Json parsing error in J2ME

Problem in J2ME application
while using Json Object in Midlet file
JSONObject obj=new JSONObject();
.Json-lib2.4-jdk15.jar added in project libraries but application shows error as
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/json/JSONObject.
Project created in NetBeans 7.4

This library contains classes in the class format version 49 which is not supported by Java ME. Java ME supports class file versions up to 48 (preverify tool shall be ran against them as it was in Java ME mobile phone times) or versions 51 and greater (no preverification needed)
You might want to download source code from the SF and recompile it with javac from JDK 7 or 8 (please do not specify -target argument when compiling)

Similar Messages

  • Json parsing error WP8

    I'm using System.Json in order to communicate with my server.
    Here is my code:
    WebClient wc;
    ObservableCollection<ProductModel> products;
    string baseURI = "http://ec2-54-149-185-231.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/";
    public AddProductReportViewModel()//ctor
    wc = new WebClient();
    products = new ObservableCollection<ProductModel>();
    wc.DownloadStringCompleted += wc_DownloadStringCompleted;
    wc.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(baseURI + "get_products_json.php?search=במבה"));
    void wc_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Error == null && e.Result != "")
    JsonValue completeResult = JsonPrimitive.Parse(e.Result);
    //string resultType = completeResult[“returnType”].ToString().Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
    //if (resultType == “todoItems”)
    JsonArray toDoItemsJson = (JsonArray)completeResult["products"];
    foreach (JsonValue todoItemJson in toDoItemsJson)
    ProductModel product = new ProductModel();
    if (todoItemJson["PID"] != null)
    product.Product_code = Convert.ToInt32(todoItemJson["PID"].ToString().Replace('"', ' ').Trim());
    if (todoItemJson["Name"] != null)
    product.Product_name = todoItemJson["Name"].ToString().Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
     e.Result contains following data(it retrieved data from the server) :
    "Array\n(\n    [products] => Array\n        (\n            [0] => Array\n                (\n                
       [PID] => 54401079\n                    [Name] => חטיף מתוק, במבה מתוקה, אסם\n                )\n\n            [1] =>
    Array\n                (\n                    [PID] => 54401059\n                    [Name] => חטיף בוטנים, במבה,
    פרפר נחמד, שוש, אסם, עלית, תלמה\n                )\n\n        )\n\n    [success] => 1\n)\n{\"products\":[{\"PID\":\"54401079\",\"Name\":\"\\u05d7\\u05d8\\u05d9\\u05e3
    \\u05de\\u05ea\\u05d5\\u05e7, \\u05d1\\u05de\\u05d1\\u05d4 \\u05de\\u05ea\\u05d5\\u05e7\\u05d4, \\u05d0\\u05e1\\u05dd\"},{\"PID\":\"54401059\",\"Name\":\"\\u05d7\\u05d8\\u05d9\\u05e3 \\u05d1\\u05d5\\u05d8\\u05e0\\u05d9\\u05dd,
    \\u05d1\\u05de\\u05d1\\u05d4, \\u05e4\\u05e8\\u05e4\\u05e8 \\u05e0\\u05d7\\u05de\\u05d3, \\u05e9\\u05d5\\u05e9, \\u05d0\\u05e1\\u05dd, \\u05e2\\u05dc\\u05d9\\u05ea, \\u05ea\\u05dc\\u05de\\u05d4\"}],\"success\":1}"
    But when the debugger reaches the bold line: 
    JsonValue completeResult = JsonPrimitive.Parse(e.Result);
    I get the following exception:
    An exception of type 'System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException' occurred in System.ServiceModel.Web.ni.dll but was not handled in user code
    If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.
    I'm totally new in this domain (servers..), so any help would be very appreciated :)

    got it...the problem was in the server: I changed it to return encoded data only.

  • Json parsing error

    I have a requirement that we will get json string dynamically and we need to convert that Json string to Json object and we have get corresponding values from json object
    but while converting that Json string to Json object extra things are appending
    ex :
       “productId” : “aaaaaa”,
       “skuId” : “bbbbbb”,
    This is json string while convering this string to json object i am getting like this    
    so i am getting corresponding productId and skuId values it is expecting \u201cproductId\u201d as key
    please give me a solution how to parse this and how to get productId and skuId values from json object

    How are you generating JSON. It seems like double quotes character you are using is not right.
    Use " instead of “ as double quotes

  • SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF

    This message pops up in Safari from Bitdefender antivirus, does anybody have any idea how to fix?

    jemz wrote:
      <cfif IsDefined("empmycode")>
             <cfset  myarray= getempCode(#mycode#)>
      <cffunction name="getempCode">
           <cfargument name="empcode">
             <cfquery  name="empQuery" datasource="#datasource#">
                   Select empcode from employee where empcode = '#empcode#'
                <cfset mystruct = StructNew()>  
                <cfset mystruct.empcode=#empQuery.empcode#>
            <cfreturn   SerializeJSON(mystruct)>
    The above code is confusing. You test for the existence of empmycode, yet you actually use mycode instead. In addition, what you call an array isn't, and you fail to 'var' the method's local variables.
    You could modify the code, by scoping, as well as bearing in mind what Carl has said:
    <cfif IsDefined("form.empmycode")>
        <cfset  code= getempCode(form.empmycode)>
    <cffunction name="getempCode">
    <cfargument name="empcode">
    <cfset var mystruct = StructNew()>
    <!--- Alternative:  <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="'#arguments.empcode#"> --->
             <cfquery  name="empQuery" datasource="#datasource#">
                   Select empcode from employee where empcode = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="'#arguments.empcode#">
    <cfset mystruct.empcode=empQuery.empcode>
    <cfreturn   SerializeJSON(mystruct)>

  • Syntax Error with JSON.Parse method to parse SharePoint List Items

    Hi All,
    I want to get SharePoint List data and bind that retrived data to the JQuery Grid Control.
    For this I used SPServices to get the SharePoint List data in SOAP Envelope. Now I need to parse the soap envelope and store the retrieved items in array to pass it to the Grid Control.
    While using the JSON.Parse(resporseText) method, Iam consistenly getting an Syntax Error!
    Could anyone help me with this ?
    Please find the SOAP Envelope I received from SP List as below:
    "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><soap:Body><GetListItemsResponse xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/"><GetListItemsResult><listitems xmlns:s='uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882'
    <rs:data ItemCount="2">
    <z:row ows_OBNumber='112211.000000000' ows_Project_x0020_Name='Project 1' ows_MetaInfo='11;#' ows__ModerationStatus='0' ows__Level='1' ows_Title='Project 1' ows_ID='11' ows_UniqueId='11;#{FBBCBCF9-666D-42F9-92D7-67188C51BC9B}' ows_owshiddenversion='1' ows_FSObjType='11;#0' ows_Created='2015-01-12 10:25:06' ows_PermMask='0x7fffffffffffffff' ows_Modified='2015-01-12 10:25:06' ows_FileRef='11;#sites/Lists/Projects/11_.000' />
    <z:row ows_OBNumber='1122343.00000000' ows_Project_x0020_Name='Project 2 ' ows_MetaInfo='12;#' ows__ModerationStatus='0' ows__Level='1' ows_Title='Project 2' ows_ID='12' ows_UniqueId='12;#{0D772B76-68E4-4769-B6FF-6A269F9C7ABD}' ows_owshiddenversion='1' ows_FSObjType='12;#0' ows_Created='2015-01-12 10:33:48' ows_PermMask='0x7fffffffffffffff' ows_Modified='2015-01-12 10:33:48' ows_FileRef='12;#sites/Lists/Projects/12_.000' />
    Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks In Advance.!

    According to your description, there is an issue when parsing result from the data retrieved using SPServices.
    By default, SPServices returns data as XML format, however, the JSON.parse() method “Throws a SyntaxError exception if the string to parse is not valid JSON”:
    To extract the data needed from the response, you can either take the demo below for as a reference:
    Or use the jQuery.parseXML() function:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • I am getting this error message every time i open firefox: "catch all: json.parse: unexpected end of data"

    Every time i open Firefox i am getting this message "catch all: json.parse: unexpected end of data". Otherwise everything works just fine, i didn't notice any kind of functionality problems.
    Thanks for the help!

    hello, can you try to replicate this behaviour when you launch firefox in safe mode once? if not, maybe an addon is interfering here...
    [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]]

  • Parse error with print

    I tried to build a custome web gallery into LR 4.3 on MAC.
    I started with example from LR SDK zip.
    In my index.html sample file, i simply declare some variables at the top like this:
    <%--[[ Define some variables to make locating other resources easier     firstPage was defined in our manifest.]]      local others = "content"    local theRoot = "."    local mySize = "large"    local firstImage    local title    local caption    local width    local height      local LrLogger = import 'LrLogger'    local myLogger = LrLogger( 'libraryLogger' )          myLogger:enable('print')          local debug, info, warn, err = myLogger:quick( 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'err' ) %> 
    After, inside a script tag, i would like to print into index.html outputed file a json file with images name.
    Before that i simply tried to print a test string, and i got in Console app this message : SyntaxError: Parse error
    Where am i wrong ?

    Hi , Welcome to the HP Forums! I see that you are getting a printhead error with your HP Officejet 6830. I am happy to help!  I would recommend to go through the steps within this guide, 'Problem with Printhead,' 'Printer Failure,' 'Ink System Failure,' or a '0x...' or a 'C2...' Error Message Displays. You will also want to make sure you are using Genuine HP Ink Cartridges, and that none of your Ink Cartridges are low or empty.  Hope this guide helps!  “Please click the Thumbs up icon below to thank me for responding.”

  • JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data

    I am having problem using cold fusion and jquery.ajax it will throw error
    JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data
    this is the response in firebug {"EMPCODE":"E-00001"}
      <cfif IsDefined("empmycode")>
             <cfset  myarray= getempCode(#mycode#)>
    <cffunction name="getempCode">
           <cfargument name="empcode">
             <cfquery  name="empQuery" datasource="#datasource#">
                   Select empcode from employee where empcode = '#empcode#'
                <cfset mystruct = StructNew()>  
                <cfset mystruct.empcode=#empQuery.empcode#>
            <cfreturn   SerializeJSON(mystruct)>
        type: 'post',
            data: {empmycode:empcode}, 
        url: 'child.cfm',
        var myobjc = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
    Thank you in advance

    jemz wrote:
      <cfif IsDefined("empmycode")>
             <cfset  myarray= getempCode(#mycode#)>
      <cffunction name="getempCode">
           <cfargument name="empcode">
             <cfquery  name="empQuery" datasource="#datasource#">
                   Select empcode from employee where empcode = '#empcode#'
                <cfset mystruct = StructNew()>  
                <cfset mystruct.empcode=#empQuery.empcode#>
            <cfreturn   SerializeJSON(mystruct)>
    The above code is confusing. You test for the existence of empmycode, yet you actually use mycode instead. In addition, what you call an array isn't, and you fail to 'var' the method's local variables.
    You could modify the code, by scoping, as well as bearing in mind what Carl has said:
    <cfif IsDefined("form.empmycode")>
        <cfset  code= getempCode(form.empmycode)>
    <cffunction name="getempCode">
    <cfargument name="empcode">
    <cfset var mystruct = StructNew()>
    <!--- Alternative:  <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="'#arguments.empcode#"> --->
             <cfquery  name="empQuery" datasource="#datasource#">
                   Select empcode from employee where empcode = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="'#arguments.empcode#">
    <cfset mystruct.empcode=empQuery.empcode>
    <cfreturn   SerializeJSON(mystruct)>

  • XML Parse error while loading an XML file

    HI Folks,
    I was trying to load and XML file into BODS.. The XML file is well-formed and the same when tested in other tools  is getting loaded without any issues..
    I have created a XML-File format with the corresponding XSD..
    But here in BODS it is giving - Parse error
    1) when i try to view the data of the source XML in my dataflow ..it is giving "XML Parser Failed".. and not able to show data..
    2) When I run my job i get the same pares error - with details as under..
    ---> Error here is "Unable to recognize element 'TAB' " or some time is say " Element TAB should be qualified"
    Please guide with this if you have any info..thanks
    I'm pasting the XML source file format here for your reference:--
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
    - <asx:abap xmlns:asx="http://www.sap.com/abapxml" version="1.0">
    - <asx:values>
    - <TAB>
    - <items>
      <STREET_2 />
      <ORDER_BLOCK />
      <SALES_NOTE />
      <ADDRESS_NOTE />
      <GLN_NUMBER />
      <ACCOUNT_TYPE />
      <GAG />
      <SDI_ID />
      <HOSP_ID />
      <HIN />
      <DUNS />
      <PO_BOX />
      <POB_CITY />
      <POB_ZIP />
      <EMAIL_DOMAIN />
      <REQUESTER />
    + <item>
    + <item>

    Depending on the object "myLastFile", the method openDlg might not even exist (if the myLastFile object is not a File object, for instance). And I do not see any need for the myLastFile anyhow, as you are presenting a dialog to select a file to open. I recommend using the global ChooseFile( ) method instead. This will give you a filename as string in full path notation, or null when no file was selected in the dialog. I am not sure what your ExtendScript documentation states about the return value for ChooseFile, but if that differs from what I am telling you here, the documentation is wrong. So, if you replace the first lines of your code with the following it should work:
    function openXMLFile ( ) {
        var filename = ChooseFile ( "Choose XML file ...", "", "*.xml", Constants.FV_ChooseSelect );
    While writing this, I see that Russ has already given you the same advice. Use the symbolic constant value I indicated to use the ChooseFile dialog to select a single file (it can also be used to select a directory or open a file - but you want to control the opening process yourself). Note that this method allows you to set a start directory for the dialog (second parameter). The ESTK autocompletion also gives you a fifth parameter "helplink" which is undocumented and can safely be ignored.
    Good luck

  • Facing Parse Errors after upgrading database from 10g to 11g

    We are facing parse errors in the SQL's after upgrading database from 10g to 11g.
    Kindly look into below parse errors.
    ********************************** Parse Error *****************************************************
    Tue Aug 13 14:13:08 2013
    kksSetBindType 16173533-2: parse err=1446 hd=3c73061fb8 flg=100476 cisid=173 sid=173 ciuid=173 uid=173
    PARSE ERROR: ospid=15598, error=1446 for statement:
    Tue Aug 13 14:13:10 2013
    kksfbc 16173533: parse err=942 hd=3c387c4028 flg=20 cisid=3266 sid=3266 ciuid=3266 uid=3266
    PARSE ERROR: ospid=29813, error=942 for statement:
    Select feature from toad.toad_restrictions where user_name=USER or user_name in ( select ROLE from sys.session_roles)
    kksfbc 16173533: parse err=942 hd=3c97d83648 flg=20 cisid=3266 sid=3266 ciuid=3266 uid=3266
    PARSE ERROR: ospid=29813, error=942 for statement:
    SELECT password
    WHERE  0=1
    kksfbc 16173533: parse err=6550 hd=35185e4278 flg=20 cisid=3266 sid=3266 ciuid=3266 uid=3266
    ----- PL/SQL Stack -----
    ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
      object      line  object
      handle    number  name
    319e277050        30  anonymous block
    319e277050        57  anonymous block
    PARSE ERROR: ospid=29813, error=6550 for statement:
    BEGIN sys.dbms_profiler."146775420110782746251362632012"; END;
    kksfbc 16173533: parse err=942 hd=3c142d8600 flg=20 cisid=3266 sid=3266 ciuid=3266 uid=3266
    ----- PL/SQL Stack -----
    ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
      object      line  object
      handle    number  name
    319e277050        67  anonymous block
    PARSE ERROR: ospid=29813, error=942 for statement:
    SELECT 1 FROM plsql_profiler_data WHERE 0 = 1
    Please help.

    Hi Suresh,
    Apologies for misunderstanding..
    Tue Aug 13 14:13:08 2013
    kksSetBindType 16173533-2: parse err=1446 hd=3c73061fb8 flg=100476 cisid=173 sid=173 ciuid=173 uid=173
    PARSE ERROR: ospid=15598, error=1446 for statement:
    Assuming you see the above error message in the alert log file, which was your original post, follow the below steps:
    1 Get the 'ospid' value from the error
    2. Issue the below command:
    SQL> select request_id,ORACLE_PROCESS_ID
      2 from fnd_concurrent_requests
      3 where request_id = 15598;
    3. After obtaining the request_id
    4, Query it from the front-end using SYSADMIN responsibility
    Hopefully this should get you the respective concurrent report/program.
    Thanks &
    Best Regards,

  • Processing this item failed because of a PDF parser error. Input string was not in a correct format.

    Good Morning,
    We're having issues parsing several hundred PDF files located in two separate Record Center sites. All other PDF documents in the environment are being crawled and parsed without issue. I've verified the permissions for the Search service account, but that
    doesn't seem to be the issue. Searching for this particular error hasn't returned much, but I have ensured that the Search service account has been added to the necessary Local Security Policy objects and cleared the configuration cache. Any help would be
    greatly appreciated.
    Processing this item failed because of a PDF parser error. ( Error parsing document 'https://asdf.com/sites/HRRecords/asdf.pdf'. Input string was not in a correct format.; ; SearchID = 6642FEEF-6921-434E-B084-02809173D8A7 )

    This issue came back up for me as my results aren't displaying since this data is not part of the search index.
    Curious if anyone knows of a way to increase the parser server memory in SharePoint 2013 search?
    Processing this item failed because the parser server ran out of memory. ( Error parsing document 'http://sharepoint/materials-ca/HPSActiveCDs/Votrevieprofessionnelleetvotrecarrireenregistrement.zip'. Document failed to be processed. It probably crashed the
    server.; ; SearchID = 097AE4B0-9EB0-4AEC-AECE-AEFA631D4AA6 )
    Processing this item failed because of a IFilter parser error. ( Error parsing document 'http://sharepoint/materials-ca/HPSActiveCDs/Travaillerauseindunequipemultignrationnelle.zip'. Error loading IFilter for extension '.zip' (Error code is 0x80CB4204). The
    function encountered an unknown error.; ; SearchID = 4A0C99B1-CF44-4C8B-A6FF-E42309F97B72 )

  • SharePoint 2013 Search - Zip - Parser server ran out of memory - Processing this item failed because of a IFilter parser error

    Moving content databases from 2010 to 2013 August CU. Have 7 databases attached and ready to go, all the content is crawled successfully except zip files. Getting errors such as 
    Processing this item failed because of a IFilter parser error. ( Error parsing document 'http://sharepoint/file1.zip'. Error loading IFilter for extension '.zip' (Error code is 0x80CB4204). The function encountered an unknown error.; ; SearchID = 7A541F21-1CD3-4300-A95C-7E2A67B2563C
    Processing this item failed because the parser server ran out of memory. ( Error parsing document 'http://sharepoint/file2.zip'. Document failed to be processed. It probably crashed the server.; ; SearchID = 91B5D685-1C1A-4C43-9505-DA5414E40169 )
    SharePoint 2013 in a single instance out-of-the-box. Didn't install custom iFilters as 2013 supports zip. No other extensions have this issue. Range in file size from 60-90MB per zip. They contain mp3 files. I can download and unzip the file as needed. 
    Should I care that the index isn't being populated with these items since they contain no metadata? I am thinking I should just omit these from the crawl. 

    This issue came back up for me as my results aren't displaying since this data is not part of the search index.
    Curious if anyone knows of a way to increase the parser server memory in SharePoint 2013 search?
    Processing this item failed because the parser server ran out of memory. ( Error parsing document 'http://sharepoint/materials-ca/HPSActiveCDs/Votrevieprofessionnelleetvotrecarrireenregistrement.zip'. Document failed to be processed. It probably crashed the
    server.; ; SearchID = 097AE4B0-9EB0-4AEC-AECE-AEFA631D4AA6 )
    Processing this item failed because of a IFilter parser error. ( Error parsing document 'http://sharepoint/materials-ca/HPSActiveCDs/Travaillerauseindunequipemultignrationnelle.zip'. Error loading IFilter for extension '.zip' (Error code is 0x80CB4204). The
    function encountered an unknown error.; ; SearchID = 4A0C99B1-CF44-4C8B-A6FF-E42309F97B72 )

  • RE: [iPlanet-JATO] Parse error in JSP parser in IAS6

    Hi Todd,
    removing the defaultValue="" attribute works.
    I have not got around to testing the SP3.
    BTW. The reason the default value tag was added was to stop Null pointer
    exceptions being thrown in the
    .append(field.getQualifiedName()) // "FooHref"
    .append(URLEncoder.encode(value.toString())); // "/foo"
    If you don't explicitly add a defaultValue="" to the jsp HREF tag ,
    HrefTag.getDefaultValue() returns null.
    Our hack was to add the following in HrefTag.java.
    if (value==null)
    value = (value== null? "":value);
    Is that pheasible work-around ? This eliminates the need to add
    defaultValue="" to all HREF tags.
    Also, I might as well point another behavior that we encountered with HREFS.
    In ND, if a HREF's display Field was bound to a column in DataObject and the
    particular record had no value, no URL would be rendered on the page.
    The HTML would look something like this( from memory ):
    HREF="../AppName/PgMsgMain.hrfSubject_onWebEvent(hrfSubject).994226335140? +
    ND URL STUFF"></A>
    In JATO by default a url get displayed with "null" as the link. ie.
    <a href="../AppName/PgMsgMain?PgMsgMain.hrfSubject= + URL STUFF">null</a>
    Our hack was modify the HrefTag.doEndTag method to not append "null" to the
    if (displayed)
    buffer.append(getBodyContent().getString().equals("null")? "":
    // IP6 HACK buffer.append(getBodyContent().getString())
    Is there a better way to do this?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Todd Fast [mailto:<a href="/group/SunONE-JATO/post?protectID=189233080150012190218067203043176090006144139218183041">toddwork@c...</a>]
    Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 12:46 AM
    Subject: Re: [iPlanet-JATO] Parse error in JSP parser in IAS6
    Hey Kostas--
    I personally haven't seen this kind of error. Have you tried simplifying
    the expression inside the href tag? For example:
    <% Object foo =
    <jato:href name="hrefASSIGNMENT_ASSIGNMENT_ID" fireDisplayEvents="true">
    <%= foo %>
    Also, is there a different version you could upgrade to? iAS SP3 includes
    the Jasper compiler from Tomcat, which should behave quite differently.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Kostas Morfis" <kmorfis@i...>
    Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 12:17 AM
    Subject: [iPlanet-JATO] Parse error in JSP parser in IAS6
    Hi all,
    has anyone come across the following error in iPlanet?
    [02/Jul/2001 12:21:32:1] error: Exception: SERVLET-compile_failed: Failedin
    compiling template: /ras/ras/voyager4/pgAssignmentMatch.jsp, Parse errorin
    JSP parser. Missing endtag: /jato:href
    Exception Stack Trace:
    java.lang.Exception: Parse error in JSP parser. Missing endtag: /jato:href
    at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseBlock(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseUserTag(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseTag(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseNext(Unknown Source)
    etc etc.
    We have tested the page in Resin and it works fine.
    It seems the JSP parser has a problem with the following type of HREFtags.
    <jato:href name="hrefASSIGNMENT_ASSIGNMENT_ID" fireDisplayEvents="true"
    anyone have any suggestions/thoughts/comments ?
    Kostas Morfis
    Senior Consultant
    [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Hi Todd,
    removing the defaultValue="" attribute works.
    I have not got around to testing the SP3.
    BTW. The reason the default value tag was added was to stop Null pointer
    exceptions being thrown in the
    .append(field.getQualifiedName()) // "FooHref"
    .append(URLEncoder.encode(value.toString())); // "/foo"
    If you don't explicitly add a defaultValue="" to the jsp HREF tag ,
    HrefTag.getDefaultValue() returns null.
    Our hack was to add the following in HrefTag.java.
    if (value==null)
    value = (value== null? "":value);
    Is that pheasible work-around ? This eliminates the need to add
    defaultValue="" to all HREF tags.
    Also, I might as well point another behavior that we encountered with HREFS.
    In ND, if a HREF's display Field was bound to a column in DataObject and the
    particular record had no value, no URL would be rendered on the page.
    The HTML would look something like this( from memory ):
    HREF="../AppName/PgMsgMain.hrfSubject_onWebEvent(hrfSubject).994226335140? +
    ND URL STUFF"></A>
    In JATO by default a url get displayed with "null" as the link. ie.
    <a href="../AppName/PgMsgMain?PgMsgMain.hrfSubject= + URL STUFF">null</a>
    Our hack was modify the HrefTag.doEndTag method to not append "null" to the
    if (displayed)
    buffer.append(getBodyContent().getString().equals("null")? "":
    // IP6 HACK buffer.append(getBodyContent().getString())
    Is there a better way to do this?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Todd Fast [mailto:<a href="/group/SunONE-JATO/post?protectID=189233080150012190218067203043176090006144139218183041">toddwork@c...</a>]
    Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 12:46 AM
    Subject: Re: [iPlanet-JATO] Parse error in JSP parser in IAS6
    Hey Kostas--
    I personally haven't seen this kind of error. Have you tried simplifying
    the expression inside the href tag? For example:
    <% Object foo =
    <jato:href name="hrefASSIGNMENT_ASSIGNMENT_ID" fireDisplayEvents="true">
    <%= foo %>
    Also, is there a different version you could upgrade to? iAS SP3 includes
    the Jasper compiler from Tomcat, which should behave quite differently.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Kostas Morfis" <kmorfis@i...>
    Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 12:17 AM
    Subject: [iPlanet-JATO] Parse error in JSP parser in IAS6
    Hi all,
    has anyone come across the following error in iPlanet?
    [02/Jul/2001 12:21:32:1] error: Exception: SERVLET-compile_failed: Failedin
    compiling template: /ras/ras/voyager4/pgAssignmentMatch.jsp, Parse errorin
    JSP parser. Missing endtag: /jato:href
    Exception Stack Trace:
    java.lang.Exception: Parse error in JSP parser. Missing endtag: /jato:href
    at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseBlock(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseUserTag(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseTag(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseNext(Unknown Source)
    etc etc.
    We have tested the page in Resin and it works fine.
    It seems the JSP parser has a problem with the following type of HREFtags.
    <jato:href name="hrefASSIGNMENT_ASSIGNMENT_ID" fireDisplayEvents="true"
    anyone have any suggestions/thoughts/comments ?
    Kostas Morfis
    Senior Consultant
    [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

  • InfoPath 2010 form parsing error with 3600 execution timeout value in SharePoint 2010

    I have a list in SharePoint 2010 with 100 columns where 25 of them are calculated columns. This list is designed by InfoPath 2010 with two secondary data connections to pull a few data from another two lists. There are 25 set value rules with the submit
    button in InfoPath from. At present, the list is containing around 1000 items.
    The problem is, when I published the InfoPath form it throws an error:
    The SOAP message cannot be parsed.
    In fact, the execution timeout is set to 3600 in config file. When I delete items from the list and keep it around 700 the InfoPath form publish then.
    Could somebody tell me why this problem and what is the possible solution.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi pointtoshare,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you got an error when you published InfoPath form.
    Please modify the web.config file like :
    <location path="_layouts/UploadEx.aspx">
           <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="51200" executionTimeout="300" />
    And modify the <securityPolicy> section like :
    The web.config file is in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\spwebappname.
    There is another reason for this issue, please take a look at :
    Here are some similar posts for you to take a look at:
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • SSL VPN Problem - ACL Parse Error

    Hi there.
    Testing some features in Cisco ASA SSL VPN(Clientless).
    But when i connect to the portal, trying to login i get the following error, anybody seen this before?
    It works if i ADD a ACL to the DAP, but dosn't if there is only a WEBACL applied??
    It also works if i remove my "check" in "ssl-client" box in the global_policy  (Group Policy).
    6|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|716002|||||Group <global_policy> User <[email protected]> IP <X.X.X.X> WebVPN session terminated: ACL Parse Error.
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|720041|||||(VPN-Primary) Sending Delete WebVPN Session message user [email protected], IP X.X.X.X to standby unit
    4|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|716046|||||Group <global_policy> User <[email protected]> IP <X.X.X.X> User ACL <testcustomer_attribute> from AAA dosn't exist on the device, terminating connection.
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|720041|||||(VPN-Primary) Sending Create ACL List message rule DAP-web-user-E4EAC90F, line 1 to standby unit
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|720041|||||(VPN-Primary) Sending Create ACL Info message DAP-web-user-E4EAC90F to standby unit
    6|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734001|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X, Connection Clientless: The following DAP records were selected for this connection: testcustomer_common_dap
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute aaa.cisco.tunnelgroup = common_tunnelgroup
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute aaa.cisco.username2 =
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute aaa.cisco.username1 = [email protected]
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute aaa.cisco.username = [email protected]
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute aaa.cisco.grouppolicy = global_policy
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute aaa.radius["11"]["1"] = testcustomer_attribute
    6|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|113008|||||AAA transaction status ACCEPT : user = [email protected]
    6|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|113009|||||AAA retrieved default group policy (global_policy) for user = [email protected]
    6|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|113004|||||AAA user authentication Successful : server =  X.X.X.X : user = [email protected]

    If you have implemented SSLVPN i18n then I think you are hitting bug.

Maybe you are looking for

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