Kodo 2.5.3 reversetutorial issue

Using the finder I got more or less the same exception posted in my
preceding post on tutorial
D:\kodo-jdo-2.5.3\reversetutorial>java reversetutorial.Finder "true"
0 INFO [main] kodo.Runtime - Starting Kodo JDO version 2.5.3
(kodojdo-2.5.3-20030827-0055) with capabilities: [Enterprise Edition
Evaluation License, Query Extensions, Performance Pack, Statement
Batching, Global Transactions, Developer Tools, Custom Database
ResultObjectProviders, Datacache Plug-in]
60 WARN [main] kodo.Runtime - WARNING: Kodo JDO Evaluation expires in
20 days. Please contact [email protected] for information on exte
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Article (wrong
name: reversetutorial/Article)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:502)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:250)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:54)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:193)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:186)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:299)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:265)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:255)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:315)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:217)
at serp.util.Strings.toClass(Strings.java:149)
at com.solarmetric.kodo.query.QueryImpl.toClass(QueryImpl.java:905)
at com.solarmetric.kodo.query.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:495)
at reversetutorial.Finder.main(Finder.java:32)
Thanks for a solution.
Best Regards

Have you tried declaring the full class when declaring parameters or
i.e. instead of pm.declareParameter ("Animal food"), put in
pm.declareParameter ("reversetutorial.Animal food"))? Sorry if the code
doesn't line up. I don't have the tutorial handy.
Seznec wrote:
Using the finder I got more or less the same exception posted in my
preceding post on tutorial
D:\kodo-jdo-2.5.3\reversetutorial>java reversetutorial.Finder "true"
0 INFO [main] kodo.Runtime - Starting Kodo JDO version 2.5.3
(kodojdo-2.5.3-20030827-0055) with capabilities: [Enterprise Edition
Evaluation License, Query Extensions, Performance Pack, Statement
Batching, Global Transactions, Developer Tools, Custom Database
ResultObjectProviders, Datacache Plug-in]
60 WARN [main] kodo.Runtime - WARNING: Kodo JDO Evaluation expires in
20 days. Please contact [email protected] for information on exte
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Article (wrong
name: reversetutorial/Article)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:502)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:250)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:54)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:193)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:186)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:299)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:265)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:255)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:315)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:217)
at serp.util.Strings.toClass(Strings.java:149)
at com.solarmetric.kodo.query.QueryImpl.toClass(QueryImpl.java:905)
at com.solarmetric.kodo.query.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:495)
at reversetutorial.Finder.main(Finder.java:32)
Thanks for a solution.
Best Regards
Steve Kim
[email protected]
SolarMetric Inc.

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  • KODO 4.2 - RACE condition issue

    Hi All,
    Recently we have migrated our application (DEM ap0467) to Weblogic 10.3 on 20 FEB 2010. Since then we are observing that there is a race condition occurring in the code where it is interacting with the database.
    We use KODO for interacting with the database & this version of weblogic supports KODO 4.2, earlier to this we were using KODO 4.0.1. After upgrading KODO to become compatible with new version of Weblogic we have seen this acute problem in working of our application.
    Whenever new trade comes in our application one process picks the data, inserts and commits it in database & publishes the message on internal queue, another MDB picks this msg from this queue & fires select query on the DB but this time it doesn't find the data from database & throws an exception giving error "... Not found in Database" but when we check the database, the data remains present there.
    So our primary analysis says that the KODO is not flushing data to the database on time & it tries to keep this data in memory only & so in the next step the other process doesn't find the data in DB.
    We tried using different properties of KODO to flush data to the DB as soon as it gets change such as
    but its not working.
    So could you please give some pointers who know this issue or could help on KODO from oracle support ?

    Try closing the entityManagerFactory itself before publishing the message. This will force Kodo to flush all data.
    This is not the permanent solution since closing and opening the entityManagerFactory with each request is expensive But this will ensure the that its Kodo issue.

  • Kodo 3.0.0 beta now available

    Kodo JDO 3.0.0 beta 1 is now available at:
    Kodo JDO 3.0.0 is a major release, and contains significant changes to
    properties, mapping information, and Kodo-specific APIs. To read more about
    these, and to read about how to convert a Kodo 2 project to Kodo 3, see the
    migration documentation at:
    NOTE: the conversion is non-trivial, so we have provided a number of tools
    to automate most of the process. So please read and obey the migration
    documentation, which will guide you through the migration tool process.
    For details about some of the major new features in this release, please
    read the release notes at:
    The full documentation is available online at:
    Some of the major new features include:
    * New mapping system, providing more powerful and flexible mapping options.
    * More configuration options for connection pooling.
    * Configurable eager fetching of 1-1, 1-many and many-many relations.
    Potentially reduces the number of database queries required when iterating
    through an extent or query result and accessing relation fields of each
    * More optimized SQL batching.
    * Simplified package structure for Kodo-specific APIs.
    Known issues:
    * DB2, Informix, and Sybase do not fully pass our internal tests yet. Sybase
    is close to passing, and DB2 and Informix probably work in many situations
    as well, but they are not yet officially supported by this release.
    * We have done only limited integration testing with application servers.
    * Our IDE integration components are not included in this release.
    As usual, please discuss any issues, desires, etc. on the beta newsgroup:
    - Greg
    Greg Campbell
    SolarMetric, Inc.

    1. I can't see any standalone GUI tool to do mapping tasks, as you have
    ever announced.The GUI will have its own beta program and release schedule.
    2. the file : <kodo3.0>/samples/jsp/build.xml has a line wrong:
                   <fileset dir="../../../lib/">
    should be:
                   <fileset dir="../../lib/">Thanks!

  • (Kodo 4.1); DELETE issued even with @ForeignKey cascade delete?

    I'm wondering if anyone has seen this.
    I'm using Kodo 4.1, and MySQL, and I basically have the following situation (default generated IDs omitted):
    public class A {
      @OneToMany(mappedBy="a", cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
      private Set<BB> bMany = new HashSet<BB>();
    public class BB {
    @ManyToOne(cascade={CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REFRESH })
    @JoinColumn(name = "A_ID")
    private A a;
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;OK. I create an A with a couple of BBs in it, and persist it. Everything's fine. Now I call entityManager.remove() on the A instance I persisted, and I can see it issuing DELETE commands for BB after the DELETE for A, which produces an OptimisticLockException. I'd have hoped that the above @ForeignKey would have told Kodo not to issue such commands, knowing that the DB would do it.
    Any insight? Have I used @ForeignKey correctly (examples seem sparse in the documentation)? Is there a workaround, other than removing the cascade delete and doing deletions manually from code?
    -- Bryan Loofbourrow

    1. Kodo needs to know the constraints set on mapped columns.
    Set the following properties in your configuration
    2. Are you explictly setting kodo.jdbc.UpdateManager property?

  • Kodo/Postgres speed issue

    I was going to compare MySQL and PostgreSQL performance using Kodo. It was
    really surprising to find that reading records was about 25 times slower
    using Postgres. After some research, I found that Kodo's querys do not put
    single quotes around numerals and this, for some reason, makes Postgres
    ignore column indices. To me, this sounds like a bug in Postgres.
    Anyway, I was able to circumvent the problem by adding the quotes around
    numerals in a Dictionary which extended PostgresDictionary, but I suppose
    you would like to know about the issue.
    And another thing: The Kodo documentation states that the Postgres
    dictionary is called
    "com.solarmetric.kodo.impl.jdbc.schema.dict.PostgreSQLDictionary", when it
    is in fact "...PostgresDictionary".
    Dag H__idahl

    If a table's indexed column isn't an int4, postgres's query parser will see
    the int4s in the
    query and won't realize that it can use the index. This is a known issue
    for Postgres, but
    the quotes-workaround seems to be the best way to fix it.
    Dag Hoidahl wrote:
    I was going to compare MySQL and PostgreSQL performance using Kodo. It was
    really surprising to find that reading records was about 25 times slower
    using Postgres. After some research, I found that Kodo's querys do not put
    single quotes around numerals and this, for some reason, makes Postgres
    ignore column indices. To me, this sounds like a bug in Postgres.
    Anyway, I was able to circumvent the problem by adding the quotes around
    numerals in a Dictionary which extended PostgresDictionary, but I suppose
    you would like to know about the issue.
    And another thing: The Kodo documentation states that the Postgres
    dictionary is called
    "com.solarmetric.kodo.impl.jdbc.schema.dict.PostgreSQLDictionary", when it
    is in fact "...PostgresDictionary".
    Dag H__idahl--
    Mike Bridge

  • Kodo logging issue on IBM WAS 5.0

    Hi All,
    Thank you for reading this. I could use a good advice here, I have been
    banging my head against wall for a while ...
    We have a J2EE application that uses Kodo 2.4.2 with IBM WAS 5.0. Due to
    'class not found' problems (related to registering the PMfactory with
    JNDI, I reckon), I was forced to use a Websphere extension classloader to
    load Kodo. (deploy Kodo libraries to c:\program
    files\websphere\AddServer\lib\ext )
    That is good and well, however now I want to configure logging (Log4J) for
    Kodo. To do that, I have tried (feels like I have tried it all ;-)) to put
    the log4j.properties to:
    c:\program files\websphere\AddServer\properties\log4j.properties
    c:\program files\websphere\AddServer\lib\ext\log4j.jar!log4j.properties
    c:\program files\websphere\AddServer\lib\ext\log4j.properties
    inside of the Kodo.jar (desperate people do desperate things ;-))
    log4j.properties is also referenced as a part of shared library
    Just for completness, log4j.properties also exists in Java utility jar
    file that is part of EAR file (although that probably would not help the
    Websphere extension classloader-loaded classes)
    I have also tried to define the log4j.configuration in my startServer.bat:
    SET LOG4J=-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/c:/log4j.properties
    echo LOG4J set %LOG4J%
    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %LOG4J% %WAS_TRACE%
    To initialize Log4J differently. Yes, you guessed right, that damn thing
    still does not work. What am I missing???
    What exactly is happening when Kodo/Log4j configures the logging?
    It may sound like just a nuisance, but it is actually quite important,
    because we are just inch from production and need to get rid of heaps of
    debuging messages (including the annoying SQL Server induced close cursor
    exceptions). It just would not shut up!!! ;-))))
    Any idea how to silence the bloody thing beside turning off the power? ;-)
    Thank you,

    The easiest thing to do would be to put some code in your application
    that will give information on the definitive location of the
    log4j.properties file. E.g.:
    System.out.println (getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("/log4j.properties"));
    Other than that, note that there are a variety of System properties you
    can use to override the logging system that will be use. The Kodo 2.5
    documentation covers this a bit better than the 2.4 docs:
    Finally, note that some application servers use log4j internally for
    logging, and configure it differently (e.g., JBoss uses a log4j.xml
    file, rather than a log4j.properties file). You might want to check the
    documentation of your appserver to determine if there is an alternate
    mechanism for configuring log4j.
    Let us know if you still need help with this.
    In article <[email protected]>, Petr Bulanek wrote:
    Hi All,
    Thank you for reading this. I could use a good advice here, I have been
    banging my head against wall for a while ...
    We have a J2EE application that uses Kodo 2.4.2 with IBM WAS 5.0. Due to
    'class not found' problems (related to registering the PMfactory with
    JNDI, I reckon), I was forced to use a Websphere extension classloader to
    load Kodo. (deploy Kodo libraries to c:\program
    files\websphere\AddServer\lib\ext )
    That is good and well, however now I want to configure logging (Log4J) for
    Kodo. To do that, I have tried (feels like I have tried it all ;-)) to put
    the log4j.properties to:
    c:\program files\websphere\AddServer\properties\log4j.properties
    c:\program files\websphere\AddServer\lib\ext\log4j.jar!log4j.properties
    c:\program files\websphere\AddServer\lib\ext\log4j.properties
    inside of the Kodo.jar (desperate people do desperate things ;-))
    log4j.properties is also referenced as a part of shared library
    Just for completness, log4j.properties also exists in Java utility jar
    file that is part of EAR file (although that probably would not help the
    Websphere extension classloader-loaded classes)
    I have also tried to define the log4j.configuration in my startServer.bat:
    SET LOG4J=-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/c:/log4j.properties
    echo LOG4J set %LOG4J%
    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %LOG4J% %WAS_TRACE%
    To initialize Log4J differently. Yes, you guessed right, that damn thing
    still does not work. What am I missing???
    What exactly is happening when Kodo/Log4j configures the logging?
    It may sound like just a nuisance, but it is actually quite important,
    because we are just inch from production and need to get rid of heaps of
    debuging messages (including the annoying SQL Server induced close cursor
    exceptions). It just would not shut up!!! ;-))))
    Any idea how to silence the bloody thing beside turning off the power? ;-)
    Thank you,
    Marc Prud'hommeaux [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc. http://www.solarmetric.com

  • Issue while getting the Hibernate EntityManagerFactory in Weblogic (EJB3)

    I am facing an issue when am getting the EntityManagerFactory from JPA from the following code in weblogic StartUp Class
    EntityManagerFactory emf =
    logger.info("Created EntityManagerFactory");
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    ctx.rebind("testEJBPU", emf);
    The above code is only returning the OPenJPA EntityManagerFactory instead of the Hibernate's I have the following in my Presistence.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Copyright (c) 2006 Illuminatics, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
    <persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd"
    <persistence-unit name="testEJBPU" transaction-type="JTA">
    <property name="hibernate.ejb.cfgfile"
    <property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class"
    <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class"
    <property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class"
    <property name="hibernate.cache.jndi"
    and am getting the following error which is related to openJPA when application starts up
    <Apr 14, 2009 9:48:18 AM PKT> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000286> <Failed to invoke startup class "binder", <1.0.0 fatal user error> org.apache.openjpa.util.UserException: A JDBC Driver or DataSource class name must be specified in the ConnectionDriverName property.
    <1.0.0 fatal user error> org.apache.openjpa.util.UserException: A JDBC Driver or DataSource class name must be specified in the ConnectionDriverName property.
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.DataSourceFactory.newDataSource(DataSourceFactory.java:70)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl.createConnectionFactory(JDBCConfigurationImpl.java:802)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl.getDBDictionaryInstance(JDBCConfigurationImpl.java:568)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository.endConfiguration(MappingRepository.java:1185)
    at org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configurations.configureInstance(Configurations.java:450)
    at org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configurations.configureInstance(Configurations.java:375)
    at org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.PluginValue.instantiate(PluginValue.java:102)
    at kodo.conf.CachingMetaDataRepositoryPlugin.instantiate(CachingMetaDataRepositoryPlugin.java:29)
    at org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.ObjectValue.instantiate(ObjectValue.java:79)
    at org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfigurationImpl.newMetaDataRepositoryInstance(OpenJPAConfigurationImpl.java:833)
    at org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfigurationImpl.getMetaDataRepositoryInstance(OpenJPAConfigurationImpl.java:828)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.AbstractBrokerFactory.makeReadOnly(AbstractBrokerFactory.java:539)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.AbstractBrokerFactory.readResolve(AbstractBrokerFactory.java:381)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
    at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.invokeReadResolve(ObjectStreamClass.java:1033)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1728)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1305)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:1908)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1832)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1719)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1305)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:1908)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1832)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1719)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1305)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:348)
    at weblogic.rmi.extensions.server.CBVInputStream.readObjectInternal(CBVInputStream.java:71)
    at weblogic.rmi.extensions.server.CBVInputStream.readObject(CBVInputStream.java:65)
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.JNDIHelper.copyObject(JNDIHelper.java:36)
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.WLEventContextImpl.copyObject(WLEventContextImpl.java:379)
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.WLEventContextImpl.rebind(WLEventContextImpl.java:114)
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.rebind(InitialContext.java:367)
    at com.illuminatics.test.weblogic.EntityManagerFactoryBinder.main(EntityManagerFactoryBinder.java:52)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.classdeployment.ClassDeploymentManager.invokeMain(ClassDeploymentManager.java:353)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.classdeployment.ClassDeploymentManager.invokeClass(ClassDeploymentManager.java:263)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.classdeployment.ClassDeploymentManager.access$000(ClassDeploymentManager.java:54)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.classdeployment.ClassDeploymentManager$1.run(ClassDeploymentManager.java:205)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.classdeployment.ClassDeploymentManager.invokeClassDeployment(ClassDeploymentManager.java:198)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.classdeployment.ClassDeploymentManager.invokeClassDeployments(ClassDeploymentManager.java:177)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.classdeployment.ClassDeploymentManager.runStartupsAfterAppActivation(ClassDeploymentManager.java:158)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.classdeployment.StartupClassPrelistenService.start(StartupClassPrelistenService.java:13)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemRequest.run(SubsystemRequest.java:64)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:200)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:172)
    My EAR Structure is as:
    Kindly Let me know its solution if anyone has encountered it before!.

    It doesn't look like your persistence.xml file is being found so Kodo (the current default JPA provider in WLS) is being used (and it's complaining because it doesn't see a datasource configured or any necessary properties for Kodo to setup its own connection pool).
    In order for your persistence.xml to be found it must be visible to the context ClassLoader on the Thread when the Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory call is made. Is your startup class configured at the server level or is it configured in your application (via a weblogic-application.xml file)?
    I don't think a server startup class would work in this case but an application startup class should.
    - Matt

  • Kodo 4.1.2 license key problem

    Has anyone tried the JDO tutorial provided with Kodo 4.1.2? Everything works fine until I try to create the mappings with 'mappingtool -p jdo.properties package.jdo'. Then I get:
    Exception in thread "main" com.solarmetric.license.LicenseException: No product
    license key was found. Please ensure that you either have a valid "license.bea"
    file in your CLASSPATH or in the directory specified by the "bea.home" environme
    nt variable, or else that you have a valid license key specified in the "kodo.Li
    censeKey" property of you Kodo configuration. If you need to request an evaluati
    on license, please go to http://commerce.bea.com or contact [email protected]
    at com.solarmetric.license.License.<init>(License.java:67)
    at kodo.conf.KodoCapabilities.newLicense(KodoCapabilities.java:133)
    at kodo.conf.LicenseKey.getLicense(LicenseKey.java:38)
    at kodo.conf.LicenseKey.getLicense(LicenseKey.java:22)
    at kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping.validateMapping(KodoClassMapping.java
    I'm running the tutorial using the kodocmd.bat and I changed the properties to point to kodo's install directory and my jdk home directory.
    I've downloaded the xml document at 'http://ftpmain.bea.com/download/pub/license/kodo/kodo40/license.bea', named it license.bea and put it in kodo's install directory which is on the classpath.
    I think the problem is getting Kodo to recognize the license outside of a web application. I am trying to use Kodo in a standalone application and obviously need it to recognize the license key.

    Hi Jake,
    I don't think the problem is getting Kodo to recognize the license outside
    the web application (I am also working on a standalone application). I think
    the problem is that the code still requires the "old" solarmetric license
    key next to the bea license key. I actually run into the same problem if I
    don't specify both keys. Since I still have several important bugs already
    open for months and registering an issue requires writing complete testcases
    including manuals how to use these test cases, I actually didnt even bother
    to register this one.
    kind regards,
    <Jacob Bowers> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    Has anyone tried the JDO tutorial provided with Kodo 4.1.2? Everything
    works fine until I try to create the mappings with 'mappingtool -p
    jdo.properties package.jdo'. Then I get:
    Exception in thread "main" com.solarmetric.license.LicenseException: No
    license key was found. Please ensure that you either have a valid
    file in your CLASSPATH or in the directory specified by the "bea.home"
    nt variable, or else that you have a valid license key specified in the
    censeKey" property of you Kodo configuration. If you need to request an
    on license, please go to http://commerce.bea.com or contact [email protected].
    at com.solarmetric.license.License.<init>(License.java:67)
    at kodo.conf.KodoCapabilities.newLicense(KodoCapabilities.java:133)
    at kodo.conf.LicenseKey.getLicense(LicenseKey.java:38)
    at kodo.conf.LicenseKey.getLicense(LicenseKey.java:22)
    I'm running the tutorial using the kodocmd.bat and I changed the properties
    to point to kodo's install directory and my jdk home directory.
    I've downloaded the xml document at
    'http://ftpmain.bea.com/download/pub/license/kodo/kodo40/license.bea', named
    it license.bea and put it in kodo's install directory which is on the
    I think the problem is getting Kodo to recognize the license outside of a
    web application. I am trying to use Kodo in a standalone application and
    obviously need it to recognize the license key.

  • Kodo class/resource loading approach will be a problem in managed environment.

    Kodo does not work with Apache Tomcat 3 and 4 unless Kodo jars and my
    persistent classes loaded by the same class loader. Kodo uses
    Class.forName() and class.getResources() on class loader which loaded Kodo
    classes thus it is not able to find system.prefs or package.jdo (and even if
    it was able to find system.prefs how would it handle multiple system.prefs
    from multiple contexts each managed by its own class loader?)
    The problem as I see it is that web containers usually have container
    classloader(s) and a class loader per web context. Desired configuration
    would be to share Kodo classes among all contexts and implement jndi factory
    to provide PersistentManagerFactory lookup in each web container
    environment. According to Tomcat specs I placed Kodo jars in
    $tomcat_home/lib (class loader shared among all contexts) and deployed my
    persistent classes along with system.prefs and *.jdo files to my context
    WEB-INF/lib directory. As a result Kodo would not find system.prefs resource
    and eventually fail with error - required resource db/url could not be
    loaded. I tried to place Kodo jars into together with my persistent classes
    in WEB-INF/lib it did not help (this was really strange since all classes
    should have been loaded by the same context class loader) The only
    configuration that works is when I put Kodo and my persistent classes in
    tomcat's common directory or on system class path. Which is of course not a
    right way to go as context specific classes such as my persistent classes
    should be shared
    Without source code it is hard to figure out what is going on and how
    resources get loaded, so could somebody look into it. It is quite important
    for us to resolve this issue as we are planning to use Kodo with tomcat.
    Also I am not sure that system.prefs is a good idea. As I mentioned when
    integrated with appserver/web container environment jndi it is up to jndi
    factory to create and configure PersistentManagerFactories. Different
    PersistentManagerFactories will be bound to different jndi names often in
    different contexts under common or separate class loaders and they should
    not be in my opinion dependent on common system.prefs
    I would greatly appreciate your suggestion on proper use of Kodo in web
    container environment
    Thank you very much in advance
    Alex Roytman

    I want to add that even if we put both Kodo jars and persistent classes jar
    in WEB-INF/lib to be loaded by context class loader it does not work due to
    following piece of code in Prefs.java:
    private static synchronized void loadSystem() {
    try {
    Enumeration enumeration =
    Object obj = null;
    Object obj1 = null;
    InputStream inputstream;
    for (; enumeration.hasMoreElements(); inputstream.close()) {
    URL url = (URL)enumeration.nextElement();
    inputstream = url.openStream();
    _cache.parse(inputstream, url.toString(), "");
    catch (Exception exception) {
    throw new ParseException(exception);
    however if we replace it with following it will work:
    private static synchronized void loadSystem() {
    try {
    Object obj = null;
    Object obj1 = null;
    URL url =
    InputStream inputstream = url.openStream();
    _cache.parse(inputstream, url.toString(), "");
    catch (Exception exception) {
    throw new ParseException(exception);
    "Alex Roytman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Kodo does not work with Apache Tomcat 3 and 4 unless Kodo jars and my
    persistent classes loaded by the same class loader. Kodo uses
    Class.forName() and class.getResources() on class loader which loaded Kodo
    classes thus it is not able to find system.prefs or package.jdo (and evenif
    it was able to find system.prefs how would it handle multiple system.prefs
    from multiple contexts each managed by its own class loader?)
    The problem as I see it is that web containers usually have container
    classloader(s) and a class loader per web context. Desired configuration
    would be to share Kodo classes among all contexts and implement jndifactory
    to provide PersistentManagerFactory lookup in each web container
    environment. According to Tomcat specs I placed Kodo jars in
    $tomcat_home/lib (class loader shared among all contexts) and deployed my
    persistent classes along with system.prefs and *.jdo files to my context
    WEB-INF/lib directory. As a result Kodo would not find system.prefsresource
    and eventually fail with error - required resource db/url could not be
    loaded. I tried to place Kodo jars into together with my persistentclasses
    in WEB-INF/lib it did not help (this was really strange since all classes
    should have been loaded by the same context class loader) The only
    configuration that works is when I put Kodo and my persistent classes in
    tomcat's common directory or on system class path. Which is of course nota
    right way to go as context specific classes such as my persistent classes
    should be shared
    Without source code it is hard to figure out what is going on and how
    resources get loaded, so could somebody look into it. It is quiteimportant
    for us to resolve this issue as we are planning to use Kodo with tomcat.
    Also I am not sure that system.prefs is a good idea. As I mentioned when
    integrated with appserver/web container environment jndi it is up to jndi
    factory to create and configure PersistentManagerFactories. Different
    PersistentManagerFactories will be bound to different jndi names often in
    different contexts under common or separate class loaders and they should
    not be in my opinion dependent on common system.prefs
    I would greatly appreciate your suggestion on proper use of Kodo in web
    container environment
    Thank you very much in advance
    Alex Roytman

  • Some issues while testing EJB3 API

    I'm running some EJB3 peristence test outside standalone and I'm running
    into some issues that I did not see running the same code against the
    Hibernate EntityManager implementation.
    I'm currently using the Kodo 4.0EA3 download. Any help is appreciated.
    I have the following table:
    Table "public.beers"
    Column | Type | Modifiers
    id | integer | not null
    brand | character varying(50) |
    price | numeric(15,2) |
    "beers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    With the following class:
    package com.springdeveloper.model;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    public class Beer implements Serializable {
    private Long id;
    private String brand;
    private Double price;
    public Beer() {
    public Beer(Long id) {
    this.id = id;
    @Column(name="ID", nullable=false)
    public Long getId() {
    return id;
    public void setId(Long id) {
    this.id = id;
    public String getBrand() {
    return brand;
    public void setBrand(String brand) {
    this.brand = brand;
    public Double getPrice() {
    return price;
    public void setPrice(Double price) {
    this.price = price;
    public String toString() {
    return "[" + id + "] " + brand + " " + price;
    1) If I don't have a column named type I get an error -
    Exception in thread "main" <2|false|4.0.0EA3> kodo.util.StoreException:
    ERROR: column t0.type does not exist {prepstmnt 14211340 SELECT t0.ID,
    t0.TYPE, t0.brand, t0.price FROM BEERS t0 WHERE (t0.ID = ?) [reused=0]}
    [code=0, state=42703]
    Any way around this since there is no inheritance structure involved?
    2) If I don't specify a fully qualified name for the first query I get
    this error:
    33 INFO [main] kodo.Runtime - Starting Kodo 4.0.0EA3
    74 DEBUG [main] kodo.Runtime - License capabilities: "Kodo Standard
    Edition,Kodo Community Edition,Kodo Evaluation Edition,Datacache Plug-
    in,Custom Result Object Providers,Custom Mappings,Enterprise
    Databases,Query Extensions,Performance Pack,Statement Batching,Kodo
    Enterprise Edition,Managed Environment,Developer Tools,Custom
    DBDictionaries" Expiration: "11/22/05 7:00 PM" Maintenance expiration:
    "11/22/05 7:00 PM"
    496 INFO [main] kodo.jdbc.JDBC - Using dictionary class
    1007 INFO [main] kodo.MetaData - Found 3 classes with metadata in 0
    Exception in thread "main" <4|false|4.0.0EA3>
    kodo.persistence.ArgumentException: Could not resolve entity named "Beer".
         at kodo.query.ejbql.EJBQLParser.populate(EJBQLParser.java:61)
         at kodo.query.ExpressionStoreQuery.populateFromCompilation
         at kodo.query.QueryImpl.compileForCompilation(QueryImpl.java:682)
         at kodo.query.QueryImpl.compileForExecutor(QueryImpl.java:713)
         at kodo.query.QueryImpl.getOperation(QueryImpl.java:1624)
         at kodo.query.DelegatingQuery.getOperation(DelegatingQuery.java:136)
         at kodo.persistence.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:231)
         at kodo.persistence.QueryImpl.getSingleResult(QueryImpl.java:258)
         at KodoTest.main(KodoTest.java:16)
    If I specify a fully qualified name for the EJBQL the first time I query
    then I can just use 'Beer' in subsequent queries. It doesn't help to
    specify '@Entity(name="Beer")' in the persistent class either.
    Here is my query:
    EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
    Beer b = (Beer)em.createQuery(
    "select object(o) from Beer o where o.id = :id")
    .setParameter("id", new Long(2))
    System.out.println("Beer: " + b);
    This works but is kind of ugly:
    Beer b = (Beer)em.createQuery(
    "select object(o) from com.springdeveloper.model.Beer o where
    o.id = :id")
    .setParameter("id", new Long(2))
    And here is my peristence.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
              To evaluate or purchase a license key, visit http://
              <property name="kodo.LicenseKey" value="????-????-????-????-????"/>
    <property name="kodo.PersistentClasses"
    Connection configuration.
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionURL" value="jdbc:postgresql://
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionDriverName"
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionUserName" value="trisberg"/>
              <property name="kodo.ConnectionPassword" value="????"/>
              To disable logging, set value to 'none'.
              To use Log4J, configure Log4J appropriately, and set value to
              To view trace of all SQL being executed, add 'SQL=TRACE' to value
              <property name="kodo.Log" value="DefaultLevel=INFO, Runtime=DEBUG,
    Thomas Risberg

    1) If I don't have a column named type I get an error -This, unfortunately, is something that we need to clarify in the spec
    itself. Currently, the discriminator value and column for a class have
    default values in the spec. So technically, every base class has a
    discriminator column according to spec defaults.
    Obviously this isn't practical. In fact Kodo already turns off
    automatic discriminator columns for vertical and table-per-class
    inheritance unless you explicitly give a discrimintor value or column.
    So one way to not use a discriminator column in Kodo right now is to set
    your inheritance type to JOINED or TABLE_PER_CLASS. Another way is to
    use Kodo's kodo.persistence.jdbc.DiscriminatorStrategy annotation, which
    allows you to name a non-standard or custom discriminator strategy.
    Setting this annotation's value to "final" (an alias for Kodo's
    kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.NoneDiscriminatorStrategy) will indicate that the
    class doesn't need a discriminator because it won't be extended.
    We will try to get this ironed out in future versions of the spec.
    If I specify a fully qualified name for the EJBQL the first time I query
    then I can just use 'Beer' in subsequent queries. It doesn't help to
    specify '@Entity(name="Beer")' in the persistent class either.This sounds like a bug in our early access implementation. I have a
    feeling it only occurs with property access entities -- if you change
    your entity to use field access (which also means using Kodo
    enhancement), I think you'd see the problem go away. I think it might
    also go away if you performed some other persistence operation on a Beer
    entity (such as a by-id lookup) before attempting the query. We'll make
    sure to have this fixed for our next release. Thanks for the report.

  • Question about Kodo Savepoint

    I tried to use Kodo Savepoint, but met some problems. I think the issue was related to the configuration. Does anybody give some advices?
    With the default Kodo configurations (kodo.SavepointManager=in-mem, kodo.FlushBeforeQueries=true), Kodo reports: “The configured SavepointManager does not support incremental flushing when a savepoint has been set. You must release your savepoints before flushing” while querying from DB after setting save point.
    With Kodo configurations (kodo.SavepointManager=in-mem, kodo.FlushBeforeQueries=false), the save point could be set, rollback to, released successfully. But Kodo reports: “Queries with aggregates or projections using variables currently cannot be executed in-memory. Either set IgnoreCache to true, set the openjpa.FlushBeforeQueries property to true, or execute the query before changing any instances in the transaction” while loading DB schema.
    With Kodo configurations (kodo.SavepointManager=jdbc, kodo.FlushBeforeQueries=true|false), Kodo reports: “An error occurred attempting to invoke JDBC 3 method. Your driver or database may not support JDBC 3 features” while setting save point. The save point was introduced since JDBC 3.0. I can use save point successfully via JDBC client with same oracle JDBC driver and database instance. Still don’t know why this issue reported by Kodo.
    With Kodo configurations (kodo.SavepointManager=oracle, kodo.FlushBeforeQueries= true|false), Kodo reports: “could not set a Savepoint with auto-commit on” while setting save point. And we can’t use oracle SavepointManager because we should support multiple database platform.

    Can someone please respond to the solution of this problem.
         at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionEnv.setup(ConnectionEnv.java:293)
         at weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePoolImpl.reserveResource(ResourcePoolImpl.java:306)
         at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.reserve(ConnectionPool.java:468)
         at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.reserve(ConnectionPool.java:357)
         at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPoolManager.reserve(ConnectionPoolManager.java:83)
         at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.getXAConnectionFromPool(DataSource.java:1476)
         at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.refreshXAConnAndEnlist(DataSource.java:1274)
         at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.getConnection(DataSource.java:440)
         at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.connect(DataSource.java:396)
         at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource.getConnection(RmiDataSource.java:359)
         at com.solarmetric.jdbc.DelegatingDataSource.getConnection(DelegatingDataSource.java:122)
         at com.solarmetric.jdbc.DecoratingDataSource.getConnection(DecoratingDataSource.java:73)
         at kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager.connectInternal(JDBCStoreManager.java:906)
         at kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager.connect(JDBCStoreManager.java:884)
         at kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager.retainConnection(JDBCStoreManager.java:189)
         at kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCStoreManager.begin(JDBCStoreManager.java:114)
         at kodo.runtime.DelegatingStoreManager.begin(DelegatingStoreManager.java:95)
         at kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl.flush(PersistenceManagerImpl.java:1106)
         at kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl.flushSafe(PersistenceManagerImpl.java:1038)
         at kodo.runtime.PersistenceManagerImpl.flush(PersistenceManagerImpl.java:808)
         at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.execute(MDListener.java:429)
         at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.transactionalOnMessage(MDListener.java:335)
         at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.onMessage(MDListener.java:291)
         at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.onMessage(JMSSession.java:4060)
         at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.execute(JMSSession.java:3953)
         at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession$UseForRunnable.run(JMSSession.java:4467)
         at weblogic.work.ServerWorkManagerImpl$WorkAdapterImpl.run(ServerWorkManagerImpl.java:518)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:209)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:181)
    ,currentThread=Thread[[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '53' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',5,Pooled Threads],lastUser=null,currentError=null,currentErrorTimestamp=null,t
    This fails in clustered environment but works fine in stand alone.
    Edited by varchitect at 01/18/2008 9:59 AM

  • Kodo.rar in B5 has same problem as in B4

    Hi guys,
    The dereference issue in B4 (which is not in B3) is still in B5. The stack trace and my code (which
    is a hacked version of your code) is below.
    David Ezzio
    My code that looks for CF:
    private ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
    // this the the JNDI name for the Kodo Resource
    // Adaptor that you will have configured in in
    // your application server
    String pmname = "java:/kodo";
    MsgCenter.putMsg("Looking up jndi name: " + pmname);
    Object ob = new InitialContext().lookup(pmname);
    MsgCenter.putMsg("Casting to ConnectionFactory");
    ConnectionFactory fac = (ConnectionFactory) ob;
    MsgCenter.putMsg("ConnectionFactory type is: " + fac.getClass().getName());
    return fac;
    14:30:37,306 INFO [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [3.0.0 Date:200205311035] Started in 0m:46s:86ms
    14:31:04,895 INFO [STDOUT] Stateless QuoteServerEJB: ejbCreate called
    14:31:04,905 INFO [STDOUT] Looking up jndi name: java:/kodo
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] javax.naming.NamingException: Could not dereference object. Root
    exception is
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.IllegalAccessException:
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:237)
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:538)
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:429)
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:350)
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at org.jboss.ejb.Container.invoke(Container.java:705)
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$1.run(Transport.java:152)
    14:31:04,946 ERROR [STDERR] at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    14:31:04,946 ERROR [STDERR] at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(Transport.java:148)
    14:31:04,946 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,946 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,946 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)

    The next release of Kodo, which will be 2.3.0RC.
    In article <[email protected]>, David Ezzio wrote:
    Hi Marc,
    In the next release of Kodo? or JBoss? And next release for Kodo means the 2.3.0RC?
    Marc Prudhommeaux wrote:
    The JBoss final 3.0 release seems to have changed how it accesses the
    ObjectFactory factory. This should be fixed in the next release.
    Sorry for all the trouble.
    In article <[email protected]>, David Ezzio wrote:
    Hi guys,
    The dereference issue in B4 (which is not in B3) is still in B5. The stack trace and my code (which
    is a hacked version of your code) is below.
    David Ezzio
    My code that looks for CF:
    private ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
    // this the the JNDI name for the Kodo Resource
    // Adaptor that you will have configured in in
    // your application server
    String pmname = "java:/kodo";
    MsgCenter.putMsg("Looking up jndi name: " + pmname);
    Object ob = new InitialContext().lookup(pmname);
    MsgCenter.putMsg("Casting to ConnectionFactory");
    ConnectionFactory fac = (ConnectionFactory) ob;
    MsgCenter.putMsg("ConnectionFactory type is: " + fac.getClass().getName());
    return fac;
    14:30:37,306 INFO [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [3.0.0 Date:200205311035] Started in 0m:46s:86ms
    14:31:04,895 INFO [STDOUT] Stateless QuoteServerEJB: ejbCreate called
    14:31:04,905 INFO [STDOUT] Looking up jndi name: java:/kodo
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] javax.naming.NamingException: Could not dereference object. Root
    exception is
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.IllegalAccessException:
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:237)
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,905 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:538)
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:429)
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:350)
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,915 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,925 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at org.jboss.ejb.Container.invoke(Container.java:705)
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,936 ERROR [STDERR] at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$1.run(Transport.java:152)
    14:31:04,946 ERROR [STDERR] at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    14:31:04,946 ERROR [STDERR] at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(Transport.java:148)
    14:31:04,946 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,946 ERROR [STDERR] at
    14:31:04,946 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)--
    Marc Prud'hommeaux [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc. http://www.solarmetric.com
    Kodo Java Data Objects Full featured JDO: eliminate the SQL from your code
    Marc Prud'hommeaux [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc. http://www.solarmetric.com
    Kodo Java Data Objects Full featured JDO: eliminate the SQL from your code

  • Kodo tune-up

    Abe, Patrick,
    I was using Kodo for couple of months now. I think it is a very good product
    and you are getting closer to complete feature set. I wonder if you could
    share with us your plans for Kodo performance optimization.
    In out discussion regarding extra roundtrips to database to resolve uncached
    references you explained that it is due to the fact that you do not store
    reference primary key in instance's filed store. If I understand correctly
    it prevents you from issuing query on referenced table instead you have to
    join referenced and referencing table which is slower. Also I noticed that
    when running queries it does similar thing:
    For example I have a Position which directly references OrgUnit, Role and
    Member so org_unit_id, member_id and role_id are columns of position table.
    I want to lookup all positions with particular role, member and org unit. I
    would expect something like:
    select ....
    from position p
    where p.org_unit_id = 100 and p.role_id=10 and p.member=133
    instead I get
    SELECT ....
    t3.ROLE_ID = 10 AND t0.ROLE_ID = t3.ROLE_ID
    FOUR USELESS JOINS instead of select on single table
    Another issue is updates. Right now it seems to me there is no update
    tuuning - you always update all columns. It is not very efficient especially
    when columns you update needlessly have indices, foreign keys constraints
    etc. Also when people track changes to their data (for various data
    exports/imports and synchronizations) it creates many extra transactions.
    One case is particularly noticeable - when you need to update LOCK column
    only you update every column. Specifically when I add to a collection of a
    persistent class you would update all fields of the class itself (you only
    need to update LOCK for concurrency purpose) even though I made no changes
    to it
    These are the most noticeable things.
    Please let me know if you are interested in this kind of feedback. I will be
    glad to dig-up more staff :-) as I will be comparing Kodo with another JDO
    implementation which claims full support of JDO specs.

    "Alex Roytman" <[email protected]> writes:
    Abe, Patrick,
    I was using Kodo for couple of months now. I think it is a very good product
    and you are getting closer to complete feature set. I wonder if you could
    share with us your plans for Kodo performance optimization.Thank you. We're pleased with the direction that Kodo is going in, and
    are glad that you and others on this newsgroup seem happy as well.
    From the beginning, we decided to put off optimizations until the
    product reached a certain level of maturity. There were two main reasons
    for this decision. First, we find it to be bad practice to optimize
    while coding, as you often end up optimizing unnecessary 'cold spots'.
    Second, we did not want to spend time optimizing code that would not end
    up in the final version.
    As of the last preview release (2.2.0), I think that Kodo has pretty
    much reached that level of maturity. Most of the changes that we
    anticipate making to reach spec compliance (obviously barring any major
    spec changes) revolve around Kodo's current Extent implementation, which
    does not currently behave according to the spec. So, we are just now
    trying to identify what needs optimization, and prioritizing these
    needs. Major items include our overly zealous use of joins and
    memory-efficient large result sets. We are also doing some profiling to
    root out any potential hot spots in our algorithms.
    Please let me know if you are interested in this kind of feedback. I will be
    glad to dig-up more staff :-) as I will be comparing Kodo with another JDO
    implementation which claims full support of JDO specs.We are very interested in feedback both regarding other inefficiencies
    that you see and any other comparisons to other JDO implementations.
    Patrick Linskey [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc. http://www.solarmetric.com

  • Kodo 4.0 & 4.1 License for projects created in Workshop  ( =v3.3)

    NOTE: The (kodo) trial license installed for creating new Kodo 4.0/4.1 project is expired (4/4/07). Please try the following steps to update the license file.
    - "Save as Link" and download the respective license.bea file
    - replace <project-root>/src/license.bea with the downloaded new license.bea file.
    - Open license.bea file to make sure the expiry date is 05/15/08
    - Project > Clean (&or Rebuild AppXray Database)
    - Open EJB QL editor, and execute a query to confirm the usage of latest license file

    It would be very convinient if Kodo provided parameterless
    rollbackSavepoint() and releaseSavepoint() - they should rollback/release
    latest savepoin
    "Greg Campbell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:dbgseo$m66$[email protected]..
    Kodo 3.4.0 Beta 1 is now available. Feel free to download it at:
    There are a number of exciting new features in 3.4.0 Beta 1:
    * Query cache now caches aggregates and projections, including queries
    that use grouping
    * Added support for savepoints, with both in-memory and JDBC3 plugins.
    * Added support for Oracle Object fields through JDBC SQLData interfaces.
    * Improved thread and socket support for TCP RemoteCommitProvider
    * Better support for large transactions, including several optimizations
    in the datastore cache when using large transactions
    You can find the release notes at:
    The full documentation can be found in the distribution, and also at:
    As this is a beta release, please report any issues that you find to the
    Kodo beta newsgroup (solarmetric.kodo.beta).
    Good luck, and enjoy!

  • My experience migrating Kodo 3.4 to 4.1

    Hello Stefan,
    I struggled with Kodo 4.0 and gave it up. Kodo 4.1 seems to be a much better
    release. I migrated my app in a day. First I managed to run it against 3.4
    metadata with some property file changes (migration docs are not very good
    and miss few things but may be if you use Kodo automated migration tools it
    will do for you what I was doing manually) . If you use lots of custom
    filed mappings (especially non-trivial mappings) allocate much more time for
    conversion - the whole thing has changed. I have not had chance to convert
    my mapping and had to bandate it with externalizers and other things for
    now. One thing you lose in kodo3.4 mode is ability to query by interface
    since now it must be explicetly.
    Couple of tips here
    - kodo.Log: kodo(DefaultLevel=INFO, SQL=TRACE...) kodo is no longer valid
    logger name
    - kodo.jdbc.DBDictionary: oracle(BatchLimit=30) BatchLimit=30 is no longer a
    valid option use
    kodo.jdbc.SQLFactory: (BatchLimit=50) instead
    - kodo.PersistentClasses= ... is no longer works use
    kodo.MetaDataFactory: kodo3(Types=....) in kodo3 mode or
    kodo.MetaDataFactory: (Types=...) in jdo2 mode
    - Any SQL with DATE column is no longer batched leading to 2-3 times
    performance drop. The decision swa made based on bugs in oracle 9 drivers in
    batching mode. If you have latest drivers (and database) from my experience
    you will not have any problems. So to reenable it you can register your own
    instance of AdvancedSQL (now a factored out part of DatabaseDictionary):
    kodo.jdbc.SQLFactory: (BatchLimit=50,
    where OracleAdvancedSQL could look like:
    public class OracleAdvancedSQL extends kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL {
    @Override public boolean canBatch(Column col) {
    switch (col.getType()) {
    case Types.DATE:
    return true;
    return super.canBatch(col);
    - I have not tested read performance much since I was concentrating on
    writes. But write performance even with batch enabled does not seems to be
    not up to 3.4 level I observed a consistent 30-40% decrease in performance
    while persisting large graph complex of fairly small objects. I ran 3.4 and
    4.1 versions side by side against a dedicated Oracle 10 server and noticed
    performance decrease of 30-40%
    SQL generated by both versions was very close if not identical (I only did
    spotcheck) but incase of INSERT you would not expect it any different anyway
    I tried profiling 4.1 version and found some significant hot spots but could
    not dechipher them in any reasonable time because of huge depth of stacks
    and lack of source code. I might try it again if I have time because
    performance is critical for us.
    - I have not tried any new/advanced features yet. including new mappings,
    detachment, data cache, quality of eager fetch so I can not give you any
    good feedback on that. At least I can say that this release worth trying -
    after migration my application worked as expected except for lower
    I also have to say I do not know how well automated migration of kodo 3.4
    metadata to jdo2 metadata works (if it exists) because I use my model driven
    code generator and I just developed JDO2 plugin for it and regenerated my
    metadata from the model (I did not have to gegenerate my java classes of
    Then I created native JDO2 mappings and everything

    Could you email it to me please shurik at peacetech dot com
    "Denis Sukhoroslov" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    The issue was in version 3.4.1. BEA has provided a patch, no new version.
    "Alex Roytman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    In which version did you observe it and which version fixed it?
    Thank you
    "Denis Sukhoroslov" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I don't know, I didn't tried 4.1 yet. It is possible that this issue
    was'n exist in kodo 4.x at all.
    "Christiaan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Nice! Is it also solved for 4.1?
    "Denis Sukhoroslov" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Finally, BEA has solved the issue I mentioned. Reading cached PCs
    which have embedded objects become much faster (about 10 times in my
    Thank you very much to all why was involved in this job.
    "Denis Sukhoroslov" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi Alex,
    I know about default-fetch-group, of course I marked these embedded
    fields properly. You're right, it is not a cache miss but an
    unnecessary fetch from DB. It's strange that nobody has found this
    before. I managed to create a stanalone test case and send it to BEA
    support. They agree that it is a bug, but still can't fix the issue.
    The test is quite small, so if anyone interested I can send it here.
    "Alex Roytman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi Denis,
    That's very strange. All custom fields such enums etc. are
    essentially mapped onto regular JDO mandated types. I use it all the
    time and have not observed this behavior but I might have missed it
    of course. I have a suspicion that what you are seeing is not cache
    misses but rather fetches outside of default fetch group. Keep in
    mind that Kodo does not fetch any custom field as part of default
    fetch group unless you explicetly specified it in your package.jdo
    So, try to mark all your custom mapped fields with
    default-fetch-group="true" and I suspect all your extra database
    selects will disspear.
    Read speed, inded, is always the critical part. I just have not had
    chance to play with 4.1 reads enough to say if it is faster or
    slower. There are more ways to optimize reads (various flavors of
    eager fetches, cutom optimized mapping of collections including
    embedding ...) but very few optimizations for updates
    "Denis Sukhoroslov" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi Alex.
    My question is out of this topic, but it looks like you may have an
    answer. BEA support did nothing for the last few months.
    We still use kodo 3.4.1. DB is Sybase 12.5.x. In our app we're very
    concerned on performance as well. But, we do have much more reads
    then writes. So, we're trying to cache as much as possible. Kodo
    distributed cache works quite good. At least, it presents better
    performance then Gemfire and Tangosol, on the same use cases. But
    we found a bug in its caching mechanism: when you have a persistent
    class and this class has an embedded attribute of some
    non-primitive type (like enum or just a simple complex type with
    one or two attributes in it) kodo bypasses cache and performs a
    select to DB each time. Have you seen this? Is it possible to solve
    via custom mapping, what do you think?
    Thanks. Denis.
    "Alex Roytman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hello Stefan,
    I struggled with Kodo 4.0 and gave it up. Kodo 4.1 seems to be a
    much better release. I migrated my app in a day. First I managed
    to run it against 3.4 metadata with some property file changes
    (migration docs are not very good and miss few things but may be
    if you use Kodo automated migration tools it will do for you what
    I was doing manually) . If you use lots of custom filed mappings
    (especially non-trivial mappings) allocate much more time for
    conversion - the whole thing has changed. I have not had chance to
    convert my mapping and had to bandate it with externalizers and
    other things for now. One thing you lose in kodo3.4 mode is
    ability to query by interface since now it must be explicetly.
    Couple of tips here
    - kodo.Log: kodo(DefaultLevel=INFO, SQL=TRACE...) kodo is no
    longer valid logger name
    - kodo.jdbc.DBDictionary: oracle(BatchLimit=30) BatchLimit=30 is
    no longer a valid option use
    kodo.jdbc.SQLFactory: (BatchLimit=50) instead
    - kodo.PersistentClasses= ... is no longer works use
    kodo.MetaDataFactory: kodo3(Types=....) in kodo3 mode or
    kodo.MetaDataFactory: (Types=...) in jdo2 mode
    - Any SQL with DATE column is no longer batched leading to 2-3
    times performance drop. The decision swa made based on bugs in
    oracle 9 drivers in batching mode. If you have latest drivers (and
    database) from my experience you will not have any problems. So to
    reenable it you can register your own instance of AdvancedSQL (now
    a factored out part of DatabaseDictionary):
    kodo.jdbc.SQLFactory: (BatchLimit=50,
    where OracleAdvancedSQL could look like:
    public class OracleAdvancedSQL extends
    kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL {
    @Override public boolean canBatch(Column col) {
    switch (col.getType()) {
    case Types.DATE:
    return true;
    return super.canBatch(col);
    - I have not tested read performance much since I was
    concentrating on writes. But write performance even with batch
    enabled does not seems to be not up to 3.4 level I observed a
    consistent 30-40% decrease in performance while persisting large
    graph complex of fairly small objects. I ran 3.4 and 4.1 versions
    side by side against a dedicated Oracle 10 server and noticed
    performance decrease of 30-40%
    SQL generated by both versions was very close if not identical (I
    only did spotcheck) but incase of INSERT you would not expect it
    any different anyway :-)
    I tried profiling 4.1 version and found some significant hot spots
    but could not dechipher them in any reasonable time because of
    huge depth of stacks and lack of source code. I might try it
    again if I have time because performance is critical for us.
    - I have not tried any new/advanced features yet. including new
    mappings, detachment, data cache, quality of eager fetch so I can
    not give you any good feedback on that. At least I can say that
    this release worth trying - after migration my application worked
    as expected except for lower performance
    I also have to say I do not know how well automated migration of
    kodo 3.4 metadata to jdo2 metadata works (if it exists) because I
    use my model driven code generator and I just developed JDO2
    plugin for it and regenerated my metadata from the model (I did
    not have to gegenerate my java classes of course)
    Then I created native JDO2 mappings and everything

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