Keyword help

I just upgraded to CS4/Bridge/PS and when I open my previous image folders, all the correct keywords appear as before and appear in the keyword panel. When I try to export keywords, all I get is a text file with the default keywords (Ryan,Mathew etc) Not my full list that appears in Bridge. How can I export this list so that I can have a text file of all my keywords - and also delete the defaults? Then, if I make changes to the text file by adding keywords, will I be able to import?

I just upgraded to CS4/Bridge/PS and when I open my previous image folders, all the correct keywords appear as before and appear in the keyword panel. When I try to export keywords, all I get is a text file with the default keywords (Ryan,Mathew etc) Not my full list that appears in Bridge. How can I export this list so that I can have a text file of all my keywords - and also delete the defaults? Then, if I make changes to the text file by adding keywords, will I be able to import?

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    Thanks for your question on why I think there is a limit on keywords. When I try to access my keywords, the words on the top of the menu begin with like "H" and I can not scroll up! Therefore, I cannot get to any keywords that begin with "A to I"! This, of course, is a real bummer. I've worked very hard to get those words in . Thanks for your concern (and for letting me "vent").

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    This is my 1st question im posting in SAP community..I hope u wont dissappoint me..
    The issue is,
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    Hi Sowrabh,
    Per my understanding the problem you are facing seems related to the SAP GUI Help and IE 7.0 incompatibility. If your browser is indeed IE 7.0, then you need to download the patch from the link provided below and that should solve your problem. [original link is broken]
    You could also refer to further information from the following link.
    Ravi Krishna

  • Keyword **** - help needed

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    The only problem with that is if they've changed the structure of the keywords. then you'd have to figure out which is the right keyword to remove (not to mention have the keyword in two places at once until you get all of the ones you want removed.
    So say you had a keyword for "Philadelphia" in the flat list, you tags some pictures with Philadelphia and several other keywords. Then you think "hmmmm maybe Philadelphia should be under "Pennsylvania>Philadelphia"". Then you move it and tag some more. And then change your mind again, now its "United States>Pennsylvania.Philadelphia" And say you have some imports from iPhoto with "Philadelphia".
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    Philadelphia (United States>Pennsylvania)
    Philadelphia (iPhoto)
    So to get them all to "Philadelphia (United States>Pennsylvania)" you would have to create a custom keyword set so do make additions and removing easier. You'd have to have Philadelphia repeated three time in your keyword heirarchy (and don't know if just making iPhoto>Philadelphia would allow you to easily remove the iPhoto one I'll have to try it). And when you were done you'd have to delete the duplicates from the hierarchy that you no longer wanted. Then you'd have to go through each one and do "shift 4" or whatever spot you have the offending keyword set to to remove it and hope you remember that "shift 4" is "Philadelphia>Pennsylvania" and not just the flat "Philadelphia". When it's just one keyword changing in the hierarchy its manageable. But when you have hundreds of keywords and changed your mind about where to keep most of them, it becomes a nightmare.
    I'd suggest working in chunks of a hundred or two at a time. Do searches for offending keywords, make an album. Then erase all the keywords from them from the metadata menu. Then use the keywords in the hierarchy that you prefer. And set up custom tagging sets. It's a big pain, but it goes fairly fast. The alternative of selectively removing offending keywords is more a nightmare though.

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    abstract :-
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    3:-abstract class may contain implementation for some methods.
    4:- any class contain an abstract method must defined as abstract.
    5:- when you define abstract method in the heirachery of class you must declare the method as public.
    6:-abstract can have public or default access only.
    7:- you can use reference to abstract class.
    that's all what i can remember now,

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    points will be awarded if helpful.
    Thanks in Advance

    Log on to SAP.  Use transaction ABAP_DOCU.  Click on Keyword Help.  Don't enter an ABAP keyword, press cont. button.
    In the window that opens, in the tree on the left handside, you'll see ABAP Changes By Release.
    This contains all the information you need.

  • F4 help on Parameter for ddic domain does not work

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    Parameters:  pa_waers TYPE WAERS.
    WAERS is a ddic data element for currencies and also a  domain with this name exists. The domain WAERS has a check table TCURC.
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    Does anybody has a clue why this does this not work.
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    Parameters ..... type CTU_MODE.
    Domain CTU_MODE has value Fields (A, E, B) but also here on my program no F4 help occurs.
    Thanks in advance
    Stefan Berger

    A value table is assigned to a domain.  It becomes a check table when a foreign key relationship is established for a field in a table.  The field uses the data element and the data element uses the domain.
    For example, if you try:
    You will get the F4 help you are looking for.  If you use tran SE11 and view EKKO, find field WAERS, use tab Entry Help/check and you will see that table TCURC has been established as a check table.  You can use the foreign key button to see the relationship that has been established between EKKO and TCURC.
    Also, domains cannot be used to type a field.  Your reference to CTU_MODE must be referring to a Data Element.  I tried this in a 4.7 system and the F4 works for me.  What version are you using?

  • Pulling keywords from Index and putting them at bottom of topics

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    <p class=footertext><span style="font-size: x-small; font-style: italic; x-condition: Not_Print;">Last
    modified: <variable name=date x-format=default x-constant=TRUE x-value=40381.572928>July 23, 2010</variable></span>
    I don't recall where I got it from, but I'm sure it was in this forum. I'm wondering if whoever wrote that knows how to create a similar variable that would grab the index keywords from the topic (e.g., <meta name=MS-HKWD content="System Requirements">, <meta name=MS-HKWD content="Exchange Server 2007">, etc.) and paste them at the bottom of the topic like this: "Keywords: System Requirements, Exchange Server 2007" (An example of something similar is in our knowledgebase articles:, but they use the term "Tags." That's "canned" software, so I don't know how they did it, except that I have to type the tags one at a time in a form that populates the bottom of the article.)
    WHY? Because I have all the keywords anyone would possibly want to search for (I hope) in various topics (which were entered manually or with Smart Index), but the only words that get results in the search are words that are actually IN the article. The words appear in the Index, as expected, and link to the proper article, as expected, but typing the word in the Search box in WebHelp does not return the article unless the word is displayed in the article. Some people use different words for the same idea, so they might not always search on the word that is in the article. (e.g., .bat, batch file, script, vbs, code, command...) So the simplest solution is to add the list of keywords at the bottom of the topic, but there are 1000s of topics and I'd rather not do that manually. (And no, I don't want to use ZoomSearch or other 3rd-party tools, thereby negating the "single-source" idea.)
    OH, for those of you who prefer to ask questions rather than answer them: I'm using RoboHelp 7 on Windows XP and generating WebHelp, HTMLHelp, Word docs, and JavaHelp. My computer has all of the latest updates and fixes for all of my software. Everything in the help works absolutely perfect, I just want to know how/if it's possible to create a variable as I describe.
    Thanks for any and all assistance!

    As a forum member who "prefer[s] to ask questions rather than answer them," have you read the "Index Basics" topic in the RH 8 help?
    In there, you'll see that Index keywords and Topic keywords are different:
    Topic keywords appear the same as index file (HHK) keywords, but they are stored within individual HTML topics.
    Index file keywords are saved in the project index file (HHK) rather than in the code of individual HTML topics.
    Unless you can find some technical resource in your organization, your assessment of a manual solution is probably accurate. For an automated solution, you would need to run some type of script (before or after runtime?) to pull the Index keyword from the HHK file and place it inside the topic.
    For example, the Index keyword, the topic title, and the topic file name all appear in the HHK in this manner:
      <item name="Add-on Premium">
      <section name="Add-on Premium for Derivatives Exposure" link="add-on.htm">
    Another question: have you considered cross-references or user-defined variables in the Index? (See the "Add and link index keywords" help topic.) That's another manual solution, but would require less maintenance issues in the future.
    Good luck,

  • After update:  Error-Keyword assistant:unknown version of iphoto???

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    I'm using KA and don't get that message. My version is 1.9.3 (49). I used to get that message and remember having an option to ignore it. It still works even though the message comes up.
    Here's the requirements for KA from the website:
    Keyword Assistant requires iPhoto 4 – 6.0.5 and Mac OS X 10.4.7 or later. It runs natively on Intel- and PowerPC-based computers.
    There's another keyword helper application, Keyword Manager, that displays keywords in a hierarchical layout and operates in a separate window. You can find it at
    Do you Twango?

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    I suggest that you try the fixes suggested at: Troubleshooting Help Viewer.

  • Loop at Conditions within internal table

    I have not been ABAPing long so primarily have been using keyword help...
    I am trying to loop round an itab and only select and process unique keys from within the table!
    However the table I am using to obtain the records has multiple records with the same reference and I am only interested in each unique occurrence of the IBASE_COMPONENT_GUID field.
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    Basically I am trying to do something like this:
    Is there a way to select each unique occurrence?

    Basically, I use the COLLECT statement when I need to get the unique field (character only) field from the internal table.
    Create a table with only one field, GUID.
    LOOP through your main table, assign its GUID to new table's field GUID
    Use COLLECT new_table.
    Other option is,
    Sort the table by GUID
    Loop through it and use AT NEW GUID or AT END OF GUID
    Fill out the table with this GUID.
    Naimesh Patel

  • Using delete and FOR ALL ENTRIES

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    Could we use the For All entries with "Select" ?
    For information, the error message is "Unable to interpret "FOR". Possible causes: Incorrect spelling or comma error.
    Thank you.

    Check the below syntax, if you want to delete from database
    DELETE FROM sflight
    WHERE  carrid = p_carrid AND
           fldate = sy-datum AND
           seatsocc = 0.
    Just a suggestion. May be from next time you can use F1 help for syntax:
    1. Place the cursor on the delete keword in your program and press F1 - You willl get all the possible syntax for delete statement
    2. Else open the transaction ABAPDOCU, Click Keyword Help, Enter the required keyword(delete in this case) and press cont.. You will get the syntax.
    Hope thsi will help you.
    Swarna Munukoti.

  • How to display multiple column in report

    Hi Abaper,
    I have client requirment to develop new report for sim hotel.
    The requirment is we have select multiple hotel , based on hotel selection the report will display, the report layout like:
    Hotel1               |Hotel2               |Hotel 3          
    Day     |Month     |Year     |Day     |Month     |Year     |Day     |Month     |Year
    Please any one can give me idea  how to develop same layout for this requirment.
    Thanks in Advance.

    U can use write statement like below
    write:/ 'Day 1'.
    write:20 'Year 1'.
    This will leave 20 spaces between Day 1 and Year 1.
    For more information u can go to transaction 'ABAPDOCU' and in Keyword help type 'Write' u will get all options u can use with write statement.
    Let me know further.
    Parth Parikh

  • Import Internal Table

    Hi guys...
    How can I import a internal table in a method of Badi?
    For example:
    I have the itab_ekpo that I export to memory in a especific program and need to import this table.
    Hw can I do this in a method ?

    If the table data is filled in same session and BADI is called is in same session then you use simple EXPORT TO MEMORY-ID and  IMPORT TO MEMORY-ID statement.
    Else if both are done in different session then use EXPORT using INDX table and IMPORT the DATABASE INDX in your BADI.
    Please see the F1 documentation for the keyword help.

  • How to construct Dynamic Join in ABAP?

    Hello ALL,
    I am typically faced with a situvation where in I need to write a dynamic JOIN SQL statement in ABAP.
    For example :
    In the above example, here the fetch from Table is dynamic.
    Where as if i have to conisder the following SQL statement which is a normal JOIN statement in ABAP,
      from mara
      join marc on maramatnr = marcmatnr
      into table it_join
      where mara~mtart = 'FERT' and
            marc~werks = '3000'.
    How do i convert this into DYNAMIC JOIN STATEMENT</b> .
    Looking forward to your responses.
    Thank you

    This is from the ABAP keyword help in 6.40, not sure if it works in previous releases or not.
    Dynamic specification of the inner joins. The column specification after SELECT is also dynamic.
    PARAMETERS: p_cityfr TYPE spfli-cityfrom,
                p_cityto TYPE spfli-cityto.
    DATA: BEGIN OF wa,
             fldate TYPE sflight-fldate,
             carrname TYPE scarr-carrname,
             connid   TYPE spfli-connid,
           END OF wa.
                   WITH UNIQUE KEY fldate carrname connid.
    DATA: column_syntax TYPE string,
          dbtab_syntax TYPE string.
    column_syntax = `ccarrname pconnid f~fldate`.
    dbtab_syntax = `( ( scarr AS c `
      & ` INNER JOIN spfli AS p ON pcarrid  = ccarrid`
      & ` AND p~cityfrom = p_cityfr`
      & ` AND p~cityto   = p_cityto )`
      & ` INNER JOIN sflight AS f ON fcarrid = pcarrid `
      & ` AND fconnid = pconnid )`.
    SELECT (column_syntax)
           FROM (dbtab_syntax)
    LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
      WRITE: / wa-fldate, wa-carrname, wa-connid.

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