JSTL: EL is not working

I tried to send value for 'selectedOption' attribute to Custom Tag (typeCode is the tag)
<d:typeCode dropDownType="GENDER" selectedOption="<c:out value='${model.gender}'/>" htmlOption="LABEL"/>
but inside Tag, its getting value for 'selectedOption' as "<c:out value='${model.gender}'/>" instead of resultant of '${model.gender}' expression.
I use Tomcat 4.0, using Any clue?

you cannot nest tags like that
you will need to use
<d:typeCode dropDownType="GENDER" selectedOption="${model.gender}" htmlOption="LABEL"/>and use ExpressionEvaluatorManager to translate the selectedOption
with something like
String arg=(String) org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.support.ExpressionEvaluatorManager.evaluate
        ("selectedOption", selectedOption, String.class, this, pageContext);

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    Note: I have found a workaround by using the include directive. I would rather use the jsp:include action, but unless this problem gets solved I will be sticking with the directive.
    Message was edited by:

    You need to have the Core taglib declared on the page that you are including with jsp:include.
    There is a subtle difference between the include directive <%@ include %> and <jsp:include>
    The latter happens at runtime, and includes the result of running the included page.
    Therefore any page included with <jsp:include> needs to be completely standalone, and declare all of its own taglibraries that it uses. It can't inherit them from the "including" jsp.
    The include directive works, because it pastes in the contents of the included file at compile time - effectively making one big JSP file.

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    <!DOCTYPE cv>
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    thanks, one thing that annoys me is that that apache
    make it so hard to download anything, finding the
    binary is so time consuming, ive been looking for the
    last half hour. its a jokeI kind of agree with you that for certain projects it is a little difficult to find the stable release of the binaries. I personally find it very time consuming to locate the binary for JSTL 1.1 , and finding the binary for Xalan seems a little more easier than finding the one for JSTL 1.1
    For Xalan I was quickly able to locate it through google:
    Searched for "download apache xalan" , then Google showed me
    http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/downloads.html then I clicked on :
    But for JSTL 1.1 it took quite a number of steps :
    Searched on Google for : "download JSTL 1.1"
    First link showed:
    Shows the link for Standard 1.0 instead of Standard 1.1
    (A newbie to JSTL wouldn't know that there's a 1.1 final release download available)
    another link for the same keywords takes me to:
    Then I click on downloads: http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/#Downloads
    but it only shows Nightly Builds downloads not the stable release ones.
    Then I click on JSTL1.1 on the left nav takes me to
    The download link finally takes me to:
    which is again nightly
    Then I carefully read and finally see:
    Download the Binary Distribution of the Final Release:
    Then I click on TagLibs
    and pick Standard 1.1 Tag lib (assuming that is JSTL 1.1)
    I guess I could report this issue to Apache Taglibs and have them make it more efficient to locate the download for the Taglibs.

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    Thanks in advance!
    <%@ page errorPage="list_error.jsp" %>
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" prefix="fmt" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn" %>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <h1>Product List</h1>
    <jsp:useBean id="list" class="htunes.ProductListBean" scope="request" />
    <table border=0>
    <c:forEach items="${list.productList}" var="product">

    Sorry for not formatting the code. Here goes!
    <%@ page errorPage="list_error.jsp" %>
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" prefix="fmt" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn" %>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <h1>Product List</h1>
    <jsp:useBean id="list" class="htunes.ProductListBean" scope="request" />
      <table border=0>
        <c:forEach items="${list.productList}" var="product">

  • Command button not working

    I have a
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    ============ hubReceiving.jsp=======================
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-tiles" prefix="tiles" %>
    <tiles:importAttribute scope="request"/>
    <f:loadBundle basename="com.fcpa.him.columnheading" var="chdr"/>
    <f:loadBundle basename="com.fcpa.him.Messages" var="msg"/>
    <div id="location"></div>
    <div class="bfrm" style="width: 720px;" >
    <div style="height: 600px" class="cv_c">
    <h:form id="rcvTxn">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1">
    <h:dataTable >
    <f:facet name="header">
    <td> <h:outputFormat style="width: 730px;" value="Receiving"/></td>
    <h:panelGrid columns="3">
    <h:panelGrid columns="5" style="width: 560px">
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText id="errorMessage" value="#{hubreceivingbean.errorMessage}" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText id="hRcvDate" value="Receiving Date:" style="width: 90px" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText id="hHubName" value="Receiving At:" style="width: 90px" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText id="hPackageType" value="Package Type:" style="width: 90px" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText id="hPackageValue" value="Scan / Enter:" style="width: 90px" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText id="vRcvDate" value="#{hubreceivingbean.date}" style="width: 130px"/></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:selectOneMenu id="vHubName" value="#{hubreceivingbean.hubName}" style="width: 130px">
    <f:selectItems value="#{hubreceivingbean.hubList}"/>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:selectOneMenu id="vPackageType" value="#{hubreceivingbean.sourceType}" style="width: 130px" onchange="submit()" >
    <f:selectItems value="#{hubreceivingbean.sourceTypeList}" />
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:inputText id="vPackageValue" value="#{hubreceivingbean.sourceValue}" style="width: 130px" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText style="width: 80px"/></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText id="hTxnNum" value="Txn ID:" style="width: 80px"/></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText id="hPartNumber" value="Part Number:" style="width: 80px; #{hubreceivingbean.componetEnableDisableStyle};"/></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText id="hQty" value="Quantity:" style="width: 80px; #{hubreceivingbean.componetEnableDisableStyle};"/></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:outputText style="width: 130px" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:inputText id="vTxnNum" value="#{hubreceivingbean.rcvTxnHeaderID}" style="width: 130px" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:inputText id="vPartNum" value="#{hubreceivingbean.partNumber}" style="width: 130px; #{hubreceivingbean.componetEnableDisableStyle};" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:inputText id="vQty" value="#{hubreceivingbean.quantity}" style="width: 130px; #{hubreceivingbean.componetEnableDisableStyle};" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <f:subview id="rtMenu">
    <tiles:insert definition="mainMenu" flush="false"/>
    <h:panelGrid><td><h:commandButton id="aButton" value="Add" action="#{hubreceivingbean.createRecord}" /></td></h:panelGrid>
    <h:dataTable styleClass="standard">
    <h:column >
    <f:facet name="header">
    <td> <h:outputFormat style="width: 70px; " value="#{chdr.rcvRefType}"/></td>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <td> <h:outputText style="width: 80px;" value="#{chdr.rcvRefTypeValue}"/> </td>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <td> <h:outputText style="width: 80px;" value="#{chdr.palletNumber}"/> </td>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <td> <h:outputText style="width: 175px;" value="#{chdr.partNumber}"/></td>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <td> <h:outputText style="width: 75px;" value="#{chdr.asnQty}"/> </td>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <td> <h:outputText style="width: 75px;" value="#{chdr.rcvQty}"/> </td>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <td> <h:outputText style="width: 100px;" value="#{chdr.remarks}"/> </td>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <td> <h:outputText style="width: 50px;" value="#{chdr.delete}"/> </td>
    <h:panelGrid styleClass="scrollPane" columns="1" style="width: 720px;">
    <f:verbatim><DIV STYLE="overflow: auto; height: 170px;" styleClass="standard"></f:verbatim>
    <h:dataTable value="#{hubreceivingbean.rcvDataArray}" var="databean" styleClass="standard">
    <h:outputText style="width: 70px;" value="#{databean.referenceType}"/>
    <h:outputText style="width: 80px;" value="#{databean.referenceValue}"/>
    <h:outputText style="width: 80px;" value="#{databean.palletNumber}"/>
    <h:outputText style="width: 175px;" value="#{databean.partNumber}"/>
    <h:outputText style="width: 75px;" value="#{databean.asnQuantity}" />
    <h:inputText id="rcvQty" style="width: 75px;" value="#{databean.rcvQuantity}" required="true"/>
    <h:message for="rcvQty" errorClass="errors" />
    <f:attribute name="rcvQty" value="Please Enter" />
    <h:inputText style="width: 100px;" value="#{databean.rcvComments}" />
    * HubReceivingBean.java
    * Created on February 1, 2006, 6:09 PM
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under
    * the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose
    * Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor.
    package com.fcpa.him;
    * @author vburla
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    import javax.faces.application.*;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.ResultSupport;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result;
    import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
    import javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase;
    import javax.faces.component.UIInput;
    import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
    import javax.faces.validator.*;
    import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.net.*;
    import com.fcpa.reportal.*;
    import com.fcpa.eapps.*;
    public class HubReceivingBean {
    private String sourceType;
    private String sourceValue;
    private String rcvTxnHeaderID;
    private Date date = new Date();
    private static ArrayList sourceList;
    private static ArrayList hubList;
    private SysLogger log;
    private JDBCConnPool db;
    private String hubName;
    private boolean hubNameEditable =true;
    private ArrayList rcvDataArray = new ArrayList();
    private String componetEnableDisableStyle = "display:none";
    private String txnRefEnableDisable = "display:none";
    private String partNumber;
    private String quantity;
    private String useDataSource = "Y";
    private String errorMessage;
    //private static final String[] SOURCE_TYPE = { "CARTON", "PALLET", "INVOICE","IO"};
    //private static final String[] COLUMN_NAMES = {"Ref_Type","Ref_Value","Part_Number","ASN_Qty","RCV_Qty","Notes"};
    /**Create connection */
    public void setJdbcConnPoolClass(JDBCConnPool j) {
    this.db = j;
    public JDBCConnPool getJdbcConnPoolClass() {
    return this.db;
    public void setSysLoggerClass(SysLogger s) {
    this.log = s;
    public SysLogger getSysLoggerClass() {
    return this.log;
    /** Creates a new instance of HubReceivingBean */
    public HubReceivingBean(){
    private void fillRcvDataArray() throws Exception{
    if ( (getRcvTxnHeaderID()!="") && (getRcvTxnHeaderID()!=null) ){
    String strSQLstr = "SELECT lines.txn_line_id Txn_Line_ID, lines.reference_type Ref_Type,lines.reference_value Ref_Value,"+
    " lines.pallet_number Pallet_Number, lines.part_number Part_Number,lines.asn_quantity ASN_Qty,"+
    " lines.received_quantity RCV_Qty,lines.comments Notes "+
    " FROM hif_rcv_txn_headers headers, hif_rcv_txn_lines lines "+
    " WHERE headers.txn_header_id = lines.txn_header_id "+
    " AND headers.txn_header_id = "+getRcvTxnHeaderID()+
    " AND nvl(headers.txn_complete_flag,'N') = 'N' "+
    " ORDER BY lines.txn_line_id desc";
    System.out.println("Inside fill data-strSQLstr: "+strSQLstr);
    ResultSet rs = db.getResultSet(strSQLstr);
    while (rs.next()){
    RcvTableDataBean bean = new RcvTableDataBean();
    public ArrayList getRcvDataArray()throws Exception {
    return rcvDataArray;
    // PROPERTY: current date
    public void setDate(Date newValue) { date = newValue; }
    public String getDate() {
    Date now = new Date();
    DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance();
    String s = df.format(now);
    System.out.println("Today is " + s);
    return s;
    // PROPERTY: Hub Name
    public void setHubName(String newValue) {
    // System.out.println("Inside setSourceType");
    hubName = newValue; }
    public String getHubName() {
    //System.out.println("Inside getSourceType");
    return hubName; }
    // PROPERTY: source type
    public void setSourceType(String newValue) {
    // System.out.println("Inside setSourceType");
    sourceType = newValue; }
    public String getSourceType() {
    //System.out.println("Inside getSourceType");
    return sourceType; }
    // PROPERTY: source value
    public void setSourceValue(String newValue) {
    //System.out.println("Inside setSourceValue");
    sourceValue = newValue; }
    public String getSourceValue() {
    //System.out.println("Inside getSourceValue");
    return sourceValue; }
    // PROPERTY: source type
    public void setRcvTxnHeaderID(String newValue) {
    // System.out.println("Inside setSourceType");
    rcvTxnHeaderID = newValue; }
    public String getRcvTxnHeaderID() {
    //System.out.println("Inside getSourceType");
    return rcvTxnHeaderID; }
    // PROPERTY: Enable Disable
    public void setComponetEnableDisableStyle(String newValue) {
    // System.out.println("Inside setSourceType");
    componetEnableDisableStyle = newValue; }
    public String getComponetEnableDisableStyle() {
    //System.out.println("Inside getSourceType");
    return componetEnableDisableStyle; }
    // PROPERTY: Enable Disable Txn Ref
    public void setTxnRefEnableDisable(String newValue) {
    // System.out.println("Inside setSourceType");
    txnRefEnableDisable = newValue; }
    public String getTxnRefEnableDisable() {
    //System.out.println("Inside getSourceType");
    return txnRefEnableDisable; }
    // PROPERTY: part Number
    public void setPartNumber(String newValue) {
    // System.out.println("Inside setSourceType");
    partNumber = newValue; }
    public String getPartNumber() {
    //System.out.println("Inside getSourceType");
    return partNumber; }
    // PROPERTY: Quantity
    public void setQuantity(String newValue) {
    // System.out.println("Inside setSourceType");
    quantity = newValue; }
    public String getQuantity() {
    //System.out.println("Inside getSourceType");
    return quantity; }
    // PROPERTY: UseData Source
    public void setUseDataSource(String newValue) {
    // System.out.println("Inside setSourceType");
    useDataSource = newValue; }
    public String getUseDataSource() {
    //System.out.println("Inside getSourceType");
    return useDataSource; }
    // PROPERTY: Error Message
    public void setErrorMessage(String newValue) {
    // System.out.println("Inside setSourceType");
    errorMessage = newValue; }
    public String getErrorMessage() {
    //System.out.println("Inside getSourceType");
    return errorMessage; }
    // PROPERTY: User ID
    public String getUserID() {
    // System.out.println("Inside setSourceType");
    return("1048"); }
    // PROPERTY: Hub Name Editable
    public boolean isHubNameEditable() {
    return hubNameEditable; }
    public void setHubNameEditable(boolean newValue) {
    hubNameEditable = newValue; }
    //PROPERTY: Hub List
    public Collection getHubList() throws Exception {
    log.general("Inside getSourceTypeList");
    String strSQLstr = " SELECT hub_name hubName "+
    " FROM eaf_hub_master "+
    " WHERE nvl(enabled_flag,'N') = 'Y' "+
    " AND nvl(end_date_active,sysdate+1) > sysdate";
    ResultSet sl = db.getResultSet(strSQLstr);
    hubList = new ArrayList();
    int hubCt = 0;
    while (sl.next()){
    hubCt = hubCt + 1;
    hubList.add(new SelectItem(sl.getString("hubName")));
    //System.out.println("hubCt: "+hubCt);
    if (hubCt > 1) {
    // System.out.println("Setting setHubNameEditable as true");
    } else{
    // System.out.println("Setting setHubNameEditable as false");
    setHubName("One Hub");
    //PROPERTY: source List
    public Collection getSourceTypeList() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Inside getSourceType:"+getSourceType());
    String sourceType = getSourceType();
    if (sourceType != null){
    if (sourceType.equals("OTHERS")){
    System.out.println("Inside getSourceType for OTHERS");
    }else {
    System.out.println("Inside getSourceType for not OTHERS");
    System.out.println("Source Type is null");
    log.general("Inside getSourceTypeList");
    String strSQLstr =" SELECT lookup_code sourceType "+
    " FROM hif_lookup_values "+
    " WHERE lookup_type = 'RCV_SOURCE_TYPE' "+
    " AND nvl(enabled_flag,'N') = 'Y' "+
    " AND nvl(end_date_active,sysdate+1) > sysdate ";
    ResultSet sl = db.getResultSet(strSQLstr);
    sourceList = new ArrayList();
    while (sl.next()){
    sourceList.add(new SelectItem(sl.getString("sourceType")));
    //PROPERTY: validate and insert data
    public void createRecord() throws Exception{
    System.out.println("Inside createRecord");
    if ( !(getSourceValue()!="")){
    //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), "Please Scan / Enter value for "+getSourceType());
    } else if ((getUseDataSource()=="N") &&
    (!(getPartNumber()!="")||!(getQuantity()!=""))) {
    System.out.println( "Please Enter Part Number and Quantity");
    //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), "Please Enter Part Number and Quantity" );
    Connection con = db.getConnection();
    System.out.println("SourceValue: "+sourceValue);
    System.out.println("Hub Name"+getHubName());
    String insertQuery = "begin "+
    " hif_rcv_pkg.create_record(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"+
    "end; ";
    CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall(insertQuery);
    cs.setString(8, getSourceValue());
    String txnHeaderID = cs.getString(3);
    String errorCode = cs.getString(1);
    String errorMessage = cs.getString(2);
    if (errorMessage != null) {
    } else{
    if (txnHeaderID != null ){
    txnRefEnableDisable= " ";
    }catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Error "+ e);
    } finally {
    public void updateRcvQty() throws Exception{
    System.out.println("Inside updateRcvQty");
    //System.out.println("RcvRecord: "+rcvRecord.toString());
    Connection con = db.getConnection();
    System.out.println("SourceValue: "+sourceValue);
    System.out.println("getRcvTxnHeaderID: "+getRcvTxnHeaderID());
    String insertQuery = "begin "+
    " hif_rcv_pkg.update_rcv_qty (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"+
    "end; ";
    CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall(insertQuery);
    }catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Error "+ e);
    } finally {
    public void deleteRecord() throws Exception{
    System.out.println("Inside deleteRecord");
    //System.out.println("RcvRecord: "+rcvRecord.toString());
    Connection con = db.getConnection();
    System.out.println("SourceValue: "+sourceValue);
    String insertQuery = "begin "+
    " hif_rcv_pkg.delete_record (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"+
    "end; ";
    CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall(insertQuery);
    cs.setString(7, getSourceValue());
    }catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Error "+ e);
    } finally {
    public void updateTxn()throws Exception{
    System.out.println("Inside updateTxn");
    int len = rcvDataArray.size();
    Connection con = db.getConnection();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    RcvTableDataBean bean = (RcvTableDataBean)rcvDataArray.get(i);
    System.out.println("Updateing Reference Value: "+ bean.getReferenceValue());
    System.out.println("Updateing Comment Value: "+ bean.getRcvComments());
    System.out.println("Updateing Receiving Qty: "+ bean.getRcvQuantity());
    System.out.println("Updateing Receiving Qty: "+ bean.getRcvQuantity());
    String updateQuery = "begin "+
    " hif_rcv_pkg.update_txn(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"+
    "end; ";
    CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall(updateQuery);
    }catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Error "+ e

    1) Please use code tags in the future. Lengthy, unformatted code isn't likely to read be most people here who are trying to help you for free.
    2) Next time, please use a short, compilable example that demonstrates your problem. Again, that is a lot of code to expect a volunteer to debug.
    3) This does not appear to be a Swing question. Perhaps you should have posted this in one of the web-based forums.
    Good luck.

  • bean:message/ tag is not working in tiles:insertAttribute/

    I have a bean:message tag inside my tiles:insertAttribute as shown below.
    <tiles:insertAttribute name='<bean:message="user.menu"/>'/>But <bean:message/> is not getting the value from resource bundle, my resource bundle is in correct place. If i hard code the value then it s working fine.
    How to make it work? Any help?

    sunish_jose wrote:
    <tiles:insertAttribute><bean:message="user.menu"/></tiles:insertAttribute>this way it s not working. Could you pls tell how solve it by using EL. I was not able to find a similar sample evenafter searching for some time.
    thanks in advance.I did say that I don't know if it will or not, I was just giving a sample of how it would work if the tag allowed the value for 'name' to be put in the body.
    I'm not very familiar with the Struts bean tags and in any case, I believe you should use the JSTL tags where ever possible. So you'd pick the <fmt:message> tag from there. I don't think the <bean:message> tag allows you to get the value in to a variable.
    <fmt:message var="tilesAttributeNameValue" key="user.menu" />
    //create an EL variable named tilesAttributeNameValue with the value from the resource bundle
    <tiles:insertAttribute name="${tilesAttributeNameValue}"></tiles:insertAttribute>
    //use EL to put the valueTake a look here [1] for a JSTL introduction:
    [1] http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jstl0415/

  • Show AppXray dependencies does not work for all projects

    I have three projects. One of them will display the appxray dependncies and the other two will not. When I select show dependencies, nothing happens. There is no logging inside the workshop m7.log.0 but the .log has the following. How do I get this to work?
    Config details follow logging.
    !MESSAGE Warning: Detected recursive attempt by part com.m7.wide.eclipse.jstudio.DocEditor.jsp to create itself (this is probably, but not necessarily, a bug)
    !STACK 1
    org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException: Warning: Detected recursive attempt by part com.m7.wide.eclipse.jstudio.DocEditor.jsp to create itself (this is probably, but not necessarily, a bug)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference.getPart(WorkbenchPartReference.java:543)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage$6.run(WorkbenchPage.java:1746)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.syncExec(Synchronizer.java:152)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.UISynchronizer.syncExec(UISynchronizer.java:28)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.syncExec(Display.java:3413)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.getEditors(WorkbenchPage.java:1743)
         at com.m7.wide.eclipse.Util.activateEditor(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.eclipse.jstudio.A.requestFocus(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.doceditor.AbstractEditor.requestFocus(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.doceditor.AbstractPane.requestFocus(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.doceditor.flow.FlowDesignPane.requestFocus(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.doceditor.CompoundPane.requestFocus(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.doceditor.CompoundPane.setHidden(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.doceditor.MultiPaneEditor.activePaneChanged(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.eclipse.jstudio.PaneEditorPart.activate(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.eclipse.jstudio.DynamicMultiPageEditor.A(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.eclipse.jstudio.DynamicMultiPageEditor.pageChange(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.eclipse.jstudio.DynamicMultiPageEditor.createPages(Unknown Source)
         at org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorPart.createPartControl(MultiPageEditorPart.java:241)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPartHelper(EditorReference.java:609)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPart(EditorReference.java:384)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference.getPart(WorkbenchPartReference.java:552)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane.setVisible(PartPane.java:283)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.PresentablePart.setVisible(PresentablePart.java:126)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.util.PresentablePartFolder.select(PresentablePartFolder.java:268)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.util.LeftToRightTabOrder.select(LeftToRightTabOrder.java:65)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.util.TabbedStackPresentation.selectPart(TabbedStackPresentation.java:391)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.refreshPresentationSelection(PartStack.java:1102)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.setSelection(PartStack.java:1051)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.showPart(PartStack.java:1256)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.add(PartStack.java:442)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorStack.add(EditorStack.java:109)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSashContainer.addEditor(EditorSashContainer.java:60)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorAreaHelper.addToLayout(EditorAreaHelper.java:212)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorAreaHelper.addEditor(EditorAreaHelper.java:202)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.createEditorTab(EditorManager.java:758)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.openEditorFromDescriptor(EditorManager.java:665)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.openEditor(EditorManager.java:628)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditorBatched(WorkbenchPage.java:2360)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditor(WorkbenchPage.java:2295)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.access$9(WorkbenchPage.java:2287)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage$9.run(WorkbenchPage.java:2273)
         at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(BusyIndicator.java:69)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor(WorkbenchPage.java:2268)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor(WorkbenchPage.java:2249)
         at org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE.openEditor(IDE.java:753)
         at org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE.openEditor(IDE.java:697)
         at com.m7.wide.eclipse.Eclipse3WideEnv.openEditor(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.eclipse.EclipseWideEnv.openEditor(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.project.artifact.action.OpenAction.run(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.wide.eclipse.jstudio.appexplorer.AppExplorerTreeViewer.open(Unknown Source)
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$2.run(StructuredViewer.java:741)
         at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.run(InternalPlatform.java:1044)
         at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java:783)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.JFaceUtil$1.run(JFaceUtil.java:44)
         at org.eclipse.jface.util.SafeRunnable.run(SafeRunnable.java:148)
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.fireOpen(StructuredViewer.java:739)
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.handleOpen(StructuredViewer.java:968)
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$6.handleOpen(StructuredViewer.java:1067)
         at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy.fireOpenEvent(OpenStrategy.java:243)
         at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy.access$2(OpenStrategy.java:238)
         at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy$1.handleEvent(OpenStrategy.java:277)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:66)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:843)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:3080)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:2713)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1699)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(Workbench.java:1663)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Workbench.java:367)
         at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:143)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEApplication.run(IDEApplication.java:103)
         at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$1.run(PlatformActivator.java:226)
         at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:376)
         at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:163)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(Main.java:334)
         at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:278)
         at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:973)
         at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.eclipse_main(Main.java:948)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at com.m7.installer.util.NitroxMain$1.run(NitroxMain.java:29)
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
    !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.ui 4 0 2005-12-13 11:58:43.346
    !MESSAGE Warning: Detected recursive attempt by part com.m7.wide.eclipse.jstudio.DocEditor.jsp to create itself (this is probably, but not necessarily, a bug)
    *** Date: Tue Dec 13 12:48:19 PST 2005
    *** Platform Details:
    *** System properties:
    java.endorsed.dirs=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\lib\endorsed
    java.ext.dirs=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\lib\ext
    java.home=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04
    java.library.path=C:\WINDOWS\system32;.;C:\WINDOWS\System32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\PROGRA~1\PVCS\vm\win32\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\PVCS\vm\common\bin\win32;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Software AG;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\system32\nls;C:\WINDOWS\system32\nls\ENGLISH;C:\Program Files\Attachmate\E!E2K\;C:\Magicsql\sqlany50\win;C:\Magicsql\netmap;c:\java\bin;c:\java\bin\pstools;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN;C:\packages\apache-ant-1.6.2\bin;C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks\;C:\packages\jwsdp-1.6\jwsdp-shared\bin;Z:.;Y:.;
    java.runtime.name=Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
    java.specification.name=Java Platform API Specification
    java.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.info=mixed mode
    java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    java.vm.specification.name=Java Virtual Machine Specification
    java.vm.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    os.name=Windows XP
    osgi.bundles=org.eclipse.core.runtime@2:start, org.eclipse.update.configurator@3:start
    osgi.instance.area.default=file:/C:/Documents and Settings/charris/workspace/
    sun.boot.class.path=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\lib\rt.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\lib\i18n.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\lib\jce.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\lib\charsets.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\classes
    sun.boot.library.path=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\bin
    sun.cpu.isalist=pentium i486 i386
    sun.os.patch.level=Service Pack 1
    user.home=C:\Documents and Settings\charris
    vendor=Apache Software Foundation
    *** Features:
    com.m7.nitrox (3.0.0) "Workshop"
    org.eclipse.emf (2.1.1) "Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)"
    org.eclipse.emf.doc (2.1.1) "Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Programmers Guide"
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo (2.1.1) "EMF Service Data Objects (SDO)"
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.doc (2.1.1) "EMF Service Data Objects (SDO) Programmers Guide"
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.source (2.1.1) "EMF Service Data Objects (SDO) Source"
    org.eclipse.emf.examples (2.1.0) "Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Examples"
    org.eclipse.emf.source (2.1.1) "Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Source"
    org.eclipse.gef (3.1.1) "Graphical Editing Framework"
    org.eclipse.gef.examples (3.1.1) "GEF Examples"
    org.eclipse.gef.sdk (3.1.1) "Graphical Editing Framework Developer Resources"
    org.eclipse.gef.source (3.1.1) "Graphical Editing Framework Developer Resources"
    org.eclipse.jdt (3.1.1) "Eclipse Java Development Tools"
    org.eclipse.jdt.source (3.1.1) "Eclipse Java Development Tools SDK"
    org.eclipse.jem ( "Java EMF Model"
    org.eclipse.jem.sdk ( "Java EMF Model SDK"
    org.eclipse.jem.source ( "Java EMF Model Source"
    org.eclipse.jst (0.7.1) "J2EE Standard Tools"
    org.eclipse.jst.sdk (0.7.1) "J2EE Standard Tools SDK"
    org.eclipse.pde (3.1.1) "Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment"
    org.eclipse.pde.source (3.1.1) "Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment Developer Resources"
    org.eclipse.platform (3.1.1) "Eclipse Platform"
    org.eclipse.platform.source (3.1.1) "Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Resources"
    org.eclipse.rcp (3.1.1) "Eclipse RCP"
    org.eclipse.rcp.source (3.1.1) "Eclipse RCP Plug-in Developer Resources"
    org.eclipse.sdk (3.1.1) "Eclipse Project SDK"
    org.eclipse.sdk.examples (3.0.1) "Eclipse SDK Examples"
    org.eclipse.team.extras (3.0.0) "Eclipse FTP and WebDAV Support"
    org.eclipse.ve ( "Visual Editor"
    org.eclipse.ve.sdk ( "Visual Editor SDK"
    org.eclipse.ve.source ( "Visual Editor Source"
    org.eclipse.wst (0.7.1) "Web Standard Tools"
    org.eclipse.wst.sdk (0.7.1) "Web Standard Tools SDK"
    org.eclipse.xsd (2.1.1) "XML Schema Infoset Model (XSD)"
    org.eclipse.xsd.doc (2.1.1) "XML Schema Infoset Model (XSD) Programmers Guide"
    org.eclipse.xsd.source (2.1.1) "XML Schema Infoset Model (XSD) Source"
    *** Plug-in Registry:
    com.ibm.etools.emf.event ( "Event Model" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox (3.0.0) "Workshop" [Active]
    com.m7.nitrox.database (3.0.0) "Workshop Database" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox.debugger (3.0.0) "Workshop JSP Debugger" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox.eclipse3.0 (3.0.0) "Workshop Eclipse 3.0" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox.ejb3 (3.0.0) "Workshop EJB3 Persistence" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox.hibernate (3.0.0) "Workshop Hibernate" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox.jsf (3.0.0) "Workshop JSF" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox.jsp (3.0.0) "Workshop JSP" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox.jstl (3.0.0) "Workshop JSTL" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox.jwebapp (3.0.0) "Workshop Java Web Application" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox.orm (3.0.0) "Workshop ORM" [Resolved]
    com.m7.nitrox.struts (3.0.0) "Workshop Struts" [Resolved]
    org.apache.ant (1.6.5) "Apache Ant" [Active]
    org.apache.axis (1.2.1) "Axis121 Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.apache.lucene (1.4.3) "Apache Lucene" [Resolved]
    org.apache.wsil4j (1.0.0) "Apache WSIL4J 1.0" [Resolved]
    org.apache.xerces (2.7.0) "Xerces 2.7.0" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.ant.core (3.1.1) "Ant Build Tool Core" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.ant.ui (3.1.1) "Ant UI" [Active]
    org.eclipse.compare (3.1.1) "Compare Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.compare.examples (3.0.0) "Compare Example" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.compare.examples.xml (3.0.0) "XML Compare Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.core.boot (3.1.0) "Core Boot" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.core.commands (3.1.0) "Commands" [Active]
    org.eclipse.core.expressions (3.1.0) "Expression Language" [Active]
    org.eclipse.core.filebuffers (3.1.0) "File Buffers" [Active]
    org.eclipse.core.resources (3.1.0) "Core Resource Management" [Active]
    org.eclipse.core.resources.compatibility (3.1.0) "Core Resource Management Compatibility Fragment" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.core.resources.win32 (3.1.0) "Core Resource Management Win32 Fragment" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.core.runtime (3.1.1) "Core Runtime" [Active]
    org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility (3.1.0) "Core Runtime Plug-in Compatibility" [Active]
    org.eclipse.core.variables (3.1.0) "Core Variables" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.debug.core (3.1.0) "Debug Core" [Active]
    org.eclipse.debug.ui (3.1.1) "Debug UI" [Active]
    org.eclipse.draw2d (3.1.1) "Draw2d" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.draw2d.doc.isv (3.1.1) "Draw2D Documentation" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf (2.1.1) "Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.activities (2.1.0) "EMF Activities" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ant (2.1.0) "EMF Ant Tasks" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.codegen (2.1.0) "EMF Template Code Generator" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore (2.1.0) "EMF Ecore Code Generation" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.ui (2.1.0) "EMF Ecore Code Generation UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ui (2.1.0) "EMF Template Code Generator UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.common (2.1.0) "EMF Common" [Active]
    org.eclipse.emf.common.ui (2.1.0) "EMF Common UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.commonj.sdo (2.1.0) "CommonJ SDO" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.doc (2.1.1) "Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Programmers Guide" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore (2.1.0) "EMF Ecore" [Active]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change (2.1.0) "EMF Ecore Change Model" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.edit (2.1.0) "EMF Ecore Change Edit Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit (2.1.1) "EMF Ecore Edit Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.editor (2.1.0) "Sample Ecore Editor" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo (2.1.1) "EMF Service Data Objects (SDO)" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.doc (2.1.1) "EMF Service Data Objects (SDO) Programmers Guide" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.edit (2.1.0) "EMF Service Data Objects (SDO) Edit Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.editor (2.1.0) "EMF Service Data Objects (SDO) Editor" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.source (2.1.1) "EMF Service Data Objects (SDO) Source" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi (2.1.0) "EMF XMI" [Active]
    org.eclipse.emf.edit (2.1.1) "EMF Edit" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui (2.1.0) "EMF Edit UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.examples (2.1.0) "Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Examples" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.importer (2.1.0) "EMF Model Import Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.importer.ecore (2.1.0) "EMF Ecore Importer" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.importer.java (2.1.1) "EMF Annotated Java Importer" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.importer.rose (2.1.1) "EMF Rose Importer" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.java (2.1.0) "EMF Java" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.java.edit (2.1.0) "EMF Java Edit" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.java.editor (2.1.0) "EMF Java Editor" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.mapping (2.1.0) "EMF Mapping" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore (2.1.0) "Ecore to Ecore Mapping" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.editor (2.1.0) "Ecore to Ecore Mapping Editor" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml (2.1.0) "Ecore to XML Mapping" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.ui (2.1.1) "Ecore to XML Mapping UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ui (2.1.0) "EMF Mapping UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.mapping.xsd2ecore (2.1.0) "XSD to Ecore Mapping" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.mapping.xsd2ecore.editor (2.1.0) "XSD to Ecore Mapping Editor" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.emf.source (2.1.1) "Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Source" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.gef (3.1.1) "Graphical Editing Framework" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.gef.doc.isv (3.1.1) "Graphical Editing Framework Documentation" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.gef.examples.flow (3.1.1) "GEF Flow Editor Example" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.gef.examples.logic (3.1.1) "GEF Logic Editor Example" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.gef.examples.shapes (3.1.1) "GEF Shape Editor Example" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.gef.examples.source (3.1.1) "GEF Examples" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.gef.examples.text (3.1.1) "GEF Text Editor Example" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.gef.source (3.1.1) "Graphical Editing Framework Developer Resources" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.help (3.1.0) "Help System Core" [Active]
    org.eclipse.help.appserver (3.1.0) "Help Application Server" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.help.base (3.1.0) "Help System Base" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.help.examples.ex1 (3.0.0) "Online Help Sample" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.help.ui (3.1.1) "Help System UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.help.webapp (3.1.0) "Help System Webapp" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jdt (3.1.0) "Eclipse Java Development Tools" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jdt.core (3.1.1) "Java Development Tools Core" [Active]
    org.eclipse.jdt.debug (3.1.1) "JDI Debug Model" [Active]
    org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui (3.1.1) "JDI Debug UI" [Active]
    org.eclipse.jdt.doc.isv (3.1.1) "Eclipse JDT Plug-in Developer Guide" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user (3.1.1) "Eclipse Java Development User Guide" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jdt.junit (3.1.1) "Java Development Tools JUnit support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jdt.junit.runtime (3.1.0) "Java Development Tools JUnit runtime support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jdt.launching (3.1.0) "Java Development Tools Launching Support" [Active]
    org.eclipse.jdt.source (3.1.1) "Eclipse Java Development Tools SDK" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jdt.ui (3.1.1) "Java Development Tools UI" [Active]
    org.eclipse.jdt.ui.examples.projects (3.0.1) "Java Development Tools Example Projects" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jem ( "Java EMF Model" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jem.beaninfo ( "Java EMF Model BeanInfo (Introspection) Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jem.proxy ( "Java EMF Model Proxy Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jem.sdk (1.1.0) "Java EMF Model SDK" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jem.source ( "Java EMF Model Source" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jem.ui ( "Java EMF Model UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jem.util (1.1.0) "Java EMF Model Utilities" [Installed]
    org.eclipse.jem.util ( "Java EMF Model Utilities" [Active]
    org.eclipse.jem.workbench ( "Java EMF Model Workbench Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jface (3.1.1) "JFace" [Active]
    org.eclipse.jface.text (3.1.1) "JFace Text" [Active]
    org.eclipse.jst (0.7.0) "J2EE Standard Tools" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.common.annotations.controller (0.7.1) "Annotation Controller Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.common.annotations.core (0.7.0) "Annotation Core Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.common.annotations.ui (0.7.0) "Ui Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.common.frameworks (0.7.0) "Integration Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.common.navigator.java (0.7.1) "Navigator Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ejb.ui (0.7.0) "WTP EJB UI Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.j2ee (0.7.1) "J2EE Component" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core (0.7.1) "J2EE Core Component" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb (0.7.0) "EJB component Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.annotation.model (0.7.0) "EJB Annotation Model Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.annotations.emitter (0.7.0) "EJB Emitter Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.annotations.ui (0.7.1) "EJB Annotations Ui Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.annotations.xdoclet (0.7.1) "Xdoclet Annotations Plug-in" [Resolved]
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    org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.navigator.ui (0.7.0) "J2EE Extensions to Common Navigator" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ui (0.7.1) "WTP J2EE UI Plug-in" [Resolved]
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    org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.webservices.ui (0.7.0) "WTP Webservice UI Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core (0.7.0) "Structured Source JSP Model" [Installed]
    org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core (0.7.1) "Structured Source JSP Model" [Active]
    org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui (0.7.0) "SSE JSP Source Editor" [Installed]
    org.eclipse.jst.jsp.ui (0.7.1) "SSE JSP Source Editor" [Active]
    org.eclipse.jst.server.core (0.7.0) "Java Server Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.core (0.7.0) "Generic Server Plugin" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.serverdefinitions (0.7.0) "Generic server example definitions" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.ui (0.7.0) "Generic Server Plugin UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.core (0.7.0) "Geronimo server support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.server.geronimo.ui (0.7.0) "Geronimo server UI support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core (0.7.0) "Apache Tomcat Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.ui (0.7.0) "Apache Tomcat UI Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.server.ui (0.7.0) "Java Server UI Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.server.websphere.core (0.7.0) "WebSphere Generic Server Definition Core Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.servlet.ui (0.7.1) "WTP Servlet UI Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.source (0.7.1) "J2EE Standard Tools SDK" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ws (0.7.1) "Web Services" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ws.axis.consumption.core (0.7.0) "Web service Axis Consumption Core" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ws.axis.consumption.ui (0.7.1) "Webservice Axis Consumption UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ws.axis.creation.ui (0.7.0) "Webservice Axis Creation UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ws.consumption (0.7.0) "Web Services Consumption" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ws.consumption.ui (0.7.1) "Web Services Consumption Graphical User Interface" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ws.creation.ejb.ui (0.7.0) "Web Services Creation EJB Graphical User Interface" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ws.creation.ui (0.7.1) "Web Services Creation Graphical User Interface" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ws.uddiregistry (0.7.0) "Web Services Universal Description Discovery and Integration Registry" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.jst.ws.ui (0.7.1) "Web Services Graphical User Interface" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring (3.1.0) "Refactoring Core" [Active]
    org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring (3.1.1) "Refactoring UI" [Active]
    org.eclipse.osgi.services (3.1.1) "OSGi Release 3 Services" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.osgi.util (3.1.1) "OSGi R3 Utility Classes" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.pde (3.1.0) "Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.pde.build (3.1.0) "Plug-in Development Environment Build Support" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.pde.core (3.1.1) "Plug-in Development Core" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.pde.doc.user (3.1.1) "Eclipse Plug-in Development User Guide" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime (3.1.0) "PDE JUnit Plug-in Test" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.pde.runtime (3.1.1) "Plug-in Development Environment Runtime" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.pde.source (3.1.1) "Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment Developer Resources" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.pde.ui (3.1.1) "Plug-in Development UI" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.platform (3.1.1) "Eclipse Platform" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv (3.1.1) "Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Guide" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.platform.doc.user (3.1.1) "Eclipse Workbench User Guide" [Resolved]
    org.eclipse.platform.source (3.1.1) "Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Resources" [Resolved]

    What kind of projects are they (Struts/JSF/Hibernate)? Does the working project differ in any way with other two apps?
    What exactly is not working? Are they recognized by workshop as Struts/JSF/Hibernate app?
    Please send the .log to [email protected]

  • I re- start my ipad2 into a new one,to update into i0s7, why it is not working of loading?

    I re- start my ipad2 into a new one,to update into i0s7, why it is not working of loading? please help!!!

    The [c:set|http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jstl/1.1/docs/tlddocs/index.html] tag is used to set a scoped attribute not request parameter. So when you write
    <sql:param value="${param.userid}" />You get null as there is no parameter named userid in the request. Try this
    <sql:param value="${userid}" />I would recommend you not to do database connectivity stuff in JSP, JSPs are the view layer of an application and they aren't supposed to be for doing business logic. Also since you are using a random userid, you might end up with multiple users with the same ID and IDs are generally supposed to be unique...

  • Estimatedrowcount not working in Batch mode

    We have a page where we conditionally display navigation buttons based on whether a view's estimated row count is gt 10 rows. This is done via JSTL. Prior to getting to the page, a data-action refreshes the three views. In Batch mode, when we re-enter this screen a second time, all views return the estimated row count of RANGESIZE rows. If we reset the iterator range size to 6 or 7, the second time in, it would return 6 or 7 rows and the buttons would be GONE.
    Interestingly enough, the dataaction displays the view object's getEstimatedRowCount(), and it is ALWAYS correct, however the front end does not work.
    When we switch to IMMEDIATE mode, it works fine, however IMMEDIATE mode breaks another part of our application, where we attempt to find a row in an iterator inside of a data action. Of course, that section works fine in BATCH mode, but no IMMEDIATE.
    We saw a thread out there on Metalink regarding this last issue - that setCurrentRowWIthKey returns a JBO-25020 in 10.1.2 in IMMEDIATE mode, but there was no solution.
    Are there some words of advice for this sync mode issue and ways to resolve issues like this?
    Again, assistance would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!

    Are you using the parameter 'INSERT' in 'SAVE_TEXT' FM?
    The module can be used to change existing texts and to create new texts. If it is clear that it is a new text, this can be specified via the parameter INSERT. The result is better performance as a test read is not performed.

  • c:redirect not working?

    Hi folk,
    I'm new to JSP. We use JSTL to parse XML file at work.
    We use WebSphere and Java 1.4.x.
    It seem the <c:redirect> tag is not working. Someone point out somewhere, that this is a know bug using WebSphere. But I still have doubt.
    I'm more use to PHP and I was wondering if <c:redirect> tag work like the header() function in the sense that NO output should be send before using <c:redirect>?
    Those <c:redirect> work using a HTML header to make the redirection?
    Thank you!

    Most likely no output should be sent AFTER using <c:redirect/>
    This tag is equivalent of sendRedirect(java.lang.String location) method of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
    http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/2.2/javadoc/javax/servlet/http/HttpServletResponse.html#sendRedirect(java.lang.String) :
    Sends a temporary redirect response to the client using the specified redirect location URL. This method can accept relative URLs; the servlet container will convert the relative URL to an absolute URL before sending the response to the client.
    If the response has already been committed, this method throws an IllegalStateException. After using this method, the response should be considered to be committed and should not be written to.

  • JSTL comparision doesn't work with jdeveloper

    can somebody explain me why comparision are not working with JSTL. I quess reason is the type of the variables, but how can I solve it?
    Is the anyway to cast to same object-type?
    I try also compare directly with bindings, but didn't work either. That why I use temporary page scope variables.
    <c:set var="comp2" value="${bindings.Organisation}" scope="page" />
    <!-- prints "-203-", which is correct -->
    <tr><td> </td><td>
    -<c:out value="${comp2}"/>-
    <!-- loop over possible values -->     
    <c:forEach var="RowTL" items="${bindings.OrganisationCode.rangeSet}" >
    <c:set var="comp1" value="${RowTL.KarvTunnusnumero}" scope="page" />
         <!-- print "-203-11" when reach correct item which should match -->
    <tr><td> </td><td>
    -<c:out value="${comp1}"/>-<c:out value="${RowTL.KarvKoodiarvo}"/>
         <!---- true always with fixed value - not reasonable -->
    <c:if test="${comp2 == '203' }">
    <c:out value="11111111"/>
         <!---- true with correct item, with fixed value - not reasonable -->
    <c:if test="${comp1 == '203' }">
    <c:out value="22222222"/>
         <!---- false always althouhg printed values with correct item are "203" = "203" -->
    <c:if test="${comp1 == comp2 }">
    <c:out value="33333333"/>
         <!---- false always althouhg printed values with correct item are "203" = "203" -->
    <c:if test="${comp2 == comp1 }">
    <c:out value="4444444"/>
    thanks PLa

    Works fine, thanks,
    Now it is comparing wtih string values I guess.
    Do you know any good source where can I read about those object types of bindings? I tried also debugger to investicate the structure of object, but debugger didn't show anything.

  • Help: commandLink does not work.

    commandLink does not work. It just simple refreshes the page, and not enter the Listener,( he listener work pretty well in other page).
    Is it dataTable problem? If I not use dataTable but just use JSTL & JSF commandLink and it works fine.
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt" prefix="fmt" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href='<%= request.getContextPath() + "/style/styletable.css"%>'/>
    <f:loadBundle basename="bundle.admin.Attribute" var="bdlAttribute"/>
    <f:subview id="AttributeListView">
    <h:form id="AttributeListForm">
    <h:outputText escape="false" value="Text Here"/>
    <h:dataTable id="AttributeTable"
    columnClasses="list-column-center,list-column-right, list-column-center, list-column-right"
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="#{bdlAttribute.TitleList}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="#{bdlAttribute.Category}"/>
    <h:outputText id="category" value="#{attribute.category}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="#{bdlAttribute.Value}"/>
    <h:outputText id="value"
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="#{bdlAttribute.DataType}"/>
    <h:outputText id="dataType" value="#{attribute.dataType}">
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="#{bdlAttribute.Edit}" />
              <h:commandLink action="#{Action.action}" styleClass="link">
                   <f:actionListener type="my.AttributeListener"/>
                   <h:outputText value="Edit"/>
                   <f:param name="ID" value="#{attribute.attributeId}"/>
                   <f:attribute name="COMMAND" value="getAttribute"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="#{bdlAttribute.Delete}"/>
         <h:commandLink action="#{Action.action}" styleClass="link">
              <f:actionListener type="my.AttributeListener"/>
              <h:outputText value="Delete"/>
              <f:param name="ID" value="#{attribute.attributeId}"/>
              <f:attribute name="COMMAND" value="deleteAttribute"/>
    <h:messages styleClass="validationMessage"/>

    I was casually reading your code and noticed the line:'
    <h:commandLink action="#{Action.action}" styleClass="link">
    I recall from other posts that if you want the method on the bean (of the clicked/ selected row) to be called, you probably need:
    <h:commandLink action="#{attribute.action}" styleClass="link">
    Ofcourse you would need to have a method called action in the class of instance "attribute". This method should return string for navigation etc.
    Looking at your code again:
    <h:commandLink action="#{Action.action}" styleClass="link">
    <f:actionListener type="my.AttributeListener"/>
    <h:outputText value="Delete"/>
    <f:param name="ID" value="#{attribute.attributeId}"/>
    <f:attribute name="COMMAND" value="deleteAttribute"/>
    I don't understand why you need:
    <f:actionListener type="my.AttributeListener"/>
    As I am not coding a lot of JSF I am only answering from what I have read.
    All the best,

  • Not working t:inputCalendar in facelets

    This is my code :
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
    <f:loadBundle basename="resources" var="msg" />
              <ui:composition template="/templates/common.xhtml">
                   <ui:define name="pageTitle">Input Staff Details</ui:define>
                   <ui:define name="pageHeader">Staff Details!</ui:define>
                   <ui:define name="body">
                        <h:message showSummary="true" showDetail="false" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;" for="name" />
                        <h:message showSummary="true" showDetail="false" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;" for="sCode" />
                        <h:message showSummary="true" showDetail="false" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;" for="wPurpose" />
                        <h:message showSummary="true" showDetail="false" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;" for="salary" />
                        <h:message showSummary="true" showDetail="false" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;" for="year" />
                        <h:message showSummary="true" showDetail="false" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;" for="inputDate" />
                        <form jsfc="h:form" id="staffForm">
                             <table >
                                       <td>Enter Name</td>
                                       <td><input jsfc="h:inputText" required="true" id="name" value="#{staff.staffName}" /></td>
                                       <td>     Enter Staff Code</td>
                                       <td>     <input jsfc="h:inputText" required="true" id="sCode" value="#{staff.staffCode}" /></td>
                                       <td>     Enter Work</td>
                                       <td>     <input jsfc="h:inputText" required="true" id="wPurpose" value="#{staff.workPurpose}" /></td>
                                       <td>     Enter Salary</td>
                                       <td>     <input jsfc="h:inputText" required="true" id="salary" value="#{staff.salary}" />
                                       <td>Select Sex :</td>
                                            <h:selectOneRadio value="#{staff.sex}">
                                                 <f:selectItems value="#{staff.sexList}"/>
                                       <td> Select Date</td>
              Not working this --------                              
    <input jsfc="t:inputCalendar" "birthDate" value="#{staff.birthDate}"
         renderAsPopup="true"                         addResources="false"                              />               
                             <tr >
                                  <td colspan="2">                         
                                       <input type="submit" jsfc="h:commandButton" id="submit"
                                            action="getDetails" value="Save Details" />

    Hi Naveen,
    Now i given old password to PISUPER using SU01.  But still i am getting the below error when i access sxmb_ifr
    error log:
    3: Error while reading configuration for secure communication
    Message no. SAI_GLOBAL030
    and also in sldcheck getting :
    Retrieving data from the XI Profile...
    Function call returned exception code     3
    Access to the XI Profile is currently disrupted.
    => Check whether you can access the XI Profile using a web browser!
    In exchangeprofile->connection  link i changed pisuper password, do i need to update this. Please also let me know after chaning j2ee_admin do i need to update anywhere.

  • ResultSetDataModel  not working as expected

    I cant seem to understand why this doesn't work
    I am trying to work out.
    When I use a ResultSetDataModel as the base dataModel for a UIData instance it doesn't seem to pick up the number of rows
    //this code is just an example to show whats not working
    CachedRowSet crs = new CachedRowSetImpl();
    //------get data into CachedRowSet     
    ResultSetDataModel rsdm = new ResultSetDataModel(crs) ;
    UIData dataTable = new UIData();
    int rows = data.getRowCount();
    and rows = -1??
    but if is use a jstl Result object instead it works????
    CachedRowSet crs = new CachedRowSetImpl();
    //------get data into CachedRowSet     
    ResultDataModel rdm = new ResultDataModel(ResultSupport.toResult(crs)) ;
    UIData dataTable = new UIData();
    int rows = data.getRowCount();
    rows = 5000
    can anyone tell me why this is ?

    after looking into this problem I might be able to write a more precise question
    from the UIData api
    public int getRowCount()
    Return the number of rows in the underlying data model. If the number of available rows is unknown, return -1.
    So then why is it with a resultSet in particular a cachedRowSet or jdbcRowSet the number of rows is unknown
    but with a jstl Result the number of rows are known (seeing though a result is just built from a resultSet this makes no sense anyone understand this? or could this be a bug?
    My problem relates to paging of a dataTable seeing though most paging components rely on finding the rowCount of the UIdata object in order to work out how many page links to render

  • Combobox not working using pdk 2.0

    I had developed iViews using pdk 1.0. I just installed pdk 2.0 and now my comboboxes do not work.  Am I missing something?

    As well as updating your web.xml to 2.4, you need to update the URI so that you use JSTL1.1 instead of JSTL1.0
    If you are using JSP2.0 you should use JSTL1.1
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>[read this post reply #6 for more information|http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=629437&tstart=0]

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  • How to avoid creating a variable to store a temporary value

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