JSP page loading

Hi Everyone,
Is it possible to load the values obtained from a servlet into a page from which it was called from.
The situation is i have a form in which the user selects some value in table 1 and submits it.
An action servlet recives those values and invokes a bean to do a backend processing with DB.
It returns some values and i want these values to be displayed as a drop down menu in another table in the same page from where it was called.
Actulally there are completely four tables and the same iteration follows for table 3 and 4.
So how can i display the values as drop down in the same page from where the servlet was called.
Any code hints will help
Thank you

Well in my sevlet code i call a method in other java class to implement the DB query. The Java class returns the values as hashtable to me in the servlet class. (or i can chnage the return values as it best suits to fill the JSP page with the retunred values)
I need to push the values in the servlet class to JSP file as drop down menu, which invoked this servlet class.

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    It seems like there is a hidden cache somewhere that the server likes to use in place of my updated pages.
    I'd be pleased for any solutions!

    Thanks everyone for the very helpful replies.
    There were a total of 4 problem files.
    Here are the results based on the suggestions received:
    1. The suggestion of deletion of the .java and .class files (to be regenerated automatically from the .jsp files) fixed 3 of the problems: " Occasionally, we get one that just wont recompile and I have to delete it from the work directory. A JSP is turned into a .java file and then compiled in to a .class file in this directory. Deleting it will cause the file to recompile. [tomcat home]/work/catalina/localhost/[war directory name]/org/apache/[path to the file]." I was a bit wary to delete the entire directory, but I went for it, and everything (including the numerous subdirectories) was automatically regenerated.
    2. There was still 1 problem file. I think that this file was somehow in the RAM of tomcat because the suggestion to shut everything down and restart took care of this last file: "Along with webapps folder in tomcat, there is a work folder. Open work.catalina.localhost. In localhost, you will find your application. Delete it. Deleting it will not cause any problem. Now again restart tomcat. Now you should get the new pages loaded."
    3. The following suggestion seems to be a very good one for my application (i.e., low traffic on a specialized site) that could prevent similar problems in the future: "If this is for development only and you´re using Tomcat, consider to set <context reloadable="true">. This will check for changes in the webapps folder at certain intervals and automagically redeploy/reload the changes. Don´t use this setting in production, it´s fairly expensive to let it check the webapps everytime. For other appservers, consult the appserver specific documentation for similar settings."
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    Hi -
    You may want to have a look at this other thread:
    Re: Execute ViewObject with Parameters at JSF Page Load?  JSF/ADF/BC 10.1.3

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    Please help.

    My current coding in jsp is :
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    newAppDAOImpl dao = new newAppDAOImpl();
    ArrayList filetypes = (ArrayList)request.getAttribute("FILETYPES");
    filetypes=new ArrayList();
    pageContext.setAttribute("vecFileType" ,filetypes) ;
    For populating the combo:
    <html:select property="retailer" onclick="/search">
    <html:option value="----Select----"/>
    <html:options collection="vecFileType" property="value"
    The above code is working for me.

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    at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(Native Method)
    at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(SocketOutputStream.java:91)
    at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10.doWrite(Http10.java:436)
    at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.HttpResponse.doWrite(Http10Interceptor.java:480)
    at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes(OutputBuffer.java:188)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.flushBuffer(ByteChunk.java:360)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.append(ByteChunk.java:338)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.IntermediateOutputStream.write(C2BConverter.java:234)
    at java.io.OutputStreamWriter.flushBuffer(OutputStreamWriter.java:225)
    at java.io.OutputStreamWriter.flush(OutputStreamWriter.java:239)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.WriteConvertor.flush(C2BConverter.java:183)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.C2BConverter.flushBuffer(C2BConverter.java:126)
    at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.realWriteChars(OutputBuffer.java:337)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.CharChunk.flushBuffer(CharChunk.java:388)
    at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.flush(OutputBuffer.java:314)
    at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.close(OutputBuffer.java:305)
    at org.apache.tomcat.core.Response.finish(Response.java:271)
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    at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:516)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)

    My codes are:
    String imagePath2 = JSPHelper.NOPIC_PATH;
    product = null;
         product = (Product)list.get(count);
         imagePath2 = Validation.getImagePath(product.getImage2());
    catch(Exception e){}
    if(product != null)
    <img src="<%=imagePath%>" width="120" height="125" alt="For loose items, please collect it personally from General Office" style="cursor=hand" onClick='window.open("Image_view.jsp?id=<%=imagePath2%>","","width=640,height=480,")'>

  • Message bundles accessed from JSF and JSP pages

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    I'm developing a localized JSF application. It is working pretty well until now.
    These are my message files:
    mensagens_en_US.propertiesThis is how they're configured in faces-config.xml:
    </application>And this is how I access the messages in a page:
    <h:outputText value="#{msg.titulo}" />Nothing new until now. But now there was a need for me to have a raw jsp page in
    my web application. This page is displaying ok but I also need to access the
    message bundles as I'm able to access in the normal jsp with the JSF components.
    As you should know I can't use something like the above code with an +<h:outputText>+
    to access the messages because this is a JSF component and I'll not be able to use
    JSF components with this raw jsp page.
    So, my question is: how do I access my localized messages from a raw jsp page? I
    suppose there should be a way to do this, but unfortunately I started programming
    to the web world in Java with JSF, not JSP, so I don't know how to do this with
    Thank you very much.

    BalusC wrote:
    Just include [jstl-1.2.jar|https://maven-repository.dev.java.net/repository/jstl/jars/] in your classpath and define the fmt taglib in your JSP. Nothing more is needed.
    Hello, BalusC. Thank you for your help. We're almost there. After I have included the jstl-1.2.jar you provided me I can use the fmt tag and access message bundles from my raw jsp page (even though I had to provide other message bundles instead of the ones that I use in the other jsf pages, but it's better than nothing).
    Now there just on problem to be fixed. The jsp page is not aware when I change the locale of my application. I change this locale in a jsf page.
    I have this component:
    <h:selectOneMenu value="#{pesquisaAcervo.idiomaAplicacao}"
        valueChangeListener="# {pesquisaAcervo.idiomaAplicacaoMudado}" onchange="submit();">
        <f:selectItems value="#{pesquisaAcervo.idiomasAplicacao}" />
    </h:selectOneMenu>that calls this event in my backing bean class:
    public void idiomaAplicacaoMudado(ValueChangeEvent e)
        Idioma idioma = Idioma.deString(e.getNewValue().toString());
        // This line is for JSF
        // This line is for Tiles
            put(org.apache.tiles.locale.impl.DefaultLocaleResolver.LOCALE_KEY, idioma.localidade());
    }So, do I have to include another line in the idiomaAplicacaoMudado event above in order for the jsp page load the correct resource bundle? Or what else do I have to do?
    Thank you.

  • Loading a .jsp page from another .jsp page?

    I have following IF statement in "Main.jsp" page to load "ChangeJob.jsp" page. I tested and made sure that The IF condition was true(alert function executed), but ChangeJob.jsp didn't load.
    Did i miss something?
    <% if ( (!(woSt.equals("Indirect"))) && (woSt.length()!=0) ){%>
    alert("click OK to load Changejob.jsp");
    <%} %>
    <form name="form1">

    The folloing code I am writing but in this my if loop is not working propery.
    the problem I am checking for this...
    if((!(progcode.equals(pall))) && (!(dcode.equals(dall))) && (!(yr.equals(yall))))
    in the belo program I am using but always it is going in to the loop. when they are equal and when they r not eqal....
    I have given compleate code in here pleace tell me hot to get it worked it properly.....
    <%@ page language="java" session="true"%>
    <%@ include file="connect.jsp"%>
    <%! ResultSet rs2,rs1;
    Statement stmt1,stmt2;
    String gpcode=null,pname=null,dname=null,total=null,totalyr=null,gtotal=null;
    int gdcode=0,gyear=0,gdata=0,deptcode=0;
    String pall=null,dall=null,yall=null;
    pall="all"; dall="99"; yall="1900";
    String progcode=request.getParameter("programname");
    String dcode=request.getParameter("departmentname");
    String yr=request.getParameter("year");
    int year=Integer.parseInt(yr);
    boolean flag=false;
    %> <%= progcode%><%=" "+ dcode%><%= " "+yr%><br>
    <%= pall%><%=" "+dall%><%=" " +yall%><br>
    <%= progcode%><%= deptcode%><%= year%>
    if((!(progcode.equals(pall))) && (!(dcode.equals(dall))) && (!(yr.equals(yall))))
    rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from data where progcode='"+progcode+"' and deptcode='"+deptcode+"' and year='"+year+"' ");
    ResultSet trs=stmt1.executeQuery("select * from program where progcode='"+gpcode+"' ");
    rs=stmt2.executeQuery("select * from department where deptcode='"+gdcode+"' ");
    else {
    rs=stmt.executeQuery("select sum(totalnoofstud) from data where progcode='"+progcode+"' and deptcode='"+deptcode+"' ");
    rs=stmt.executeQuery("select sum(totalnoofstud) from data where year='"+gyear+"' ");
    rs=stmt.executeQuery(" select sum(totalnoofstud) from data ");
    <head><title>Passed Out Student Data</title></head>
    <body background="foggy2.jpg">
    if(progcode!=pall && dcode!=dall && yr!=yall){%>
    <%@ include file="getdatasingle.jsp" %>
    <br><br><br><center><b><font color="maroon" size=+3>Total Number Of Students Passed Out Till Now Are </font><font color="red" size=+3><%=" "+ gtotal%><
    <input type="submit" name="ok" value="OK">

  • JSP page do not close after loading a file

    Hello, i am having a bit of a problem. i have the following code that help me load reports (pdf and xls) from my server in the user browser.
    What i do in my code : jsp Page 1(generationInProgress) i create one of these reports (xml with blob) --> jsp page 2(viewReport) i load the file into the page.
    My problem is pdf just go directly in the user brower but xls file(this file look like it is my page viewReport but in excel format) need to be downloaded into the user pc (work fine) but the first page (generationInProgress) stay visible.
    This is in viewReport:
    public void openFile()
    //retrieve the report information
    String fileName = sessionBean.getReportName();
    //load the files
    File reportFile = new File(mainPathL2, fileName + "." + sessionBean.getReportFormat());
    File xslFile = new File(mainPathL2, fileName + ".xsl");
    //download file
    if(reportFile == null)
    System.out.println("report file is null");
    //send the pdf file to screen
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)facesContext.getExternalContext().getResponse();
    if(reportFile.length() != 4096){
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(reportFile);
    ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
    byte[] outputByte = new byte[(int)reportFile.length()];
    while(fis.read(outputByte) != -1)
    } catch (IOException e)
    // Do your error handling thing.
    System.err.println("Download file failed: " + e.getMessage());
    //delete files
    } //end openFile() method
    Anyone can offer some help ?

    no on ever had that problem ?

  • Cannot view Crystal Report in JSP page ( error loading ? )

              Can someone please help or pass on any suggestions,
              I am trying to view my crystal report (test.rpt) in my JSP page but get the following error and im having trouble sorting it out. I am using Crystal 10 with weblogic. My report is just a simple report ( no data connection needed) with just some hard coded text. I simply want to view it through a JSP page. Can anyone shed any light on the error. The error message is shown below. In my browser i get the message
              An error has occurred:
              Error loading C:/Bea/user_projects/applications/crystaltest/crystaltestWeb/WEB-INF/test.rpt
              the important part of the full error message below i guess is :
              Root cause of ServletException.
              com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKException: Error loading C:/Bea/user_projects/applications/crystaltest/crystaltestWeb/WEB-INF/test.rpt ---- Error code:-2147215356 Error code name:fileNotOpened
              at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKException.throwReportSDKException(Unknown Source) etc
              Full error message is here ->
              ####<11/08/2004 11:56:10 AM EST> <Debug> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.socket.Muxer'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-101147> <HttpServer(32071428,null default ctx,cgServer) Found no context for "/". This request does not match the context path for any installed Web applications, and there is no default Web application configured.>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:56:12 AM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <main> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-000331> <Started WebLogic Admin Server "cgServer" for domain "workshop" running in Development Mode>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:56:12 AM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <main> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:56:12 AM EST> <Debug> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.socket.Muxer'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-101147> <HttpServer(32071428,null default ctx,cgServer) Found no context for "/wlwdir". This request does not match the context path for any installed Web applications, and there is no default Web application configured.>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:56:12 AM EST> <Info> <Management> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.RMI'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-140009> <Configuration changes for the domain have been saved to the repository.>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:56:12 AM EST> <Info> <Configuration Management> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.RMI'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-150007> <The booted configuration .\config.xml has been backed up at C:\Bea\WEBLOG~1\samples\domains\workshop\.\config.xml.booted.>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:58:29 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] /ensureAppDeployment: init>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:58:53 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] /wlwdir: init>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: init>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: param verbose initialized to: true>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: param packagePrefix initialized to: jsp_servlet>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: param compilerclass initialized to: com.sun.tools.javac.Main>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: param compileCommand initialized to: javac>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: param compilerval initialized to: com.sun.tools.javac.Main>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: param pageCheckSeconds initialized to: 1>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: param encoding initialized to: null>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: param superclass initialized to weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: param srcCompiler initialized to weblogic.jspc>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:02 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: param workingDir initialized to: C:\Bea\weblogic81\samples\domains\workshop\cgServer\.wlnotdelete\extract\cgServer_crystaltest_crystaltestWeb>
              ####<11/08/2004 11:59:04 AM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] *.jsp: initialization complete>
              ####<11/08/2004 12:04:14 PM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] /*: init>
              ####<11/08/2004 12:04:15 PM EST> <Info> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-101047> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] /*: Using standard I/O>
              ####<11/08/2004 12:18:03 PM EST> <Error> <HTTP> <TAS0707> <cgServer> <ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-101017> <[ServletContext(id=1439407,name=crystaltestWeb,context-path=/crystaltestWeb)] Root cause of ServletException.
              com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKException: Error loading C:/Bea/user_projects/applications/crystaltest/crystaltestWeb/WEB-INF/test.rpt ---- Error code:-2147215356 Error code name:fileNotOpened
              at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKException.throwReportSDKException(Unknown Source)
              at com.crystaldecisions.reports.reportengineinterface.JPEReportSource.<init>(Unknown Source)
              at com.crystaldecisions.reports.reportengineinterface.JPEReportSource.a(Unknown Source)
              at com.crystaldecisions.reports.reportengineinterface.JPEReportSourceFactory.createReportSource(Unknown Source)
              at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(index.jsp:27)
              at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:33)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$ServletInvocationAction.run(ServletStubImpl.java:996)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:419)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(TailFilter.java:28)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:27)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowJspFilter.doFilter(PageFlowJspFilter.java:208)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:27)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(RequestDispatcherImpl.java:316)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.superForward(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:1301)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor$DefaultHttpRedirector.forward(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:1317)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.doForward(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:1199)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.processForwardConfig(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:1093)
              at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:279)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.process(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:650)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.AutoRegisterActionServlet.process(AutoRegisterActionServlet.java:527)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowActionServlet.process(PageFlowActionServlet.java:152)
              at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(ActionServlet.java:507)
              at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
              at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$ServletInvocationAction.run(ServletStubImpl.java:996)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:419)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:315)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(RequestDispatcherImpl.java:318)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.superForward(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:1301)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor$DefaultHttpRedirector.forward(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:1317)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.doForward(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:1199)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.process(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:637)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.AutoRegisterActionServlet.process(AutoRegisterActionServlet.java:527)
              at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowActionServlet.process(PageFlowActionServlet.java:152)
              at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(ActionServlet.java:507)
              at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
              at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$ServletInvocationAction.run(ServletStubImpl.java:996)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:419)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:315)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:6456)
              at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
              at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:118)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:3661)
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:2630)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:219)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:178)

    I am getting the same error... Is there any one who can help us... Or is the problem solved, if so please let me know How did you do that...

  • JSP on BEA  Weblogic: random error when loading a jsp page that uses a Bean

    I wrote a simple jsp page that stores a String in a JavaBean, and then forwards to another jsp page to display that String. The jsp pages are deployed on a BEA Weblogic 6 Server, but I get a weird behaviour when loading the page into my browser. Usually I get an error message:
    /Response.jsp(9): class 'query.jsp.QueryBean' could not be loaded
    probably occurred due to an error in /Query.jsp line 9:
    <jsp:useBean id = "queryBean" scope = "request" class = "query.jsp.QueryBean" />
    But the funny thing is that after reloading the page a few times it eventually works. The bahaviour seems to be totally random - sometimes it works, sometimes it claims not finding the JavaBean class.
    Anyone experienced something similar?
    Thank you very much,

    Is QueryBean.class located under '<appname>/Web_inf/query/jsp/'?
    If it is please try changing the package name to something else like com.myclass or something like that.

  • JSP page doesnt load for one user on machine1, but does 4 all on same box

    I have a Citrix application on a box to enable many users to connect remotely to different applications on differnt boxes using the browser on this box. Just like terminal Services or remote desktop
    I tested 15 users and all of them are able to login to the machine and able to open a jsp page of an application located on a differernt box using the browser on this box.
    But for one user I am facing an issue. For this user, I am not able to get the page and instead I only see a message as "page loading" and nothing more than that, Its getting stuck there itself with no progress.
    Please help me,
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    I suspect there is something missing as far as the JRE for this guy is concerned. Sothing to do with permissions. java policy, security etc.
    I am not sure if that helps. I am not in the development of the application, and will check with those guys. I only neeed to provode support on this machine and be able to give access to that application which is on Linux. The browser is in Windows machine,

  • Error on page load when trying to run the jsp appl. through JDeveloper

    I created an JSP application using Oracle JDeveloper and Business Intelligence beans 9.0.5. and i am using Embeded oc4j Server for running the application from the JDeveloper Environment.
    All the presentations are existed in the Local Catalog of the application...
    Configuration file of the Application is :
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <!--This file is generated by the BI Designer object and specifies configuration
    settings for your application. These configuration settings do not affect
    the BI Designer object. You can specify the name of this file in the constructor
    of the BISession object for the application.
    If you want to customize this file, then choose Settings from the
    right-mouse menu of the associated BI Designer object. Or you can right click on the
    configuration file and choose Settings. You can choose whether to keep the
    configurattion settings the same for both design and runtime, which is the
    default, or to use different settings for design and runtime.
    Refer to the Help system for more information on the configuration file.
    Current Settings:
    In Sync with Designer
    <BISession DeploymentOption="LOCAL">
    <BIUser Username="Local User"/>
    <Debug Mode="ERROR"/>
    <PersistenceConnection PCID="pc1" PersistenceType="FILE" RootFolder="bidefs/Project1BIDesigner4/" BootConnection="true"/>
    <OLAPConnection OCID="oc1" ServerType="ROLAP" OLAPConnectionName="OLAPConnection1" HostName="twdpc232" SID="encore" PortNumber="1521" JdbcDriverType="thin">
    <DADFile Filename="/Project1OLAPConfig4OLAP.dad" Obfuscated="false"/>
    <PersistenceConnection PCREFID="pc1"/>
    <OLAPConnection OCREFID="oc1"/>
    Project1OLAPConfig4OLAP.dad :
    JSP page is : (biuntitled1.jsp)
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/bibeans/jsp" prefix="orabi" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
    <%@ page errorPage="cabo/bi/jsp/error.jsp" %>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <!-- Start synchronization of the BI tags -->
    <% synchronized(session){ %>
    <orabi:BIThinSession id="bisession1" configuration="/Project1OLAPConfig4.xml" >
    <!-- Business Intelligence definition tags here -->
    <orabi:Presentation location="Presentation1" id="biuntitled1_pres1"/>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    BI Beans JSP Page
    <form name="BIForm" method="POST" action="biuntitled1.jsp" >
    <orabi:InitBITags parentForm="BIForm"/>
    <!-- Insert your Business Intelligence tags here -->
    <orabi:Render targetId="biuntitled1_pres1" parentForm="BIForm"/>
    <!-- The InsertHiddenFields tag adds state fields to the parent form tag -->
    <orabi:InsertHiddenFields parentForm="BIForm" biThinSessionId="bisession1" />
    <% } %>
    <!-- End synchronization of the BI tags -->
    The Errors coming when loading the page are:
    Line : 25
    Char : 76
    Error : ObjectExpected
    Code : 0
    URL :
    The same error is coming in the (line, char) combination are : (25,1);(30,1);(21,1);
    Output of bicheckconfig :
    BI Beans Diagnostics(v1.0.2.0) 8/23/04
    JDEV_ORACLE_HOME .......................... = c:\JDeveloper
    JAVA_HOME ................................. = C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03
    JDeveloper version ........................ =
    BI Beans release description .............. = BI Beans 10.1.2 Production Release
    BI Beans component number ................. =
    BI Beans internal version ................. =
    Connect to database ....................... = Successful
    JDBC driver version ....................... =
    JDBC JAR file location .................... = C:\JDeveloper\jdbc\lib
    Database version .......................... =
    OLAP Catalog version ...................... =
    OLAP AW Engine version .................... =
    OLAP API Server version ................... =
    BI Beans Catalog version .................. = N/A; not installed in CS_OLAP
    OLAP API JAR file version ................. = ""
    OLAP API JAR file location ................ = c:\JDeveloper\jdev\lib\ext
    Load OLAP API metadata .................... = Successful
    Number of metadata folders ................ = 2
    Number of metadata measures ............... = 24
    Number of metadata dimensions ............. = 5
    Metadata output location .................. = C:\JDeveloper\bibeans\bi_checkconfig\bi_metadata.txt
    To interpret this output, see the "Displaying Information about your Oracle9i Business Intelligence Beans Client Configuration" technical note, whose file name is bi_checkconfig_tn.html
    These diagnostics are captured in: C:\JDeveloper\bibeans\bi_checkconfig\bi_checkconfig.xml
    Can any body help me....

    Copy the jdev_home/jlib/redist/uix2_install.zip file to
    jdev_home/jdev/redist folder . It will overwrite an existing uix2_install.zip file.
    Close and open the Jdeveloper IDE. It will prompt you for upgradation of projects. Press OK button in response.
    Now you should be able to run the JSP pages.

  • How to load only the jsp page even after applying template

    I have a webpage template with header,footer, Dynamic Menu etc. Now I assigned this .jtpl template to all my existing fases jsp files.
    The problem is when I submit a form in jsp, the entire page including template gets loaded again by which we can notice significant time for loading menus and other things.
    Is there any way to avoid this entire template loading and make only the jsp page to load? Please help
    May be this can be achieved by frames. But I dont have idea on how I can merge template with frames. If someone can provide that even would help me better.
    Thanks in advance.

    I found the solution .
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function checkRefresh()
    if( document.refreshForm.visited.value == "" )
    alert('first ime');
      // This is a fresh page load
      document.refreshForm.visited.value = "1";
      // You may want to add code here special for
      // fresh page loads
    <body onLoad="JavaScript:checkRefresh();">
    <form name="refreshForm">
    <input type="hidden" name="visited" value="" />

  • Tomcat not loading jsp pages

    I've running 10.6.2 with default install of Tomcat and Apache. Tomcat is enabled in Server Admin, and I've created a site in Server Admin that points 8080 port requests to /Library/Tomcat/webapps. And index.jsp is set as a default index file.
    When I try and go to myserver:8080/mysite the browser loads the jsp as text. Just like I'd opened it in a text file.
    I've removed the site folder, and uploaded a new war file (which works on my local 10.6.2 client machine with Tomcat 6.0.24 installed), and a new site folder is created as expected. But the jsp page just doesn't load correctly.
    What am I missing (besides years of Tomcat and Apache experience..)

    hey.. noticed one more thing.. stuff works when i put
    it in my file:///var/lib/tomcat-5.5/webapps/ROOT/
    folder .. so i think i havent set my user properly..
    any pointers??I don't think you should be putting stuff in ROOT.
    Create your own web context and put it under /webapps.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How to lmplement table in applet

    hi friends im not known how to implement table in applet using " java.applet.* " class plz reply as soon as possible..

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    Hi All, We have a scenario where in a vendor has a validity period. The vendor is allotted a temporary vendor code for some period. One can do procurement from that vendor only in the stipulated period. How we can give validity period to a vendor mas

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  • Wsdl to be generated by PI

    Hi Experts, I have to worl on the scenario :Non-SAP  --> PI --> SAP R/3 Receiver is RFC. Webservice has to be generated by PI. What are the requisites for the same and how can this be achieved? Please suggest!! Thanks & Regards, Sushama Pandey

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