Keep History Forever

How can i make firefox keep my browsing history forever?
Right now it only seems to keep 6 months, and i've tried changing settings but some of them keep reverting back
I've changed
browser.history_expire_days.mirror to 835
And I try to change places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages (It doesn't want to be changed from about:config, so i have to edit the prefs.js file) to 999999 but it always reverts back to 87200
Is there some setting that i'm not seeing that will stop firefox from deleting the history?

That seems unnecessary, why check if you've been too it instead of just adding +1 to the visit count.
Seems like a very inefficient way of programming.

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    Thanks for your time.

    Firefox automatically calculates how many pages to keep without affecting performance and saves that value in the transient_max_pages pref.
    You can create a max_pages pref to override that current maximum, but it is better to leave those prefs at their default.
    You can see the current value via the read-only pref places.history.expiration.transient_max_pages on the about:config page.

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    Sorry for the bad english and thanks in advance.

    In Firefox 4 the choice of number days was removed by setting the preference very high and if you try to change it, it will revert back, so I don't think your problem is on the number of days. See
    I don't remember specific changes from 3.5 to 3.6, but if all of your history gets deleted like at the end of a session, or when you use Tools > Clear History, see

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    Suggest looking at [this|] wiki for links to pertinent samples. Also, check out the [Developer Help File|]. Searching these forums for similar queries may also prove to be fruitful

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    Does the iOS device connect to other networks? If yes that tend to indicate a problem with your network.
    Does the iOS device see the network?
    Any error messages?
    Do other devices now connect?
    Did the iOS device connect before?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on your router
    .- Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    - iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - Wi-Fi: Unable to connect to an 802.11n Wi-Fi network      
    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem and it does not connect to any networks make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Attachments: ‏24 KB

    It works just fine here. Place an indicator to the iteration terminal [i] to watch how things progress. Do the number ever increase above N-1 to what you wire to N? I don't think so!
    Also make sure you don't run the VI with the "Continuous run" button. In this case the VI would immediately restart whenever it is finished. use the "Run" button.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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            lstJrnTable = new org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTable();
            lstJrnTable.setColumnControlVisible(true);But now , I was wondering how I can keep history of these selection.
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    thank you so much.

    Hello, I was glad to find out this wonderful object that is JXTable.
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            lstJrnTable = new org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTable();
            lstJrnTable.setColumnControlVisible(true);But now , I was wondering how I can keep history of these selection.
    Example, I display the table, so far so good , I want to display 5 out of the 7 columns. I just do the appropriate clicks and then , imagine I move somewhere else into the application.
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    thank you so much.

  • Messages not keeping history

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    It will not keep history of the chat after I close down the application and open it up again. This is what I have done so far.
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    Still any messages will get deleted after i start up.
    In ~/Library/Messages/Archive I can find all of the messages normally.

    Thanks for your help.
    Weird thing, the "Archive" folder was not under my ownership. Changed it, applied to enclosed items... No change. Still loses the history. Although the messages still get saved on their respective folders.
    Now in regards to the log, it stopped logging after a while for no apparent reason. Here is the output:
    At startup
    Last login: Wed Jul 17 14:35:23 on ttys000
    xxxxxxxxxxxx-iMac-2:~ xxxxxxxxx$ /Applications/ -errorLogLevel 7
    152651.110737 -registerForHardwareNotification: 1 devices
    152651.113068 ER_AddFilter (0): Adding [xxxxxxx [email protected]]->[0]
    152651.113086 setLocalUserName: xxxxxxxxx [email protected]
    152651.113846 Default video size is (640 x 480)
    152651.114297 H264: (640 x 480) @ 30 fps
    152651.114519 H264: (320 x 240) @ 30 fps
    152651.114789 H263: (352 x 288) @ 30 fps
    152651.114905 H263: (176 x 144) @ 30 fps
    152651.114966 ######################################
    152651.114971 # SoundDec_Create(16000 --> 3) #
    152651.114974 ######################################
    152651.145220 Leaving SoundDec_Create
    152651.146647 Audio Unit Parameter List = 7, result = 0
    152651.146659 CurrentFormatmSampleRate       44100.000000
    152651.146666 CurrentFormatmFormatID         lpcm
    152651.146668 CurrentFormatmFormatFlags      0x00000029
    152651.146671 CurrentFormatmBytesPerPacket   4
    152651.146673 CurrentFormatmFramesPerPacket  1
    152651.146675 CurrentFormatmBytesPerFrame    4
    152651.146678 CurrentFormatmChannelsPerFrame 2
    152651.146680 CurrentFormatmBitsPerChannel   32
    152651.146682 OurFormatmSampleRate       16000.000000
    152651.146685 OurFormatmFormatID         lpcm
    152651.146688 OurFormatmFormatFlags      0x00000029
    152651.146690 OurFormatmBytesPerPacket   4
    152651.146692 OurFormatmFramesPerPacket  1
    152651.146695 OurFormatmBytesPerFrame    4
    152651.146697 OurFormatmChannelsPerFrame 1
    152651.146699 OurFormatmBitsPerChannel   32
    152651.146702 Reached err = 4294956417, 459
    152651.146705 Reached err = 4294956417, 467
    152651.146903 ### NEW STATE: to: VC_INIT, from: VC_INVALID
    152651.146926 ### NEW STATE: to: VC_IDLE, from: VC_INIT
    152651.146938 ++++++++++ confStatusMapRemoveAll
    152651.146942 ( ) -- mapUserIDToSecurityInfo cleared --
    152651.147052 dispatch_CommNATProc
    152651.149149 VCDelegate conforms to VideoConferenceDelegate protocol.
    152651.149199 VTPRecvProc thread(184221696) started...
    152651.149218 SIPManager init with protocol: 0.
    152651.149429 138 routing table entries found.
    152651.149441 IPv4 DEFAULT route, if_idx:4
    152651.149445 IPv4 DEFAULT route, if_idx:5
    152651.149569 2 interfaces found.
    152651.149617 VTP set fd(15) buf size send[9216->225000] recv[196724->225000]
    152651.149708 Start listening on sock 100
    152651.149748 VTP set fd(16) buf size send[9216->225000] recv[196724->225000]
    152651.149791 Start listening on sock 101
    152651.149803 2 valid interfaces found.
    152651.149888 Transport(UDP) Thread start...
    152651.149966 138 routing table entries found.
    152651.149976 IPv4 DEFAULT route, if_idx:4
    152651.149980 IPv4 DEFAULT route, if_idx:5
    152651.150120 Transport checking map for interface = en0, port = 16402
    152651.150152 [0]Creating a port mapping from on interface 0 from external port 55838 to local port16402...
    152651.151469 TPListen on port 16402
    152651.151600 dispatch_AcquireSNATMAPConfigurationProc
    152651.518740 SNATMAP Configuration:
    152651.934325 Found 1 cameras:
    152651.934832      FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) - 0xfa20000005ac850b (0x101, 0x400)
    152651.946164 Microphone devices:
    152651.946603     Internal microphone
    152651.946948     Line In
    152651.949462 selectedCamera: no camera has been set yet.
    152651.949712 selectedCamera: no camera has been set yet.
    152651.949904 selectedCamera: no camera has been set yet.
    152651.950102 vcCapabilitiesOfCPU returns: 0x000f0fff
    152651.950180 BWD: No existing BWD cache
    152651.950189 BWD: Launching thread to determine focus capability based on bandwidth.
    152651.950203 BWD: Using QuickTime value: 500000
    152651.950213 BWD bandwidth: 500 kbits up, 500 kbits down.
    152651.950209 dispatch_DetermineFocusCapability
    152651.950219 videoNetworkCapable: 1 -- 3 max participants.
    152651.950236 audioNetworkCapable: 1 -- 9 max participants.
    152651.950239 Supports PCMU wideband for audio: 1 / video: 0
    152651.950367 vcCapabilitiesOfNetwork returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.950378 vcCapabilitiesOfRouter returns: 0x00000000
    152651.950382 vcCapabilities returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.950433 Selected microphone is the null device microphone.
    152651.950583 vcCapabilitiesOfCPU returns: 0x000f0fff
    152651.950649 BWD: No existing BWD cache
    152651.950660 BWD: Using QuickTime value: 500000
    152651.950668 BWD bandwidth: 500 kbits up, 500 kbits down.
    152651.950671 videoNetworkCapable: 1 -- 3 max participants.
    152651.950674 audioNetworkCapable: 1 -- 9 max participants.
    152651.950677 Supports PCMU wideband for audio: 1 / video: 0
    152651.950795 vcCapabilitiesOfNetwork returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.950804 vcCapabilitiesOfRouter returns: 0x00000000
    152651.950808 vcCapabilities returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.950944 vcCapabilitiesOfCPU returns: 0x000f0fff
    152651.951004 BWD: No existing BWD cache
    152651.951013 BWD: Using QuickTime value: 500000
    152651.951021 BWD bandwidth: 500 kbits up, 500 kbits down.
    152651.951024 videoNetworkCapable: 1 -- 3 max participants.
    152651.951027 audioNetworkCapable: 1 -- 9 max participants.
    152651.951031 Supports PCMU wideband for audio: 1 / video: 0
    152651.951152 vcCapabilitiesOfNetwork returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.951161 vcCapabilitiesOfRouter returns: 0x00000000
    152651.951165 vcCapabilities returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.953593 Found 1 cameras:
    152651.953640      FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) - 0xfa20000005ac850b (0x101, 0x400)
    152651.953652 selectedCamera: no camera has been set yet.
    152651.953678 selectCameraByGUID: 0xfa20000005ac850b (0x101) returned 0
    152651.953686 selectCameraWithCMIODeviceID: 0x101 returned 1
    152651.953889 selectedCamera2 GUID returned FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    152651.954284 selectedCamera2 GUID returned FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    152651.954721 Selected mic: Built-in Microphone / imic
    152651.955226 Found 1 cameras:
    152651.955267      FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) - 0xfa20000005ac850b (0x101, 0x400)
    152651.955297 selectedCamera2 GUID returned FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    152651.955313 selectCameraByGUID: 0xfa20000005ac850b (0x101) returned 0
    152651.955318 selectCameraWithCMIODeviceID: 0x101 returned 1
    152651.955515 selectedCamera2 GUID returned FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    152651.955684 selectedCamera2 GUID returned FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    152651.955987 Selected mic: Built-in Microphone / imic
    152651.967537 vcCapabilitiesOfCPU returns: 0x000f0fff
    152651.967619 BWD: No existing BWD cache
    152651.967631 BWD: Using QuickTime value: 500000
    152651.967640 BWD bandwidth: 500 kbits up, 500 kbits down.
    152651.967643 videoNetworkCapable: 1 -- 3 max participants.
    152651.967646 audioNetworkCapable: 1 -- 9 max participants.
    152651.967649 Supports PCMU wideband for audio: 1 / video: 0
    152651.967766 vcCapabilitiesOfNetwork returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.967776 vcCapabilitiesOfRouter returns: 0x00000000
    152651.967779 vcCapabilities returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.968215 Selected microphone is Internal microphone.
    152651.968449 vcCapabilitiesOfCPU returns: 0x000f0fff
    152651.968516 BWD: No existing BWD cache
    152651.968525 BWD: Using QuickTime value: 500000
    152651.968533 BWD bandwidth: 500 kbits up, 500 kbits down.
    152651.968537 videoNetworkCapable: 1 -- 3 max participants.
    152651.968540 audioNetworkCapable: 1 -- 9 max participants.
    152651.968543 Supports PCMU wideband for audio: 1 / video: 0
    152651.968668 vcCapabilitiesOfNetwork returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.968676 vcCapabilitiesOfRouter returns: 0x00000000
    152651.968680 vcCapabilities returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.969308 Selected microphone is Internal microphone.
    152651.969737 Found 1 cameras:
    152651.969782      FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) - 0xfa20000005ac850b (0x101, 0x400)
    152651.969812 selectedCamera2 GUID returned FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    152651.969829 selectCameraByGUID: 0xfa20000005ac850b (0x101) returned 0
    152651.969834 selectCameraWithCMIODeviceID: 0x101 returned 1
    152651.970065 selectedCamera2 GUID returned FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    152651.970231 selectedCamera2 GUID returned FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    152651.970617 Selected mic: Built-in Microphone / imic
    152651.972899 vcCapabilitiesOfCPU returns: 0x000f0fff
    152651.972986 BWD: No existing BWD cache
    152651.972997 BWD: Using QuickTime value: 500000
    152651.973006 BWD bandwidth: 500 kbits up, 500 kbits down.
    152651.973010 videoNetworkCapable: 1 -- 3 max participants.
    152651.973013 audioNetworkCapable: 1 -- 9 max participants.
    152651.973016 Supports PCMU wideband for audio: 1 / video: 0
    152651.973140 vcCapabilitiesOfNetwork returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.973149 vcCapabilitiesOfRouter returns: 0x00000000
    152651.973153 vcCapabilities returns: 0x00000fff
    152651.973601 Selected microphone is Internal microphone.
    152652.028287 BWD Configuration Data: (16384/1)
    152652.028317 Connect to bwd server:16384/1 from configuration file.
    152652.028680 BWD_GetBandwidth: SendRequest (from :16393)
    152652.279734 BWD_GetBandwidth: SendRequest (from :16393)
    152652.530813 BWD_GetBandwidth: SendRequest (from :16393)
    152652.781893 BWD_GetBandwidth: SendRequest (from :16393)
    152653.032978 BWD_GetBandwidth: SendRequest (from :16393)
    152653.283268 BWD_GetBandwidth: SendRequest (from :16393)
    152653.534337 BWD_GetBandwidth: SendRequest (from :16393)
    152653.785231 BWD_GetBandwidth: SendRequest (from :16393)
    152654.035430 BWD_GetBandwidth: SendRequest (from :16393)
    152654.285646 BWD_GetBandwidth: SendRequest (from :16393)
    152654.536255 BWD_GetBandwidth: GotResponse
    152654.536285 BWD_Get: signal failed
    152654.536304 BWD GetBW failed.
    152654.536310 GotBandwidth: 0/0 (up/down) @P?7
    152654.536346 BWD bandwidth: 0 kbits up, 0 kbits down.
    152654.536350 videoNetworkCapable: 0 -- 0 max participants.
    152654.536352 audioNetworkCapable: 0 -- 0 max participants.
    152654.536367 Focus Capability (after BWD):
    152654.536370      audioHardwareCapable = 1
    152654.536373      maxAudioParticipantsBasedOnHardware = 9
    152654.536375      audioNetworkCapable = 0
    152654.536378      maxAudioParticipants = 0
    152654.536381      canBeAudioMultipointParticipant = 1
    152654.536383      videoHardwareCapable = 1
    152654.536386      maxVideoParticipantsBasedOnHardware = 3
    152654.536388      videoNetworkCapable = 0
    152654.536390      maxVideoParticipants = 0
    152654.536393      canBeVideoMultipointParticipant = 1
    152654.536395      detectedUpstreamKbits = 0
    152654.536398      detectedDownstreamKbits = 0
    152654.536400 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification
    152654.536421 BWD: Launched thread done.
    152654.654737 in callback
    152654.654765 -sdRef 0x7f94c26478d0 ?
    152654.654778 -flags = 00000000
    152654.654780 -IFIndex 0 ?
    152654.654783 -errorCode == 00000000
    152654.654787 -publicAddr ==
    152654.654789 -proto == 16
    152654.654792 -privPort == 16402
    152654.654794 -publPort == 0
    152654.654796 -ttl == 0
    152706.152016 CommNAT no result
    152706.152245 142 routing table entries found.
    152706.152255 IPv4 DEFAULT route, if_idx:4
    152706.152266 IPv4 DEFAULT route, if_idx:5
    After about 20 minutes:
    2013-07-17 15:47:56.783 Messages[834:707] *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:operation:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
    2013-07-17 15:47:56.783 Messages[834:707] *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:fromRect:operation:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
    And after about 2 hours:
    171359.336269 Calling SIPCloseHandle
    171359.336373 Transport(UDP) Thread end(00000000)...
    171359.340327 ICECloseHandle ... done.
    171359.488130 VTPRecvProc thread(4479188992) end...
    171400.528986 Received VCHardwareCapsChangeNotification
    2013-07-17 17:14:00.529 Messages[834:707] Hardware Caps Dictionary: {
        HasCamera = 1;
        HasDV = 0;
        HasMic = 0;
        HasQ8 = 0;
        Q8List =     (
    171447.169863 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:14:47.169 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:14:47.172 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    171447.172715 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    171447.176145 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:14:47.176 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:14:47.176 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    171447.178662 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    171448.160377 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:14:48.160 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:14:48.160 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    171448.161359 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    171448.166853 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:14:48.166 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:14:48.167 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    171448.168985 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    171448.170147 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:14:48.170 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:14:48.170 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    171448.170653 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    171450.088722 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:14:50.088 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:14:50.089 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    171450.089348 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    171450.109277 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:14:50.109 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:14:50.110 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    171450.110602 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    171450.116300 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:14:50.116 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:14:50.119 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    171450.119403 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    171450.134172 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:14:50.134 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:14:50.134 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    171450.134789 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    171451.089197 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:14:51.089 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:14:51.089 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    171451.089811 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    173034.873442 Received VCHardwareCapsChangeNotification
    2013-07-17 17:30:34.873 Messages[834:707] Hardware Caps Dictionary: {
        HasCamera = 1;
        HasDV = 0;
        HasMic = 0;
        HasQ8 = 0;
        Q8List =     (
    173035.176317 Received VCHardwareCapsChangeNotification
    2013-07-17 17:30:35.176 Messages[834:707] Hardware Caps Dictionary: {
        HasCamera = 1;
        HasDV = 0;
        HasMic = 0;
        HasQ8 = 0;
        Q8List =     (
    173040.941587 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:30:40.941 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:30:40.941 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    173040.942583 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    173040.947873 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:30:40.947 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:30:40.948 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    173040.949198 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    173040.951281 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to wake from sleep
    173041.939337 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:30:41.939 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:30:41.939 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    173041.940017 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    173041.948380 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:30:41.948 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:30:41.948 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    173041.949764 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    173041.951654 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:30:41.951 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:30:41.952 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    173041.952962 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    173045.053218 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:30:45.053 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:30:45.053 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    173045.053786 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    173046.053340 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:30:46.053 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:30:46.053 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    173046.053938 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    173046.842682 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:30:46.842 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:30:46.843 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    173046.843511 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    173046.850109 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:30:46.850 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:30:46.852 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    173046.852353 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    173046.870452 [[** MTHelper - [ConfIndex 0][CallID 0] MTHelper_Set_VCNetworkMonitorCallbackInfo en0]  *************]
    2013-07-17 17:30:46.870 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: count = 1, changedKeys is (
    2013-07-17 17:30:46.872 Messages[834:707] VCNetworkMonitorCallback: localIP's = (
    173046.873444 Sending VCCapabilitiesDidChangeNotification due to network update
    I really cannot find anything relevant, it might be escaping my view though. Weird thing, is that it also deleted some of the chat history within the same instance of the started application. The Archive however contains the whole chatlog.

  • My safari browser is not keeping history on my iPad

    My safari is no longer keeping history on my iPad 2

    try this, open safari, click book icon upper right, bookmarks menu drops down, in bookmarks menu upper left click on the word "Bookmarks"'(it's probably in a blue colored font), History should be the second one from the top of the menu now, hope this works for you!

  • My ipod touch 5 wont connect to wi-fi it just keeps loading forever

    My ipod touch 5 wont connect to wi-fi it just keeps loading forever.
    My sisters ipod5 connects just fine and they're right beside each other. i already tried resetting the network settings, nothing has worked.
    any advice?

    Does the iPod connect to other networks?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                 
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on the router
    - Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    - iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • Inn Firefox 11, how do I clear temporary internet files, but keep history?

    In Firefox 11, how do I clear temporary internet files, but keep history?
    You can email me the answer at (Email removed by mod)
    Thank you!

    I'll go ahead and explain it since you said the link wasn't working for you:
    1. Open up Firefox. In the upper left hand corner, click the orange Firefox button.
    2. Inside the menu that drops down, click on Options, then go to the "Advanced" tab in the upper right hand corner of that smaller window.
    3. Inside that window, you should see some smaller tabs, one will be "General" another "network" etc. Click Network.
    4. Inside the Network tab, under "Cached Page Content" click the "Clear Now" button. That will remove the cache (which is the same as temporary internet files in Internet Explorer).
    Let me know if that helps you out.

  • In Firefox 11, how do I clear temporary internet files, but keep history?

    In Firefox 11, how do I clear temporary internet files, but keep history?

    Question answered at []

  • Can I restore deleted history or keep history from being deleted?

    My question pretty much summed it up. I would like to restore deleted history or at least see what was deleted, or keep history from being deleted altogether.

    I do not like that firefox keeps harassing me to update it all the time. I Do not like that it has a private browsing feature and I want to know how to permanently get rid of this feature and never be bothered again by an update.

  • I keep trying to download 3.6.17 and it just keeps 'downloading' forever. Never finishes. Mac OS 10.5.8

    I keep trying to download 3.6.17 and it just keeps 'downloading' forever. Never finishes. Mac OS 10.5.8
    The download box with the 'barber-pole' moving just goes on and on.

    If you have problem with updating Firefox then easiest is to trash the currently installed version to do a clean install of the new version.
    Download a new copy of the Firefox program and save the DMG file to the desktop
    * Firefox 3.6.x:
    * Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean (re-)install
    * Install the new version that you have downloaded
    Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the [ Firefox Profile Folder], so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data.
    Firefox 4 doesn't run on a PowerPC Mac.<br />
    Firefox 4 requires at least OS X 10.5 and an Intel Mac.
    For a Firefox 4 compatible version that runs on Mac OS X 10.4.11 or Mac OS X 10.5.8 (PowerPC) you can look at:

  • The latest version of itunes (10.2.2) freezes immdiately after connecting a device when trying to sync to ipod, iphone or ipad. The beachball just keeps spinning forever or until I force quit

    The latest version of itunes (10.2.2) freezes immdiately after connecting a device when trying to sync to ipod, iphone or ipad. The beachball just keeps spinning forever or until I force quit

    Back up all data.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    ~/Library/Application Support/SyncServices
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item selected. Quit the application if it's running. Move the selected item to the Trash. Relaunch the application and test.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

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