JTable cell focus outline with row highlight

With a JTable, when I click on a row, the row is highlighted and the cell clicked has a subtle outline showing which cell was clicked.
I would like to do that programatically. I can highlight the row, but I have not been able to get the subtle outline on the cell. My purpose is to point the user to the row and cell where a search found a match. I do not have cell selection enabled, because I want the whole row highlighted.
My basic code is:
table.changeSelection(irow, icol, false, false);
table.scrollRectToVisible(table.getCellRect(irow, icol, true));I keep thinking I just need to find a way to "set focus" to the cell so the subtle outline is displayed, but I cannot find something like that.
Does anyone have some ideas on how to activate that automatic outline on the cell? I prefer not to write custom cell renderers for this if possible.

That seems unnecessarily complicated, the outline is the focused cell highlight border so requesting focus on the table should be enough.
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.*;
public class TestTableFocus {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                final JTable table = new JTable(10, 10);
                JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test");
                frame.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(table));
                frame.getContentPane().add(new JButton(
                  new AbstractAction("Focus cell") {
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        table.changeSelection(5, 5, false, false);
                        centerCell(table, 5, 5);
                    private void centerCell(JTable table, int x, int y) {
                        Rectangle visible = table.getVisibleRect();
                        Rectangle cell = table.getCellRect(x, y, true);
                        cell.grow((visible.width - cell.width) / 2,
                                (visible.height - cell.height) / 2);
                }), BorderLayout.PAGE_END);

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  • JTable Cell Focus Change

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    Is it possible to keep track the cell focus change in JTable so that I can perform appropriate validation. For example, user use the key to move from cell (2,3) to (2,4) or use the mouse to move from (2,4) to (5,3).
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    Any idea ? Thanks in advance.

    This will be a decently hard nut to crack without making a slightly (or worse) cluttered solution.
    I've been part of a framework where applications-developer has requested solutions like you currently ask for. The solution we implemented was twofold.
    1) We made an centralised TableModel that people could use as-is or extend if nessecary. To this tablemodel we added a new set of events that could be consumed, or in some cases even replaced.
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    With the help of this, the developers just added the nessecary listeners to the table model and they could consume, change, validate any input to a table before it was committed.
    2) No good method for row-verification could really be found.
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    My recomendations, verify data carefully from events either from model or the table-editor. The result will most assurdly end in that you need to have an tablemodel on your own and also TableCellRenderer to accomplish all that you want to do.
    Yours sincerely
    Peter Norell

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    Bug? What Bug? Sun considers this a feature....LOL
    Here is my work-around:
       public boolean editCellAt(final int row, final int col, EventObject e) {
          if (e instanceof MouseEvent) {
             if (((MouseEvent)e).getClickCount()<2) {               // single click on a cell other than the one being edited causes editing to stop
                if (isEditing())getCellEditor(getEditingRow(),getEditingColumn()).stopCellEditing();
                return false;
          return super.editCellAt(row,col,e);                         // cell editing on a keyevent or a double mouse click
       }This is will if the mouse is clicked elsewhere on the same table. I have a lot of other tricks for JTable and things....check out my web site at:

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    D D E E E E E
    D D E E E E E
    D D E E E E E
    D = Disabled
    E = Enabled
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    What state is a cell in when it is internally highlighted with color ?
    Why make the distinction (between focus and selection) if its only possible to get selectedRow() and not getRowWithFocus() ?
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    Hope someone can help

    However there is nothing to indicate to the user that the cell is selected, ie its state is still a single line highlighted border.
    Why make the distinction (between focus and selection) if its only possible to get selectedRow() and not getRowWithFocus() ?Normally a table operates in row selection mode and all cells in the selected row are highlighted except the cell that has focus, which uses the single line highlighted border.
    So, in a table that uses single cell selection there are no other selected cells so you only see the focused cell with the highlighted border. If you want to highlight the focused cell you could try overriding the following method of JTable:
    public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int row, int column)
         Component c = super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, column);
         if (isCellSelected(row, column))
              c.setBackground( getSelectionBackground());
         return c;

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    public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int column)
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    With your help i have overcome the problem of continous repeatition.
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    How to go about it??
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    Please help....
    Thanks in advance.

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    Am I on the right track? Is this even possible? Any suggestions?
    Thanks much.

    Please read the forum for JTable.
    You will know that you canuse any component as CellRenderer, this component can have whatever you want (say 2 icons and 5 comboboxes)
    here is short example that shows 2 icons in JTable
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    public class TwoIcons extends JFrame {
         public static void main(String[] args){
                   new Runnable()
                        public void run() {
                             new TwoIcons();
         public TwoIcons(){
              DefaultTableModel tm = new DefaultTableModel(
                   new Object[][]{
                        {new IconPair("cross", "cross"), "just a string"},
                        {new IconPair("circle", "cross"),"just another string"},
                        {new IconPair("String", "circle"),"yet another string"}
                   }, new String[]{"Two Icons","String"}){
                   public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex){
                             return IconPair.class;
                             return super.getColumnClass(columnIndex);
              JTable table = new JTable(tm);
              final Color bg = table.getBackground();
              table.setDefaultRenderer(IconPair.class, new TableCellRenderer(){
                        RendererPanel renderer = new RendererPanel(bg);
                        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
                             return  renderer;
              JScrollPane scp = new JScrollPane(table);
         class RendererPanel extends JPanel{
              JLabel tf1,tf2;
              RendererPanel(Color bg){
                   setLayout(new BoxLayout(this,BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS) );
                   tf1=new JLabel();
                   tf2=new JLabel();
                   add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(5,0)));
              public void setIcons(IconPair value) {
                   //uncomment next 2 lines if you want text as well
    //               tf1.setText(value.s1);
    //               tf2.setText(value.s2);
         class IconPair {
              public Icon i1,i2;
              public String s1,s2;
              IconPair(String s1, String s2){
         static Map<String,Icon> icons = new HashMap<String,Icon>();
         public static  void createIcons(){
              Image img = new BufferedImage(10,10, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
              Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D)(img.getGraphics());
              icons.put("cross",new ImageIcon(img));
              img = new BufferedImage(10,10, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
              icons.put("circle",new ImageIcon(img));

  • (JTable) How can i get the first columns cell in a selected row?

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      class xTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{
         private static String[] cols;
         private Object[][] data;
            public void setTableModel(Object data[][], String[] cols){
             this.cols = cols;
             this.data = data;
            public String getColumnName(int col){
             return cols[col];
            public int getRowCount() {
             return data.length;
            public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
             return data[row][col];           
            public void setValueAt(Object value,int row,int col){
            public int getColumnCount(){
             return cols.length;
    class ColumnListenerModel extends DefaultListSelectionModel{
         public int getMaxSelectionIndex(){}

    int row = table.getSelectedRow();
    Object data = table.getValueAt(row, 0);

  • Row highlighting with Jquery

    I heard a lot of good things about Jquery. I was trying to see for myself how to get Jquery to work with APEX. I've this sample code snippet that does row highlighting when hovering over a table row. The code works as a html file but I can't seem to get it to work with APEX. Here's the procedure I follow in APEX:
    1. Uploaded the jquery library into APEX workspace.
    2. Modify the page template to include the jquery library. I had rename the jquery library to "jqmin_126.hs"
    &lt;script src="#APP_IMAGES#jqmin_126.js" type="text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
    3. Added the code snippet to the html header of APEX report page.
    &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
    .highlight {
    background-color: #FC6 !important;
    &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
    $(document).ready(function( ) {
    $('table.default1 tbody tr').mouseover(function() {
    }).mouseout(function() {
    To keep things simple, I used the following APEX settings:
    Template: Reports region
    Report template: Default: Look 1
    Version of APEX : 3.1.2
    My interest here is mostly trying to see how jquery works with APEX and not so much the row highlighting. What am I missing?
    Thanks in advance.

    I ran into this problem as well. What happened to me is that the style associated for the TD tag was overwriting the style for the TR tag. So even though I was adding and removing classes to the TR the page would not reflect the changes.
    I would first make sure the Jquery is working by adding the following to my header section.
    $(document).ready(function( ) {
      alert('Jquery is working');
    });If it is working I would try adding .find("td") to edit the CSS of each table data thus changing the background of the row.
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function( ) {
        $('table.default1 tbody tr').mouseover(function() {
        }).mouseout(function() {
    </script>Hope this can point you in the right direction.
    Edited by: Tyson Jouglet on Nov 24, 2008 9:31 AM

  • JTable, cells lost focus

    How can I get or listen to event when my cell lost focus ??

    The correct answer is to... well, that should be saved for the Swing forum. or alternatively, its in the text for THE FIRST google result for "jtable cell listener".

  • How to automatically highlight / bold words in a JTable cell?

    how do i do it?
    i have an Object called Data (where toString() is the same as getDataName()).
    and i want the JTable to either highlight or bold specific words (using the bold HTML tags) that are present in a SortedSet.
    i do not want the dataName to be changed by directly manipulating the Object because the Data Objects were taken from the DB and i need the Objects and the records to be synchronised, and because the words in the SortedSet itself are subject to changes (add/edit/remove).

    Edit: removed
    Cross posted
    Edited by: Darryl Burke

  • How to blink the text with in JTable Cell?

    Hi Friends,
    I am relatively new to Java Swings. I have got a requirement to blink the text with in the JTable cell conditionally. Please help with suggestions or sample codes if any.
    Thanks in Advance.

    I believe Swing components support HTML tags.
    So you might be able to wrap your text in <BLINK>I am blinking !</BLINK>
    If that doesn't work, you probably have to create your own cell renderer, and force a component repaint every second or so... messy.

  • Custom JTable cell editor problem

    I have a custom JTable cell editor which is a JPanel with 2 JtextFields, One for a name, the other for a data value. My problem lies in when the the cell is selected and then the user start typing. The JTextfield outline shows up, but there is no carat. I can only edit the cell when I click the mouse in it again. I have my isCellEditable method set to only allow editing on 2 mouse clicks, but I did try it with just returning true and had the same problem. Please help.
    class cellValue {
    String name;
    String data;
    Color nameColor;
    Color dataColor;
    Font font;
    public cellValue(String n, String d, Color nC, Color dC, Font ff){
    name = n;
    data = d;
    nameColor = nC;
    dataColor = dC;
    font = ff;
    } //end class
    public class TextFieldCellEditor extends JPanel implements TableCellRenderer, TableCellEditor{
    private EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList();
    private ChangeEvent event = new ChangeEvent(this);
    private cellValue s;
    private int e_row=0;
    private int e_col=0;
    private JTextField ta;
    private JTextField tb;
    public TextFieldCellEditor() {
    setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
    ta = new JTextField();
    tb = new JTextField();
    add(ta, new GridBagConstraints(0,0,1,1,0.6,0.0,java.awt.GridBagConstraints.WEST,java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH,new Insets(0,1,0,0),0,0));
    add(new JLabel(" "),new GridBagConstraints(1,0,1,1,0.1,0.0,java.awt.GridBagConstraints.WEST,java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH,new Insets(0,1,0,0),0,0));
    add(tb, new GridBagConstraints(2,0,1,1,0.3,0.0,java.awt.GridBagConstraints.EAST,java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH,new Insets(0,1,0,0),0,0));
    } //end init
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,boolean isSelected,
    boolean hasFocus,int row, int column) {
    s = (cellValue)value;
    e_row = row;
    e_col = column;
    return (JComponent)(this);
    public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, int row, int column) {
    return (getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value,isSelected, true, row, column));
    public boolean isCellEditable(EventObject e) {
    if (e instanceof MouseEvent) {
    return ((MouseEvent)e).getClickCount() >= 2;
    } return true;
    // return true;
    public boolean shouldSelectCell(EventObject anEvent) {
    return (true);
    public void cancelCellEditing() {
    public boolean stopCellEditing() {
    return (true);
    public Object getCellEditorValue() {
    return (ta.getText());
    public void addCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener l){
    try {
    new Runnable() {
    public void run() {requestFocus();}
    } catch (Exception e) {};
    listenerList.add(CellEditorListener.class, l);
    public void removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener l) {
    listenerList.remove(CellEditorListener.class, l);
    protected void fireEditingStopped(){
    Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
    for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2)
    protected void fireEditingCanceled() {
    Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
    for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2)
    } //end class

    Thanks again for the repley.
    I tried removing the celleditorlistener and using the setSurrenderFocusOnKeystroke, but it did not work. The textfield is editable;
    I did change:
    public void addCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener l){
    try {
    new Runnable() {
    public void run() {ta.requestFocus();}
    } catch (Exception e) {};
    listenerList.add(CellEditorListener.class, l);
    }This allows the first textfield to request focus and this seems to work. But when I highlight a cell, then start typing, the first character I type puts me into the editor, but it is lost. Example:
    I type hello
    and get ello in the cell. Then when I press enter the input is excepted and the selection goes to the next cell, but I cannot move the Highlight cursor at all, seems locked. The only way I can continue to the next cell is to use the mouse.
    You said you had a cell editor working. Would you care to share as an example. This is killing me to get this to work properly.
    Thanks again

  • Row highlighting is gone on enabling inline style for columns

    We have a multi-select enabled table on which cusomter wanted to change the color based on row stauts (a column in the table).
    We did it on the column component of the table as background-color:#{row.Status == 'Inactive'? '#A5A5A5': row.Status == 'Draft'?'#D8D8D8':''};
    this works great though as soon as this is done the row highlight color is gone from the table and hence makes it impossible to know which rows are actually selected.
    we are using RUP3 (Rel 4) version of jdev version from edelivery.

    To apply that css rules to only one table set property styleClass="MyCustomTable" of the <af:table> and change the above rules for these (note that each rule starts with af|table.MyCustomTable):
    af|table.MyCustomTable::status-message {background-color: #0090c1; color: white; border: 2px #a0b4ba inset;}
    af|table.MyCustomTable::column-resize-indicator {border: 1px solid #51bfff;}
    af|table.MyCustomTable::data-row:selected af|column::data-cell {border-top: 1px solid #00afea; border-bottom: 1px solid #00afea;}
    af|table.MyCustomTable::data-row:selected af|column::banded-data-cell {border-top: 1px solid orange; border-bottom: 1px solid orange;}
    af|table.MyCustomTable::data-row:selected:focused af|column::data-cell {border-top: 1px dashed #00afea; border-bottom: 1px dashed #00afea;}
    af|table.MyCustomTable::data-row:selected:focused af|column::banded-data-cell {border-top: 1px dashed orange; border-bottom: 1px dashed orange;}
    af|table.MyCustomTable::data-row:selected:inactive af|column::data-cell {border-top: 1px solid #84e0ff; border-bottom: 1px solid #84e0ff;}
    af|table.MyCustomTable::data-row:selected:inactive af|column::banded-data-cell {border-top: 1px solid green; border-bottom: 1px solid green;}
    af|table.MyCustomTable::data-row:hover af|column::data-cell,af|table.MyCustomTable::data-row:hover af|column::banded-data-cell {background-color: #bfd6b0 !important;}
    af|table.MyCustomTable af|column::data-cell:selected {background-color: #9CACC9 !important;}AP

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