Large Amount of text data in a Field

I have a VB front end application and now need to store what could be a very large amount of text data in one field (ie more that a varchar field can hold) What data type could i use for the field and what is the capacity of this field

BFILE is a data type in Oracle that allows you to store the location and name of any file. To store large anounts of text data, you better use this type. You can store all the txt into a '.dat" or".txt" or still ".rtf" and then save the file name and its location in the Oracle Database. I believe that ione can save upto 4gb of Data using this type. I never used this data tye, but just read about it in documentation. Hope it works.
All the best.

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    I don't get this clipboard thing! I have created two files, one for the MS with mark-ups, and one for the unmarred version, each living in their own spot in my "house." It seems to be merging the two versions and I have to go in and re-paste and then it always says "you have placed a large amount of text on clipboard do you want to be able to access this?" and it prompts me to say no but I am afraid I'll lose my day's work so I just tap cancel. I highlight the day's revision and select "copy" to paste into the unmarked doc. before I save on the marked up or working doc. It is when I try to close that one that the clipboard issue pops up. What can you tell be about saving doc. in two places and how to NOT get it on clipboard? Thanks! I am not super computer savvy so layperson's language much appreciated!

    Are you using Microsoft word?  Microsoft thinks the users are idiots. They put up a lot of pointless messages that annoy & worry users.  I have seen this message from Microsoft word.  It's annoying.
    As BDaqua points out...
    When you copy information via edit > copy,  command + c, edit > cut, or command +x, you place the information on the clipboard. When you paste information, edit > paste or command + v, you copy information from the clipboard to your data file.
    If you edit > cut or command + x and you do not paste the information and you quite Word, you could be loosing information.  Microsoft is very worried about this. When you quite Word, Microsoft checks if there is information on the clipboard & if so, Microsoft puts out this message.
    You should be saving your work more than once a day. I'd save every 5 minutes.  command + s does a save.

  • How to send large amount of XML data in one CLOB variable

    I am sending large amount of XML data to TCP/IP port in one CLOB variable.
    My requirement is to send the whole data in one go in one CLOB variable.
    But that CLOB variable is not sufficient to hold all the data.
    Please suggest some solution.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Here is my code:
    PROCEDURE xxmb_get_xml_data_1270 (
    -- errbuf OUT VARCHAR2,
    -- retcode OUT NUMBER,
    p_org IN VARCHAR2,
    p_limit_to_global IN VARCHAR2,
    p_label IN VARCHAR2,
    p_printer IN VARCHAR2,
    p_quantity IN VARCHAR2,
    p_print_method IN VARCHAR2,
    p_enable_release IN VARCHAR2,
    p_enable_serial_no IN VARCHAR2,
    p_release IN VARCHAR2,
    p_rep_group IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_type IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_no_from IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_no_to IN VARCHAR2,
    p_serial_no IN VARCHAR2
    CURSOR c_xml_data_door (
    p_org IN VARCHAR2,
    p_label IN VARCHAR2,
    p_printer IN VARCHAR2,
    p_quantity IN VARCHAR2,
    p_print_method IN VARCHAR2,
    p_rep_group IN VARCHAR2,
    p_release IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_type IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_no_from IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_no_to IN VARCHAR2,
    p_serial_no IN VARCHAR2
    SELECT xxasa.item_id AS item_id, xcs.serial_number AS serial_number,xxcpf.cart_type,xcs.destination_cart_num cart,xcs.destination_slot_num slot
    CURSOR c_product_detail (
    l_product IN NUMBER,
    l_serial_num IN VARCHAR2,
    p_limit_to_global IN VARCHAR2
    SELECT xcra_specie.reference_id AS reference_id,
    xcra_ege.attribute_value AS ege, xcs.item_id AS item_id,
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = l_product
    and xcs.organization_id = nvl(p_org, xcs.organization_id)
    AND xcs.serial_number = NVL (l_serial_num, xcs.serial_number);
    | Cursor to fetch the data for special Message Label |
    CURSOR c_count (p_item_id IN NUMBER)
    SELECT xcrav.attribute_value, xcs.serial_number, xcs.cabinet_number
    FROM xxmb_czmfg_ref_attributes xcrav,
    cz_config_attributes cca,
    AND msib.organization_id = xcs.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = xcs.item_id;
    | Common variables |
    v_limit_to_global VARCHAR2 (100);
    l_label_count NUMBER := 1;
    total_rec NUMBER;
    l_rewrite VARCHAR2 (1) := 'N';
    l_file_count NUMBER := 1;
    l_separate_line VARCHAR2 (10);
    fnd_profile.get ('WMS_LABEL_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY', l_output_dir);
    fnd_profile.get ('WMS_LABEL_FILE_PREFIX', l_output_file_prefix);
    l_request_id := apps.fnd_global.conc_request_id;
    l_output_file_name :=
    l_output_file_prefix || l_request_id || l_file_end;
    l_dir_seperator := '/';
    IF (INSTR (l_output_dir, l_dir_seperator) = 0)
    l_dir_seperator := '\';
    END IF;
    v_label := p_label;
    v_printer := p_printer;
    v_quantity := p_quantity;
    L_XML_CONTENT := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<!DOCTYPE labels SYSTEM "label.dtd">';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<labels>';
    FOR r_xml_data_door IN c_xml_data_door (p_org,
    -- dbms_output.put_line ( 1 );
    FOR r_product_detail IN
    c_product_detail (r_xml_data_door.item_id,
    -- dbms_output.put_line ( 2 );
    -- l_xml_content := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
    -- l_xml_content := l_xml_content || '<!DOCTYPE labels SYSTEM "label.dtd">';
    -- l_xml_content := l_xml_content || '<labels>';
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'label cnt: ' || l_label_count);
    dbms_output.put_line (l_label_count);
    || '"'
    || 'lib://FRD/'
    || v_label
    || '"'
    || ' _PRINTERNAME='
    || '"'
    || v_printer
    || '"'
    || ' _QUANTITY='
    || '"'
    || v_quantity
    || '"'
    || '>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Color">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT ||'<variable name= "Model">'
    || R_PRODUCT_DETAIL.model
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Build_Date">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Assy_Cart">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Assy_Slot">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Assy_Line">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Finish_Cart">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Finish_Slot">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Serial_Number">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Serial_Number_Barcode">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Specie">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT ||'<variable name= "Truck_Group">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Label_Sequence_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT ||'<variable name= "WIP_Cart">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "WIP_Slot">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Cabinet_Sequence_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "RAW_PART_NO">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "JC">'
    || '</variable>' ;
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "QC">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Thickness">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Width">'
    || R_PRODUCT_DETAIL.width
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Length">'
    || R_PRODUCT_DETAIL.length
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Overlay">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Options">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Stop">'
    || R_PRODUCT_DETAIL.stop
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Profile_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Door_Style">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Glaze">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Shape">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Glass">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Hinge_Side">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Hinge_Type">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "EGE">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Door_Style_Code">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Finish_Technique">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Hinge_Location">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Construction_Type">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_Type">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_Profile_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Rail_Profile_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Rail_1_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Stile_Profile_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Rail_2_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Stile_1_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Stile_2_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_1_Width">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_1_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_2_Width">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_2_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT ||'</label>';
    | Handling XML data for special message |
    FOR rec_count IN c_count (r_product_detail.item_id)
    || '"'
    || 'lib://FRD/SpecMessage_Door.btw'
    || '"'
    || ' _PRINTERNAME='
    || '"'
    || v_printer
    || '"'
    || ' _QUANTITY='
    || '"'
    || v_quantity
    || '"'
    || '>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Serial_Number">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Special_Message">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Cabinet_Sequence_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT ||'</label>';
    end LOOP;
    -- L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '</labels>';
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, l_xml_content);
    dbms_output.put_line ( l_xml_content );
    -- apps.inv_print_request.sync_print_tcpip (l_xml_content,
    -- l_job_status,
    -- l_printer_status,
    -- l_status_type,
    -- l_return_status,
    -- l_return_msg
    l_xml_content := l_xml_content || '</labels>';
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, l_xml_content);
    apps.inv_print_request.sync_print_tcpip (l_xml_content,
    L_XML_CONTENT := null;
    | APPS.INV_PRINT_REQUEST.SYNC_PRINT_TCPIP will send the XML data to TCP/IP Port |
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'Printer Status:' || ' ' || l_printer_status
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'Return Status:' || ' ' || l_return_status
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'Return Message:' || ' ' || L_RETURN_MSG
    'Unexpected error in the xxmb_get_xml_data_1270 procedure, error is : '
    || SQLERRM
    || ', '
    || SQLCODE
    END xxmb_get_xml_data_1270;
    END xxmb_wip_prod_tag_door_pkg;

  • How can I get a large amount of text in imovie?..look inside, I'll explain

    Ok....say I have:
    'Roy Lichtenstein was born October 27, 1923, in New York City. He describes his childhood as quiet and uneventful. His father was a realtor, and his mother was a housewife. Art was not taught at the school he attended, but when he was 14, he began taking Saturday-morning classes at the Parsons' School of Design.'
    I want to insert it into imovie in between clips in black. I have my black clip, length x, but there doesn't seem to be any TITLE functions that accomodate placing a large amount of text that all appears at the same time and doesn't move, etc.
    the best solution i've come up with is to use the music video setting which basically gives me what I want except for the fact that all the text is on one half of the screen and the longest you can use this funtion is for 10 seconds! it's a compromise I don't really want to make when it seems like there should be a simple solution that maybe I'm just not seeing which lets me transfer text from appleworks or wherever to fill the screen with text so that it looks 'normal'.

    create that chart with any pic processor and import via iPhoto... so, you could even add a "scrolling"
    a pic processor gives you a much higher control about typography...
    beware, that a TV is no computer monitor - it isn't made for "reading", has a much smaller res, interlaces video, ..

  • Importing a large amount of text into InDesign (Newbie question!)

    Hello all,
    I am new to InDesign and would really appreciate some tips/advice on how best to transfer a large amount of text from Microsoft Word into an InDesign document. I have been tasked with creating a very simple pocket sized book, the content of which will be a series of business Acronyms (700+) and their defintions (just imagine a very simple dictionary). As you can imagine there is a lot of text in the Microsoft Word document so any advice on how to transfer it all as quickly as possible would be really helpful. Or, as the case may be, would it be simpler to just use another programme?
    Can you paste/import all - or large chunks of - a word document in one go? If I format a master page will Adobe InDesign automatically paste the text into the required number of pages? Or do i have to do it page by page from a clipboard?
    Obviously I am not expecting InDesign to format the text perfectly on each page, I just want to dump it all in one go and then go back and tidy it all up.
    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    File > Place.... and navigate to the Word file. Show Import Options to allow you to preserve the Word Formatting, or dump it, or map styles to ne styles in your ID document.
    If you have a text  frame on your master page, put the loaded cursor over the frame area on your document page and watch for the cursor to change so it is surrounded by parentheses, then hold the Shift key and click. If you don't have a master frame (and most experienced users will tell you that more than 90% of the time a master text frame is more hindrence than help if you set your margins correctly), hold the Shift key and click where you want the top of the first column to start.
    In both cases, ID will add pages as required to place the entire document and thread the text through all the frames. If using master frames, they will be linked and overrridden onto the document page automatically, if not, your first frame will start where you click and extend down to the bottom margin and succeeding frames will fill the column guides (hence mention of setting your margins correctly).
    ID is a professional program and you really need to spend some time learning how it works. One good place to start is the Help files. Another is Sandee Cohen's Visual QuickStart Guide to InDesign. If you prefer video training, has good content.

  • Best way to handle large amount of text

    hello everyone
    My project involves handling large amount of text.(from
    conferences and
    Most of them r in Ms Word. I can turn them into RTF format.
    I dont want to use scrolling. I prefer turning pages(next,
    previous, last,
    contents). which means I need to break them into chunks.
    Currently the process is awkward and slow.
    I know there wud b lots of people working on similar
    Could anyone tell me an easy way to handle text. Bring them
    into cast and
    break them.
    any ideas would be appreciated

    Hacking up a document with lingo will probably loose the rtf
    Here's a bit of code to find the physical position of a given
    line of on
    screen text (counting returns is not accurate with word
    wrapped lines)
    This stragety uses charPosToLoc to get actual position for
    the text
    member's current width and font size
    maxHeight = 780 -- arbitrary display height limit
    T = member("sourceText").text
    repeat with i = 1 to T.line.count
    endChar = T.line[1..i].char.count
    lineEndlocV = charPosToLoc(member "sourceText",
    if lineEndlocV > maxHeight then -- fount "1 too many"
    -- extract identified lines "sourceText"
    -- perhaps repeat parce with remaining part of "sourceText"
    singlePage = T.line[1..i - 1]
    member("sourceText").text = T.line[i..99999] -- put remaining
    text back
    into source text member
    If you want to use one of the roundabout ways to display pdf
    director. There might be some batch pdf production tools that
    can create
    your pages in pretty scalable pdf format.
    I think flashpaper documents can be adapted to director.

  • How do I delete a large amount of text messages without clearing my SD card?

    I have a large amount of text messages that I need to delete because the system is slow but don't want to clear my SD card for fear of losing all my pictures.

    krsinc wrote:
    I have a large amount of text messages that I need to delete because the system is slow but don't want to clear my SD card for fear of losing all my pictures.
     Hi, you didn't say much about the problem but hope this helps.  The system should not be slow unless the messages are on the phone memory; not the card. Regardless of where the messages are, you should be able to delete them without any risk unless you are talking about wiping your card which should be unnecessary.  I just read of two apps; one for backup if you want to make a copy and one to delete large threads.  The large threads were causing people problems.   I am assuming the messages are not on the card.
    Here's a discussion of them if you need a better idea:

  • I have a large amount of "Other" data on my iPhone 5 after the last 2 updates. Why and how do I get rid of it?

    After I sync my phone, it has a large amount of data under the category-"other".  About 11gigs. This is an issue. Does anyone know why and how I can delete it?  I think it's from iMessage, email, etc..., but I have deleted lots of it with no result.

    You might look at PhoneClean

  • Sending large amounts of text to a stored procedure

    I have created an email application using stored procedures that
    sends email from the database.
    I then created a portal form on top of the stored procedure so
    that I may do my data entry. My form takes 2
    parameters: "subject" and "message". The "To:" list is
    generated dynamically by the database.
    For my "message" data entry, I have created a text area which I
    will paste my email text (html format) into.
    When I attempt to submit my email, I am getting the following
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: Bulk bind: Error in
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string
    buffer too small (WWV-11230)
    I know that it is NOT a problem with the HTML text as I have
    tested this.
    Does anyone have any ideas what it may be?

    Portal forms process data using varchar fields, I understood
    there to be a limit, well below that of the 32767 limit of the
    varchar because of with it does with it.
    How close is your data to this limit?

  • Large amounts of video data 2TB+

    Over the next several months the University of Michigan will be videotaping elementary school classes. We hope to tape at least 40 classrooms with two cameras in each classroom for about 90min each. Im estimating I will have 2-3 TB of video files I need to safely store and edit. Im considering buying External 1TB Firewire Hard drives for this. In the past using multiple external HDDs was not the best solution. When I have more than 1 or 2 Firewire devices hooked up I start losing connections.
    Can someone help me locate information on best practices for storing and editing large amounts of video files with PPro?

    I'd recommend looking at solutions offered by one of these companies. If you contact them and describe what you are trying to accomplish, they can offer suggestions...

  • What is the most time efficient way to scan massive amounts of text data with LabVIEW?

    I am currently running an application that scans data in a text files for outliers.  After each file is scanned, statistics data stored in a database (if there are outliers); so at least the memory in the computer will not be eaten up.  In order to scan lines of data without killing the computer,  I put a 1 millisecond delay in the scanning loop.  I have massive amounts of data in thousands of files to scan.  Taking one milisecond per line of data is taking too much time.  At this rate, it will take over a WEEK to scan all the data!  Is there anything I can do to minimize the time per line scan?  If anybody knows, I need a solution.  If anybody thinks or knows there is NO solution, I need to hear that feedback too! 

    I would use queue to pass the data to the processing task. You could put some intelligence in your file reading task to hold off reading a new file until the processing task has completely processing the data. However I suspect you should be able to process things fairly quickly. The suggestion to include a Wait 0 is a good one. You should always avoid writing repetitive tasks with no ability for the NI scheduler to perform a context switch. Though the various queue VIs allow the system to context switch if required.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

  • SharePoint Library for Large Amounts of Engineering Data

    We are currently using traditional project directory folders for large projects with sometimes tens of thousands of documents. 
    We are planning on migrating the data to SharePoint and the path forward in unclear.
    Initially it was recommended to use a library, not numerous folders, to contain the data so that searching of data in improved. 
    That sounded great.  The 1<sup>st</sup> project used to pilot this for other project is divided into 20 different modification packages. 
    A library category was created for MODS with selectable options of the 20 mod package names and “No Defined” (default value). 
    Some data items are shared between more than one MOD so this category can have more than one assignment.
    When we looked at the directory structure in place we found no consistency in folder names, no consistency in directory structure. 
    Many folders have 5 or 6 (or more) levels of subdirectories. 
    Ideally we want no more than 4 or 5 categories of meta data to define all data. 
    Mapping from chaos into a comparatively small number of categories is daunting.
    When searching this forum I find that libraries should be limited to 2,000 items. 
    There are tens of thousands of items in our pilot project. 
    Surely someone somewhere has encountered this organizational problem. 
    I could use some advice from someone who have been there before.

    The limit of 2000 is not a hard limit, the actual no of items you can store in a list is 30,000,000. however more item would have impact on performance on rendering and lock on the SQL table.
    Also the limit that you have mentioned (2000) is list view threshold limit and  actually it is 5000.
    One important aspect is Boundaries are hard limit, which you cannot exceed and Supported limits are limits based on tests, which can be exceeded but may cause issues.
    Being said that , I would suggest you to check out this link on
    SharePoint Server 2010 capacity management: Software boundaries and limits
    and explore other ways of optimizing your list
    here are some references that would help you to optimize -
    Hope this helps!
    Ram - SharePoint Architect
    Blog -
    Please vote or mark your question answered, if my reply helps you

  • Managing larger amount of localized data

    (This is a bit long and maybe fuzzy, it's 1:30AM here)
    I have this idea about making a webapp with (among other things) three drop down lists where people can select;
    * country
    * state
    * city
    That is quite easy to solve.
    After someone for example selects "Canada" as country I have a JavaScript to pull some xml/json from my web-app with all the states of Canada.
    Same thing happens when they select a state, I get a list with cities within the state.
    However, here comes the tricky part:
    I want to localize the countries/states/cities in english, french and spanish (and possibly more later, portugese).
    Suddenly I have a load of new data to manage and I have no clue how to structure this in a good way. :(
    First I thought I put everything in arrays in a servlet, but that results in huge classes and not all data needs to be in memory all the time.
    Second I thought I put the data in a database and structure it up in 3 tables (countries, states, cities) but then I got stuck on how to make a good table structure which is manageable with TopLink/EclipseLink.
    CREATE TABLE countries
    countryid CHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL, -- 'us', 'mx', 'ca'
    locale CHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL, -- 'en', 'fr', 'es'
    countryname VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT countries_id_pk PRIMARY KEY ( countryid, locale )
    CREATE TABLE states
    stateid INTEGER NOT NULL, -- same for same state in different locales
    countryid CHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL, -- 'us', 'mx', 'ca'
    locale CHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL, -- 'en', 'fr', 'es'
    state VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT states_id_pk PRIMARY KEY ( stateid, countryid, locale )
    ... and so on..
    The above examples is a pain to deal with due to the JPA idea of using embedded classes for composite primary keys. It becomes much juggling with objects there :(
    I also need a method to reliably generate seqence numbers for 'stateid' which are the same across languages, and I haven't found a method in JPA which allows me to generate sequence number when I want to. :(
    Or is there a better method to organize the data?

    apalsson wrote:
    jschell wrote:What is huge?Putting all countries, their states and the states all cities as constants in a class file.
    It's going to be a very large class which also contains data not necessary all the time.
    I doubt that is going to happen. For starters it is unlikely that your market supports that and even less likely that your application does.
    Not to mention that maintaining that for the entire world might just possibly be a full time job.
    And it still probably doesn't take that much space. After all 1 meg can hold 13,000+ 80 character values.
    That is a bit problematic.
    There are two sides: user data and storage.
    For displaying the names you need something to pull the data from. If you want to localize then you will need a localization value.
    I am using two methods to select the locale, first is by user preferences and the second is what language is configured in their www-browser.
    To select a country I use the ISO-standard name ("mx", "ca" or "us") and then depending on what locale the user has selected it can be "Mexico" (for "en" locale), "México" (for "es" locale" or "Mexico" (for "fr" locale).
    MIght want to be careful with that. If I am in Arizona and running a shop with employees who principal language is spanish-mexican I don't want to have to specify that my country is Mexico, because of course it isn't.
    {quote:title=jschell wrote:}
    There are business drivers though. Have you considered what happens when there is a name change? The names do change. If you print a report for a year ago should it display the new name or the old name? A new name means that the report doesn't match what you printed a year ago. A old name might really annoy someone. Might even be illegal.
    True. That is why it is easier to have the data in a database instead of hardcoded in a class.The fact that it is in a database doesn't change what I said.
    My problem is how to organize it though. It's giving me a headache but now I realize that my question should really be asked in a database forum and maybe not a design pattern forum. :)It is a data problem not a database problem. Your data model drives the persistence model.

  • Horizontal scaling, with large amounts of binary data

    question about horizontal scaling. tried asking late last night, but no one was active. Basically, I have an app that needs to scale (by adding new machines all talking to a database in the backend). This is all fine, but I have some binary file storage requirements for the app (files over 80 megs in size). This introduces a concurency issue, as I can't store this binary data on any of the individual server (because then it will be on one, and not all, leaving the app in an inconsistent state). So where do I store the data to enforce a consistent state? Have the individual apps FTP the file to a central location?
    I am trying to avoid storing binary data in the database; Does anyone have any suggestions on how to address this problem?

    I understand why you are trying to avoid storing binary data in a database but if you need to ensure that this data cannot be modified without the appropriate restrictions then using a database might make sense. You could even have a separate database just for the binary data because you will need to ensure you get the block sizing correct. Also, some databases might be better than others in this case. For example Oracle is likely to be significantly better than MySQL.
    If you do want to use files then you need to put the file in a central location and enforce locking the file to prevent concurrent modification. You can probably tie into a protocol that automatically handles this for you.

  • Attaching large amounts of text as either a file or or pdf document.

    Good Evening!
    I would like to attach a file (.txt, .rtf, .doc, or .pdf) to provide additional information to a database record. I'm wondering what is the most efficient way to do this. It would also be nice to be able to search the document. I know that I can attache "key worlds" to the document, but I would prefer to actually be able to search the content.
    Any Suggestions?

    Hi charles,
    have a look at this link
    hope you got it..

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