Keeping link highlited onClick - Possible?

I have a simple rollover link using the swap image and swap
image restore behaviors, but I want the link to stay the
onMouseOver color once it is clicked. Is this possible? I tried
adding an onClick behavior but it didn't work.
Essentiallly I am trying to get around having to generate a
navigation page unique to each link whereas the link pertaining to
the page they're viewing would be highlited so they know where they
DW MX 2004

It's easy to do with CSS or with javascript.
With CSS you would have a little stylesheet embedded in the
head of each
page that allows you to set the down state for any given
button (each button
would have a unique id - for example -
<a href="foo.html" id="button1">...<a
href="bar.html" id="button2">
and then your stylesheet would have this -
a#button1 { styles }
on one page, and on another this -
a#button2 { styles }
See how that works?
With javascript, put this in script tags in the head of the
document -
function P7_downImage() {
var g7="<imagename>"
var g7url="<pathname>"
if ((g7=MM_findObj(g7))!=null) {g7.src=g7url;}
and this on the <body> tag
Then on each page you would need to make two edits:
Set g7 to the *name* of the button (not the file name but the
HTML name -
e.g., "productsbutt"), and g7url to the pathname to the
button (e.g.,
"images/nav/button3.gif"), and bada bing, bada boom!
There is an excellent tutorial here -
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
(If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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"Tangier Clarke" <[email protected]> wrote
in message
news:e85uc6$4c3$[email protected]..
>I have a simple rollover link using the swap image and
swap image restore
> behaviors, but I want the link to stay the onMouseOver
color once it is
> clicked. Is this possible? I tried adding an onClick
behavior but it
> didn't
> work.
> Essentiallly I am trying to get around having to
generate a navigation
> page
> unique to each link whereas the link pertaining to the
page they're
> viewing
> would be highlited so they know where they are.
> DW MX 2004

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    Hi Hank,
    one possibility would be your school kid neighbor generates by using a file manager a directory tree that is a mirror image of your tree. For example:
    So the respective links should be identical.

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    Thanks for the reply.
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    PDF moved —
    PDF#1 has a link to PDF#2. To keep this link functional after putting PDF#1 elsewhere:
    --| Relocate PDF#2 with PDF#1; maintaining the same path to the target of the link (which is PDF#2).
    --| Or, use Acroat's link tool to modify the link in PDF#1 so that you establish a functional path to wherever PDF#2 is at.
    For email, if PDF#1 & PDF#2 are adjacent to one another under some folder/directory & then linked you'd want to email both files together. Both PDFs can be saved &, provided they stay adjacent, the links will work.
    PDF split —
    PDF#3 has internal links (e.g., a link from PDF page 1 to some other PDF page in PDF#3).
    You split PDF#3 by extracting the first 5 PDF pages & now have PDF#4.
    Any links in PDF#4, to PDF#3 pages past page 5 will not function.
    Use Acrobat's Link tool to modify the link such that it goes from PDF#4 to the desired page in PDF#4.
    n.b., There are 3rd party plug-ins for Acrobat that can facilitate bookmark and link management.
    A web search will provide a listing.
    Be well...

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    response.write("<td style='padding: background='"strImagePath"/header-background.gif'><a href=\"" + strQuickLinkName + "\"" +  " onclick=\"EPCM.doNavigate(\'" + strChildNodeName + "\'); return false;\" class='Archive'>Archive</a></td>");
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    On criagslist, however, it doesn't work.
    That sounds odd. When I visit craigslist, the links are blue; they turn purple when I hover over them, and orange when I actually click on them. And since it works on other sites, I'll venture a guess that the site was created with Windows users in mind, so it doesn't adhere to web standards, which is why it works fine with IE and Firefox, since they're both prominent browsers on Windows.

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    <br />
    <pre><nowiki><a href="#" onClick="goBack();" >Back to Previous</a>
    function goBack(){
    //Disabled the action of the link after first click to avoid repeated click events-Sreejesh
    //once the action is compleated It will be activated by the function 'doCommonLoad' in commonfunctions.js
    objLinks = document.links;
    if(taskList == true){
    if (secondFrame == "tasklistframe") {
    } else {
    // if(twoFrames = false)
    // maximize('maincontentframe');
    if(document.getElementById("statusbar").style.display == 'none')
    document.getElementById("statusbar").style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById("mainMin").style.visibility = "visible"
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    The following forum is a better place to ask about web development issues.
    Before doing that though, you should try this with Firefox 16.0.1.[[Update Firefox to the latest version]]

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