JTextArea font won't change

I know this problem has been answered in similar form previously., but my version is a little different. I have a JList of fonts. When a font is selected on the list, changes should be applied to a JTextArea. I have my <JTextArea>.setFont(Font f) command in the valueChanged method of my class. However, the font does not change, neither visually nor internally. What's the problem? Thanks in advance for all help.

Update: I've gotten the font working, stupid mistake on my part so sorry for the trouble, but the color chooser still refuses to work...
Here's the code as requested (I've omitted much that i'm pretty positive is unrelated):
class FontDialog extends JDialog implements ListSelectionListener, ChangeListener { //this is an inner class
    MyFont font = new MyFont("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN, 12); //font object for manipulation - this is a class of mine
            Object[] fontItems = font.getFontList(),
                     styleItems = {"Regular", "Bold", "Italic", "Bold Italic          "},
                     sizeItems = {"6", "8", "10", "12", "14", "16", "18", "20", "24", "48"};
            JList fontList, styleList, sizeList;
            JTextField fontField, styleField, sizeField;
            JTextArea preview;
            JColorChooser jcc;
            public FontDialog(JFrame owner, String name) {
                super(owner, name);
                font = new MyFont("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN, 12); //font object for manipulation
                JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
                JPanel panel = new JPanel();
                panel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
                GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
                c.gridx = 0;
                c.gridy = 0;
                panel.add(createFontPane(), c); //code omitted
                c.gridx = 1;
                c.gridy = 0;
                panel.add(createSizePane(), c); //code omitted
                c.gridx = 0;
                c.gridy = 1;
                panel.add(createStylePane(), c); //code omitted
                c.gridx = 1;
                c.gridy = 1;
                panel.add(createPreviewPane(), c);
                tabbedPane.addTab("Text", panel);
                jcc = new JColorChooser(Color.BLACK);
                jcc.setPreviewPanel(new JPanel());
                tabbedPane.addTab("Color", jcc);
                tabbedPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(15, 15, 15, 15));
                add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            private JTextArea createPreviewPane() {
                preview = new JTextArea("  AaBbCcDd  ");
                preview.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10));
                return preview;          
            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
                JList list = (JList)e.getSource();
                int i = list.getSelectedIndex();
                if(list == fontList) {
                    fontField.setText((String)fontItems); //update given list
font.setFont((String)fontItems[i]); //update preview area
else if(list == sizeList) {
sizeField.setText((String)sizeItems[i]); //update given list
font.setSize(new Integer((String)sizeItems[i])); //update preview area
else {
styleField.setText((String)styleItems[i]); //update given list
switch(i) { //update preview area
font.setStyle(Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC);
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {

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    I don't see a definition for
    as mentioned here -
    <p class="myriad">About us<br /><br />
    We offer high quality custom embroidery on a wide range of products.
    Also - the way to specify a font family is not with font-style, it's with font-family.
    I have tried putting font-style: Myriad Pro; in both as well as in the body
    You know that Myriad is not web-safe, right?

  • Safari font won't change

    I recently installed a few fonts i found on the internet on my mac and now my safari pages are loading with one of the fonts install.
    I have tried to fix this by deleting the font i'm seeing going into the preferences and change there but those are the defaults already so now thing working atm

    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Follow Bee's suggestions first, before using Font Nuke. Clearing the font cache is only helpful if you have removed the offending font first.

  • Imessage fonts won't change

    I have a new imac--mountain lion--used it a couple times in iMessage and was able to adjust the font size.  All of a sudden it reverted to a small font and when I click on the change font button, it is selectable but does not give me the screen to change the fonts.  Any ideas?

    stevecook3dw wrote:
    I need to get off the Helvetica because testing showed it tends to turn into Times when it hits Windows.  Arial tends to stay the same.
    Unfortunately Mail preferences do not let you set a default font that will show up at the other end.  In order to do that you have to set the font to Arial or whatever for each outgoing message individually.
    Some users find this makes Mail too much trouble for their purposes and switch to Thunderbird or Outlook/Entourage.
    Also some apps have been circulated to help deal with the problem.

  • Fonts won't display in CS3-- particularly Photoshop & Illustrator

    Hello Everyone,
    Thank you for any help you may be able to provide for this question.  Recently my laptop with my installed softwares crashed.  Luckily I was able to recover most everything and restored it on my newer iMac. 
    One of the few software that didn't play nice was CS3, so I had to re-install it.  Now, many of the fonts won't show up.  I'm doing a logo for a client and I need some fonts but fonts from the following- New Peninim, Corsiva Hebrew, Ariel Hebrew and/or Raanana-- don't appear after you engage the Type tool.  What shows up in both Photoshop and especially Illustrator is a square box with nothing in it.
    I've gone to MANY of the help columns on line and followed 4 or 5 different "solutions"-- nothing seems to work.  I even, against my suspicions, called the Adobe customer service and the best they could offer was to post a question here if my answer was not apparent.
    So, does anyone have an opinion on the matter?  Bearing in mind that I've put fonts in the Adobe folder, reset characters and a few other things since yesterday. 
    Any help would be greatly appreciated,

    If you have the fonts installed and activated and they are not functioning, you may need to clear your font caches.
    Are you using any font management software?  Can you confirm that the fonts are active?  If you're not aware of any font management, open up Font Book (applications -> Font Book) and see if you see the fonts in there.  If they are in the list, are they active?  If they are not in the list, you need to add them there (I think just by dragging them from the finder) and activate them.  Not being a Font Book user I'm not sure, but you may need to restart Illustrator to see the newly activated fonts.
    If you don't have the fonts active, your type will be displayed in the default font (Myriad, unless you changed it) which likely doesn't have the hebrew characters, thus all you see is the squares indicating missing characters.

  • Din font won't display in pdf file since December update to version 11.0.10

    I upgraded my Acrobat to version 11.0.10 just before the Christmas break. Din font is my corporate typeface and I used it yesterday to create an invoice in Mac Pages only to discover that I cannot view the pdf as the font won't display in Acrobat. And to add to the problem my clients who are using the same version of Acrobat are unable to view the font either on the pdf. It all worked fine before the upgrade.
    What can be done to rectify the problem? I need to fix this asap.
    This error message appears when I try and open the file "Cannot extract the embedded font 'DQPJNL+DIN-Medium'. S"
    The DQPJNL bit changes depending on the file being opened but essential Din font won't display.

    Please check if DIN font is embedded in your PDF by going to File > Properties > Fonts
    If no, then you might need to go to 'Tools > Print Production > Preflight'
    Then, open the PDF fixups section, click on Embed fonts fixup and choose 'Analyze and fix button'.
    Please check and let me know if you are able to view the font now.

  • ID3 tags won't change...

    Hi everyone,
    i've a problem with my mp3 tags, i'm trying to organize my library trough updating the ID3 tags but it won't work.
    For example, I've 2 artists: ACDC and AC/DC, when I change the info artist into ACDC, it won't change anything and i'll still have both names aperaing.
    Worse, on some compilation, in my iphone, the album nam will appear as many times as there is songs... if I've 20 songs in an album called "Compilation 1" for example, the album "Compilation 1" will appear 20 times in my iphone list...
    any idea?

    cedricsh wrote:
     However, they are not on my computer's hard drive but on an ethernet connected external drive, do you think it could be the problem ?
    seems very likely to me. - but I've never tried that. That's worth a seperate topic here, perhaps someone who's used one could reply, Barring that, See below (for a way to test)
    cedricsh wrote:
     I've already tried some of your , my last chance will be to reinstal iTunes, however, will all of my library be lost (i mean, will i have to re-upload all the songs ?, i've over 8000 songs so it's pretty long).
    No removing the program won't do anything to your music.  After you reinstall itunes first try copying a few songs to default location on your internal HD,  and see if problem still exists (make sure iTunes is pointed to it) THEN reestablish the external,
    PS: I forgot to ask Does your iTunes Prefs > Advanced Tab show the correct path to your media folder? Do you have the "Copy files to Media Folder when adding... "  checked?
    Warning: I don't know about iTunes Match: but I would definitely turn off all Automatic updating (everywhere iTunes, iPhone etc ) while you're messing with this.

  • I accidentally changed a setting on my ipod touch and now it won't change back. I have had my ipod for more than two years and i dont know what to do. If i go to the apple store, would they fix it, or would i need to get a new one?

    I accidentally changed a setting on my ipod touch and now it won't change back. I have had my ipod for more than two years and i dont know what to do. If i go to the apple store, would they fix it, or would i need to get a new one? If it could be fixed, how much would it cost?

    If it is still under warranty you can call the 800 number to apple and enter the serial number and it will tell you if it is under warranty or not if not its like $30 basically for them to help or something like that it said today when i called...
    Or take it to a genius bar if you have one near?
    Or further explain what setting you are needing fixed back and im sure someone here can help you for free!

  • I have a lock rotation on my iPad 2 and it won't change from landscape and I tried to reset it but nothing and I tried from lock rotation to mute but nothing and I don't no what to do now. Can u help me plz?

    I have a lock rotation next ti my battery on my iPad 2 and it won't change from landscape and I tried to reset it but nothing and I tried from lock rotation to mute but nothing and I don't no what to do now. Can u help me plz?

    With Settings > General > Use Side Switch To set to 'Lock Rotation' have you then moved the switch on the right-hand side of the iPad above the volume control 'off' ?
    Or with the switch set to control 'notification mute' you should be able to unlock rotation via the far left of the taskbar : double-click the home button; slide from the left; and it's the icon far left; press home again to exit the taskbar. The function that isn't being controlled by the side switch is set via the taskbar instead : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4085

  • I switched my keyboard to french and now it won't change back to english. Quite the hassle when trying to write in english. Why would it be stuck?

    I switched my keyboard to french and now it won't change back to english. Quite the hassle when trying to write in english. Why would it be stuck?

    When the keyboard pops up, tab the Globe icon, and select the English keyboard.

  • My external drive switched from g drive to f, my itunes won't change to drive f, and it says drive g is unavailable, what can I do?

    This is not the easiest sight to sign up for and submit a question. However my external drive switched from g drive to f. As I downloaded the new version of itunes it won't change from g drive to f drive when I click the button to change.  It just says g drive is unavailable to download itunes which I already aware of but it won't let me browse and find the right drive my external drive is on.  It won't configure or anything what do I do?

    Change the drive letter back to G:
    See this -> http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Change-add-or-remove-a-drive-le tter

  • I had to change my Apple ID. However, it won't change in my phone. I changed it in setting, but when it comes to downloading updates for apps or music, it won't update from my old Apple ID.

    However, it won't change in my phone. I changed it in setting, but when it comes to downloading updates for apps or music, it won't update from my old Apple ID. For instance, I had to change my apple ID from (for instance, "[email protected]") to something else ("[email protected]"). I changed it in settings to the new one, but when I go to update apps, my phone is still connected to "[email protected]"
    What should I do?

    In the Finder do a Get Info on one of those files & the folder it's in, report what it says for privileges.
    Oh, did you maybe change your short username/Home Folder's name?

  • I just downloaded the new OS X Mountain Lion, and my iMessages status won't change!! How do I fix this?

    I just downloaded the new OS X Mountain Lion, and my iMessages status won't change!! How do I fix this?

    if you set up only iMessage account, you cannot change the status, because iMessage has no status.
    You should set up another service (for example AIM) with status service. Initially I didn't understand this "issue" too, but it is correct.

  • I just "upgraded" my iPhone with the new software. As a low vision person, your phone was always previously helpful. I now discover that I cannot use the phone easily. The font has been changed to a very narrow typeface and the greyscale has been altered

    I just "upgraded" my iPhone with the new software. As a low vision person, your phone was always previously helpful. I now discover that I cannot use the phone easily. The font has been changed to a very narrow typeface and the greyscale has been altered to reduce contrast. The background is now grey as well rather than white. The accessibility options permit only three choices. First, increase type size. With the the low greyscale, thin typeface, increasing type size makes it HARDER to read. There is no option for contrast enhancement. Third, the background switch options suffers from the same deficit as the white background. The third choice is to enhance brightness but without the option to change contrast, this is useless. Am I missing something? Can this be fixed? How? When? Are you planning a similar negative "update"/change to other devices?

    I am having the same problem. I have gone through every setting, set the bold font, contrast, larger font....everything I could find in any post to try and help - and between the new color scheme that makes it virtually impossible to use the pictures of my grandchildren as background (the picture colors now become the theme colors - which now match the colors of many of the "flat" icons...) I am finding the phone very difficult to use--espeically things like the calendar which has now become very hard to "see" and use. If I can't revert this thing to iOS6, I may have to get a different phone.

  • On my iPhone 5, the battery symbol and percentage won't change, even while charging or during usage throughout the day. The battery is however charging and draining properly from what I can tell.

    On my iPhone 5, the battery symbol and percentage won't change, even while charging or during usage throughout the day. The battery is however charging and draining properly from what I can tell.
    Has anyone had this issue or know of a fix?

    Try this
    Restart iPhone: Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the home button together until the apple logo appears (ignore the ON/OFF slider) then let both buttons go and wait for phone to restart (no data will be lost).
    Using the phone while charging doesn't create a problem.. I do it all the time

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