Ldapsearch returns "no such object"

Hi, all,
I am new to directory server. I want to write a script to create batch users using ldapmodify. I tried to use ldapsearch to list the current entries.
' ldapsearch -h "saowsp02" -b "cn=xxx, cn=yyy" -s sub "objectclass=*" but returns 'no such object'.
1. where can I find out what is my baseDN? I have no problem searching the root DSE entry
2. can I use ldapmodify to create a new user? Where should I put user password, encrypted, uncrypted?

1. BaseDN is your search base point. For example, you have:
etc. ...
You want to find all person objects.
In that case your BaseDN would be
2. Yes, you can. You can do almost all operations via ldapmodify.
You can enter new values to the STDIN or (its more convenient)
you can create ldif file with all necessary attributes and values.

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    I am using Jdeveloper, ADF BC. and want to publish Service-Enabled application modules, specifically I want to publish a custome method in the application module as a web service.
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    7. To expose service information messages such as warnings and exceptions for a custom method or warnings for process operation methods, select Include Warnings in Return Service Data Object. For example, you might want display an informational message when a method returns the total employee compensation and the total is outside of the desired range.
    If Include Warnings is not selected, no informational messages will be returned with the service response. This option is only enabled when the method does not return a view row or a list
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    public Number getEmpSal(Number empId){
            EmployeesViewImpl employeesView1 = this.getEmployeesView1();
            //this is the bind variable setter
            EmployeesViewRowImpl first = (EmployeesViewRowImpl)employeesView1.first();
           return first!=null ? first.getSalary() : null;
    }and I selected the Include Warnings in Return Service Data Object check box. but how and where can I expose the error or warning message?
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    public Number getEmpSal(Number empId){
            EmployeesViewImpl employeesView1 = this.getEmployeesView1();
            //this is the bind variable setter
            EmployeesViewRowImpl first = (EmployeesViewRowImpl)employeesView1.first();
            if(first!=null && (first.getSalary()!=null || first.getSalary().compareTo(1000)==1))
                throw new JboException("out of range salary");
             return first!=null ? first.getSalary() : null;
    }and when I test the web service for some employee I get this response:
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
                   <faultstring>out of range salary</faultstring>
                   <detail><tns:ServiceErrorMessage xmlns:tns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/svc/errors/" xmlns:xsi=      "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><tns:code/><tns:message>out of range  salary</tns:message><tns:severity>SEVERITY_ERROR</tns:severity><tns:exceptionClassName>oracle.jbo.JboException</tns:exceptionClassName></tns:ServiceErrorMessage>
    </env:Envelope>but is this the right approach or there is another place to show error/warning messages?
    Edited by: Mohammad Jabr on Apr 16, 2012 1:17 PM

    This is fine if you raise exception from your code. It will be raised as a server fault only.

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    "[ERROR]     Oops, something went wrong: The following exception occurred while retrieving member "Put": "There is no such object on the server."
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    Any help would be appreciated!
    Set-StrictMode -Version latest
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t ActiveDirectory Module couldn't be loaded. Script will stop!"
    Exit 1
    $path = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    $newpath = $path + "\import_create_ad_users_test.csv"
    $log = $path + "\create_ad_users.log"
    $date = Get-Date
    $addn = (Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName
    $dnsroot = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot
    $i = 1
    $server = "localserver.ourdomain.net"
    Function Start-Commands
    Function Create-Users
    "Processing started (on " + $date + "): " | Out-File $log -append
    "--------------------------------------------" | Out-File $log -append
    Import-CSV $newpath | ForEach-Object {
    If (($_.Implement.ToLower()) -eq "yes")
    If (($_.GivenName -eq "") -Or ($_.LastName -eq ""))
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Please provide valid GivenName, LastName. Processing skipped for line $($i)`r`n"
    "[ERROR]`t Please provide valid GivenName, LastName. Processing skipped for line $($i)`r`n" | Out-File $log -append
    # Set the target OU
    $location = $_.TargetOU + ",$($addn)"
    # Set the Enabled and PasswordNeverExpires properties
    If (($_.Enabled.ToLower()) -eq "true") { $enabled = $True } Else { $enabled = $False }
    If (($_.PasswordNeverExpires.ToLower()) -eq "true") { $expires = $True } Else { $expires = $False }
    If (($_.ChangePasswordAtLogon.ToLower()) -eq "true") { $changepassword = $True } Else { $changepassword = $False }
    # A check for the country, because those were full names and need
    # to be land codes in order for AD to accept them. I used Netherlands
    # as example
    If($_.Country -eq "Netherlands")
    $_.Country = "NL"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Austria")
    $_.Country = "AT"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Australia")
    $_.Country = "AU"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "United States")
    $_.Country = "US"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Germany")
    $_.Country = "DE"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Italy")
    $_.Country = "IT"
    $_.Country = ""
    # Replace dots / points (.) in names, because AD will error when a
    # name ends with a dot (and it looks cleaner as well)
    $replace = $_.Lastname.Replace(".","")
    $lastname = $replace
    # Create sAMAccountName according to this 'naming convention':
    # <FirstName>"."<LastName> for example
    # joe.bloggs
    $sam = $_.GivenName.ToLower() + "." + $lastname.ToLower()
    Try { $exists = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(sAMAccountName=$sam)" -Server $server }
    Catch { }
    # Set all variables according to the table names in the Excel
    # sheet / import CSV. The names can differ in every project, but
    # if the names change, make sure to change it below as well.
    $setpass = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $_.Password -force
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t Creating user : $($sam)"
    "[INFO]`t Creating user : $($sam)" | Out-File $log -append
    New-ADUser $sam -GivenName $_.GivenName `
    -Surname $_.LastName -DisplayName ($_.LastName + ", " + $_.GivenName) `
    -StreetAddress $_.StreetAddress -City $_.City `
    -Country $_.Country -UserPrincipalName ($sam + "@" + $dnsroot) `
    -Company $_.Company -Department $_.Department `
    -Title $_.Title -AccountPassword $setpass `
    -PasswordNeverExpires $expires -Enabled $enabled `
    -ChangePasswordAtLogon $changepassword -server $server
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t Created new user : $($sam)"
    "[INFO]`t Created new user : $($sam)" | Out-File $log -append
    $dn = (Get-ADUser $sam).DistinguishedName
    # Set an ExtensionAttribute
    If ($_.ExtensionAttribute1 -ne "" -And $_.ExtensionAttribute1 -ne $Null)
    $ext = [ADSI]"LDAP://$dn"
    $ext.Put("extensionAttribute1", $_.ExtensionAttribute1)
    Try { $ext.SetInfo() }
    Catch { Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Couldn't set the Extension Attribute : $($_.Exception.Message)" }
    # Move the user to the OU ($location) you set above. If you don't
    # want to move the user(s) and just create them in the global Users
    # OU, comment the string below
    If ([adsi]::Exists("LDAP://$($location)"))
    Move-ADObject -Identity $dn -TargetPath $location
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t User $sam moved to target OU : $($location)"
    "[INFO]`t User $sam moved to target OU : $($location)" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Targeted OU couldn't be found. Newly created user wasn't moved!"
    "[ERROR]`t Targeted OU couldn't be found. Newly created user wasn't moved!" | Out-File $log -append
    # Rename the object to a good looking name (otherwise you see
    # the 'ugly' shortened sAMAccountNames as a name in AD. This
    # can't be set right away (as sAMAccountName) due to the 20
    # character restriction
    $newdn = (Get-ADUser $sam).DistinguishedName
    Rename-ADObject -Identity $newdn -NewName ($_.LastName + ", " + $_.GivenName)
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t Renamed $($sam) to $($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)`r`n"
    "[INFO]`t Renamed $($sam) to $($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)`r`n" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Oops, something went wrong: $($_.Exception.Message)`r`n"
    Write-Host "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) already exists or returned an error!`r`n"
    "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) already exists or returned an error!" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) will be skipped for processing!`r`n"
    "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) will be skipped for processing!" | Out-File $log -append
    "--------------------------------------------" + "`r`n" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "STARTED SCRIPT`r`n"
    Write-Host "STOPPED SCRIPT"

    Here is one I have used.  It can be easily updated to accommodate many needs.
    function New-RandomPassword{
    $pwdlength = 10
    $bytes = [byte[]][byte]1
    $rng=New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
    while (!(($PWD -cmatch "[a-z]") -and ($PWD -cmatch "[A-Z]") -and ($PWD -match "[0-9]"))){
    for($i=1;$i -le $pwdlength;$i++){
    $rnd = $bytes[0] -as [int]
    $int = ($rnd % 74) + 48
    $chr = $int -as [char]
    $pwd = $pwd + $chr
    function AddUser{
    $random=Get-Random -minimum 100 -maximum 999
    UserPrincipalName=“$[email protected]”)
    AccountPassword=ConvertTo-SecureString $pwd -AsPlainText -force
    New-AdUser @userprops -Enabled:$true -PassThru | |
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Password -Value $pwd -PassThru
    Import-CSV -Path c:\users\administrator\desktop\users.csv |
    AddUser $_
    } |
    Select SamAccountName, Firstname, Lastname, Password |
    Export-Csv \accountinformation.csv -NoTypeInformation

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    The best way would be to first run an ldapsearch command on the directory server to check whether the user is present and then try to check it with your application.
    You can use something like:
    #ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w <password> -b "cn=username,o=users, dc=example,dc=com" "objectclass=*"

  • Invalid ID store configuration LDAP : Error code 32- No Such object

    Followed note : Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 with Oracle Access Manager 11gR2 (11.1.2) using Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate [ID 1484024.1
    Completed all these steps:
    Integrate Oracle Internet Directory with Oracle E-Business Suite
    Configure Oracle Internet Directory to return operational attributes
    Install Oracle Access Manager
    Install and Configure WebGate on the WebTier
    Register the WebGate Agent with Oracle Access Manager
    Test your WebGate.
    we stuck at the stage of Configure Identity Store .
    section Create User Identity Store
    In the OAM Console, navigate to System Configuration > Common Configuration > Data Sources > User Identity Stores.
    Highlight the User Identity Stores node, and click the "*" (Create) icon.
    In the window that opens, enter the attributes for your new identity store, for example:
    •Store Name = EBSIdStore
    •Store Type = OID: Oracle Internet Directory
    •Location = oraoidprd1.guc.loc:3060
    •Bind DN = cn=orcladmin
    •Password =
    •User Name Attribute = uid
    •User Search Base = cn=users,dc=us,dc=oraoidprd1,dc=com,dc=guc,dc=loc
    •Group Search Base = cn=groups,dc=us,dc=oraoidprd1,dc=com,dc=guc,dc=loc
    when we click test conenction it fails with
    Invalid ID store configuration. User search base specified is invalid
    LDAP : Error code 32- No Such object
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Yes.. i am passign the correct values..
    Here are the registration steps we did.. as a pre-requisite:
    1. Register instance:
    [apdevebs@oraebsdev1 bin]$ $FND_TOP/bin/txkrun.pl -script=SetSSOReg -registerinstance=yes
    You are registering ORACLE HOME only.
    Enter the host name where Oracle iAS Infrastructure database is installed ? oraoidprd1
    Enter the LDAP Port on Oracle Internet Directory server ? 3060
    Enter SSL LDAP Port on Oracle Internet Directory server ? 3131
    Enter the Oracle Internet Directory Administrator (orcladmin) Bind password ?
    Enter Oracle E-Business apps database user password ?
    2. Register OID:
    Register OID
    2. [apdevebs@oraebsdev1 bin]$ $FND_TOP/bin/txkrun.pl -script=SetSSOReg -registeroid=yes
    You are registering this instance with OID Server.
    Enter LDAP Host name ? oraoidprd1
    Enter the LDAP Port on Oracle Internet Directory server ? 3060
    Enter the Oracle Internet Directory Administrator (orcladmin) Bind password ?
    Enter the instance password that you would like to register this application instance with ? test123
    Enter Oracle E-Business apps database user password ?
    3.. Configure Oracle Internet Directory to return operational attributes
    cd /mnt/oidprd_app/app/middleware/Oracle_IDM1/bin
    [apprdoid@oraoidprd1 bin]$ cat change_attrs.ldif
    dn: cn=dsaconfig, cn=configsets,cn=oracle internet directory
    changetype: modify
    add: orclallattrstodn
    [apprdoid@oraoidprd1 bin]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/mnt/oidprd_app/app/middleware/Oracle_IDM1
    [apprdoid@oraoidprd1 bin]$ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    [apprdoid@oraoidprd1 bin]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
    [apprdoid@oraoidprd1 bin]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h oraoidprd1.guc.loc -p 3060 -D cn=orcladmin -w orcladminguprd0id -v -f change_attrs.ldif
    add orclallattrstodn:
    modifying entry cn=dsaconfig, cn=configsets,cn=oracle internet directory
    modify complete
    All these pre-req steps compelted successfully.

  • Trying to return a Hashtable object

    I'm trying to return a Hashtable object from a method defined as:
    public static Hashtable getValues(String str){
    In the calling method, I'm using:
    Hashtable<Object,Object> table=new Hashtable<Object,Object>();
    I get the compiler warning as shown below:
    Note: App.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    Upon compiling with -Xlint:unchecked option, I get:
    App.java:10: warning: [unchecked] unchecked cast
    found : java.util.Hashtable
    required: java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>
    How can I correct this?

    were your method to return a Map<Object, Object> rather than a HashMapyou could transparently return either a HashMap or a HashTable - or anything else that implements the Map interface - without changing any of the code that actually calls this method. you will still, obviously, need to instantiate one inside the method
    hence the mantra "code to an abstraction, not a concrete type"

  • Exchange 2003 Removal fails w/ Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on the server- pls read

    Dear all,
    I know there are quite some threads regarding this issue. But I've been looking at all of them w/o any solution for my problem. Here we go...
    I've followed all instructions for a Exchange 2003 to 2010 transition. All went fine to the point I'm trying to uninstall Exchange 2003 via Control Panel/Software/Remove. So far I did the following:
    1. Move mailboxes to Exchange Server 2010 using Move Mailbox Wizard or Powershell => successfully
    2. Rehome the Offline Address Book (OAB) generation server to Exchange Server 2010  => successfully
    3. Rehome Public Folder Hierarchy on new Exchange Server 2010 Admin Group  => successfully
    4. Transfer all Public Folder Replicas to Exchange Server 2010 Public folder store  => successfully
    5. Delete Public and Private Information Stores from Exchange 2003 server  => successfully
    6. Delete Routing Group Connectors to Exchange Server 2003  => successfully
    7. Delete Recipient Update Service agreements using ADSIEdit according to
    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb288905(EXCHG.80).aspx => successfully
    8. Uninstall all Exchange 2003 servers => fails with "Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on the server"
    I used the following articles while migrating to Exchange 2010:
    and several more.
    I looked into these forums regarding my problem and came up with:
    I investigated the following possible reasons:
    - homeMDB attribute (no references to my Exchange 2003 anymore)
    - HomeMDBBL attribute (as described here
    http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesvrmigration/thread/f0e3edd7-34e5-46b8-8061-1991aaffc30f) (no Information Stores available anymore as they have been successfully removed)
    - msExchHomeServerName attribute (all pointing to my new Exchange 2010 server)
    - the "famous" postmaster issue as described here:
    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/283089/en-us (pointing to the new Exchange 2010 server)
    In order to investigate all attribute related issues a utilized a VBS script resulting in an Excel sheet I was easily able to filter:
    SET objRootDSE = GETOBJECT("LDAP://RootDSE")
    strExportFile = "C:\temp\MyExport.xls"
    strRoot = objRootDSE.GET("DefaultNamingContext")
    strfilter = "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User))"
    strAttributes = "sAMAccountName,msExchHomeServerName,homeMDB,legacyExchangeDN,givenName,sn," & _
                                    "initials,displayName,physicalDeliveryOfficeName," & _
                                    "telephoneNumber,mail,wWWHomePage,profilePath," & _
                                    "scriptPath,homeDirectory,homeDrive,title,department," & _
                                    "company,manager,homePhone,pager,mobile," & _
                                    "facsimileTelephoneNumber,ipphone,info," & _
    strScope = "subtree"
    SET cn = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Connection")
    SET cmd = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Command")
    cn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
    cn.Open "Active Directory Provider"
    cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
    cmd.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
    cmd.commandtext = "<LDAP://" & strRoot & ">;" & strFilter & ";" & _
                                       strAttributes & ";" & strScope
    SET rs = cmd.EXECUTE
    SET objExcel = CREATEOBJECT("Excel.Application")
    SET objWB = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
    SET objSheet = objWB.Worksheets(1)
    FOR i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
                    objSheet.Cells(1, i + 1).Value = rs.Fields(i).Name
                    objSheet.Cells(1, i + 1).Font.Bold = TRUE
    SET objSheet = NOTHING
    SET objWB =  NOTHING
    SET objExcel = NOTHING
    Wscript.echo "Script Finished..Please See " & strExportFile
    What I did find is that all my Exchange enabled users have an legacyExchangeDN attribute that is still pointing to my Exchange 2003 organization:
    e.g. "/o=First Organisation/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=Administrator"
    Could this cause any problems?
    Now the in depth look into my "Exchange Server Setup Progress.log":
    [09:33:06] Leaving ScPRQ_DoesNotContainLastMAPIMDBInMixedModeAG
    [09:33:06]  ScPRQ_ServerIsNotRUSResponsibleServerInTheNonEmptyOrg (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\prereq.cxx:3133)
               Error code 0X80072030 (8240): Ein solches Objekt ist auf dem Server nicht vorhanden.
    [09:33:06]  CCompServer::ScCheckEVSPrerequisites (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\server\compserver.cxx:1358)
               Error code 0X80072030 (8240): Ein solches Objekt ist auf dem Server nicht vorhanden.
    [09:33:06]  CCompServer::ScCheckPrerequisites (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\server\compserver.cxx:955)
               Error code 0X80072030 (8240): Ein solches Objekt ist auf dem Server nicht vorhanden.
    [09:33:06]  CComExchSetupComponent::ScCheckPrerequisites (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\bo\comboifaces.cxx:1598)
               Error code 0X80072030 (8240): Ein solches Objekt ist auf dem Server nicht vorhanden.
    [09:33:06]  CComExchSetupComponent::ScCheckPrerequisites (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\bo\comboifaces.cxx:1598)
               Error code 0X80072030 (8240): Ein solches Objekt ist auf dem Server nicht vorhanden.
    [09:33:06] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === HrSetProblemOnInstallAction, while calling ScCheckPrerequisites (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\bo\comboifaces.cxx:1399)
               Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet.
    [09:33:06] Ein Fehler ist beim Überprüfen der Voraussetzungen für die Komponente "Microsoft Exchange" durch Setup aufgetreten:
    0X80072030 (8240): Ein solches Objekt ist auf dem Server nicht vorhanden.
    [09:33:14]  CComBOIFacesFactory::QueryInterface (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\bo\bofactory.cxx:54)
    I did search for:
    - Error code 0X80072030 (8240)
    - ScPRQ_ServerIsNotRUSResponsibleServerInTheNonEmptyOrg
    Nothing so far. In case some more information is needed just let me know.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I absolutely don't know how to remove my Exchange 2003. Manual removal is not an option.

    I kept on searching and found something else:
    It says that the following groups need to be resided in the AD's default "Users" organizational unit:
    - Exchange Domain Servers
    - Exchange Enterprise Servers
    - Exchange Services Group
    Unfortunately I cannot find the "Exchange Services Group". Does that have something to do with my problem?
    Furthermore I found out that the Exchange 2003 has been originally installed with SBS 2003 back in time. The SBS 2003 has then be migrated to a regular Windows Server 2003 infrastructure with 2 DCs. But there still is a load of stuff reminiscent of SBS
    2003 within the AD.
    Then I dug deeper into my AD using ADSIEdit. I found another attribute homeMTA that is pointing to a corresponding Exchange server. After adjusting my aforementioned VBS script a was able to look into that attribute as well. I found 2 users pointing to my old
    Exchange server within their homeMTA attribute.
    Furthermore I saw that when trying to uninstall Exchange 2003 there is no path to my installation anymore. It's empty:
    Another issue?

  • Java.util.Calendar returning wrong Date object

    Example: This was my scenario last night. A server in California has date/time of 'Mon Aug 18'. Current time in Indiana is 'Sun Aug 17'. I use Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Indiana/Indianapolis")) to return a Calendar instance. I then call the getTime() method on that instance. It should return a Date object relating to that particular time zone. It will not. It defaults back to the server time. When I print out the Calendar instance everything is good, correct date, correct time,etc. WHY WON'T THE getTime() return the correct java.util.Date???
    Following is the output was run today so the dates happened to be the same so focus on the Time. Output includes Server time, new Calendar values, and the Date returned by calendar instance getTime(). See that the Calendar is getting the correct Time.
    SERVER DATE=Mon Aug 18 15:52:13 CEST 2003
    CALENDAR INSTANCE=java.util.GregorianCalendar[time=1061214732975,areFieldsSet=true,areAllFieldsSet=true,lenient=true,zone=sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="America/Indiana/Indianapolis",offset=-18000000,dstSavings=0,useDaylight=false,transitions=35,lastRule=null],firstDayOfWeek=2,minimalDaysInFirstWeek=1,ERA=1,YEAR=2003,MONTH=7,WEEK_OF_YEAR=34,WEEK_OF_MONTH=4,DAY_OF_MONTH=18,DAY_OF_YEAR=230,DAY_OF_WEEK=2,DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH=3,AM_PM=0,HOUR=8,HOUR_OF_DAY=8,MINUTE=52,SECOND=12,MILLISECOND=975,ZONE_OFFSET=-18000000,DST_OFFSET=0]
    Date from getTime()=Mon Aug 18 15:52:12 CEST 2003

    I got it worked with using DateFormat.parse !
    The trick is to instantiate a new Date object as a result
    of parsing out of 'localized' date string.
    with below code :
    Calendar localCal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"));
    localCal.set(Calendar.DATE, 25);
    localCal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 7);
    localCal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2003);
    localCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 38);
    localCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 11);
    Calendar sinCal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Singapore"));
    int date = sinCal.get(Calendar.DATE);
    int month = sinCal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    int year = sinCal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    int hour = sinCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
    int min = sinCal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
    int sec = sinCal.get(Calendar.SECOND);
    String sinTimeString = date + "/" + month + "/" + year + " " + hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
    System.out.println("VIDSUtil.hostToLocalTime : time string now in SIN time : " + sinTimeString);
    java.util.Date sinTime = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").parse(sinTimeString);
    System.out.println("time in SIN using Date.toString(): " + sinTime.toString());
    It prints out :
    VIDSUtil.hostToLocalTime : time string now in SIN time : 25/7/2003 21:38:11
    time in SIN using Date.toString(): Fri Jul 25 21:38:11 PDT 2003
    (Ignore the PDT, because Date.toString() defaults where the JVM is running)

  • LDAP error 32 no such object   (other LDAP  tool finds the object...)

    While I used a separate LDAP search, I can successfully find a specific uid, with base set to "o=WebAuth"
    Using the JAAS Authentication sample, I get this error:
    Complete Message
    error code 32 - No Such Object]
    (It did acknowledge that it was logging in for the user id:xxxxxxx)
         : Logging in userxxxxxxx (details)
    My settings are:
    In login.conf:
    jaasauthentication.MyLdapLoginModule required
    URL= "ldap://sun-ds.sfbay.sun.com:389"
    SEARCHBASE= "o=WebAuth";
    In LdapUserData .java:
              public class LdapUserData implements UserData {
              private static LdapUserData instance = null;
              private String INIT_CTX = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory";
              //You need to put your LDAP Host information here.
              private String LDAP_HOST = "ldap://sun-ds.sfbay.sun.com:389"; //put your LDAP host address here ldap://myhost.com:389
              private String SEARCHBASE_DN = "o=WebAuth"; // e.g. cn=Creator,ou=Groups,dc=myhost,dc=com
              private String MY_FILTER = "uid=*";
    (session bean has the value for private static variable login_config set to �ldapAuth�.)
    - What is wrong with my settings?
    - Is the MY_FILTER setting above ok?
    One more thing:
    when running the test, there was
    this message earlier on (before the message of logging in and LDAP 32) :
    1585      SEVERE      WebModule [JaasAuthentication] failed to deploy and has been disabled: [java.lang.IllegalArgumentEx...
    (details)      javax.enter....system.container.web
    Is that a problem already? But it still went on to process the login?

    Did you check if the dc=NRSP_F
    object exists in the ODM.
    and if that object exists then in the users tab (under the object tab), you can search for the user you were trying to connect.

  • Use of LdapRealm results in [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]

    I'm testing with the example 'basic-auth' of the SJSAS7 2004Q2 with the LdapRealm.
    This little test app can successfully authenticate my user against LDAP.
    package de.zdf.qmv.helloworld.test;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.naming.directory.*;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    public class TestLdap {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
        env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
        env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,            "ldap://");
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,      "uid=myuser,ou=ddd,o=ccc,o=bbb,o=aaa");
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS,    "mypwd");
        try {
          DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
        } catch (Exception e) {
    }But when I try to use these Settings for the LDAP Security Realms in the AppServer it doesn't work.
    <auth-realm name="ldap" classname="com.iplanet.ias.security.auth.realm.ldap.LDAPRealm">
      <property value="ldap://" name="directory"/>
      <property value="ou=ddd,o=ccc,o=bbb,o=aaa" name="base-dn"/>
      <property value="ldapRealm" name="jaas-context"/>
    </auth-realm>I get this error:
    AM: Processing login with credentials of type: class com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.login.PasswordCredential
    FEIN: Logging in user [myuser] into realm: ldap using JAAS module: ldapRealm
    AM: Login module initialized: class com.iplanet.ias.security.auth.login.LDAPLoginModule
    AM: search: baseDN: ou=ddd,o=ccc,o=bbb,o=aaa  filter: uid=myuser
    WARNUNG: SEC1106: Error during LDAP search with filter [uid=myuser].
    WARNUNG: SEC1000: Caught exception.
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]; remaining name 'ou=ddd,o=ccc,o=bbb,o=aaa'Is the base-dn of the LDAP Security Realms properties the equivalent to the SECURITY_PRINCIPAL (without uid= )?
    Is there a missing property in the LDAP Security Realms properties to get this work?
    Thanks for your help

    I have the same error with my code...
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://localhost");
    Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
    SQLServerDataSource mds = new SQLServerDataSource();
    ctx.bind("jdbc/, mds);
    // ERROR!!!!LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object
    I just installed the qcslapd.exe, running qcslapd -debug i get the result:
    20030514 14:28:13 conn=6 fd=2 connection from e700 (
    20030514 14:28:13 conn=6 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128
    20030514 14:28:13 unknown version 3
    20030514 14:28:13 conn=6 op=1 BIND dn="" method=128
    20030514 14:28:13 conn=6 op=0 RESULT err=2 tag=97 nentries=0
    20030514 14:28:13 conn=6 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0
    20030514 14:28:13 conn=6 op=2 SRCH base="jdbc" scope=0 filter="(objectclass=*)"
    20030514 14:28:14 conn=6 op=2 RESULT err=32 tag=101 nentries=0
    can you help... HELP

  • Java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table

    When I try to connect to my server from an external network, I get this error: java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table
    What is happening is I am connecting to my RMI server through a client, and the RMI server connects to a database, gets the results, and then transfers the results back to the client. It works before in an internal network, even if I'm on a different subnet. But I get that error in an external network. What does that error even mean?

    I turned this to static
    public class PRFromDBServer implements PRFromDatabaseInterface {
       private int      port;
        private String   ipAddress;
        private Registry registry;   
        //This was recently turned static
        private static PRFromDatabaseInterface stub
        public PRFromDBServer() {
              try {
                  //get the address of this host.
                  ipAddress= (InetAddress.getLocalHost()).toString();
                  //PRFromDBServer engine=new PRFromDBServer();
                  stub=(PRFromDatabaseInterface)UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(this, 1081);
                  // create the registry and bind the name and object.
                  registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(port);
                  registry.rebind("prFromDBServer", stub);
                  System.out.println("IP:"+ipAddress+" Port:"+port);
              } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              } catch (RemoteException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    }//end Server ClassAre you saying I should turn the how class static when I insantiate it?
    private static PRFromDBServer = new PRFromDBServer();

  • Error installing OAM against Sun Directory Server 6.3: No such object (32)

    Hi folks,
    I'm getting error installing OAM (Linux, 64 bit) against Sun Directory Server 6.3. I've followed Oracle troubleshooting doc (http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E15217_01/doc.1014/e12493/trouble.htm#BABBAAFH), and replaced every occurrence of cn=userRoot with cn=my_company_name inside iPlanet5_oblix_index_add.ldif. I still get the same error "ldapmodify: No such object (32)" for every entry in the file. Has someone managed to get it to work?
    Thank you, Roman

    Hi folks,
    I got it to work, here're the steps:
    1. After loading the schema file, follow the article (http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E15217_01/doc.1014/e12493/trouble.htm#BABBAAFH, not the doc 552157.1 as it states incorrect info, sorry
    Notoriuos) to edit the index file (iPlanet5_oblix_index_add.ldif) and replace all occurrences of "userRoot" with "your_company_name" (which is your ldap suffix without the c=us part as in
    o=your_company_name, c=us) using vi command:
    2. run ldapadd (not ldapmodify! as all but the one last object listed on the dn: line might already exist under cn=config), here's example:
    $ ldapadd -x -h your_ldap_host -p your_port -c -f IdentityServer_install_dir/identity/oblix/data.ldap/common/iPlanet5_oblix_index_add.ldif -D "cn=directory manager" -w directory_manager_passwd
    3. If done right, you should see smth like this:
    adding new entry "cn=obactionname,............... per every entry in the index file

  • Factory pattern returning shared mutable objects

    We have a non-EJB load-balanced environment of JSP/Business Objects
    with JMS synchronized caches. Here's an overview.
    Business objects stored in a custom in-process cache (one instance per JVM) and the caches are synchronized using JMS. The business objects are maintained through utility classes (not exactly factories) with the
    following pseudo -code logic
    public static Object getObject(Object id) {
    try {
    Get from cache...
    } catch(.. e) {
    load from database
    put it in cache.
    Currently we return the cached object "as-is" to the calling code. The objects being mutable this poses a risk of some JSP/bean inadvertently changing the cached copy. Although this is the fastest approach we have quickly realized that it is no longer safe.
    I am unable to find good patterns that address this common problem. Most patterns I have seen are very EJB centric and some of them boil down to the pseudo-code I have shown above. Which is not
    the solution but the problem itself!
    Is there anyway I can return an immutable instance of our objects in a generic way?. I know the alternatives..
    1) Clone. Create extra objects. It so happens the cached objects are actually shown in an end-user GUI tree on a web-page accessed by 200 concurrent users. cloning would create a copy per get call.
    2) Create an immutable and mutable version of the class and return only
    the immutable version. How do I ever get the mutable version with this approach
    This seems like a fairly common problem and I was wondering if anybody has solved this a little more elegantly then what I have presented above.

    2) Create an immutable and mutable version of the class and return onlythe immutable version. How do I ever get the mutable version with this approach
    The setter use no modifier or with protected modifier, the getter use public modifier.
    private String name;
    public String getName() {
       return name;
    String setName(String name) {
       this.name = name;
    }When the class is used outside the package, it is immutable, but it become mutable if accessed from class within the same package.
    This means, the cache manager class also need to be placed in the same package in order to gain mutable access.

  • Not sure on how to return a new object

    hi i am not sure on how to return a new Set object, i am not asking how to code this, i just don't exactly know what to write after "return.." to return a new object ...that part of the code is towards the bottom where i put arrows.....this is the skeleton of the code:
    public class Set
         // define fields here
         public Set(int maxinteger)
              // complete this method
         public boolean add(int integer)
              return false; // replace this line with your code
         public boolean remove(int integer)
              return false; // replace this line with your code
         public boolean contains(int integer)
              return false; // replace this line with your code
         public int size()
              return 0; // replace this line with your code
         public String toString()
              return null; // replace this line with your code
         public void addAll(Set other)
              // complete this method
    --------->     public Set subset(int min, int max)
              return null; // replace this line with your code
    ----------->     public Set intersection(Set other)
              return null; // replace this line with your code
    ------------->     public Set difference(Set other)
              return null; // replace this line with your code

    well, when you use return is when trying to make a method have a value that have to be returned from it.
    In your case you have a Set CLASS, with methods, some methods have to return Strings, ints, Objects, etc.
    just make sure that you are returning the same type of value than the method say.
    the method parts are:
    modifier returnType name (parameters) {
    . code
    modifiers are public, private, etc.
    the return type specifies what the method will return, for example:
    public String toString () {
    must return a String value.
    to return a new Object just do it like a simple value, Strings are objects.
    just define a Set object and then return it.

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