Landscape to portrait

I shot some video with the camera on its side (landscape) I would now like to have it saved and play back as portrait.  Is this possible?

To further supplement what Akshat B and I have written, I have prepared the following screenshots.
In the Premiere Elements 12 Quick workspace, after you right click your file in one of the Filmstrip Scene Spaces, you should see the following, including the pop up menu with the Rotate options.
In the Premiere Elements Expert workspace, after you right click your file on the Timeline, you should
see the following, including the pop up menu with the Rotate options.
In either Expert or Quick workspace, after you select your file, you can go the Applied Effects/Applied Effects Palette/Motion Panel expanded route to the Rotate options in the Motion Panel expanded. Screenshot here shows the Expert workspace and the Motion Panel Expanded.
I prefer to work in the Expert workspace since I believe that you can see better what is going on and thus have more control of the workflow. My preference. Whatever works for you. I would select one or the other workspaces and not toogle between the two. Certain things are not represented the same between the two workspaces.

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    The accessibilty setting that was mentioned is:
    * Enable AssistiveTouch
    Enable AssistiveTouch which floats a virtual button on-screen which can mimic all hardware buttons on the device:
    Settings>General>Accessibility>AssistiveTouch: turn ON
    *Note* If you power off the device using the AssistiveTouch panel (tap the on-screen AssistiveTouch button, Device>Lock Screen (tap and hold to power off)), you will NOT be able to power on the device *if your Sleep/Wake (power) button is not functioning*. You will need to connect the powered off device either to a PC's USB port or an external charger to power the device back on.

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    Export te document to PDf. Open it in Preview. Here you can rotate the a page to horisontal.

  • Print SSRS Server Report in landscape or portrait mode directly(without report viewer control)

    .Net 4.0\VS2010\C#\ssrs 2008 on Sql Server 2008R2
    Having a problem printing a Server report while controlling the orientation and the size of the emf rendered to the physical page.
    I have the report cutting off in both landscape and portrait modes. I'm passing the following deviceinfo to the render function:
    string DeviceInfo =
    return DeviceInfo;
    string mimeType;            string fileExtension;            Stream pageStream = serverReport.Render("IMAGE",  deviceInfo, firstPageParameters, out mimeType, out fileExtension);
    No other settings seem to have an affect on controlling the output to printer or pdf.  i.e. The deviceinfo params fed to server report's render function are all you get.  I think my original code comes from an MSDN or CodeProject example. I'm not
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    print ssrs rdlc report in landscape mode directly

    Thanks for posting in MSDN forum.
    I am not expert in SSRS. You should get better response in SQL Server > SQL
    Server Reporting Services, Power View forum.
    After take a look at the similar threads links as you posted above.
    The conclusion is we needn’t tell the program o this report is landscape not portrait. If the width is larger than the height, the report will be printed in landscape; otherwise, it will be printed in portrait.
    >>Links below indicate similar problems but they are looking at the issue from just landscape mode.
    But in C# forum, we only from the point of code, code looks OK to me.
    A similar blog talking about this
    Controlling Page Size in a Reporting Services Report
    And  I have got the default page size in the US is Letter, 8.5in x 11in.  In other parts of the world A4 (8.3in x 11.7in) is the standard. 
    65: //build the device settings (A4 8.3 × 11.7)
    66: string deviceInfo = string.Format("<DeviceInfo><PageHeight>{0}</PageHeight><PageWidth>{1}</PageWidth></DeviceInfo>", "11.7in", "8.3in");
    68: //get report bytes
    69: result = rs.Render(format, deviceInfo, out extension, out encoding, out mimeType, out warnings, out streamIDs);
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Mix landscape and portrait in one report

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    Jeff, thinking about how to do this I realize that there will not be a way to get this done, not for subreports. For individual sections without subreports, yes. E.G.; this can not be done in the designer and typically, if it can not be done in the designer, it can not be done at runtime.
    While there is a way of setting a particular section to print a different orientation than the rest of the report, if there is a subreport in the section, the section's orientation property will not be passed on to the subreport.
    Alternatively, if a main report is set to portrait orientation and the subreport is set to landscape, the subreport will print landscape, on a portrait oriented page, thus resulting in data being cut off. In the reverse scenario, main report is landscape, subreport portrait, the subreport will print portrait on a landscape oriented paper and as above, data will be cut off.

  • Landscape and portrait mode

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    Try restarting your iPad.
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the red slider appears. Slide your finger across the slider to turn off iPad. To turn iPad back on, press and hold the Sleep/Wake until the Apple logo appears.
    See if that made a difference.
    If not, you may have an app that needs "force quitting" ...
    Try this... Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button on top of iPad for a few seconds until a red slider appears, then press and hold the Home button until the application quits.
    Try again. If it's still slow, connect your iPad to your computer, launch iTunes. Check available storage at the bottom of the iTunes window. Might be a good idea to have at least 10% free space available.

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    Before you import the photos into your project, go to your preferences (under the Edit menu on a PC) and uncheck Scale Stills to Frame Size.
    Also make sure your photos are sized to no larger than 1000x750 pixels or they are going to be way to large to work with. You may need to resize them once youv'e added them.
    Unless your concern is that the portrait photos are coming in sideways. If that's the case, you'll need to open them in Photoshop Elements, rotate them 90 degrees and then resave them. Note that, although many photos will appear to be oriented correctly in the Organizer or in Windows, they still may not actually be oriented correctly until you open them in Photoshop.

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    @Steve – don't think so…
    @Kaz Till – do you mean the following:
    1. Without setting "auto":
    2. After setting "auto":
    Don't think, that this is to the advantage of the reader…

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    I am working on my first iBook using iBook Author. I am having a heck of a time understanding how to make something look good in both Landscape and Portrait orientation.
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    Here is a picture of what I am talking about:
    The highlighted text has been shifted down so it will be at the top of the next page.
    Now this is what it looks like in Portrait orientation:
    There are way too many empty lines between them. Also, you will notice at the top that Not Getting In the Way is also too close to the text above it. Correcting that by putting a space between the lines will screw up the Landscape formatting.
    Also, adding pictures makes it even MORE difficult to keep both formatted properly and clean.
    Any advice would be INCREDIBLE.
    Thank you everyone!

    Layout in landscape. Edit in portrait....assuming you've not disabled support for it.
    Preview/check in both.
    See the tips in this forum and
    Publishing With iBooks Author 

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    Can this be changed after upload the layouts? Is this also happening within the app itself?

    Hi Bhaskar,
    thanks for your help. My intention is to create a single-orientation layout, but I created a both-orientations-layouts. Before v20 (or 19?) when just uploading one of the orientation into that folio, content viewer and the branded app just showed one orientation and fixed the layout within the iPad. Now, if you choose both-orientations and just upload a single one, you are getting a grey screen in the missing orientation.
    I wasn't aware of this fact (maybe because german customers weren't invited to sprint v20 presentation) but I'm afraid that you are right an  have to created the folio completely from the ground (which is a lot of more work with import function not running )
    Maybe this solves my push notification error with one of my folios I have

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    how do i create landscape and portrait slides in the same keynote file?

    You cant, its one or the other not both, the slide size setting is for the whole presentation, not for individual slides.
    The slide format is chosen to match the display the presentation is shown on. I have presentations showing on vertical, horizontal, square, circular and iregular shaped screens with rear projection, but a single format must still be set.

  • Why are my apps changing when i change the orientation from landscape to portrait

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    I know it is not a specific app problem because it happens when i come out of some of my apps, it doesnt happen all of the time, only sometimes. Also if any of you could help me with another issue with the same device, when i connect to wifi/hotspot i get static on the screen, it is very noticable when i show a dark picture or a large amount of the screen is a dark colour but i wanted to know if this was normal with the ipad mini retina. I have seen discussions about this device having problems connecting to wifi but i havent found any discussions on this. Does anyone know could cause this?

  • Landscape orientation = portrait orientation?

    I'd like my landscape and portrait orientations to look the exact same. I want the user to simply switch to landscape mode if she or he wants the book to be bigger. This is proving harder then it should be. Any help is well appreciated.

    I was under the impression that "locking" keeps the user from entering landscape orientation (if locked in portrait mode).
    How can I make sure the user may switch between? Is there a template that does this?
    Thanks - just trying to get as much specifics before I start testing.

  • IPhone 5 with updated ios8 won't change orientations (landscape vs portrait).

    My iPhone five with updated ios8 won't change orientation between landscape and portrait. Does anybody have any suggestions?

    Hi lmilesfromnowhere, 
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    There may be a couple of different things I would suggest here. The first thing I would do would be to check and make sure the orientation lock is off. 
    iOS: Screen does not rotate
    If the lock is off and the issue continues, I would recommend restarting your device. If the issue continues after the restart, reset the device. 
    Turn your iOS device off and on (restart) and reset
    Have a great day, 

  • Navigation based on screen orientation (landscape or portrait) in Flash CS6

    I'm creating an app that will have a different menu if the phone is held landscape, or portrait.
    I figure I have to tell flash to move to a new frame when the phone moves from landscape to portrait or vice versa, but I'm not sure the exact code to after creating the orientation event listener.

    your orientation listener should call a function that executes a gotoAndStop.
    the stage has an Stage.OrientationEvent.ORIENTATION_CHANGE event you can use:
    function changeF(e:StageOrientationEvent):void{


    After book was submitted, I got following msg from Apple:
    "All vital content (images, text, etc) now needs to be available in both landscape and portrait mode. Currently, all content is missing in portrait mode.
    Surely some of you already experienced this issue."
    It is clear to me what it means but my question is: IS IT MANDATORY TO HAVE IT AVAILABLE IN BOTH MODE?
    If so, is there a clever way or I have to past and copy the text and widgets from every pages? 
    Thanks in advance for help!!

    It is mandatory for your book to be seen in both orientations.  I received a similar message last week.  My book has many images and only 1 was displaying in portrait mode.  After much trial and error, I discovered that the image was Inline, the rest were not.  I spent about 24 hours total re-formatting my entire book so that it was viewable in both formats.  Keep switching back and forth between the two orientations as you work on your mac.  Save both versions.  You cannot edit in portrait, only landscape.

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