JTree custom renderer setting selection background color problem

I have a JTree with a custom icon renderer that displays an icon. The JTree is part of a TreeTable component. Iam having a problem setting the selection background uniformly for the entire row. There is no problem when there is no row selected in the JTable.
My present code looks like this:
Iam overriding paint in my renderer which extends DefaultCellRenderer.
        Color bColor = null;
        if(!m_selected) {
             if(currRow % 2 == 0) {
                  bColor = Color.WHITE;
             } else {
                                                bColor = backColor;
        } else {
             bColor = table.getSelectionBackground();                  bColor = getRowSelectionColor();
     if(bColor != null) {
         if(!m_selected) {
               g.setXORMode(new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
         } else {
             g.setXORMode(new Color(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
              I have a color I arrive at using some algorithm that I want using method getRowSelectionColor(). The other cells in the row have this color. But the cell containing the tree node shows different color. Iam not able to arrive at the right combination of the color to set and the xor color so my tree node also looks like the other cells in the row.
It is not a problem really as the table still looks good. Its just that the tree node looks like it has been highlighted and this might cause a problem when a table cell is highlighed later on in the application ( two cells in the row would be highlighted causing confusion).
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Camickr,
Thanks for the reply. Iam sorry I didn't include the sources the first time around. There were too many of them. I have created a small, self-contained, compilable program that demonstrates the problem and including it herewith. Still there's quite many files but they are all needed Iam afraid. The only one you will have to concern yourself fior this problem is the file IconRenderer.java. The treenode background and the other cells background are not in sync when table row is not selected in this example though. But they are in my real program. I just need them to be in sync i.e have the same background color when the row is selected.
Your help would be very much appreciated.
These are the files that are included below:
1. AbstractTreeTableModel.java
2. Bookmarks.java
3. BookmarksModel.java
4. DynamicTreeTableModel.java
5. IconRenderer.java
6. IndicatorRenderer.java
7. JTreeTable.java
8. TreeTableExample3.java (contains main)
9. TreeTableModel.java
10. TreeTableModelAdapter.java
The copyright and javadocs information has been stripped for clarity.
// AbstractTreeTableModel.java BEGIN
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public abstract class AbstractTreeTableModel implements TreeTableModel {
    protected Object root;    
    protected EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList();
    public AbstractTreeTableModel(Object root) {
        this.root = root;
    // Default implementations for methods in the TreeModel interface.
    public Object getRoot() {
        return root;
    public boolean isLeaf(Object node) {
        return getChildCount(node) == 0;
    public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object newValue) {}
    // This is not called in the JTree's default mode:
    // use a naive implementation.
    public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) {
        for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(parent); i++) {
         if (getChild(parent, i).equals(child)) {
             return i;
     return -1;
    public void addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) {
        listenerList.add(TreeModelListener.class, l);
    public void removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) {
        listenerList.remove(TreeModelListener.class, l);
    protected void fireTreeNodesChanged(Object source, Object[] path,
                                        int[] childIndices,
                                        Object[] children) {
        // Guaranteed to return a non-null array
        Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
        TreeModelEvent e = null;
        // Process the listeners last to first, notifying
        // those that are interested in this event
        for (int i = listeners.length-2; i>=0; i-=2) {
            if (listeners==TreeModelListener.class) {
// Lazily create the event:
if (e == null)
e = new TreeModelEvent(source, path,
childIndices, children);
protected void fireTreeNodesInserted(Object source, Object[] path,
int[] childIndices,
Object[] children) {
// Guaranteed to return a non-null array
Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
TreeModelEvent e = null;
// Process the listeners last to first, notifying
// those that are interested in this event
for (int i = listeners.length-2; i>=0; i-=2) {
if (listeners[i]==TreeModelListener.class) {
// Lazily create the event:
if (e == null)
e = new TreeModelEvent(source, path,
childIndices, children);
protected void fireTreeNodesRemoved(Object source, Object[] path,
int[] childIndices,
Object[] children) {
// Guaranteed to return a non-null array
Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
TreeModelEvent e = null;
// Process the listeners last to first, notifying
// those that are interested in this event
for (int i = listeners.length-2; i>=0; i-=2) {
if (listeners[i]==TreeModelListener.class) {
// Lazily create the event:
if (e == null)
e = new TreeModelEvent(source, path,
childIndices, children);
protected void fireTreeStructureChanged(Object source, Object[] path,
int[] childIndices,
Object[] children) {
// Guaranteed to return a non-null array
Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
TreeModelEvent e = null;
// Process the listeners last to first, notifying
// those that are interested in this event
for (int i = listeners.length-2; i>=0; i-=2) {
if (listeners[i]==TreeModelListener.class) {
// Lazily create the event:
if (e == null)
e = new TreeModelEvent(source, path,
childIndices, children);
// Default impelmentations for methods in the TreeTableModel interface.
public Class getColumnClass(int column) { return Object.class; }
public boolean isCellEditable(Object node, int column) {
return getColumnClass(column) == TreeTableModel.class;
public void setValueAt(Object aValue, Object node, int column) {}
// Left to be implemented in the subclass:
* public Object getChild(Object parent, int index)
* public int getChildCount(Object parent)
* public int getColumnCount()
* public String getColumnName(Object node, int column)
* public Object getValueAt(Object node, int column)
// AbstractTreeTableModel.java END
// Bookmarks.java BEGIN
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.parser.*;
public class Bookmarks {
/** The root node the bookmarks are added to. */
private BookmarkDirectory root;
* Creates a new Bookmarks object, with the entries coming from
* <code>path</code>.
public Bookmarks(String path) {
     root = new BookmarkDirectory("Bookmarks");
     if (path != null) {
* Returns the root of the bookmarks.
public BookmarkDirectory getRoot() {
     return root;
protected void parse(String path) {
     try {
     BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader
     new ParserDelegator().parse(reader, new CallbackHandler(), true);
     catch (IOException ioe) {
     System.out.println("IOE: " + ioe);
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Load Bookmarks",
                         "Unable to load bookmarks",
private static final short NO_ENTRY = 0;
private static final short BOOKMARK_ENTRY = 2;
private static final short DIRECTORY_ENTRY = 3;
private class CallbackHandler extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback {
     /** Parent node that new entries are added to. */
     private BookmarkDirectory parent;
     /** The most recently parsed tag. */
     private HTML.Tag tag;
     /** The last tag encountered. */
     private HTML.Tag lastTag;
     * The state, will be one of NO_ENTRY, DIRECTORY_ENTRY,
     private short state;
     * Date for the next BookmarkDirectory node.
     private Date parentDate;
     * The values from the attributes are placed in here. When the
     * text is encountered this is added to the node hierarchy and a
* new instance is created.
     private BookmarkEntry lastBookmark;
     * Creates the CallbackHandler.
     public CallbackHandler() {
     parent = root;
     lastBookmark = new BookmarkEntry();
     // HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback methods
     * Invoked when text in the html document is encountered. Based on
     * the current state, this will either: do nothing
* (state == NO_ENTRY),
     * create a new BookmarkEntry (state == BOOKMARK_ENTRY) or
* create a new
     * BookmarkDirectory (state == DIRECTORY_ENTRY). If state is
* != NO_ENTRY, it is reset to NO_ENTRY after this is
* invoked.
public void handleText(char[] data, int pos) {
     switch (state) {
     case NO_ENTRY:
          // URL.
          lastBookmark.setName(new String(data));
lastBookmark = new BookmarkEntry();
          // directory.
          BookmarkDirectory newParent = new
               BookmarkDirectory(new String(data));
          parent = newParent;
state = NO_ENTRY;
     * Invoked when a start tag is encountered. Based on the tag
     * this may update the BookmarkEntry and state, or update the
     * parentDate.
     public void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a,
                    int pos) {
     lastTag = tag;
     tag = t;
     if (t == HTML.Tag.A && lastTag == HTML.Tag.DT) {
long lDate;
          // URL
          URL url;
          try {
          url = new URL((String)a.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF));
          } catch (MalformedURLException murle) {
          url = null;
          // created
          Date date;
          try {
lDate = Long.parseLong((String)a.getAttribute("add_date"));
if (lDate != 0l) {
date = new Date(1000l * lDate);
else {
date = null;
          } catch (Exception ex) {
          date = null;
          // last visited
          try {
lDate = Long.parseLong((String)a.
if (lDate != 0l) {
date = new Date(1000l * lDate);
else {
date = null;
          } catch (Exception ex) {
          date = null;
          state = BOOKMARK_ENTRY;
     else if (t == HTML.Tag.H3 && lastTag == HTML.Tag.DT) {
          // new node.
          try {
          parentDate = new Date(1000l * Long.parseLong((String)a.
          } catch (Exception ex) {
          parentDate = null;
          state = DIRECTORY_ENTRY;
     * Invoked when the end of a tag is encountered. If the tag is
     * a DL, this will set the node that parents are added to the current
     * nodes parent.
     public void handleEndTag(HTML.Tag t, int pos) {
     if (t == HTML.Tag.DL && parent != null) {
          parent = (BookmarkDirectory)parent.getParent();
public static class BookmarkDirectory extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
     /** Dates created. */
     private Date created;
     public BookmarkDirectory(String name) {
     public void setName(String name) {
     public String getName() {
     return (String)getUserObject();
     public void setCreated(Date date) {
     this.created = date;
     public Date getCreated() {
     return created;
public static class BookmarkEntry extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
     /** User description of the string. */
     private String name;
     /** The URL the bookmark represents. */
     private URL location;
     /** Dates the URL was last visited. */
     private Date lastVisited;
     /** Date the URL was created. */
     private Date created;
     public void setName(String name) {
     this.name = name;
     public String getName() {
     return name;
     public void setLocation(URL location) {
     this.location = location;
     public URL getLocation() {
     return location;
     public void setLastVisited(Date date) {
     lastVisited = date;
     public Date getLastVisited() {
     return lastVisited;
     public void setCreated(Date date) {
     this.created = date;
     public Date getCreated() {
     return created;
     public String toString() {
     return getName();
// Bookmarks.java END
// BookmarksModel.java BEGIN
import java.util.Date;
public class BookmarksModel extends DynamicTreeTableModel {
* Names of the columns.
private static final String[] columnNames =
{ "Name", "Location", "Last Visited", "Created" };
* Method names used to access the data to display.
private static final String[] methodNames =
{ "getName", "getLocation", "getLastVisited","getCreated" };
* Method names used to set the data.
private static final String[] setterMethodNames =
{ "setName", "setLocation", "setLastVisited","setCreated" };
private static final Class[] classes =
{ TreeTableModel.class, String.class, Date.class, Date.class };
public BookmarksModel(Bookmarks.BookmarkDirectory root) {
     super(root, columnNames, methodNames, setterMethodNames, classes);
public boolean isCellEditable(Object node, int column) {
     switch (column) {
     case 0:
     // Allow editing of the name, as long as not the root.
     return (node != getRoot());
     case 1:
     // Allow editing of the location, as long as not a
     // directory
     return (node instanceof Bookmarks.BookmarkEntry);
     // Don't allow editing of the date fields.
     return false;
// BookmarksModel.java END
// DynamicTreeTableModel.java BEGIN
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
public class DynamicTreeTableModel extends AbstractTreeTableModel {
/** Names of the columns, used for the TableModel getColumnName method. */
private String[] columnNames;
private String[] methodNames;
private String[] setterMethodNames;
/** Column classes, used for the TableModel method getColumnClass. */
private Class[] cTypes;
public DynamicTreeTableModel(TreeNode root, String[] columnNames,
                    String[] getterMethodNames,
                    String[] setterMethodNames,
                    Class[] cTypes) {
     this.columnNames = columnNames;
     this.methodNames = getterMethodNames;
     this.setterMethodNames = setterMethodNames;
     this.cTypes = cTypes;
public int getChildCount(Object node) {
     return ((TreeNode)node).getChildCount();
public Object getChild(Object node, int i) {
     return ((TreeNode)node).getChildAt(i);
public boolean isLeaf(Object node) {
     return ((TreeNode)node).isLeaf();
public int getColumnCount() {
     return columnNames.length;
public String getColumnName(int column) {
     if (cTypes == null || column < 0 || column >= cTypes.length) {
     return null;
     return columnNames[column];
public Class getColumnClass(int column) {
     if (cTypes == null || column < 0 || column >= cTypes.length) {
     return null;
     return cTypes[column];
public Object getValueAt(Object node, int column) {
     try {
     Method method = node.getClass().getMethod(methodNames[column],
     if (method != null) {
          return method.invoke(node, null);
     catch (Throwable th) {}
     return null;
* Returns true if there is a setter method name for column
* <code>column</code>. This is set in the constructor.
public boolean isCellEditable(Object node, int column) {
return (setterMethodNames != null &&
     setterMethodNames[column] != null);
// Note: This looks up the methods each time! This is rather inefficient;
// it should really be changed to cache matching
// methods/constructors
// based on <code>node</code>'s class, and code>aValue</code>'s
public void setValueAt(Object aValue, Object node, int column) {
     boolean found = false;
     try {
     // We have to search through all the methods since the
     // types may not match up.
     Method[] methods = node.getClass().getMethods();
     for (int counter = methods.length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) {
          if (methods[counter].getName().equals
          (setterMethodNames[column]) && methods[counter].
          getParameterTypes() != null && methods[counter].
          getParameterTypes().length == 1) {
          // We found a matching method
          Class param = methods[counter].getParameterTypes()[0];
          if (!param.isInstance(aValue)) {
               // Yes, we can use the value passed in directly,
               // no coercision is necessary!
               if (aValue instanceof String &&
               ((String)aValue).length() == 0) {
               // Assume an empty string is null, this is
               // probably bogus for here.
               aValue = null;
               else {
               // Have to attempt some sort of coercision.
               // See if the expected parameter type has
               // a constructor that takes a String.
               Constructor cs = param.getConstructor
               (new Class[] { String.class });
               if (cs != null) {
                    aValue = cs.newInstance(new Object[]
                                   { aValue });
               else {
                    aValue = null;
          // null either means it was an empty string, or there
          // was no translation. Could potentially deal with these
          // differently.
          methods[counter].invoke(node, new Object[] { aValue });
          found = true;
     } catch (Throwable th) {
     System.out.println("exception: " + th);
     if (found) {
     // The value changed, fire an event to notify listeners.
     TreeNode parent = ((TreeNode)node).getParent();
     fireTreeNodesChanged(this, getPathToRoot(parent),
                    new int[] { getIndexOfChild(parent, node) },
                    new Object[] { node });
public TreeNode[] getPathToRoot(TreeNode aNode) {
return getPathToRoot(aNode, 0);
private TreeNode[] getPathToRoot(TreeNode aNode, int depth) {
TreeNode[] retNodes;
     // This method recurses, traversing towards the root in order
     // size the array. On the way back, it fills in the nodes,
     // starting from the root and working back to the original node.
/* Check for null, in case someone passed in a null node, or
they passed in an element that isn't rooted at root. */
if(aNode == null) {
if(depth == 0)
return null;
retNodes = new TreeNode[depth];
else {
if(aNode == root)
retNodes = new TreeNode[depth];
retNodes = getPathToRoot(aNode.getParent(), depth);
retNodes[retNodes.length - depth] = aNode;
return retNodes;
// DynamicTreeTableModel.java END
// IconRenderer.java BEGIN
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI;
class IconRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer
// Color backColor = new Color(0xD0, 0xCC, 0xFF);
Color backColor = new Color(0xF0, 0xF0, 0xE0);
String tipText = "";
JTree tree;
int currRow = 0;
boolean m_selected;
JTable table;
public IconRenderer(JTree tree, JTable table) {
this.table = table;
// setBackground(backColor);
     this.tree = tree;
public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value,
boolean selected,
boolean expanded, boolean leaf,
int row, boolean hasFocus) {
     Object node = null;
tree, value, selected,
expanded, leaf, row,
     TreePath treePath = tree.getPathForRow(row);
if(treePath != null)
          node = treePath.getLastPathComponent();
currRow = row;
m_selected = selected;
DefaultMutableTreeNode itc = null;
if (node instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) {
itc = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)node;
return this;
/* Override the default to send back different strings for folders and leaves. */
public String getToolTipText() {
return tipText;
* Paints the value. The background is filled based on selected.
public void paint(Graphics g) {
     Color bColor = null;
     if(!m_selected) {
          System.out.println(" iconren not sel currRow " + currRow);
          if(currRow % 2 == 0) {
               bColor = Color.WHITE;
          } else {
          bColor = backColor;
     } else {
          bColor = table.getSelectionBackground();
          System.out.println("in else selbg = " + bColor);           
          bColor = new Color(0xF0, 0xCC, 0x92);
          System.out.println(" bColor aft = " + bColor);           
     int imageOffset = -1;
     if(bColor != null) {
     imageOffset = getLabelStart();
     if(!m_selected) {
          System.out.println(" not sel setting white ");
          g.setXORMode(new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
     } else {
//          g.setXORMode(new Color(0xCC, 0xCC, 0x9F));
          g.setXORMode(new Color(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
          System.out.println(" using color = " + g.getColor());           
     if(getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight()) {
     g.fillRect(imageOffset, 0, getWidth() - 1 - imageOffset,
     } else {
     g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth() - 1 - imageOffset,
private int getLabelStart() {
     Icon currentI = getIcon();
     if(currentI != null && getText() != null) {
     return currentI.getIconWidth() + Math.max(0, getIconTextGap() - 1);
     return 0;
// IconRenderer.java END
// IndicatorRenderer.java BEGIN
// import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.EventObject;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Arrays;
class IndicatorRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
/** Makes sure the number of displayed in an internationalized
* manner. */
protected NumberFormat formatter;
/** Row that is currently being painted. */
protected int lastRow;
protected int reloadRow;
protected int reloadCounter;
protected TreeTableModel treeTableModel;
protected TreeTableModelAdapter treeTblAdapter;
protected JTable table;
Component renderer = null;
Color backColor = new Color(0xF0, 0xF0, 0xE0);
IndicatorRenderer(TreeTableModelAdapter treeTblAdapter, TreeTableModel treeTableModel) {
     setFont(new Font("serif", Font.BOLD, 12));
     this.treeTableModel = treeTableModel;
     this.treeTblAdapter = treeTblAdapter;
* Invoked as part of DefaultTableCellRenderers implemention. Sets
* the text of the label.
public void setValue(Object value) {
/* setText((value == null) ? "---" : formatter.format(value)); */
     setText((value == null) ? "---" : (String) value.toString());
* Returns this.
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table,
Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
int row, int column) {
     renderer = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected,
hasFocus, row, column);
     lastRow = row;
     this.table = table;
          if(isSelected) {
               doMask(hasFocus, isSelected);
          } else
return renderer;
* If the row being painted is also being reloaded this will draw
* a little indicator.
public void paint(Graphics g) {
private void doMask(boolean hasFocus, boolean selected) {
          maskBackground(hasFocus, selected);
private void maskBackground(boolean hasFocus, boolean selected) {
          Color seed = null;
          seed = table.getSelectionBackground();
          Color color = seed;
          if (color != null) {
new Color(0xF0, 0xCC, 0x92));
// IndicatorRenderer.java END
// JTreeTable.java BEGIN
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.EventObject;
public class JTreeTable extends JTable {
/** A subclass of JTree. */
protected TreeTableCellRenderer tree;
protected IndicatorRenderer indicatorRenderer = null;
public JTreeTable(TreeTableModel treeTableModel) {
     // Creates the tree. It will be used as a renderer and editor.
     tree = new TreeTableCellRenderer(treeTableModel);
     TreeTableModelAdapter tdap = new TreeTableModelAdapter(treeTableModel, tree);
     // Installs a tableModel representing the visible rows in the tree.
     // Forces the JTable and JTree to share their row selection models.
     ListToTreeSelectionModelWrapper selectionWrapper = new
     // Installs the tree editor renderer and editor.
     setDefaultRenderer(TreeTableModel.class, tree);
     setDefaultEditor(TreeTableModel.class, new TreeTableCellEditor());
     indicatorRenderer = new IndicatorRenderer(tdap, treeTableModel);     
     // No grid.
     // No intercell spacing
     setIntercellSpacing(new Dimension(0, 0));     
     // And update the height of the trees row to match that of
     // the table.
     //if (tree.getRowHeight() < 1) {
     // Metal looks better like this.
public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int col) {
          if(col == 0)
          return tree;
          return indicatorRenderer;     
public void updateUI() {
     if(tree != null) {
     // Do this so that the editor is referencing the current renderer
     // from the tree. The renderer can potentially change each time
     // laf changes.
     setDefaultEditor(TreeTableModel.class, new TreeTableCellEditor());
     // Use the tree's default foreground and background colors in the
     // table.
LookAndFeel.installColorsAndFont(this, "Tree.background",
"Tree.foreground", "Tree.font");
public int getEditingRow() {
return (getColumnClass(editingColumn) == TreeTableModel.class) ? -1 :
private int realEditingRow() {
     return editingRow;
public void sizeColumnsToFit(int resizingColumn) {
     if (getEditingColumn() != -1 && getColumnClass(editingColumn) ==
     TreeTableModel.class) {
     Rectangle cellRect = getCellRect(realEditingRow(),
                         getEditingColumn(), false);
Component component = getEditorComponent();
public void setRowHeight(int rowHeight) {
     if (tree != null && tree.getRowHeight() != rowHeight) {
public JTree getTree() {
     return tree;
public boolean editCellAt(int row, int column, EventObject e){
     boolean retValue = super.editCellAt(row, column, e);
     if (retValue && getColumnClass(column) == TreeTableModel.class) {
     repaint(getCellRect(row, column, false));
     return retValue;
public class TreeTableCellRenderer extends JTree implements
     TableCellRenderer {
     /** Last table/tree row asked to renderer. */
     protected int visibleRow;
     /** Border to draw around the tree, if this is non-null, it will
     * be painted. */
     protected Border highlightBorder;
     public TreeTableCellRenderer(Tr

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    My input TextField has a black background. The problem is,
    when some text is enter and then selected, the selection background
    color remains black and the selected text remains white. Because of
    this it's imposible to tell that the text has been selected. Is
    there a way to change the selection background color, or do I
    really have to write a custom textfield? :(

    Yes, I do have an additional attribute called "identity" which is set to the original table where it came from. The problem is that I do not know how to check for it in my renderer. I will post my renderer code here
    public class myTableRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer{
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table,Object value,boolean isSelected,boolean hasFocus,int row,int column) {
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    if ( value != null ) {
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    String val = value.toString();
    if ( val.compareTo("DisplayKnown") == 0 ) {
    } // end if value not null
    return component;
    } // end mytablerenderer
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    class PackageTreeRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer {
         public PackageTreeRenderer() {
         public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree t,Object value,boolean sel,boolean expanded,boolean leaf,int row,boolean hasFocus) {
              DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) value;
              Object obj = node.getUserObject();
              if(obj instanceof String) {
                   String name = (String) obj;
              if(obj instanceof ResultPackageInterface) {
                   ResultPackageInterface rpi = (ResultPackageInterface) obj;
                   String name = "Name";
                   try {
                        name = rpi.getDescription();
                   catch(RemoteException ex) {
              if(leaf) {
              else {
                   if(expanded) {
                   else {
              return this;
    }Hope someone can help.

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone but I got it working. Instead of extending DefaultTreeCellRenderer it works if I extend JLabel and implement TreeCellRenderer. Here's my code for future reference:
    class PackageTreeRenderer extends JLabel implements TreeCellRenderer {
         public PackageTreeRenderer() {
         public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree t,Object value,boolean sel,boolean expanded,boolean leaf,int row,boolean hasFocus) {
              DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) value;
              Object obj = node.getUserObject();
              if(obj instanceof String) {
                   String name = (String) obj;
              if(obj instanceof ResultPackageInterface) {
                   ResultPackageInterface rpi = (ResultPackageInterface) obj;
                   String name = "Name";
                   try {
                        name = rpi.getDescription();
                   catch(RemoteException ex) {
              if(leaf) {
              else {
              if(expanded) {
              else {
              if(sel) {
              else {
              return this;

  • Dynamically Set Subreport Background Color to the Same Value as Main Report Background Color

    I have a report that contains a subreport.  The main report has groupings in it.  I am dynamically setting the background color of the group rows based on an expression.  That part is working fine.  The problem that I am having is that
    I don't know how to get the subreport to "inherit" the background color of the grouping that holds it.
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    How do I go about setting the subreport background color to equal it's contaiing grouping's background color?  Thanks in advance for any and all assistance provided.

    The parameter method given by gpshukla will send the info to the subreport, but you don't need the color parameter in the main report, only the subreport. The trick is in setting the value of that parameter.
    Right-click the cell with the embedded subreport, you can select subreport properties.
    Select Parameters and add a parameter.
    The name column is the name of the parameter in the subreport (color) and value is the value to set it to.
    Set name to "color" (no quotes).
    Set Value to the same expression used to set the background color for the row.
    In the subreport, click the design surface to select the report (not header or footer).
    In the properties pane, select background color and choose expression from the dropdown.
    Type =Parameters!color.Value into the expression builder.
    This will work assuming that background color in the main report row will not change without also refreshing the subreport.
    "You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek." -
    Blind Seer, O Brother Where Art Thou
    Please Mark posts as answers or helpful so that others may find the fortune they seek.

  • How to set a background color to view

    Hi All,
              i creared a view with 2 textboxes and a button.These elements are in TransparentContainer.I set the background color to the TransparentContainer.By setting color to the TransparentContainer it is comming at the center and the 4 sides of it is displaying in the normal background color of the browser
    i didnt find any color options for the view called RootUIElementContainer.the width and height of the view are setted to the browser means 1024*768.
    Just like sap editor which we get by the link https://www.sdn.sap.com i want to get my view .....
    I want to set color to this RootUIElementContainer element which effect the whole view...not the containers or groups which i add under this RootUIElementContainer
    Padma N

    hi Padma,
    For changing the background colour you will have to make the change in the theme.
    You can download the theme editor plugin for eclipse from SDN. With this plugin, you can make changes to the default themes , save as a new theme
    Or if you are using portal, then goto system administrator, theme editor, select SAP Streamline and change the color in Screen areas -> application, then save the theme with different name.
    Best regards,

  • How to set the Background Color of a Text Field in a Tabular Report.

    I tried to set the Background Color of a Text Field in a Tabular Report.
    But I was not able to change this colur.
    In the report attributes --> column attributes
    I tried already:
    1. Column Formating -- >CSS Style (bgcolor: red)
    2. Tabular Form Element --> Element Attributes (bgcolor: red)
    but nothing worked.
    Can anybody help me?
    I Use Oracle Apex 2.2.1 on 10gR2
    thank you in advance.

    in "Report Attributes" select the column to move to the "Column Attributes" page. In the "Element Attributes" field under the "Tabular Form Element" region enter
    I will also check if there is a way to do this via the template and post here again
    in your template definition, above the template, enter the following:
    < STYLE TYPE="text/css" >
    .class INPUT {background-color:red;}
    < /STYLE >
    (remove the spaces after the < and before the >)
    change "class" to the class that the template is calling
    (I'm using theme 9, the table has: class="t9GCCReportsStyle1" so I would enter t9GCCReportsStyle1)
    A side-effect of using this second version is that ALL input types will have a red background color--checkboxes, input boxes, etc.
    Message was edited by:

  • How to set selected text color in Spark TextInput

    I'm trying to make Spark TextInputs and MXFTETextInputs look like Halo/MX TextInputs as much as possible, since I have a mix of both Spark and MX TextInputs in my application. I know I can set the
    selection background color to black using focusedTextSelectionColor. How can I set the selected text color to white so it matches the MX white-on-black look?

    This works, if you set the enabled property directly on the s:TextInput:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            <s:VerticalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" />
            <s:CheckBox id="ch" label="enabled" selected="true" />
            @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
            @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";
            s|TextInput:disabled {
                color: red;
            <s:TextInput id="ti" text="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" enabled="{ch.selected}" />
    It can get a bit trickier when you're setting the enabled property on a parent container, since (I believe) that the child control's enabled properties are still set to true and just the container is disabled. One possible workaround would be to bind the child TextInput control's enabled property to the container's enabled property. That way the s:TextInput should still go to it's disabled state and you can customize the disabled state's styles to have darker text, or whatever else you want.
    <s:Group id="gr" enabled="{ch.selected}">
        <s:TextInput id="ti" text="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" enabled="{gr.enabled}" />

  • How do I set the background color of a page_item?

    I've been pasting "background-color:#5CD65C" in a number of places, like "HTML Table Cell Attributes" under the Label and the Element tabs, but get no results. Can anyone tell me how to set the background color of a cell, please?

    Hi Doug,
    Dynamic Actions is an alternative also, especially if it is conditional.
    Action Set Style
    Fire When Event Result Is True
    Style Name background-color
    Value #5CD65C
    Selection Type DOM Object
    DOM Object your item name
    Set your Condition Type and you have it.
    Edited by: jwellsnh on May 24, 2011 3:55 PM

  • Can I invoke a SubVI in an event? and how do I set the background color of a pipe to #0000ff?

    When I click an image or a glass pipe(which belongs to Industry/Chesmitry category in palette), I want a SubVI to be invoked.
    The purpose is to fetch an OPC-UA data from a web service and to write to it via the service.
    We are building an HMI solution which displays an interactive water plant diagram.
    When users click pipes and motors in the diagram, clicked devices should be turned on and off and change their animations or colors accordingly.
    OPC-UA is for communication with devices.
    I couldn't even set the background color of a pipe to "#0000ff", but setting it to "Red" or "Blue" was possible, and I don't know how to invoke SubVIs in event scripts.
    The documentations in NI.com are confusing and lack depth.
    Even silverlight references are confusing.
    How do I do all of these?

    Hi iCat,
    Can you provide some more information about your current implementation so that we can help to answer your questions. Some questions I have for you are:
    Are you creating this project in the NI LabVIEW Web UI Builder or in LabVIEW?
    How are you publishing your webservice? Is this also in LabVIEW?
    How is your webservice interacting with an OPC-UA server?
    How is the certification set up with OPC-UA so that you can communicate between the server and the client?
    Best Regards,
    Allison M.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How can I set the background color of JLabel?

    Can any one tell me how to set the background color of a JLabel?
    I have:
    JLabel prop = new JLabel("blahblah");
    Thank you in advance...

    JLabel prop = new JLabel("blahblah");

  • How 2 set the background color in j2me

    Can any body tell me how to set the background color to midlet.??

    if you are using Screen then you can call its setBackColor()
    or if you are using Canvas then you can call
    where g is the Graphics instance of Canvas,for further information consult documentation

  • UITableView: set different background colors for header and the table

    I would like to set my background color for my UITableView to white and set my tableViewHeader backgroundColor to grayColor similar to the facebook app. When I bounce scroll my table so that you can see above the header, then currently it is white above the header view. I want that to be brown instead.
    In the facebook app, above the headerview, it is a blue color and below the table is a white color. If i try and set the UITableView backgroundColor to brown, then the top will be brown, but so will the bottom. Additionally, all of the unset cells will have a brown background instead of white.
    Any help with this?


  • Setting JScrollPane background color.

    Does anybody know how to set what color appears in the background of a JScrollPane when the Component in the pane is smaller than the pane itself?
    In particular, I have a JTable in a JScrollPane, and when the pane is bigger than the table, the gray default background of the viewport looks weird behind the white background of the table.
    MyScrollPane.setBackground() doesn't do it, neither does MyScrollPane.getViewport().setBackground().
    Thanks in advance,

    This might explain some things, hope it helps...
    it's a cut and paste from the JScrollpane source....
    A common operation to want to do is to set the background color that will be used if the main viewport view is smaller than the viewport, or is not opaque. This can be accomplished by setting the background color
    of the viewport, via scrollPane.getViewport().setBackground().The reason for setting the color of the viewport and not the scrollpane is that by default JViewport is opaque which, among other things, means it will completely fill in its background using its background color. Therefore when <code>JScrollPane</code> draws its background the viewport will usually draw over it.

  • Why does the eyedropper tool set the background color swatch instead of the foreground?

    Whenever I try to use the eyedropper tool in Photoshop CS5, the eyedroper sets the background color instead of the foreground. I know you can swap the colors with the arrows, but Photoshop used to be able to just put the color in the foreground swatch without me doing any extra manual work. How do I restore it?

    Click on Windows and color.  There is a setting there to change from
    foreground to background.  The one with the box around it is the default setting.

  • Selection background color in 452 vs 447

    I am using a TextFlow with a SelectionManager.  I have not been able to track this down, but since switching from build 447 to 460 today, my selection background color does not change during a selection.  The selection works fine and it copies fine, but i do not see any visual indication that it is selecting.  I moved back to build 452, and that also has this issue.  Build 447 did not.  Looking at the changes from 447 to 452 (http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/textlayout/builds/changelog.html?452) doesn't give me any hints as to what I am doing wrong.  I tried out the SelectText sample in 460 and it works fine, so its not an inherit flaw in the selectionmanager, just something I am doing incorrectly or differently. 
    The code I am using is too interweaved with other code to post here, but does anyone know off hand of a change between 447 to 452 that could cause this issue?  I am going to try to take my code out and get it to break in a testbed and then slowly move back towards the most basic (ie: the example SelectText.as) and see if I can figure something out.
    Any help would be appreciated,

    I am using a TextFlow with a SelectionManager.  I have not been able to track this down, but since switching from build 447 to 460 today, my selection background color does not change during a selection.  The selection works fine and it copies fine, but i do not see any visual indication that it is selecting.  I moved back to build 452, and that also has this issue.  Build 447 did not.  Looking at the changes from 447 to 452 (http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/textlayout/builds/changelog.html?452) doesn't give me any hints as to what I am doing wrong.  I tried out the SelectText sample in 460 and it works fine, so its not an inherit flaw in the selectionmanager, just something I am doing incorrectly or differently. 
    The code I am using is too interweaved with other code to post here, but does anyone know off hand of a change between 447 to 452 that could cause this issue?  I am going to try to take my code out and get it to break in a testbed and then slowly move back towards the most basic (ie: the example SelectText.as) and see if I can figure something out.
    Any help would be appreciated,

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