JTreeTable / TreeModel question

Hi all,
I have two questions about JTrees and TreeModels.
I have an application which builds a TreeModel from an XML file, and displays it in a JTreeTable (see: http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/treetable1/). There are two panels to display an XML file. The XML file consists of parameters which all have a name and a value:
|- header
|  |- parameter1                value
|  |- parameter2                value
|  |- parameter3                value
|- data
   |- parameter1                value
   |   |- parameter1.1          value
   |   |- parameter1.2          value
   |- parameter2                value
   |   |- parameter2.1          value
   |- parameter3                value
   |- parameter4                valueNow I want to compare two nodes (one from both panels). The user can select a node on both panels to compare.
There are two tasks I want to implement:
1) I want to compare the parameters without taking into account the order in which they appear. A parameter is considered different when it has the same parent, the same name, but a different value.
2) I also want to separate those parameters which are unique for both trees (it doesn't appear in the other tree)
Thus, if I want to compare a node from jtree1, I first need to find a corresponding node in jtree2. If I can't find it, it is unique in jtree1, else I can compare the values and decide if they are the same. But how can I check for the corresponding node in jtree2?
There is also a second problem, how can I get the selected node from a JTreeTable? I tried with getSelectedIndex(), but when parameter1.1 is selected, the getSelectedIndex returns 7, while the root lement only has two child nodes... so getChildAt(index) will not work.

You can accomplish what you are looking to do through the use of something called model filtering. I have published an article on it on IBM's website at http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-filters/?dwzone=java.
I would direct you to the part that discusses 'exclusion filters' in particular. If you want to adapt this to the TreeModel architecture, it should be fairly simple.
Mitch Goldstein
Author, Hardcore JFC (Cambridge Univ Press)
[email protected]

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    It would appear that BasicTreeUI attempts to optimise its calls to getChildCount by trying to avoid calling until the node is expanded. However, once it's expanded a node it will happily continue calling getChildCount. Thus collapsing a node will still leave it thinking that it's safe to continue calling getChildCount to check whether an expand control is needed. Of course that's correct behaviour because the underlying model shouldn't have changed without firing an appropriate event.
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    copied below, input highly appreciated :-)
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        private JXList list;
        private JXTree tree;
        public SearchWorker(Enumeration enumer, JXList list, JXTree tree) {
            this.enumer = enumer;
            this.list = list;
            this.tree = tree;
        protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception {
            int count = 0;
            while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) {
                File file = (File) enumer.nextElement();
                if (match(file)) {
                if (count > 100){
                    count = 0;
            return null;
        protected void process(List<File> chunks) {
            for (File file : chunks) {
                ((DefaultListModel) list.getModel()).addElement(file);
                TreePath path = createPathToRoot(file);
        private TreePath createPathToRoot(File file) {
            boolean result = false;
            List<File> path = new LinkedList<File>();
            while(!result && file != null) {
                result = file.equals(tree.getModel().getRoot());
                path.add(0, file);
                file = file.getParentFile();
            return new TreePath(path.toArray());
        private boolean match(File file) {
            return file.getName().startsWith("c");
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        final JXTree tree = new JXTree(files);
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                SwingWorker worker = new SearchWorker(fileEnum, list, tree);
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                    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
                        if (evt.getNewValue() == SwingWorker.StateValue.DONE) {
                            //T.imeOut("search end ");
                            ((SwingWorker) evt.getSource()).removePropertyChangeListener(this);
                // T.imeOn("starting search ... ");
        addAction(frame, traverse);

    At the end of the day, it turned out that I asked the wrong question (or right question in a wrong context ;-): the "problem" arose by an assumed solution, the real task to solve is to support a hierarchical search algorithm (right now the AbstractSearchable is heavily skewed on linear search).
    Once that will solved, the next question might be how much a framework can do to support concrete hierarchical searchables. Given the variety of custom implementations of TreeModels, that's most probably possible only for the most simple.
    Some thoughts that came up in the discussions here and the other forums. In a concrete context, first measure if the traversal is slow: most in-memory models are lightning fast to traverse, nothing needs to be done except using the basic support.
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    - in a truly immutable and unmodifiable TreeModel we might get away with read-only access in a SwingWorker's background thread
    - the unmodifiable precondition is violated in lazy loading/deleting scenarios
    there might be a natural custom data structure which backs the model, which is effectively kind-of "detached" from the actual model which allows synchronization to that backing model (in both traversal and view model)
    - pass the actual search back to the database
    - use an wrapper on top of a given TreeModel which guarantees to access the underlying model on the EDT
    - "fake" background searching: actually do so in small-enough blocks on the EDT (f.i. in a Timer) so that the user doesn't notice any delay
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    Thanks for all the valuable input!

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    try to invoke reload(); on your treeModel ...
    i had this problem too only if the root is hided ...

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    Thank You

    Thank you for your reply.
    Are you adding nodes or just expanding the JTree?Adding nodes (I also want to delete nodes)
    I don't know how to do this by just implementing
    TreeModel. This is using DefaultTreeModel.Yeah, I really don't want to use DefaultTreeModel because I would have to wrap my data objects as TreeNodes. Since my data objects are already in a tree structure, implementing TreeModel is much cleaner.
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    To install javascripts in Bridge go to the app preferences and select startup scripts from the list…
    You will then see a button if you click that your folder is revealed… Just pop them in that and restart the app…
    You may be prompted to add new at restart of the app…

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    I want to know
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    2-Whether we have to use only TreeModel for value binding or any other wrapper class.
    Thanks Kishan Das.

    Apologies for the late reply, but currently what exists generally for MyFaces integration with Creator is on this blog:
    You might also want to post the same question on the nbusers alias on netbeans.org, referencing Visual Web Pack
    -Brad Mayer

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    Oh gads... don't do the static thing. The horrors of global variables... will some people never learn.
    Use an Action to construct your menu item that essentially calls a method in some controller class when it's action is triggered.
    Have the controller class that owns the tree (and underlying tree model). The controller will also own the dialog. When the dialog displays, it captures some input. When the dialog is dismissed, the controller will get the return value from the dialog (canceled, etc.) and then get the relevant other data input from the dialog.
    Given the data from the dialog, the controller class will update the tree/treemodel as needed.
    Your menu item (action) should have no knowledge of your tree. Your dialog should have no knowledge of the tree. If you are going to lengths to pass references around, change your approach. Think about where it makes sense for things to reference each other, if it feels odd, look for another way. :-)
    The static suggestions are from lazy programmers who should go back to visual basic and leave the object oriented stuff to us professionals. :-)

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    why did Java designers make it this difficult ? do people say this is something bad about Java ?
    when i learned about the Layout Managers that Java provides i found out how much code one have to write just to create a simple form ,my question to the experienced java developers : what do you do to create a form , do you hard code it ? , or do you use something like GUI Builder in an IDE like NetBeans for example? and is the code generated by this builder easy to deal with and modify ?
    Thanks ....

    HeavenBoy wrote:
    Hello , im new to Java , i find kinda weird how Java creates Forms , its pretty simple in Oracle Forms ,
    why did Java designers make it this difficult ? do people say this is something bad about Java ?Some Oracle Forms fans certainly do. But the truth is that Oracle Forms application tie down all the components in fixed pixels. The typical Swing form can be resized and can function at different screen resolutions. So, when designing a Java form, we don't tend to work on a fixed grid but define the sizes and positions relative to other components. What's more the interface between the form elements and the data is completely flexible, and flexibility means extra effort.
    when i learned about the Layout Managers that Java provides i found out how much code one have to write just to create a simple form ,my question to the experienced java developers : what do you do to create a form , do you hard code it ? , or do you use something like GUI Builder in an IDE like NetBeans for example? and is the code generated by this builder easy to deal with and modify ?
    Most I've tried have been a bit of a straitjacket, but I've recently been using the latest Netbeans offering and it's pretty good. I think the breakthrough was the introduction of the GroupLayout layout manager. This is a layout manager really designed for WYSIWYG form designers (pretty challenging to use hand coded).
    The way these things work is that the class generated contains some methods which cannot be edited by hand, but you can add any amount of your own code without interfering with the generated code. You hook your own code snippets into the generated code, for example you can select a property of an object, say the model of a JTree, and select "user code", then type in an expression returning the TreeModel you want to use.
    With listeners the designer will generate the method signature etc. but you can edit the body of the listener method.
    However I would always recommend that you hand code a form or two before resorting to on of these editors because it's important you understand the code, even where a designer writes it.

  • JTreeTable component anytime in the future?

    My question is simply whether or not there will be a JTreeTable component in the future?
    I've read Sun's little JTreeTable tutorial (it's kind of dated but it did the job). I created my own TreeTableModel, but I resorted to using Sun's abstract classes and JTreeTable.
    My self-directed project involves getting Foo objects that contain a Vector of child Foo objects and displaying them visually onto a JTreeTable. On top of that, the root node is not a Foo object, instead both it and all Foo objects implement an interface I wrote so that they appear nicely in the JTreeTable.
    Everything works, (it appears that way at least), but I don't feel good about using all that code that I didn't write. That's the reason for me asking the question.

    In short, yes. Don't get me wrong, the code is great and it works. I had to painstakingly adapt TreeTableModel to fit my purposes and I learnt a lot (my main reason for trying to create my program). It's just:
    a) I don't fully understand the code that I haven't written (I'm getting there though)
    b) I'm not really giving credit to the people who wrote it ( I didn't change any of the source files apart from adding tree.setRootVisible(false); to one of the files.
    c) My high school career has forcefully injected the idea "Do not plagiarise" into my head (i'd say figuratively but my head does hurt at times)

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    my treemodel is ChildPropertyTreeModel, i use this class as ites treenode:
    public class TreeNode implements Serializable
    so the question is : should i change the TreeNode .class to extends the JUCtrlHierNodeBinding so that i can use these code below:
    departmentNew =
    because when i use this code : this exception is thrown : can't cast TreeNode to JUCtrlHierNodeBinding!
    when change to this code is right:
    departmentNew =
    (Number)((TreeNode )richTree.getRowData(rowIndex)).getAttribute("DepartmentId");

    The better question would be "why do you want to cast it to JUCtrlHierNodeBinding?"

  • Does this child node add to the treemodel?

    i've create a treemodel using a list of rootNodes.
    i just wonder if when i create the treemodel and also keep a refference to the rootNodes list.then i add a new node to one of rootnodes as a child.
    so,here is the question:does this child node add to the treemodel?

    i've figure out.it is in memory

  • Refreshing JTree with a customized TreeModel

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    I hoped to display an XML document with JTree. So I customized a TreeModel and TreeNode to handle the XML data.
    I used DOM to handle XML, and define TreeNode with the following class:
    class DOMtoTreeNode {
    org.w3c.dom.Node domNode;
    public DOMtoTreeNode(org.w3c.dom.Node myNode){
    this.domNode = myNOde; }
    public String toString() {
    //the displaying code
    //and other necessary code to handle children of domNode
    Then I defined an implementation of the TreeModel Interface.
    public class DomTreeModel implements javax.swing.tree.TreeModel
    Document document;
    public DomTreeModel(Document aDomDoc){   
         this.document = aDomDoc;
    // Basic TreeModel operations
    I didn't define any personal TreeModelListener for this TreeModel
    and then I created a JTree object to display the XML tree
    treeModel = new DomTreeModel(someDOMDocument);
    treeInputParameter = new JTree( treeModel );
    and I defined JtreeListener.
    What I hoped to do is to make modification for the XML document in the JTree.
    I added the editing functions in the "valueChanged" function. I added a new DOM node as a child of an existing element node by directly append the child in the DOM node. The code is like the follows:
    DOMToTreeNode treeNodeSelected =(DOMToTreeNode)
    org.w3c.dom.Node domNode = treeNodeSelected.getNode();
    //get the dom node from Jtree Node here
    Up to now, it seems work fine. The TreeModel updates the DOM Document, and the modification being shown in JTree.
    But when I tried to replace an existing node with a new node, something went wrong.
    domNode.replace(newChild, oldChild);
    I debugged the code, and found the underlying DOM Document in the TreeModel had been successfully changed, but the TreeModel didn't update the display in JTree.
    I'm afraid this is quite a naive question, but would someone be kindly help me deal with this? It seems that the reason is that some code is missing to let the TreeModel refresh the frontend JTree display. But I realy don't know how to tackle this.
    Haoxiang Xia

    Thank you for your reply.
    Are you adding nodes or just expanding the JTree?Adding nodes (I also want to delete nodes)
    I don't know how to do this by just implementing
    TreeModel. This is using DefaultTreeModel.Yeah, I really don't want to use DefaultTreeModel because I would have to wrap my data objects as TreeNodes. Since my data objects are already in a tree structure, implementing TreeModel is much cleaner.
    It looks like I have to implement fireTreeNodesInserted() in my TreeModel, but I guess what I need to understand is how to register the JTree as a listener to my custom TreeModel. JTree doesn't directly implement TreeModelListener. I read somewhere that JTree automatically registers itself with the TreeModel, but that is not what I am observing.
    So..., I am still in need of more info.

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