Lacie 500GB d2 Quadra Problem.

My Lacie drive was spinning out and wouldn't mount. I found out it was the faulty power supply.
I requested for a new one (Power Supply). The spinning out went away.
It won't mount under Finder.
I open Disk Utility and I see my drive it looks like it has been reformatted by the computer I don't know. The Partition Scheme is Master Boot Record. I see the drive name under System Profile.
Should I buy a Hard Drive Enclosure to see if it mounts. I don't want for all my files to be gone.
What should the do. I read alot of problem with Lacie Drive this will be the last time I will be a Lacie Drive. I have another external hard drive with a custom enclosure and it works fine.

For use on your Macs the Partition Scheme _should not be Master Boot Record_. Both your Intel Mac and your G4 will boot with the *Apple Partition Map*, but your Intel Mac needs GUID to able to use the Apple Installer on that volume.
I read alot of problem with Lacie Drive
If you avoid products which have reports of problems then perhaps you shouldn't be using a Mac, or any other computer! ( ) LaCie drives are amongst the better drives for use on a Mac, and there is the bonus that LaCie are one of the few manufacturers who are very Mac savvy. Don't be too quick to switch.

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    I have a bunch of LaCie D2 drives on my Mac mini. They are daisy chained -the mini only has one FireWire port. No problems here.
    My point was, the Express Card with eSATA will be way faster than FireWire and you still have the MBP's FW port for your camera if you buy a 800 to 400 adapter for 10 -12 bucks.

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    Message was edited by: Frodo from Guate

    I would....
    switch to native SATA. Invest in PCIe controller and Firmtek 5PM case.
    avoid those LaCie for anything serious and just use for backups.
    If you feel you must use Firewire, and I don't, and I would definitely avoid LaCie, invest in a couple FW800 PCIe controllers, but not worth the cost or taking up PCI slots for what you get in return compared to SATA. You'll be happier and get great performance and be able to setup stripped RAIDs for your needs.
    Or there are RAID6 controllers.
    You may have seen an article on LaCie and elsewhere on how to reset FW ports, a problem LaCie is most prone to creating.

  • Lacie 500GB Big Disk Extreme problem.

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    Disk needs repair
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    Hi everyone,
    I'm brand new here having just bought my first Apple product ever.
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    P Dannenberg wrote:
    Will the data be transferred without loss or problems?
    USB3 will work fine for your projects and will work fine if you later decide to start cutting HD material.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    First find out if this is a Firewire 800 or 400 problem. Try connecting a Firewire 400 cable to the drive if it supports it. If it only has Firewire 800 ports, you may want to get a Firewire 400 drive to experiment to see if that's all the problem is.
    After a forced reboot, it is also always wise to repair the directory if you are backed up:
    If it detects issues on your source drive that it can't repair, and you are backed up, then I would use Alsoft Disk Warrior.
    If it detects no issues, then the problem probably resides in either the cable or the drive you are connecting to. Try a little process of elimination.

  • Lacie 500GB Porsche External Drive.

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    Another answer from Lacie Technical which answers the question it would appear.
    "That firewire drive is programmed to spin down, and that USB drive is not, let me explain a bit more. On USB 500GB drives we switched controllers, and that controller doesn't let the drive spin down. Our previous 500GB drives did. Now when I answered you the first time I didn't think there was a difference between the the old and new ones so I assumed it would spin down. Afterwards I checked into it a bit more and found out I was wrong."
    So there it is. I'm not sure how long a drive would last if left running 24 hours a day so I shall have to get used to switching it on and off.

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    I just got the same drive and was wondering the same thing. I inquired with LaCie about it and here is the response that the support people gave me:
    "That particular unit does not sleep. We changed the bridge to the newer controller, which is faster and better for data transfer, but that feature was dropped from the design. I'm sorry."
    Hope this helps.

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    I just recently bought a Lacie 500GB USB 2.0 and Firewire 400/800.  I have an IMAC, am running Lion 10.7.2.  I have the Lacie connected to my IMAC with both the USB cable and the Firewire 800 cable (to bus power from the IMAC to the Lacie).  The drive will just be ejected randomly and then the computer sends me the nasty gram that it wasn't properly ejected and what I need to do to eject it properly. 
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    You can make a folder on the external drive. To do this, open a Finder window of the external drive. From the File menu in Finder, select +New Folder+. You can name it whatever you want.
    After downloading the files, drag and drop the files to the new folder on the external.
    To avoid copying files between drives, you can set your browser's preferences to download directly to another folder on the external drive. Then you can move files that are mp3 between the Downloads folder to the Music folder.
    For more details, you should including information about your system, such as iMac model, Mac OS X version, and if you are using Safari and iTunes (or some other programs).

  • Agonizing Slow Transfer From LaCie 500GB USB to TC = 212 Hrs!

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    You definitely want ethernet to transfer 350 Gigs. Make sure you have a CAT5e or CAT6 cable to take adavantage of gigabit speeds, not just a plain CAT5 cable.
    As Anthony said, make sure the external drive is connected to the Mac, not to the TC. Otherwise the Data goes from the USB drive, through the TC to the Mac and back to the TC drive.
    Also, you have two different methods of doing the backup. One would be to just drag and drop the files from the USB drive to the TC drive, in which case the files will be copied to the TC in their existing folder structure, but you will have to do incremental backups manually.
    If, on the other hand, you do as Anthony suggests, and uncheck the privacy box which prevents backing up the external drive, I suspect the external drive will just be added to your existing sparsebundle on the TC (I have not tried this) and will be incrementally backed up along with the rest of the files on your computer.
    Expect the initial backup to go at a rate of about 15 gigs per hour via ethernet.

  • Lacie rugged 500gb and mac problems

    I have a Lacie rugged 500gb hard drive and get reformat in disk utility. All options apart from verify are greyed out and device is showing formatted to FAT16 and only a 33.6 mb capacity. This happens on both my imac mavericks and macbook 10.6.
    Literally have no idea what to do now, any help would be much appreciated.

    Really sorry, managed to solve this by downloading a LaCie program and going through some security stuff.

  • Data loss Lacie 500GB external drive_ disk utility changed partition!

    Details of problem. I have a 500GB Lacie mini hub HDD which is used with an iMac angle poise. Recently it has been playing up- unable to access folders/files etc. and since I know the PSU fails on these items (capacitors fail -5V and 12V go haywire- already fixed another one - I have a 320GB with a mac mini setup) I removed unit from the imac and connected in place of the 320GB lacie on the mac mini, using the known good PSU. The iMac is running latest 10.4 and mac mini is running latest snow leopard 10.6.1
    The Lacie spun up and mounted OK and I was able to access all files folders with no issue, so since I was keen to make sure it was 'fixed' I ran disk utility. It ran and said it verified and then I realised I hadn't run repair so re-did this. Big mistake!
    It did the same run and said no problems found, but it then said something like updating partition! Horrified I waited and it seemed to finish or had finished straight away. Not sure. I looked at folders and yes main 2 items in place, but nothing showing below this. ****. It got worse. I ejected and tried to reconnect and low and behold it says drive needs formatting now. Disk utility even shows this 500GB as having 2.2TB of space, which I see in other posts is another issue.
    I have important data backed up elsewhere, but there are a large number of files I do not have copies of and suspect there is a way to recover these. I have since seen all the 'data loss' guest account issues and wonder if this is yet another bug in snow leopard.
    Have tried running Techtool Pro 5.0.6 to see if it can see the data but its not seeing anything. Will try Diskwarrior and others, but may well shelve to see if apple gets an os update released for data loss issues.
    Any thoughts on how to recover? Anyone with a similar issue? I am pretty certain this is not a failed hard drive as it sounds 100% normal. Thanks for any help or guidance.

    Thanks for all the comments recieved. V.K. made me re-evaluate what I had proved or not. I was fairly certain (not 100%) that the drive mech was OK, because the psu had failed, but should have proved drive mech was actually OK. So I removed the mech (as USB abd firewire can't do SMART etc.) and hooked up to an old G4 Powermac. I then found that the SMART verified, but had forgotten the 128GB limitation on older macs. So removed and got a PC to hook it up and run latest IBM_Hitachi drive fitness and other diags. (its a Deskstar HD and I have had almost zero issue with these drives over the years.) It checks out fine, so I was correct in my initial thoughts, only the PSU was faulty.
    So back to my initial suspicions that Snow Leopard or disk utility has screwed things up, maybe a bug, maybe not. And I did run verify first and it said it was OK, only when I re-ran the repair did it then do a "partition update" (or whatever it said - should have done a screen capture - searched apple but can't find listing of all mesgs avail. must be in developers site I expect). So I am back at looking at how to recover, if at all possible, but as Alsoft have said this is not something Diskwarrior can do directly. Files must still be there just partiton map is now in a ... needs to be initialised mode. Not that I will do that.
    So I guess summary is possible bug/funny in 10.6 and/or disk utility.
    sounds like I will be contacting Alsoft now
    may read up on partition map damage first, so I get a better picture of whats involved.
    Cheers and thanks for all the help/ideas.
    BTW - been using macs_pcs for decades now and helping friends & family fix things as and when. This is first time needed to post on forum as always found answers to questions I had previously. Must remember the old adage of not jumping onto new technology until it has bedded down I bet if I had hooked up to the old G4 Powermac I wouldn't be in this position. Thanks again.

  • Question about LaCie 500GB external hard drives

    Are the LaCie external 500GB hard drives actually 2 hard drives inside the case or just 1? Are they good?
    I read a review that the larger LaCie external hard drives often fail and are not as reliable as the samller ones (like 300GB). Is this true?
    G5 Dual 2.3 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hi Tim,
    I have an external LaCie Porsche Design 500Gb drive, and it is definately only one drive. LaCie's spin down when not in use, which some external drives don't. Spinning down extended the lifespan, so I doubt there will be problems because of it.

  • Lacie 500GB External Hard Drive Fan speed / heat issues?

    I have a 500gb Lacie Mini hard drive with the 1394/usb2.0 hub and for some reason when it is connected to my mac mini in the office, it works totally fine, doesnt spin really fast or anything. When I take it home and hook it up to my other mac mini, after 10-15 minutes the fan starts to blow at full speed on the Lacie. The mac mini at home is from March 2005 and its a 1.66 Core Duo, and the one at the office is from March 2007, and is also a 1.66 Core Duo, both with 2gb of ram.
    I have noted at the bottom of my home mac mini is very warm to the touch after feeling between the drive and the computer, but it seems odd to me that both computers dont get just as hot considering they are virtually identical aside from the build date. Has anyone else experienced this problem with their Lacie mini drive? The fan spins so high on the drive that its annoying to even use it, and I'd like to take care of it if theres a remedy.

    I agree, the link you posted is strangely inaccurate. I have been trying to post the attempts on this link: but as you can tell I have been frustrated with the whole process. The posts may be confusing because they are step by step. The lacie drive is loud under the mini but not when it is by itself.
    As of now the test seem to be inconclusive. It is so strange that I would be convinced if someone told me the fan in the lacie has a temperature sensor inside. But the only thing I can come up with is that the mini gets hot on the bottom, while the lacie gets hot on top. Their combined heat seems to be too much for the lacie's fan to cool. I will also mention that I have fan control software installed on the mini, but this doesn't seem to have any effect as I am not changing the settings during my tests.
    The fan having a temperature sensor is just crazy... I removed the fan from the lacie (fan still plugged in) and set up the stack. The lacie bottom was removed for this test. The lacie fan never turned on, and the drive increased in temperature that I felt was too hot. This is where sensing strips would assist in further data.
    So here is my next step: Since the fan didn't turn on when the lacie bottom was removed, it seems that the open back and open bottom (the back and bottom is one piece) was enough to keep the sensor from turning on the fan. But as said before, I felt the drive was still too hot. So maybe the lacie case needs more ventilation. Two ways I have thought to do this:
    ----- cut the fan one large hole instead of a bunch of little ones, allowing more air out.
    - or -
    ----- cut the bottom vents out (maybe not all of them) to allow more air intake.
    I think the first one would solve the problem, but I don't currently have the time to do it. I am going to cut the fan hole first, once I get the time.
    I will tell you that the lacie drive is mounted closest to the top of the case. I have thought of purchasing some thermal sensing strips to determine what is hot and when; haven't yet.
    AndyO, you said everything right except one part... the mini's air-intake is the vents on the bottom, and the air is obviously pushed out the back by the horizontal fan (there is a special plastic mold that the fan sits horizontally in). Which you would lead us to believe that the mini would heat up with the lacie underneath, but I haven't noticed any drastic changes in the mini fan speed or temperature. Instead the lacie drive gets hot or at least the fan goes crazy.
    Hope this helps, I'll let you know when I get the scalpel (really sharp knife) out.

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    First check with Disk Utility that the external drive doen't have any error.
    If the external HD is USB or Firewire 400 I wouldn't copy the whole Library to it because will slow thing down as it's slower than the internal drive.
    Instead of copying the whole Library move files that you don't need at the moment by referencing them to the external Library. Select the images in the browser and go to File/Relocate Masters.

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