Just give as a good old fashioned Folders Tree.

I am a RawShooter user and use the LR since the day one. I think it is an excellent piece of software and it is only going to get better.
Back to the topic. I would like to be able to see folder structure, navigate from folder to folder and see pictures in Library module. I do not want to import anything. I do not want data bases. Just let me see my folders and what's inside them. The whole deal with the data base and organizing the pictures is totally unnecessary, if you ask me.
Features like "make folder", "rename folder", "delete folder" are welcome, but not a must. Just do not forget the "Refresh" button.
Best regards,

thanks for the message. You wrote:
> To ask for a feature that is counter to a program's paradigm is, at
best, not very helpful. In this case the discussion has been done
during the long public beta phase of LR.
There is no reason in my mind why we should be forced to use LR as a data base. If the LR needs a data base to work with then let the LR create one on the fly. To copy a folder structure and file names into a temporary "so called" data base should be no problem. What else would LR need to work? Thumbnails? Is that the problem? Metadata? No big deal. If RawShooter can do it than LR can do it as well.
I am a programmer myself (numerical analyst, ANSYS, Mathematica, C++, 10 years experience, working for Texas Instruments) and I have pretty good understanding how the LR works. The problem is, I think, that LR team decided what is the best for us and is forcing it down our throats. All I am asking for is: let us choose what is the way we want to use LR. Want a data base? So be it. You do not want it, fine.
Thanks for suggesting other pieces of software. I tried BBP before and I agree that it is a good tool. I own RawShooter, Bibble, Neat Image Pro+, PSE 5 and Corel PSP X. I consider myself an advanced amateur and I think that my opinion is as valuable as anybody's.
I was testing LR Beta and was loosely following the Beta discussions. A lot of people asked for what I am asking for here. LR team did something halfway and now they are trying to tell us that this is all we need and that this is all they could do about it. My point is that neither is true. This is not exactly what we need and there was more that should have been done. LR team should realize that we, the users, always have the final say. Give us what we want.
Some people here suggested that "LR is what it is and if you do not like it than do not use it". Well, I will remind them that the purpose of this forum is to ask for features that we would like LR to have.
Ivan Kmecko
Canon 30D, Tamron 28-75 f2.8, Canon G5, Canon Rebel G (film), Speedlight 580EX (I have even more stuff like Manfrotto tripod, Pano Head etc ... ;-) I bought Canon S500 to my wife three years ago ...

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    How did you rebuild?
    Try these in order - from best option on down...
    1. Do you have an up-to-date back up? If so, try copy the library6.iphoto file from the back up to the iPhoto Library allowing it to overwrite the damaged file.
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    No, this is not the grandfathered unlimited plan. As soon as you activate your phone, you should call Verizon and have your unlimited plan reinstated. The 2GB plan shouldn't take effect until you activate your new phone, but you could just check to make sure. Once the 2GB plan takes effect, you should have 14 days to have the unlimited plan reinstated, or you will lose it for good.

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    What is the name of your old Time Capsule? Did you change the name to the new one?
    It appears in Finder .. that is to be expected.. it is after all a network drive.. and it has PC symbol more than likely because you are using Mavericks which defaults to SMB network.. ie the computer thinks it is a windows computer.
    There is nothing bad or sinister going on.. but you certainly need to ensure your own wireless network is secure..
    That is otherwise all fine.
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    What you are experiencing is 100% related to Malware.
    Sometimes a problem with Firefox may be a result of malware installed on your computer, that you may not be aware of.
    You can try these free programs to scan for malware, which work with your existing antivirus software:
    * [http://www.microsoft.com/security/scanner/default.aspx Microsoft Safety Scanner]
    * [http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free/ MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware]
    * [http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208283363 TDSSKiller - AntiRootkit Utility]
    * [http://www.surfright.nl/en/hitmanpro/ Hitman Pro]
    * [http://www.eset.com/us/online-scanner/ ESET Online Scanner]
    [http://windows.microsoft.com/MSE Microsoft Security Essentials] is a good permanent antivirus for Windows 7/Vista/XP if you don't already have one.
    Further information can be found in the [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

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    Phil McDermott
    University of Illinois

    Use the EXPIRATION parameter to specify how long a report is kept in the cache. See the online help.

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    hey kevin, you causing problems again!
    you've probably seen this article by now on EJBExcepitons at the serverside.com but here is the link anyway:
    EJB exceptions are mine field but there are a couple solid guidelines that i follow when designing my beans with exceptions:
    1. Application Exceptions ( not descendants of RuntimeException or RemoteException ) are passed back to the client as is to give them the chance to take the appropriate recovery action. So before you leave your business method, you'd better make damned sure that you don't compromise data integrity. If you can't guarantee data integrity do the EJBContext.setRollbackOnly() thing. Which means that as a client you should get into the habit of doing UserTransaction.getStatus().
    2. Runtime Exceptions ( ignore EJBException for now ). I don't catch them but i'm not expecting them, and i don't know what to do with them. Thankfully, the container does (which is to log the exception, throw back RemoteExceptions to remote clients and EJBException to local clients, rollback the transaction and then take the bean instance out of service). So i delegate the handling of runtime exceptions to the container. i do not catch Throwable in my bean methods.
    3. System Exception ( EJBExceptions ). Where possible using EJB standard exceptions such as CreateException and FinderException. If my bean throws a checked exception, i need to gauge whether or not i can recover from it. I can't, i wrap it in an EJBException and throw it out for the container to do its stuff ( log, raise client exception, rollback and die ). Otherwise, i perform clean up in my bean to return my resources to the state they were before i started executing this method and raise the checked exception.
    In the article above the author's penultimate section talks about when to use an application exception over a system exception. Its always the client the determines which way your go. For example, what should you do during a create ejb you need to look up some data in the database and an SQLException is raised. Within the create method it is an application exception for sure because the system is not compromised, however, from the clients point of view, the bean cannot be created because key data was missing. Hence, the method should wrap the SQLException in an EJBException and throw it out to make sure the bean is not created. (If fact, the method retry something else and if nothing else works raise the EJBException).

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    hello hmsa76l79, please also go to firefox > addons > extensions & remove any suspicious entries (toolbars, things that you have not installed intentionally, etc).
    [[Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page]]
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    MacBook Pro 17-inch Core 2 Duo, from 2006
    Processor: 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory: 3GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
    Graphics: ATI Radeon X1600 256 MB
    Software: MacOS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50)
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  • Just days ago, I downloaded and created folders for two batches of photos and now they are missing. They were not deleted by anyone, and even if they were, they were not found in my trash can. What happened? They were erased from my camera, so I am upset.

    Just days ago, I downloaded and created folders for 2 batches of photos I downloaded from my camera to iphotos but now both are missing.  They were not deleted and even if they were, were not found in my trashcan. I have looked through every folder and they are not there. Is there a bug that can get into iPhoto to do this? Is there a program Apple offers to retrieve lost photos? Thank you.

    debbie5891 wrote: ... They were not deleted and even if they were, were not found in my trashcan...
    How do you know they were not deleted? Is it possible that they were moved to the trash and the trash has been emptied, if not by you, perhaps by someone else?
    In the best case, you mean they were not deleted from your camera.  If so, it will be simple to merely download again from your camera after you have corrected any problem with your Mac or workflow.
    If you have a way to be certain that your two folders were not deleted from your Mac,  follow the directions provided by your Mac's Disk Utility to repair your Disk (not Disk Permissions.)  On more than one occasion, disk repair has restored the visibility of missing folders I knew I had not deleted.  If you have trouble with the process, post back which specific Mac OS version ( > About This Mac) you are using so we can offer specific help.
    It is also possible that the missing folders might be saved somewhere you do not expect them to be.
    It is also possible that they may merely be invisible and, thus, not showing in your Finder windows even after performing a Disk Repair.
    Here are some more ideas you can consider:
    Restart Mac and then look where you expect the folders to be.  They may be visible there now.
    If not, try a Spotlight search for the folder name(s) you used.  Spotlight may give you a list of places to look.  If you don't remember the folder name(s), try a search for the file type your camera uses for saved images.  My cameras save "jpg" files, but yours may save other image file types. 
    You can also open a finder window and use the window's search oval to search.  The method allows you to use the search "+" button to add invisible items via the "File Visibility"  choice.
    debbie5891 wrote:... I have looked through every folder and they are not there....
    If you are using any version of Mac OS X, I doubt this statement can be true.
    If you select your disk volume name (not the Media item) in the sidebar of your Mac's Disk Utility, you will see that the number of Folders and files on your disk is very large.  For example,I keep my startup disk small and write most of my files to other disks.  Even so, my startup disk contains more than 195,000 folders.
    If you mean you used some software to search each folder, please post back the name of the app you are using.
    debbie5891 wrote: ... Is there a bug that can get into iPhoto to do this? ...
    I have not had the problem you describe, nor have I heard of such an iPhoto Bug.
    I have used every version of iPhoto I have seen including the current new version: iPhoto '11 version 9.5 (902.7).  You can find the version you are using by executing the iPhoto > About iPhoto menu command and post it back here.
    debbie5891 wrote:... Is there a program Apple offers to retrieve lost photos? ...
    I am not aware of any Apple apps that work specifically on photo files.  If you know the pathname to the lost files, and if you are comfortable with Unix commands, you might be able to use your Mac's Terminal utility to retrieve at least some of your images.  However, it will be MUCH simpler to merely download another copy from your camera.
    You can search the Mac App Store for "unerase" to find several apps that can unerase files, including deleted photo files, in certain circumstances even after the trash has been emptied.  To determine whether one or more of them may meet your needs, see their product info and reviews for specifics about each one.
    debbie5891 wrote:...Thank you.
    You're most welcome.
    If you need to post back for more information, please provide specifics on your Mac OS, iPhoto version, which of the suggestions offered here you have tried, and any details not already provided about the problem status.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.9

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    CS4 is pretty old, no longer sold and no longer supported by Adobe.  It's also not compatible with many modern OSes.
    Why do you have to work with such an obsolete version of Photoshop?
    What kind of "designer" uses it?

Maybe you are looking for

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