Latest news facebook / twitter sharing

Hi Guys...
I have a news area section on my clients site that is still in development.
I've been trying to implement the facebook and twitter modules into the annoucement layouts but they aren't coming up for some reason. Am i doing something wrong as im inserting the modules as well as tried inserting the code into the templates, but nothing works...
Please help.. Just want to people to be able to like and tweet to their accounts.

Believe me, there's a people that don't want to use any of social networks.
Who said you had to use them? The presence of buttons does not in any way imply you must press them and use the features those buttons provide. You have the willpower within you to ignore those buttons! Try it! And just because you don't want to use them does not mean you have the right to wipe all references to them from places that they appear.
And I don't want to see buttons with their logos.
Well, just don't look at them then! It's really not hard to ignore features of iOS you don't want to use - people do it all day, every day.
Websites, TV shows & adverts, print ads, shop windows, movie trailers and many other forms of media show the Facebook and Twitter logos everywhere you look. Do you also make demands to all of these places that they remove the logos just because you don't want to see them?
Hiding two 9mm square logos from within one specific user interface element within iOS will not prevent you from seeing their logos.
It smells like discrimination.
Ha ha!! You clearly don't know what discrimination is...

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    the only feature missing is facebook/twitter tabs not displaying notifications or new tweets
    Safari in itself does not support that feature but you can turn on Notifications in System Preferences > Notifications.
    You can add Facebook and Twitter accounts in System Preferences > Mail & Contacts & Calendars
    When someone has posted on your Facebook wall or tweeted, the notification will show up top right side of your screen under the Notification icon. Three black horizontal bars. Old notifications willl appear until you click the x to delete.

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    Try Settings>Notifications>Twitter>Badge Icon>ON. Do the same for Facebook and any others. See if that helps.

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    Hi everyone,
    I'm an owner of iPhone 5 & acurrently I'm using iOS 6.1.4
    My friend has iOS 7.0 (he has dev account) and there is the same problem.
    Both of us haven't set any data in Facebook and Twitter fields in Settings menu.
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    - Mail
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    - Facebook
    - Twitter
    We know, that nobody is looking on our data (we don't have any social accounts), but why we must see this two buttons when we ever don't want to use them (because we're not configuring this feature).
    Dear Apple, please take this two buttons off our eyes from AppStore (if Facebook & Twitter are not set in Settings).
    For us it's a very irritating problem.

    Believe me, there's a people that don't want to use any of social networks.
    Who said you had to use them? The presence of buttons does not in any way imply you must press them and use the features those buttons provide. You have the willpower within you to ignore those buttons! Try it! And just because you don't want to use them does not mean you have the right to wipe all references to them from places that they appear.
    And I don't want to see buttons with their logos.
    Well, just don't look at them then! It's really not hard to ignore features of iOS you don't want to use - people do it all day, every day.
    Websites, TV shows & adverts, print ads, shop windows, movie trailers and many other forms of media show the Facebook and Twitter logos everywhere you look. Do you also make demands to all of these places that they remove the logos just because you don't want to see them?
    Hiding two 9mm square logos from within one specific user interface element within iOS will not prevent you from seeing their logos.
    It smells like discrimination.
    Ha ha!! You clearly don't know what discrimination is...

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    I just bought a brand new Iphone 5S with Ios 7.05 on board.
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    How I can remove the sharing option?

    Thanks for the answer.
    I think is not very fair to link external application like this.
    An Os generally speaking should be free of external application, or at least, the user should be able to delete them and their presence.
    I am not also really sure that this is compliant with some laws in some countries. I remember Google had similar issue with some application on their phone.
    Anyway this is only to share ideas, I guess I will take your suggestion :-)

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    Can this be done?
    (My website is

    The one I used from *worked for me*. I did forgot to provide one little adjustment that I had to make in order to make it work. I had to enlarge the snippet area to about 450 x 400 pixels to allow the drop down window to appear. The area can overlap other items. But don't hit the apply button after setting the new size or it will go back to the original size.
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    See Page 2 of my Test Site for the example.

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    ok, unfortunately the issuer in certificates might be a sign of unwanted software present on your pc that is intercepting secure network traffic. please go into the system control panel and uninstall programs like BrowserSafeguard, BrowserSafe, SafeGuard or other software that sounds suspicious and didn't get installed by you intentionally.
    afterwards, run a full scan of your system with different security tools like the [ free version of malwarebytes] & [ adwcleaner].
    [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]]

  • Facebook and Twitter sharing not working.

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    First, I would eject whatever it is that you downloaded. Go to Finder and eject it that way or depending how you have your system set up, do the two finger tap and Eject it. Download the link above. Once it downloads, double click it to install it. It should work. If it doesn't you need to use your Disk Utility to check for errors. Click your Finder again and then Applications. Scroll down to Utilities and then Disk Utility. Click on your hard drive and you will get a menu of items on the right side. Towards the bottom, you will see a button to Verify Disk Permissions. Click that and let it run. It may take a few minutes to finish. Once it's finished there may be a list of things wrong with your system. Click the Repair Permissions and let the computer do it's thing. Use Disk Utility at least once a month to make sure everything is in order on your system. If this doesn't fix it, I don't have any other suggestions. I'd hate to say do a fresh install but that might be the next step if this doesn't work.
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    Good luck.

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    iOS 7.0.3, iPad 4th Gen.

    The iPhoto for iOS forum is here

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    You need to sync all the photos that you want in one go - only the contents of the most recent sync remain on the iPad (as you've found out). If you want separate folders/albums, then the folders to sync need to be directly off the same parent folder, select that main/parent folder i iTunes, and then chose which of the folders underneath it to sync:

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    You need to hyperlink your icons, I am adding few codes which might be helpful, use them in hyperlink,
    Pinterest:[MEDIA]&url=[URL]&is_video=false&descri ption=[TITLE]
    Facebook has changed this method, so if the above code doesnot work, please refer to their official documentation JavaScript SDK as explained here php - custom facebook share button - Stack Overflow
    Do let me know if you have any question.

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    The weird thing is that I have used my iPod to its full potential (everything worked fine) at my friends hosue on multiple occasions - using his wifi. I am really lost for ideas for what to do - I have uninstalled all the apps that don't work with the internet (facebook, twitter) and have always made sure that I have closed apps after using them, so that my iPod wouldn't run slow.
    My iPod has been like this for over a month now, help would be appreciated

    Do you have a blackberry data plan active. On your account? You need an active blackberry data plan to use the majority of data functions on your phone, even if you are connected to wifi 

  • On my iPod touch (5th generation) it won't let me watch any video's off any Internet sources eg Facebook twitter and YouTube. When I click on the video it just comes up saying 'this operation could not be continued'?

    On my iPod touch (5th generation) it won't let me watch any video's off any Internet sources eg Facebook twitter and YouTube. When I click on the video it just comes up saying 'this operation could not be continued'?

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

  • Every website I try to go to (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc that are safe) is saying that the website is unsafe and that I must accept the certificate).

    Yesterday my Firefox seemed to spasm and I believe I had a virus (every time I hit the "home" button which is for me, it would send me to this weird site that I knew wasn't safe). I uninstalled and re-installed Firefox and ran virus scanners but nothing was found. After restarting Firefox, every website that I try to go to is giving me an unsafe error and that I must give each site a security exception, even for safe sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Once I did get on Facebook, everything is in HTML format and I can't use it at all I tried restarting/uninstalling/resetting Firefox again but to no avail. I checked my Firewalls and nothing came up. Here is the data from the troubleshooting information.
    <pre><nowiki>Application Basics
    Name: Firefox
    Version: 34.0
    User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0
    Multiprocess Windows: 0/1
    Crash Reports for the Last 3 Days
    All Crash Reports (including 3 pending crashes in the given time range)
    Name: avast! Online Security
    Version: 9.0.2021.112
    Enabled: false
    ID: [email protected]
    Adapter Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Adapter Description (GPU #2): NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M
    Adapter Drivers: igdumdim64 igd10iumd64 igd10iumd64 igdumdim32 igd10iumd32 igd10iumd32
    Adapter Drivers (GPU #2): nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    Adapter RAM: Unknown
    Adapter RAM (GPU #2): 2048
    Device ID: 0x0416
    Device ID (GPU #2): 0x0fcd
    Direct2D Enabled: true
    DirectWrite Enabled: true (6.3.9600.17111)
    Driver Date: 8-19-2013
    Driver Date (GPU #2): 10-4-2013
    Driver Version:
    Driver Version (GPU #2):
    GPU #2 Active: false
    GPU Accelerated Windows: 1/1 Direct3D 11 (OMTC)
    Subsys ID: 380117aa
    Subsys ID (GPU #2): 380117aa
    Vendor ID: 0x8086
    Vendor ID (GPU #2): 0x10de
    WebGL Renderer: Google Inc. -- ANGLE (Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 Direct3D9Ex vs_3_0 ps_3_0)
    windowLayerManagerRemote: true
    AzureCanvasBackend: direct2d
    AzureContentBackend: direct2d
    AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: cairo
    AzureSkiaAccelerated: 0
    Important Modified Preferences
    browser.cache.disk.capacity: 358400
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false
    browser.cache.frecency_experiment: 3
    browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion: 7
    browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID: 20141120192249
    browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID: 20141120192249
    browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone: 34.0
    dom.mozApps.used: true
    extensions.lastAppVersion: 34.0
    gfx.direct3d.last_used_feature_level_idx: 0
    media.gmp-manager.lastCheck: 1417643038
    network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true
    places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 104858
    plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types: application/pdf
    plugin.importedState: true
    privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs: true
    Important Locked Preferences
    Incremental GC: true
    Activated: false
    Prevent Accessibility: 0
    Library Versions
    Expected minimum version: 4.10.7
    Version in use: 4.10.7
    Expected minimum version: 3.17.2 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.17.2 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.17.2 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.17.2 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.17.2 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.17.2 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.17.2
    Version in use: 3.17.2
    Experimental Features
    Hopefully you can figure something out as I love Firefox but it's very frustrating that I can't use it and that this is happening. I also use Avast! Anti-security but I'm fairly certain that is having no effect on this problem. As I said I've also ran malware and virus scanners but nothing came up harmful.

    Try disabling Avast's web shield and try going to a few safe sites where you experienced the "untrusted connection". You can also follow this article for other common troubleshooting steps: [["This Connection is Untrusted" error message appears - What to do]].
    You can try these free programs to scan for malware, which work with your existing antivirus software:
    * [ MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware]
    * [ AdwCleaner] (for more info, see this [ alternate AdwCleaner download page])
    * [ Microsoft Safety Scanner]
    * [ Anti-Rootkit Utility - TDSSKiller]
    * [ Hitman Pro]
    * [ ESET Online Scanner]
    If your home page is has been changed, and you don't have any suspicious extensions:
    * Tools (or [[Image: New Fx Menu]]) > Add-ons > Extensions
    You can use the [ Search Reset Tool] to reset your home page, new tab page, and search bar back to default. The extension then uninstalls itself once these preferences are reset.
    Let us know if that helps.

  • Facebook/Twitter DO NOT LOAD TEXT/IMAGES correctly in Windows 8 in ANY version of Firefox

    The title sums it up nicely. I bought a new laptop 2 days ago and Facebook and Twitter do not load correctly in Firefox (ANY AND ALL VERSIONS - I have been installing/uninstalling/reinstalling nonstop like a maniac). They load in every other browser just fine.
    Basically what happened is I installed Firefox on the new laptop (first thing I did), loaded Facebook and Twitter for the first time, and once I closed those pages and re-opened them, they started to appear with the text flush to the left and without some images. Almost looks like a part of the CSS code is missing.
    I have tried ALL of the solutions posted on these support forums. None of them are permanent
    Clearing my cookies/cache IS NOT an adequate solution. It works for the first time and then I have to do it every time I close and re-open FB/Twitter. Since the entire Windows 8 O/S concept is based on the "social experience," this seems somewhat ironic. Either it's a problem with my new laptop but I doubt it, as I said before, every other browser and webpage work fine.
    My conclusion is there's a problem between Firefox/Windows 8/Facebook and Twitter. If someone could just confirm or shed some insight to development problems or suggest permanent fixes, that would be greatly appreciated and save me a lot of headache. As it stands, I'm about to throw this laptop out the window. >_> I'm very much not impressed with the hassle this transition has been.
    Google Chrome has always been a close second to Firefox in my eyes and it looks like I'll have to switch over, despite the fact the former does not have a customizable bookmark toolbar.
    Thanks in advance.
    I have NORTON INTERNET SECURITY if anyone can suggest any settings change.

    Hey Firefaux,
    I changed a setting in Firefox and it seemed to have solved my problems. Since CTRL+F5 seemed to work as a quick fix, that told me it was something to do with the cache.
    My browsers on my old laptop had never had their cached cleared (I have a problem deleting things :P).
    Go to Tools --> Options --> Network and under Cached Web Content, your cache may be set to 350mb just like mine was in my new Firefox. I had a moment of clarity and thought, "maybe since my computer is so new, I haven't browsed enough to fill my cache with information from various different sites, as opposed to just Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube."
    So I ticked the box "override automatic cache management" and set it to 0mb.
    Ever since then, I've had no problems with browsing (in Firefox, haven't attempted anything else since the problem was fixed immediately).
    I know nothing about caches and whatnot, but with the limit set to 0, I believe this is forcing the browser to reload a new page from scratch EVERY time since I have not allowed *anything* to be saved to memory.
    Hope this helps, please let us know if it works for you as well. I know I was experiencing massive buyer's remorse for days because of this problem.

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