Labview real-time and simpowersystems toolbx from matlab

I have a simulink model built with SimPowerSystems toolbox. I want to run this model on a RT target which is a desktop ETS in this case. I follwoed the instructions on how to create and deploy the DLL. There are two problems I am facing--
1. The host screen grays out even though the mapping is correct. (This is verfied by using a similar working file.)
2. The RT target hangs and then the connection is lost. I don't get any error message and after some time as there is no communication, I get error 66/63 etc network related error.
The questions are:
1. Is SimPowerSystem toolbox supported in SIT? ( I read that the SimMechanics is not supported.)
2. Is there any limitation on how many nodes I can use so that the RT system can run the model without getting hung up.
The versions I'm using are:
LabView 8.2, SIT 3.0.2
Matlab R2006b, SIMULINK 6.5, Real-time workshop 6.5
microsoft visual C/C++ 6.0
Please let me know ASAP if anyone has faced this problem before or if someone can answer my questions.

Signals also can be removed when the code is generated and compiled due to optimizations.  Right clicking on a signal and making it a testpoint forces RTW to include that signal in the compiled code signal list.  The appropriate discussion is posted below.
Models Using Signal Storage Reuse, Block Reduction Optimization, or Virtual Blocks
Mappings might appear invalid if the model uses either Signal Storage Reuse or Block Reduction Optimization. These items are options you can set in the Simulink application software to reduce the memory footprint of the model. Disabling these options for the entire model makes all signals available for probing but increases the memory footprint of the model. You can mark individual signals as test points to maintain a reduced memory footprint while keeping certain signals available for probing. To make this change, load the model in the Simulink application software and perform the following actions:
For The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB® application software release 13, right-click a signal and select Signal properties from the shortcut menu. Place a checkmark in the SimulinkGlobal(Test Point) checkbox and click the OK button to save changes.
For the MATLAB® application software release 14 and later, right-click a signal and select Signal properties from the shortcut menu. Click the Logging and accessibility tab, place a checkmark in the Test point checkbox, and click the OK button to save changes.
Note  If you previously converted this model to a model DLL, you must convert the model to a model DLL again after marking signals as test points.
Similarly, you might not be able to probe signals from Virtual Blocks such as Mux, Demux, Bus Selector, and so on. Marking signals from these blocks as test points makes the signals available for probing.
Refer to the Simulink documentation for information about Signal Storage Reuse, Block Reduction Optimization, Virtual Blocks, and test points.
Models Using Inline Parameters
You might not be able to manipulate model parameters if that model uses the Inline parameters option in the Simulink application software. This option writes a constant value to each model parameter. You must launch the Simulink application software and disable this option so the Simulation Interface Toolkit can manipulate the model parameters.
Refer to the Simulink documentation for information about inline parameters.
Models Containing Linked or Masked Subsystems
You can create mappings to parameters and signals of masked subsystems. However, if a subsystem is linked, or linked and masked, any mappings to parameters and signals of that subsystem appear invalid. Refer to the Simulink documentation for information about linked and masked subsystems.
Subsystems without Parameters or Signals
If a model contains a subsystem that does not have any parameters or signals, that subsystem appears in the model tree when you create mappings. However, you cannot create mappings to/from that subsystem.
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    MemoryManager line 437 error.JPG ‏228 KB

  • Can anyone provide me the suitable material for labview fpga &labview real time??

    Message Edited by Sithu on 05-27-2008 04:32 AM

    The following link includes training material for both LabVIEW Real-time and LabVIEW FPGA.
    If you are new to LabVIEW you should start from the LabVIEW Basics material available at the following link.
    NIUK Applications Engineering

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    ConfigureFor Channels.PNG ‏131 KB

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    If you have reviewed the requirements for a Real-Time target and verified that your computer is compliant you might want to check out this article.  The main issue that people encounter when using PC's as RT targets is have the correct network card.  Make sure the card you have is on the supported devices list on the webpage that Christian posted.  You should be able to develop a driver using low level VISA commands but it is not an easy task.  Read over the developer zone article to learn more about it.
    Eric A.
    National Instruments
    Distributed I/O Product Support Engineer

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    Hi Xiaolin,
    NI doesn't offer Windows based Ethercat master or slave software. Only LabVIEW RT can run the Ethercat driver. 
    However, you could use a LabVIEW RT target as an Ethercat master and use the Ethercat Internet Card with a slave PC (note: I think this will work from the Beckhoff description of the card you are describing. The card should integrate like any other non-NI slave. However I haven't tested the setup and don't advise saying it will work until you have tried). 
    You can use any NI RT target with two ethernet ports as the Ethercat master. This could be a cRIO, PXI or RT Desktop. 
    Jesse Dennis
    Design Engineer
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    DAQmx is our new Data Acquisition driver and should be considered as the primary option when writing new applications because of supportability in the future.
    DAQmx does make Data Acquisition tasks much simpler, abstracting many of the board implementation details and giving you a common API for 99% of the tasks you might want to accomplish.
    There are a couple of minimum requirements for using DAQmx on LabVIEW Real Time:
    - You will need LabVIEW Real-Time 7.1 (or higher)
    - You will need DAQmx 7.2 (or higher)
    These requirements are mentioned in the following Knowledgebase:
    Is NI-DAQmx Supported in LabVIEW Real-Time?
    The other thing you might want to make sure of is that DAQmx supports the DAQ hardware you already have or are planning to use. DAQmx does support most of the existing DAQ and SCXI hardware products, and reading thermocouples should become a very simple task.
    With DAQmx you can use physical channels, Global Channels (Aliases for preconfigured physical channels, equivalent to the Traditional DAQ Virtual Channels) or DAQmx Tasks (Preconfigured Data Acquisition tasks that include channel, timing and triggering information). A good place to start to learn about these features could be:
    Advantages of NI-DAQmx
    The following link might be useful to check Hardware support:
    The driver can be downloaded by following these links: -> Support -> Drivers and Updates -> Current Software Versions -> Multifunction DAQ -> NI-DAQ Version 7.3 for Windows 2000/NT/XP
    This includes the latest version of DAQmx and our Traditional DAQ driver. Please note that DAQmx base is also listed but that's our Register-Level Programming (RLP) driver, which provides DAQ support for previously unsupported platforms.
    I hope this helps,

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    Thank you very much!!

    Thanks for your reply.
    I just use MAX to verify that the rs232 port is operational.
    However, there is an error (please refer to the attachment).
    One possible reason is in MAX I am trying to do the default command *idn? ...but it doesn't work.
    I read the vacuum multi-gauge manual but I don't know which command should I use...
    I attached the manual and can you tell me which command should I use?
    Or can you tell me other possible reason for this error code?
    Thank you very much. 
    Varian Multi-Gauge Controller.pdf ‏2747 KB
    error1.JPG ‏111 KB

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    Kind regards.
    João Júnior

    Hello Osvaldo,
    I analysed the updated tutorial you sent me, but the thing is that it doen't show how to create the DLL in LV 8.6 but only show how to accessing the DLL from VB6. My problem is really HOW TO CREATE THE DLL IN LV8.6. In the link there is detailed information about how to do this in LV6.x, the problem is that I don't find the path Tools»Build Application or Shared Library (DLL) in LV8.6, I think the procedure in LV8.6 is a little bit different. Don´t you have an updated tutorial on how to build a dll in LV8.6?How could you help me?
    Kind regards.
    João Júnior

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    Hi AEI, 
    I have worked with that card briefly before. It has a Visa based driver and RT isn't required. However, I haven't worked with the card on a non-rt system and am not sure if there any issues to be aware of. 
    A lot of work has gone into integrating support for the card into Veristand, it may save you enough development time to use at an RT-Veristand system to be worth the extra cost. 
    Jesse Dennis
    Design Engineer
    Erdos Miller

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    If I run my VI in FPGA mode should it run?
    Attachments: ‏33 KB

    Since it looks like you are new to the whole RT and machine control, I recommend giving this a good read: NI LabVIEW for CompactRIO Developer's Guide
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • How come you can not use more than 126GB of a 1.5TB diskdrive with LabVIEW Real Time?

    How come you can not use more than 126GB of a 1.5TB diskdrive with LabVIEW Real Time?
    This is only 8.3% of the available disk drive space!​026358625750B007201A6?OpenDocument
    National Instrument's solution is either reformat you drive to less than 126GB or replace the drive with one less than that size.
    Please NI, tell me you are going to fix your LabVIEW Real Time soon, and that we won't have to wait for LabVIEW RT 9.2.1 in 2011 for this one to be fixed.​/Hard_drive_capacity_over_time.svg
    Drives as large as 126GB or more have been around since about mid 2002.  That's about 7 Years now and LabVIEW Real Time STILL can't use drives larger that 126GB!  Please NI.  Do something.
    We deserve fixes to the old versions of LabVIEW RT.  How about updates to LabVIEW RT.  Such as 7.0.2, 7.1.2, 7.6.2, 8.0.2, 8.2.2, 8.6.2.
    We don't need new features or versions of LabVIEW RT such as 9.0 until we have some of bugs fixed in the existing versions. 
    Message Edited by kmcdevitt on 05-29-2009 03:39 PM
    Go to Solution.

    Coq rouge wrote:
    NI is not making the Real Time OS in house. I do not remember which firm that is making it. Anyway you are allowed to use a hard drive that has been partitioned. And 126GB is some space is it not? I remember Bill Gates declared one time that 640Kb ram should be more than enough for any PC application also in the future 
    Coq Rouge (formerly t06afre),
    The RealTime OS is an NI Product that is purchased from NI.
    NI may or may not outsource design, developement, or manufacturing of the products that it sells under its own Company name.
    For this reason I would be concerned if I were a PXI Embedded Controller designer/developer in the United States. 
    Yes, 126GB is some space.  I see that there are now 2TB drives available.  126GB would be 6.3% of a new 2TB drive.  Should we all be happy with being able to use 6.3% of the available drive space.  Moore's Law seams to be alive and well.  Drives larger than 126GB have been readily available for 5 or 6 Years.  This should not be a surprise to NI.  Why don't they do something about it.
    Thanks for the trivia on Bill Gates.  I must have missed that one since I don't try to keep up with Microsoft.  I believe that he is a wonderful person and he and his family are doing wonders for the world in their "retirement".   The world needs more like him.
    What I do remember is Steve Jobs telling us that we would never need more that 128MB and that we would never to need to do anymore software development because everything was already in the "ToolBox".

  • Can I use Labview real time with PCI 6013?

    How much does Labview real time cost?
    Do i need to have some additional hardware to use labview real time with PCI 6013?

    You can not use the PCI-6013 board with LabVIEW Real-Time.
    We offer three platforms for LabVIEW Real-time. PXI embedded controllers, 7030 data-acquisition plug-in boards (7030/xxxx) and FieldPoint. For more information on these options go to and then choose Real-Time from the menu on the left. There are PCI versions of the 7030 boards. Each 7030 board has a data-acquistion board attached to it (6030E, 6040E or 6533). When you embed a LabVIEW Real-Time program on the 7030 you will be able to access the daughter board. You can not access other boards from the embedded program. If you want to use several daq cards in your real-time system I would recommend a PXI chassi and PXI daq boards.

  • Read CPU temperature of Desktop PC running LabVIEW Real-Time

    Is it possilbe to read the CPU temperature of a Desktop PC running LabVIEW Real-Time? I found an older example that allows to read the temperature of PXI systems ( Is there a possibility for Desktop Real-Time Machines as well?

    Hi this is heavily dependent from your specific Hardware. Which PC or more specific which main board do you use?
    I found several examples in the NI forum that try to access the CPU data.  
    I’m using a Dell machine and both temperature VI’s are not working for me.
    Hope you have more luck.
    Attachments: ‏13 KB
    WMI_GetTemperatureProbe[1].vi ‏26 KB
    WMI_Win32procesor[1].vi ‏41 KB

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