K8n Neo4 Platin PCB1 with WD Caviar black 500gI b lots of crashes

I was happily using my computer  for about 4 years. Than I decided WD Caviar black would be  a good one to upgrade my old drive I bought it. now I'm having all lock downs.
When I connect it as non boot drive it works ok for about an hour or such, than when I try to do something with that drive i.e. open a file in explorer my computer locks down (Explorer gets hung). I tried it as a boot drive with fresh Xp and Vista,... even more problems occurred. (I don't know if its me or not but I felt like after I installed Nvidia drivers comp got crazy didn't even boot with drive read errors faulty files n such). I tried it with SATA mode 1 jumper I tried it as a single drive. I tried disabling command queue. Nothing helped. But when I tried it with my friends comp no problems at all.
Kay, Full specks u say.....
AMD Atlon 64 Venice 3200+ S939 @2000 MHz
DIMM DDRAM 512MB PC400 Kingston CL2.5 X 2
DIMM DDRAM 512MB PC??? Twinmos  X 2
Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM 150GB
WD Caviar black 500GB
Palit Geforce 9600GT Sonic
FSP Blue Storm II 500w
Good enough? I was half sleeping that night so sorry for the grammar 

About jumpers yes I trided it with SATA mode 1 both with jumper and drivers both didn't help.
Quote from: Fredrik on 29-May-09, 00:08:54
Falling out devices are a sign of a poor PSU.
BlueStorm was an average PSU to begin with. Four years later...
What solves the problem has to do with the PSU.
Okey, I don't want you to rush out or to the online stores to buy a new PSU. I would much rather you somehow tested the one you got, to determine whether that is the problem. One way of testing is if you have an older and weaker graphics card. Both graphics card and modern hard disks put strain on the 12V line, so testing that way could make your hard disk be found every time.
I see but the problem is my PSU in not 4 years old. I upgraded my PSU with my graphics card which is one year old at most. I have an older Vcard. IF it goes to that I'll try that. But what about problem going on with only one drive ?
ALso I changed my drivers  to the ones from and MSI the situation seams to be improved but not solved.

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    Welcome to the forum DaaDoctor
    If you creat a signature (in profile) it will save you having to type your spec's  out each time or us looking for it. Use mine as a template.
    What PSU are you using ? Can you list the power output ? (writen on side of psu)
    Going from your specs you listed your graphics card is very hungery on power so I would suggest your psu isn't up to the job under load.
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    Don't worry.  There have been other posts about this.  They are basically the same boards the Neo4 line, so you will see the Plat. name at the bootup screen with each BIOS update.

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    That should be enough to start the computer. It has two +12V rails, which are of good enough ampage.
    Now it looks to me like it needs a newer BIOS version to recognise the CPU.
    See: http://www.msi.com.tw/program/support/bios/bos/spt_bos_detail.php?UID=651&kind=1 I think this is your motherboard?!
    You'll need another A64 CPU to flash the BIOS though.
    Just to settle akhille's mind, you could also try a better PSU.

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    First barebones boot successful. Started right up, all fans working, keyboard & video working, installed memory (1GB) correctly identified.
    D-Bracket showed
            Initializing Floppy Drive Controller
    which is at is should be, since I had no drives hooked up.
    It's been a long day. I need to stop & eat. I may continue after I eat, but I probably won't get very far until tomorrow.

  • MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI sound needs -5V; newest Antec 550W has no -5V rail

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    At the end is this warning:  MSI Reminds You...
    • For this model, you must use a Power Supply which has a -5V pin supply. Also, the users manual which I downloaded on Pg 2-10 says the same thing
    The above Antec PS specs do not  show a -5V rail, nor does an Enermax 600W I looked at.  The V2.0 specs for ATX12v which added 2x24pin 12V rails dropped -5V rail from the spec and it appears MSI is not conforming to the spec (See Antec response at end) None of the web sites selling these PS & mobos contain any warning.  I vaguely recall from a forum a while back it may have something to do with the Soundblaster system in the mobo.
    http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=22551 (click specifications)
    Isn't this a major showstopper which is going to cause a lot of grief for those of us upgrading to SLI systems using this mobo and upgrading our PS to the newest & best power design?  We won't know the PS won't work until we build the system.
    Regards, Ron
    Antec reply to me:
    >>>>Thanks for the link. Since MSI's website does state the motherboard needs the -5v, the True550EPS12V will not work with this motherboard. The Standard (http://enhanceusa.com/documents/atx12v_v2.01.pdf) has removed the use for the -5v rail and it is no longer needed. MSI has not manufactured that motherboard to the Standard. Finding an ATX12V v2.0 power supply with the -5v might be hard to find. You should contact MSI for a compatibility list of power supplys that were tested to work with the K8N SLI Platinum.

    Quote from: ccve3 on 21-May-05, 07:27:40
    Wow!!  syar2003 thanks for that post.  I've spend an hour going through it &  fasteddies links.  Now I are a power expert.  The dual rail argument is enough for me to go back to the MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI with one of the single rail PS -5V units listed by fasteddie. The only question left now refers to computerpro3  recommendation on ultra power supplies for SLI 
    >>I quite simply wouldn't dream of putting anything else in my machine. Keep in mind, this section is for 2x 6800 models, not the 6600's which most any good psu will handle (like Antec Neopower, ocz 520, etc). . Pc Power and Cooling 510 Deluxe SLI edition (refer to list)
    2. Zippy/Emacs 550-700w models
    3. OCZ 600w (personally I would get the pcp&c for the price, but it's been proven here, so I'll be fair...). 
    These are really high end, expensive and only 3-4 choices. Since I'm getting one 6800GT and eventually another & possibly eventually a 4800 X2, I was hoping the OCZ 520W would do it but computerpro3 says Powermaster 520 isn't good enough for SLI.  I found that there is an OCZ 600W ATX12 dual rail which surprisingly has a -5V rail needed for K8N Neo4 SLI Soundblaster.  Will this meet computerpro3's preference for a high end PS for SLI systems even though I'm losing the 1 rail advantage.  Maybe the 600 Watts just overwhelms the 1 rail/2 rail question.
    Thanks again for the teriffic help
    Regards, Ron
    Wondering what you settled on.  I got the Antec TP550 and it's flawless on the board.  I even have the older 20pin model which works perfectly (including sound).  If you really wanted what I would consider to be a top dog (pcpower and cooling), and find the -5v rail missing, all you have to do is place a phone order and request they add a -5v rail.  It's a minimal cost and a total solution for having everything.  Just my $0.02

  • K8N Neo4-FX Boot Issue

    Hey all,
    Im new to this forum so forgive me if I do not address my problem to you in the correct fashion.
    Im running Windows XP Pro SP2 on a K8N Neo4-FX board with the NVidia Geforce 6600 GT and an AMD 64 3600+.
    I have this issue were when I boot for the first time in the day, my computer locks up when trying to load into Windows, it does not load any Icons but you can see the desktop. After a reboot, in an attempt to get into Windows again, it now locks up on the Motherboard bootscreen for a random amount of time, usually atleast 3 minutes. I disabled the boot screen so that it would show me what its trying to load behind the Motherboard boot screen and it gets stuck on trying to load/check the harddrives. Eventually it realises there all there and boots into Windows without issue. It usually requires 2 reboots before you can get into Windows. Now If I Boot up for the first time in the day and leave the computer at the login screen of Windows for about 5 to 8 minutes and then attempt to login and boot Windows, it hass no drama's. Interesting huh? It gets better.
    I believe a secondary issue is tied into this as well. Once Windows is booted and I try to watch any type of media, all I get is a blank outline of where the video should be playing, sound working and playing correctly. This effects all media except Movies (.mov) which work on all occasions. No matter how many times you reboot, it does not allow you to watch any media, only hear it. However if you shutdown and boot again all media works without issue.
    Now ill give you a minute to soak that in...
    My original thought was, "Dodgy install of Windows", so I formatted and reinstalled a COMPLETELY NEW installation, even differant OS(to XP Pro from Home Ed) and I still have the same issues.
    This leads me to the conclusion that the Board/Card is faulty. However if any of you experts or any other people can shed any light or similar experiences on this, it would be much appreciated!
    Thank you,
    If you want anymore info MSG me.

    Quote from: Sadist on 06-August-06, 23:00:40
    Hey all,
    Im new to this forum so forgive me if I do not address my problem to you in the correct fashion.
    Im running Windows XP Pro SP2 on a K8N Neo4-FX board with the NVidia Geforce 6600 GT and an AMD 64 3600+.
    I have this issue were when I boot for the first time in the day, my computer locks up when trying to load into Windows, it does not load any Icons but you can see the desktop. After a reboot, in an attempt to get into Windows again, it now locks up on the Motherboard bootscreen for a random amount of time, usually atleast 3 minutes. I disabled the boot screen so that it would show me what its trying to load behind the Motherboard boot screen and it gets stuck on trying to load/check the harddrives. Eventually it realises there all there and boots into Windows without issue. It usually requires 2 reboots before you can get into Windows. Now If I Boot up for the first time in the day and leave the computer at the login screen of Windows for about 5 to 8 minutes and then attempt to login and boot Windows, it hass no drama's. Interesting huh? It gets better.
    I believe a secondary issue is tied into this as well. Once Windows is booted and I try to watch any type of media, all I get is a blank outline of where the video should be playing, sound working and playing correctly. This effects all media except Movies (.mov) which work on all occasions. No matter how many times you reboot, it does not allow you to watch any media, only hear it. However if you shutdown and boot again all media works without issue.
    Now ill give you a minute to soak that in...
    My original thought was, "Dodgy install of Windows", so I formatted and reinstalled a COMPLETELY NEW installation, even differant OS(to XP Pro from Home Ed) and I still have the same issues.
    This leads me to the conclusion that the Board/Card is faulty. However if any of you experts or any other people can shed any light or similar experiences on this, it would be much appreciated!
    Thank you,
    If you want anymore info MSG me.
    The problem is most likely with your HardDrives not the MB...

  • "K8N Neo4" dual core? NOT Neo4-F or platinum or SLI

    I have a K8N Neo4. <- period.  msi seems conveniently to have forgotten about this model, it doesn't show up on their site at all.  literally a week after I bought it, it looked like they repackaged it and put a "dual core ready" sticker on it.
    just wondering if the F model was just a bios update, or if they're just pretending that a single core limited version of the neo4 never existed.
    P.S. I tried to search for the answer before I posted, but all I found was people talking about their F or Platinum series and the dual cores they have in them.

    Quote from: arpheztwig on 23-December-07, 02:39:41
    well, the box didn't say it was an -F, and the box didn't say it was dual core ready, is it still possible it's the black?
    does anyone know for sure that it ISN'T dual core ready?  otherwise I'm going to assume that it is and buy a new processor, I'll let you know what happens.
    "F" usually is not written. You must have this one---> K8N Neo4-F (PCB 1.0) in Black PCB, but if its somethink else from possibilities like K8N Neo4 Platinum (PCB 1.0) or K8N Neo4-FI (PCB 1.0) it doesn't matter, all boards support dual core CPU and shares same BIOS in same time.

  • K8N NEO4-F doesn't detect the WD6401AALS SATA2 disk

    Hello i own the MSI K8N NEO4-F motheboard with the nforce4.
    The board supports SATA1 but i think SATA2 is backwards compatible with SATA1.
    I recently bought an Western Digital WD6401AALS SATA2 disk.
    I' ve connected it to the orange sata port number 2 (the sata number 1 is my main disk, a Maxtor 200 Gb SATA1 ) but the bios (i have the latest version 1.D) does not detect the disk.
    After reading this http://wdc.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/wdc.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=2534&p_created=#jumper i tried with the jumper on, but nothing happened this time too.
    Is there a uncompatibility with the certain drive? Is there something i could do to use the drive without changing my motherboard?
    Thank you in advance.

     Leave the jumper as shown in figure 3 for 1.5Gb/s, pins 5-6 like Fredrik said. Did you enable SATA in BIOS 'Integrated Peripherals? Paper manual not much help there, down load the PDF here and have a look:

  • K8N Neo4 SLI Onboard Creative Audio Problem

    I'm using a K8N Neo4 SLI board with the CA something Creative Audio chip onboard.  After a cold boot, the audio is alright but after a period of time, I begin to lose power in my left speaker for some reason  .  This has been confirmed to be a problem pertaining to my mobo, and not my speakers.  Any suggestions?

    Tried to used driver cleaner to clean all the Creatives drivers then used the drivers provided from the CD or used the latest drivers. If still cannot then configured from Control panel on the speaker or Sound Manager itself. Gd luck.

  • K8N Neo4-F - SATA vs SATA II

    I have the K8N Neo4-F apparently with the SATA.  I would like to figure out how to use my [2] SATA drive in SATA II mode (300 MB/s).  I cannot find on the web anywhere where I can purchase the K8N Neo4-F with SATA II. Can this MoBo be upgraded? If so, is it a driver thing? A hardware thing? Would I see speed increase enough to make the change, effort, etc worth while?
    Any help, advice, experiences, even tell me don't worry or pursue would be appreciated.

    Quote from: millsaia on 23-August-07, 04:31:02
    I have the K8N Neo4-F apparently with the SATA.  I would like to figure out how to use my [2] SATA drive in SATA II mode (300 MB/s).  I cannot find on the web anywhere where I can purchase the K8N Neo4-F with SATA II. Can this MoBo be upgraded? If so, is it a driver thing? A hardware thing? Would I see speed increase enough to make the change, effort, etc worth while?
    Any help, advice, experiences, even tell me don't worry or pursue would be appreciated.
    if you want to used it you can bought the sata2 controller (pci). Or else stick with it that it doesn't gives much different like what bosskiller say.

  • K8N NEO4-F-----4 REDS on every test

    Hi all,
    I think iv'e hit the jackpot this time .K8N NEO4-F[PCI] with 3500 venice[PIB] and radeon x800gto fitted to case and other items needed from my sig[sys] .Only one stick of ram used [512 ballistic 3200 from my sig] fitted to dimm 1[slot nearest cpu]
    Everything built and ready to go[oops]   Powered up and all fans running-2 sys,cpu,x800gto and nforce4 chip--4 reds constant.Ran for 30+ secs then shut down
    I noticed that when main power plug was put into wall socket that the system powered up ie:- didn't need front panel power button-reset didn't work either. yes i did check all JFP1 and JFP2 conns.  Shut down using the on/off switch on the psu.
    Ok i thought --2 probs here--power and reset don't work and 4reds .
    Disconnected all JFP1 and all JFP2 conns-checked 4pin power to cpu-ok--heatsink and fan seemed to look right so tried again-4reds no beeps[hadn't got that far.lol]
    Time foe barebones-removed mobo from case with cpu,heatsink and fan and 1 stick of ram[still in slot 1]--result still 4reds.
    Removed heatsink and fan--all cpu pins looked good[magnifying glass].cleaned heatsink and cpu-applied new thermal paste-refitted them.tried again -still 4 reds-tried ram in slot 3 -result -4 reds.
    I did notice that ram seemed a little free in slots 1 and 3
    Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
    Regards Jabiru

    Please try this:
    1- Disconect power to PSU and switch it off.
    2- Disconnect 20/24 and 4/6 pins power connectors from the  motherboards
    3- Reset CMOS using JB jumper & leave in reset position
    4- Remove battery from motherboard
    Leave as such for a couple hours or overnite
    5- Then reset everything by working yourself backwards from 4 to 1 above
    6- Try to reboot and then go straight to BIOS  Setup if it works and then reset BIOS options as needed. Pay particular attention to your CPU & RAM settings and voltages.
    You may also consider re-flashing your BIOS if further snags or instbility noted.
    Good luck,

  • K8n Neo4 Platinum / Antec SP-400 SmartPower 2

    I am interested in purchasing a K8N Neo4 Platinum along with an Antec TX640B case and SmartPower 2 400w PSU.
    I notice in the specification for this power supply that the +12V1 and +12V2 outputs are 14A and 15A respectively.
    In the manual of the K8N Neo4 Platinum, it says that the ATX 12V power connection should be greater than 18A.
    Will the Antec 400w PSU be sufficient to power this motherboard and its components?
    The system will not be overclocked.
    Other components:
    A64 3200+ Venice CPU
    1GB (2x512) Crucial PC3200 RAM
    ATI X800XL 256MB graphics card

    Quote from: Supershanks on 04-July-05, 20:45:09
    Given that sli is the most power hungry yes. However the strategy still holds true & if buying a new unit it lengthens the useful life of the unit if u cover the possibilities.
    The example shown below with 15A on each 12v rail highlights the issue. You can ignore the overclocking - that is on the CPU 12v1 rail .
    With 2 HD @6800 gfx card & 2 optical drives the system is pretty average. You will see that the 12v2 rail is 78% loaded - 2% under the 80% target load. 14.6A of 15A available on 12v2 is commited, leaving no room 4 expansion.
    A single rail supply by comparison with 30A on a single 12v rail.  would have 30-22.9 = 7.1A spare being 18.3/30 61% loaded, more than enough to handle additional hardware/upgrades.
    I appreciate what you're saying, but the system I'll be building for my friend just won't require that power.
    I've just used your calculator, and the absolute worst case scenario (based on 80% target load) is 13.9A on the 12V2 rail.  I've based that on upgrading to 4 RAM modules, extra fans, a better graphics card, and it still doesn't reach the PSU's limits.
    Furthermore, the calculator is based on 100% load on all devices, which is unlikely to happen.
    Thanks for your advice though, and that calculator has helped me put my mind at rest

  • K8N Neo4 Platinum - 20 Pin PS Compatible?

    I was considering an upgrade, which would include a K8N Neo4 Platinum motherboard, with an A64 3200 Venice, X850XT, and 1GB RAM.
    My current power supply is a 480W Antec model, with a 20-pin ATX connector. I know some motherboards with a 24-pin socket are backwards compatible to work with 20-pin power supplies, the extra 4 pins are just left empty. Is this the case with the K8N Neo4 Platinum, or will it only work with the 24-pin power supplies?

    I run 380W ANTEC 20pin with all the item in my SIG up to 2550 Mhz. The X850XT mite use a lot of juice but if your using an ANTEC True Power 480 Its got 28A on a single 12v rail. Or is it a different 480? Most here would say 24-28A 12V is good for a 64bit system and or in SLI config.
    Most 24+4 pin MOBO will work with 20+4 pin as long as its a good PSU. So far I only know of DFI-SLI boards that need 24+4 pin to run.
    K8N Neo4 Platinum motherboard, with an A64 3200 Venice, X850XT, and 1GB RAM
    <------------ nice budget gaming rig. 3200+ Venice will easly OC to 2400Mhz on stock Vcore and runs very cool. Upto  2700Mhz on air cooling, 2900Mhz on water. I take it your using non SLI version of NEO 4, 7125 ? Great MOBO just the lack of SLI, only useful if running X2-Geforce cards. X850XT one of the best single cards out there, for me I've always used Geforce. 1GB is the sweet spot, only running more apps needs more RAM. Make sure that if its 2X512 match pair they work with this board. Some people here have problems running 4X512 @ 400Mhz+ 2X512 should be fine. Just do a search in this forum and also check out the MSI test report
    Good luck

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