Launching RD3 with Applescript causes it to forget passwords

If RD3 is not running and is asked to execute a script like:
tell application "Remote Desktop" to control (every computer whose name is "TestMachine")
It will present a "Do you want to ask permission to control?" dialog.
In that session, all the computers will have their status as "No User Name and Password" as well.
If RD was already running it works fine. Is there a workaround to this bug?

You might try something like this. This will launch the application and give it a chance to "start up" before issuing the control command.
tell application "Remote Desktop"
delay 3
control (every computer whose name is "TestMachine")
end tell

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    3. source ("source")
    4. source ("source")
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    MacBook Mac OS X (10.4.8)

    Hi Lanre,
    try this
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    do shell script "/usr/bin/open-x11 ; source ; source ; cd foo1"
    or you can make a .term file (search google for how to)

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    thanks for the help.

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    I believe this will check every 5 seconds for an instance of final cut pro. You can make the time intveral shorter or longer if you wish. I think the option you want to save it as is called "always open" and then in system preferences - accounts - login items select the script.
    if process "Final Cut Pro" exsists then
    activate application "Time Tracker"
    delay 5
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    It's not what you want to hear, I'm afraid, but as far as I know there's no way to directly access placeholders other than the title and body in Keynote.
    I did see mention of parsing XML to change values of individual items, but it might be overkill for what you want to achieve.
    Perhaps if you explain what you are trying to do someone will come up with a helpful suggestion.

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    set dateiName to text returned of (display dialog "Datei Name:" default answer angebotsNr & "_" & kundenName) as text
    end repeat
    save front document in angebotsOrdner & dateiName
    end tell

    I apologize but the given script can't run.
    The variable templateName is undefined.
    The variable angebotsNr is undefined too.
    About the described behavior, it's a bug which I never discover before.
    It's always striking in Pages '09.
    Here is the report which I filed :
    Bug ID# 8704270
    +Odd behavior of tables in Pages documents created by a script+
    +Steps to Reproduce:+
    +Run this huge script+
    +tell application "Pages"+
    +make new document at front with properties {template name:"Blank"} (* "Vierge" on French systems *)+
    +end tell+
    +Insert a table+
    +try to insert a formula+
    +Expected Results:+
    +I assumed that I will get the formula editor which I get when the document is created by hand+
    +Actual Results:+
    +There is no way to get the editor, no way to insert the equal character.+
    +This odd behavior strike in all versions of Pages '09 and Pages '08+
    +None to my knowledge+
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 28 novembre 2010 11:30:29

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      make new calendar with properties {title:item i of NewCalendars}
                        end tell
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    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Calendar"
        tell menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
            click menu item "iCloud" of menu 1 of menu item "New Calendar " of menu 1
            -- (don't remove the space at the end of "New Calendar ")
        end tell
        keystroke theTitle & return
    end tell
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    any ideas are welcome!

    You need to generalize the problem to how do you detect an error in another application.
    Typically, aplications will return an error code when they find an error.  This will cause an excpetion in your applescript app. To detect the error you put the call in a try block.
    So what program are you calling?
    Did you wrie the other app?  If so, return a non-zero error code.

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    tell application "Finder"
              set folderPath to folder "Macintosh HD:Users:user:Dropbox:folder:Calculated PO Sheet"
              set theFile to first file in folderPath as alias
              set fileName to name of theFile
    end tell
    set theSubject to "Current PO Report" date
    set theBody to "See attached."
    set theAddress to "recipient email"
    set theAttachment to "CALCULATED PO SHEET.xlsx"
    set theSender to "sender email"
    tell application "Mail"
              set theNewMessage to make new outgoing message with properties{subject:theSubject, content:theBody & return & return, visible:true}
              tell theNewMessage
                        set visibile to true
                        set sender to theSender
      make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:theAddress}
      make new attachment with properties {file name:theAttachment} at after the last word ofthe last paragraph
                                  set message_attachment to 0
                        on error errmess -- oops
      log errmess -- log the error
                                  set message_attachment to 1
                        end try
                        log "message_attachment = " & message_attachment
              end tell
    end tell

    there is a special setup for this requirement. Please see the following support note
    Oracle Reports Output For Indian Languages Like Gujarati, Marathi [ID 980554.1]

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    Frank, maybe you could give me a hand here. I'm building the basic script cycling through the dropped files. But I don't know how to best implement the terminal command.
    In each cycle, I would set the file path as a variable and then compose the terminal command in order to execute it with "do script".
    But  "set x to path of eachFile" doesn't work: <<class ppth>> of alias "(path shows here)" could not be read. Any ideas how to do that better?
    on open theFiles
      repeat with eachFile in theFiles
                        set x to path of eachFile
                        tell application "Terminal"
                        do script "hello" (Exiftool command will be here)
                        close window 1
                        end tell
              end repeat
    end open

  • Help with Applescript - filenames

    I hope there is someone who can help me. I have very little experience with Applescript, and have spent a couple of days scouring these forums amongst others without any luck...
    I have a folder (titled XLS) with about 1000 excel files in it. They are numbered basen on some parametric calculations (1111.xls, 1112.xls, 1113.xls, etc). I have constructed an Automator rutine which, one at a time, can open each excel file, copy some cells and then paste the data into an empty xml-file in TextWrangler. The empty xml-file is also in the XLS folder.
    What I am looking for is an applescript which can rename the open xml-file with the same filename as the xls-file. So, when 1111.xls is open, the xml-file gets renamed 1111-xml; when 1112.xls is open, the xml-file gets renamed 1112-xml, etc. Each new xlm-file is to be saved into a folder XLM, whivh is also in the XLS folder.
    Thanks in advance....

    Se below; there are two folders on the desktop; "xls" (with xls-files in) and "xml", as well as the empty Template.xml file. Here it is!:
      --3 XLS to XML
              tell application "Finder"
                        set fileList to every file of entire contents of ("YourHD:Users:You:Desktop:xls" as alias)
              end tell
              repeat with i from 1 to number of items in fileList
                        set currentFile to (item i of fileList)
                        tell application "Microsoft Excel"
                                  set screen updating to false
      open currentFile
      activate currentFile
      activate object worksheet 1
                                  copy range range ("YourRange")
                        end tell
                        tell application "Finder"
                                  copy file "YourHD:Users:You:Desktop:Template.xml" to folder "YourHD:Users:You:Desktop:xml"
                        end tell
                        tell application "Microsoft Excel"
                                  set docName to name of window 1
                        end tell
                        tell application "Finder"
                                  set docName2 to text 1 thru ((offset of "." in docName) - 1) of docName
                                  set theFile to "YourHD:Users:You:Desktop:xml:Template.xml" as alias
                                  set the name of theFile to docName2 & ".xml"
      open file theFile
                        end tell
                        tell application "TextWrangler"
      close text document 1 saving yes
                        end tell
                        tell application "Microsoft Excel"
      close active workbook saving no
                        end tell
              end repeat
              tell application "Microsoft Excel"
                        set screen updating to true
              end tell
              tell application "TextWrangler"
              end tell

  • Creating a Save As dialog box with Applescript for Excel 2008

    This is going to be part of a larger script. I'm trying to figure out how to make the default save location to where the file opened from and the default file name to the current filename in the dialog box.
    Here is what I go so far...
    tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    tell active workbook
    set myFile to choose file name with prompt "Save file as:"
    end tell
    end tell
    I'm very new with working with Applescript, so at this point I have been piecing together code snippets.
    Any help would be great and thank you

    The choose file name command supports a default location parameter that tells it where to open the dialog:
    set myFile to choose file name with prompt "Save file as:" default location (alias "Macintosh HD:Users:username:foldername:")
    So you need to look at the Excel dictionary to determine the path to the current file and insert it into the script. Every version of Excel has slightly different dictionaries so the version you're running is critical to getting the right syntax.

  • Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 won't launch email with photos attached, why?

    Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 won't launch email with photos attached, why?

    Are you trying to use email functionality in Elements Organizer and then witnessing this problem.
    If this is the case, I would recommend you to go through this article once and see i it helps:
    Elements Organizer Help | Share files and slideshows by email

  • Export PDF Workflow with Applescript and CS3

    I am setting up some PDF workflow with Applescript.
    On a given moment, as my script runs and after getting some user-input answers to questions in some dialogs, my script tells InDesign CS3 to open the Export Adobe PDF window for the current document. I copied and pasted that small part of the script:
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
    tell document 1
    export format PDF type to "Macintosh_HD:Test01.pdf" using "somePreset" with showing options
    end tell
    end tell
    When you run this small part of my Applescript, InDesign opens the Export Adobe PDF window (as expected) waiting for me to click on "Export". That is exactly what I want, since the user is given here a last opportunity to change some values (for example page range, or spreads). When all is set, the user can click on Export to close the dialog and finish the script.
    Problem: I was hoping that the Adobe PDF Preset "somePreset" would be selected in the first pull-down menu of the Export Adobe PDF window when this window is opened by the script. Unfortunately the last used preset is always selected by default. Anyone suggestions or help?
    Kind regards,
    Bertus Bolknak.

    My operators enter the page range and filename into a dialog box. Then I set those in the script. I use the Press Quality preset to start with and then set the changes I want into a export variable. I set things like bleed, marks, page range, etc.
    Here is an example:
    set theProps to properties of PDF export preset "[Press Quality]"
    delete PDF export preset "Schmidt PDF"
    end try
    set theStyle to {name:"Schmidt PDF", acrobat compatibility:acrobat 7, bleed top:"0.125i", bleed bottom:"0.125i", bleed inside:"0.125i", bleed outside:"0.125i", page marks offset:"0.125i", include ICC profiles:Include None, effective PDF destination profile:use no profile, effective PDF X profile:"No Color Conversion"} & theProps
    make PDF export preset with properties theStyle
    set properties of PDF export preferences to theStyle
    set color bitmap sampling of PDF export preferences to none
    set grayscale bitmap sampling of PDF export preferences to none
    set page range of PDF export preferences to (item i of myPageList) as string
    export document 1 format PDF type to (PrinergyFolder & myJobNumFinal & "_" & VerCode & ".pdf") as Unicode text without showing options
    I am also doing this in Quark.

  • Create Smart Folder with Applescript?

    Is there a way to create a Smart Folder with Applescript?
    many thanks

    thanks neil.
    one other question. once i've made this folder i'll want to use it.
    it occurs to me that i might not be able to use the same code to
    call the folder after it's been created since, while the date may
    be the same, the time won't be.
    how do i stored the new folder name as it's being created so that
    i can call it later in the script?
    thanks again,

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