JSPs are always being regenerated

I have just migrated my application from
          WL 5.1 to 7.0.2. I am using exploded format
          and the application is the "DefaultWebApp"
          I have set the pageCheckSeconds in the
          weblogic.xml to be -1. However the JSP is
          always recompiled. I set it to a positive
          number too and it is always recompiled (after the server restart).
          Any ideas?

          Well I tried putting them under the <app home>/Web-inf/classes
          directory and it still regenerates them. I am using exploded
          format right now and would like it to work with this.
          Any other ideas before I contact support?
          "Xiang Rao" <[email protected]> wrote:
          >From my personal experience with WL7.0, I believe you also set JSP precompile
          >My experience with this flag is not good either. Every time I started
          >the server
          >or redploy my WAR files, I found WL7 will do what you have experienced
          >and it
          >is very painful for me to deploy web applications with hundreds of JSP
          >in the
          >cluster environment, and I have to disable such flag.
          >From the petstore example, I found that all JSPs are precompiled to /WEB-INF/classes/jsp_servlet
          >directory. (Surprisingly, in its weblogic.xml, there is no single JSP
          >flag.) Perhaps that is the way.
          >Weblogic document site does not provide step by step details to deploy
          >JSP in
          >precompiled form. The only thing I can find is that it suggestes to precompile
          >JSPs to /WEB-INF/classes in a WAR file.
          >From Weblogic doc:
          >You can configure WebLogic Server to precompile your JSPs when a Web
          >is deployed or re-deployed or when WebLogic Server starts up by setting
          >the precompile
          >parameter to true in the <jsp-descriptor> element of the weblogic.xml
          >descriptor. To avoid recompiling your JSPs each time the server restarts
          >and when
          >you target additional servers, precompile them using weblogic.jspc and
          >place them
          >in the WEB-INF/classes folder and archive them in a .war file.
          >"Lori Ronning" <[email protected]> wrote:
          >>I have that set. And it is set to the directory to where
          >>they were already pre-compiled. So everytime they are generated
          >>they overwrite the pre-compiled ones.
          >>"Xiang Rao" <[email protected]> wrote:
          >>>I think you need set working directory for your JSP.
          >>>Lori Ronning <[email protected]> wrote:
          >>>>I have just migrated my application from
          >>>>WL 5.1 to 7.0.2. I am using exploded format
          >>>>and the application is the "DefaultWebApp"
          >>>>I have set the pageCheckSeconds in the
          >>>>weblogic.xml to be -1. However the JSP is
          >>>>always recompiled. I set it to a positive
          >>>>number too and it is always recompiled (after the server restart).
          >>>>Any ideas?

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    LR4 defaults to using the new toning model and only ACR 6.7+ can understand the settings.  You can probably update your ACR to 6.7 for PSE10, but there is no update for the older PS-CS4 if that’s what you’re using.  The PSE10-specific update for ACR 6.7 on a Mac is here:  http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5382
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    Must be serious because you have stated the problem 4 times now.
    Here are a number of things that you can try and maybe one of them will help.
    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    Make sure that you do not have a stalled download in iTunes - a song or podcast .... if you have a download in there that did not finish, complete that one first. Only one thing can download at a time on the iPad so that could be what is causing the problem.
    If that doesn't work - sign out of your account, restart the iPad and then sign in again.
    Settings>iTunes & App Store>Apple ID. Tap your ID and sign out. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Go back to Settings>iTunes & App Store>Sign in and then try to update again. Tap one waiting icon only if necessary to start the download stream.
    You can also try deleting the waiting icons - tap and hold down on an icon until it wiggles - the tap the X on the icon to delete it. Then try to download again.
    You can try resetting all settings. Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will have to enter all of your app preferences and device settings again.
    You can also try going to the App Store, find an app that needs an update, tap on the app icon to bring up the description page, then tap on install that way, rather than using the Update option from the app updates screen.
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    837748 wrote:
    Hello All,
    I am a newbie to oracle dB.
    I have an old VB6 application code that used to "talk" with Oracle dB (version 10g). The 2 machines used to be connected using the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle driver ("Provider=MSDASQL.1"). It used to run fine and all the dB's Views were updated automatically. We recently updated our Oracle to 11g running on Windows2008 r2 64bit machine. We are no longer using the Microsoft ODBC driver but the Oracle client (OraClient11g home1). The VB6 application seems to work OK, see all the records and all BUT, I noticed that all our Views are not being updated automatically anymore. I was wondering if any of you have any idea as to why this is happening and what should I do? I can always go back to the code and force the update on the all the Views but, I was hoping for a quick connection settings tweak if existed.
    gWhat evidence do you have that views are not being 'updated'? Are you talking about materialized views? A normal view has nothing to 'update'. A view contains no data. It is nothing but a pre-defined query.

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    Thank you for your time.
    <action input="/HtmlFile.jsp" name="FileForm" path="/HtmlFile"
    scope="session" type="ch12.HtmlFileAction" validate="true">
    <forward name="default" path="/HtmlFile.jsp"/>
    <body >
    <html:form action="HtmlFile.do" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    Item Type
    <html:select name="HtmlFileForm" property="itemType">
    <html ptions collection="itemlists" property="id" labelProperty="description"/>
    Item ID
    <html:text property="name"/>
    Thumbnail Image
    <html:file property="file"/>
    <html:text property="price"/>
    <html:submit />
    public class FileForm extends ActionForm{
    private String submit;
    public ActionErrors validate( ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request )
    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
    if(getFile() ==null)
    errors.add("file",new ActionError ("error.file.required"));
    if ( getPrice() == null || getPrice().length() < 1 )
    errors.add("price",new ActionError("error.price.required"));
    return errors;

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    Do you have a question?
    If it's about blocking cookies, then may I assume you have disabled all cookies via Safari preferences; that the browser is set to block cookies always?
    If you're concerned about tracking (I don't know why you're asking about cookies), you could choose to enable and use Private Browsing option. 
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    Hello dbe.
    Please check to see if a borderless paper size has been selected before printing.
    If borderless printing is enabled, you may experience a cut off on the outside areas of the image.  This is the only way that an edge to edge bleed can be done. 
    To retain the entire image, the bordered option would have to be used for printing.
    Please visit the following link below to contact our support group for additional assistance.
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

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    Hi there!
    There is an outage for some BIS users...see this article:
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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  • When I plug in my iPhone to sync, it starts but does not complete the process and several pieces of data are not being transferred to my iPhone from my MacBook Air.

    When I plug in my iPhone to sync, it starts but does not complete the process and several pieces of data are not being transferred to my iPhone from my MacBook Air.
    Any help that you can provide in helping my iPhone accurately sync with iPhoto and iTunes will be greatly appreciated.
    1)   Sync:  It’s not completing the sync.  Below, I’ve provided all of my settings from the iTunes Summary tab so that you might tell me if I’ve selected any incorrect options.  I prefer to sync the “old school” way – by connecting to the computer – as opposed to syncing over the cloud. Perhaps this is what’s causing the problem? Here is a list of the steps displayed in the iTunes window as the sync progresses:
    waiting for sync to start (step 1 of 7)
    backing up (step 2 of 7)
    preparing to sync (step 3 of 7)
    determining apps to sync (step 4 of 7)
    preparing apps to sync (step 5 of 7)
    importing photos (step 6 of 7)
    waiting for changes to be applied (step 7 of 7)
    syncing apps / copying 1 of 4 (App name) (step 7 of 7)
    canceling sync
    apple icon
    2)   Photos: I've selected only certain of my iPhoto albums to sync to my iPhone.  All of the albums are correct/complete in iPhoto.  All of the albums are listed on my iPhone, both before and after the sync, but the albums are empty (no actual photos) before and after the sync. Perhaps this is tied to the fact that the sync isn’t completing, but because “importing photos” is one of the steps that the incomplete sync displays, I don’t know.
    3)   Apps: When I launch iTunes and click on the Apps folder under the Library listing, then click on the Updates tab, iTunes searches for any Apps needing to be updated and provides a list.  If I click on Update All, the Apps are successfully updated in iTunes.  But, when I plug in my iPhone so that the updates will transfer to the apps on my iPhone, the updates don’t transfer to the apps on my iPhone and those apps still reflect that they need updating on the iPhone.
    Other Potential Pertinent Info:
    The flash memory hard drive on my MacBook Air recently died (perhaps a month or two ago).  Apple had emailed me about a known issue and literally the next day, my MacBook Air crashed.  I installed a new flash memory drive and re-installed everything from a backup off of an external hard drive.  Everything seems to be working fine; it recreated accurately all of my software and data, including iPhoto and iTunes, the pictures and songs (respectively) for which are stored on that hard drive, as opposed to being on the flash memory in the MacBook Air itself.  However, I don’t recall if the start of the sync problem described herein started happening at the same time that I replaced the flash memory drive.  All I know is that the computer is working perfectly in all respects and that even as the sync is failing, it at least says that it’s doing the right things and looking in the right places (e.g., the list of albums on my iPhone matches the list of albums in iTunes, etc.).
    MacBook Air
    OSX v. 10.9
    iPhoto ’11 v. 9.5 (902.7)
    iPhone iOS 7.0.4
    iTunes v. 11.1.3 (8)
    Summary Tab
    Backups (This Computer)
    Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected
    Sync only checked songs and videos
    Photos Tab
    Sync Photos from iPhoto (429 Photos)
    Selected albums, Events, and Faces, and automatically include (no Events)
    Albums – 9 are selected

    You need to download iTunes on your computer. iOS 6 requires the latest version of iTunes which is 10.7.

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    depending on your data flow you have to use the routines .
    Start routines - start routines:
    It is used to perform preliminary calculations.if you have any modifications required before the actual transformation is done, then you must write those routines in the start routine of 7.0.
    End routines - new:
    You can use an end routine to postprocess data after transformation on a package-by-package basis.
    Expert routine - update routine :
    You can use the expert routine if there are not sufficient functions to perform a transformation. The expert routine should be used as an interim solution until the necessary functions are available in the standard routine. You can use this to program the transformation yourself without using the available rule types. If you have already created transformation rules, the system deletes them once you have created an expert routine.
    Also Check the below link for detail info.
    Routine in Transformation.

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    One way that you could make it work (just tried it out again) is to use the windings font
    and use the checkboxes from there. However, you need to register the font with xml publisher. In the template builder for Word, you can put a configuration file under:
    C:\Program Files\Oracle\XML Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\config
    (depnding on your installation). The file should have the name xdo.cfg or xdoconfig.xml.
    There is an example file: xdo example.cfg that you rename and change accoringly.
    The font is there setup for windows 2000 as an example. Select the correct font
    path - for my XP it is:
    <font family="Wingdings" style="normal" weight="normal">
    <truetype path="C:\WINDOWS\fonts\wingding.ttf" />
    Then you can put the symbols into your RTF template and it will be rendered.
    At least it worked for me - with 5.6.2. (Availbable on Wednesday or Thursday), but
    I am pretty sure I tried it before with 5.5.
    Didn't have the 5.5 manual with me - so I have to check what that says again..
    Hope it helps,

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