JTable row deletion deleting valuable information  --need HELP

Hi Experts and Java Programmers,
I am posting the code that works 99% of the time. It basically creates a JTable and has row insertion and row deletion methods. The row insertion works fine. However, when a row N is deleted it causes the loss of data in the row N+1's cell in whichever cell the cursor is blinking. In other words, when cursor is in cell M of row N, row deletion sets the cell M of row N+1 to blank. So if the cursor is on the 2nd cell of 1st row and if 1st row is deleted, the data in the 2nd cell of 2nd row (now moved to 1st row) is lost.
Thanks for your help.
package trunkxref;
*  Copyright 1999-2002 Matthew Robinson and Pavel Vorobiev.
*  All Rights Reserved.
*  ===================================================
*  This program contains code from the book "Swing"
*  2nd Edition by Matthew Robinson and Pavel Vorobiev
*  http://www.spindoczine.com/sbe
*  ===================================================
*  The above paragraph must be included in full, unmodified
*  and completely intact in the beginning of any source code
*  file that references, copies or uses (in any way, shape
*  or form) code contained in this file.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import java.net.*;
public class trnk
//extends JFrame
  public JTable m_table;
  public TrunkReportData m_data;
  public JLabel m_title;
  public JLabel m_title2;
  public InputStream is;
  Image imginsert, imgdel, imgup, imgdown, imgsav;
  URL jspURL;
  JApplet applet;
  public trnk ( JApplet applet,InputStream is, Image imginsert, Image imgdel, Image imgup, Image imgdown, Image imgsav, URL jspURL)
    //super ("Trunks Data");
    //setSize (600, 300);
            new LineBorder(Color.black, 0));
    m_data = new TrunkReportData (this,imgup, imgdown);
    m_title = new JLabel(m_data.getTitle(),
                null, SwingConstants.LEFT);
    m_title2 = new JLabel("(Please make sure to hit TAB or ENTER after making changes to a cell)",
                null, SwingConstants.LEFT);
    m_title.setFont(new Font("Helvetica",Font.PLAIN,24));
    m_title2.setFont(new Font("Helvetica",Font.PLAIN,12));
           Color bg=new Color(200,100,30);
    //getContentPane().add(m_title, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    m_table = new JTable ();
     m_table.putClientProperty( "JTable.autoStartsEdit", new Boolean( false ) );
     //m_table.putClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost", Boolean.TRUE);
    m_table = new JTable () {
          public boolean processKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent e, int condition, boolean pressed) {     
               if (e.getKeyChar()==KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED)
                    return false;     
               return super.processKeyBinding(ks,e,condition,pressed);             }
    m_table = new JTable () {
     protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)     {     
           if ( (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER ||
               e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_TAB) &&  
               e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED ){
                    if(m_table.isEditing()) {
                         int row = m_table.getEditingRow();
                         int col = m_table.getEditingColumn();
                         col++; // actually check col > number of columns
                    } else {
                         int col = m_table.getSelectedColumn() + 1;
                         int row = m_table.getSelectedRow();
                         col++; // actually check col > number of columns
                            //m_table.setRowSelectionInterval(row, row);
                            //m_table.setColumnSelectionInterval(column, column);               
                         //m_table.scrollRectToVisible( m_table.getCellRect(row, column, true) );          
          }     else           {               
     //m_table.putClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost", Boolean.TRUE);
     m_table.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
          public void focusGained(FocusEvent e){
          public void focusLost(FocusEvent e){
                    if(m_table.isEditing()) {
    m_table.setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel (false);
    m_table.setModel (m_data);
    m_table.setSelectionMode (ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
    for (int k = 0; k < m_data.getColumnCount (); k++)
     TableCellRenderer renderer = null;
     TableCellEditor editor = null;
     renderer = new TextAreaCellRenderer ();     // NEW
     editor = new TextAreaCellEditor (m_table, m_data);
     TableColumn column = new TableColumn (k,
                               renderer, editor);
     m_table.addColumn (column);
    JTableHeader header = m_table.getTableHeader ();
    header.setUpdateTableInRealTime (false);
    header.addMouseListener(new ColumnListener());
    //JScrollPane ps = new JScrollPane ();
    //ps.getViewport ().setBackground (m_table.getBackground ());
    //ps.setSize (550, 150);
    //ps.getViewport ().add (m_table);
    //getContentPane ().add (ps, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    //JToolBar tb = createToolbar ();
    //getContentPane ().add (tb, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    //JPanel p = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1, 2, 5, 5));
    //getContentPane ().add (p, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
  } //constructor trnk
  protected TableCellRenderer createDefaultRenderer() {
    DefaultTableCellRenderer label = new DefaultTableCellRenderer()
     public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
       if (table != null) {
         JTableHeader header = table.getTableHeader();
         if (header != null) {
           Color bg=new Color(200,100,30);
       setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString()) ;
       return this;
    return label;
  } //table cell renderer
  public JToolBar createToolbar ()
    JToolBar tb = new JToolBar ();
    tb.setFloatable (false);
           Color bg=new Color(200,100,30);
    JButton bt = new JButton (new ImageIcon (imginsert));
    //JButton bt = new JButton ("Insert");
    bt.setToolTipText ("Insert Row");
    bt.setRequestFocusEnabled (false);
    ActionListener lst = new ActionListener (){
      public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
     int nRow = m_table.getSelectedRow() + 1;
     m_data.insert (nRow);
     m_table.tableChanged (new TableModelEvent
                     (m_data, nRow, nRow, TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS,
     m_table.setRowSelectionInterval (nRow, nRow);
    bt.addActionListener ((ActionListener)lst);
    tb.add (bt);
    bt = new JButton (new ImageIcon (imgdel));
    //bt = new JButton ("Delete");
    bt.setToolTipText("Delete Row");
    lst = new ActionListener ()
     public void
       (ActionEvent e)
         int nRow = m_table.getSelectedRow();
          if (nRow  < 0)
           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,  "Please select a row to delete",  "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
          if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Do you want to delete the selected row?", "Delete a Row", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
         if (m_data.delete (nRow))
            (new TableModelEvent
             (m_data, nRow, nRow,
    tb.add (bt);
    bt = new JButton (new ImageIcon (imgsav));
    //bt = new JButton ("Save");
    lst = new ActionListener ()
     public void
       (ActionEvent e)
         m_table.tableChanged (new TableModelEvent
         //System.out.println("beginning to write data to" + jspURL.toString());
         //code to save data to file
          //final Component top=(trnk)this.getTopLevelAncestor();
          //final Component top=(trnk)super.;
          //final Cursor lOrigCursor =(Cursor) super.getCursor();
          //final Cursor lOrigCursor = getCrsr();
          //top.setCursor( Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR ) );
          Thread lSavThread= new Thread() {
               public void run()
                    savefile(m_data, jspURL);
                    //top.setCursor( lOrigCursor );
    tb.add (bt);
    return tb;
  } //create tool bar
  public void setWaitCursor()
  public void setNormalCursor()
  public void savefile(TrunkReportData m_data, URL jspURL)
         String txt="";
         Enumeration enum=m_data.m_vector.elements();
          TrunkData trnk = (TrunkData)enum.nextElement();
          txt += trnk.m_sysname + " , "
+ trnk.m_clli + " , "
+ trnk.m_tg + " , "
+ trnk.m_member.intValue() + " , "
+ trnk.m_trunk_type + " , "
+ trnk.m_lata + " , "
+ trnk.m_lata_name + " , "
+ trnk.m_prospect_server + " , "
+ trnk.m_tgroupid + " , "
+ trnk.m_ctg + " , "
+ trnk.m_augmen.intValue() + " , "
+ trnk.m_vendor + "\n";
         try {
           URLConnection jspCon=jspURL.openConnection();
           PrintStream out = new PrintStream(jspCon.getOutputStream());
           String postData= "Text=" + URLEncoder.encode(txt, "UTF-8");
           InputStreamReader in=new InputStreamReader(jspCon.getInputStream());
           int chr;
           while((chr=in.read()) != -1) {}
         } catch (Exception e2) {
           System.out.println (" exception in writing data out "
+ e2.toString());
         //System.out.println("done write data");
  // NEW
  class ColumnListener extends MouseAdapter {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
      TableColumnModel colModel = m_table.getColumnModel();
      int columnModelIndex = colModel.getColumnIndexAtX(e.getX());
      int modelIndex = colModel.getColumn(columnModelIndex).getModelIndex();
      if (modelIndex < 0)
      if (m_data.m_sortCol == modelIndex)
     m_data.m_sortAsc = !m_data.m_sortAsc;
     m_data.m_sortCol = modelIndex;
      for (int i=0; i < m_data.getColumnCount(); i++) {
     TableColumn column = colModel.getColumn(i);
     int index = column.getModelIndex();
     JLabel renderer = (JLabel)column.getHeaderRenderer();
      m_table.tableChanged(new TableModelEvent(m_data));
  } //column listener
} //class trnk
class TextAreaCellRenderer extends JTextArea implements TableCellRenderer
  protected static Border m_noFocusBorder    =    new
  EmptyBorder (1,           1,           1,           1);
  protected static    Border    m_focusBorder =
  public Component
  (JTable table,
   Object value,
   int nRow, int nCol)
    Color fg=new Color(255,0,0);
    //ColorData cvalue = new ColorData(value);
    if (value       instanceof       String)
      setText ((String) value);
    else if (value instanceof Integer)
      (isSelected && !hasFocus ?      table.getSelectionBackground() : table.getBackground ());
    //setForeground (isSelected && !hasFocus ?
    //      table.getSelectionForeground() : table.getForeground ());
    setFont (table.getFont ());
    setBorder (hasFocus ? m_focusBorder : m_noFocusBorder);
     causes looping and stops rendering the components surrounding
     the cells
    // Adjust row's
    // height
    //int width =
     // table.getColumnModel().getColumn(nCol).getWidth ();
    //setSize (width,
//          1000);
    int rowHeight =     getPreferredSize().height;
    if (table.getRowHeight(nRow) <  rowHeight)
      table.setRowHeight (nRow,  rowHeight);
     //table.setRowHeight(nRow, 20);
    return this;}
  // To fix JDK bug
  public String getToolTipText (MouseEvent event)
    return null;
} //class text area cell renderer
// NEW
class TextAreaCellEditor extends AbstractCellEditor implements
  public static int CLICK_COUNT_TO_EDIT = 1;
  protected JTextArea m_textArea;
  protected JScrollPane m_scroll;
  public TextAreaCellEditor (JTable t_table, TrunkReportData t_tablemodel)
     final JTable table=t_table;
     final TrunkReportData tablemodel =t_tablemodel;
    m_textArea = new JTextArea () {
     protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)     {     
               //if (e.getKeyChar()==KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED)
               // return ;
           if ( (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER ||
               e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_TAB)&&  
               e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED ){
               int row = table.getEditingRow();
               int col = table.getEditingColumn();
               col++; // actually check col > number of columns
               if (col == tablemodel.getColumnCount())
                    if (row == tablemodel.getRowCount())
          }     else if ( (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN ||
               e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP ) &&
               e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED ){
               int row = table.getEditingRow();
               int col = table.getEditingColumn();
               if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP)
               if ( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)
               if (col == tablemodel.getColumnCount())
                    if (row == tablemodel.getRowCount())
          }     else
    m_textArea.setLineWrap (true);
    m_textArea.setWrapStyleWord (true);
    m_scroll = new JScrollPane (m_textArea,
  public Component
  (JTable table,
   Object value,
   int nRow, int nCol)
    m_textArea.setFont (table.getFont());
    m_textArea.setText (value   ==   null ?   "" :  value.toString());
    return m_scroll;
  public Object getCellEditorValue ()
    return       m_textArea.getText ();
  JTextArea getCellEditor ()
    return       m_textArea;
  public boolean isCellEditable (EventObject anEvent)
    if (anEvent   instanceof         MouseEvent)
     int click = ((MouseEvent) anEvent).getClickCount();
     return click >= CLICK_COUNT_TO_EDIT;
    return true;
} //class text area cell editor
class TrunkData
  public String    m_sysname;
  public String    m_clli;
  public String    m_tg;
  public Integer     m_member;
  public String    m_trunk_type;
  public String    m_lata;
  public String    m_lata_name;
  public String    m_prospect_server;
  public String    m_tgroupid;
  public String    m_ctg;
  public Integer   m_augmen;
  public String    m_vendor;
  public TrunkData ()
    m_sysname = "";
    m_clli = "";
    m_tg = "";
    m_member =     new Integer (0);
    m_trunk_type =     "";
    m_lata = "";
    m_lata_name =       "";
    m_prospect_server       = "";
    m_tgroupid = "";
    m_ctg = "";
    m_augmen = new Integer(0);
    m_vendor = "";
  (String sys,
   String clli,
   String tg,
   String member,
   String ttyp,
   String lata,
   String latanm,
   String pserver,
   String tgrpid,
   String ctg,
   String aug,
   String vend)
    m_sysname = sys;
    m_clli = clli;
    m_tg = tg;
    try {
      if (member.trim().equals(""))
     m_member=new Integer(0);
     m_member =     new Integer(member.trim());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("can't parse member " + e.toString());
    m_trunk_type =     ttyp;
    m_lata = lata;
    m_lata_name =     latanm;
    m_prospect_server     = pserver;
    m_tgroupid =     tgrpid;
    m_ctg = ctg;
    if (aug.trim().equals(""))
      m_augmen=new Integer(0);
    else m_augmen=new Integer(aug.trim());
    m_vendor = vend;
} //class trunkd data
class ColumnData
  public String    m_tolatLbl;
  int m_width;
  int m_alignment;
  public    ColumnData    (String title,     int width,     int alignment)
    m_tolatLbl =     title;
    m_width = width;
    m_alignment =     alignment;
} //class column data
class  TrunkReportData  extends  AbstractTableModel
  public static ImageIcon COLUMN_UP;
  public static ImageIcon COLUMN_DOWN;
  public int               m_sortCol = 0;
  public boolean m_sortAsc = true;
  public static      final ColumnData      m_columns[] =
    new      ColumnData      ("System", 200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("CLLI", 200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("Trunk Group",       200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("Members", 200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("Trunk Type",       200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("LATA ", 200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("LATA Name",       200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("Prospect Server",       200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("Trunk Group ID",       200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("CTG", 200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("Augments", 200,       JLabel.LEFT),
    new      ColumnData      ("Vendor", 200,       JLabel.LEFT)
  protected      trnk m_parent;
  protected Vector      m_vector;
  public TrunkReportData (trnk parent , Image imgup, Image imgdown)
    this.COLUMN_UP=new ImageIcon(imgup);
    this.COLUMN_DOWN=new ImageIcon(imgdown);
    m_parent = parent;
    m_vector = new Vector ();
    setDefaultData (parent.is);
  public void setDefaultData (InputStream is)
    m_vector =  new Vector ();
    int numFields =       0;
       br =new     BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
     String inline ="";
     while ((inline =  br.readLine()) != null)
         if (inline.indexOf('#') > -1)
         StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (inline, ",");
         String nsys=st.nextToken ().trim(); //sys
         String nclli=  st.nextToken().trim() ;     // clli
         String ntg= st.nextToken ().trim();     // tg
         String nmemb=  st.nextToken().trim();     // members
         String nttyp=   st.nextToken ().trim();     // trunktype
         String nlata= st.nextToken ().trim();     // lata
         String nlataname=  st.nextToken ().trim();     // lata  name
         String npros=    st.nextToken ().trim();     // prospect  server
         String ntgrpid=st.nextToken().trim();      //tgroupid
         String nctg=st.nextToken().trim();      //ctg
         String naug=st.nextToken().trim();      //augments
         String nvend=st.nextToken().trim();      //vendor
         m_vector.addElement(new TrunkData(nsys,nclli, ntg,
                               nmemb, nttyp, nlata, nlataname, npros, ntgrpid, nctg,
     br.close ();}
    catch (Exception e)
     System.out.println("Error in file reader 2 "+ e.toString ());
  public Icon getColumnIcon(int column) { // NEW
    if (column==m_sortCol)
      return m_sortAsc ? COLUMN_UP : COLUMN_DOWN;
    return null;
  // NEW
  public void sortData() {
    Collections.sort(m_vector, new
               TrunkComparator(m_sortCol, m_sortAsc));
  public int getRowCount ()
    return m_vector == null ? 0 : m_vector.size ();
  public int getColumnCount ()
    return    m_columns.length;
  public String getColumnName(int nCol)
    return    m_columns[nCol]. m_tolatLbl;
  public boolean isCellEditable
  (int nRow, int nCol)
    return true;
  public Object getValueAt (int         nRow,         int nCol)
    if (nRow < 0 || nRow >=getRowCount())
      return "";
    TrunkData row = (TrunkData) m_vector.elementAt(nRow);
    switch (nCol)
      case 0:
     return row.m_sysname;
      case 1:
     return row.m_clli;
      case 2:
     return row.m_tg;
      case 3:
     return row.m_member;
      case 4:
     return row.m_trunk_type;
      case 5:
     return row.m_lata;
      case 6:
     return row.m_lata_name;
      case 7:
     return row.m_prospect_server;
      case 8:
     return row.m_tgroupid;
      case 9:
     return row.m_ctg;
      case 10:
     return row.m_augmen;
      case 11:
     return row.m_vendor;
    return "";
  public void setValueAt (Object value, int nRow, int nCol)
    if (nRow < 0
     || nRow >=
     || value ==
    System.out.println("setting nrow=" + nRow + " nCol=" + nCol + " to value=" + (String) value);
    TrunkData row = (TrunkData) m_vector.elementAt (nRow);
    String svalue = value.toString ();
    switch (nCol)
      case 0:
     row.m_sysname = svalue; break;
      case 1:
     row.m_clli = svalue; break;
      case 2:
     row.m_tg = svalue; break;
      case 3:
     if (svalue.trim().equals(""))
       row.m_member=new Integer(0);
         try {
           row.m_member = new Integer(svalue.trim());
         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,  "Please enter integer valuesonly.",  "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
      case 4:
     row.m_trunk_type = svalue; break;
      case 5:
     row.m_lata = svalue; break;
      case 6:
     row.m_lata_name = svalue; break;
      case 7:
     row.m_prospect_server = svalue; break;
      case 8:
     row.m_tgroupid = svalue; break;
      case 9:
     row.m_ctg = svalue; break;
      case 10:
          if (svalue.trim().equals("")) {
               row.m_augmen = new Integer(0);
          } else {
                   try {
                    row.m_augmen = new Integer(svalue.trim());
                   } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,  "Error", "Please enter only integer values.",  JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
      case 11:
     row.m_vendor = svalue; break;}
  public void insert (int nRow)
    if (nRow < 0)
      nRow = 0;
    if (nRow >     m_vector.size ())
      nRow  =
     m_vector. size ();
       TrunkData (),
  public boolean delete (int nRow)
    if (nRow < 0
     || nRow >=
    m_vector.remove (nRow);
    return true;
  public String getTitle() {
    return "Verizon Trunk Table";
} //class trunk report data
class TrunkComparator implements Comparator {
  protected int            m_sortCol;
  protected boolean m_sortAsc;
  public TrunkComparator(int sortCol, boolean sortAsc) {
    m_sortCol = sortCol;
    m_sortAsc = sortAsc;
  public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
    if (!(o1 instanceof TrunkData) || !(o2 instanceof TrunkData))
      return 0;
    TrunkData s1=(TrunkData)o1;
    TrunkData s2=(TrunkData)o2;
    int result=0;
    String str1="", str2="";
    int i1=0, i2=0;
    switch(m_sortCol) {
    case 0: //sysname
    case 1: // clli
    case 2: //TG
    case 3: //member
      i1 =s1.m_member.intValue();
      i2 =s2.m_member.intValue();
      result = i1 < i2 ? -1 : (i1 > i2 ? 1 : 0);
    case 4: //trunk type
    case 5: //lata
    case 6: //lata name
    case 7: //prospect server
    case 8: //tgroup id
    case 9: //ctg
    case 10: //augments
      i1 =s1.m_augmen.intValue();
      i2 =s2.m_augmen.intValue();
      result = i1 < i2 ? -1 : (i1 > i2 ? 1 : 0);
    case 11: //vendor
    if (!m_sortAsc) result = -result;
    return result;
  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (obj instanceof TrunkComparator) {
      TrunkComparator compObj=(TrunkComparator) obj;
      return (compObj.m_sortCol == m_sortCol) &&
    return false;
} //class trunk comparator

Problem resolved by modifying the code to this:
bt.setToolTipText("Delete Row");   
lst = new ActionListener ()      {     
public void       actionPerformed       (ActionEvent e)       {       
int nRow = m_table.getSelectedRow();          
if (nRow  < 0)           
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,  "Please select a row to delete",  "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);          
else if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Do you want to delete the selected row?", "Delete a Row", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
if (m_data.delete (nRow))           {          
     m_table.tableChanged            (new TableModelEvent             (m_data, nRow, nRow,              TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS,              TableModelEvent.DELETE));          //m_table.clearSelection();       

Similar Messages

  • Lost all email gmail deleted by mistake need help thank you

    lost all email gmail messages deleted by mistake need help thank you.

    Mail 2.x doesn’t store mail in standard mbox format. The only way you might find Mail messages in a “recovered” mbox file is if it was a Mail 1.x file that Mail 2.x left there after the conversion to the new *.emlx format when you upgraded from Mac OS X 10.3 or earlier to Mac OS X 10.4.
    If you’re running Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) and don’t have a backup, what you should have tried to recover are as many *.emlx files as possible. Data Rescue II may be able to do that, but the documentation doesn’t say so. The only data recovery utility that I know for sure can currently recover deleted *.emlx files is FileSalvage.
    That said, you may still try to import those mbox files as Other (not as Mail for Mac OS X), and hope that they don’t contain garbage that causes Mail to crash — you may look at their contents with a text editor first to check whether there are actually any emails there.
    Beware, however, that anything you do with the computer may cause the deleted *.emlx files to be overwritten if you don’t try to recover them first.

  • DELETE() method..need help!!

    private void deleteAll(){
    File file;
    String from = "C:/A/";
    try {
    file = new File(from);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    file = null;
    if (file != null) {
    String files[] = file.list();
    for(int x = 0; x < files.length ; x ++){
    File f = new File (files[x]);
    System.out.print("WHAT PROBLEM?");
    } else {
    System.out.println("no such url");
    } I wish to delete all files in C:/A/ when running this method..So anyone can find out what problems with my code..Thanks
    Edited by: kahleong888 on Jun 14, 2008 9:06 PM

    To "prune" a whole directory and it's contents you need to depth-first-recurse the tree, (logically) pruning the branch you are standing on the way back up the tree... and if you (logically) recurse a "directory tree" from the "root" at the top... down to the "leaves" at the bottom, then shouldn't "trees" be called "roots" instead of "trees"... Hmmm... Just one of those things.
    It goes something like this:
    package forums;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
    import java.io.IOException;
    class Pruner
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        String top = args.length>0 ? args[0] : "C:/tmp/test/directoryToPrune";
        try {
          long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
          int n = prune(top);
          long took = System.currentTimeMillis()-start;
          System.out.println("Removed "+n+" objects from "+top+" in "+took+" milliseconds.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
      private static int prune(String dirName)
        throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        File dir = new File(dirName);
        if ( !dir.exists() ) {
          throw new FileNotFoundException("Not found: "+dir.getCanonicalPath());
        return recursivePrune(dir);
      private static int recursivePrune(File dir)
        throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        String fullname = dir.getCanonicalPath();
        int count = 0;
        if ( dir.isDirectory() ) {
          for (File file : dir.listFiles()) {
            count += recursivePrune(file);
          // having removed dir's contents we continue and remove dir.
        // if dir isn't a dir then it must be a SINGLE file, soft-link, named-pipe...
        if (!dir.delete()) {
          throw new IOException("Failed to delete file: "+fullname);
        return count+1;
    }I recommend you move the prune(String dirName) method (and it's recursivePrune(...) helper method) to an abstract utilz class (something like $yourInitials.utilz.io.Dirz), and make it public of course.
    Cheers. Keith.

  • Accidently deleted quicktime pro NEED HELP ASAP PLEASE!

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    Message was edited by: ocpun

    Pacifist is not on the Mac OS X installer disk in any case. It's a third-party application, from CharlesSoft. If QuickTime Player 7 doesn't appear in the Utilities folder ( not the Applications folder) after running the installer, you can use Pacifist to extract the Player app from the installer package.
    But you really, both from a maintenance standpoint and legally, need to get a new copy of the Mac OS X installer disk. Though you probably don't need it now, it's quite possible that you'll need it eventually, though one would hope not.

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    my comp was recently reset so i lost all my songs
    how do i transfer my songs on my ipod back to the itunes library
    pc   Windows XP  

    Check out the instructions/suggestions here.
    Music from iPod to computer.
    There's also another method I've seen posted. I've successfully tested this across several different Windows PCs.
    Open iTunes and select edit/preferences/advanced/general. Put a check mark in the box marked "copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to library" and also "keep iTunes music folder organized", then click 'ok'.
    Connect the iPod whilst holding down the shift/ctrl keys to prevent any auto sync, and if you see the dialogue window asking if you want to sync to this itunes library, click 'no'.
    Then go to file/add folder, open 'my computer', select your iPod and click 'ok'.
    The music files should transfer to your iTunes.
    However it appears that no playlists or any other info such as ratings/last played etc will transfer.
    If this is important to you, you may want to use other options.
    There's Yamipod. This is a free program that transfers music and playlists etc from iPod back to the computer.

  • How to insert a new Row in a table? - Need help

    Hi everyone,
    I'm using JDeveloper 10.1.2, UIX pages and STRUTS.
    This is my situation: When I navigate from page one to page two, I have in my page2 one table and I need to create a new row with some values by default, but I don't want to commit this line except the user decides to complete this line.
    Can anyone help me? This is very important.

    Hi Sascha,
    thanks very much for your replay.
    My project changed and I have another question about this. My page1 has a table (table1) and when I select one line from table1 and press a button, I go to page 2.
    I have an action in the Struts-Config.xml like this in page2 (S2PopUpObstaculos):
    <action path="/S2PopUpObstaculos" type="oracle.jheadstart.controller.strutsadf.action.JhsDataActionSaveObstaculos" className="oracle.jheadstart.controller.strutsadf.action.JhsDataActionMapping" parameter="/WEB-INF/page/S2PopUpObstaculos.uix" name="DataForm">
    <set-property property="modelReference" value="S2AltaSociais2UIModel"/>
    <set-property property="bindParams" value="S2DominiosLevel1Iterator=${data.S2AltaSociais2UIModel.Obstaculo},${data.S2AltaSociais2UIModel.AlsEpsPsId},${data.S2AltaSociais2UIModel.AlsEpsId},${data.S2AltaSociais2UIModel.Obstaculo}"/>
    But now, the problem is, if I don't select one Row from table1 and press the button to go to page2, I need to pass diferent parameters to page 2, like this:
    <set-property property="bindParams" value="S2DominiosLevel1Iterator=0,${data.S2AltaSociais2UIModel.AlsEpsPsId},${data.S2AltaSociais2UIModel.AlsEpsId},0"/>
    Do you have any ideia how to do this? Can you help me?

  • I need help deleteing documents from Abode ReaderIX

    Can someone please tell me how to delete documents - everytime I highlight a document to be deleted the delete never selects. I can not delete documents -- I need help please someone anyone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome to Adobe Forums.
    I didn't quite understood your issue.
    Are you trying to delete the content in PDF file?
    You cannot edit the content of the PDF file using Adobe Reader.
    Or are you trying to delete the document(PDF) file?
    You should be able to delete the PDF file like any other file on your computer.
    Please explain your problem in detail, this will help me to find a resolution quickly.
    ~ Aditya Kalania

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    I created a tabular form on a view, using an instead of trigger to encapsulate the logic for the data manipulations. Works great--until someone checks a row and hits the delete button, at which point APEX throws this error:
    ORA-20001: Error in multi row delete operation: row= 107970-18527, ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error,
    Error     multi row operation failedAs far as I can tell, it's not even getting to the trigger; I commented out the body of the instead of delete trigger (replacing it with null), and I'm still getting the same error. I have no validations or processes on the page at this point.
    The underlying data of the view requires three columns for a unique identifier, so I've concatenated two of them together as an extra column in the view (creating a varchar2 column), and told the MRD to use the calculated column and the third column as the primary key columns. But even using two of the three numeric columns (tweaking the trigger to use a hard-coded value for the third) as an ID fails miserably.
    Any idea what's going on?
    (In case it makes a difference, we're on APEX 4.0.1.)

    Hi David,
    This might help:
    Hope it helps!

  • Need help with Nokia 6120 Classic

    Hi Everybody,
    I need help on how to delete or hide the detailed log on the phone. I can delete numbers from the recent calls list such as received, dialled and missed calls but the number still will appear on the detailed log. The only option I have on the detailed is to clear all logs which means all the numbers will be deleted.
    I need help either to delete certain numbers from detailed log or how to hide it.
    Hope to get some ideas.
    Appreciate the response

    cant be hidden unfortunatly only way for people that are no phone savy is delete call register if your worried about somebody going so far through your phone
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

  • I Need Help In Deleting Table row by clicking on "Delete" button inside the

    Dear all,
    first i'm new to Swing
    i have created table with customized table model, i fill this table using 2d array, this table rows contains JButtons rendered using ButtonRenderer.java class and action listeners attached by the AbstractButtonEditor.java
    what iam trying to do is when i click on a specified button in table row i want this row to be deleted, i found some examples that uses defaultTableModelRef.removeRow(index), but iam using customized table model and the following is my code
    JTable tblPreview = new JTable();
              DbExpFormTableModel model = new DbExpFormTableModel();               
    //adding the edit button          
              tblPreview.getColumn("Edit").setCellRenderer(new ButtonRenderer());
              tblPreview.getColumn("Edit").setCellEditor(new AbstractButtonEditor(new JCheckBox()));
              //adding the delete button
              tblPreview.getColumn("Delete").setCellRenderer(new ButtonRenderer());
              tblPreview.getColumn("Delete").setCellEditor(new AbstractButtonEditor(new JCheckBox()));
    and here is the code of the code of my customized table model ( DbExpFormTableModel )
    public class DbExpFormTableModel extends GeneralTableModel
         public DbExpFormTableModel()
         private void setColumnsNames()
              columnNames = new String [5];
              columnNames[0] = "ID";
              columnNames[1] = "Database ID";
              columnNames[2] = "Prestatement";
              columnNames[3] = "Edit";
              columnNames[4] = "Delete";
         private void fillTable()
              int numOfRows = 2;     // = getNumberOfRows();
              data = new Object[numOfRows][5];          
              data[0][0] = "1"; //we must get this value from the database, it is incremental identity
              data[0][1] = "AAA";
              data[0][2] = "insert into table 1 values(? , ? , ?)";
              data[0][3] = "Edit";
              data[0][4] = "Del";
              data[1][0] = "2"; //we must get this value from the database, it is incremental identity
              data[1][1] = "BBB";
              data[1][2] = "insert into table2 values(? , ? , ? , ?)";
              data[1][3] = "Edit";
              data[1][4] = "Del";
    and this is the GeneralTableModel class
    public class GeneralTableModel extends AbstractTableModel implements Serializable
         public static Object [][] data;
         public static String[] columnNames;
         //these functions should be implemented to fill the grid
         public int getRowCount()
              return data.length;
         public int getColumnCount()
              return columnNames.length;
         public String getColumnName(int col)
    return columnNames[col];
         public Object getValueAt(int row , int col)
              return data[row][col];
         //i've implemented this function to enable events on added buttons
         public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
              return true;
         public Class getColumnClass(int c)
    return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();
    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col)
    data[row][col] = value;          
    fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);     
    And Now what i want to do is to delete the clicked row from the table, so please help me...
    thank you in advance

    Hi Sureshkumar,
    1. Create a value attribute named <b>select</b> of type boolean.
    2. Bind the <b>checked property</b> of all the checkboxes to this attribute.
    3. Create an action called <b>click</b> and bind it to <b>OnAction</b> event of the button(whose click will check all the checkboxes) and write this code in that action.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hi I need help please .... I have my credit card information in my account ... But I wanted to delete

    Hi I need help please .... I have my credit card information in my account ... But I wanted to delete &amp; I like too add a App Store card

    Hi, Ajchenicholas. 
    Credit cards attached to an Apple ID can be removed and payment method changed to none as long as there is not an outstanding balance.  The article below will walk you through this process. 
    iTunes Store: Changing account information
    You can always add an iTunes Gift Card to your account at any time.  Here are the steps that will walk you through adding an iTunes Gift Card. 
    iTunes Store: How to redeem a code
    Jason H.

  • Hello, I need help to retrieve deleted information to partition an external hard drive. What should I do?

    Hello, I need help to retrieve deleted information to partition an external hard drive. What should I do?

    I'm not about the question, and giving you the right answer requires me to ask a few more questions.
    Do you want to retrieve deleted information for future usage, or to completely delete a partition? The latter is straightforward: simply erase the partition. The former is more complicated: it's very difficult, even using available commercial software, to recover deleted information. If the data is important, you may want to contact a professional like DriveSavers. It won't be cheap.

  • JTable &  AbstractTableModel(Delete row problem)

    I have used AbstractTableModel in my JTable.In case of multiple rows, i want to delete rows from interface as well as from database. As removeRow method is absent in AbstractTableModel.so DefaultTableModel has been used by casting but CastClassException throws. Here is Partial code(tried in many ways).Plz help me to solve the problem.
    void jButtonCancel_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    jTable1.setModel(myModel); //jtable is object of JTable and myModel is of Abstract TableModel           
    DefaultTableModel model=((DefaultTableModel)jTable1.getModel());
    int row=jTable1.getSelectedRow();
    System.out.println("Rows Delete");
    catch(Exception sq){

    A bit of studying java awaits you.
    Your class:
    public class MyModel extends AbstractTableModel
      // Do various sorts of coding here
    }Is not an instance of DefaultTableModel, so, if you try to cast your model to a DefaultTableModel it will throw an exception since the conversion is impossible.
    Recomended solution:
    Add a remove method for your class MyModel that does the following:
    public void removeRow(int row)
      // data removed
      // fire removed data event
    }Then instead of casting to DefaultTableModel, cast it to 'MyModel' and call the method 'removeRow'.
    When it comes to inheritance and casting you can always cast an object to any of it's superclasses or any of the interfaces it supplies or it's superclasses suppplies. You can not cast an object to a instance of which it has no relation with.
    In you example, your table model class extends the abstract table model but it does not extend the DefaultTableModel. An instance of your class can be casted to AbstractTableModel and so can an DefaultTableModel because they are both subclasses from AbstractTableModel. They can also be casted to TableModel since all of these implement the interface needed to fullfill TableModel's specification.
    If you cast a DefaultTableModel instance to TableModel you can not try to cast it upwards to something the instance wasn't from the beginning.
    DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel();
    // When you do casting uppwards, there is no need for paranthesis
    TableModel tm = dtm;
    // You can easily later on cast this back to what is what or to any step
    // in between
    DefaultTableModel stillSameModel = (DefaultTableModel)tm;
    // You can not however cast to something the instance never was
    // Row below will cause an compile error:
    JComboBox jb = (JComboBox)dtm;
    // This since JComboBox can never be an superclass to the DefaultModel
    // More dangerous errors that can't be catched until runtime is the
    // one you made. Ie: I do what could be an valid cast
    MyModel mm = (MyModel)tm;
    // Since MyModel is an TableModel and tm refers to an TableModel,
    // this casting is approved by the compiler.
    // It will on the other hand throw an ClassCastException when run since
    // the variable tm contains an instance of DefaultTableModel which
    // is not an MyModel instance.Recomended that you read up on inheritance and basic OO.
    Peter Norell

  • Need help on How to delete duplicate data

    Hi All
    I need your help in finding the best way to delete duplicate data from a table.
    Table is like
    create table table1 (col1 varchar2(10), col2 varchar2(20), col3 varchar2(30));
    Insert into table1 ('ABC', 'DEF','FGH');
    Insert into table1 ('ABC', 'DEF','FGH');
    Insert into table1 ('ABC', 'DEF','FGH');
    Insert into table1 ('ABC', 'DEF','FGH');
    Now I want a sql statement which will delete the duplicate rows and leaves 1 row of that data in the table. ie.in the above example delete 3 rows of duplicate data and leave a row of that data in the table. My oracle version is 8i.
    Appreciate your help in advance.

    Either of these will work, the best approach will depend on how big the table is, and how many duplicates there are.
    SQL> SELECT * FROM table1;
    COL1       COL2                 COL3
    ABC        DEF                  FGH
    ABC        DEF                  FGH
    ABC        DEF                  FGH
    ABC        DEF                  FGH
    ABC        DEF                  IJK
    BCD        EFG                  HIJ
    BCD        EFG                  HIJ
    SQL> DELETE FROM table1 o
      2  WHERE rowid <> (SELECT MAX(rowid)
      3                  FROM table1 i
      4                  WHERE o.col1 = i.col1 and
      5                        o.col2 = i.col2 and
      6                        o.col3 = i.col3);
    4 rows deleted.
    SQL> SELECT * FROM table1;
    COL1       COL2                 COL3
    ABC        DEF                  FGH
    ABC        DEF                  IJK
    BCD        EFG                  HIJ
    Rollback complete.
    SQL> CREATE TABLE table1_tmp AS
      2  SELECT DISTINCT * FROM table1;
    Table created.
    Table truncated.
    SQL> INSERT INTO table1
      2  SELECT * FROM table1_tmp;
    3 rows created.
    SQL> SELECT * FROM table1;
    COL1       COL2                 COL3
    ABC        DEF                  FGH
    ABC        DEF                  IJK
    BCD        EFG                  HIJThere are other approaches as well (e.g. see the EXCEPTIONS INTO clause of the ALTER TABLE command), but these are the most straightforward.

  • Please i need help very urgent !!! after deleting my exchange account because the company changed the password , I lost 150 200 contacts and i need to get them back very soon ! please help

    Please i need help very urgent !!! after deleting my exchange account because the company changed the password , I lost 150 200 contacts and i need to get them back very soon !  i never backed up on itunes ..please help

    No. The contacts are "owned" by the Exchange server.
    The Exchange server is owned by the company.
    Everything on the Exchange server is owned by the company.
    If you quit or were terminated, and your access to the system has been revoked, then there is nothing you and do at this point. Once you deleted the account from your phone, all of the associated data was deleted.
    NEVER store personal information on company systems.

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