K8N Neo Blank Screen on boot up... D-Bracket combo is..

The D-bracket led shows
red red
Green red
1-Green lower left = Initializing Keyboard Controller
Don't quite understand what it means... I left it on for about 30 min yesterday but won't do anything...
Mem:  Corsair XMS4000 pro
CPU:  S754 AMD64 3700+ OEM
Please help.  Thanks

I'm having this exact problem which sounds the same as these 2 threads:
!HELP! Comp wont post!
Help K8N Wont start
I will try the advice in this thread when I get home, i.e. the "jiggle the handle" method that rocketman2047 says works.
If that doesn't work I will have to find some old RAM and see if that can get me to the BIOS long enough to change the setting to something more stable (I hope).
I just put this thing together last night and it booted up on the windows install CD and then it seemed to freeze up so I hit the reset and now I have an $700 machine that does nothing but beep at me.
K8N Neo Plat.
AMD 64 3000+ retail
Radeon 9800SE
2x256 OCZ400512ELDCPE-K
Unplugged everything else (even the case fans) to no avail.

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    hi nick34_99,
    sounds to me like a bad charging electronic...
    i got this issue on my sat3000 too, but only when battery is not fully charged...
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    you did the big mistake if you used live update!!!
    Bios flashing and live update:
    look at this: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=84865.msg606175#msg606175
         and this: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=14909.0
         and this https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=69.0
    something abou Bios recovery:
    btw look at this, it`s about bios version 1.9 for MS-7030, this bios has lots of bugs at K8N Neo-FSR:
    look at this: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=87562.0
    and this: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=86772.0
    I suggest you to revert back to official version 1.7 (which is stable) or modded version 1.56 by pinochio...look at this: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=59711.0 and also look at syar`s collection: http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~chsmith/Syars_Bios_Collection/
    go to NEO1 and download 7030MOD.156

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    Hi there,
    first of all: a notebook is not a desktop and such mobile computer does not have jumpers like a deskop computer. They surely have something to delete the BIOS but I am not so sure IF resetting the BIOS could help you.
    I guess you will have to send your machine to a service center for repair because in such cases you will have no other option. Do you have still warranty on this machine?

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    This corresponds to "Initializing keyboard controller"
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    Clearing CMOS didn't help.
    Any ideas how I can fix this? Or should I contact the support? 

    Before you answered, I tried to check the RAM. As a matter of fact by removing one of 3 memory sticks the computer worked. Later I figured out that if I lower the RAM frequency from 200 MHz to 166, all 3 sticks work perfectly well.
    Now the question is : WHY THE HELL DID THIS BIOS UPDATE MESS UP MY RAM??? Weird. 

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    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/UE … B_from_ISO
    Attempting to boot from this image I get to a screen that looks like:
    Arch Linux archiso x86_64 UEFI USB
    UEFI Shell x86_64 v1
    UEFI Shell x86_64 v2
    After selecting the first option, I get a blank screen.
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    [1] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=151599
    [2] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=158530
    As suggested by
    I tried appending a number of things to the initrd line
    with no success (the blank screen was exactly the same).
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    Shell > fs0:
    FS0:\ > cd \arch\boot\x86_64
    FS0:\arch\boot\x86_64\ > vmlinuz archisobasedir=arch archisolabel=ARCH_201306 initrd=\arch\boot\x86_64\archiso.img
    which I did.  After pressing enter nothing happened (the screen did not go blank, all the text remained, no messages appeared).
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    Now, finally, the questions
    Firstly, does anyone have any suggestions about how to solve or troubleshoot my blank screen issue?
    If not, does anyone have an opinion about which of the workarounds (switching into legacy mode or the one that I don't quite understand yet) would be better?  I am not planning to dual boot the system, so I do not need to use UEFI to be win8 friendly, etc.
    Last edited by wesphys (2013-06-07 14:36:28)

    Auric wrote:
    Neri, did you get any further with this? I just got my own Thinkpad Yoga and am facing the same problems. Everything works fine in legacy Boot but the screen stays black on UEFI boot regardless of the known workarounds.
    might it help to first install using legacy boot and later on convert to UEFI?
    Not really with Arch directly anyways. What you can do is:
    1. Use Fedora 20 USB to boot the sucker up
    2. Use Archlinux-bootstrap install (download expand etc)
    3. Use refind as the bootmanager seems to solve the dual boot issues
    ATM i'm fighting a mkinitcpio segfault. But that is after the installation was basically successful.  It would be nice if we can find a way to fix the install medium ...
    All sorted out. Unfortunately you'll have to bypass the Archlinux Install medium and resort to the fedora 20 installer. I used the XFCE4
    version for a smaller download.
    Here are the basic steps for a Dual-Boot setup:
    In windows (Disk Management) truncate your C: Drive.  I ended up making basically what will became /dev/sda4 smaller and didn't not
    touch any partition or free space before that. Here's the final Layout:
        empty space
    1. recovery partition
    2. ESP
    3. reserved
    4. windows
    5. Linux Root
    6. Linux home
    7. Swap
    The installation happened from within Fedora Live using an Archlinux Boot strap image according to the Wiki for installing from an
    existing Linux and the Wiki Installation Guide.  I mounted /dev/sda2 (aka. the existing ESP partition) as /boot and installed refind
    according to the wiki. Please note, when you install Arch through the archlinux bootstrap method make sure you  pacman -S archlinux-keyring
    in the bootstrap chroot first before you run the pacstrap command - it will accelerate the process tremendously!
    Last edited by neri (2014-01-02 21:40:31)

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    - Kip
    (just wanted to clarify what i mean by "blank".  i mean black screen.  video signal is being fed to the screen, just nothing but the black.)

    My God! You're running XP!!   Have you upgraded from 2000? Do you have any autostart program connected to an instant messaging or SQL server?

  • Blank screen after boot - After update.

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    I recently  - and after several weeks without touching it - updated my arch but, after rebooting, the laptop screen went blank just after booting up. Using the fallback boot resulted in the same ... well.. result. This is as much as i can describe since i don´t know how to access a comand line in this context, in order to test/check what´s going on. Anyone can help me?

    Assuming you are using grub, you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst when grub is loading, in order to force it to not boot into X. On boot, select your normal arch linux entry from to boot list (don't press enter) and type e to edit the menu.lst Press e again on the kernel line and append this number:
    kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda3 resume=/dev/sda5 ro 1
    Press enter and then you boot it by pressing b. It is the number at the end that defines the run level, in this case 1 (single user). This will allow you to boot into console as root.
    Edit: I meant run level 1 (single user)
    Last edited by roygbiv (2011-06-24 20:08:01)

  • Blank screen on boot but only somtimes

    After updating to kernel 3.16.1-1, sometimes booting up leads to a blank screen. In this blank screen state, everything seems to be working, the numlock/capslock keys light up when toggled and pushing the power button does a full shutdown which I've set it up to do, just no screen. Interestingly, adding the kernel option `nomodeset` seems to fix this but I haven't touched any video drivers whatsoever and don't use proprietary drivers either, I use nouveau. Even more interestingly, this only happens sometimes. I happened to save logs for when this blank screen state happens and when everything boots up OK.
    Here is Xorg.log for blank screen:
    Here is the normal Xorg.log:
    Here is the journal boot logs for blank screen:
    And here is the normal journal boot logs:
    I'm not sure if anything looks out of the ordinary, but any suggestions would help

    What setup is yours?
    Desktop? laptop?
    I think you need the newer nvidia drivers and not nvidia-304xx series.

  • MSI 790GX-G65 Blank Screen on boot.

    I finally decided to upgrade my computer and I am having an issue unfortunately. Please take a look and see if you can give me any advice.
    Mobo: MSI 790GX-G65
    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition Deneb 3.2GHz
    RAM: G.SKILL 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333
    PSU: Rosewill Stallion Series RD450-2-DB 450W ATX V2.2 Power Supply
    Output     +3.3V@22A,+5V@15A,+12V1@14A,+12V2@16A,
    [email protected], [email protected]
    I have isolated the problem to these components, attempting to turn it on the CPU fan turns on and LEDs on the motherboard all turn on but my monitor receives no input at all, boot screen, no blinking cursor, no nothing. the computer doesn't beep, if it wasn't for the blank screen I wouldn't have a problem. I don't know how to determine which part is the problem as I don't have parts to switch out but I need to figure out something soon If I am going to have to be returning stuff.
    I have read other posts on the forums and one of the first things you guys mention as being the problem is the PSU and I have considered upgrading it to AZZA Dynamo 850
    Output     +3.3V@24A, +5V@32A, +12V1@18A, +12V2@18A, +12V3@20A, +12V4@22A,[email protected], [email protected]
    I realize it doesn't have the +12v amps that everyone is recommending on a single rail but would this be workable with my set up for a casual gamer on a budget(the PSU is on a special right now with a case for cheap)
    Thanks for helping.

    Quote from: Fredrik on 29-October-09, 10:18:35
    All LEDs are Go? It doesn't sound like a BIOS problem, more of a power/processor thing, but update 1.2 is required.
    All LEDs light up.
    Quote from: Henry on 29-October-09, 11:17:07
    Check that all plugs of the wires from the PSU are fully seated in their sockets and that the 4/8 pin power for the CPU is plugged in. Usually labeled JPW1, JPWR1 or something similar.
    All wires are plugged in solidly and the PSU is fully seated
    Quote from: Fredrik on 29-October-09, 10:18:35
    Try with less memory; a single stick nearest to the processor.
    I tried with both sticks individually, same result. Blank Screen
    Quote from: Henry on 29-October-09, 11:17:07
    Corsair VX550W +12V~41A single rail would be a very good one for you especially if you might want to get a halfway decent VGA card later on down the road. I'm assuming you are using onboard graphics since you didn't list a separate card.   http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139004
    Right, I ordered a HD 4770 seperately and it came a day later, the screen receives no input whether I plug in from the onboard video or the video card.
    Quote from: Fredrik on 29-October-09, 10:18:35
    Get a quality PSU, please. An 850W PSU doesn't cost 60$, have a half hidden amps list, and come with blue LEDs. Better a quality 500W than a lousy 850W. How would you fancy this one?
    Quote from: Henry on 29-October-09, 11:17:07
    Like Fredrik said, a cheap junk PSU is still a cheap junk PSU no matter how many watts it claims to have. That's the mistake far too many people make is getting cheap with a PSU which is the heart of a system and when they take a dump it more than likely will take other components with it. I'm sure you've read plenty of that if did much reading of things regarding PSU's on this forum.
    Thanks for the PSU suggestions and advice, I'll be a better shopper when it comes to PSUs.
    Thanks for the suggestions but nothing worked, I guess I will be contacting newegg and telling them something doesn't work and let them sort it out.

  • A78M-E45 blank screen, wont boot, no post boot.

    Hi there,
    I always had ASUS boards with Intel processors. Now Im building a MSI / AMD computer.
    Motherboard: A78M-E45
    Memory: Kingston blu 16gb 1600mhz KHX1600C10D3B1K2/16G (two sticks of 8gb)
    Processor: AMD Athlon II X4 760K
    Power: Corsair CX430 V2
    Graphics: Club3D Radeon R9 270 14 series
    SSD: Crucial M500 240gb sata3
    Case: CoolerMaster N300
    With this configuration the system wont boot. Just a blank screen.
    I did a few tricks like changing the Power to a better one. Unplugged the SSD and DVD drive. Cleared the cmos.
    No luck.
    The processor is compatible but the memory is not on the list. The board should handle speeds up to 2133mhz so that sould be no problem.
    What am I missing here?

    I have a few questions for you:
    what other power supply did you try? (it may be a power problem as a AMD system with that config may need upto a 500-550W PSU with the CPU and Graphics combo you have)
    have you tried each stick of RAM individually on the board? (Some kits are defective and you need to test each)
    can you try the board outside the case on a non conductive surface (cardboard or untreated wood) to make sure its not a short under the board?

  • Blank screen during boot, missing video on tty console

    I have black screen when booting from docking station where is DVI video output. On laptop itself and over VGA is OK.
    Tried modify GRUB2:
    but still the same and can't get video after switch to tty (ctrl+alt+F1) as well
    I compare with Debian where tty works fine
    found in folder:  /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf
    where is:
    options i915 modeset=1
    in Arch missing this file, any idea what to check?

    Mr.Elendig wrote:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/In … modules.22
    This says ati but can in some cases happen on intel with docking stations too:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/At … rks_in_KMS
    The most likely problem is the former though. It tries to use both outputs, and the vga uses a much lower res than the dvi, and therefor your monitor goes black because it doesn't like the video mode.
    Thank you for answer.
    I modified Grub line for adding one more module parameters fbcon=map:1:
    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet acpi_osi=Linux fbcon=map:1"
    and updated grub:
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    but now after showing Grub table with available systems just frozen video, still I'm able to typing from keyboard to push system forward (encryption password)
    I reverse to previous settings.

  • Blank screen upon boot up

    I shut the lid on my MBA and it goes to sleep.  After upgrading to Mountain Lion, I now get a gray screen (blank screen) when I open the lid. Seems like a power setting issue?

    Usually when a powerbook is stored for several months, the power manager becomes corrupted and traditional resets do not help. In addition, when this occurs, absolutely nothing happens, but in your case, you do hear the startup chime - this means the initial startup sequence has passed its hardware test.
    - Have you cycled the brightness keys?
    - I would try this reset just to cover all bases: Remove main battery and disconnect power adapter > press the reset button on the back panel for 30 seconds > connect just the power adapter and start up.
    - If the display is still black (and it did work when stored), one other item that you can check will cause these symptoms...a poorly seated microprocessor card. Remove all power > lift off keyboard > remove aluminum heat shield > remove the top memory module > press down •very• hard on the right side of the microprocessor card next to the HD and next to the palm rest...this is where the multipin connector is located. Don't be afraid to press hard; the Pismo is noted for a difficult-to-seat card. Without reassembly, connect just the power adapter and see it it will start normally; if so, press the power button until it shuts down.
    If no help, press down again, then test.
    If still no help, remove power > disconnect the internal rechargeable backup battery; now connect the power adapter and try starting. If successful, remove power and reassemble.
    Here are some guides:
    This article will show how to install memory in the bottom slot of the microprocessor card; you don't want to do that, but you will follow the steps up to removing the top memory module.
    Enlarge the top picture...you can see the backup battery.
    The entire Pismo takeapart guide:
    Be sure to follow good anti-static procedures.

  • GT70 2OC Bios update went bad, blank screen on boot

    I want to update my laptop's bios, model being MSI GT70 2OC - 065US. When I went to MSI driver download site, there were two different bios files for download.
    Version 517 for UEFI None RAID SKU and version 717 for UEFI RAID0 SKU. My Laptop has one hard disk and other sata slot for hdd is empty. I am confused whether  which BIOS file should I use for my laptop. Please help.
    I tried to update BIOS using version 517 file. I was following procedure given in pdf manual. I followed every step as per manual. Laptop asked permission to reboot as suggested in manual. But after reboot only blank screen is appearing and only fan is working, no other activity is there.
    Kindly help.

    Quote from: ajaymore2909 on 12-January-15, 02:26:50
    I want to update my laptop's bios, model being MSI GT70 2OC - 065US. When I went to MSI driver download site, there were two different bios files for download.
    Version 517 for UEFI None RAID SKU and version 717 for UEFI RAID0 SKU. My Laptop has one hard disk and other sata slot for hdd is empty. I am confused whether  which BIOS file should I use for my laptop. Please help.
    I tried to update BIOS using version 517 file. I was following procedure given in pdf manual. I followed every step as per manual. Laptop asked permission to reboot as suggested in manual. But after reboot only blank screen is appearing and only fan is working, no other activity is there.
    Kindly help.
    Power on/off your laptop. If the laptop does the same then you have to send it back for RMA.

  • K8n Neo 2 Platinum Board Booting issues

    # CPU brand, model and speed (E.G. AMD Athlon64 3000+ 'Venice' core) AMD 3800+ Not sure of Core
    # Motherboard model (E.G. K7N2 Delta2 Platinum, NOT just MS-6570!!) K8N Neo 2 Platinum
    # Memory brand, type/speed, size, number of sticks (E.G. 2x Crucial 512MB DDR400) Kingston KVR400x64c3a/512 x2
    # Video card brand, chipset type, memory size (E.G. Gainward Geforce 6800GS 512MB AGP) ATI Radeon 850 Pro 256MB AGP
    # Hard drive(s) brand, size, type, speed (E.G. 2x Seagate 200GB SATA150) 2x Hitachi 80GB SATA150
    # Any other peripheral cards and devices (E.G. MSI TV@nywhere Plus TV card, MSI DigiVOX USB2 TV tuner) D-Bracket 2
    # Operating system and version (E.G. Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP2) Windows XP Sp2 / Ubuntu 7.10 / Vista Ultimate
    # Power Supply Unit brand and output in watts and DC output (amps) TurboCool 510 ATC-PFC ( Taken from a Vapochill SE Chassis ) Originally had been Tagan TG480-U01 however it just blips the power on and off so thinking it is faulty.
    I have replaced my motherboard as I had thought it originally was a duff BIOS chip as despite reflashing it, it would rarely pass the POST.
    All parts apart from the PSU are the original Kit which had been working for 13 months ish.
    Problem i am experiencing is the D-Bracket 2 Diagnostic LEDs are coming up Red/Amber as opposed to Red/Green and the machine just sits there and never displays anything, hence why BIOS isn't mentioned as I have no idea what version is currently on the BIOS chip.
    I have stripped out down to just CPU and still get the same problem, I then swapped it for a FX53 which I had lying around which I know worked as it came out of my Vapochill chassis and also swapped out for some OCZ PC3700 512MB EB Dual Channel Platinum 3-3-2-8.. still no joy.
    Any ideas greatly appreciated as I don't want to rebuild my machine as it is exactly how I wanted it I feel I have checked everything but maybe someone can shed a little light.
    Anyone want a spare mboard or two ?? I now have three !

    Your Tagan's behavior was typical of a failing PSU... but the Turb-Cool model you mention doesn't exist at the PCP&C web site; in fact there are a total of five other 510 models, some of which have only an 8-pin CPU power connector, so it's impossible to figure which one you have.  Does your PSU have a 4- or 8-pin CPU power connector and, if the latter, how do you have it connected to the mbrd?  The only 8-pin CPU power connector I've seen could not be connected to a 4-pin socket, which your mbrd has... or does your mbrd have both 4- and 8-pin?
    The only other thing I'd remark is that Vista will not run satisfactorily with your nForce3 mbrd and an ATI video card.

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