:converter converterId="ops.PercentageConverter" />
    <md:decorateValidatorMessage fieldLabelComponent="provinceLabelTextId" >
       <f:validator validatorId="ops.PercentageValidator" />
    </h:dataTable>This would produce errors shown in this screenshot: http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1259418_Example3.png
    Here is another example that shows off what you can do by referencing other ValueHolders on the page.
    The code is exactly the same as the snippet shown above, but the inputText component is referencing a text box, so the label text is going to be whatever the user types into the text box:
    Does this approach seem reasonable to people, or am I reinventing the wheel? Please let me know.

    Try restarting the DTR application and see if the problem persists.

  • Issue with SRDemo error handling

    Hi All,
    Glad the forums are back up and running. In debugging some error-handling issues in our own application, I found an issue in the error handling code of SRDemo. I thought I'd post the issue here, as many of us (myself included) use some SRDemo code as the basis for our own applications.
    The issue can be found in the oracle.srdemo.view.frameworkExt.SRDemoPageLifecycle class, specifically in the translateExceptionToFacesErrors method. I'll show the code that has the issue first, and explain the issue afterwards:
            if (numAttr > 0) {
                Iterator i = attributeErrors.keySet().iterator();
                while (i.hasNext()) {
                    String attrNameKey = (String)i.next();
                     * Only add the error to show to the user if it was related
                     * to a field they can see on the screen. We accomplish this
                     * by checking whether there is a control binding in the current
                     * binding container by the same name as the attribute with
                     * the related exception that was reported.
                    ControlBinding cb =
                        ADFUtils.findControlBinding(bc, attrNameKey);
                    if (cb != null) {
                        String msg = (String)attributeErrors.get(attrNameKey);
                        if (cb instanceof JUCtrlAttrsBinding) {
                            attrNameKey = ((JUCtrlAttrsBinding)cb).getLabel();
                        JSFUtils.addFacesErrorMessage(attrNameKey, msg);
                }Now, this bit of code attempts to be "smart" and only show error messages relating to attributes if those attributes are in fact displayed on the screen. It does so by using a utility method to find a control binding for the attribute name. There are two issues with this code, one obvious, and one that is a bit more subtle.
    The obvious issue: if there is a binding in the page definition, it doesn't necessarily mean that the attribute is shown on the screen. It's a good approximation, but not exact.
    The other issue is more subtle, and led to errors being "eaten," or not shown, in our application. The issue comes if you are using an af:table to display and update your data. In that case, the findControlBinding will not find anything for that attribute, since the attribute is contained within a table binding.
    Just posting this as a word to the wary.

    somehow, this message got in the wrong thread....
    Hi Frank,
    Yes, I simply scripted it out this way to contrast the behaviour if the first attribute was read-only vs not read-only. I found the issue on a page in our app that was simply drag-and-drop the VO from the data control on the page.
    It's quite annoying, because our particular use case that hit this error is a "save" button on the page. If the commit operation doesn't return any errors (and it doesn't in this use case!), we add a JSF message saying "save successful" - then the attribute errors are further added later in the page lifecycle, so we get 3 messages: "Save successful" and "Fix this error" and "Tried to set read-only attribute" - quite confusing to the end-user when the only message they should see is "fix this error."
    At any rate, the fix is to simply re-order the attributes in the page definition - that doesn't affect the UI at all, other than to fix this issue.
    it was supposed to be something like:
    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for the reply. I was simply posting this here so that people who use the SRDemo application techniques as a basis for developing the same functionality in their own apps (like me) can be aware of the issue, and avoid lots of head-scratching to figure out "what happened to the error message?"

  • Error handling in overridden methods in AbstractPageBean

    I'm writing a small app in JSF. One of the pages populates a bunch of text fields from an XML file whose name is passed into the app as an initialization parameter. The purpose of the page is to allow editing of the fields.
    It seemed that the prerender() method was the right place to initialize the fields in the form. I have an application-scoped bean trying to open the XML file. I don't want the app to barf on initialization if the file doesn't exist, because the application contains the logic to create the file. So it just sets the appropriate forward target ("file does not exist" page, or maybe XML parse error) and lets the pages that use those bean properties decide when and if they need to display the initialization error page.
    I would like to throw an exception from the prerender() method in my page, and have the error handling specified in web.xml. The problem, of course, is that I can't throw my own exception from prerender().
    So, have I got the wrong place to initialize my form, or do I have to throw a javax.faces.FacesException, or have I got this whole error-handling thing wrong?
    Any advice would be gratefully received.
    Many thanks.
    public void prerender(){
            // Get ApplicationBean1 to forward the request if we fail to
            // initialize properly.
            ApplicationBean1 ab1 = getApplicationBean1();
            HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) this.getFacesContext().
            HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) this.getFacesContext().
                //The initialization code for ApplicationBean1() sets the
                //target when it detects an error and then forwards the
                //request to that target upon invocation of the forwardRequest
            // These are the input components

    Well, I'm certainly no expert, but prerender() is called, as you might expect, just before rendering takes place (but only if the page will actually be rendered). This means it won't be called for a page that handled a postback but then navigated to a different page. Good place to handle initializations that happen before rendering.
    So my thinking was that I could initialize stuff before there's anything in the response, making it easier to bail out if something goes bad.
    But I really can't work out the right way to bail out: I can't throw my own exception because the prerender() is overridden from AbstractPageBean. So I suppose I could create a MikesBadInitException e and throw it inside a new javax.faces.FacesException(e). But I'd like to specify an error-page in my web.xml for MikesBadInitException, and don't want to handle all javax.faces.FacesExceptions, if you get my drift.

  • ADF Custom error handler not working.

    Hi All,
    i am using jdev version i have created one custom error handler class in model layer which extend DcErrorHandlerImpl class.
    and do the entry in Databinding.cpx file
    *<Application ErrorHandlerClass="mypackage.classname"/>*
    i have override getDisplayMessage(BindingContext ctx, Exception ex) method to show SQL Exception which comes from database table trigger.
    code is following-
    package com.in.jagran.view.services;
        import java.sql.SQLException;
        import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
        import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCErrorHandlerImpl;
        import oracle.jbo.JboException;
        public class AclasErrorHandler extends DCErrorHandlerImpl {
          public AclasErrorHandler(boolean setToThrow) {
            System.out.println("Inside Error Handler class");
          public AclasErrorHandler() {
           // this(true);
           * Returns the message that will be reported to JSF for each error that occurs.
           * Returning "null" is the way the custom error handler signals that a given exception
           * should not be reported to the client.
          public String getDisplayMessage(BindingContext ctx, Exception ex)
            if (ex instanceof oracle.jbo.ValidationException) {
              return super.getDisplayMessage(ctx, ex);
            else {
              // Extract and return the error message that has to be displayed
              Exception exception = ex;
              String message = "";
              // If this exception is an instance of JboException,
              // try to find the cause by recursing over the eventual causing exceptions
              if (exception instanceof JboException)
                Throwable[] exceptionList = ((JboException)exception).getExceptions();
                while (exception instanceof JboException
                        && exceptionList != null && exceptionList.length > 0)
                  exception = (Exception)exceptionList[0];
                  if (exception instanceof JboException) {
                    exceptionList = ((JboException)exception).getExceptions();
              // *** Special processing of SQLExceptions
              if (exception instanceof SQLException) {
                message = exception.getMessage();
                // Ignore the lines in the error message that indicate the line number in the PLSQL code that the error resulted on.
                int ind = message.indexOf("ORA-06512");
                if (ind > 0)
                  message = message.substring(0, ind);
              // *** If the the reason for the JboException was data creation exception then display the message
              // of the top JboException (i.e. JBO-*****: Invalid numeric value, date format or time format)
              else if (exception instanceof NumberFormatException || exception instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
                // Report the top exception
                message = ex.getMessage();
              // Otherwise report the message of the lowest exception in the hierarchy
              else {
                message = exception.getMessage();
              return message;
        }but it is not working for me.
    thanks in Advance.

    yes i have used dubugger.
    i have set break point to following line-
    return super.getDisplayMessage(ctx, ex);
    if (ex instanceof oracle.jbo.ValidationException) {
            return super.getDisplayMessage(ctx, ex);   
    }when atttribute validation done like i have attribute of type number and i have done the validation "must be greater than 0" now when i have given negative value control go to above line.
    and i have added following code also in handler class
               public void reportException(DCBindingContainer dCBindingContainer,
                                           Exception exception) {
                       super.reportException(dCBindingContainer, exception);
                   }now when i have done commit operation control go to here and println statement print follwoing error on log window.
    JBO-26041: Failed to post data to database during "Rollback to Savepoint": SQL Statement "null".

  • Error Handler and Page Bindings

    I have a task flow with an error-handler defined. Any action-binding method calls which throw exceptions from the business layer are handled nicely by the error handler. The same doesn't happen though when the binding is in the page, tied to a button (as created when you drag a method from the data control palette onto the page). The exception is instead displayed in the calling page. What am I missing here?

    the ADF Controller catches excptions occuring while it processes an activity. If JSF catches the exception then this does not involve navigation and therefore the message displays on the page

  • How to take control back from service error handler in osb

    I am using osb to send data to multiple services at the same time.since x query is a procedural language if any single operation fails the flow goes to service error handler which calls a BPEL webservice and logs the error in a database but the control doesnt comes back to my code I have tried everything including RESUME,REPLY operations but all in vain similarly i cannot use service callout call to my business service because its not allowing to select my BPEL wsdl operation

    If your statement "the control doesnt comes back to my code" means you expect that your xquery will continue in processing than your expectations are just too high. :-)
    Resume action is supposed to resume the next action in the message flow. It means the action that follows the action which caused an error.

  • Report and Alert don't executed in the error handler with a JMS proxy service

    I'm working with OSB and I'm facing a problem with the error handler of my JMS proxy service.
    My error handler contains two main elements :
    - a Report action
    - an Alert with a JMS destination defined
    When the business service failed the message remain in the queue. It's the expected behavior.
    The problem is :
    - the report is missing
    - the alert is raised but missing in the JMS destination defined in the Alert setting.
    I've noticed if I add a Reply with Failure or Success, Report and Alert are successfully executed.
    Unfortunately the message don't remain in the JMS queue.
    What can I do in order to have my report/alert done and the JMS transaction rollback in order to keep the message in the queue ?
    I've already met this problem in the past with alsb v3 and my solution was to add Service Callout in the error handler in order to externalize these actions.
    This solution is not convenient and I hope another solution is possible.

    Inventorying workgroups can be difficult, especially when it comes to remote access and network security. Because workgroups are not centrally managed, some of the items discussed in this
    wiki article on preparing your workgroup environment may require you to visit each machine individually.
    For non-domain credentials, you do not use the <systemname>\<user> format, you simply enter the user name. Regarding how to enter the credentials, if you have an account that uses the same username and password on all machines and is an administrator
    on all of those machines, then you can enter that in the All computers credentials page of the wizard. You can also do this if they are different user names. However, if some machines have an account with the same user name, such as Administrator,
    but different passwords on each machine, you will need to use the Manually enter computer names discovery method, and then enter the information for each group or each machine.
    As you can tell, workgroup environments can quickly negate any benefit that the agentless inventory nature of MAP provides.
    Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click
    "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. Please
    VOTE as HELPFUL if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • LV7.1 Strange behavior with Automatic Error Handling occuring when it shouldn't [LV 7.1 Pro on WinXP for Tablet PC's]

    [LV 7.1 Pro on WinXP for Tablet PC's]
    I recently let a rather large LV app of mine run in the development environment while I was out for a couple of days. Upon returning I found that the app had hung for ~22 hours waiting for an answer to an Automatic Error Handling (AEH) dialog proclaiming an Error 7 in New File without any indication of the VI hierarchy that called New File.  I set about ensuring that AEH dialogs would not pop up and have not been able to discover how I could have possibly received one in the first place.
    Subsequent investigation revealed:
    Neither AEH option in Options>Block Diagrams were checked.
    Network problems had occurred around the time that the app had hung.  All file paths are network paths when running in the development environment, so the cause of the error was most likely valid, even if the AEH dialog appearance wasn't.
    My app has only one instance where the New File primitive is used by me. That subVI and all others above it in the hierarchy DO NOT have the AEH property enabled.  The error out cluster of New File in my subvi is wired.
    My app has three instances where New File is called from a vi.lib vi (Open/Create/Replace File.vi, Open Config Data.vi, and Prompt Web Browser Path.vi), none of which have the AEH property enabled.  Nor does any of their calling VI's.  All three instances also have their error out cluster wired.
    A utility to examine the AEH property of all VI's (with all top level and dynamic VI's loaded) in memory reported that only 1 of 308 vi's ( RGT Does File Exists.vi from the Report Generation Toolkit) had that property true.  That vi has no subVI's other than the File/Directory Info primitive and no calling VI's in common with any of the vi's that call New File, except a top level VI.
    As long as 'Enable automatic error handling dialogs' remains unselected in options>block diagram, I am unable to get an AEH dialog for either the New File or File/Directory Info primitives in a test VI with AEH property enabled and their error out clusters unwired no matter what invalid path I pass to the functions.  As soon as the options>block diagram>Enable AEH dialogs' is selected, both primitives fire AEH dialogs with no error out wired and don't when wired. i.e. works as advertised.
    In other words I can find no reason why I should have gotten the problem AEH dialog...
    I cannot afford for this app to hang because of a network problem, other portions of the app that were running concurrently correctly handled the error and, had the AEH dialog not appeared, the app would have made corrections or shutdown in an orderly fashion.
    Any ideas?

    Very good.
    Write Characters to File.vi>Open/Create/Replace File.vi>New File
    New File throws the error.  Open/Create/Replace strips the hierarchy from the source of the error.  Write Characters passes it to the General Error Handler.  I never looked above O/C/R file in the hierarchy except for enable automatic error handling property.  The tip-off should have been to realize that O/C/R file was stripping the hierarchy from the error and look above that. 
    The real irony is that Write Characters was being used to log error cluster data to an error log file...
    Save as... Copy without updating... the OEM 'Write Characters to File' is gone from this app.
    Thanx (a bunch)

  • Error handling in process chain-doubts

    Hi ,
    I have some doubts in error handling of process chains.
    1) I have  aprocess load infopackeage and subsequent process is update fromPSA.
    process load infopackage got failed  , so i loaded  the IP manually and repeated the next i.e process update from PSA .
    How to correct the process chain from now?
    2) I have  aprocess load infopackeage and subsequent process is Delete request in infocube .process load infopackage got failed  , so i loaded  the IP manually and repeated the next process i.e Delete request in infocube. Chain continued by deleting the right request . How this is possible ?
    Plz  help me  as this is urgent and daily i have to deal with this  issues. If any documents on error handling is greatly appreciated.
    My mail id is [email protected]

    Hi Pavan,
    Hope the following links will give u a clear idea about process chains and clear ur doubts.
    Business Intelligence Old Forum (Read Only Archive)
    Errors in monitoring of process chains can be categorized into 4 different sections...
    Master data - Full Update
    Master data - Delta Update
    Transaction data - Full Update
    Transaction data - Delta Update.. in terms of loading of data which can be due to server shut down or system maintenance... errors due to incorrect entries in the OLTP system in which case you'll have to fix the errors in the PSA and manually load the data...
    Otherwise it can have errors on Attribute change run being locked by some other job... Aggregate Roll up failing because of attribute change run being run at the same time... Problem with hierarchies and save hierarchies...
    There can be problems with the data store activation if the ODS object contains any incorrect request sitting inside it... then, you need to delete the incorrect request and reload the data again...
    In case of Transaction Delta failure, you'll have to request for a repeat either manually in the infopackage or using the repeat option if available on right clicking the load event...
    For Master Data Delta failures, you need to do an Re-init by deleteing the previous initalization condition in the "initalization option for source systems" in the menu scheduler or reschedule the enitre chain... because, master data generally do not support repeat of last delta ...
    U can even look into these links:
    For common data load errors check this link:
    ****Assign Points if Helpful****

  • Error handling function: ORA-20001: get_dbms_sql_cursor error:ORA-00942: table or view does not exist  is not trapped. Why?

    Why APEX 4.1 Error handling function does not trap  the error of missing table?
    Say, I create simple application with single IR report page and I also assign standard simple error handling function.
    Function works perfectly, except but this case:
    If I just drop a table used by report page and then refresh the page I am getting usual APEX error message:
    ORA-20001: get_dbms_sql_cursor error ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    and error handling function is not invoked at all.
    Is this a feature or a bug?

    Check the corrections given in the note 990764:
    Reason and Prerequisites
    Up to now, using a characteristic with its own master data read class as the InfoProvider was not supported. This is now released but it is not available for all modelings. Using the attributes in the query is not supported for characteristics that have their own master data read class. Using the attributes in the query causes a termination. The following errors may occur in this case:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI
               Import Support Package 11 for SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI (BI Patch 11 or SAPKW70011) into your BI system. The Support Package is available once Note 0914305 "SAPBINews BI 7.0 Support Package 11", which describes this Support Package in more detail, has been released for customers.
    In urgent cases you can implement the correction instructions.
    The correction instructions contain the tightened inspection for characteristics.
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

  • Error Handling in File Adapter

    I have been working on a requirement where the file adapter picks up the file and gives to the BPEL for processing the data.
    So, in order to do Error Handling for file adapter, i have been reading the Oracle documentation for technology adapters. In that, some of the
    points which i felt valuable for my error handling when using file adapter are the uniqueMessageSeparator property, fault-policies for rejected messages,
    and one of the action for rejected messages could be writing the payload to a file or invoking any other webservice.
    In my composite, i have configured the file adapter as a service for reading files, and i defined the xsd using the native format builder....If i put some data like 'aaaa' in the attribute of type integer , the .csv file is being picked up and its being passed to the BPEL without any error ? I believe there should be a translation error...right...
    But i am not getting the error, please tell me if anything is wrong in my xsd....
    Here is my xsd...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    <xsd:element name="names">
    <xsd:element name="name" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:element name="FirstName" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="," />
    <xsd:element name="LastName" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="," />
    <xsd:element name="Number" type="xsd:integer" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="${eol}" />
    And for DB Adapter, there is a property called SchemaValidation, i think that is not there for File adapter, by default it will take care of validation i guess....In another composite, my file adapter is picking up the .xml file and if i put any wrong data over there, that is working fine, i am getting the translation error, but only here in the case of csv file, i am not getting the error. Experts, please help me in this regard...I am using SOA 11G

    Hi Yatan,
    Thanks for the reply. I did the same way, where my composite is picking up an XML file and translation error is coming. Even the fault policies are working fine, like writing to a file and even invoking other web service. Its really good that you have achieved the same thing in csv files. But the same thing i am unable to achieve when my file adapter is picking up the csv file. I really cant understand where i am doing wrong.
    here is my XSD which i defined through my native builder format...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    <xsd:element name="Roots">
    <xsd:element name="FirstName" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="," nxsd:quotedBy="&quot;" />
    <xsd:element name="LastName" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="," nxsd:quotedBy="&quot;" />
    <xsd:element name="Number" type="xsd:integer" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="${eol}" nxsd:quotedBy="&quot;" />
    the jca file ..
    <adapter-config name="FileRecv" adapter="File Adapter" wsdlLocation="FileRecv.wsdl" xmlns="http://platform.integration.oracle/blocks/adapter/fw/metadata">
    <connection-factory location="eis/FileAdapter" UIincludeWildcard="n*.csv"/>
    <endpoint-activation portType="Read_ptt" operation="Read">
    <activation-spec className="oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.FileActivationSpec">
    <property name="DeleteFile" value="true"/>
    <property name="MinimumAge" value="0"/>
    <property name="PhysicalDirectory" value="C:\files"/>
    <property name="Recursive" value="false"/>
    <property name="PollingFrequency" value="5"/>
    <property name="IncludeFiles" value="n.*\.csv"/>
    <property name="UseHeaders" value="false"/>
    I told that the file will contain only 1 record while defining xsd and i kept a record whose values are John , Peter and akjdkjdskj.
    Now if the data is like above, the file is still getting picked up without any translation error and the BPEL is getting completed successfully...
    Is it possible for you to send your sample project and the csv file from which you have defined the xsd to me if you dont mind ?

  • Error handling in File - XI - SOAP scenario without BPM

    We have a File -> XI -> SOAP scenario without BPM. The problem is that if the Web Service sends back an error XI tries to reprocess the same message again and again instead of taking the next one.
    We do not want set the retry interval to NULL because most error cases are temporary connection problems and then also those messages would not automatically be reprocessed any more.
    We also have to use BE instead of EO, otherwise the Web Service will not return a response. But we need the response to be sure that the processing was successful. The message volume in this scenario is quite high and we do not want to use BPM only for the error handling.
    I know that from SP19 some additional adapter modules are available for async - sync scenarios without BPM. I tried to configure it like described in File - RFC - File without a BPM - Possible from SP 19. but it did not solve the problem. Does anybody have any other ideas? Thanks.
    Regards, Tanja

    Hi Tanja,
    >>>The volume is 3000 messages/day on business days and 700 messages/day during weekends but the traffic will increase in the future
    I think, you should check that out. It is assumedly only 2 days work to build a scenario:
    IDoc -> BP
    BP <-> SOAP/HTTP
    BP -> IDoc (Acknowledgement)
    In the process you need a condition branch, where you decide success or not. You need 2 Interface Mappings for filling the ALEAUD.
    Just send 1000 IDocs to the Test-XI and look to performance monitoring at Runtime Workbench, to find out, how many message will be processed in one hour. Assumedly 3000 and more per day should be possible. The advantage would be to reduce number of systems (no file system) and messages (better monitoring) and using the standard (better maintenance).
    >>>So you are suggesting I should use HTTP adapter and then add the SOAP header manually in a mapping?
    Yes, build the SOAP envelop during the mapping. Most easy is to use XSL or, if your mapping is ready, an additionsal XSL. You can put the error into the Acknowledgement to see it in ERP transaction WE02.
    Filling of ALEAUD fields:
    E1ADHDR/MESTYP: original message type
    E1ADHDR/E1STATE/DOCNUM: original IDoc number
    E1ADHDR/E1STATE/STATUS: 68 in case of error, 53 in case of success
    E1ADHDR/E1STATE/STATXT: Short description for R/3 user what has happend
    I ve done such a scenario several times. That works without any problems.

  • IDOC to SOAP asynchronous scenario Error handling

    Need an expert!!!!!!!!! advise on  error handling for IDOC--PI--
    SOAP scenario.This is a asynchronous scenario where PI is calling a Legacy system using SOAP adapter.My question is how i can do error handling in this scenario.If i get an alert in pi with payload variable that would be fine, do i need to use BPM and if that is tthe case what will be steps.
    Appreciate your help.

    Hello Manish,
    My question is how i can do error handling in this scenario.
    Use the standard alert framework. Search on SDN / SAP Help for details.
    do i need to use BPM and if that is tthe case what will be steps.
    BPM is not required to raise alerts, as this is an async call.

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