JTextArea: size dynamic with text

I''m trying to size a JTextArea according to the text that is occupy it.
The width I have from another JPanel, but the height I can't get right.
I need to get the number of lines that the text will occupy and then set the size accordingly.
As it is, I've hard-coded the number of lines, even so, that doesn't work. e.g. if i set # of lines = 5, it still shows only 2, though the dlg box can be resized by hand to show them all.
Any suggestions?
public class TextPanel extends JPanel {
    private final Insets insets =  new Insets(10,20,10,20); // top, left, bottom, right
    private JTextArea textArea;
    private FontMetrics metrics;
    private double widthButtonPanel;
     * @param message
     * @param dimension dimensions of button panel
    public TextPanel(String message, Dimension dimension) {
      // get bg color of panel so we can set bg of text area to same color
         Color color = getBackground();
       TextArea = new JTextArea (message);
     // this will be width of the text area
     // height can't be set until painting it because we need to get the text size
       widthButtonPanel = dimension.getWidth();
     * override default insets
    public Insets getInsets()
         return insets;
     * override in order to set height of text area
     * @param g Graphics
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
         // automatically called when repaint
     Font font = this.getFont();
         Graphics graphics = this.getGraphics();
         // get metrics from the graphics
         metrics = graphics.getFontMetrics(font);
     // get the height of a line of text in this font and render context
       // line height must be that of text only, not space above and below
         final int HEIGHT_SPACE = 7; // empirically derived
     int heightTextAreaLine = metrics.getHeight() + HEIGHT_SPACE;
     // set height
     final int numberOfLines = 5;
        // truncate double, doesn't matter because it is *.0 anyway
     Dimension newDimension = new Dimension((int)widthButtonPanel, heightTextAreaLine * numberOfLines);
}Edited by: allelopath on Jan 19, 2009 2:33 PM

You can get the size following the steps.
1. create dummy textarea and set your text to it.
2. dummyarea.setSize(new Dimension(desiredWidth, Short.MAX_VALUE));
3. Dimension pref=dummyarea.getPreferredSize();
pref.height is the height textarea need to be.

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    Could you please be clear with your question so that some one can provide you with best solution quickly.
    I am assuming that when your sales order is being created at the same time ,your dynamic standard text is generated .So now you want to amend this standard text just after the sales order is saved.If so then
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    Moved to the main Dreamweaver support forum.
    There are several ways you could approach this. Here's one you might try:
    Give the first paragraph an ID, such as "first", and wrap the paragraphs you want to hide in a <div> with another ID, such as "more". Then add the following block of JavaScript just before the closing </body> tag of the page:
    var first = document.getElementById('first'),
         more = document.getElementById('more'),
         trigger = document.createElement('span');
    trigger.id = 'trigger';
    trigger.innerHTML = 'Show less';
    function toggleDiv() {
      var state = more.className,
           text = trigger.innerHTML;
      more.className = (state == 'open') ? 'closed' : 'open';
      trigger.innerHTML = (text == 'Show more') ? 'Show less' : 'Show more';
    if (trigger.addEventListener) {
        trigger.addEventListener('click', toggleDiv, false);
    } else if (trigger.attachEvent) {
      trigger.attachEvent('onclick', toggleDiv);
    } else {
      trigger.onclick = toggleDiv;
    This gets references to the "first" paragraph and the "more" <div>. It also creates a <span> with the ID "trigger" that's appended to the "first" paragraph. The rest of the script defines a function called toggleDiv(), which toggles the "more" <div> open and closed, and changes the text in the "trigger" <span>.
    You also need to create the following style rules for the various elements:
    #trigger {
        text-decoration: underline;
        color: blue;
        cursor: pointer;
    #more {
        transition: ease-out .7s;
        overflow: hidden;
    #more p:first-child {
        margin-top: 0;
    #more.closed {
        height: 0;
        -webkit-transform: translateY(-600px);
        transform: translateY(-600px);
    #more.open {
        -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
        transform: translateY(0);
        max-height: 600px;
    #more + p {
        margin-top: 0;
    This solution hides the text and creates the "trigger" <span> only if JavaScript is enabled in the browser. It should work in all browsers, including Internet Explorer 8 and earlier.

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    1. The font is embeded as Font-Symbol inside the library. Name: "BertholdWalbaumBook", Linkage: "BertholdWalbaumBook";
    2. Code:
              moreInfoButtonText = new TextField();
              moreInfoButtonText.text = "More Info";
                var pre_Disco_RecordStandard_TextFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                pre_Disco_RecordStandard_TextFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
                pre_Disco_RecordStandard_TextFormat.color = "FFFFFF";
                pre_Disco_RecordStandard_TextFormat.font = "BertholdWalbaumBook";
                pre_Disco_RecordStandard_TextFormat.leading = 3;
                pre_Disco_RecordStandard_TextFormat.size = 14.62;
                pre_Disco_RecordStandard_TextFormat.letterSpacing = 0;
                moreInfoButtonText.x = moreInfoButtonBG.x+5;
                moreInfoButtonText.y = moreInfoButtonBG.y-30;
                moreInfoButtonText.embedFonts = true;
                moreInfoButtonText.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
                moreInfoButtonText.sharpness = -400;
                moreInfoButtonText.thickness = -200;
                moreInfoButtonText.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT;
                moreInfoButtonText.wordWrap = true;
                moreInfoButtonText.multiline = false;
              //ADD CHILD
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    Please Assist.

    write both the actions at the same time
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    After much pain with this issue, I'm going to ask for help.
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    I don't have divs that are a pixel off and whatnot. This happens even when I have a blank site and I test it (as seen in the example pic below).
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    View site on browsers and iOS devices it generally plays by the rules (although not always, there are some movement going on). When viewing this example text and div on an android device, the text resizes larger. This results in the text overlapping the div and moving EVERYTHING below it down. This makes it impossible to tightly design anything for a website.
    I know Android has options within it for users to set text viewing size, but this worthless from a web designer standpoint. That is something I can't control.
    Example 2:
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    Example 2.5:
    I take that same text from example 2, copy it into 2 of the same size text fields. They are placed next to each other, taking up the same width as Example 2. It now looks like 2 columns of text. Set the typeface to 15 again. I view it on Android and get the resizing issues from example 1 not example 2. It's noting to the extent of example 2 but like example 1, it still changes enough to ruins any design I'm trying to accomplish.
    Is there any place in Muse to lock the text? I don't want to make the text into an image (obviously).
    I been dealing with this in Muse for 6 months and haven't been able to find anything online or in forums about. I understand with the bevy of platforms out there nothing will look the same across the board, but right now I don't see how I can continue working with this issue.
    Am I the only one dealing with this?
    Thank you for any assistance.

    Welcome to the annoying realities of working with text on websites... Nothing you describe is unique to Muse.
    Every browser has it's own text engine and thus each line breaks text differently. Even the exact same web page on the same computer with the same fonts will sometimes result in different line breaks in different browsers, or even in different versions of the same browser. It's just a side effect of the nature of determining a line break, where even the most miniscule difference in calculations can result in an entire word fitting, or not fitting.
    There are two "tools" that are especially important to understand and use effectively in order to create designs that work as effectively as possible with the variation in line breaks from one site viewer to the next.
    Text Frame Height Always Matters
    If a text frame is drawn to the exact height of the text wthin the frame, then any increase in the number of lines of text due to changes in line breaks will result in the text frame growing and other objects below the text frame being moved down.
    If a text frame is drawn larger than the height of the text then when line breaks change the text frame won't grow unless the changes in line breaks are severe enough to result in the flowed text being taller than the text frame was originally drawn.
    If you resize a text frame smaller than the text within the frame in Muse Design view, the frame will snap back to be large enough to accommodate the text, but a dotted horizontal line will appear within the text frame indicating the "minimum height" for the text frame. If line breaks change in the browser the text frame will grow or shrink in height down to the minimum height indicated by this dotted line.
    Careful sizing of text frames can go a long way to creating a design that will continue to work well even when line breaks, and thus text frame heights change.
    Grouping Has Consequences
    As part of the output process, Muse collections the objects you've drawn into a hierarchy of horizontal groupings, vertical groupings, or stacks. When line breaks change in different browsers and text frames change height, when the text frames are located in this output heirarchy determines what impact the change in height has on other objects (if any).
    For example, if you have a layout that looks like a 2x2 grid of text frames, by default Muse will interpret it to act as two colums. So if the first text frame gets taller it will push the text frame below it down, but won't impact the location of the two text frames in the second column.
    If that's not the behavior you want, the way to tell Muse to treat things differently would be to group the two items in the first "row". This would cause the top to to be treated as a horizontal group. If anything in the group grows taller than the group, the group resizes taller and pushes the objects below it down. Thus if the top to items are grouped, if either one of them grows taller than the group it would push both the text frames below downward.
    The 2x2 grid is just a simple example of the concept. In most cases you don't have to do anything special to get the behavior you want, but it is important to understand grouping has this ramification. Grouping an arbitrary set of objects on your page can result in undesired behavior when text frames resize in the browser.
    For the Andriod screenshot you've provided, I don't have an immediate explanation. For us to explain what's shown we need to know the exact browser, browser version, Android version and device the screenshot is for. It would also be immensely helpful to have the URL for the page, so we can attempt to reproduce what you're seeing and view the exact code involved.

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    Try this page - it does the job for you:
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    Should I post this in the PDF forums?

    Basically, you need to create a pdf form.
    Add a text field to your form.
    There you can choose which font your want the text to appear in.
    The trick is, when you export from InDesign, in the "Advanced Tab" — set "Subset fonts when percentage…" to 0%, so the whole font embeds.'
    I believe there's an option in Acrobat to embed the font as well, but I'm not recalling what it it.
    But that will ensure the font appears correctly.

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    Please refer to your original topic (Text Layer not Visible.) instead of posting a new topic.

Maybe you are looking for