Labels CO1F

Dear All,
how is possible to get labels for material confirmed by CO1f?
What is it the enry to insert in NACE? Whitch application?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards.

Hi Juan,
I've not worked on this kind of requirement earlier. But would like to share some issue while printing the labels at CO1F transaction code completion.
CO1F is used for progress confirmation. Say for a production order of 1000 Nos you've confirmed 400 Nos in first transaction using CO1F and some labels printed and later you confirmed for 1000 Nos (as it is progress confirmation) so again some labels will be printed.
Why don't you do manual GR for the production order using MB31/MIGO_GO so that you will be having option to select the no. of slips before executing the print option. Else you can adopt another way of posting the GR with MB31 and then printing the Labels using MB02 transaction code using Material document number.
Abu Arbab

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    PLEASE HELP ______
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
    import java.awt.FileDialog;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class Geometry {
        CardLayout cards;
        JPanel panel;
        public Geometry() {
            cards = new CardLayout();
            panel = new JPanel(cards);
            JFrame f = new JFrame("Geometry");
            new MouseMotionListener() { //anonymous inner class
                //handle mouse drag event
                public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                   System.out.println("Mouse  " + e.getX() +","  + e.getY());
                public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Draggg: x=" + e.getX() + "; y=" + e.getY());
            //            public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
            //                System.out.println("Moving: x=" + me.getX() + "; y=" + me.getY());
            //        panel.addMouseMotionListener(
            //        new MouseMotionListener() { //anonymous inner class
            //            //handle mouse drag event
            //           public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {
            //               setTitle("Dragging: x=" + me.getX() + "; y=" + me.getY());
            //            public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
            //                setTitle("Moving: x=" + me.getX() + "; y=" + me.getY());
        private void addCards() {
            // card one
            TriangleModel tri = new TriangleModel(175,100,175,250,325,250);
            TriangleView view  = new TriangleView(tri);
            JPanel panelOne = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            panelOne.add(view.getUIPanel(), "North");
            panelOne.add(view.getTablePanel(), "South");
            panelOne.setName("Pythagoras's Theorem");
            panel.add("Pythagoras's Theorem", panelOne);
            new MouseMotionListener() { //anonymous inner class
                //handle mouse drag event
                 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Mouse at " + e.getX() +","  + e.getY());
               public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                   System.out.println("Dragging: x=" + e.getX() + "; y=" + e.getY());
            // card two
            TestModel trin = new TestModel(175,100,175,250,325,250);
            TestView viewn  = new TestView(trin);
            JPanel panelTwo = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            panelTwo.add(viewn.getUIPanel(), "North");
          // panelTwo.setBackground(;
            panelTwo.setName("Similar Triangles");
            panelTwo.add(viewn.getTablePanel(), "South");
            new MouseMotionListener() { //anonymous inner class
                //handle mouse drag event
                 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Mouse at " + e.getX() +","  + e.getY());
               public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                   System.out.println("Dragging: x=" + e.getX() + "; y=" + e.getY());
            panel.add("Similar Triangles", panelTwo);
            JPanel panelThree = new JPanel();
            panelThree.setName("Circle Theorem1");
            panel.add("Circle Theorem1", panelThree);
        private JMenuBar getMenuBar() {
            JMenu File = new JMenu("File");
            JSeparator separator1 = new JSeparator();
            JMenuItem Open = new JMenuItem("Open");
    //         Open.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    //            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    //                openActionPerformed(evt);
            JMenuItem Save = new JMenuItem("Save");
            JMenuItem Print = new JMenuItem("Print");
            JMenuItem Exit = new JMenuItem("Exit");
            Exit.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            JMenu theorem = new JMenu("Theorem");
            ActionListener l = new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    JMenuItem item = (JMenuItem)e.getSource();
                    String name = item.getActionCommand();
          , name);
            Component[] c = panel.getComponents();
            for(int j = 0; j < panel.getComponentCount(); j++) {
                String name = c[j].getName();
                JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(name);
            JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
            JMenuBar menuBar1 = new JMenuBar();
            return menuBar;
    //    private void openActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    //        FileDialog fileDialog = new FileDialog(this, "Open...", FileDialog.LOAD);
    //        if (fileDialog.getFile() == null)
    //            return;
    //        fileName = fileDialog.getDirectory() + File.separator + fileDialog.getFile();
    //        FileInputStream fis = null;
    //        String str = null;
    //        try {
    //            fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    //            int size = fis.available();
    //            byte[] bytes = new byte [size];
    //  ;
    //            str = new String(bytes);
    //        } catch (IOException e) {
    //        } finally {
    //            try {
    //                fis.close();
    //            } catch (IOException e2) {
    //        if (str != null)
    //            textBox.setText(str);
        private void ExitActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            // TODO add your handling code here:
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new Geometry();
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    public class Triangle
    public Triangle()
    TriangleModel tri = new TriangleModel(175,100,175,250,325,250);
    TriangleView view = new TriangleView(tri);
    JFrame f = new JFrame();
    f.getContentPane().add(view.getUIPanel(), "North");
    f.getContentPane().add(view.getTablePanel(), "South");
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
    * Created on 06 February 2005, 01:19
    * @author  Rahindra Naidoo
    public class TriangleControl extends MouseInputAdapter
        TriangleView view;
        TriangleModel model;
        Point start;
        boolean dragging, altering;
        Rectangle lineLens;            // used for line selection
        public TriangleControl(TriangleView tv)
            view = tv;
            model = view.getModel();
            dragging = altering = false;
            lineLens = new Rectangle(0, 0, 6, 6);
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
            Point p = e.getPoint();
            lineLens.setLocation(p.x - 3, p.y - 3);
            // are we over a line
                start = p;
                altering = true;
            // or are we within the triangle
            else if(model.contains(p))
                start = p;
                dragging = true;
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
            altering = false;
            dragging = false;
            view.getCentroidLabel().setText("centroid location: " +
            view.repaint();  // for the construction lines
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            Point p = e.getPoint();
                int x = p.x - start.x;
                int y = p.y - start.y;
                model.moveSide(x, y, p);
                start = p;
            else if(dragging)
                int x = p.x - start.x;
                int y = p.y - start.y;
                model.translate(x, y);
                start = p;
        private void updateTable()
            String[] lengths = model.getLengths();
            String[] squares = model.getSquares();
            String[] angles  = model.getAngles();
            JTable table = view.getTable();
            for(int j = 0; j < angles.length; j++)
                table.setValueAt(lengths[j], 1, j + 1);
                table.setValueAt(squares[j], 2, j + 1);
                table.setValueAt(angles[j],  3, j + 1);
            view.getCentroidLabel().setText("centroid location: " +
    * Created on 06 February 2005, 01:18
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    * @author  Rahindra Naidoo
    public class TriangleModel                      //  (x1, y1)
    {                                         //      |\
        static final int SIDES = 3;         //      | \
        private int cx, cy;                  //      |  \
        Polygon triangle;                     //      |_ _\ (x3, y3)
        int selectedIndex;                   //  (x2, y2)
        NumberFormat nf;
        Line2D[] medians;
        Point2D centroid;
        public TriangleModel(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)
            int[] x = new int[] { x1, x2, x3 };
            int[] y = new int[] { y1, y2, y3 };
            triangle = new Polygon(x, y, SIDES);
            nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
        public boolean contains(Point p)
            // Polygon.contains doesn't work well enough
            return (new Area(triangle)).contains(p);
        public boolean isLineSelected(Rectangle r)
            Line2D line = new Line2D.Double();
            for(int j = 0; j < SIDES; j++)
                int[] x = triangle.xpoints;
                int[] y = triangle.ypoints;
                int x1 = x[j];
                int y1 = y[j];
                int x2 = x[(j + 1) % SIDES];
                int y2 = y[(j + 1) % SIDES];
                line.setLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
                    selectedIndex = j;
                    return true;
            selectedIndex = -1;
            return false;
         * Only works for right triangle with right angle at (x2, y2)
        public void moveSide(int dx, int dy, Point p)
            int[] x = triangle.xpoints;
            int[] y = triangle.ypoints;
                case 0:
                    x[0] += dx;
                    x[1] += dx;
                case 1:
                    y[1] += dy;
                    y[2] += dy;
                case 2:
                    double rise  = y[2] - y[0];
                    double run   = x[2] - x[0];
                    double slope = rise/run;
                    // rise / run == (y[2] - p.y) / (x[2] - p.x)
                    x[2] = p.x + (int)((y[2] - p.y) / slope);
                    // rise / run == (p.y - y[0]) / (p.x - x[0])
                    y[0] = p.y - (int)((p.x - x[0]) * slope);
        public void translate(int dx, int dy)
            triangle.translate(dx, dy);
        public Polygon getTriangle()
            return triangle;
        public String findCentroid()
            int[] x = triangle.xpoints;
            int[] y = triangle.ypoints;
            // construct the medians defined as the line from
            // any vertex to the midpoint of the opposite line
            medians = new Line2D[x.length];
            for(int j = 0; j < x.length; j++)
                int next = (j + 1) % x.length;
                int last = (j + 2) % x.length;
                Point2D vertex = new Point2D.Double(x[j], y[j]);
                // get midpoint of line opposite vertex
                double dx = ((double)x[last] - x[next])/2;
                double dy = ((double)y[last] - y[next])/2;
                Point2D oppLineCenter = new Point2D.Double(x[next] + dx,
                                                           y[next] + dy);
                medians[j] = new Line2D.Double(vertex, oppLineCenter);
            // centroid is located on any median 2/3 the way from the
            // vertex (P1) to the midpoint (P2) on the opposite side
            double[] lengths = getSideLengths();
            double dx = (medians[0].getX2() - medians[0].getX1())*2/3;
            double dy = (medians[0].getY2() - medians[0].getY1())*2/3;
            double px = medians[0].getX1() + dx;
            double py = medians[0].getY1() + dy;
            //System.out.println("px = " + nf.format(px) +
            //                 "\tpy = " + nf.format(py));
            centroid = new Point2D.Double(px, py);
            return "(" + nf.format(px) + ",  " + nf.format(py) + ")";
        public String[] getAngles()
            double[] lengths = getSideLengths();
            String[] vertices = new String[lengths.length];
            for(int j = 0; j < lengths.length; j++)
                int opp  = (j + 1) % lengths.length;
                int last = (j + 2) % lengths.length;
                double top = lengths[j] * lengths[j] +
                             lengths[last] * lengths[last] -
                             lengths[opp] * lengths[opp];
                double divisor = 2 * lengths[j] * lengths[last];
                double vertex = Math.acos(top / divisor);
                vertices[j] = nf.format(Math.toDegrees(vertex));
            return vertices;
        public String[] getLengths()
            double[] lengths = getSideLengths();
            String[] lengthStrs = new String[lengths.length];
            for(int j = 0; j < lengthStrs.length; j++)
                lengthStrs[j] = nf.format(lengths[j]);
            return lengthStrs;
        public String[] getSquares()
            double[] lengths = getSideLengths();
            String[] squareStrs = new String[lengths.length];
            for(int j = 0; j < squareStrs.length; j++)
                squareStrs[j] = nf.format(lengths[j] * lengths[j]);
            return squareStrs;
        private double[] getSideLengths()
            int[] x = triangle.xpoints;
            int[] y = triangle.ypoints;
            double[] lengths = new double[SIDES];
            for(int j = 0; j < SIDES; j++)
                int next = (j + 1) % SIDES;
                lengths[j] = Point.distance(x[j], y[j], x[next], y[next]);
            return lengths;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    * Created on 06 February 2005, 01:21
    public class TriangleView extends JPanel
        private TriangleModel model;
        private Polygon triangle;
        private JTable table;
        private JLabel centroidLabel;
        private boolean showConstruction;
        TriangleControl control;
        public TriangleView(TriangleModel model)
            this.model = model;
            triangle = model.getTriangle();
            showConstruction = false;
            control = new TriangleControl(this);
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            if(model.medians == null)
                centroidLabel.setText("centroid location: " + model.findCentroid());
            // draw medians and centroid point
            if(showConstruction && !control.dragging)
                for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                g2.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(model.centroid.getX() - 2,
                                             model.centroid.getY() - 2, 4, 4));
        public TriangleModel getModel()
            return model;
        public JTable getTable()
            return table;
        public JLabel getCentroidLabel()
            return centroidLabel;
        public JPanel getUIPanel()
            JCheckBox showCon = new JCheckBox("show construction");
            showCon.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    boolean state = ((JCheckBox)e.getSource()).isSelected();
                    showConstruction = state;
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            return panel;
        public JPanel getTablePanel()
            String[] headers = new String[] { "", "", "", "" };
            // row and column data labels
            String[] rowHeaders = {
                "sides", "lengths", "squares", "angles", "degrees"
            String[] sidesRow = { "vertical", "horizontal", "hypotenuse" };
            String[] anglesRow = { "hyp to ver", "ver to hor", "hor to hyp" };
            // collect data from model
            String[] angles  = model.getAngles();
            String[] lengths = model.getLengths();
            String[] squares = model.getSquares();
            String[][] allData = { sidesRow, lengths, squares, anglesRow, angles };
            int rows = 5;
            int cols = 4;
            Object[][] data = new Object[rows][cols];
            for(int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                data[row][0] = rowHeaders[row];
                for(int col = 1; col < cols; col++)
                    data[row][col] = allData[row][col - 1];
            table = new JTable(data, headers)
                public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
                    return false;
            DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer =
            centroidLabel = new JLabel("centroid location:  ", JLabel.CENTER);
            Dimension d = centroidLabel.getPreferredSize();
            d.height = table.getRowHeight();
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("triangle data"));
            panel.add(centroidLabel, "South");
            return panel;
    }PLEASE HELP ME TO LABEL THE TRIANGLE AND CHANGE THE VALUES OF THE JTABLE - to SHOW ASquare b Square and C square as well as a label on the bottom of the screen to show A^2 + B^2 = C^2 ...

        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            // label the triangle
            String[] lengths = model.getLengths();
            String[] squares = model.getSquares();
            String[] angles  = model.getAngles();
            int[] x = triangle.xpoints;
            int[] y = triangle.ypoints;
            for(int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
                Point2D vertex = new Point2D.Double(x[j], y[j]);
                int next = (j + 0) % x.length;
                int last = (j + 1) % x.length;
                double dx = ((double)x[last] - x[next])/2;
                double dy = ((double)y[last] - y[next])/2;
                Point2D center = new Point2D.Double(x[next] + dx, y[next] + dy);
            g2.drawString(squares[0],100, getHeight());
            g2.drawString(" + "+squares[1],150, getHeight());
            g2.drawString(" = "+squares[2],200, getHeight());
            if(model.medians == null)
                centroidLabel.setText("centroid location: " + model.findCentroid());
            // draw medians and centroid point
            if(showConstruction && !control.dragging) {
                for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                g2.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(model.centroid.getX() - 2,
                        model.centroid.getY() - 2, 4, 4));

  • URGENT HELP REQUIRED _ Creating Labels for Triangle

    Hi everyone... the code below is my application - Pythagoras Theorem.. or rather displaying it.. But i have not been able to get the Vertex of the triangle Labelled as A B C... I need to do that and change the Triangle Table data to A B C insted of Horizontal Vertical and Hypotenuise and as the triangle is stretched on screen A B And C keep moving as well ...
    Besides i need to Show this in the tabel
    - Values of A ^ 2 , B^2 and C ^2 as welll as a row showing A^2+B^2 = C^2
    the code is as follows..
    This is the main class called Geometry
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
    import java.awt.FileDialog;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class Geometry {
        CardLayout cards;
        JPanel panel;
        public Geometry() {
            cards = new CardLayout();
            panel = new JPanel(cards);
            JFrame f = new JFrame("Geometry");
            new MouseMotionListener() { //anonymous inner class
                //handle mouse drag event
                public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                   System.out.println("Mouse  " + e.getX() +","  + e.getY());
                public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Draggg: x=" + e.getX() + "; y=" + e.getY());
            //            public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
            //                System.out.println("Moving: x=" + me.getX() + "; y=" + me.getY());
            //        panel.addMouseMotionListener(
            //        new MouseMotionListener() { //anonymous inner class
            //            //handle mouse drag event
            //           public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {
            //               setTitle("Dragging: x=" + me.getX() + "; y=" + me.getY());
            //            public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
            //                setTitle("Moving: x=" + me.getX() + "; y=" + me.getY());
        private void addCards() {
            // card one
            TriangleModel tri = new TriangleModel(175,100,175,250,325,250);
            TriangleView view  = new TriangleView(tri);
            JPanel panelOne = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            panelOne.add(view.getUIPanel(), "North");
            panelOne.add(view.getTablePanel(), "South");
            panelOne.setName("Pythagoras's Theorem");
            panel.add("Pythagoras's Theorem", panelOne);
            new MouseMotionListener() { //anonymous inner class
                //handle mouse drag event
                 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Mouse at " + e.getX() +","  + e.getY());
               public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                   System.out.println("Dragging: x=" + e.getX() + "; y=" + e.getY());
            // card two
            TestModel trin = new TestModel(175,100,175,250,325,250);
            TestView viewn  = new TestView(trin);
            JPanel panelTwo = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            panelTwo.add(viewn.getUIPanel(), "North");
          // panelTwo.setBackground(;
            panelTwo.setName("Similar Triangles");
            panelTwo.add(viewn.getTablePanel(), "South");
            new MouseMotionListener() { //anonymous inner class
                //handle mouse drag event
                 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Mouse at " + e.getX() +","  + e.getY());
               public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                   System.out.println("Dragging: x=" + e.getX() + "; y=" + e.getY());
            panel.add("Similar Triangles", panelTwo);
            JPanel panelThree = new JPanel();
            panelThree.setName("Circle Theorem1");
            panel.add("Circle Theorem1", panelThree);
        private JMenuBar getMenuBar() {
            JMenu File = new JMenu("File");
            JSeparator separator1 = new JSeparator();
            JMenuItem Open = new JMenuItem("Open");
    //         Open.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    //            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    //                openActionPerformed(evt);
            JMenuItem Save = new JMenuItem("Save");
            JMenuItem Print = new JMenuItem("Print");
            JMenuItem Exit = new JMenuItem("Exit");
            Exit.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            JMenu theorem = new JMenu("Theorem");
            ActionListener l = new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    JMenuItem item = (JMenuItem)e.getSource();
                    String name = item.getActionCommand();
          , name);
            Component[] c = panel.getComponents();
            for(int j = 0; j < panel.getComponentCount(); j++) {
                String name = c[j].getName();
                JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(name);
            JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
            JMenuBar menuBar1 = new JMenuBar();
            return menuBar;
    //    private void openActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    //        FileDialog fileDialog = new FileDialog(this, "Open...", FileDialog.LOAD);
    //        if (fileDialog.getFile() == null)
    //            return;
    //        fileName = fileDialog.getDirectory() + File.separator + fileDialog.getFile();
    //        FileInputStream fis = null;
    //        String str = null;
    //        try {
    //            fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    //            int size = fis.available();
    //            byte[] bytes = new byte [size];
    //  ;
    //            str = new String(bytes);
    //        } catch (IOException e) {
    //        } finally {
    //            try {
    //                fis.close();
    //            } catch (IOException e2) {
    //        if (str != null)
    //            textBox.setText(str);
        private void ExitActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            // TODO add your handling code here:
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new Geometry();
    }import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    public class Triangle
    public Triangle()
    TriangleModel tri = new TriangleModel(175,100,175,250,325,250);
    TriangleView view = new TriangleView(tri);
    JFrame f = new JFrame();
    f.getContentPane().add(view.getUIPanel(), "North");
    f.getContentPane().add(view.getTablePanel(), "South");
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
    * Created on 06 February 2005, 01:19
    * @author  Rahindra Naidoo
    public class TriangleControl extends MouseInputAdapter
        TriangleView view;
        TriangleModel model;
        Point start;
        boolean dragging, altering;
        Rectangle lineLens;            // used for line selection
        public TriangleControl(TriangleView tv)
            view = tv;
            model = view.getModel();
            dragging = altering = false;
            lineLens = new Rectangle(0, 0, 6, 6);
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
            Point p = e.getPoint();
            lineLens.setLocation(p.x - 3, p.y - 3);
            // are we over a line
                start = p;
                altering = true;
            // or are we within the triangle
            else if(model.contains(p))
                start = p;
                dragging = true;
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
            altering = false;
            dragging = false;
            view.getCentroidLabel().setText("centroid location: " +
            view.repaint();  // for the construction lines
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            Point p = e.getPoint();
                int x = p.x - start.x;
                int y = p.y - start.y;
                model.moveSide(x, y, p);
                start = p;
            else if(dragging)
                int x = p.x - start.x;
                int y = p.y - start.y;
                model.translate(x, y);
                start = p;
        private void updateTable()
            String[] lengths = model.getLengths();
            String[] squares = model.getSquares();
            String[] angles  = model.getAngles();
            JTable table = view.getTable();
            for(int j = 0; j < angles.length; j++)
                table.setValueAt(lengths[j], 1, j + 1);
                table.setValueAt(squares[j], 2, j + 1);
                table.setValueAt(angles[j],  3, j + 1);
            view.getCentroidLabel().setText("centroid location: " +
    * Created on 06 February 2005, 01:18
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    * @author  Rahindra Naidoo
    public class TriangleModel                      //  (x1, y1)
    {                                         //      |\
        static final int SIDES = 3;         //      | \
        private int cx, cy;                  //      |  \
        Polygon triangle;                     //      |_ _\ (x3, y3)
        int selectedIndex;                   //  (x2, y2)
        NumberFormat nf;
        Line2D[] medians;
        Point2D centroid;
        public TriangleModel(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)
            int[] x = new int[] { x1, x2, x3 };
            int[] y = new int[] { y1, y2, y3 };
            triangle = new Polygon(x, y, SIDES);
            nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
        public boolean contains(Point p)
            // Polygon.contains doesn't work well enough
            return (new Area(triangle)).contains(p);
        public boolean isLineSelected(Rectangle r)
            Line2D line = new Line2D.Double();
            for(int j = 0; j < SIDES; j++)
                int[] x = triangle.xpoints;
                int[] y = triangle.ypoints;
                int x1 = x[j];
                int y1 = y[j];
                int x2 = x[(j + 1) % SIDES];
                int y2 = y[(j + 1) % SIDES];
                line.setLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
                    selectedIndex = j;
                    return true;
            selectedIndex = -1;
            return false;
         * Only works for right triangle with right angle at (x2, y2)
        public void moveSide(int dx, int dy, Point p)
            int[] x = triangle.xpoints;
            int[] y = triangle.ypoints;
                case 0:
                    x[0] += dx;
                    x[1] += dx;
                case 1:
                    y[1] += dy;
                    y[2] += dy;
                case 2:
                    double rise  = y[2] - y[0];
                    double run   = x[2] - x[0];
                    double slope = rise/run;
                    // rise / run == (y[2] - p.y) / (x[2] - p.x)
                    x[2] = p.x + (int)((y[2] - p.y) / slope);
                    // rise / run == (p.y - y[0]) / (p.x - x[0])
                    y[0] = p.y - (int)((p.x - x[0]) * slope);
        public void translate(int dx, int dy)
            triangle.translate(dx, dy);
        public Polygon getTriangle()
            return triangle;
        public String findCentroid()
            int[] x = triangle.xpoints;
            int[] y = triangle.ypoints;
            // construct the medians defined as the line from
            // any vertex to the midpoint of the opposite line
            medians = new Line2D[x.length];
            for(int j = 0; j < x.length; j++)
                int next = (j + 1) % x.length;
                int last = (j + 2) % x.length;
                Point2D vertex = new Point2D.Double(x[j], y[j]);
                // get midpoint of line opposite vertex
                double dx = ((double)x[last] - x[next])/2;
                double dy = ((double)y[last] - y[next])/2;
                Point2D oppLineCenter = new Point2D.Double(x[next] + dx,
                                                           y[next] + dy);
                medians[j] = new Line2D.Double(vertex, oppLineCenter);
            // centroid is located on any median 2/3 the way from the
            // vertex (P1) to the midpoint (P2) on the opposite side
            double[] lengths = getSideLengths();
            double dx = (medians[0].getX2() - medians[0].getX1())*2/3;
            double dy = (medians[0].getY2() - medians[0].getY1())*2/3;
            double px = medians[0].getX1() + dx;
            double py = medians[0].getY1() + dy;
            //System.out.println("px = " + nf.format(px) +
            //                 "\tpy = " + nf.format(py));
            centroid = new Point2D.Double(px, py);
            return "(" + nf.format(px) + ",  " + nf.format(py) + ")";
        public String[] getAngles()
            double[] lengths = getSideLengths();
            String[] vertices = new String[lengths.length];
            for(int j = 0; j < lengths.length; j++)
                int opp  = (j + 1) % lengths.length;
                int last = (j + 2) % lengths.length;
                double top = lengths[j] * lengths[j] +
                             lengths[last] * lengths[last] -
                             lengths[opp] * lengths[opp];
                double divisor = 2 * lengths[j] * lengths[last];
                double vertex = Math.acos(top / divisor);
                vertices[j] = nf.format(Math.toDegrees(vertex));
            return vertices;
        public String[] getLengths()
            double[] lengths = getSideLengths();
            String[] lengthStrs = new String[lengths.length];
            for(int j = 0; j < lengthStrs.length; j++)
                lengthStrs[j] = nf.format(lengths[j]);
            return lengthStrs;
        public String[] getSquares()
            double[] lengths = getSideLengths();
            String[] squareStrs = new String[lengths.length];
            for(int j = 0; j < squareStrs.length; j++)
                squareStrs[j] = nf.format(lengths[j] * lengths[j]);
            return squareStrs;
        private double[] getSideLengths()
            int[] x = triangle.xpoints;
            int[] y = triangle.ypoints;
            double[] lengths = new double[SIDES];
            for(int j = 0; j < SIDES; j++)
                int next = (j + 1) % SIDES;
                lengths[j] = Point.distance(x[j], y[j], x[next], y[next]);
            return lengths;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    * Created on 06 February 2005, 01:21
    public class TriangleView extends JPanel
        private TriangleModel model;
        private Polygon triangle;
        private JTable table;
        private JLabel centroidLabel;
        private boolean showConstruction;
        TriangleControl control;
        public TriangleView(TriangleModel model)
            this.model = model;
            triangle = model.getTriangle();
            showConstruction = false;
            control = new TriangleControl(this);
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            if(model.medians == null)
                centroidLabel.setText("centroid location: " + model.findCentroid());
            // draw medians and centroid point
            if(showConstruction && !control.dragging)
                for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                g2.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(model.centroid.getX() - 2,
                                             model.centroid.getY() - 2, 4, 4));
        public TriangleModel getModel()
            return model;
        public JTable getTable()
            return table;
        public JLabel getCentroidLabel()
            return centroidLabel;
        public JPanel getUIPanel()
            JCheckBox showCon = new JCheckBox("show construction");
            showCon.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    boolean state = ((JCheckBox)e.getSource()).isSelected();
                    showConstruction = state;
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            return panel;
        public JPanel getTablePanel()
            String[] headers = new String[] { "", "", "", "" };
            // row and column data labels
            String[] rowHeaders = {
                "sides", "lengths", "squares", "angles", "degrees"
            String[] sidesRow = { "vertical", "horizontal", "hypotenuse" };
            String[] anglesRow = { "hyp to ver", "ver to hor", "hor to hyp" };
            // collect data from model
            String[] angles  = model.getAngles();
            String[] lengths = model.getLengths();
            String[] squares = model.getSquares();
            String[][] allData = { sidesRow, lengths, squares, anglesRow, angles };
            int rows = 5;
            int cols = 4;
            Object[][] data = new Object[rows][cols];
            for(int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                data[row][0] = rowHeaders[row];
                for(int col = 1; col < cols; col++)
                    data[row][col] = allData[row][col - 1];
            table = new JTable(data, headers)
                public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
                    return false;
            DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer =
            centroidLabel = new JLabel("centroid location:  ", JLabel.CENTER);
            Dimension d = centroidLabel.getPreferredSize();
            d.height = table.getRowHeight();
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("triangle data"));
            panel.add(centroidLabel, "South");
            return panel;
    }PLEASE HELP ---- Also does any one know how to draw a Triangle on a screen which can be controlled by a JSlider such that as and whenits incremented the triangle increase and vice versa... I need to prove Similarity in triangles using A Jslider that controls one triangle while the other triangle is Still on screen

    The code given was part of the assignment and you are supposed to make the changes for your part right?
    Please give details of what you have done so far and not expect us to do your assignment for you. We'll be glad to help answer questions and point to the right direction, but giving us the entire assignment and saying, very nicely I might add, "Please do it for me." Just seems to make a mockery of the hours, days, and years that many of us has spent earning our degrees and learning our skills.
    Work on it and ask specific questions with examples of what you have done and you'll get a much better response.

  • Boot image does not exist and cannot read disk label errors.

    Hi - I'm having a problem with installing Solaris 9 4/04 on a Netra T1. The Netra already has Solaris 7. I need to get this set up as a jumpstart server but it can't find the boot image. I'm using a brand new bonafide installation disk - not a copy. The system won't let me install/upgrade to Solaris 9 either. I get an error stating that disk label can't be read. I've tried swapping out the CDROM but I still get the same errors. Does anyone know what or why this may be happening? (Oh - and another strange thing - like I said the CDs are the original but there doesn't appear to be a cdrom/cdrom0/s0 directory. The directory I see is cdrom/cdrom0/sol_9_404_sparc/Solaris_9/Tools)
    ERROR: Install boot image /cdrom/sol_9_404_sparc/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot does not exist
    Check that boot image exists, or use [-t] to
    specify a valid boot image elsewhere.
    Excuting last command: boot cdrom [- nowin]
    Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pc1@1/ide/cdrom@2:f file and args: [- nowin]
    Can't read disk label.
    Can't open disk label package
    Evaulating: boot cdrom [- nowin]@1/ide@e/cdrom@2:f File and args: [- nowin]
    Can't open boot device
    I appreciate any help at all - is there anyone out there who can tell me what I may be doing wrong?

    Hi check that you are booting of the right cd. Make sure it is soalris 9 software 1/2 if that fails then it may well be that your cd is buggered. most likely it is buggered it it cant find the boot image.

  • Close all folders in Mail?  Color Label folders?  Find folder?  And More!

    Hi all.
    I have a LOT of mail. They're all very organized, though. Heaps of Mailboxes (Folders) and Sub-folders.
    I also have heaps of rules dutifully sending incoming mail to their appropriate mailboxes.
    It has reached a point where one of of the major bottlenecks in my daily workflow is sorting through all these mailboxes.
    There are 5 primary mailboxes with perhaps 100-ish subfolders or sub-subfolders. Maybe more.
    When they are all open, or a lot of them are open, it is difficult to find the a specific folder when I need it. It would help if I could close all open folder with a shortcut.
    Is this possible?
    It would also help if I could visually distinguish each level. Can I color label the mailboxes(not the messages themselves)?
    Another help would be if I could run a search for a folder Mailbox name. Is this possible?
    Lastly when I create a rule I would love it if there was an option to 'Create new Mailbox' in the rule dialog box rather than having to create the mailbox first. Am I just missing this? See link for illustration:

    I just had a look and you need to create the mailbox PRIOR to asking the rules to move it into that.
    Now, automator lets you create a new workflow, but not sure as to how to set that one up (might be possible; however, my mathematical brain tells what you want to achieve is flawed:
    1) IF new mail equals "tangerine", create new mailbox tangerine, then move message to mailbox "tangerine. (FINE so far!)
    2) the second "tangerine" message arrives, and the workflow should FAIL (because it cannot create a "new" mailbox "tangerine", as there is ALREADY a mailbox named "tangerine")
    3) if automator cannot execute "If" and "and" and the "sort by" all together, then distinguish (a "tangerine" message might actually need to go to "pear" but refers to "pears and tangerines", so it ends up in the wrong mailbox), you may have to start and restart mail, until all stages of the script have been executed.
    You see the problems?
    Anyhow, here is a link to some automator info:
    Good luck

  • How can I remove LABELS from my gmail account?

    How can I remove unwanted LABELS from the side bar unsung gmail?

    I assume you're using GMail as your primary e-mail account?  Try this.  This is how I am setup.  Not only will it move all your contacts to your phone but any changes made in GMail or on the iPhone will be sync'd with the server.
    Note... I think this will delete your existing contacts from your device.  You will want to use iTunes to back them up and get them imported into GMail before you sync your device wtih GMail.

  • How to "Highlight/Color Label" a single event in Month View.

    How do i either Hightlight or Color Label a single event or a single calendar in Month View? Like the pic shows, the one on the right...
    Thank you for your time.

    Never Mind... Thank you though..
    It's an all day event...

  • Desktop and windows have all capital A's (AAAA...) instead of normal labels

    Hi, folks.
    While having trouble getting my AC power supply cord to power up the 'book (the cord wires were broken and the power would only flow if the cord were held in one position) the battery eventually was
    exhausted and the 'book shut down.
    This interruption caused the desktop menu, labels, and submenus, to all be labeled AAAAAAAAA....etc.
    The A's appear within box (square) shapes. For example the word 'view' looks like this AAAA but in boxes.
    I tried to rebuild the desktop but that didn't help. I wanted to trash the desktop preferences, but since everything is labeled AAAAAAA I can't find them! Even the master OS disk (Tiger) is littered with AAAAAA's! I can read the internet ok, however.
    What's going on?

    Hi Ddale53, and a warm welcome to the forums!

  • Show events in label colors when printing

    I've been doing my carpool schedule using iCal - each person has their own calendar so they always appear in the same color and can subscribe to just their calendar.
    I used to print out a copy to put on the fridge, and each event would be printed in the color of that person's label.
    I just upgraded to Tiger (10.4, yeah, i'm behind) and now iCal only prints a little color swatch next to the BLACK text of each event. This makes it much more difficult to see at a glance who has carpool since you can' just tell the color of the enter text from across the room, you have to get up close and either read the black text or squint and try to tell the color of the little line.
    Is there a way to put it back to how iCal 1.5 did it?
    PS - I'm printing in month view, if that makes a difference.

    Is the calendar checked in the list of calendars in the popup menu in the upper left corner?

  • Can not color label more than one file at a time

    I've had this problem since 10.6.6-ish, i can not color label more than one file at a time in the Finder.
    Wether i select two, twenty or twohundred only one file gets color labeled.
    It doesn't seem to matter if i assign a color label through the File menu or right click > label.
    Figured a re-install might fix this but it hasn't (even a clean install without restoring any kind of backup).
    Does anyone else have this issue and/or a fix for it?

    Aaaaanyone ?

  • How do I set up the system to print 4x6 labels via paypal and ebay using a DYMO 4XL Thermal Label Printer (through airport)?

    We bought a DYMO Label Writer 4XL. We want to print thermal labels from our Mac and PC, wireless. The good thing is that I already have the printer set in the network and added on each of our computers (Mac and Windows 8). For printing regular labels you can use the Dymo software; for printing postage labels from ebay or paypal has been impossible.
    From ebay I even tried one label at the time but still did not work.  I sent the the print command from the mac-print-window, changing each of the settings (such as paper size) but did not work. Each time (no matter if you want to print one label only) it advances more than one lable. ls-using-a-Mac/qaq-p/3135261 (post by stormshock)
    Through Paypal is a different story. It should be easy cause it seems the Zebra Driver in Paypal works with this DYMO. The issue is how to get the system to send the print command to the DYMO printer through the Zebra LP2488? please help! I know some people have succeded making all these work. What am I missing? LGJ4&linkCode=&nodeID=&tag=#wasThisHelpful

    To whomever is reading this post I just wanted to let you know I returned the Dymo 4XL. Their customer service is horrible. Technical support does not exist at all. The issue was extremely frustrating and time consuming. I do not recommend this thermal printer at all. Good luck finding one... if you do, please share.

  • What's wrong? Simple button click to put input on to label

    I'm trying to build a simple application with an input box, button, and label.
    Clicking the button should take the input box contents and display it upon the label. However, although I have no bugs listed, clicking the button in the app does nothing.
    I have in my .h file:
    @interface VTViewController : UIViewController
        IBOutlet UITextField *input;
        IBOutlet UILabel *label;
        NSString *contentStore;
    and in my .m file:
    #import "VTViewController.h"
    @interface VTViewController ()
    @implementation VTViewController
        [input resignFirstResponder];
        contentStore = input.text;
        label.text = contentStore;

    Put a breakpoint in the button method to verify the IBAction is being triggered.
    Make sure the IBOutlets are hooked up, for example it should look like this in the Connections Inspector.
    It looks like you hand-rolled this rather than Ctrl+dragging the controls into the header. Normally the IBOutlets are synthesized properties, and the button method should have a parameter.
    - (IBAction)buttonPushed:(id)sender {

  • Error when starting Netscape Calendar Server: Module: , Label: 355, Service error: #0x13209

    When starting Netscape Calendar Server, the following error message appears:
    Module: , Label: 355, Service error: #0x13209
    The three ACIs listed below need to be present in the Directory Server in order
    for Calendar server to work properly. Check the properties on the Base DN to
    verify that the following ACIs exist. If they are not present, you will need
    to add them, and the Base DN will need to be modified for your enviroment.
    <LI>ACI for allowing users to modify their own entries.<BR>
    (targetattr = "*")(version 3.0; acl "Allow self entry modification";
    allow (write)userdn = "ldap:///self";)<BR>
    <LI>ACI for allowing anyone permissions to Read, Search, and Compare.<BR>
    (target="ldap:///") (targetattr != "userPassword") (version
    3.0; acl "Anonymous access";
    allow (read, search, compare) userdn = "ldap:///anyone";)<BR>
    <LI>ACI for allowing Calendar Server admins Write access to the Base DN
    (this is necessary in order for admins to add users and resources to the node).
    (target="ldap:///") (targetattr = "*") (version 3.0; acl
    "Calendar Administrators Group";<BR>
    allow(all) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Calendar Server Admins,ou=Netscape

    Hi Trinidad,
    Thanks for your help!!!
    I didn't install EventSender and DIProxy yet, I tried first to upload and deploy the zip files, but I couldn't open the Itegration Application Explorer.
    The jvm.dll file is in in the folder pointed by the logs: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\jdk1.5.0_xx_sap\jre\bin\server
    and it is also in C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\jdk1.5.0_xx_sap_64\jre\bin\server
    I tried running the file  java5w.exe, but I got an error message:
    Access is denied
    Unable to open the service tomcat5
    Thne I managed to open it by "rua as administrator".
    the Java Virtual Machine path is points to the java 1.5 version folder.
    Is it possible that the reason that the service can't start is related to administrator rigts??
    In the properties in the Integration Service (services.msc):
    It is set to be run with the local system account.
    all other properties looks fine.
    in the properties of the tomcat5.exe (and tomcat5w.exe  , I tried both)
    In the Compatibility tab I tried setting the flag "Run this program in compatibility mode for" to Vista, windows 7, and server 2008
    I didn't have the option of Windows XP.
    I have also set the Privilege level of: "Run this program as administrator" to true.
    But still the service won't start.
    What can be the problem?
    What else can I check?
    Thanks a lot,

  • Can not edit data labels in old graph chart objects using Word 2010

    In Word 2010, Insert object "Microsoft Graph Chart", go to Chart Options and check an item in Data labels, such as "Series Name", "Category Name" or "Value". Click OK, then double-click on a data label to edit its
    settings, or right-click on a data label and select "Format Data Labels..."
    This makes Word to crash. The only way I can get out of it is by using the Task Manager to kill Word.
    This happens in Windows 7 and Windows 8. This does NOT not happen in Word 2007 nor Word 2013, so it seems specific to Word 2010. All our clients have the same problem, this does not seem related to a specific workstation configuration.
    The Microsoft Graph Chart are the old charts used within .doc files. I have an application still generating those types of files and need to edit data label settings manually before processing the files with my application.
    Also note that anytime you edit a .doc file in Word 2010 and you see "Compatibility Mode" in the title bar, the Insert / Chart option from the ribbon inserts an old type chart (same as if you use Insert / Object / Microsoft Graph Chart), not the
    new Word 2010 charts. You then have the same problem editing the data labels.
    The underlying Activex seems to be the Chart.Exe file, the one I have installed is 14.0.7012.1000. You can see the version by double-clicking the chart and then look in the Help / About menu.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    As this is a configuration issue and not a programming issue I' moving your question to a more appropriate forum where you're more likely to find assistance.
    Cindy Meister, VSTO/Word MVP,
    my blog

  • I just updated my Ipad 2 last night with iOS 7.04 now I can't print shipping labels from Paypal. I downloaded a different browser, Dolphin, per Paypal's suggestion. Still can not print. It says it has lost connection with the!.

    Hello! I updated my Ipad now I can not print USPS labels from Paypal. I used my boss' Ipad not updated and worked fine. I am dependent on my Ipad to print these labels for me. I can print anything else I want, like email or packing slips. Any thoughts? I would go back to the previous version if anyone knows how to do that.

    Hello Sapo11,
    To get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since this is a commercial product. You can do this at Commercial Forums.
    Thanks for your time.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    W a t e r b o y 71
    I work on behalf of HP

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