Keep external process alive after System.exit(0)

I wish to start Outlook from my Java program and have my own program exit normally but keep alive the Outlook process. Besides, I am not interested in input/output/error streams.
public class OutlookStarter {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
          new ProcessBuilder("cmd", "/c",
                    "\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office14\\outlook.exe\"")
}When I run this when Outlook is not started, my program will not exit until I close Outlook.
I really do not want to close Outlook just to exit my program (my real program has a Swing GUI and users must be able to close it).
Also when I run this when Outlook is already started, somehow my program DOES exit without closing the new Outlook window.
EDIT: I can add System.exit(0) and behavior is the same. I can use Runtime.getRuntime().exec and behavior is the same.
Edited by: Strider80 on Jan 12, 2011 7:27 AM

Strider80 wrote:
I wish to start Outlook from my Java program and have my own program exit normally but keep alive the Outlook process. Besides, I am not interested in input/output/error streams.
public class OutlookStarter {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
          new ProcessBuilder("cmd", "/c",
                    "\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office14\\outlook.exe\"")
Did you try using [url]start ^[url]Microsoft DOS and command prompt^ ?
          new ProcessBuilder("cmd", "/c",
                    "start \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office14\\outlook.exe\"")

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    1: Properties persistence is not a DEFECT but a FEATURE . It was implemented in MS Word so users could change MS word WITHOUT HAVING TO DO IT EACH TIME THEY START IT UP.
    2: Don't you intialise all your variables in your code after you instanciated them ? I am sure you do so and therefore the persitence feature you described should not be annoying you at all. It is not necessary to intialise variables in the BASIC langage but that does not mean you should not do it.
    3: (-1) was chosen arbitrary by Microsoft as the TRUE value for Boolean datatype and 0 the value for FALSE when they designed Visual Basic. This is not a problem if you write code properly
    I recommend you test bool variable in any langages using the following test:
    (myBool <> 0)
    you need to understand what you are working with before you complain about it.
    Argument for Argument sake is not good and if you think MS word is a bad program just don't use it. go and write your own word processor in JAVA.

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    * Title:
    * Description:
    * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
    * Company:
    * @author Ivan Motsch
    * @version 1.0
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class TestOracleLite{
    public TestOracleLite(){
         public void start(){
              Statement stm=null;
              Connection conn=null;
                   Properties p=new Properties();
                   p.setProperty("IsolationLevel","Read Committed");
                   p.setProperty("CursorType","Forward Only");
                   String ps=getPropertiesAsString(p);
                        "drop table test1 cascade"
                        "create table test1(pk number(32),ncol number(32),scol varchar2(2000),dcol date,rcol long raw)"
                        "insert into test1(pk,ncol,scol,dcol,rcol) values(?,?,?,?,?)",
                        new Object[]{new Integer(1),new Integer(1111),"Test Text",new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()),new byte[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}}
                   readSql(conn,"select * from test1");
              catch(Exception e){
                        catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
         private static String getPropertiesAsString(Properties p){
              StringBuffer buf=new StringBuffer();
         for(Iterator it=p.keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();){
              String key=(String);
                   String val=p.getProperty(key);
              return buf.toString();
         public boolean execSql(Connection conn,String s){
              return execSql(conn,s,(Collection)null);
         public boolean execSql(Connection conn,String s,Object[] binds){
              ArrayList list=new ArrayList();
              if(binds!=null) list.addAll(Arrays.asList(binds));
         return execSql(conn,s,list);
         public boolean execSql(Connection conn,String text,Collection binds){
              PreparedStatement stm=null;
                        int i=1;
                        for(Iterator it=binds.iterator();it.hasNext();){
                             else if(o instanceof byte[]){
                   boolean b=stm.execute();
                   System.out.println("status: "+(b?"ok":"failed"));
                   return b;
              catch(SQLException e){
                   System.out.println("status: "+"error"+" "+e);
                   return false;
                   if(stm!=null) try{stm.close();}catch(Exception e){}
         public boolean readSql(Connection conn,String text){
              PreparedStatement stm=null;
                   ResultSet rs=stm.executeQuery();
                   ResultSetMetaData meta=rs.getMetaData();
                   System.out.print("col: ");
                   for(int i=1,n=meta.getColumnCount();i<=n;i++){
                        System.out.print(""+meta.getColumnName(i)+", ");
                        System.out.print("row: ");
                   for(int i=1,n=meta.getColumnCount();i<=n;i++){
                             System.out.print(""+rs.getObject(i)+", ");
                   return true;
              catch(SQLException e){
                   System.out.println("status: "+"error"+" "+e);
                   return false;
                   if(stm!=null) try{stm.close();}catch(Exception e){}
         static public void main(String[] args) {
              TestOracleLite t=new TestOracleLite();

    After system copy you need to do post system copy activities...
    Please follow according to the installation Guide..
    for example: your sld connection of your new system will be pointing to your source system. So you need to go to VA where in you can find SLD Data Supplier and change the host name, port no relavent to this  i.e. your destination system...i.e.
    new system.. In the same way you can follow doing the post installation activites will solve your issue.

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         at com.can.framework.layer.VanillaBean.shutdown(
         at com.can.main.Main.main(
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         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
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    Hey Guys,
    Would really appreciate some help.  How do you keep the scrollback history in urxvt after exiting a ssh session?  After closing the SSH session it appears to do a reset (the inital ssh command is not even shown, but all command prior to ssh are still in scrollback).  xterm does the same thing, but terminator keeps the scrollback after exit.
    Description=RXVT-Unicode Daemon
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/urxvtd -q -f -o
    URxvt*font:                     xft:Ubuntu Mono-12
    URxvt*boldFont:                 xft:Ubuntu Mono-12
    URxvt.talicFont:                xft:Ubuntu Mono-12
    URxvt.bolditalicFont:           xft:Ubuntu Mono-12
    URxvt*letterSpace:              -1
    Urxvt.depth:                    32
    URxvt.colorDB:                  white
    URxvt.colorIT:                  #87af5f
    URxvt.colorBD:                  #d7d7d7
    URxvt.colorUL:                  #87afd7
    URxvt*termName:                 xterm-256color
    URxvt.urgentOnBell:             True
    URxvt*saveLines:                32767
    URxvt*scrollBar:                false
    URxvt*scrollBar_right:          false
    URxvt*skipScroll:               false
    URxvt*jumpScroll:               true
    URxvt*loginShell:               true
    URxvt*fading:                   20
    URxvt*secondaryScroll:          true
    URxvt*visualBell:               true
    URxvt.perl-ext-common:          default,keyboard-select,url-select,selection-to-clipboard
    Last edited by V31GN (2014-08-06 20:45:22)

    Glad you got it sorted: please use code tags when pasting ot the boards … s_and_Code

  • Post processing steps after system copy

    Hi experts,
    Please clarify the doubts, reg my situation,
    We don have our development server in synchronous with production server, so we destroyed the existing development client and copied the production client, now the new system logical name  in sm30 in table T000 is MABCLNT900 and also our production server is same,as we copied it from production server, previously our development server was with MAACLNT495 which was mapped with MAQCLNT500 , R3 test sytem,
    in this scenario we want run BDLS tool to change client name in both R3 and BW , Please explain step by step procedure in achieving this,
    Thanks in advance

    As I understood your system landscape should look like this:
    BW DEV (MAACLNT495) <-> R3 DEV (MAQCLNT500)
    BW PRD (MABCLNT900) <-> R3 PRD (???)
    After BW system copy you should change connections in SM59 and then use BDLS to change logical system name.
    You can also use Restore function for source systems (RSA1).
    Although if you copy both R/3 and BW systems at the same time it's possbile just to keep the same logical system names as they are in productive (it's easier to maintain).
    Please read notes: 886102, 543715, 325470, 325525, 184322, 886102, 184971, 184447, ...

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    Is there a question?
    That doesn't have anything to do with java. That is how TCP/IP works.
    The only way to detect all connection failures is to write to the socket - reads will not do it.

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    I set up WL Admin Server and Managed Server to run as Windows services.
    I have the code to retire/re-activate in an ANT script and right now, I execute it via the command line.
    Here's my question
    I want to retire a SOA composite BEFORE my Managed Server Windows service stops and re-activate it AFTER the Window service starts up.
    Do you know how to do that? Or if you have other suggestions, please let me know
    I'm using

    I want to retire a SOA composite BEFORE my Managed Server Windows service stops and re-activate it AFTER the Window service starts up.
    This means you need to check for the ManagedServer is in RUNNING state right?
    in WLST you can get State of a given Managed Server with getState() method. write a WLST invoke method in ANT and try.

  • Accounting document not copied after system copy.

    We copied the production system into our test system using backup/restore.  In the post copy verification, our CO team complained because they could not see the "accounting documents".
    What do you think happened why the accounting document was not copied?

    Hi Krbas,
    Make sure you did all the post processing activities after system copy. I doubt you missed some post processing activities related to CO after your system copy.

  • Kill and System.exit

    Is there a way (with Linux) to issue the kill command on your java process so that System.exit(0) is called and you know that your shutDownHooks will run?

    Thanx again for the reply, Freddy
    first things first:
    System.exit(0) does not work in this case..
    and the code is reached..
    // main class
    public class AdminApp {
    public AdminApp() {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    AdminApp adminApp1 = new AdminApp();
    AdminFrame frame = new AdminFrame();
    /// admin frame class
    public class AdminFrame extends JFrame{
    public AdminFrame() {
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    groupsMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    desktop.add(new AdminGroups());
    //admingroups class
    public class AdminGroups extends JInternalFrame {
    private JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea();
    private JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
    JPanel groupPanel = new JPanel();
    XYLayout xYLayout1 = new XYLayout();
    public AdminGroups() {
    setTitle("Edit Text");
    getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
    private void jbInit() throws Exception {

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    I keep getting this message after closing Firefox and attempt to reopen-Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.


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    After updating to Firefox 29.0, firefox.exe *32 process keeps running after application exit, and must be terminated manually before Firefox will re-start. The update to 29.0.1 did not solve the issue. All updates prior to 29.0 never exhibited this problem, and there have been no other changes to my system, so this issue originated with 29.0.

    Thanks for the response, and you are right, for now the only one being helped by leaving telemetry on is me, because there is (apparently) no problem to report when it is on.
    Slight clarification:
    1. Enabling history and cache fixes problem.
    2. Enabling telemetry fixes problem.
    3. Enabling history and cache, cycling FireFox on/off, then disabling history and cache, fixes problem during current power cycle, but not persistently between power cycles.
    4. All the above settings do persist across power cycles.

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    Thanks & regards

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    we make pr- thru network only in external processing for material/service.
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    material 2 - rs. 20
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                                          planned costs  actual costs
    purchase maetrials               30                    30 (after migo-gr)
    material 1                             0                       0
    material 2                             0                       0
    my requirement, how i can get Rs. 10 for material 1
    Rs. 20 for material 2
    hope i have clarified, pl let me know how i can get values line itemwise either materials or services.
    pl note pr material is line itemwise only

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