JSP in multiple places for webapplication

I was wondering would it possible to configure a web application so that I could have one set of JSPs in the normal J2EE place under the project context and to have another set of JSPs in an entirely different place.
For example, the first location would be the standard J2EE location and underneath the project context.
The second location, would just be another location on my disk but it would be part of the same application.
Note, the reason why I want to do this is for ease of development. We have a base and then some customisation and I want to keep the absolutely separate during development.

Off hand, the only thing I can think of is to create two completely separate projects.
However, if you want to maintain a good development team and project, I suggest you keep it as one project and not try to hide anything from one group of developers. Instead, install CVS as your repository. It will track what changes were made and by who and you can roll back to a previous version of a JSP or java class if necessary. Your team should be briefed on the architecture you decide on (Spring, Sturts, etc), and basic good coding practices you want enforced.
Here are a few rules:
* nothing is to be checked into CVS that doesn't compile cleanly.
* nothing is to be checked into CVS that has any error or warning messages form your IDE outstanding.
* nothing is checked into CVS without the comment field of the commit dialog box being filled in.
* You have one build.xml file that eveyone uses to compile all code.
* All JSP pages are to be well formed xml (no dangling tags).
* all java classes and JSP pages are to be properly indented.
* all classes are to have javadoc describing what a class is for, and all functions are to have javadoc describing what the function does (not how it does it).

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    You can only assign directly one location to each event, but each photo in the event may be assigned to an individual location. When you display the event in places you will see all the different locations.

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    Yon can events and name them as you see fit
    If you adding a place to an event it is assigned to the event (everything in the event)
    YOu can select one or move photos and click on the "i" to turn them over and assign a place to them instead of assigning a lace to the entire event

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    Another major problem besides the aboe problem, I found there are also other diferences like format.
    this is test h<\/span><\/td><\/tr><\/table><\/div><\/div><\/td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"251\" height=\"37\" id=\"empty7\"><\/td><\/tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"51\" height=\"19\" id=\"empty8\"><\/td>\r\n<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"6\" height=\"19\" id=\"empty9\"><\/td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"292\" height=\"19\" id=\"empty10\"><\/td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"251\" height=\"19\" id=\"empty11\"><\/td><\/tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"51\" height=\"51\" id=\"empty12\"><\/td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" width=\"6\" height=\"51\" id=\"empty13\"><\/td><td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\" width=\"292\" height=\"51\" id=\"view14\" style=\"color: #000000; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; letter-spacing: 0px\"><div id=\"sc3432\" class=\"sc-view hidden-border inline-styled-view editor-outline\" style=\"left: 57px; width: 292px; top: 76px; height: 51px; color: #000000; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; letter-spacing: 0px; overflow: hidden\"><div class=\"co-border-style\" style=\"\">\r\n<table width=\"292\" height=\"51\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" bordercollapse=\"collapse\" class=\"co-style-table\" style=\"color: #000000; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; letter-spacing: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px\"><tr><td valign=\"top\" class=\"valign-able\"><span class=\"remove-absolute\">IE11 seems<a href=\"http://s1134754694.t.en25.com/e/er?s=1134754694&lid=5&elq=<span class="eloquaemail">recipientid<\/span>\" title=\"link test\"> does not suppor<\/a>t text mo<a href=\"http://www.example.com/?elq=~~eloqua..type--emailfield..syntax--recipientid~~&elqCampaignId=~~eloqua..type--campaign..campaignid--0..fieldname--id~~\">de. T<\/a>his is <b><font style=\"font-size:22px;\">create<\/font><\/b>d from Chrome.
    "IE11 seems<a href=\\\"http://www.example.com/?elqTrack=true\\\" title=\\\"link test\\\"> does not suppor<\/a>t text mo<a href=\\\"http://www.example.com/\\\">de. T<\/a>his is <b><font style=\\\"font-size:22px;\\\">create<\/font><\/b>d from Chrome.\"
    this is test h    \r\n\r\nIE11 seems does not suppor <http://<elqdomain type=1/>/e/er?s=1134754694&lid=5&elq=<span class=eloquaemail>recipientid<\/span>>t text mode. T <http://www.example.com/?elq=~~eloqua..type--emailfield..syntax--recipientid~~&elqCampaignId=~~eloqua..type--campaign..campaignid--0..fieldname--id~~>his is created from Chrome.
    So the problem is how do I differentiate them?
    "bounceBackEmail": "[email protected]",
    "contentSections": [],
    "createdAt": "1409394422",
    "createdBy": "12",
    "currentStatus": "Draft",
    "depth": "complete",
    "dynamicContents": [],
    "emailFooterId": "1",
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      "systemHeader": "<style>body{   } a img{border: none;}.ReadMsgBody { width: 100%;}.ExternalClass {width: 100%;}div.sc-view.hidden-border.inline-styled-view.editor-outline {height: 100% !important;}<\/style>",
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    "hyperlinks": [
       "href": "http://s1134754694.t.en25.com/e/er?s=1134754694&lid=5&elq=<span class="eloquaemail">recipientid<\/span>",
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       "name": " does not suppor",
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       "href": "http://www.example.com/",
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    "layout": "{\"body\":{\"width\":600,\"height\":600}}",
    "name": "Erica Email 2",
    "permissions": "fullControl",
    "plainText": "\r\n\r\nthis is test h    \r\n\r\nIE11 seems does not suppor <http://<elqdomain type=1/>/e/er?s=1134754694&lid=5&elq=<span class="eloquaemail">recipientid<\/span>>t text mode. T <http://www.example.com/?elq=~~eloqua..type--emailfield..syntax--recipientid~~&elqCampaignId=~~eloqua..type--campaign..campaignid--0..fieldname--id~~>his is created from Chrome.    \r\n\r\n",
    "replyToEmail": "[email protected]",
    "replyToName": "Technology Partner – Welocalize",
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    "senderEmail": "[email protected]",
    "senderName": "Technology Partner – Welocalize",
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    hi leo,
    if you're looking to update the contents of the email then:
    * change htmlBody to update the html version of the email
    * change plainText to update the plain text version of the email
    you can safely ignore the root property.
    ~ alex

  • Under Options , Applications There are multiple entries for the same item (Acrobat Document). how can I delete the duplicates?

    Under Options, Applications there are multiple entries for the same item. (Adobe Acrobat) . Three show Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.3 and the other shows (ask) or (save file) with no ability to select Acrobat Reader . Is there a way to edit this list to remove the duplicates and
    the incorrect entry? Adobe installed a very quick update today.

    They are all different. Hover your mouse pointer over each of the "Content Type" descriptions and you should see a "tooltip" to see that each has a different description.
    You need to update your plugins. It is important to keep them updated due to continuing security fixes and improvements in those plug-ins:
    * Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.5 (you '''<u>may</u>''' need to update)
    * Shockwave Flash 10.1 r53
    * Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers
    #Check your plugin versions: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
    #*'''Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions'''
    #'''Update Shockwave for Director'''
    #*NOTE: this is not the same as Shockwave Flash; this installs the Shockwave Player.
    #*Use Firefox to download and SAVE the installer to your hard drive from the link in the article below (Desktop is a good place so you can find it).
    #*When the download is complete, exit Firefox (File > Exit)
    #*locate and double-click in the installer you just downloaded, let the install complete.
    #*Restart Firefox and check your plugins again.
    #*'''<u>Download link and more information</u>''': http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Shockwave+plugin+with+Firefox
    #'''Update Shockwave Flash'''
    #*Use Firefox to Download and SAVE to your hard drive from the link in article below
    #*SAVE to your Desktop so you can find it
    #*After download completes, close Firefox
    #*Click on the file you just downloaded and install
    #**Note: Vista and Win7 users may need to right-click the installer downloaded and choose "Run as Administrator"
    #**Note: Most browsers other than IE will also get updated with this one download
    #**Note: To update IE, same procedure '''<u>but use IE</u>''' to go: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_ax.exe
    #*After installation, restart Firefox and check your version again.
    #*'''<u>Download link and other information</u>''': https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Managing+the+Flash+plugin#Updating_Flash
    #* Also see: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Installing+the+Flash+plugin
    #* Also see (if needed): http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/191/tn_19166.html#main_Uninstall
    #'''Update Java:'''
    #* Download and update instructions: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Java+plugin+with+Firefox

  • How to use in enums in multiple places?

    How does one use an enum set in multiple places in a vi?
    I have resorted to just copying an existing one when I need the same set of enum values in a different spot, but doing it this way will be a big hassle if/when I want to add items to the enum, because I would have to locate every copy of the enum and update them idividually.
    Is it possible?

    It's not so much the "custom control" part as it is the typedef part. A typedef enforces the datatype for all its instances, including constants, so changing it will propogate through your entire code. To create it the easiest way is to create a front panel enum control and then right click it and select Advanced>>Customize. You can then change it into a typedef and save it under any name you want.
    From this point on, you can simply use that typedef in your code.
    To learn more about LabVIEW, I suggest you try searching this site and google for LabVIEW tutorials. Here, here, here, here and here are a few you can start with and here are some tutorial videos. You can also contact your local NI office and join one of their courses.
    In addition, I suggest you read the LabVIEW style guide and the LabVIEW user manual (Help>>Search the LabVIEW Bookshelf).
    Try to take over the world!

  • Multiple Faces for the same person

    I found this unanswered archived post, which is expressing exactly the same problem I'm having...
    When tagging photos there are multiple entries for the same person listed. In particular for three people (my kids) who have a lot of photos for each person. On the Cork board there is only one entry per person, so this is not a multiple face entry there.
    I was living with this for a while, but now I have my iPhone and can sync faces photos with it, I can see again there are multiple entries listed for these three people, yet there's nothing I can do in iPhoto to consolidate them.
    Has anyone else come across this (like the person in the above thread - which didn't get answered) and found a solution to fix up iPhoto? Clearly it's something odd going on in the Faces database thinking there are different entries tagged, but is still showing them together in the Cork Board.

    I would like to know how you got the multiple entries to appear. I'm having the same problem with my daughter. The only issue is, she is two and does not have any address book entries. I think I may have typed her name out several times when adding her name to a face instead of associating the photo with the existing entry. iPhoto recognizes they are the same places in some places, but not in others. I started a new post...

  • Multiple columns for more than one record?

    Crystal Reports Xi
    I have a list of addresses, etc.  with attached route numbers.  If an address has 2 different route numbers, it will appear as two records.  Is there a way that I can list the address once, and have the route numbers just grow to more columns?
    Example - Change this...
    ADDRESS               ROUTE
    100 Main St.             1234
    100 Main St.             1235
    To This...
    100 Main St.            1234      1235
    Note:  An address may have one route number attached, or several route numbers attached.
    I tried playing around with the multiple columns, etc, but it kept on having everything in the section become multiple columns, etc.  Any help is appreciated.

    multiple columns only work in detail section.
    place your address without the route in the 1st details
    then insert a 2nd details and place the route in the details then select multiple columns for that details section.
    then underlay the first detail section and it should line up.

  • Decimal places for unit of measure

    Dear All ,
    If i change the Decimal Places for rounding in Customizing for Unit of measure ( CUNI tcode) for KG as 6 from 3 whether it will calculate with the 6 decimal places like 0.004756 ( earlier with 3 decimal places it will calculate any multiplication with 0.004 now i want the same with 0.004756 Kg )
    whether it will work ?
    and where it will impact

    No it will not work like that. And it depend on the transaction where you enter that. In case of Purchase order quntity field it will be always with 2 decimal places because field MENGE has 2 decimal places only. If your system is already live then it is not advisible to do such changes.

  • Multiple place and fit content

    I have several chapters of a book done in CS2. These were sent out and edited by a third-party in CS4 (communication issue there).
    So they were backsaved as an .INX file and now I'm using CS3.
    Problem is that the embedded images and links to 20 or so illustrations were not honoured and defaulted to "foo. jpeg" in the links pallette when I opened these in CS3.
    The embedded images (excel graphs) I'm not worried about, it's the linked images which I now have to go in and manually relink.
    The graphic frame and content boundary is intact so re-linking seems to work fine, but I'm wondering If i can select the art and multiple place each image within it's corresponding frame and have the attribute  "fit content proportionately" assigned at the same time.
    Do I use an object style?? I'm not too familiar with this, so if anyone can run me through the simple steps, it would be appreciated.
    Also, I noticed in CS3 that the number of icons for fitting content are reduced on the toolbar (see image circled) compared with CS2?
    Are the options to "fit content to frame, center content etc" only available from the drop-down menu or from the short-cuts?
    Thanks in advance,

    Yip, those would be the icons I was looking for, but maybe they weren't visible depending on what i had selected, since I swear I looked for them..but there they are in my screenshot
    I was thinking a basic object style with just fram-fitting option selected to "fit content prop.", but I guess you are right in that the time saved would probably be negligible.
    Any idea as to why the links broke - just a consequence of back-saving??

  • "Preview for Files Not Available" & "Failed to Find a Place for the Imported File"??

    When I export RAW images into LR, some say "Preview for Files Not Available".  Also, it says "Failed to Find a Place for the Imported File".  Why?  What can I do to resolve this

    Tried with this but still the same issue..
    Stop the application services, recompile the JSP files manually, and start the application services. Check the login page then.
    Note: 435550.1 - R12 Login issue on target after cloning , fresh install or upgrade
    Any other area to look into?
    Thanks for your time!

  • Best place for LR catalog (.lrcat) file?

    I'm putting together a new PC running Vista and am trying to figure out the best place for the LR catalog (lrcat) file. This PC has multiple hard drives as follows:
    C: OS and apps
    D: non-photo files (docs, mp3s, etc)
    E: photo files
    F: video files
    All the drives are comparable in read/write speed. The Lightroom app will be installed on the C: drive, and the LR catalog will consist of the images on the E: drive. While working in LR, I sometimes listen to mp3s stored on the D: drive. I'm assuming that the best place for the lrcat file is the F: drive (since I seldom access that drive while working in LR). Does this make sense? Or should the lrcat file go somewhere else?
    On a side note, on my last PC, I had the lrcat file in what was originally a dedicated scratch drive (for PS), but I'm doing less and less in Photoshop these days, and my new system will have 12GB of ram, so I decided to do without a dedicated scratch drive for the new system.
    Any advise appreciated.

    Asking yourself the following questions may help determine which drive is best suited for storing the Lightroom Catalog:
    1) Are you the only person using the "Lightroom computer"?
    2) Do you have multiple log on accounts?
    3) Do multiple log on accounts need access to the Lightroom Catalog?
    If you answer yes to #1, its default location might be fine.  If you answer yes to #2 or #3, you should concider a central location for the .lrcat file.
    By default, the .lrcat file is located in a users document folder.  This means that at least one (1) .lrcat file will be created per user account.  Seeing that you usually keep photo files on the E Drive, creating a folder on the root of the E Drive might not be a bad idea.  Using the root of E schema will then allow mutiple users to access the .lrcat file when they log on.  Using the E Drive keeps "photo related" files together, thought Drive D or Drive F would also work.  It appears from your description that you keep O/S and Applications only on the C Drive, which I do myself.
    Hope that helps!

  • Multiple payers for one sold to party

    Hi All,
    Can we have multiple payers for one sold to party?

    Yes, you can have multiple PAYER for one Sold-to-party (only in the Customer master).
    This Partner relationship is maintained in two places. They are,
    > Customer master ( sales area data > partner function tab )
    > Sales documents (at Header level and Item level)
    In Customer master data, you can have multiple partners ( e.g, multiple Payers) for one Partner function( e.g, SH,BP,PY).
    But in Sales document, you can have only one Partner for one Partner function.
    So, you can have only in Customer master data multiple pertners. So, first create the different Payers through XD01 ,choosing Account group "Payer".
    Then assign all those PAYERS  in the master data of the Sold-to-party by going in the change mode XD02 and save it.
    When you create the Billing document, system will give a pop-up of those list of Payers and you have to choose one . You can have only one Payer in one Billing document.

  • Triggering multiple mails for external Mail id when PO is created

    I configured PO workflow and i used a standard program to send the mail to the external Mail id's of the users.
    The thing is when a PO is created the user whos has to release the PO is getting a Mail in Business Workplace through work flow and simoultaneously a mail will go to his external mail with a message that So and so PO is created please release it.
    As he cant keep on monitor his SAP Business workplace,whenever he get a mail to his external id,he will login to SAP and approves or rejects the PO.
    Here the probelm is the external mail is keep on triggering for every 15 min as we scheduled the Job for ever 15 min.
    So for the same PO number it is giving multiple mails to the external id until it is released.
    It should be like one mail should trigger for one PO number instead of multiple mails for the sam PO number.
    I'am unable to find the solution.
    Please guide me with a solution.
    With Regards,

    Hi Praveen,
    1> Goto transaction SWO1.
    2> Enter Object/Interface Name as BUS2012 and click on Create Subtype.
    3> Enter the required values (you can give ZBUS2012 everywhere....only give Application as R). Place cursor on methods and click on create. Enter details and finally give name of your function module (which you would be creating with the logic of sending mails to selected users) in ABAP tab.
    4> Place cursor on method name and click on parameters and create the required parameters. These parameters would receive value from task container.
    5> Finally goto transaction SWO6 and delegate this BO to parent BO (which is BUS2012). This would enable the methods of child BO to be available to the parent one.
    Try the steps and let me know wherever you get stuck.
    Best regards,

  • Similar Monitor available in multiple places

    I have just a general question about monitors in SCOM. I was setting some overrides for monitoring CPU utilization and noticed that the same (or very similar) monitor was available in multiple locations. for Example, the "Total CPU Utilization Percentage"
    monitor can be found in these three locations.
    Windows Server 2008 Core Operating System
    Windows Server 2008 Full Operating System
    Windows Server 2008 Operating System
    What location would be the proper place to set the override for the monitor?  I assume that it is the last one, Windows Server 2008 Operating System, and that it would cover all installations of the 2008 OS.  Just a little confused about what SCOM
    does with the three different groups or if it is really just "Core Only", "Full GUI Only" and "All 2008".  
    Thanks for any insight you can provide! 

    by design scom class will inherit the monitor apply to the base class, you can override the monitor at any state of the monitor by selecting "all objects of class" in override option.
    you can cross check the overrides by using override explorer
    sridhar v

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