Keyboard shortcut disobeys

In a pages document, hitting command+arrow (right) INDENTS the text rather than taking me to the end of the line. I see this is expected behaviour in a list, but I am not working on a list (checked this). Happens in any document. I tried trashing the Pages preferences, to no avail. I also checked shortcut mappings in keyboard settings, they are standard. All other apps apply this shortcut normally.
I can go to the end of the line by hitting ctrl+arrow. But that is not standard, and I don't know why it is that way.
Any idea?

Sorry, I didn't read your post properly.
If I make a WP document in Pages, put the cursor in a paragraph and use Command + right arrow it does move to the end of the line.
I can see that you are from Belgium. Maybe it is a bug due to your Mac being belgian (which I presume). Could you try and change the language in the System preferences to English or Swedish (which I have) in International? Never mind, I just changed it on my Mac and put french at the top and logged out and in again. Now when I try to use the command the whole paragraph moves to the right.
This must be a bug and you should report it to Apples. In the menu in the Pages menu select "Emettre un commentaire sur Pages".
Meanwhile you could use English as the language for your Mac, then the command would work in the intended way.

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    You can leave feedback and request features added to the iPhone online here:

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    Within the Workgroup Manager pane for Preferences, there is an option to manage Universal access. Within that section, there is a tab for 'Options'. You will want to change that management to 'Always' and leave the box for 'Allow Universal Access Shortcuts' UNchecked. This will, in effect, disable the usage of the shortcuts for a User or a selected Group account.
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    Hi Ninose11,
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    Howdy Guilherme
    Give this a try if you haven't already.
    System Preferences
    At the bottom of the left panel go to:
    App Shortcuts
    If isn't there, add it.
    Under it add Send.
    Now choose your key combo i.e.
    Worked for me mail Version 7.1 (1827) running OS X 10.9.1.

  • Secret dragging tricks and keyboard shortcuts - are these published anywhere?

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    *** THE DOCK ***
    Press ^F3 to move to the dock. Use the arrow keys to select an icon. You can also use autocomplete (type the first few letters of the icon's name). Then press Opt-arrow_key to move the *icon* among the other icons on the Dock. Thus you can change the order of the icons on the Dock using only the keyboard.
    Open an app's Save As sheet. Drag a folder or its proxy icon to anywhere in the Save As sheet except the sidebar and that updates the directory (folder) field with that folder. Drag a file or its proxy icon to the Save As sheet (anywhere except the sidebar) and that updates both the directory (folder) and file fields accordingly.
    Why do I do this? I find it easier to use the actual Finder, or I may already have a Finder window in the right directory.
    You can also click on a directory or file in the Save As sheet to populate the directory or file fields, respectively. Then edit the filename to a slightly different name.
    Open a true text-only editor session using an app like TextWrangler (not TextEdit!). Drag a folder (or its proxy icon) from the Finder into the editor window. Viola`! The names of the folder and all its subfolders and files are pasted into the text buffer in a properly indented form.
    Drag a file from the Finder into a text-only editor like TextWrangler or similar (not TextEdit!) and the _contents_ of the file (not its icon) are inserted into the document.
    Select some text. Drag it to a folder. This creates a "textClipping" file which contains the selected text. Opens as a "Finder document".
    Open iPhoto. Drag (to copy) a photo to a folder. Makes a jpeg file of the photo in that folder.
    Opt-U/D: Move highlight bar to top or bottom of most menus and lists. Does not work in Spotlight drop-down menu. Works in Snow Leopard Mac Mail (v 4.5, anyway) if you hold it down for a second: you get an error signal, but it works anyway.
    PgUp/PgDn | Home/End: Moves highlight bar to top or bottom of menus. Moves only the view for lists.
    Opt-Spacebar: Move highlight to the alphabetically first item in a menu (except in the Spotlight drop-down menu).
    After selecting an item on the drop-down menu via the arrow keys:
    Cmd-Return: Open enclosing folder.
    If ^F7 is set to "all controls", press ^F7 four times if it's the first search in a particular Spotlight window; two, otherwise. This moves you to the list of results.
    If ^F7 is set to "text boxes and lists only", just Tab.
    Home: go to the current year and month.
    Up, down, left, right arrows: go one year back, one year forward, one month back, one month forward. Hold a L or R arrow down to autorepeat through the years. (You can't do _that_ with the mouse!) Also works with U and D for the months.
    Cmd-Shift-; - Open spelling pane. But you knew that one. Press ^F6 to get to the pane. Tab around to everything except Define and Guess. With the focus on the replacements list, use the arrow keys to select a replacement word from the list. (Press the spacebar to run the control with the highlight perimiter and press Return to run the control with the solid highlighting.)   
    o MAIL
    Cmd-I - Open Account Info window
    - Old-style help panes :
    Open the menu pane in the usual way. The Highlight perimeter will be on the search window.
    Tab: Move among the Search field, the page, and the controls on top. Add Shift to reverse.
    When on the page:
    Use the usual navigation keys -- Up, Down, Home, End, Page up, and Page Down, Spacebar, Shift-Spacebar -- to scroll through the page.
    Opt-Tab: move among the links on the page or items in a "Help Topics" list. The highlight perimeter will be rectangular. Press Return or Enter to click the selected link or item. Add Shift to reverse direction.
    Cmd-F: Open the Find bar. Move about with Tab. Move among the arrows with L or R arrow keys. To find a string: Type your search string in the Find field. Press Return or Enter. Press again to find the next occurrence, etc.
    To go to the page from the Find bar: Shift-Tab to the left or right arrow. Then press Shift-Tab two more times.
    To close the Find bar: Tab to Done and press the spacebar or just press Escape.
    You can return to the app via ^F6, but the help pane stays open.
    When the highlight perimeter is on one of the arrow controls, press Spacebar to click it. If the left arrow control is selected press the down arrow to see places going backward. If the right arrow control is selected press the Down arrow to see a list of places going forward. Either way, use the usual menu navigational shortcuts.
    When the highlight perimeter is on the Home control, press the down arrow to get a menu of apps. (The mouse way for this is to click and hold and "drag" and release as above.) The usual menu navigational shortcuts are valid. Also, you can press the spacebar to go Home.
    When the highlight perimeter is on the Gear button, press the spacebar or down arrow to get the drop-down menu. The usual menu navigational shortcuts are in effect. 
    (To do any of the above three with the mouse, click on the control and hold the mouse button down, then without releasing the mouse button, move the pointer to highlight the desired item on the menu and release the mouse button.)
    - New-style help panes:
    Open the menu pane in the usual way. The Highlight perimeter will be on the search window.
    Tab to move around to most things. The table of contents becomes keyboard-active one Tab-press past the Search field, at which point use the L and R arrow keys to navigate the Contents panel, and the U and D arrow keys to move the down and up the page.
    To be able to use PageUp and PageDn, Tab to the back/forward button, then press Shift-Opt-Tab.
    Cmd-F: Opens the Find bar. Navigate with Tab and L/R arrow keys. When you are on this bar, press Shift-Tab repeatedly until the highlight perimeter moves out. Then press Shift-Tab once more to go back to the page, where the L and R arrow keys move you around the TOC sidebar and the U and D arrow keys scroll the page.
    AFAIK, you can choose Get Started or Browse Help only with the mouse.
    You can return to the app via ^F6, but the help pane stays open.

    fane_j wrote:
    Pardon me if I screwed up the quoting.
    betaneptune wrote:
    I guess you meant that unfortunately these don't have them.
    (1) I meant that, unfortunately for your impressive work, there's nothing in it that hasn't already been documented elsewhere. The two items I mentioned contain your shortcuts, and many more besides.
    I don't see any of them in either. I have Pogue's book and they're not there. In fact, I emailed these tricks to him and he was impressed with some of them. And of course there are more. I never claimed to have an exhaustive list. In fact, I doubt anyone has such a list.
    (2) Mac OS X v10.6 has been out for, what is it, 3 years? If you think that there are any 'secret' shortcuts left, then you seriously underestimate the average Mac user. Some of that stuff is even older. For instance, the "Save-As Sheet Trick" dates back to Jaguar, or even before that. "Make a New File That Contains Selected Text" is older than Mac OS X itself!
    Well, first of all there's no need to get hostile.
    I don't underestimate the average Mac user. But I would venture to guess that most are heavily mouse oriented and would not even be interested in the keyboard tricks I posted. And I only said that I haven't seen them on any website, not that no one else in the world knows about them.
    Additionally, there have been things missed by the smartest of people. Stereo vision was missed even by Issac Newton, one of the biggest geniuses to grace the planet! It was Wheatstone who first picked up on it. And it used to be thought that a cube flying by at relatvisitic speed would appear foreshortened in the direction of motion. In fact, as was noted decades after relativity was published, it in fact appears rotated. If super smart people could miss this, then perhaps those few who publish these tricks may not know about them.
    Re the save-as trick and the new-file-contains-your-text tricks: fine, they're old, but so are many of the tricks that are posted on websites. So why some old ones but not others? How about cut and paste? I bet they're pretty old but that doesn't prevent people from posting them, as in your first reference!
    (3) Also unfortunately, your listing mixes up shortcuts and 'tricks' of different categories. For instance, "Copy a File to a Text Document" is not secret, it is not a trick, and it is not relevant. What an app does with a file dropped onto an open document of its own does not depend on the system, but on the app and how it was programmed. TextEdit inserts a text file's path while TextWrangler inserts the text file's contents not because the former is not a text editor, but because that's how each was designed to work. And TextWrangler's behaviour is documented in the accompanying manual.
    So one of my tricks is lame. I don't see that as that big a deal.
    Bottom line: I don't see any of them in the docs you referenced.

  • Is there a keyboard shortcut in OS 10.6 for "open folder window" and "close folder window"?

    Is there a keyboard shortcut in OS 10.6 for "open folder window" and "close folder window"?  I have a hand condition at the moment that makes it painful to mouse the cursor over to the arrow and click it (for instance, in the sidebars for Finder or iTunes) to open or close a folder.  If anyone knows a keyboard shortcut for this, I'd really appreciate it--thanks!

    OS X keyboard shortcuts

  • Custom Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working In Layer Style / Blending Options Dialogue Box (Mac OS 10.6.8)

    In the Layer Style / Blending Options dialogue box, my custom Keyboard Shortcuts to zoom in and out of the image is no longer working. Cmd+opt+shift+1 acts as cmd+1 (jumps to Drop Shadow), and cmd+opt+shift+0 acts as cmd+0 (jumps to Stroke). Outside of this box the commands seem to be working fine.
    Example 1: Create a new RGB document, cmd+j the background layer, double-click this layer to open the Layer Style / Blending Options dialogue box, mash Cmd+opt+shift+1.
    Result 1: The dialogue box shift focus to the Drop Shadow Options instead of the image zooming in to 100%.
    Expected Result 1: The image should zoom to 100%.
    Example 2: Create a new RGB document, cmd+j the background layer, double-click this layer to open the Layer Style / Blending Options dialogue box, mash Cmd+opt+shift+0.
    Result 2: The dialogue box shift focus to the Stroke Options instead of the image zooming to “Fit on Screen”.
    Expected Result 2: The image should zoom to “Fit on Screen”.
    This same thing happened in the CS5 Beta, and it was quickly fixed, so I hope this is not a complicated issue.
    Thanks, and keep up the wonderful work!
    Mac OS X 10.6.8 on a 3.33, 6-Core MacPro5,1 with 16GB RAM w/ separate Scratch Disks & ATI Radeon HD 5870

    If you are experiencing issues with Software Update you could try the Combo Update:

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    I would like to know keyboard shortcuts for entering current day and date, and current time (separated entries) in Numbers. Something that Excel does easily. Thank you, Ian

    Numbers does not have predefined key command for Insert Date & Time as you can see from this screenshot:
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    You can do this for any application

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    Many thanks!

    Thanks! The shortcut can be set like this in AI, although all key combinations I would want to use are not allowed. Too bad. But anyways, thank you very much for the tip!
    cmd+~ is not an option for me, I guess, since the swiss/german keyboard layout has no dedicated tilde key.
    So, I have a working shortcut in PS (ctrl+tab / of which I still don't know how to change, if possible at all) and thanks to you, I can now set one in AI as well. Unfortunately, I can not set it to be identical as in PS, since the "cmd" key needs to be included in AI's shortcut assignment dialogue, but I guess, this is as good as it gets.

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