JVM Information

Does anyone know the different information that can be retrieved at runtime? I'm looking for random numbers that can be used as a seed for a random number generator.
I've tried Runtime's totalMemory() and freeMemory() but the values returned don't change enough. The current time in milliseconds is an option but I'm looking for others.
Any ideas?

If you look at class Random docs you can see that System.currentTimeMillis() is used for the initialization of the seed.
So, since this is the standard implementation, I guess this is a valid method:
public Random() { this(System.currentTimeMillis()); }
Nevertheless, if look for other sources, you can try with java.security.Key and related APIs.

Similar Messages

  • EWA: Outdated SAP JVM Information - Update Stores

    Dear Experts,
    I have already switched to SAP JVM about a month ago. The EWA alerts for the system are still showing the message:
    "SAP JVM 4 is recommended to use instead of SAP partnersu2019 JDK 1.4. Please refer to SAP Note 1495160 for more details."
    The jvm switch was performed succesufully and I´m able to confirm this at:  http:// configuration:
    Instance.properties and instance.properties.vmprop are OUTDATED. The information from the files as operating system level was taken about 3 months ago, and at this point the java jvm hasn't been updated yet.
    Then, my question is how to get updated datain my EWAs? or if I´m right about that thin info is taken from the stores then, how to manually trigger a store update??

    What I say is what needs to be done to resolve this issue.
    There is not a Note that states this to my knowledge.
    There may be a reference to this int he COnfiguration guides.
    You may take my advice or not. You can wait for others to confirm what I have stated.
    I have attempted to help you. If you do not wish to accept the assistance that is your choice.
    However if you would like this issue resoloved, then you need to do  perform a managed system setup.
    It shouldn't be as work intensive as you are making out, as it should have the old values retained, and you really will be changing very little, as you will be accepting the values there from the last setup.
    But I stand firm, Java systems must have the Managed system setup performed when the software is updated.
    And this is especially true for EWAs to be correctly generated.
    Your own diagnosis has determined that SMD stores for SAPJVM have not been created....why? You have not run the Managed system setup. You have stated you changed the JVM and the EWA is not reflecting it. Why? Because you have not
    run manage system setup.
    If you want this issue to resolve, then I recommend you accept the advise and run the Managed system setup on this system again.

  • Multiple JVM Information

    Actually I am using Linux as OS. I have cluster of 4 nodes and each node has 4 processors. I want to create 1 JVM on each processor of each node i.e. 16 JVM's on 16 processors of JVM? Because what I am trying is creating 4 JVM on each node, but I am not sure if it is creating it on each processor of the node (4 processors per node).

    I'd be careful using processor affinity with the JVM. If you are running 16 JVM's then it would be very important to only run applications that are primarily single threaded. If you had two threads in a single JVM that were CPU intensive then that JVM may not be able to take advantage of the other CPU's.
    If you're really sure you want to do this do a man on sched_setaffinity. This will allow you to tie a single O/S process to a single CPU.
    Need Java help? Want to help people who do? Sit down with a cup of Java at the hotjoe forums.
    Sure they're new - come get them started!

  • The Oracle JRockit JVM is not supported by SAP JCo 3.0.5.

    Hello all,
    I am preparing our new Oracle Fusion Middleware platforms. So far we have been running BPEL and we are going to build the 11g platform (WLS and SOA suite) in parallel.
    I have already installed WLS Server 10.3.3 and then SOA Suite + the SOA patchset bu selecting always Jrockit_160_17_R28.0.0-679.
    Now I am abaout to install the adapters and I red in the documentation
    For supported JVM information that corresponds to each operating system, see the SAP Note #1077727 in the SAP Service Marketplace.
    The Oracle JRockit JVM is not supported by SAP JCo 3.0.5.
    Is anybody aware of this? If it is valid, how could I achieve not to re-installa everything from scratch and select SUN JVM?
    Could I for example create a new Managed Server where I will explicity select SUN JVM to be installed for this instance?
    Best Regards,
    Loukas Rougkalas

    Please post your question to SOA forum. This forum is about WebLogic Connector Container.

  • Unable to start OUD using start-ds

    [30/Jan/2015:01:08:11 -0800] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458886 msg=Oracle Unified Directory (build 20140520144820Z, R1405200605) starting up
    [30/Jan/2015:01:08:13 -0800] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381717 msg=Installation Directory:  [30/Jan/2015:01:08:13 -0800] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381719 msg=Instance Directory:      [30/Jan/2015:01:08:13 -0800] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381713 msg=JVM Information: 1.6.0_75-b13 by Sun Microsystems Inc., 64-bit architecture, 4846125056 bytes heap size
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    [30/Jan/2015:01:08:13 -0800] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381715 msg=JVM Arguments: "-Xms4723m", "-Xmx4723m", "-XX:+UseCompressedOops", "-Xmn1g", "-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1", "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC", "-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=55", "-Dorg.opends.server.scriptName=start-ds"
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    Can someone please help in resolving this issue?

    It looks like you are using an interim version of OUD. Please use a supported OUD version.
    The latest publicly available OUD version is OUD 11g R2PS2. See https://blogs.oracle.com/sduloutr/entry/oud_11gr2ps2_11_1_2 to download it.
    A bundle patch is also available on top at that version. See https://blogs.oracle.com/sduloutr/entry/oud_r2ps2_bundle_patch_available for more info about that bundle patch
    When closing a thread as answered remember to mark the correct and helpful posts to make it easier for others to find them

  • High Java memory consumption.

    We are developing a solution using Servoy, which is a database server framework built in java. We have now 2 Servoy instances running on Debian linux servers, one with 64bit, both of them running java 1.6 update 26. We are having lot of crashes of the server with this error log:
    # There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
    # Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 32776 bytes for Chunk::new
    # Possible reasons:
    # The system is out of physical RAM or swap space
    # In 32 bit mode, the process size limit was hit
    # Possible solutions:
    # Reduce memory load on the system
    # Increase physical memory or swap space
    # Check if swap backing store is full
    # Use 64 bit Java on a 64 bit OS
    # Decrease Java heap size (-Xmx/-Xms)
    # Decrease number of Java threads
    # Decrease Java thread stack sizes (-Xss)
    # Set larger code cache with -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=
    # This output file may be truncated or incomplete.
    # Out of Memory Error (allocation.cpp:317), pid=12359, tid=1777961872
    # JRE version: 6.0_26-b03
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (20.1-b02 mixed mode linux-x86 )
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread (0x092c8400): JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=12368, stack(0x69f18000,0x69f99000)]
    Stack: [0x69f18000,0x69f99000], sp=0x69f95fe0, free space=503k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    V [libjvm.so+0x7248b0]
    We checked both the heap memory and the memory used by java in this case and we notice a highly increase of the total java memory, while the heap memory is resonable:
    JVM Information
    java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM
    java.vm.info=mixed mode
    java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Operating System Information
    System Information
    Heap memory: allocated=141440K, used=105555K, max=699072K
    None Heap memory: allocated=49312K, used=49018K, max=180224K
    root 16388 2.5 43.0 2829220 1811772 ? Sl 20:11 3:43 java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx768m -Xms128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -classpath .:lib/ohj-jewt.jar:lib/MRJAdapter.jar:lib/compat141.ja
    Right now we are running it on the 64bit machine with -Xmx256m -Xms64m, and the memory is the same as on the 32bit one.
    We also tried different memory configurations, but the result is the same. Java goes up to more the 2GB of memory used, while the heap is about 100MB - 400MB. In the output above you can see 1.8GB used, but this is at startup, after few hours it goes to more then 2GB - 2.5GB, then it crashes in at most few days, sometimes in few hours or even less.

    Can the profiler see more then the heap? OK, I'll try to profile the server.
    Servoy uses Tomcat 5.
    The OS we run on is Debian. The 64bit machine is this:
    JVM Information
    java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
    java.vm.info=mixed mode
    java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Operating System Information
    and the current memory usage is this:
    System Information
    Heap memory: allocated=253440K, used=228114K, max=253440K
    None Heap memory: allocated=112512K, used=112223K, max=180224K
    , while the java process memory is this:
    root 11629 6.9 44.4 2105640 1829808 hvc0 Sl 11:42 14:18 java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx256m -Xms64m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -classpath .:lib/ohj-jewt.jar:lib/MRJAdapter.jar:lib/compat141.jar:lib/commons-codec.jar:lib/commons-httpclient.jar:lib/activation.jar:lib/antlr.jar:lib/commons-collections.jar:lib/commons-dbcp.jar:lib/commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar:lib/commons-io-1.4.jar:lib/commons-logging.jar:lib/commons-pool.jar:lib/dom4j.jar:lib/help.jar:lib/jabsorb.jar:lib/hibernate3.jar:lib/j2db.jar:lib/j2dbdev.jar:lib/jdbc2_0-stdext.jar:lib/jmx.jar:lib/jndi.jar:lib/js.jar:lib/jta.jar:lib/BrowserLauncher2.jar:lib/jug.jar:lib/log4j.jar:lib/mail.jar:lib/ohj-jewt.jar:lib/oracle_ice.jar:lib/server-bootstrap.jar:lib/servlet-api.jar:lib/wicket-extentions.jar:lib/wicket.jar:lib/wicket-calendar.jar:lib/slf4j-api.jar:lib/slf4j-log4j.jar:lib/joda-time.jar:lib/rmitnl.jar:lib/networktnl.jar com.servoy.j2db.server.ApplicationServer
    About another app, I'm confused, because we do have another java app that uses much less:
    root      1149  0.3  2.1 843312 86988 ?        Sl   10:16   0:58 java -Xmx512m -Xms128m -cp noaa_server.zip server.WebServer
    and for this one, the heap is this:
    Memory: total: 129892352, free: 114666408, maximum: 518979584
    So yes, this one looks better. It uses 15MB from heap and 80MB in total from ram.
    But still, I don't get it, how can the process memory be affected while the heap is much low?
    Edited by: 897090 on Nov 14, 2011 6:35 AM
    Edited by: 897090 on Nov 14, 2011 6:39 AM
    Edited by: 897090 on Nov 14, 2011 6:40 AM

  • Need help on Exception hadnling in jdk1.4

    hi i am working on some lotus notes validation tool. I have created menu driver program...when i run the first time with option 6..and in option 6 i got exception and i am catching properly,again i am displaying the menu..but if i select the option 6 again and i wantedly put exception... but this time program is terminating....
    even exception came i want display the menu again...the program internally using the NotesThread....i think that dispaching or delegation....Migth UnhandledExceptionHandler...But i am running on 1.4
    Please find the following code that i have written...help on this.
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import lotus.domino.AdministrationProcess;
    import lotus.domino.NotesException;
    import lotus.domino.NotesThread;
    import lotus.domino.Registration;
    import lotus.domino.Session;
    public class TestNotesException {
         public static void mainMenu()throws Exception{
              while (true) {
                   BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                   System.out.println("\nNotesTool Commands");
                   int option = 0;
                   System.out.println("\t1.Driver/Notes Configuration Information "
                             + "\n\t2.JVM Information"
                             + " \n\t3.Domino Server Session Information"
                             + "\n\t4.Authenticate to Domino Server"
                             + " \n\t5.Create Lotus Notes Test User"
                             + "\n\t6.Delete Lotus Notes User"
                             + "\n\t7.Open Lotus Notes Database"
                             + "\n\t8.Send Domino Console Command" + "\n\t99.Quit");
                   System.out.println("Enter Command:");
                        option = Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine());
                        switch (option) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                        case 3:
                        case 4:
                        case 5:
                        case 6:
                                       .println("\n*************** DELETE THE USER *********************\n");
                                       .println("Please enter user's full name that you want delete:::");
                             String userName = reader.readLine();
                             System.out.println("User "
                                       + deleteUser(userName)
                                       + " is deleted from the domino Server "
                                            case 99:
                             System.out.println("Command not supported.Choose correct option");
         * @param args
         * @throws Exception
         * @throws Exception
         * @throws IOException
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                   /*} catch (NotesException e) {
                             throw new NotesException(e.id, e.text, e.internal);
                        }catch(NotesException e1){
                             //throw new NotesException(e.id, e.text, e.internal);
              }catch (NotesException e) {
                        System.out.println("Command not supported.Choose correct option");
                   catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        System.out.println("Command not supported.Choose correct option");
                        //throw new NotesException(e.id, e.text, e.internal);
                   catch (NotesCustomException1 e) {
                        //System.out.println("Command not supported.Choose correct option");
                        //throw new NotesException(e.id, e.text, e.internal);
                   catch (Exception e) {
                        System.out.println("Command not supported.Choose correct option");
                        //throw new NotesException(e.id, e.text, e.internal);
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         private static String deleteUser(String userName) throws Exception{
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                   Session NotesSess = lotus.domino.NotesFactory.createSession();
                   Registration tmpNReg = NotesSess.createRegistration();
                   String userName1 = tmpNReg.switchToID("C:\\Program Files\\Lotus\\Domino\\data\\admin.id", "novell");
              AdministrationProcess pAdminP = NotesSess
              pAdminP.deleteUser(userName, true,
                        AdministrationProcess.MAILFILE_DELETE_ALL, "");
                   //throw new NotesCustomException1("sankar::::",e);
              return userName;
    class NotesCustomException1 extends Exception {
         public NotesCustomException1() {
         public NotesCustomException1(String msg) {
         public NotesCustomException1(String msg, Throwable t) {
              super(msg, t);

    Of course you get a UnhandledException the deleteUser() throws a exception which you have not bothered to catch when calling it. Also, you do not have seemed to have bothered to check that the user has actually been deleted before outputting a string stating that they have. And as G.W. says click the code button before posting code. And get rid of those TODOs.

  • Weblogic 10.3.3 with JProbe8.3

    I am trying to integrate Weblogic 10.3.3 with JProbe 8.3 But getting the following exception "JProbe Error: The Java VM was not recognized, so it is not supported.
    JProbe Error: Unsupported JVM for this product: "C:\wls1033\JROCKI~1.0-6\bin\jav
    JProbe Error: JVM information: Oracle Corporation 1.6.0_17 (Oracle JRockit(R) R2
    Please let me know what needs to be done to remove this exception ..... It's urgent

    I am trying to integrate Weblogic 10.3.3 with JProbe 8.3 But getting the following exception "JProbe Error: The Java VM was not recognized, so it is not supported.
    JProbe Error: Unsupported JVM for this product: "C:\wls1033\JROCKI~1.0-6\bin\jav
    JProbe Error: JVM information: Oracle Corporation 1.6.0_17 (Oracle JRockit(R) R2
    Please let me know what needs to be done to remove this exception ..... It's urgent

  • Different behaviour between 1.4,1.5_05, 1.5_07.

    Hi and thanks in advance for your help,
    Looking for pointers to a solution for a problem I have.
    A set of Java classes subscribe to a subscription service and listen for updates on a network. To do this the JVM uses JNI (actually a JIntegra vendor product) to talk to the Windows DLL files on the server, it�s these files that actually listen for the updates. The information is then passed back up to the JVM (via the JIntegra libraries). The strange behaviour i get is as follows:
    1.     No problems with JDK 1.4.*
    2.     JDK1.5_05: The program runs fine for a few minutes and then crashes out BUT with no stack trace or errors at all (it just terminates).
    3.     JDK 1.5_07: The program runs ok to start with but then consumes all the file handles on the Windows server. After approx 4hrs the program hangs as it has consumed all the servers spare file handles (in fact 3,800,000 of them).
    The added problem of debugging this, is that we use a vendor for the Java/COM+ interaction and we don�t have the source code, But I have tried different versions of the JIntergra without any change in the behaviour (so i don't think its that). It appears to be the JVM version that causes the change in behaviour.
    I do not understand why I get such different behaviour from the different versions of Java? Although both JDK1.5 don't work.
    I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction for trying to get JVM information outputted when the JDK1.5_05 crashes out.
    How can I put a hook in the JVM in my code to output information when it exits. I realise its doing it unexpectedly so this type of solution might not work but I find it strange that no error is thrown.
    Also; Does anyone know of any bugs that might possibly explain any this behaviour?
    Any ideas anyone.

    Jintegra recommend using 1.5. I will check the JNI bugs database to see if anything like this has happened before:
    Got this one stacktrace recently:
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # Internal Error (4D555445583F57494E13120E4350500080), pid=1944, tid=1500
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_07-b03 mixed mode, sharing)
    # Can not save log file, dump to screen..
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # Internal Error (4D555445583F57494E13120E4350500080), pid=1944, tid=1500
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_07-b03 mixed mode, sharing)
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread is native thread
    Stack: [0x045e0000,0x04620000), sp=0x0461fb08, free space=254k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    V [jvm.dll+0x11f2eb]
    V [jvm.dll+0x62f13]
    V [jvm.dll+0xd1741]
    V [jvm.dll+0xd18f0]
    V [jvm.dll+0x90d16]
    --------------- P R O C E S S ---------------
    Java Threads: ( => current thread )
    0x03029730 JavaThread "J-Integra COM initialization thread (please don't touch)" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1684]
    0x00237c28 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=3112]
    0x009fc7c8 JavaThread "Thread-0" [_thread_blocked, id=2996]
    0x009a16a8 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2860]
    0x00238478 JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1464]
    0x0099f730 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3168]
    0x009998e0 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2928]
    0x0023fae0 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2268]
    Other Threads:
    0x009982d8 VMThread [id=2036]
    0x009a2ce8 WatcherThread [id=532]
    VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
    VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
    def new generation total 576K, used 244K [0x22ab0000, 0x22b50000, 0x22f90000)
    eden space 512K, 47% used [0x22ab0000, 0x22aec330, 0x22b30000)
    from space 64K, 6% used [0x22b40000, 0x22b410a8, 0x22b50000)
    to space 64K, 0% used [0x22b30000, 0x22b30000, 0x22b40000)
    tenured generation total 1408K, used 917K [0x22f90000, 0x230f0000, 0x26ab0000)
    the space 1408K, 65% used [0x22f90000, 0x23075430, 0x23075600, 0x230f0000)
    compacting perm gen total 8192K, used 1354K [0x26ab0000, 0x272b0000, 0x2aab0000)
    the space 8192K, 16% used [0x26ab0000, 0x26c02a20, 0x26c02c00, 0x272b0000)
    ro space 8192K, 67% used [0x2aab0000, 0x2b00d9f8, 0x2b00da00, 0x2b2b0000)
    rw space 12288K, 46% used [0x2b2b0000, 0x2b853808, 0x2b853a00, 0x2beb0000)
    Not sure what 'Internal Error (4D555445583F57494E13120E4350500080)' represents.
    Thanks for your advice.

  • Monitoring JMX with What's Up Gold v11

    I'm not a Java developer but work with a lot of them (I am in IT, not dev). We use What's Up Gold to monitor our servers and applications. We would like to monitor our Java application with What's Up Gold. This includes monitoring Java and Tomcat.
    Any help would be appreciated!
    We've not been able to even get simple SNMP monitoring going. Would like something more like the JConsole within What's Up Gold.

    I am not too sure about how you could possibly plug any of this in "What's Up Gold" as I don't
    know this product, but the apache site has some doc about monitoring Tomcat with JMX, using
    a JMX ant task on the client side.
    I have also written some example to show how to get at the JVM information using java, or jruby..
    Hope this helps,
    -- daniel

  • What different of all version of jdk(include j2sdk)

    hi everyone:
    I have developed an application. But there are some other applications worked with our application. And these applications are written by java, and compiled and run by different version of jdk(or j2sdk) correspondingly. And these applications are B/S structure, the browser is IE. The situation is: if one version of jre is selected for IE, this application can run normally, but others may not run normally.
    So it puzzle me.
    I have 2 problems:
    1. How to detect the current version of JRE(including SUN JVM and microsoft JVM) with IE?
    2. What different of all version of jdk(include j2sdk)? Or where can i find the related document of the different?

    I'm not sure if you want to programatically detect the VM version or just be able to see what version it is. You could go to Internet Explorer's Advanced Tab and see what version is being used. If you want to detect or change it programatically, the only way I can think of is to change the windows registry entry (you'll need to verify this, I'm not sure this is the right key) in:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\AdvancedOptions\JAVA_SUN\SELECT and change the Value of RegPath to the one you want. The JVMs can be found at http://java.com/en/index.jsp. You can also search Microsoft's website for JVM information.

  • RC1 and WSAD 5.1

    I am getting the following error when trying to generate the mapping file
    and build schema into the database.
    kodo.util.DataStoreException: java.lang.SecurityException: Package name not
    allowed -'java.sql'
    kodo.util.FatalDataStoreException: java.lang.SecurityException: Package name
    not allowed -'java.sql'
    java.sql.SQLException: java.lang.SecurityException: Package name not
    allowed -'java.sql'
    I cannot seem to get around it. I am not using or referring to the java.sql
    package anywhere in my application code. Prior to this error, I was getting
    an error ...ClassNotFound ...java.sql.Savepoint when trying to generate the
    mapping. So I explicitly set a reference to the JDK1.4\JRE\rt.jar in the
    plugin.xml file for the eclipse integration and dropped the rt.jar into the
    plugin directory. This solved the ClassNotFound problem, but then I ended
    up with the above.
    BTW - the exact same progam and the enhance/map/schema functions work fine
    through the JBuilder integration to the same database configuration. I am
    using WSAD 5.1 (jdk1.4) with RC1. The Kodo configuration in WSAD is
    considerably simpler than JBuilder, but I am using the sames values in each
    config where appropriate.
    Has anyone else seen this?
    Any suggestions?

    My first guess is that you are using JDK 1.4 and you are including the
    jdbc2_0-stdext.jar in your CLASSPATH. If this is the case, can you
    remove it (since it contains JDBC extensions that are included by
    default with JDK 1.4), and see if it fixes the problem.
    Otherwise, can you provide us with some more details: complete stack
    trace, platform and JVM information, the setting of your CLASSPATH
    variable, and kodo.properties file.
    In article <blnevg$j86$[email protected]>, Robert Greene wrote:
    I am getting the following error when trying to generate the mapping file
    and build schema into the database.
    kodo.util.DataStoreException: java.lang.SecurityException: Package name not
    allowed -'java.sql'
    kodo.util.FatalDataStoreException: java.lang.SecurityException: Package name
    not allowed -'java.sql'
    java.sql.SQLException: java.lang.SecurityException: Package name not
    allowed -'java.sql'
    I cannot seem to get around it. I am not using or referring to the java.sql
    package anywhere in my application code. Prior to this error, I was getting
    an error ...ClassNotFound ...java.sql.Savepoint when trying to generate the
    mapping. So I explicitly set a reference to the JDK1.4\JRE\rt.jar in the
    plugin.xml file for the eclipse integration and dropped the rt.jar into the
    plugin directory. This solved the ClassNotFound problem, but then I ended
    up with the above.
    BTW - the exact same progam and the enhance/map/schema functions work fine
    through the JBuilder integration to the same database configuration. I am
    using WSAD 5.1 (jdk1.4) with RC1. The Kodo configuration in WSAD is
    considerably simpler than JBuilder, but I am using the sames values in each
    config where appropriate.
    Has anyone else seen this?
    Any suggestions?
    Marc Prud'hommeaux [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc. http://www.solarmetric.com

  • Monitor Application Performance

    We are migrating application developed in Forms/Reports 5.0 to Forms/Reports 10G. We want to set the performance benchmark with respect to the old application(pre migration) before the migration process begins.
    1. Is there any specific process or method to measure the performance of application developed in Forms and Reports.
    2. Is there any tool available to monitor the performance of application.
    Please let me know.
    Thanks in Advance.

    10g has JMX capabilities built in. There are commercial JMX clients as well as free/open source JMX clients that can be used to view your application server performance/metrics and JVM information.
    There is a neat one for netbeans that works great. Get on google and search for "netbeans jmx client" and also lookup the papers on how to implement JMX support in the oracle java/oc4j containers.
    JMX is awesome :)

  • Want to bypass GUI of jconsole

    Hello all,
    I liked jconsole very much. What i want to do is access all functionality of jconsole from os shell (command line) up to now i have two options.
    1] Write new Jconsole like JMX client program which will talk to Mbean server.
    2]or write something which will talk to jconsole and give me text output on screen.
    I am waiting for your suggestions.

    Here is an example on how you can retrieve the JVM information programatically:
    If you want to script it then you could simply use BeanShell to evaluate your
    Java code on the fly. (http://www.beanshell.org/).
    If you want to script it from within JConsole then you can write your own JConsole
    plugin (JDK 6) for that - see for instance here:
    You might also be tempted to get the JVM information through SNMP, in which
    case you should probably read this first:
    Hope this helps,
    -- daniel
    JMX, SNMP, Java, etc

  • Cannot start OUD anymore

    I just installed OUD a week or so ago in a lab environment on a VMware image OL6.3 with jrockit 6. It was working fine until today. When I tried to connect using Apache Directory Studio I received a connect exception. I haven't a clue what could have gone wrong and I cannot get this working again. Any help would be appreciated. Here is the error:
    [16/Oct/2012:14:23:25 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381717 msg=Installation Directory: /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/Oracle_OUD1
    [16/Oct/2012:14:23:25 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381719 msg=Instance Directory: /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/asinst_2/OUD
    [16/Oct/2012:14:23:25 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381713 msg=JVM Information: 1.6.0_33-b03 by Oracle Corporation, 64-bit architecture, 3221225472 bytes heap size
    [16/Oct/2012:14:23:25 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381714 msg=JVM Host: OL6-64.localdomain, running Linux 2.6.39-200.29.3.el6uek.x86_64 amd64, 6272684032 bytes physical memory size, number of processors available 4
    [16/Oct/2012:14:23:25 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381715 msg=JVM Arguments: "-server", "-Dorg.opends.server.scriptName=start-ds", "-Dsun.java.command=org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer", "--configClass", "org.opends.server.extensions.ConfigFileHandler", "--configFile", "/u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/asinst_2/OUD/config/config.ldif", "-Dsun.java.launcher=SUN_STANDARD"
    [16/Oct/2012:14:23:27 -0400] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458891 msg=The Directory Server has sent an alert notification generated by class org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer (alert type org.opends.server.DirectoryServerShutdown, alert ID 458893): The Directory Server has started the shutdown process. The shutdown was initiated by an instance of class org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer and the reason provided for the shutdown was An error occurred while trying to start the Directory Server: An error occurred while trying to initialize a workflow element from class org.opends.server.workflowelement.localbackend.DBLocalBackendWorkflowElement with the information in configuration entry cn=userRoot,cn=Workflow Elements,cn=config: org.opends.server.types.InitializationException: An error occurred while trying to initialize a backend loaded from class org.opends.server.backends.jeb.BackendImpl with the information in configuration entry cn=userRoot,cn=Workflow Elements,cn=config: The database environment could not be opened: (JE 5.0.38) Environment must be closed, caused by: com.sleepycat.je.EnvironmentFailureException: Environment invalid because of previous exception: (JE 5.0.38) /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/asinst_2/OUD/db/userRoot com.sleepycat.je.log.ChecksumException: Read invalid log entry type: 66 LOG_CHECKSUM: Checksum invalid on read, log is likely invalid. Environment is invalid and must be closed. fetchTarget of 0x0/0x3160 state=0 (BackendImpl.java:1852 BackendImpl.java:348 LocalBackendWorkflowElement.java:498 LocalBackendWorkflowElement.java:397 DBLocalBackendWorkflowElement.java:62 NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2 NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39 DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25 Method.java:597 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:419 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:361 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:143 DirectoryServer.java:9933 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:116 DirectoryServer.java:2577 DirectoryServer.java:1497 DirectoryServer.java:9654). This backend will be disabled. This workflow element will be disabled
    [16/Oct/2012:14:23:27 -0400] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458955 msg=The Directory Server is now stopped
    [16/Oct/2012:14:25:31 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381717 msg=Installation Directory: /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/Oracle_OUD1
    [16/Oct/2012:14:25:31 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381719 msg=Instance Directory: /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/asinst_2/OUD
    [16/Oct/2012:14:25:31 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381713 msg=JVM Information: 1.6.0_33-b03 by Oracle Corporation, 64-bit architecture, 3221225472 bytes heap size
    [16/Oct/2012:14:25:31 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381714 msg=JVM Host: OL6-64.localdomain, running Linux 2.6.39-200.29.3.el6uek.x86_64 amd64, 6272684032 bytes physical memory size, number of processors available 4
    [16/Oct/2012:14:25:31 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381715 msg=JVM Arguments: "-server", "-Dorg.opends.server.scriptName=start-ds", "-Dsun.java.command=org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer", "--configClass", "org.opends.server.extensions.ConfigFileHandler", "--configFile", "/u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/asinst_2/OUD/config/config.ldif", "-Dsun.java.launcher=SUN_STANDARD"
    [16/Oct/2012:14:25:33 -0400] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458891 msg=The Directory Server has sent an alert notification generated by class org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer (alert type org.opends.server.DirectoryServerShutdown, alert ID 458893): The Directory Server has started the shutdown process. The shutdown was initiated by an instance of class org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer and the reason provided for the shutdown was An error occurred while trying to start the Directory Server: An error occurred while trying to initialize a workflow element from class org.opends.server.workflowelement.localbackend.DBLocalBackendWorkflowElement with the information in configuration entry cn=userRoot,cn=Workflow Elements,cn=config: org.opends.server.types.InitializationException: An error occurred while trying to initialize a backend loaded from class org.opends.server.backends.jeb.BackendImpl with the information in configuration entry cn=userRoot,cn=Workflow Elements,cn=config: The database environment could not be opened: (JE 5.0.38) Environment must be closed, caused by: com.sleepycat.je.EnvironmentFailureException: Environment invalid because of previous exception: (JE 5.0.38) /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/asinst_2/OUD/db/userRoot com.sleepycat.je.log.ChecksumException: Read invalid log entry type: 66 LOG_CHECKSUM: Checksum invalid on read, log is likely invalid. Environment is invalid and must be closed. fetchTarget of 0x0/0x3160 state=0 (BackendImpl.java:1852 BackendImpl.java:348 LocalBackendWorkflowElement.java:498 LocalBackendWorkflowElement.java:397 DBLocalBackendWorkflowElement.java:62 NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2 NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39 DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25 Method.java:597 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:419 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:361 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:143 DirectoryServer.java:9933 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:116 DirectoryServer.java:2577 DirectoryServer.java:1497 DirectoryServer.java:9654). This backend will be disabled. This workflow element will be disabled
    [16/Oct/2012:14:25:33 -0400] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458955 msg=The Directory Server is now stopped
    [16/Oct/2012:14:34:08 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381717 msg=Installation Directory: /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/Oracle_OUD1
    [16/Oct/2012:14:34:08 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381719 msg=Instance Directory: /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/asinst_2/OUD
    [16/Oct/2012:14:34:08 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381713 msg=JVM Information: 1.6.0_33-b03 by Oracle Corporation, 64-bit architecture, 3221225472 bytes heap size
    [16/Oct/2012:14:34:08 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381714 msg=JVM Host: OL6-64.localdomain, running Linux 2.6.39-200.29.3.el6uek.x86_64 amd64, 6272684032 bytes physical memory size, number of processors available 4
    [16/Oct/2012:14:34:08 -0400] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381715 msg=JVM Arguments: "-server", "-Dorg.opends.server.scriptName=start-ds", "-Dsun.java.command=org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer", "--configClass", "org.opends.server.extensions.ConfigFileHandler", "--configFile", "/u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/asinst_2/OUD/config/config.ldif", "-Dsun.java.launcher=SUN_STANDARD"
    [16/Oct/2012:14:34:09 -0400] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458891 msg=The Directory Server has sent an alert notification generated by class org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer (alert type org.opends.server.DirectoryServerShutdown, alert ID 458893): The Directory Server has started the shutdown process. The shutdown was initiated by an instance of class org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer and the reason provided for the shutdown was An error occurred while trying to start the Directory Server: An error occurred while trying to initialize a workflow element from class org.opends.server.workflowelement.localbackend.DBLocalBackendWorkflowElement with the information in configuration entry cn=userRoot,cn=Workflow Elements,cn=config: org.opends.server.types.InitializationException: An error occurred while trying to initialize a backend loaded from class org.opends.server.backends.jeb.BackendImpl with the information in configuration entry cn=userRoot,cn=Workflow Elements,cn=config: The database environment could not be opened: (JE 5.0.38) Environment must be closed, caused by: com.sleepycat.je.EnvironmentFailureException: Environment invalid because of previous exception: (JE 5.0.38) /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/asinst_2/OUD/db/userRoot com.sleepycat.je.log.ChecksumException: Read invalid log entry type: 66 LOG_CHECKSUM: Checksum invalid on read, log is likely invalid. Environment is invalid and must be closed. fetchTarget of 0x0/0x3160 state=0 (BackendImpl.java:1852 BackendImpl.java:348 LocalBackendWorkflowElement.java:498 LocalBackendWorkflowElement.java:397 DBLocalBackendWorkflowElement.java:62 NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2 NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39 DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25 Method.java:597 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:419 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:361 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:143 DirectoryServer.java:9933 WorkflowElementConfigManager.java:116 DirectoryServer.java:2577 DirectoryServer.java:1497 DirectoryServer.java:9654). This backend will be disabled. This workflow element will be disabled
    [16/Oct/2012:14:34:09 -0400] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458955 msg=The Directory Server is now stopped

    I was afraid that either the DB or the file system was damaged. Thank you both for confirming. If anyone else has any possible fixes before I rebuild tonight I would appreciate it.

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