JSTL and Mapviewer

Did any one manage to successfully add JSTL library to the MapViewer demo expanded ear file?. I am using the demo ear file deployed on WebLogic 11g and trying to use JSTL for front end development. It's a nightmare getting all the technologies to work together.

Did any one manage to successfully add JSTL library to the MapViewer demo expanded ear file?. I am using the demo ear file deployed on WebLogic 11g and trying to use JSTL for front end development. It's a nightmare getting all the technologies to work together.

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  • Question regarding JSTL and function calls

    I'm quite new to JSTL and I'm having a problem accessing a function when I want to pass argument to that function.
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    in my M I have a couple of getMethods() (example: getThisInfo() ) and som control methods like "isSomethingValid(arg1)"
    my question is lets say I want to access my "isSomethingValid(arg1)" and arg1 should be the value of "getThisInfo()" I thought I could do like
    ${model.somethingValid($model.thisInfo)} but it isnt working I get:
    "Unable to parse EL function ${model.somethingValid(model.thisInfo)}"
    I know that the syntax above is a mix of scriptlet and JSTL but I dont know how to or if its even possible to achieve this?
    Thanks for helping me!
    Best Regards/DS

    By default, EL can only access getters and setters on objects.
    It can not execute general methods on an object.
    You can define function libraries that call static methods
    You have to write the method as static, and then declare it in a tld.
    public boolean checkValid(Model m, Info i){ ...}
    and then you could invoke it something like
    <%@ taglib uri="myfunctionstaglib" prefix="myfunctions" %>
    ${myfunctions:checkValid(model, model.thisInfo)}

  • Convert HTML ASCII codes with JSTL and Apache Taglibs?

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    By the way, the search string that a user enters is getting Tokenized using " " as the token and then fed directly into multiple SQL LIKE comparisons based on how many tokens were found.

  • How to install apex (and mapviewer) company wide ?

    Until now I've developed some applications on a laptop.
    I want to bring them to my company - in this stage as a "pilot" with a limited number of employees having access.
    What do I need: a database, apex installed and - now is coming what I want to know - application server or http-server ?
    For your information: I'm using also oracle spatial and mapviewer to present data on the map of the netherlands. Therefore I want to install spatial, and mapviewer. An pre-installed oc4j is included in that installation.
    How to combine these issues ?
    Thanks in advance for any reaction.

    Hello Leo,
    I'm not sure these issues should be combined. You are talking about 3 different Oracle products, each with its own pre-installation requirements. Regarding oracle spatial and MapViewer, you'll need to ask your DBA (or someone with the proper experience in this forum can help you).
    As for ApEx, you'll need a db version or higher, and you'll need the OHS (Oracle HTTP Server) which is part of the db companion CD, or can be downloaded from OTN.
    As far as I know, Oracle MapViewer is part of the Oracle Application server, just like OC4J and OHS. In this case, you can install all the needed modules of the Application Server, and then installed ApEx. The ApEx installation guide includes information on how to configure the HTTP server, as part of the Application Server.
    Hope this helps,

  • Problem using jstl and displaytags

    Hi all,
    I am using display tags taglib for generation of table. One of the columns has to be shown with the hyperlink attached to it. In order to acheive this i am using jstl taglib together with displaytags
    <display:table name="reportList" id="row" requestURI="viewengagementstatus.do" style="width: 100%;">
    <display:column  title="Period"  sortable="true" style="text-align:  center;" >
    <a href="/jsps/reportsummary.do?eid=<c:out value="${row.eid}" />&reportId=<c:out value="${row.ReportID}" />&reportPeriod=<c:out value="${row.targetDate}"/> " target="_blank"><font size="1"><c:out value="${row.targetDate}"/></font></a>
    </display:column>I am using jstl1.1.2.jar for jstl.
    When i run this on Weblogic10 and windows OS i am able to view the results. On performing the view source on the IE window, i get the following:
    <td style="text-align:  center;">
                   <a href="/jsps/reportsummary.do?eid=78004&reportId=104093&reportPeriod=Nov-2008 " target="_blank"><font size="1">Nov-2008</font></a>
    </td>but when the same code is run on the Weblogic deployed on the Linux machine, i am not getting the links and the name:
    the view-source of the application deployed on the linux machine shows:
    td style="text-align:  center;">
                   <a href="/jsps/reportsummary.do?eid=&reportId=&reportPeriod=" target="_blank"><font size="1"></font></a>
    </td>Any Ideas why this is occuring?
    Any help would be appreciated

    You should be using the one or the other, not both. Since your actual code shows that you don't need the jstl/core_rt taglib (you're using the JSP EL ${ } in JSTL tags rather than scriptlets <%= %> ), just remove that taglib declaration and continue using the jstl/core taglib.
    You should also rather place both the JSTL and standard JAR in the classpath of the application server. In case of Tomcat, put it in its /lib directory. Then remove all unnecessary JSTL and Standard JAR and TLD files from your whole webapplication project and also remove any related entries from the web.xml of your webapplication project. To use JSTL you only need to put the JAR files in the classpath of the application server and define the taglib in your JSP. Nothing less and nothing more. If you're using JSTL 1.2 rather than JSTL 1.1, then you need to remove the standard.jar file too since it is already merged in the jstl-1.2.jar file.
    Oh, the web.xml should also be declared that way that the application server uses at least servlet 2.4.

  • Hardware Sizing for Oracle Application Server and MapViewer

    Hi all,
    I need to develop an application using Oracle Application Server 10g and MapViewer. The applicaction will, basically, do thematic maps based on a search criteria. The estimative is that we will have 25 users simultaneously using it.
    I´d like to have an idea about the hardware to support it.
    Do you know where I can get this information?
    Any documentation can help.
    Luis Augusto

    Hi Luis,
    It may depend on your database size, but I think at least you need to meet the minimum requirements for the Application Server. You can find additional documentation for the AS at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/index.html.
    However I would suggest some extra memory, and if possible the better CPU that you can get. MapViewer will render the spatial features on the server side, and depending on your database size and number of features returned from the queries, this extra memory will help.

  • J2EE, JSTL and JSF questions

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    1) Is there a way, just by using J2EE/Java to "manipulate" an XML file. Not just parse and read it's data but actually add nodes to the file?
    2) I've been reading quite a bit on JSTL and JSF recently. Is JSF supposed to be an alternative to Struts and JSTL an alternative to scriptlet coding?
    3) I am also working on creating a message board but throwing around a couple of ways to implement it. Either (a) using a database to store posts and a JSP interface or (b) using an XML document to store postings. Which of these two seem best or is there a better option?
    4) Is there an easy way to call Php from a Java program? I need to invoke a php program when a user clicks on a link on a JSP page I have.

    1) The SDK provides JAXP (Java API for XML Processing) in javax.xml package.
    2) I wouldn't call it 'alternative'.
    3) Your choice. I'd to use a RDBMS. Less overhead, better suited, (much) more functions and better performance.
    4) If that program is available on the web, then just invoke a HTTP request. If not, I'd rather to rewrite it to Java.

  • Best practice GeoRaster and MapViewer?

    I want to see rasterfiles with using Oracle GeoRaster and MapViewer. I've bineary rasterfiles and aerial photographs(24 BIT).
    Until now I put the data with following parameters into the database:
    -     Oracle_inverleaving_type: BSQ
    -     Oracle_raster_tile_size_x und -y: 2048
    -     Oracle_compression: DEFLATE
    -     Oracle_pyramid_max: null
    -     Oracle_raster_pyramid_resampling: NN for bineary data and CUBIC for aerial photograph
    The bineary rasterfiles could have about 15000x15000 pixels and the aerial photographs about 4000x4000 pixels.
    For the MapViewer configuration of a GeoRaster-Theme I use pyramid-level NULL for aerial photographs and 1 for bineary pictures.
    The MapViewer BaseMaps has a tilesize of 256x256 pixels and as format png.
    Has anybody experience to get the best performance and best quality to show rasterfiles?

    Hi Jeffrey,
    further I have the problem that the MapViewer (Ver1033p5_B081010) doesn't render maptiles for all zoom-levels with my posted settings. Before the MapViewer P5 exists an I use this version, I rendered the maptiles witch MapViewer of version P3.
    With the latest version of mapviewer it is only possible to rendere maptiles up to zoom-level 3 and then (level zwo, one or zero) it doesn't render this tiles. The mapviewer shows the following error:
    WARNUNG: Failed to fetch tile image.
    Message:Failed to fetch tile image.
    Mon Feb 17 19:39:19 CET 2009
    Severity: 0
    at oracle.lbs.mapcache.cache.TileFetcher.fetchTile(TileFetcher.java:209)
    at oracle.lbs.mapcache.cache.Tile.fetchTile(Tile.java:357)
    at oracle.lbs.mapcache.cache.Tile.fetchTile(Tile.java:338)
    at oracle.lbs.mapcache.cache.MapCache.getTile(MapCache.java:217)
    at oracle.lbs.mapcache.MapCacheServer.getMapImageStream(MapCacheServer.java:161)
    at oracle.lbs.mapcache.MCSServlet.doPost(MCSServlet.java:254)
    at oracle.lbs.mapcache.MCSServlet.doGet(MCSServlet.java:209)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:711)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:368)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:866)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:448)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:216)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:117)
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:110)
    at oracle.oc4j.network.ServerSocketReadHandler$SafeRunnable.run(ServerSocketReadHandler.java:260)
    at oracle.oc4j.network.ServerSocketAcceptHandler.procClientSocket(ServerSocketAcceptHandler.java:239)
    at oracle.oc4j.network.ServerSocketAcceptHandler.access$700(ServerSocketAcceptHandler.java:34)
    at oracle.oc4j.network.ServerSocketAcceptHandler$AcceptHandlerHorse.run(ServerSocketAcceptHandler.java:880)
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:303)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    17.02.2009 19:39:19 oracle.lbs.mapcache.cache.Tile getOffLineTileImagePath
    FEINER: Waiting for blank tile.
    17.02.2009 19:39:20 oracle.lbs.mapcache.MCSServlet doPost
    SCHWERWIEGEND: LUT has improper length!
    Do you know why the MapViewer shows this message?
    When I used the MapViewer P3 I didn't have any problems with generating maptiles.

  • Difference between JSTL and JSF

    I am little bit confuse between JSTL and JSF. can one tell me what is difference between JSTL and JSF ?
    Thanks & regards,

    from suns site
    The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) encapsulates as simple tags the core functionality common to many Web applications. JSTL has support for common, structural tasks such as iteration and conditionals, tags for manipulating XML documents, internationalization tags, and SQL tags.

  • Is Oracle Spatial, Mapbuilder and Mapviewer supports TTF(True Type Fonts)

    Hi to all,
    Is Oracle Spatial, Mapbuilder and Mapviewer Supports TTF,How to load TTF into Oracle Spatial and how to assign TTF to Point Data,
    i think Map Builder had option,but how load using map builder,
    is any Oracle script to load TTF,pl provide help.

    You can only use ttf symbols for markers.
    in MapBuilder click on Tools menu, click on Import Truetype font.
    Use the mapbuilder that is part of the latest kit on OTN. It contains some fixes for TTF handling.

  • APEX as frontend for Oracle Maps and Mapviewer data

    Just to let you know:
    I did some work with Oracle Application Express (APEX) integrating Oracle Maps and Mapviewer functionality
    and published it occasionly it in my Oracle Application Express (German) BLOG. : http://htmldb-de.blogspot.com/ -
    Guess you will understand from the screens, what all is possible and beyond...
    An integration (application) of APEX and Mapquest for Routeplanning done in APEX can be seen (and downloaded) as well.
    Feel free to have a look !

    Just to let you know:
    I did some work with Oracle Application Express (APEX) integrating Oracle Maps and Mapviewer functionality
    and published it occasionly it in my Oracle Application Express (German) BLOG. : http://htmldb-de.blogspot.com/ -
    Guess you will understand from the screens, what all is possible and beyond...
    An integration (application) of APEX and Mapquest for Routeplanning done in APEX can be seen (and downloaded) as well.
    Feel free to have a look !

  • Weblogic 11g and mapviewer

    I have my application running on http://localhost:7335/clientA and mapviewer on http://localhost:7336/clientB. Both my application and mapviewer are managed servers running on different domain. I am able to access the application but the map does not show up. The map is created becoz, when I go to images and cllick on the map, I am able to see the map in the browser. But the map does not show up in the application.
    Is this a cross domain issue? Do we need to provide any credentials to access the maps on a different domain?
    Please help.
    Edited by: user4583249 on Oct 15, 2009 5:58 AM


  • ADF Faces and MapViewer

    i'm investigating the possibility to write an ADF Faces MapViewer Client. I'm especially thinking of some Google Maps style navigation, e.g. panning by dragging the map.
    I'd like to use AJAX to prevent full page reloads, so if i drag the map only the map image is reloaded.
    Now the question are:
    1. How do i extend the ADF Faces Components with AJAX Scripts without breaking the ADF Faces PPR concept?
    2. Is it possible to trigger the reload of an ADF Faces component from my javascript?
    3. Is it possibe to extend the java classes for the components or the renderer with my own code?
    4. Has anyone already created an example that uses ADF Faces and MapViewer?
    Thanks for help,

    I just talk with our admin. The problem was server port 8080. Some of internet providers (also one of the biggest Polish) blocks this port. It's a reason - when I change internet connection to other everythig works OK. I thing it would be nice to change server port to default 80, if you want to make this application accessile for all.

  • Juggle between jstl and jsp!

    I have a list of items and whose size is obtained by jstl as follows:
    <c:set var="num" value="${fn:length(form.namesList)}"/>I have to find the number of blocks using jsp and I am trying as follows which is giving jspException.
    <%int numCols = (int)Math.ceil( num / 10.0);%>Can anyone tell me the problem over here?
    I need to use numCols to display my results using jstl as follows:
    <c:forEach var="y" begin="${1}" end="${numCols }">
    </c:forEach>Can juggle between jstl and jsp like this?

    This depends on the version of JSP you are using:
    If you are using JSP 2.0 (like Tomcat 5), make sure you have downloaded and installed JSTL 1.1 and set the web.xml up to use the Servlet 2.4 specs. Then the code you wrote should work.
    If you are using JSP 1.x (like Tomcat 4 and below), make sure you have JSTL 1.0. Then you can only use EL (the Expression Language used to translate ${...} expressions) inside JSTL.
    If you want to use EL inside your custome tags, look through the Apache Jakarta sight. Somewhere they have an ELExpression translator (a couple of classes actually - whose full names I forget). These classes will let you take the ${...} expressions in as strings, pass them through the translators and get the correct objects back out.
    Or you could go a simpler root:
    <mob:whatever object="test" name="newname" />
    then in your custom tag:
      MyType test = (MyType)pageContext.findAttribute(object);

  • Simple setup problems with JSTL and Tomcat

    Hi all, I'm having some problems getting JSTL to work the 1st time. JSTL setup seems to be a common problem for relative newbies, but having read previous threads, I still haven't been able to solve my problem so hopefully someone can help:
    the jstl.jar and standard.jar are in my WEB-INF/lib directory, so I don't think it's a classpath problem.
    My jsp page has the following at the top:
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>Later, I reference a bean var with :
    <c:out value="My var is : ${var.property}"/>In my web.xml I have:
      </taglib>And I've placed the actual tld (c.tld) in the WEB-INF directory.
    On startup I get the error when compiling the JSP:
    No such tag out in the tag library imported with prefix c
    Can anyone help here?
    Thanks in advance,

    I think this note from the JSTL mailing list by Shawn Bayern, one of the lead developers of Jakarta JSTL and the author of "JSTL In Action", will clarify it:
    http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg04587.html
    Don't put that <taglib> in your web.xml. All the books tell you to do it, but Shawn Bayern has the right answer. The URI should be the one that's in the TLD JAR .tld files.
    I use JSTL and Tomcat 4.1.24 without the <taglib>, and it works fine. - MOD

Maybe you are looking for