Lastest update trouble

I've had my ipod for about 8 months now and no problems...i installed the lastest update from itunes for my 5 gen ipod and turned it back on once the update was installed and all my music,movies were gone : / i thought this was normal and began putting my music back onto it....took it out my computer and it said i had no music on my ipod even though when i connected it to my computer and looked if i had music on it on itunes it said i did....can anyone help :@

Updated my iPod 5g and ever since then been having problems. Freezes a lot now, cant charge it a lot of times. Told me I had to reformat my iPod to windows?? How do you get rid of the new firmware, its terrible!!! Apple should tell us how to get rid of it!!

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    There's a whole lot to read in your post, and frankly I have not read it all.
    Having said that, this troubleshooting guide should help:
    In particular, pay attention to the mobile device support sections near the bottom, assuming you have already done the items above it.

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    It sounds like you actually have a 2G iPod Touch which can only go as high as iOS 4.2.1.  If it's an 8 GB iPod Touch it's definitely a 2G iPod Touch as there was never such a thing as a 3G 8 GB iPod Touch. See this article to help verify what generation iPod Touch you have.
    Identifying iPod models

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    So I'm almost back up to having my problems resolved. I have also noticed speed issues. Things seem a bit slower since the update. I'll keep workin on it.

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    Try the following user tip:
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

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    Thanks John for the quick reply.........
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    Try this link it regarding your computer recongizing your iPod as a network drive

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    Try Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.

  • Update Troubled

    hello I am having troubled installing windows 8.1

    Hi Mr.Martin,
    How do you install the Windows 8.1?
    Please check the install media.
    If you upgrade from Windows 8.1, please refer to the following article to check if you prepare the PC.
    If you just clean install the Windows 8.1, please check the system requirement.
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • 10.4.11 update troubles

    OK, so I updated to 10.4.11. 1st thing that happens is Safari doesn't work anymore--spontaneously quits immediately after opening. Now I can't even install software I've downloaded to try to solve this problem, for example the Combo update I got from here and Pacifist to extract Safari from it. I get this error message-disk images failed to mount-device not configured.
    I'm not a troubleshooting wizard so what next?
    Message was edited by: Cynthia Mejias

    You are not alone. Here are some suggestions from MacFixIt:
    +We've received several reports from Tiger users that after updating to 10.4.11, Safari 3 (which is now included "for real" and no longer an optional beta add-on) crashes constantly. But in every case, so far, third-party add-ons have been present. It is perfectly believable that there is some serious crashing bug in Safari 3 on Tiger, but before testing, please do make sure you are not using anything that might cause an incompatibility.+
    +For example, reader James wrote:+
    +After installing the latest 10.4.11 update (and security updates), I found a new bug in Safari 3. Every single time I click the red close box in the last open window within Safari, Safari will crash. It happens every single time. I have no third party software added to Safari at all. This is very troubling.+
    +But then it turned out that third-party software was to blame. James was using an InputManager to inject modified functionality into Safari (in this case, it was Speed Download). As we have warned in the past, Input Managers are tricky beasts. They use a security loophole to reach right into your applications' code and change that code as the application starts up. (This loophole is, to some extent, tightened in Leopard - though it does not seem to be completely closed. Stay tuned for more on that, as we learn more.) If you've installed 10.4.11 and Safari is crashing, the very first thing to do is clear out your InputManagers folders (both in your own Library and in the top-level /Library), log out and log back in, and try again. As James' case shows, you can quite innocently, honestly, and reasonably believe you have "no third-party software added to Safari", and be wrong. InputManagers is a key place to suspect that such software may reside. (James' persistence in tracking this down is really commendable.)+
    +Similarly, another reader writes:+
    +I updated my G4 PowerBook 1.33ghz to OS X v10.4.11, everything seems well after restart, but the new Safari cannot even be launched, once click in the Dock, the "unexpected quit" message will pop out. I have repair permission, use Single User mode with no avail, still quit unexpectedly. I am not sure what went wrong, I have peformed the pre and post OS update procedures (repair permission, unplug everything etc). The only "possible culprit" is that I have installed an additional "hack" to Safari, an additional Tab button being added to Safari's Address Bar. Now I am trying to see if I can uninstall it.+
    +Yes! Uninstall it, log out and in, and then let's see how we go. There might still be a crash, but let's eliminate anything that might be unfairly sideswiping Safari first, so we can track it down more reasonably.+
    +Again, reader Rich says:+
    +I've just upgraded (using the combo updater) from OSX 10.4.10 to 10.4.11. The upgraded Safari 3 now crashes on launch. I'd be interested if others are having this problem. Note that I've never encountered a serious problem with an OSX update until now. I'm using a PowerMac G5 dual 2 GHZ with 3.5 GB of memory.+
    +So I asked for the crash log, which Rich very obligingly sent along, and the very first thing I observed is that he's using several "haxies" - Mighty Mouse, LCC Scroll Enhancer, and the Application Enhancer framework. (These are visible in /Library/Application Enhancers.) So my initial recommendation was, let's at least try uninstalling these and then try again. Again, it might be a red herring, but with these things present, rational testing is made much more difficult, and it can't hurt to eliminate them temporarily as part of the investigation procedure.+

  • Software Update troubles

    I have two software updates that I'm having issues with. I'm running Leopard 10.5.2 on a 2.2 GHz MacBook Pro.
    Whenever I attempt to install a Keyboard Firmware Update, version 1.0, it tells me: A networking error has occurred: Cannot open file (-3001). Make sure you can connect to the Internet, then try again.
    I have tried this on several different connections, wired and wireless, and continue to be unable to install.
    I also am having trouble with the MacBook Pro EFI Firmware update, version 1.5. I have "successfully" installed this update about 4 times, yet the update continues to appear in my update box.

    Redoctober17 wrote:
    I have two software updates that I'm having issues with. I'm running Leopard 10.5.2 on a 2.2 GHz MacBook Pro.
    Whenever I attempt to install a Keyboard Firmware Update, version 1.0, it tells me: A networking error has occurred: Cannot open file (-3001). Make sure you can connect to the Internet, then try again.
    See if downloading it directly works:
    I have tried this on several different connections, wired and wireless, and continue to be unable to install.
    I also am having trouble with the MacBook Pro EFI Firmware update, version 1.5. I have "successfully" installed this update about 4 times, yet the update continues to appear in my update box.
    If you look at the list of software updates in the Systems Preferences you can see if it actually installed or not. If it is listed it installed. Otherwise download it from the same page previously referenced and see what happens.
    Installing a firmware update is not the same as installing a regular update. Also installing the EFI firmware update is even more different.
    Be sure to follow the instructions to the letter.
    If you find that these updates are indeed installed, then check your startup folder in Users in
    System Preferences and remove it from the list.

  • Software Update Trouble

    I've been having a lot of troubles with my MacBook and now it seems like my software update doesn't work. Its stuck on about 70% and its not moving at all. My internet connection is fine and it worked a while ago. Here is how it looks like

    Cancel your update process and quit Software Update. Then try the following:
    Fix for Software Update
    See Troubleshooting Automatic Software Update in Mac OS X.
    Delete the following files:
    "xxx" is a number.
    /Home/Library/Caches/ (delete entire folder)
    Now, do the following:
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger and Leopard.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now restart normally.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger, and 4.1 for Leopard) and/or TechTool Pro (4.6.1 for Leopard) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    Now restart Software Update and see if it works properly.

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